% * ^ ' \ j'"' S3 THE DUNN DISPATCH S3 VO*- 7 DUNN. N. C-, JU» «T, ItM **"* =~a^--=T-=r~ TREASURY INCOME i EXCEEDS EXPENSES DURING PAST YEAR Socratery Houston Issues Statement for Fiscal Year . Ending June 30th FORECASTS FURTHER REDUCTION THIS YEAR ^Operations *f Government Skewed Surpi «• W •2t1.221.S49. With • 1.ISS.164.M2 Being Cat Graee Public Dept I Wee Fi aaaee Cerparatloe Ligaidate A,, tets. Washington, D. C., July 26_Th?' farernment'* income for the fieeeij year ending June 30th needed li? expenses for the firet time in Hire. yearx. Secretary Houston declare! i teday in a sutement in which he *r. a reduction In the grc» rut ile debt and forecast a farther Nm.' partant reduction" for the edming I >| months. While the annual operations of th t • 'urplM o' •ttl.221^649. the more importer! 'Aange, Treasury o«ci*li mid was th.-| e^tiag of |1,186.184,692 from th • •mas public debt during the yrar.Th ' naioaal debt aggregated 124.299,321.-! • 2»ar previously, but’ in' thi obligations of th* nn Uah had mounted u their higher: Mat—88«,4«a,T01.448 on Auru*' du* to th* operations inrident to the handling of maturities uf th: Treasury certificates of iadebtednou. TV» s reduction of $2,297,880,18) from the peak is shown. Cause ef the Surplus Outside of ths transaction* Involv '■* »h* from debt. Treasury receipt, for th* year aggregated |6,8P4.6fl5 . *h“* •ipeatlhurcs totaled $«,. 4N,li|J41. TV# statement revcalct', bawsyer, that tha surplus war du - larMy to a partial liquidation of th: aaaota of the war finance corporat or.. Exclusive of th* special Income from |»“"». th*rs was a deficit of 971,179,022 in th# actual handling of income and expenditures. "Th# operation* incident to th • handling of Cho maturities of Treas ury certifies tea from Jun* 18th to Jmly loth have now been completed,” tba aUUaent amid, and have result#.! | \m further reduction* in both ibj “d the floating debt of 7* United State*. The grot* debt 0:1! 90,. 1920. on the baxis of dail> Tto*ney dtimwnti, ninnt«d to «aw*l»2’3*1,'i6'r ** against 826.484, •“Tf** * *bn« Ho. 1919. and 926.696,701,649 on August Hi, 1910 •*« tha gro#a debt was at rt* peak. 1 ■■ <*h#r word* th# grow debt of Jun*'! •0, 1920, ha* been reduced by 9J 297,299,180 from it* peak of August J 8lq 1919 and by 91.185,184,692 uwm th# Agwr# an Jun# 80. 1919. Or July 20, 1920, on the basis of dally i treasury statement*, the gross deb: • Amounted to 924,264,509,321 xhow-, ing a further reduction of about 93ft.. I 000,000 after taking into account the I 9201,061,600 face amount of ties: ! urr certificates Issued under date o July 18th. The floating debt (InaiJ and tax certificates unmatured) on Juaa SO, 1820, amounted to 12.486, 482.800 as against 46,2«7.878.600 at tha cloaa of the previous fiscal year on June 80, 1819, and $8,988,22.-). OOO OB August 81. 1818 On Jul. 90 1M0, the loan and tax cei-i.fkau, oatataadlng aa one tad to 12.453,048. •p* lowing a further redaction of about 131,000,000 u tho reeult of Ula redemption of loan certificate-. Mart, the close of the fiscal year 1920 la the amount of tome $232,000,000 and tho imue of loan and tax certifi cates dated July 15th In the amount of aorao $101,000,000. “Farther issues of treaxury certifi <ates will be offered ax nerexxary [ frem time to time to provide for the carrest requirement* of the povurn ment and to meet maturitiee. Th. amount* of these (tsaee will depend in large measure upon the extent of the harden* imposed upon the tree* *ry by the Transportation »ct of 1*20 in connection with the retom of the railroad* to private control. In- i eluding particularly the liability un' the guaranty which i* a* yet unascer lainabJe While, aa the reenH of new iasBcs of treasury certificate* In th* interval* between