THE DUNlI DISPATCH Fre=i VO*“ T DUKN, M.MuLTU. 1IM. -^a.r=_ ^. . NUMBER SI. SUBMIT AWARD TO REFERENDUM VOTE OF RAH WORKERS App—ri Probate Union Load •rs Will Not Make Any Roconunondation OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF AWARD NOT FAVOREE Railway Labor Bard Doallaei To B» Op— ra— at BUqpaat of Brother hood H—d. On Crooad It Wook Pree—1 BUI— Ui( loto El»«i ai Onco. Chicaco. July 81.—Submission ol tbr 1600,000,000 rail wage award U a referendum vota by the 1,800,000 railroad worker* without m-oramm datlon from th* Union I—dm clthn for its acceptance or rejection eppeor ed probeble to<M(bt This waa the opinion in labor cir cle* after rejection by the United State* Railway Labor Board of a pe tition for n rebearin* of the eoae. Three course* were open- to th< union chief*: First, lubmiaaion without rsrom mediation; aocond, recommendation .1 a an _ a a. __a_■ . a_ J ibiaJ that It he rejected. Sti Deride te Accept At midnight it wet repo■ted that six ef the sixteen great transports lien brotherhoods, in addition to the Master*, Mates and Pilots of America had decDled definitely to accept the award. Eight of the remainder were said te' hare tentatively rejected the *■ ward, with previtien that the final decision be left to a referendum vote of the membership. The Order ef Railway Conductor! was mid te be still undecided, while the Order of Railroad Telegrapher! were reported te have issued strike ballets la elhgr of the division It is believ ed that the award wewld be submitted te a referendum by all of the brother bends, either without recoin men da lle* ar with the recommendation of each group. These Who Have A mplid The following brotherhoods were resorted to have accepted (he award Brotherhood ef Lotemetive Engi neers; Brotherhood ef Railroad Tram men: Switchmen’s Union of America; Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and Oiler*; United Brotherhood of Matateaaace of Way Employee, and Railroad Shop Laborers; Brotherhood of Locoasotive Firemen and Engine snaa ead the Masters. Matas and Fil ets ef America. Faveriwg Referee dam The brotherhoods favoring a refer endum were the Internationa! Asso ciation of Machinists, Hhest Metal Worksrs’ International Alltancs, Bro therhood of Railway aad Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes; Brotherhood of Railway Signalman of America; Brotherhood of Railway Cormen; In ternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; laternationel Brotherhood of BoBermakem, Iron Shipbuilders aad Helper* of America, ana the In ternational Brotherhood ef Black smiths. Drop Forge* aad Helpers. USE LEES RUGAE IN JELLIES AND JAMS One-fifth te one quarter tan auger can be used in tanking Jelly end luu, experiment! made by household ex perts in the United States Depart ment of Agrieuharo experimental kit chen indicate. Another sugar-saving wrinkle last ed by the experiment kitchen te to add one-quarter teaspoon of salt to each cup of fruit Juice for jelly 01 pulp far Jam, marmalade, and con serve. In tbe emee of nonacid fruit Utle makes the absence of the full amount ef sugar lees noticeable. The salty taste will disappear after ths Cduct has stood for a faw weeks ths flavor wll be much the richn for the addition of the ealt Salt wai so used in England during the war and the method wax baaed on reports of tbe proreee. With fruits of pronounced flavor or where lemon and orange peel 01 ■piece are used for flavoring thou with mild flavor, various syrup* lak< the piece ef part ef the granulator sugar. Usually half end half le th* proportion need In substitution. CLINTON TO HAVE NEEDED ICE PLAN! Hubbard Erst bars Start Work Or Modern Fastery Haro (Newt Dispatch.) Clinton it te have a murk needs* tee plant In the near future accord Lag to the Hubbards, R. H„ J. C. an* H. J., promoters ef the new scheme R. it and J. C. Hubbard haw re oeutly ieturned from buying th plant whteh when completed will lx n $21,000 plant, with a capacity o 1$ tone ef ice per day. The building, a galvanised Iroi structure 75 s 70 feet will be erect o. near the