BIG CELEBRATION IN DUNN ON MONDA Y. fyfjLY FIFTH EM3 THE DUNN DISPATCH VOL 7_ DUNN, N. <3 JULY S, IMO. ~ Jr' ————^ _ NUMklA M INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION TO BE BIG THING FOR DUN! More Than 16,000 People Ari Expected to WitneM The Occasion STREETS OF~TOWN IN GALA ATTIRI Hundred. of AoSp—bile. And In duirul FloaU Bnisf Dccor.led - Aeroplane May Follow Una Ol March-—Doha Will Laad Pared* Which Will Morn through Bum - no.. Quarter. Donn experts at least fifteen thou sand people here next Monday to help it celebrnte Independence Day Tha Hamr-it C ounty Fair Astoria tion and tho l>onn Chamber of Com merer arc preparing for the enter tainment of that number In preparation for this event the town Is in galls attire. All thiough the business district stores, giraffes Banks and office, aie decorated in the naLionai color, to welcome thovia itors when they come for tbo big cel ebration, and committee in rharpe of mic uir wwiuiuj i‘«i'i hava the machinery of the day in foil working older when day break- M.m C rounds. Hundreds of aulo owner* sml munr merchants and other business men are now at work on floats to rnts-r in the parade. It is believed that fully thire hundred motor vehicles will be In the line. Mr. Renaoi, lh<’ pro fr.s.oaal decorator whose services war* secured by th* Chamber of Com mere* has decorated many machines this week and has orders to decorate Many more. Ha It was who decora ted the streets and buildings in the - business '(Uarter. Secretary T U Riddle of the Fair association and the Chamber of Com merce, today announced the line of march and the formation of tbe pa rade. It will form in Layton Avenue near Divine Street Methodist church, move noith to Broad street, through Broad to Avanua, thence to Cumbcr laud Street, thence to Lucknow Square West, thence to Broad thence ~ H1", yM\ The parade will form at 10 Velaek J At that hour it will begin its journey. First will com* the marshals and the Duke Band, followed by a troop of Boy Scoots. Thru will come the in dustrial float*, automobile*, bicycles, punv buggies, carnages, buggie*. nurses, and mulca, rows and other live stock. possible to get them here in time three aeroplane* will fol low th* liar of march, aa will a pla toon of soldier* from Camp Bragg. Clowns Will be permitted to tak' soy place in the line that they may de sire The parade will disperse at the outside of the Fair ground.-. A* soon a* the crowd i» admitted to the ground* the athletic rontesti and singing contests will begin. Il has bean arranged to have something in tcreatlng every minute of the day fiom the time the parade begin*. Two bail games wilt feature the arter *«•"? Rowing iht horlt rtcM nhich fifteen un animal* have been entered A charge of fifty cent* Hill be niauv ior entrance to the prroundi. Chiidrtn W|U b<> admitted fo* twenty-Av* cents. These ebargoe will P«'™It of the grandstand before and in which salt of tji* cor t«»ts are to be *tM«d Parking spacu for automobiles wiu h* pr0Tjd_ •d ins Ida the grounds for . rbsrga Money collected at Ou. o«t( !• to be used In paying Part of the expenses of prise* »nd othel expense, of tha day. The people of Dun" *" *P*ndlnr thousands of dollars lor this occas ion and ara anxious to bars their friends fro™ the country come and cclabruta with lhnn It is going to ba a big d»f. TRANSFERS Op reaL ESTATE Eoutity Nsw» ) Mary ]-Dt? £ *' E. WilHn«». “ acres i* Black KlvBr township. 01®." 100. _ Southland V»nn and g,,| EaUt, Exchange to Stabs &*„k an(J Trud Co., two lo»» 1 IB.SOO. L. J. Best and wife 8w,tl Beat to J. K M'J'Phr and *lfe fitch d°" H^oprcc W^Uie'p*},^, 4< acraa ia Black B{?*2«iip. 110. E. J. Allan to W^~„wB»tbun.. 41 acres in Stewart brer* townskh Ella A. N.lghborajo d *. NM|rt hors. 19* acres in Ar<'ra.bor, iMpf v» 0. F. Norris to VtT 0 "“"la. 201, aciea in Aeorasboro 1P; ** Hiram Baggett to FM*" Bio,., in Lilllngton, li 00 . ... J. M Sbnw t« J. L •••«*. V Johnson, lot I* Iddingto"’ , J. A. Iv-y to Hr,. I,ala , V acres in /iverueboro tuwr.'h1?