the large income and profits tax Installment* then may be temporary lnereaxe* in both gram debt and floating debt, the treasury expect* though it It Impoxsi W# to speak posttlvely, that both gram debt and floating debt will, dur ! log tho first two quarters of the can rent fiscal year ba reduced below thr flgarc* outstanding on June 30, 1020 and that uni see additional burden. ahoald be imposed by legislation thc-rr w® be aa Important farther rod ac tion In th* lest two quarter* of the flam] vaar ” TWO KILLED AT GRADE CROSSING NEAR WILSON , WUII* Omlak aad HI* 10 Th> OM Daaghtar Killed—'TWm Other# A»* Imvtly Hart Wllaao, July SS.—At Ora***' croer hit, »"• Bill* WMt of 8Unto**burg, * party of aatocaoblllaU waa atruek by Uia angina on the waatboand paanen gor train on th* Norfolk 8outh*rn railroad which waited in th* death of VMb Dnnlela and bit 10 yoar old doubter aad eererthr Injuring Mr* W. W. Tamer, Stephan Daniel* and hi* lr y*ar old aoa. All of th* party nr* from near Rim Oily. Th* daad and Injured war* b rough I ta Uia ally on the train that ran into than aad the In Jared taken to a local bawital. Sahlaawtf, far many yeara held In forced onian to Germany, la now of 8* lolly raunitad with Danmark. King OhriaUaa having *lgn*d the treaty Jnly S. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥4 * 4 44 YOUR tiIRL AND MINE 4 ¥ *- 4 44 By W. CLAUDE BELL 4 44 The rhild of yaaUrday, the 4 44 woman of tomorrow: Are we 4 44 iw nc to it that alt* will be a 4 44 wt.inao of the hinhiwt type or 4 44 me we Imllffi renlly lotting 4 ¥ her drift mto path* that tnay 4 ¥ not he thr bent path* for her 4 ¥ —(>• .him» path.". though 4 ¥ they mny be tor a while? 4 ¥ «hc .»: 4 ¥ Standing with rriartanl 4 ¥ fart, 4 ¥ Whrro the brook and riv*r 4 ¥ meet, 4 ¥ Womanhood and childhood ¥ fleet. 4 ¥ O tihou child of many pray ¥ or*. 4 ¥ Life ha* quickaand*>. life ¥ ha* caret. ¥ Cart and pain com? orui ¥ wart. i ¥ But do hrr day* pa*., in fri ¥ colour aniuMmvnU. o lot 4 ¥ hour* at niirht, in ut' ** . * ¥ *ar«! of lawe om health, < xci 41 ¥ nre and diet? 4 Uo wc train hr m a high ¥ wen*** of honor, or do we on- ¥ ¥ courage her in society lie*. ¥ *or*rty auhterfurrs end emp- A ¥ ty ambitions? ¥ ¥ Will the true spirit of A' ¥ youth in her bf crushed end ¥ ¥ withered, end -h» be blase at ¥ ¥ r»j»h*crn. with not only an ar ¥ ¥ tifir-nl complmion but an ar* ¥ ¥ t;fic 7*1 »Candnrd rtf life? ¥ ¥ How about the dances *he A' ¥ attend*? ¥ ¥ r*o you evrr go to them? ¥ ¥ Do you haro her come home A ¥ ftrm them at a reapectabh- ¥■ ¥ hour. 01 docs *hr *iay out un ¥ ¥ til the we* <ma’ hou»a of I he * ¥ morning? A ¥ D«> you know the lads who ¥ ¥ *r»* dan(in/ with her. and A ¥ tluit the dances are always ¥ ¥ conducted with decorum? ¥ ¥ Do you fathers of the ¥ ¥ young girls watch out for A' ¥ these th:nr. or ilo you lea\*- •*.' ¥ it all to the mother? A ¥■ 1* she not your daughter A ¥ also A*d >• c not both of you A.' A* build-rig so imrnotjtl soul. ¥ ¥ There is the lute of thr Io > ¥ ¥ frequent dmi'h^ f ound *o ¥ do fountains cf the lo g j“ ¥ chaperoned i jvomrhi*?* '<*. . ¥ of the iridi. i m. iaU attend* A ¥ unce at Ih m *»e*. ¥ ¥ There ia the laek of rever- A ¥ ence for the ci.arcfc and reli- A ¥ gioua thing*, . nd a growing A ¥ tendency to *. eat the advice ¥ ¥ of elder* a* old faahioued ¥ ¥ narrowness. ¥ ¥ Ij your girl safe? A ¥ Is my girl *afe? ¥ ¥ Ait you doing all In your A' : V AnJ am I? • * * ********* A THKEA1EN IO HANG NEGRO IN WILSON, IT IS ALLEGED trtctna of Wrath of Fhi Admits tka Stealing of Smh of Tkair WMtlray Wilson, July SS.