THE WINS DISPATCH PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Entered M aeeoad-cho* matter April Ui. JOU, at the poet office '* Oma. N. C.. under tha act of llareh B, 1BT9. L. RU3BEE POPE, PuUieher Thneo Mielti_..... .60 Si* month* One jeer- r.BJ.ot V? .. — --- r---“->♦♦♦♦ . n <•*• IN AND AliOUl H y TH E TOWN 8 »YY»»YYTYYYYYYYYYYtTYt»TYt Duan b all draw lid op today for thr big celet>‘n: «U*vtU»'* naaehaU team failed to harp ha ongagaaaanf with the local outfit yesterday, although thar* wm* a goad ctawd oat to the new bail year to witnaaa the game. Bank Lane aad Lloyd Wada triad to gat tor to »tago a game. with the i, bat the boy* woaidni w, _ _ _ Jeffrey*. sard tILa wa* because tl wang fellow* were afraid af haiag NOT HAD A FIRE IN FIFTY EIGHT YEARS Jaly L—An Invitation Comm oner Young U inclined to accept, cornea ia a letter from a gen Lm-j ia Ratherlord county, who Matcu that bealde* owning a “town to the eonntry," he haa not had a fire in SI year*. Be eaca to it that all traah and litoor ia kept out ail the houses, bock yard* and (tract* of hi* ten, aad hu precaution of having bit vxdhguLbet* convenient haa **v cd it f(*B burning four Lnue in toe ' part tea yean. He has water works m hi* Mot* aad la all borne*. “pure cold, vporfcling water coming by inn v«y“ from a mountain nearby, lit/ church, contain*,ty house had store ara built of Mono, aad besides be'i g a daa fire prevention bocsu>r, h« cuBsasmda toe Ineoranoo Dofxmmcnc work, adu far more ballet1 pp ami I - trfuture far Tito people’ anil euaria. doa with a cordial Invitation to tii« CommUboacr to come to cm him. Another fire end accident p.*« *.■■ Cos auxiliary to the Fou.ig pcapl/e i.ifety tongue*. organized in, tic reboot*. There in- about St.lSiKJ u cnroKmant of 30.C00. Tin y make ts galat report* to the dcportinr.r. each >ig», and many of them or.- very .<«• ta mating. Om of the lattice U Ike Daihaa High school, la which IM Secretary, Ralph B. Fuller, Jr.. I elate* that during the .choc I year Juft closed. Safety first posters kid o.ea placed hi all machine shop) a , ty from accident, fire, d.*ee»~. ORCHARD AND CARDEN NOTES The Gerdau Saves Memy Wo do not Relieve the av-rage Southern farmer has yet given as much efiration to the gulden a) pro perly belongs to it. It is literally true that with a good large garden, ta/ eac-haK am. the avtragr farm pr-> ha My can produce atmnnl half cenogh food for the entire family. TV* Is e strong statement, hut we bcilce* M tv true, nad w*> think that the who fails to huvo a good g* J*u is cheating him seif, net only in r.> far as having the host vegetable* nro eon ««ruod, hut m dollai* and cents. ' Palsy Moon* Trswtds Don't forgot that drtay in spray., g frwHe and vcgotuhlu* may mesa f.« d.ffer* nco hotwson a prut its Me red an an profitable crop. Only the late vardtus of peaches will need any further spraying, but tbs angles will rood s>a nr maybe two or three mure sptayhgA la ardor to lasuro first e'.ass fruit- Don’t delay' this nil lot-1 poctant week, hsemes* K moat bo doe* ta the right way and at tb« right tin* if sas weald poudneo good fruit fat Aasho* Under Fruit True* Wocd ska umbo a fairly goad f*»-! .diesv far Unit tree*, and iagumd at1 peering those oat la pile* sgpamd to inis. It If • goad Mon to spread them, trader 'ho fruit iron*. Of coarse. om>i rhsold ant pat a Mg pOo af th*m{ down seder one Iron, hat should mo* I tor them oat thinly, not directly ai der the, tree hat nador the spread of the tranches and outward hovond ih. spread tgr seeurul fash U A. Niven hi frn FrogmUstve Farmer COATS NEWS | Mr. a=d Url W. M Kwa »4 Mm.! I. G. K.-t i spent Sunday with rcla-1 t!v«w iu John-on county. i P. H»7»w of Whitevlll*. •y-'t utc W0«lc-«Ml with relatives 1. r.. 3 B. Leo ti:J L. L Levln f*» otr* in Dunn Monday on bual n*n 2-1-.: Coni*, Mary. Iva and V- i Stvarrt and Jo* A rent iptat Wdncsday with relative* at Buan \cveL M • erd Mrs. B. P. Wallace left Tile - ila“ !