-’- 1 W O Tutor to A. r. ' acre# In Hector* Cr*,4, »<*•■•> P. u C>,aTu Overby. **d J A ***■ • ml «if? to J. 1 ' ' A r 1*^. _ __ | Nalll Method to J- C. ITpeM***- 1 in rtulc* i'rnek. fTO William Jnhnson to Jr^pk »•* on. Iwt tracts I* ^ullU C,c>* 1 ship »PP. . .. . , K A Htewart u"d w,f( to A ' Moore, tsco sera* I* ®"!*t'>wn, ** . A L Overby to "• B Blalock. • acres In Block River »*d 0,**, ships, M.000 M MINUS LEADERSHIP I Combinniion AIslnit McAdo. •° Prevent Hit Nomination i l» Still Working S*» Ftym-'iKo. July 1.—The at '«mr>l at a combination ugamsl thi nomination of William C. McAdoc l^af atilt being carried on whrn Un ; convention »-»nt into its night hriu i but It atill war without any definite rvnulU. l ack of hi-nriway wai ascribed t< the absence of central rontiol and tc lha fveling among many of thoar un nortunrd to join that It wn. raally directed .again-I Ihv-ddtnt WiUo i rather than wholly a movement a gainst President Wilson rather thi i wholly a movement again. I McAdov That feeling, it* manager agreed, urno ita weakness. Another real dlfheulty v - '‘‘.a', many of the supporters of eanduiatea having enthusiastic followings, chief ly Palmer anil Cox. argued that they hould not lie nuked to dcaort their andidatea until it had he«a develop •1 whether they can gain rtrengtb •n tiicue camp* were Mattering dele iratev who prefcricd McAdoo to any "dark horec." The jirorrviten of the •Itcmptcd tombiiiaiiun against Ur Vdrni weir proceeding desultorily und on.- afier another they continued ■f> bung forward such name* aa for mer Spiakei Claik, Vice-Preaident laiah-tll, Homer S Camming*, Bain bridge Colby and even William J. Hrysn. No Rallying Point. I‘l**nrlv and admitted*!) there wai no name about which they could ral ly The Cox and Palmer leaden •subbed at the Idea of “awaping off" .it >o early a ^Ui,'r and jjjy*ert*»<l »t! had nut_b«'»n demonetntrd "that Me AilotTruoami ciel a place in the »*un* nink' cauoe them u» fear him—it was with them |»Uinly a case of waiting t«» l*s -.hoax. '' Wit the rcftl leaders wtiv deal ing with the platform discussion.! lho:e who for one rimon or another] upfinMd McAdoo. I'almer and Coal krp up th* ir informal conference* Mar.y contended that a few baltoul would easily *huw the impossibility of .10m.nat.4g t thn Palmer or Cox and the bitterest warned delay in ef fecting a program which might bring them to the issue at a time too late to defeat McAdoo. Delegatee with out pionounred convictions atnhar rasacd these leaders by demanding to know wtiy it waa that a combination was necessary. In aaaay instances this forced the admission tMat the was that ho waa th# son inlaw of the rresident. The administration clear ly we* unpopular in many quarters on that account. Alt faction* have been canvassing the State d< legation* U> determine the actual strength for each of the lead ing candidate*. The returns do not *g ee, but the nearest to an impartial mtimatc obtainable abowed that on the Am ballot the strength of Pal mer would be about 278, with Mc Adoo following with 274 and Cox in thud place with 160. Thia left 111 delegates mattered among the *• *bvr eleven candidate* placed in * nm. nation. MARINES GO IN FOR NEW DECORATIONS WashiiiKon, D C., July I .--The! termi deco, atic n and Marina Corn* became almost synonymous in the cou^rc of the world war. Alone of all ♦hr military service* the aca ooldiars rmi cling lo yHlow chevrons, reu trourrr stripes and their blues. Bat triown in Quantico, Va., tb« Marines nerving urder the command of Brig. Grn Smcdley D. Butler have turned their backs on such frivolities as war : decorations and dress flivolttioa ' Interior decorating has been added to four-erorv course* now offered to tho Marines by the Marine Corps Institute, the practical *ehool design ed lo prepare the sea loldiert for po sition* in civil life when their two yew "hitch" expires The eourae of interior decoration designing. to give it its correct title. 