—On Monday night doting a storm in Spring Hill township ne.ir Buckhom Church, five young white men—and hcothns—R T. Julius, Sam. Dudley and Bernier 'Joyette, and a negto. Harvey Hinant, ttisslted Arthur Hlnnsnt, and' woulr have burped him from a bridge bar it not been for one of the Boyettes it is alleged. The mistreated irngeo who has beet under med'ea) t’-estment sver sine' the near-fatal tragedy, was in Wilson Saturday and was in a pitahle condi lion. When questioned us to the or cur rente, he said: “A bunch of negro man ami myacl. leamatl that the Boyettes had a qoan tity of whiskey stored in an outhouae Wr stole several gallons of it, and made a bargain to not tell on eacl ulhvr. Someone squealed and oc ■'used me of taking a!' of the boost The Boyettes met m.r on the road, and .it the pnint of a pistol made me pn on a car with them. They took m in a dense wood*. One nf them struck me over the head with the butt of hi min, and someone cut me on the barl of the neck, acrr.ee my left wrist, am choked me nearly to death. When 1 repair,ed consciousness they threaten ed to kill me if 1 refused to pay them )8o and k •va then bock on* gallon o! the whiskey. I told them that If the; would take tnc home I would send my wife cE to borrow the money. They did this, and I amt my wife to get thi money, but they got Impatient and forced me to get on the car with then again. As the car rolled along the; made a plot to hang me from n bridge in the neighborhood, and I brlicvi "hey would have carried out their pu: iwrn nnu it iiui iiixn Mir. oprnice Throe of th* brother! aro undo bond* of $1,000 each for their ap H'jiii.oce before Magistral* J. R (lardy neat Saturday aftemooq at o'clock. The other* hare not yet boei iipp.«h<-r.ded LAST BULWARKS OF CONSERVATISM IN EUROPE DISAPPEAI Rome. July 24 —One by bn* Uii lag* bulwark* of comerratiam in Ku rope disappear. The Vatican whiel praaerrea In It* Ilf* and reroaaonfal so many picture*)** custom* and an elenl wny* bf doing thing* for a Ion) time sternly forbade tho urn of auto mobiles by cardinals and other occl* ciaatical. Funeral looking carriage drawn by black horse* conveyed th cardinal* to and from th* function •t St. Peter** oc to their vlaRa to th Pontiff In th* Vatican palace. Not several of th* cardinal*. Including th Kngllfh Cardinal (latquet, have me tor car* which convey them ever) where American animal* and bird* arc b« ing sent to th* London too. Door, »♦ lion*, praM* dog*, beaver, porcupln and oppoeuvns and two hundred >p> cl** of bird* h*v* b«en preuented b the Zoological Bociaty of N*w Y*rl A i’JJET SlCTuiGE mss rgca ms GtwR'jt bKANIlAM For Worker For Cium Ask* Representative to Fi^ht Ratification | Plndmjf that women are “intoler aid, radical, revolutionary and more ctrrup- politics than man," Miaa Aon?-.* Beck,"i>nc<- one of the leaden of the ain'Crayc movement in Califor nia. has joined the forr-oa at work 'to driest .hr tiui-on II. Anthony ’ amrnainonl to thr Pederai- eonatita it'Or. 'Vr'.'niP ifrom T--»n Antralaa m I<» o.Si K. <’* snthiBR, m« mi>or of tho •• fiom Mnm«U ('ounly, she I ?* ’• “I -.rax u u of the* prominent work ’ cr» nl'b hvl.wil bring suffrage in Cal iforn.a and i i egret )l “A y ir m politic* Uught m* that women me intolerant, radical, revo lutionary, ond more corrupt in poli tics if.an men, also, that all their so called refo rm irnil lo the Socialist Co-operative ^ornisonwealth “Since julT.n^e there has been an alarming InenuM in immorality, dl voice and murder in C alifornia. 4*Wom*n Miffngc has made cow urd* and poppet;- of men. It has coa. sfned and cheapened women. Wore the men to vote on suffrage in Cali fornia today, it would not carry. “Stiff: agist* ackf d suffrage that jh^y might "put c.iiy good men in ©f Now ih*y clamor for a fifty nfty shoiv for all offices. '.‘I •‘ball do i*cnance forever for the pa/t I played in bringing suffrage in Cottfo. nia. • urge you. colleagues not to .‘do wimt V'.ll br.ng ..