Power Plant. They expec to have M completed In two weeks Owing to freight delay It will bo frog 00-00 days before the plant will t> in operation. Tlie Hubbards are planning to d« liver teo to the pair*as at e prtr on a par with that of eurreundlni towns Thor Mate no lee win be sbl; pad away from here. During the wit ter months when the demand is a< ae great far lee, the owners are pier nlag te make lee sue er two days week accord lag to the demand $ TEN HELPS IN MARKET- i * ING WOODLAND PRO- ¥ ¥ DUCTS ¥ ¥ - * ¥ ¥ Get price* for variou* wood ¥ ¥ product* from a* many ¥ I ¥ sawmill* and other woo d ue- ¥ I* ing plant* a* poivihlr. ¥ ¥ Befoie selling, consult ¥ ¥ neighbor* who have sold Uni. ¥ ¥ ber nod benefit from Ihrir ¥ ¥ experience*. ¥ ¥ Investigate local timber ¥ ¥ requirement* and price*. ¥ ¥ Your product? may be worth ¥ ¥ more locally became Iran*- ¥ ¥ partition is saved. ¥ ¥ Advetti** in paper* and ¥ ¥ otherwise iiocurc outride com- ¥ ¥ petition- 4 ¥ Secure bid* if piacticable ¥ ¥ both by the lump nnd log- ¥ ¥ nealc measure •* ¥ Be »ure that you arc *ell -V ¥ ing tu responsible purchae ■ ¥ rrs. ,¥ Get a reliable Mt'lWiti of -V ¥ the amount and valu>- of the ¥ |¥ mate.ial before scllll*. 4 ¥ Market the higher grade* ¥ ¥ of Umber and use the cheap- ¥ I ¥ er for farm purpose*. ¥ ¥ Remember that standing ¥ ¥ timber can wait over a period ¥ ¥ of low price* without rapid ¥ ¥ deterioration. ¥ ¥ U»c a written agreement ¥ ¥ in Helling timber, especially ¥ ¥ If cutting is done by purehaa- ¥ ¥ er. ¥ ¥ Wiite the Forest Service, ¥ ¥ United Ststp* Department of ¥ ¥ Agriculture, or State forest- ¥ ¥ er If you need further help. ¥ i 3L v I PROHIBITIONISTS NAME BRYAN BY ACCLAMATIObj Is Nsnisslsg for Presidency Duplit His Asssusnossl Ho CtsU Not Accept Uncoln. Neb. July 21.—W. J Bry •• was nominated by acclamation at Ota prohibition party’s presidential I nominee at tbs national convention today. .The nomination ram* aft*’ a rriolotlon "tendering*' him thr posi tion of standard-bearer had brought not thr (act in debate that hr had telegraphed friends here that Tie "could not accept.” W. G Caldrrwood, vie* chairman of the prohibition national commit ter, late today prevented a rcooliglloa before the convention smiling for an antmnus nomiaylkm of Mr. Bryan* as the party's poHlor-Ual candidate. A loiter from C .aides W. Bryan, brother of W. J. ft.yan. waa read to the convention, a 1 ng that his name not be mrDtionod in coanoction with thr nomination and that the Caldsr wood resolution should not “be passed An attempt to table the Caldrrwnod motion tendering Bryan thr nomina tion was overwhelmingly defeated. WILSON TOBACCONISTS LIKE QEORCIA TOBACCO PRICES Crop in Eastern North Carolina Re ported As io Flourishing Coe* dillaa Wilson, July 21.—Reports from i the Georgia tobacco markets, publish I ed in thla morning’s New* ana Obser I V#r. sounds good to th* tobacco grow, srs of Eaatern Carolina, send buyers on the South Carolina markets report sales |T par hundred higher than on opening ales last year. Thus far Wilson has been very for tunate this season. The crop is flour ishing and the yield la expected to be as large as the crop of 1919. and the ‘ planters have reason to be thankful for good seasons and no hail. Nut withstanding predictions were made that the price of the weed weald damp this year, srverything lookr bright to the farmer. uuhc. n&na Wo enjoyed having W. A. Erwin, Secretary «nd Treasurer of the Er win Cotton Mill* Company, spend several days with us, this week. Mrs. R. S. Kelly loft Thursday for 'an sxtendad vacation, making Mon* 'treat, N. C., her first stop. Mr. and Mil C. S. Hicks left I Thursday, by automobils. for a two weeks’ vacation, through the valley of Virginia. They were accompanied by Mr. Hicks’ parent*, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hicks, of Wilmington Mr. and Mra. S. C. Geddy, Mr. and Mra. T. V. Brannock and family Misses Mabel and Myrtle Woodworth. Margaret Bamas, Conolia and Ida Myrtle Teddy, and Iona Haskett; Messrs. R. A. McConnaoghvy, L. B. Martin, Frederick and Edward Thoe. P. W. Suggs and Masters Edgar and Coehraa Ceddic motored over to Stewart's Pond Wednesday evening, hnd while there very much enjoyed a "dip" Into the pond. On th* way back to Duke, a part of the crowd stopped ia Dunn and attended th* "movies.” 