1* now being taught to them either In the schoolrooms on QiunUco’l pine clad hillside or hy correspondence that ranches them at nca or in the tropic garrisons CUBAN SUGAR MOGULS TO HOLD CROP FOR 14 CENTS Havana. Jon# 30.—Cuban cans Jttwvefs. ,ugar mill owners sad brok oft'•aiming to control the sale of „ no.OOo *nrk* of unsaid sugar, were "" '•totd today as definitely pledged nw any more sugar for sale un'V^e price had reached *4 cents haH of Ul* ,or»l the last i JS&fc-U pledged themselves U Y' .c- */tom the market all offers M^crnt thlil of aagar and to aril noai njfj? the sasdium of a com ' "tsTfor ULM* to snake n« ' _ ** 'han 24 cents a pound iMUaaltsfi!? »"**•<• augai i "•* ‘Trmmitt • member of the tel Un* 3,820.00 sacks t t keif Riding* ofo, „ooo41 sack, leav inf Mck# under out • beirf mod. lo bed* bWe ’• carpenter kiluB-^t “ FALL FROM aut0M0BILI . Kin*toU. **"• >0-g Camk 1 Want*, *F« **v VVP^«t4»r. died In i " Mil"**” mr1/tht »* the r« A df »" , L*r*d wheu b ts> the P*/*T*” Want* leaps’ , IRhTbp U* 3rW.r * RECOGNITION OF NEW MEXICAN > GOVERNMENT WANTEt Maalaan High Com at i M, oner Coaitr With Auiitist StcrrUff Da* > via ua Matter Washington. D. C.. June 30.—Kf , forte of tha new Mexican govemanen Uo obtain r*ioi;mtioo'fiom the Unite) 11 Slate* initialed today by FVmandt ’ilglcaiax Calderon, Mexican high rom I mix*toner in thix country, who held > i lengthy conference with Acting See I >l*r> of Stall.* Dav.x. Argument* ami tptoae for recognition were proM-ntod ,'oy Mr. t.'ald'.ron to Nermiary Davit, who aim junred the matter would be i rfe; rid to Prcxldent Wilton. 1 The mme'on, of which Mr. Calderon i Uu h. ad it wax Iramad. had-not .ilanncd to begin the work of obtain ng recognition no soon, but develop, im-ntx .n Mexico ware c-onsldeixd I •uch an 11 make haxtr adviaabk- Un i-cxt in the Mexican congm** and the cuUirvak of a new revolution againxl ihe fcdeial government in the ntaU «r Tamiulipa*. which wax reported loday to thr State Department, led the muaion and ila Amorinn adrle tea to decide In favor of quirk action No information wax forthcoming ’oday ruga riling Uu en-oad "apecta! nUM|,n.'headed by Judge Alberto nj^^Bnuurx, an ai-eoriatc justice i>r j^^Bprtm.- court of Mexico, which Ij^Butr Di-|iartm*nt hat brer jn. left Mux co City Saturday. ■REcial agents of Kranrixcu Villa •W* wcr* »ctiva in Washington to «fy. imuing a atateiaenl of fienrral t ilia a rtAnd on a number of matterr of national impoitancn. They ulho dr report* that the rebel chief, who d *» join the pweenl rag,mi In Mexico, (ought Uu- pr-xidvney of be rpub’-e for blmtelf. WANT LEGISLATURE TO PASS SUFFRAGE Democrats at Convention Ask Governor to Use His Influence — Raleigh. W’-Dv™oe„u Bt eat onai convention In Sen are looking to North Carolina u> „ [;*y Jo* tulfrage amendment and ifercby irive tfu* Votr to woirm, pc coid'nir to mfoinuiuosi that im con !?? back l. Raleigh from tha coevar Tl’<! dvlvgatioa hat ^riuen Cavernor Bichat arking t,i.: ratify the am-nd mem. While *he rovenjr rave til-' b doaa not see the wovlnm of ,.r t)77 n* eto tv lm-pyien North Car.’-na so. ct-r .hnght i<> vole : « realign. «uf ■ rage 11 i-nming n».| will rruommend it to the «r.»fal .- of the * ratuiv n fcmioii y.*«xr Yhi* %unnur Tha m»vnrnor rvrv*: y ^jteraU-d hi. inUntion to do L> a. uhl»n hs ,M1 7 a‘u P*' ‘"dr.t W, on t ,r V ’ ” ,,:i" °dt been orFt.h ' ' " ,M" y'' •' *'"• xttitJ'it oi ICOV.-C H annul )• « n.|tVf«t.\ of vioi.’A i kui irui*; jui (hey ai*c wiu to R*it hi- kind f »u|.|) *rt lAthu *.run non.* m jVI. Tli* Spite'll Sm>ior AH*f*n* now ]»c> nt *> ihe f-ryl w#ck In Aujcuit U-. ;!:? dai# on *vhi*rl* th*? *p*cif*l >**Mon if »S'.