>i Uont'M-iy to visit rela ' Svts Huy expert to b* gone about to stcy*. B*—> lu Mr. and Mm. L. C. Rob • r:»? in June 27th a daughter. '• Th' fc’ spent Sunday at I.-k'i **: Mr. anti Mr*. R. O. Stew s' ;. M». nod Mr*. B. P. Wallace and ' ''Ur-05 Aspic Ro«u, Meta Stewart • Vet! ai d C.lrna Johnson and Oru* Put*,t. iserbeit Crime* and Alice ■ Ity.iL M -. an.l Mr*. J. R. Boyd of Fay *ttcrl'le .-pont n while here Monday o.« iWii apy In Raleigh. h’r and Mrs. W. W. Wiggins spent i Jcn-luy aticvr.oon with friends at An . iriov. 31:** Ad* Jones, of Durham, is the go.i-*t of h r »lst*r. Mm. Alton BMW at-_ F :**.u* and Braxton Byrd and Mi** liritvt Bithurr of Uunnlcxal. ware v:*itoli here Sunday. 3' cn 2‘hil Coat* spent Monday in j Durham. T. V. Stewart is aoendiiur this week 4 cr.vannah, Ga. Maggie and Xyrtle Jackson | '~r re visitor.* horn Sunday. | O. H. Nichols et Durham is "perditK: n few days wth his ton, W. >.. Micbola. '.y.?* l-'ant »>• Stewart of Bennon is •'••".i"u .elatvws and friend* here. J. “. Fo'.ner *r«ol the week end at .'.'o-rvuro. I ?iT*» Vnrihe l‘» boor ami Jess* . 3:nnl r of Four Oaka spent a few No)** her Fri-la* \ V ". a*ii Mr*. Boa* of Duka, spent Sunday htre. fi. D. Ocifre* in here representing tha Benson Review. P. IT. Rnmbeau jn' Angie* visited Ttht'riv hoc loot week. f. >rrl. or Edward*. Marion Williams r*"i Vnjyir West of Chinqua a?r jf ->t Sunday rt the home of Mr R. A. Oat ttev. s. A. Sdgcrton, of Buie'a Cr >»k wn« In town Saturday Conte UrftatcJ EumtU’vel 8 to 5 ' in n ext :*">e game of ball Saturday »fi rnoo.i. John S'ephsnacn pitching Jfr- Coats, allowed no runs and bat fe ' scatfsted hita until the 8th in nii.4- *-h .n with several outfield er rors. together with three hita Buno ; level made fire runs. BUI Btephea *on pitched the last inning for Coats 1 sad did not allow a hit. Caats has challenged Benson for a game here Thursday afternoon. A. C. Crimes spout Tuesday in Ichr.*on county. 8*erl a few hours at Stewart's pond ue-day afternoon. Hubert Grimes, of Zebuton, is via itltis relatives here this week. NEWS FROMANGIER ' Mr. Jov Smith of Beeson is spvnj ! Irf lb;i week here with hi • daogh i : P D (*ve.d»v. M‘f* r I.s.icy Tohnon nod Kyle H;sph»n."'.r> atv alt *d|ilc-< tbD week. T! tfu |"' Siim'-iy at Chapel Hill T'w Br.pBst Sunday Srhol war well attended Samlav. Siv. A. Cutntm*ll .illcd bit' rt-g r.lnr nepoiniment here Sue Jay oven I »»i y, . M". C. I.. Alphen -.'rumpaxlfd by V? tittle ion. Robert, of Dune. went 1 r' i." and Wednesday hen w ith Vi h o.KjV-ln-lew. M.-. A. D. Wilson. /i L. .xirv lai nipunn mane ay •*5 of l>o»" *vk> attended the meet "nrr c; Be'hel Primitive Baptist ‘.'.It treh Sunday. it was indeed n great aiot'fg. The morning service* con st-ted of the baptizing of the follow in' : Mr nrd Mrx. Otho Cobh. Mra. il*ibrrt l’H»iin. Mra. Jaaiet Johnson Mr. Will,uni Hayi and Mr. larkin V- "-.r thc-c icrvieei being conduc ted by the i-ntor Elder A. D. Joha nn of Ce*ti, Regular Wirritc waa 'taut huiil at the church, nine preech I -X b. ;ng r>- -rent, ufter which dinner ••at apiaat* in the grove from which mo>o than Sftern hondred people w-pre fed. Mis* Ad- Overby who attended v' r 'jMilhe-'* -.riding at Oliver, Oa. week, U hack at her post of ■iMy In thn ic.rmen Bank. '!r» K. C. McLeod from Roanoke lfn«)tU l» visiting H-. and Via. O. A. a.'cLead thia weak. If rim. one knew all the facta, they roil'd hardly understand why Mr. Tf.-naU Overby ia rarrying ruch brood ™ lex lately, but the reason ia rlmple (>n >h« 2krd of thd month the stork vi>led hla home and left with that hapi.llv ma Tied young coupla a flae !*Wf fir.'-, whose very oppioprlate canto It D. D. Jr. Vr* y T. Dupree end children re L' Itorne Sunday front Virginia trim a abe hex been viiiting her fath er and wit:her. Mr. and Mra. Welle }('»> l/nlli Dowd ef Ralelgk epent b» weak or.d with Min Ada Overby, She It }uat home from Creenahnro C'otl ge where the era da* tad this t mi. Site will ttach English Mils ytn in a High School ia the Mean m'.'x. 11.. D. f>. Overby made a kuaiaear !»