8aw Harold Lloyd, and he did "move.” loo. The evening was pleasantly spent Miss Mabel Woodworth entsrtaio rd a party of friends, Thursday even ing, m honor of bvr guests, Mias Eu jn'ec Byrd, of Bunnleve), and Mias | Myrtle Whits, of Naw Bern. A game of baasball on our home around*, was scheduled with Wssi Durham, for Saturday afternoon IT, but on account of the bnd weather the game was called off. West Dur 1 ham was to have "run’’ an saeursior . train too had there was such a die - appointment. i TAR HEELS MEET GOVERNOR COX IN THE CAPITAL cm i Washington, July 20.—Among th< 1 Tar Heels who shook hands and talk 1 cd politic* with Govsmor Cog during . hi* May in Washington Sunday, wm i Rcprsasntstivo Hannibal Godwin an< i Wado H. Cooper, the latter a Norti Carolinian now in the banking bun! - neas here. * Misses Eam\a Lss and Corrlni C laekaon, of Dunn, nre visiting tin - daughter of Representative Godwin ■ Miss Mattie Bella Godwin. ■ I Mr*. Joseph Isaacs, of Goldsboro ills hero to vtst her daughter, Mrs. El II* OoMstein. 'CONDITION OF COTTON ' , GENERALLY IS BETTE! Although tb* Crop Varis* la DiBer. •at Simla* It 1* "Qelt, i Sallafacisry.*’ Washington, July >1_With km perstuied remaining close to normal together with an abundance of rain ' fall in moat of the southern atatea, It bo condition of cotton improved gcu rially throughout the bait, according to tile weakly national waathar and crop bulletin, mad* public today. | While the crop’s condition waa vari • able in diffei-enl atato* and even in different part* of the same atate, on the whole. the report *eid. “It waa quite satisfactory." Heavy to cxccaeixc rain occurred In a few place* which unafavorably af fected the progress of cotton and de layed cultivation, Ihs report laid, es pecially affecting the crop in central ami northern North Carolina. The weather we* too dry for the crop in weaLin Texas argj part* of Alaba ma. Good to excellent growth *u shown in South Carolina, the report said, while the improvement made in Florida the past week wae maintain ed In Alabama and Tennessee vaiy good progrex* waa made while only a 'fair showing wa* made in Mimaaaippi. i Colton made excellent progrcaa in I Arkansas. Tcxa* and part* of Okla homa Wievil damage increased in the southern pan of the belt wherever frequent rain* occurred, the report* added. ******* ~*~* * * * * ¥ ¥ GODWIN NEWS * ♦ * ************ 1 ,_ Mr. and Mr* C P. Want and Mies EloUe Connally have returned from Richmond, V*.. where thiiy were the '(ucetn of Mr*. Ward's mother, Mr*. Mills. Mia* Eolu Williams returned Tues day from Muunt Olira, where she visited friend* and i-vlativea. Mrs. Edd McNeill of Vasa, has re turned to her home afur (pending re*rial day* with her father, C. C. McClellan. Mrs. C. F Joans has returned | front Becky Mount after mending i m veral days with her autor, Mrs. N! IE. Denson. ' Mr. and Uiu-Purdic Sped and *i» ter, Mias Eva Spell..of Red Spring*. I sprat Sunday hi Godwin with their brother. C. W. Spell Mra. Taylor and aon, of Jachaon villa. Ft*., spent a few day*’ with he. ■aeter. Mrs J C. William*. Hector Strickland, of Raleigh, it vial ting hi* *i*ier-ia-law. Hr* E. J. McIntyre. Mr*. Geo. Jour* and children, of Jacksonville, are rpending a faw dart with-had mother, lira. A. B Ydrbprv oueh. ; **•• Parnr find win of Duna, gpent a few hour* in Godwin Monday afternoon. Miste* Johnnie McLean and Louitc Pridgen, of Dunn, are spending arv* 'eral day* with Mlia, MrLean't relo ; live* at Cameron. C. C. McClellan. Jr., and Donald McIntyre were butinct* visitors iu Fayetteville Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Percy Maxwell, of Falcon. nt Monday in Godwin with Mrs. . Jones. LEAGUE AND TREATY ARE.MOT FIXED ISSUES Washington Ofltcial* Art P***iaaiatlc data Fee Vice-Peea*. demt Washington. July 21.