* lcjKlat\ir< will wrabU for tin* putpot* .if fix •*»* th« new Uut nu under the i**va! m*Uoq «ct. Th** raU* will hr lowered lo such a point that the return* undci ■jjt nr* value* will not bo.more thoi '•w*1, cent in excess of what they wf^^J*»t ymr. While the tax commix not given oat any figure* 0' “‘“•a vmloo*. they have a. Public that the values wil bc^^By tjme« wh«t ‘.he old vslur wet^Wn<s “*v tax rat* will be low. •■red propoitionateK. For instance, the total property value nndrr the old system wo* about a hill.on dollar*. Should the new val •let shew four billion dollar*, thr tax rate will hr just one fourth ol "hat It has been beretofme Coed Reed* Bill It I* very probable that the North u* Good Hoads association, x- v >••** **>• chief advocate of * blR , n<1 l**ue for brtur road* Ir !**•, wdl not insist oa new road legislation at th* special session ol ijbe general aaaetnhly Ihi* nnnw. IT,, condition of a,,, flo„ci*| tlon, the Inability Of contractor* to get coal and rock with which to carry oat contract* already let Bnd the de rision that it would not be well to attempt to tamper with th* present road law until thr 1021 section of the General Assembly arc the causae foi the decision of the association not to »»h for new rood legislation It I* probable, however, that th* proeenl legislature will be ashed to appoint a special committee for the purpose of studying th* ioada needi of the Mat* and drafting a new law to be submitted to the 1921 section. Primary an Saturday Politicians in thr -itnto me not look mg for ns large ■ vote in the second primary next Saturday, July 2, ii wax coat is the first primary. Inter rst Is nrt to great in th* outlying dls triet# of th* Mate, and there are n< local er county contests In draw th< people out ' There will be but tlx names otetr .ticket Them will be Mm Gardner and Cameron Morrison fo governor; Baxter Duihtm and Jams - P. Cook for state auditor; and B F J*"* I*- P- Stacey for aowoeiat ' IHI! *f lh® ■xp'rn’r court. Thcr » trill no one rongreseionel content, th* • of the otxth dlttriet. where Congrea r man H. L. Godwin and Solicitor Ho 1 jb.,L'J°r *r? r*nnia* o 11 the sec L and round fox th.. cnngreaofonnl now r (nation. A number of th* cotntic have Iccol contests. MORNING SESSION ! AT FRISCO IS SHOR Delegatee Hdhr Last at Noeni nating Speeche* and Than r*c«M Mr Platfera SIMMONS AMONG THOSE PLACED | NOMINATIOP Convention u fck. Up Platform a Night SeidtaAllltl, Little P-r~~ of Balloting Before Today; Foot •"* c»»4iftl»i Proeeatad, Mo Adoo, Cox uiPtlaiT 'Big Three. At the »an<i dgt is an adjoining room the ruucox laid plana for carry mg Itn fight to 4* convention flour San Franrl.oJjuly 1-One bnel •ration early todmr brought the Demo t/ntie National Convention to tin end of the led iotas buxineaa of heer ing nmninating Antxcbee. 1 with John wl Dstii, Bnbuttdor to Great Britain Senator Glam of Virginia, Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, and PmjMlt Barton Hnrri •on. governor gtixeml of the Philip pmea, added to 4e leet of thoea fer oially presented.) the convention at the end of lie saM-day evasion found Itxelf tun out of heuniu. Tho roxolutiooi committee, fram er the platform.' wax not ready to .rport and cent Word It would not ie ready before 1 e’eloek tonight. On motion of Wilber W. Marih, a delegate from leWn, add treasurer Vim Mat inn ■ I n i4^i II I ■ ■ .a “ rat mad* to tia^EU th* ruts*, which oqoiiod th* plat/*rm to be adopted <i-for to bulloticgh’^tad go ahead with he .voting for a ssomlne*. Such a larpiiidu af th* ndat ra luirod a two-thltl* vat* of th* d*te ate* and it srafF quickly apparent rom the sfcouts’ahf disapproval coal .g from all eorflar* .af th* hall that N prevailing was to dispute of >• platform before procuudlng to piloting. > y Mr. Marsh, ihcgpfon, withdraw hi* notion and th* aanvaatloa rscstaad inti) 8 o'clock, onunitt** con Fan When it nth the imcvita ..bition, the af Nation* aad a* Irish qua aad gout on with h* bn/dnuau of ' itlng th* eaavtB ion will bav* b*| it a A*M of faur *» eaadidat*s>haadtd by a “big hre*'--McAdurn .