*•» to Dunn Tuesday. P". P Kin-t of thii plats waa can vlrbd In Kwitcal Court last week pf !#.'*•< fialiny ia whiskey. He teas HWt-weod e veer and a day ia Atlaata rVf-on. A h.m ef IM« end mb v.u r- n larp-iKd. A auiWr ef the b»*t rf'.'arna here were taggoaed - t« w'i v against Mr. 1C Inf. ft ep •»e r from rentlment rhryaaalialag i •.a: the b o* moat girt ap their 1 *ld f. k-nd Boone*’ a ad enter epnn ! "ai etV.r vucattea ef Ufa ta make a i Jvdng. REPORTER egB—Mm -W * BUSINESS LOCAL * ******* * FOR SALE—ONE XV COLT ACE tylaac tight plant with 5 or 8 light* installed complete and 10 quantity, will co»t the consumer an additional 23 cu. By Ar of the Board of r.->m I • • _ .At . ■ •.oa>u, ja ■i ■ <1 idih - ji - ;■) .kin fw other main of Ba.eerier oh i ■i fo the EXfDE. * 8'. HMT SERVICE REGULARITY SYt li Jh alti.AY, ' «-RC. 7T ’.Kr HEW INTER o»t e. J .od at the Commercial Bant •v ! h> Jui, tji. .Money deposit ed In Savings Department before f| — 2th, will bejrin drawing in temt as of July lit BRICK FOR SALE.—CAR LOTS and retail Dunn Dovelopmrnl Company. NOTICE — PEOPLE DESIRING horn— should let their waste be ■Dows to the man who can buy a real bargain for you. Sec Goo. L Cannady, the real estate man. Dunn, N. C. DON’T FORGET THE NEW INI E21 cal period at the Commrrelnl Bank wi'l begin July lei. Money deposit cal In Soring., Departm. it lie/o.c July 6eh. will begin drawing in ierrrt aa of July id. FOR SALE—I HAVE A LOT OF Nl trate of Soda for stle. See me at once for yoar supply. Willio f'npo. Dunn. N. C. 27-tf. DON'T FORGET THF NEW INTXR ost peilod at the Commcrcml Rcnk ed in Savings Department before will begin July let Money drpoiit July 5th. will begin drawing in tercet as of July lit. I 20 FER CENT OFF — ON ALL | tire* on aceount of discontinuing our garage biulnem we arc affei 1 ing oui entire stock of regular standard make* of guaranteed Urea nt wholesale prices. 20 per ernt off list and we pay the war tax. which Is equal to 26 per cent dla count. They will not lost long. All litre carry 20 per rent off list. Bet . tor me us at onte. Parrirh-P.ivar I Co. ATTRACTS LABOR TO THE FARM Air you rhort of “h»n I I! Johnson Bros. ; Dunn, North Carolina “LIKE CLOCKWORK” Can you say that of your ignition on your car ? Uoe^youi magneto"func tion with the smoothness and accuracy of a Swiss wa‘ch movement? It will if we supply the sparking system and supervise its operation. We are experts when it comes to magne to, generator or ignition troubles. Full line of acces sories—everything for your car—genuine Ford Parts. Z. V. SNIPES BUILDING THIS SEASON? |j » * _ __ ' 1 —W# till building material of mry bast quality—- ■ 4 > * ► BRICK 4 • _ 4 . — - - -- - - - _ _ _ - , I " 4 I Shinglo*, Loth*, PUttor, Paint, Window and Door Frame* Ready-made • i ’ < I So*h, Door*, Screen*, Weatherhoarding, Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding 4 l ; i i Wo wiO contract to build your house and furnish all Material _ 4 ' ■HnaaananMnawanaauHnaanwMUMaHaMaMMWBMa^^MM^a. • > < I DUNN DEVELOPMENT-CO. |! ^MlillNIIIHItllllllllllllUillttlltlililtlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIDIIinillllllllllllllllllllllUIIIRIIIIIIIIIliHllllllllllliniHlllllllHIIIlf^ 1 | i Have your | 1 AUToioBILE DECORATED ! I FOR 1 | The Fourth of July Celebration | | .- i | FLOATS, AND AUTOMOBILES | Decorated at Resonable Prices ] -r_ I I 'PHONE | | G. L. RENNER, Chamber of Commerce Rooms. | I • | Cars will be decorated at T obacco Warehouse Saturday 2 i and Sunday. Bring your Cars on one of these Days. 1 %iiiiRiiiRiiiyuinRiRiimiiflumiiRiitiii|iNUtt(iRiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiRiiiiNii(iii:iuiRiiiiiiiiinniiiiiwiiiHHiui!iiMik^ ■ V ■ • / ' * --- ‘ - -- ---——-- -*i