—The peace treaty and the league of nations ean in no way be regarded aj "6 zed is sues” in the presidential campaign, Inasmuch as their present status mav be "much changed" between now and March 4, Franklin O. Roosevelt, De mocratic vice presidential nominee, declared today on his return to Wash ington from attendance at the nnt *jtg of the Democratic national com mittw at Columbo*. In connection with the atatemonts by the vies presidential nominee O" the treaty question, it was asserted today by a prominent member off th~ Democratic p.irty that President Wil son and Governor Cox, in their re cent conference here, expressed an accord only on the broad issue* oa the peace treaty and league of natlana and did not dtseuaa details Affirming his supoort of tbs stand taken by orernor Cox on the ques tion of enmpeign expenditures. M'. Rons,-volt declared: ‘‘Everybody knows that the Re publican party three months ago. In planning to raise a huge campaign fund, divided the country into die. triets and assessed a definite quota against each The aseceemeat against Duchess county. Nsw York, which T represented in the Stale Senate, was Axed at (112.000. although the popu 'ntion ia laa sthan 10,000. Nobod he* any idea that such an assessment "ill be raised by one dollar or five dollar subscription a” Mr. Rooarvalt said his resignation as assistant secretary of the Naw would be tendered to the pnaident to lake effect on the date of his address accepting the vice presidential nomln ation, probably August 0. From the more or las erild and wooly west come reports that the at tore.* for the Rev. M. Xvale. alleged to have libeled Volstead tbe Dry, aak ed him. on the witness stand: "Ik you believ* that Chr;st made wins oui water?” "Yes." said the represents tjve "Do you think 11 was right foi ; Him to slake wine, oat of ersterl I The author of Iho conrreaotonal if 1 which proscribes the punishments, ate of persona who make wine out of any thing at all asked to be excused frea 1 answering, and was. Thu Rev. Ml ' Kvala was seeking to prove the otha i an atheist. Anyhow, a court has do cidsd that Mr. VolaUad got the nom Hutton for Congress and Rev Mr , Xvale didn’t, notwlthstandiag Un - latter's impnwsion to the contrary.— Greensboro News. (News Observer.) Virrmia d ' railroadi •erring them, I with the re , cent decision n by the j Inter State !• Couwdon granting ina towns a re adjustment of it rates, have i combined their ereee and are pre paring to ask eemmlaoloa to re open the < the first stop in | having the reversed. I The North a Corporation Commission I advised by the 1. C. C-, that step is conleia , plated by the eitlee. and has given amuranee will h# nvrfl Mortal I <a 1- i the Corporation ample opportunity to re-opening! of the metier. I The North raSt Aeeo elatlon, end 1 tie* Cont mim ion ere m r«T preparation to be ready Miff fight from the memeot fi >'petition la made to the L C- the reopening of the ease, and r will be bit terly contented le case la giv en another ha the light will be continued. It is net know* bare apon what grounds ths petrtil* far a re-bee ring will be based. i* it le xnderetcod that the Virginia*gWee abject Mat strongly Is ths northern adjustment that concerns the dfemaat of freight from what le knows as the eastern classification terrflety into Virgiala and Statu sooth. It ie presumed that the railroads are becoming party to the suit because sf, differences with northern railroads*' *r the division of ruveaaaa from IMdji areata original Ing in the north ehf rented aver ass them railroads to Not fc The Nerfolk ben of from gin is Corporation tier stood to I sets and wilt ,al the ■ of the’ Ni lion Is oration of cnmdfrtrial bondage re sultant from the discrimination In freight rates in favor af Virginia cities No particular surprise la aeeariea cd among those concerned by the ac tion of the Virginia cities. It waa tacitly understood when the deriaio: was handed down Iota in May the I he defeated cities to the north would not be content with the removal of the privilege upoa which their