<$* aad Palmer— •cattaring of .f“~Tr lights, aad in 1 tiding a padda if "dark boraagV **rby 3 erned little prospect af the con ention gutting to die business oi 0 ml noting s candldst* at tbe right •aaion unless it proposed to remain t work until daylight. The move wnt to purfoet a combination against IrAdoo still was going on wbsa the (invention went into th* night sen ior but consideration of the candi ati s still was obscured in some meas e« by the platform fight and the lucstion of whathcr William J. Bryan /as going to shn or lose on his pro libitlon plank. Row Over Irish Metier The convention wt*t Into th* night css ion with u row on the floor brew ■itr over the attempt of Irish hisurs among dulugstus to fore* into It* platform ■ plank declaring for a ccognition of tbe Irish republic. In 1 caucus of th* pro-Irish factioniata old in a room next to th* resolutions omn.ttw room, plan* to carry th* liive to th* floor were mud* after a sueus ultimatum had bean ignored y the committee, which voted not a hear Frank P. Walsh, of Kansas age of the Iiiah republic. There wai aome question aa to how cnvontion rala* wonid affact ,the ropoard attempt to pluage the coa cution itself into the Irish fight. JOHN A. PARK BUYS GREENVnXE PAPER Makes 4th to triag at After boob Papon Owmad By Ralaigh Publisher Mr. John A. Park, publiAer of The laleigh Times, announrae the pur hale of The QracnrUl* Daily Nawi from Mr. J. L. Mayo, nuking the fourth afternoon dally to the airing n this State already owned by Mr Park. The othart. beside• The Ralcjgl Craning Times, arc The Kaypttavllls Obaerver and The New Bara Sun Journal. Additional equipment will b* ad dad to Um new taper, it era* anoonn ced here, and The Greenville Dali] New* trill bar* Associated Prase Ser ric* tad specie) correspondence from Raleigh and Weehlorton by wire am stall. The papa? wll be under Up management of Mr. Park and his a* sociatsm. Mr. H L Finch, former!; with the Raleigh paper and latar witl The Fayetteville Observer, will b be tinea* manager FIGURES IN LYNCHINOS _SNOW SLIGHT DKCBCASI Toakegca, Ala, Jana *0_B. 1 1 Moton, principal of the Taakegoc Not ■el and Industrial InatituU. has prt Kad a statement ihowing the nan of tyaeblags that took place dui ' Ing the first «to month* af |||0. Ai > cording to these flgnret there wei ■ I* lynching* in that Una. Thl* is I i lea* for the fin* air month* of til i sad SI less than that far the first ai t,months of ISIS. All af those Vyaehe ■, wrr# negroes, sight wore lynched fi - criminal ataault The lynching* h ■ States war* ** Allow*: Alabama, i - Florida. 1; QaarrfU, t| Kentucky, I > Kansas, lj Mian«aoU. I; Booth Can una, 1; Texas l. PROHIBITION CAUSE OF FURIOUS STRUGGLE IN p PLATFORM COMMITTEJ Arid* From W.t And Dry 1mm, Iris Omr Nasi Clash Sanfranciseo, July >.—Furlou warfare over the prohibition plait began late today in the plaform toot mittoe of the Democratic nations I convention with ovary prospect that it would be carried later to the con, , vention with every proapcct that it would be carried latci to the eonven tion floor no matter what the com alttao finally should decide. Whili tha convention waited for the com m it tee' a work to be completed wcu and drys were locked In a strugglr which aoma members thought il raifht taka hours to terminate. Leaving the subject until last be cause It was Che moat troublesome of atl, tha committer Nad mad* it de cisions on the Irish question mad the league of nations and had claared a. way all of the leaser controversies delaying its report But *0 long as prohibition remain ed in dispute, Sbmmitter members agreed that their troubles were far from over. Aside from the wet and dry issue, the biggest fight of the day was etn * seed in the Iriah plank. Overruling ts subcommittee, the committer threw out the administrate^plaak proposing to leave the MsJ^^^blem to the league of nation* sn^^K>ted in iu staad a declaration ul^Hips thy and pledge to take whate^Vdip lomatic action would tv in ^BL,,.,. *nce with murrant onai comity* In making thie deciaioa. thp^lei. Iona maker* alao rejected by a two 10 "ut? ,*£« plonk propoaed by ergutaed IrUh tympetbixera and . rf® b3T • «“«“» •* aboxt 210 coo ventioa delegate* for diplomatic re eogmUoi. of the IrUh republic SPEECHES ARE MADE AFTER LATE STAR ^ Auditorium, Saa Franc luce, jWno 10—Although the hoar for the De mocratic national convention to mag today had boas advanced to XI a*, clock, and tha plan *u target A mr !».