com mercial advantage* have been predi CAtcd. Commissioner A_ J. Maxwell laid yesterday afternoon that the commis sion had been adrlaad that steps were being taken to undo what had Veen done, and that the asmmlaelea was prepared to roaiM any efforts made -n that direction. M. A Beaman, sec rctinr of Lkm Trhfflr I MfirUtlnN atlH that hli organisation was prepared to F through the whole fight over again necessary, bat expressed th* belief that the I. C. C. weald be unwilling jto re-open the ease. EUROPEAN WAR ON MC SCALS NOW U FEARED a*hlagtaa OWN rial* Are PaaetmietU Oe#r lltwlba In Pe land Washington, July 21,—Without of ficial Information regarding the 4e ciaion of the allied power* to fnraith ! military aid to Peiand in her struggle | with the belshrrOti. gw am meat «gU icist* refrained today from formal ex pression of ofpinion, but nnnffi* lolly; prefaaavd to Baa in th* naw ritoation most of th* otameou of a European war on a bread scale. Army offices sad officials of th* state department generally were frankly r—Imlstlc ns to the ability of Prance and,Great Britain to pise* armies in Poland in time to chock the Baarian advance before Warsaw falls, and many of them were ihoptical of th* power of either Prance or Great Britain to drrie their weary popula tion* Into the struggle without a seri ous unbalancing of ioaMsClt affairs. Although technically the President Nil) Is endowed with th* specially con ferred war powers, there was no dis position la official circles to aorams that ha would Involve the United States la a war between the bolshe vik! nod th* silica, unless action might be justified by aosne overt act against the army of occupation ou th* lhht*. Report* t* th* (tat* deportment indi cate Increasing Intmn between th* conservative and pro-mdtae! group* In Germany, and R was generally believ ed that unless Urn radical element gained th* ascendency th* chance* of the United State* were alight, al though a suggestion of Ameriaoa co operation from Prune* and Oraat Britain am* regarded aa probable Par the present, R was Indicated at th* state deportment, th* port of th* United States wCI be that of aa inter arted ok»*rvor. Step* already hov* boon token to Wdin from th* wu afCa rack Americas* aa may wish t« leave. Th* Mayflower, the President‘i yacht, has been equipped with an ri crater and rattan (toed throughout. MEANS TELLS WHY HE DELAYED FILING WILL Gives Imnl Kmmm Par Nat Mar la* It Probated When Pint Pawl Chicago, July *1,—Eoaaoaa for not offering far probate an alleged sec ond will af Jana C. King, million aire lumberman, Immediately . after ita discovery ware given today by Oaetaa B. Meaaa in the hearing of the content over the disputed docu ment. Meant, who claim* to harro feund the will in ISIS, ie the chief wiuieee for Nr*. Mery C. Mtlvia, «i* ter of Mr. King’* widow, hi her ef fort to have the will admitted to pro hate. "After I foaad the erilW" *aid Mesas, **I bruts ted about prat anting it for probate far err* mi reasons. One of these was to are if Men King would art get mare money out of the proposed settlement with the North era Trust company, trustee under tea Erst will. “I wished alee to investigate the circumstances of the —-vt-g of the accond will, to make sure teat Its gen uineness could be proved. Meaaa explelaed that la securities which had beau placed by Mrs. Kin* la e truat fend far her mo ther, Mn Anna L. Babin ana, same Into bis possession, in October, ISIS, as security fee fSS.OM be bad ed naeoa co son. uif co emir tne ex petuo* of iarestigatiag tha now wilt • BENSON NEWS * * Miaa Mildred Parrtah went to Pay-] rttorilto Bandar Miaa Loole Smith, af Htglirm <• Batohy ecveral day* her* with re ft. V. Neighbor*, of Xenty. kpont Saturday aad Saaday here. Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Kateliff. af Duke, were ia town Satarday. Ml. Clyde Hocatt rWarned to her to. at Oaraar Saaday after a riait to frieadi here. I Jomt Turltogtoa, ef Wtteoa, lent Baaday haro with hi* .other, Mr*. Elite TarUagtoo. Ml. Maa*y* Johaaon. of Dana. gwd Baaday bora with Ml. Baby Bldar W. M. Moa*#**, at WUeoa.i ir.T- wasST' ** Mr*. Ida WiUiaau rata Thuraday to tor barn* la baring rtottod f rtoad* bare far *■£, ford. ft. F. Moore aad aaa, Fattar, west to Fayvtterttk Baaday to *ae Mr*. Moore, who to to a haepMal thoro re criring l re at. mi t for rhan.itto. Mr. aad Mr*, ft. B. Dixon, meat leit of the we* bare with relativee. Daring the pa* aappral day* there hue bean qaite a lot af rain which our farmer friend* rejoiced to aaa. They ere bow wwaiabal iiaiy fearing too .ark rain arfll fell thereby la ) »fl»g the greering trope. Crop* ef aD kind* are rxoellewi except that tehae ee to not eo goad thee year. The aoria* of acooting* told at the Baptlat ebarch last eel claead Boa day eight. Dr. 8. J. Porter, who did tb* preaching left Monday owning to rpond a day at Whtoerflle, hie birth piece, after which he goer back to Oklahoma City, Okla. While here Dr. Porter preached a aerl. of deep eer eooae which were aenreciated br tha oncnally Urge crowd* attending the services. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE HOT TO ENDORSE AMY CANDIDATE Washington, Ill} ZZ.—The Aaw* Saloon Lm|h of America wiU not caiknruT prooidcatial candidate for election Uii year, bat has ordered a compilation of facts ai to the prohi bition record aad present stand at "sach candidate," and wfll make this rehlic. This announcement was mud* by tha executive conualUcc at the organixation tonight, after an all day MJuioa la which s ope it a tan dents ef ■say ef Ms state braaebus participa ted. A special committee, headed by Dr. t- A. Baker, general superintend ent of the League, eraa aatherised by resoletioo “carefully aad Impartially to obtain the ofEeial records, public utters ness, aad present atUtode ef aaeh candidate for the information of the constituency of the league’’. Dr. Baker when asked whether Ute Ue gno snorted to gesstism directly 8e M»r Hardier, Us* Eruubliean presi dential a sails**, or Oevemoe Cox, **»- Democratk candtdtfM. replied that was a amotion for the oearoatt teo to sen si ifst. The NsssUrt si—shti oaaoaaced SLaA SVa AaL A • Wb# IMfvOi MWVrCTf wwlW tB m * a direct aad certain part la the elec tion ef whirs of Congress. It was added that “thk no tier wfll he neces sary no long as adeeeatee of the Hgu *r trail* coniines their attempt to nalMfy tha eighteenth amendment " SENTENCED TO ME THE DAY HI II M YEABB OLD Newton, July ZZ—Jedge MsElroy, presiding over Catewha Bnporfoi coart this evening sentenced Kettlei HoMaclaw, a young white maa, con vietod at kill lag John W. Oebrisl at Terrell, thk cenaty, last December .to bo elostieeated on degtsmber 24 Caousal for HoHactaw gave aetiee ei anateml Dm ike —-a —. —» aA Jeha Cash, who ha* boon on trio for hie Ufa steoo yesterday aiomlni on the charge at criminal assault, wai aeonkted by the jury thk afternoon The date set for the electreeutloi ef Holts*law k Us Z4tb birthday. • ANCIEM NEWS t *--1—————--—* (Benson Review.) Mist Sue Jones, vf Puquay Springe, it visiting rtleiivce hero **"• W. ban who has hcan confined U her room for several days by ttekatm It eomt better We hop* *» bar oat again naan. _ ?• MIU,r *• tMOm out hit •dock of aatrtkandis* and win woo SEJ^ofoUSi ***** Wi"k>,> Mr*. A. L. Overby spent Wednesday la Goldsboro. *yW Stmhtueua aad Benton Car. *P«»‘ »»nday at Chapel Mill. «y. aad Mrs. Palmer Camay, of Lekeview. spent Thatoday in town with reletivea. ■ Mra. J. W. Elliagten. it spending the week et Paquay Spring*. ., Jo* SfRh. of Beaeoti, L* vleltiag hia daughter. Mrs. R. O. Overby. Mr. aad Mrs. C. A. Gay spent Sun day with Mr. Gay’s patents. Miss Lory Weils, of Boydton, V*., Is speadiag seme time with her sister,, Mr*. F. T Daprne. A. J. Fletcher, ef Raleigh, was tal town Monday. Revival services began at the Moth- , odist church hare last Sunday aad is Iwtag conducted by Rev. Mr. Talar, ef Daks, assisted by Rev. Mr. Denials. | Maser*. F. T. Dupree and O. S. Young went to Raleigh Monday. Mis* Gladys Currie entertained Quito ft number of htr frienia on PVi. day evening ia honor of her go rot. Mia. Iona Daniel. of Bendeisee. Mu sic was furnished during the evening! by Mioses Mary Stephenson. Mabel! Heekaday end Aileen Blaylock, and ECS were played until a late hour. Ice eeuiae was served by litta. ae Both Curia and Ouida Dixoa. 