■“« ®»the buatnaa* of nominating «*»h wag euro to baintacrujggd wg fftaawara got reapo—joa to the idea qL» jgga*. *ay other day. The proapocta were! hat the convention would be aa late' n getting ander way aa It bad-been on any other day aiaea It began. At 11:14, Chairman Robin pen be gan whacking the gavel and called on the delegatee to get into their .cat*. "We're ready." came tha about from arvaral placet on the floor. The Coa delegation, however, ti>. .lated on having a demonstration aad a tong flrat, and the convention wait >d until they got through. There wg y Cox demonstration of *hort dura tion at it* coaeluaton. It waa nearly 11 :S0 before the convention eeree to order. Cea Bead PUyp Dixie" The convention bond and the Cox band toon got into a context. The eoavention band played “Over There" and the Cox Band came back with "Dixie" to the delight of the tooth ern delegate*. The convention band coun tered with "all. Hail, the Gang** All Here,'' and the organUt played a neu tral part joining In with each. Elec tricity waa In the air. 8appre«aud ex portation of o nolay and »|it«nilai day pervaded the hall and f*id ita uutni iu ewn** mi nirirv cnt; Cox band started up "Old^^Hncky Horae," and tbs rolling to^^Hr the grr-at oigan thundered int^^^chor us. the delegate* joined ^^wtth a mighty wave. Finally Chairman Robinson got the convention quieted and It beard nr. opening prayer by Rabbi Meyer, of Ban Francisco. The singing of the ‘Star Spangled Banner1” with the band and organ accompanying fol ia wad. On motion of Samuel King, of Soil Lake city, the convention adopted a resolution fixing tha representation of the Panama canal to two delegates in future conventions. Owea'i Nam* Coat** First Alabama panned and Arisona yield ed to Oklahoma. D. Hayden Line bough, of Muskogee, took the plat form to place the name of Senator Owen in nomination. Hr. Baugh spoke IT minutes plac ing Senator Owen ia nomination and at the conclnaioa of hia speech th« Oklahoma delegation broke out with a demonstration which, however, wai not prolonged. The hand triad to help it out with a galloping air. I When It subsided Govorooi i Brough, of Arkansas, seconded th« • nomination of Senator Owens. "Arkansas," said the Governor, li ► tha only Mato mentioned in the Blhli < because wo read there that “Noel opened the window of the Aril am •aw,” at that the convention got it flrM good laagh af tha day. r At the doe* of Governor Brough seconding speech there was anothc Owsn demonstration ia which th< - band helped out again. Mrs. Susan F. f Itagcrsld. of Mas - saehusoUs, tha first woman to mok • a meondlng speech hi tha convention - then look the platform. THo Co ever - Uen stood and paid her a tribute will a applause and cheers. Mm Fltigvrsl 'Istood smilingly at Uw <Usk as th ► band played Oh You Boautiful Doll x' When the noise quitted down sh* b< d gan her spsach ia a clear and disttiM r vote*. p; Th* call of th* states was mms ; Arhansoo yielded U Booth Dake! i and U 8 0 Cherry, of Steux F*U ► I. Dj proasated th* nasa* ad Jaw W. Gerard, formor ambasaador • t [attacks supreme !| COURT CONDITION! lew W. TBUtt Ca—. Stir a ! Seulon of Stott Btur Atao c cation at AiktvOk I Arhev'Uc, June So—Cha* W. JU Irtt. Sr . of Charlotte, canned • gran di ml of a stir on the accond day o! the annua) convention of the Nertl C.-.rolinfi Bjr association is aeaaior he.v, when he offered roaohitioaa U ’make for brun facilities for preooa I Let ion of oral argument* in the Su preme Court. Hla attach on the Su premo Couit condition! was relented I by J- W . Pleu of Marion. I Following those arugmenta, which I took the fora of a debate, the aaao Iciat on voted to table the resolations I Offered by Attorney TUittt. Tho law >'r also suggested that in —— a 1 ‘O' *tr pr iod of time U not give* for otai pieacntation of argument tho u»e of brirfr bo made in spokan words. A differt nee of apmioa over tho subject was evidenced by tho oral voto railed for by President Bynum by rumber, many voting on both udoa. The rhalr, however, ruled that 'hose In favor of tabling tho motion were in tho majority. Moraiag Ssulsn Faatarae Thn Wednsoday morning session was featured by the address of Hou. Uamplun I,. Carson, protldont of tho Ameiican Bat astociatiaa. Following nit aaoress, uu discussions over pro. PO»*d reeeluUone took place. Before bringing the session to ■ close, Pres dent Bynoro called attention to the special organ recital to he given at Grove Park Ian oompllneatstaty to the jurists. The recital was held at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Vasoe Delivers tpnt The jurists gathered at 8 o'clock tonight to hear L. R. Vasor of the l.umberton bar deliver aa ail linos 'i ho cJo nag session is te he held 'i hander morning and will bo featur 'd by an address, to which the presi dent was called particular ottssitina ftoeeoe Pound, d<«a td the Harvard Law Sehool. speaks upon “Codifies too. Judge Bynnei refused to thr dean a* sue of the moot legal authorities tajhe aametatiau, that hi ip pot to ho halt to tho raoe for that iidllta Mr. pa W flyod this tAc* for the pto ball room cotnpliraentaty to tbs edi tor* by tho local bar. Judge Allow We. her Besides bearing L. R. Vaaer of Losaberton in o Lhaeiy aad fatsrem ing speech, the members of the bar asaoc-stlon also beard Judge Oliver H. Allen talk on "Recoil actions of the Bench." Judge Allen's discourse »u highly enjoyed. Tomorrow the Km.ton jurist toll talk on “Recol lection. of the Ber.” Daring the pre ,rotation of memorial! tonight reso lutions were adopiod rcopectlag the death, of prominent members since thu mc.-ting iu Greensboro last June. The treatise on the life of Francis I. Osborne was read by W. S. 0*B Robinson, Jr.; sketches were read on Ih: lives of James K. Norfleet of Tsrboro, of James A. Godgcr of this ci:v. by Jodgo J. D. Murphy of Ashe ville; of A. B Ann ball of Greensboro, b; A. Weylami Cooke of Greensboro; cf ex-Govern or R. B. Glenn, by Clem ■ is Manley of Winston-Dalem; ef 0 ahum Keecan of Wilaiagton, by dec W. P. Stacy. Resolutions were a1 o Adopted commemorating Brook* “• vi iruurni^tvn, anu vmkiv President Carson of Um American Br association spoke at length an U»j live* of June* Wilton of Penn r ivanle and Jams* Iredell of North Carolina, two eminent jurists who »si» dean friend* throughout their r a*, although they at limns diffnred > their judicial opinions. Ho traced 'he effect of th* doc talons rendered t. these two men, showing bow their u-ibinsed and sound judgment had In f: leeeed interpretation of Um con st itatioa. ENCOURAGING REPORTS ARE RECEIVED FROM PENSACOLA Atlanta. C*.. June SO.—Encourag ng reports hare bean rerelred hare i>; the American Rod Crom of condi tions at Pensacola, where government ■ltd stale- official* recently conferred with Rad Croat representative* in re told to the appearance of buhank plague. f. T. McMullen, Rad Crern Sold di rector. reports that there are no new rases and only three in aH. Th* Pun taec'fi Rod Cram chapter ha* boor -applying food to owe of th* Strieker famllire, at th* rchuevt of Dr. Help* N. Oicene, *U»* health officer lot ilorido. Dr. Griron# alto advisot Rad Croat headquarters here that a represent* > tlvc cf hi* department k Invastlntinj ! conditions In all can at town* and tfaa > the United State* pablk health eerr I lee ha* detailed aa expart rat catch*: i to Jacksonville. Those preraotione wfl