1 MUt Bdna Beasley, af Coats, spent ’ Sunday with her brother. Mr. Zell Bcufef. Willis Morgan la making plana to comaMnce the construction af bis new baagalow on Dana struct. Some well informed farmer wit) ploam advise ua os this paint of law: where one rents land an which fruit trees are Brewing end nothing said about the fruit whan the land Is rent ad, who seta the fruit T D. A. McLeod has moved into his new totek store an the earner af Bread aad UDlarton streets- | - What we aeof in Angier now la1 mars h seise. Every neck aad career af the town is aiessial Why don’t some af the wall to do build mare' haaaaa and M the folks coma to An Mias Annie Lae Kean, af Coots, visiting at the heme after. Zet Sana lay thfa weak. THEM AMD MOW Da you remember the days before we had tolephonae or autemoMas, the djuehafore Iks amh MMhMm suaasd nnla in i»w mAHc build Cp and rb homes tFSH easy TScy'rV net so fur bosh In the dash I ages at that Bcerctly a generation, ia' fact. Do you ramambar tha modernising changes did take place, the cities were tha Ant to benefit. Pint tha tal aphone, which pat oSces and factories bnalaam pieces in goneral and finally private hcmai. into aaay communica tion with each ether. Than electric lights, spreading with the telophone from stores aad public hnildincs to private rmldsncsa Next the autemo blU, beginning with the old “one lun gers” tiant cbsggsrt aloof the struct*; lad s Ualvdrvf- ..rsBucLiklETAOlN . and stalled frequently wad at the mart iacanvaniant places. And last of all tha aMvic, which has grown to its! present proportions from the “nkkU' theatre” beginning While ail af them i things soma first to city people, h Is; gratifying to note that they me new nearly as eoaaman ia the country as I la town. Telephone ItBM were mow quite rapidly. until new practically ivory ferae beam b in an com pi u nlcction with neighbors nnd with the city. A greet Improvement ever the ,J*y* when It wee necessary to bitch up aad drive several miles in order to deliver a short message ar transact soma fimplo borinem. Than si soon at the astomebile had bean proved practical, as won aa there waa a fab chance of expecting it to ran severs’, miles without sitestios and to get along without constant repairs. It wss takas u rapidly by tha farmer, until today there b scarcely a farm with out Its ear aad many with trucks nnd tractors ea welL Electric lights aad tha mwviee wart lata in coming to the country, but their day hat finally arrived. The farm aloe trie plant fins been develop ed to the point arbors H gives com plete electric service light every where and plenty of power for pomp inf, milking, separating, washing, sweeping and other kinds af farm work. And Umm same email plant* have made peeeible movie theaters in every country vtitage. Electricity b the force whisk has placed the country even with the citye enjoyment of every modern conveni ence. SCHOONER TURN* OVER KILLING MANY SAILORS Ban Diego, CaL. July ««.—The Mexican poorer mheemer Jaerie Otrade formerly the' Japanese owned Toni Man,, toned turtle and fouadend recently at sight af MssnUan, Mex ico. with the be* af 4S lives, accord ing to word brought hare today by the motor Mtip. Jeannette X. » THOR. N. TMAXTON R Bsghmev emd Sarveyso b Mi Biter AmeHeee Asm etc b rim of lashnwi R in MR 1 R Puss. — North CaruUaa i , D. H Rood kae boon quiti ■ek far srraral days. CITY POWER PLANT MOST BE RC71T TO MEET DEMAND May NO ACTION IS TAKEN ON RECOMMENDATION? Kindi Wijti Furl Oil ZaiiaM Swii A* An Utod ta In Final—Matter Ta It Ifnih ta All*.tin at rinlw *1 —iirrrn Far law dial* A«tUm. W Ith ila power plant loaded to eau jwitjr and tbv demand growing dally . Uuun • city gveernmant baa ai >•« made no definite movement for Ve inf or improvement. H we. kern..! yrrtorday. Tbi«, too, i« in iptte cf We and urgent ncueati o.' Supeiiatendn t