probably hi i followed later In the anmmer bp t ' state-wide “hill th* rat” campaigt 1 bp children ef the Junior Rod Cross • Gormnap. Cherry proposed that Um caarea - tlen nominate each a man a* Oermr i for the top of th* ticket and anathe I for the bottom of the ticket and th l convention construed that ward a ’ Uoredd being a vke-preddentia] cm - didst* a* well aa a pnwHrmrtal coed t date. There were no meendhs epooeboo for Garwrd and tho roll a l. the state* woe called Main. CatHei a nla and Colored* pa nod. Coanaettex i, erar called and John 8. Croebp per a esntod Um name of National Chali o man Hama* S. Camrmlxge ™-1 --1_9 OVER 7MUJ0NS > IN ROAD BUILDING t Total of 508~MUm of Hard Swr I **** cSL2rueSLWlM,*r ’ GRAVEL COSTS |MMf HARO SURFACE SSI.SOO Typo* Hu » *""!< Far Yaari Coo. I tractor* Arm StIU Trootlad a, °" “*• aad MaUoa | FartW E/faru a ,lv» hundred and tight arilas at r»*d and hard •urfac4^raSlT_2 •KSSS &JW-235? SCT J?r*a °»* by CorwauStoto, FVaBk fig, yaatarday. iST lX“ireTr?o«,ln^r •traction. uadar aa» hJ5L,#U1 '"W—»» •* highways fa ilirided mmong 71 mtaftolnwa ^.a **jf tba sonatina tm the State ••d rwitmlt work accoasfehad (<Ar» the reoifRlItlUoi af Aa* wltoian ondertha wad ■Mtord at tba 1»10 asnfao of tbs (W rra^Atwrrnbly. axcapt far one bride m MaeMaobarg csnnty and wrara] ratnor atrctrhci of raad which begun by the old highway coaaaafak Interstate with the rmh that an i *■ AMMte to tha credit that looked to aa ordinary obaerrer like relief for the contractors. Whaa contraatafs artad ta wot aOaaa ja^tow -w.ia. they fepad u JS! ly differ*»t imnamtiM «t the ar ias aatoag the railroads sad there i kill no Meat to be had. Mr. Pace l going to Washington and ealiai ha aid af Senators 8hanoaa and Ora naan, take with him krone let. tan froan Governor Bkkett and tha Corporation Cow I wi a it and cndcov. r to have onmathtag dost that will brine soma relief to hte toad week. Aa yet they aaa atandfec mtllL wait »* for rock that doaml com*. DAVIDSON POSSES AM SEARCH me FOR NEGRO Laxtawtow. June 10.—Poaam are (arching Tor an unknown negro who 'ate thii afttrnoa assaulted Uw wife cf a white farmer living near Un wood. seven miles from thi. rttjr. Tho victim was severely choked and bruissA. She is mid to ha 4* roan >ld. while her eeeailant ie deerrihad a oeng negro well dressed- The negro i reported to hove fled after the •rime into thick underbrush nearby. The officers hern warn immediately ammoned and eccoaape&ied by many Milan* in aatomohifes left far tho erne ef the crime. Tara large search 'd parties am reported to have been •"armed and blood hound* will site nrobebly be prepared. William Tomer, well-known farm er. hie two teas. Chariot, aad Harvey, ind Credo Welch, e neighbor yam. Vill he given preliminary henrijm hen tomorrow at Iff e'elaek aa tha charge >f performing a criminal op*ration >t Fienk Hudson, ago Iff. Tha »>m d crime took place In the Friedharg remrsonity, shout II mile* north sit horn, shout di week* age. All defendants am at liberty aa bail, through the yeoagar BtfWtH worn held for about Iff dapa with tat hah. OFFERS THREE MILLION FOR GIANT LEV1ATH1AN U. a. pua ffnai Alp Cm Only Bidder I Far Gena* ffhlpi Fee OeKalb >, Jane SO—Aa offer far the steal Warner r aad M.ooficffolcr were the only ease arrived when seated bid. aa those two farmer 0 swan a Me an amre apaaad today at the Mdp - ’fn'MNd States Mail Btaamthlp I Go. made tha offer far tha lmriathaa r open tha (sedition the board laaa i tMffft.ffffO to dm company to be ap ■ plied to reccedttieafng the vend. aad - famish free of charge a pier for tha • liner during the (innfWltltd orach, t Under tha caanaay’i prapiml the r laaa wu«M pay five per coat tat mast A shack far flffff.SOO innwptalnl t tha Wd and the company offered to • apply ffh par aunt ed the act caraiasr* • of the veasel far a parted af tan years upon the purchase pries and tha team.

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