Lawrence Bitaell tiir.i. tomoWing be done to relieve a litou t»oa that long ago bourne acute. Prevent equipment of the pleat baa been in conotnat ate for yea re Th ■■ mala generator and Lngiae bare twin running—with the exception of Uoa tlmeo when the plant war abut down for repair, or became of fool Wort ■ore than four year*. Thom, lilt a’] oUmr equipment of dm plant ta tfc overloaded condition, may ceUease at aay time. Then tha taarn would bn without current of any kind until **T nquipmen* could be installed Bach installation weald requin months. Meantime, consumtr* of current aru compelled to pay aa exurm.-'ty high rate for a service that conditions rrnder vary poor tndoed. Boms months ago tho question of waa brought bo fora tho Board of Commtoatoaera. At that time there waa some talk af smil ing the plant to the Carolina Power Company. This, however, proved to bo nothin* but “talk" although It r. salted In tha deferring at action by thr Booed. At that time the ouperintendent recocamended the purchase of fool •u engines, curb aa are sow In uee at the Uc plant. ftcpreseotativra of a eoncore netling such engines paid the Wpaa— of a trip by membarn of tha Board ta Southport, where similar oaglaaa have haoa giving satiefartoi? service for several yearn. Tha-com* mlaalaaars wax* ptaasad with dm par. fotmaaee of the eaglnaa there, but erex* teeth bo recommend their pnr eheso because sack purchase would noeeaaitate the toasting of additional wmtdyj ^ssfsfi 1* tie intervening months the *K cas.'s^rBiitsfc.'iSwte - dfttri^nUd. Harder and harder hi# btcoit tbm lob a mnklnff the plant h®de* Tan payers of Dunn pay thn nx peue of keeping the plsqt running In Its present uaaatiafartory rtatr. The same tax psye's will have to be ir the burden of rebuilding after the present machinery baa boro junked. The question to: Would they rather bay now and be prepared against the collapse, or wait antil the thing does collapse and be forced to do withe.-sl servieo antil now aqoipmont can he bought and installed? This matter will aooa ho ben to tha nitration of tho Chamber of Commerce. In the meantime eltisena who are interested art asked to in VABtimt# rnnHitiAAb Afl/I vitA iknlr views to that body. IMMENSE CROWD SEES ■URIALOF JAMES RAY Otiaea ml Graham Kill 4 Dwriue TreahU Memday Nipkt IsHsd Yesterday Graham. July tl.—An isomon- • crowd attended the 1 oners! hen to day of Jesses Ray, shut a-.d k.llr-i near the Jail here Tuesday nlph , where troops were protective thre a**ro prisoners held In connect!O.I with aa attack on a whits woman. A coroner** Jory rendered a duel t ion yesterday that Ray came l>> his death by a ballet fired by an anldcrr tlfied member of the Durh-tJ mili tary company. A majority of he wli neaoc* testified that the soldiers fired withe at provocation and that thorn ware ao maakod man about lb .- Jaii. a* stated by members of the w.Jiu eampaay. realise bore ays Inst the aoi dtara Is bitter. Sharif I Story stated today that t the Identity of the peison or perears who fired the shots that killed Ray and wounded Clem Brodahaw and Willie Philllpa la cctabUshwC. they would be proarcated. Ray laovsa a widow and five chil dren. RAILROAD STOCK llbU.U The first stack certificate * to h< iaaod from the office of the Roanoke A Solembanr railroad, wti* l>auid to-day to H. G. Sesoomc. a- .1 V. K. Lamb, who Urn in the Plr. y flr.*c. settlement of 8omp*oe. V. E. Me*. Lamb received stack No. I, end 11 C. 9*seams received stock No. 2. Coat TUphman, 0. 8. Reyal. R. A Herrtnc, W. J. Joses aad J. V. Wilson and othsrs wore In line far the fn c stock, but (has* two prusperou* fnr mur* won the (tot. The Roanoke A Salemborp rdUrood, has new bean de clared by thosr who hare bora *< hard at work to tut It through, s c< - talnty. Thou* snbacribine for stuck before April 1st, can get their certificate l.< rsllinc on Mr. TUphaaaa, *r J. t. W.i sen. who wiB arrange the It **tll< mmt*. C. A Royal at Sol am burp, a) .. wQMaao* stock. ■•Alaska" U aa word mren inp ••treat country."

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