‘*grrt nod disaster | bill to stand for thsi ninety per cent Ici women who do aot want suffrage. 1 ut i?hO o *• g*ari to 11 ust all politic j a.^d yocvrnmcu.al affairs to then ]• v.d haiiund , fathers, sons and bro then “ •*« i!r South suffrage would L * nr more than calamity.*4 GIVE L-AM1LE0F mhlfetrE BENEFIT Frwch Civil Administration Brine* Pence and Ordar lu Franca AdiinupU, July <0—Tho French admin Inration, accompanied by s. aaafl army ol occupation, to West, cm Thrace la he’ng pointed to here MEET—lBrTW-W»4»n»nm ■ nn> u ..e would uccomp1 *h under th • L. juue of Natlona ’Inc Frci..h c vil n’m.rii.trat'on’bt re.i it. work in th. Juu.r mh .0 l..» ..uvrmbi r, ami intu a country full of wa.ung bands of various nationality it baa brought peace and order, per mitted the planting of crops, and t h normal' pre-war U* of the country to be pursued When the French took over tbc country every man's hand was raised against the other. Alarmists rumorr about tile antes! «.f the Dritish and Greek, Ruigar and Turkish troops were circulated frequently. The Firneh tuck over the Bulgarian rd ministration, ar.d for the most part the Bolyai i;..i civilian employee*, t-ko.-n the y,trtli frund efficient In ordc to .ntui* th* hone-sty of theis offlc.aiu, the F.cjeh have haopt cd th- *)..l*ra in many loealitica, whe.v the O.ccks art' in majority of putting alongside of a Greek chief official, a Bulgarian secretary and vic« vcmr in localities where the Tu; g-i or tbc Greek* arc in majority. Th* French hava in all, including labulary, not more than 6*0 of own chief administrators. These generally officers detailed from the army who havo had experience is th* French colonies. Thus with the skeleton Fn-nch staff, the French have bn * able tc obtain a reasonable efficiency. When the French came they hud' J.6'jf..ufin f'anrs put at their disposal bjr ll:*;- government for administra tive i1 xpen.*c.* but vo far thry hava nut -pent one tisne of this mini. They im ri.'ihotily l>7‘~d indirect taxes and ■ fo: .hr pvr oc! they have been in th* r >ui,t>y th-vv nave been practicall douhlc tho oxp'psr* uf the civil ad mnui ration. Public order has been so aaeilc msintained that in this district of r’*iagnleh only three French gen darmes, each with 12 local men under him, were required. According to the French, the ea • try would do reemonably prosnrron In view of it* fertile soil, if order were maintained and the various na tionalities wore prevented from light in* l-YNCH MAN FOR MURDER OF HIS WIFE AND CHILD FnyrttaviUe. W. Vo., July IS_ Vint. Bonci'tt, Jr., of Fayetteville, aetving a life sentence here for tbe murder of hi* wife and unborn child, I wax taken from the Jail eariy today by a mob and lynched. The je'lcr bad previoaaly been * eummonrd to the sheriff's office by i telephone and when he arrived he wan confronted by the mob, who de mand'd bit key». He waa tbva kopt ■ Under clear guard while'the Jail waa •termed a"d Rennet* taken out. Ben n'-tl's raptors occupying twenty auto ' mnbiiat, rod* to the old eountv poor ; faint, where they bartered him from a * beam ntrytehed hetwaon tho forita of v three white oak trvaa Bnnratt pleaded ruilty to the mur " dar or h'l wife July 24, and wa* aerv - tearrd to life imprisonment. Uoyd George dors not Mho Amort aan Critiei*m -“If the Americans * were here with a* things might bo an » tiroly different. Bur tkoy have left t u». they o-v oat of It They are not - e -ng uv any haln at all now to ao|y« y those problem* If thoy wore, they l. srouM hove some right to talk," GOV. COX WORK ON FOR Democratic Considerable A, UNABLE TO HI5 SE< Saya HI* Tell tU Stacy r** Say* Dam a era tla Waat Ara G*ad, Vi alter a. Dayton. Ohio. Cax laid) coraid, day on his mid ram capita* the Damoi nomination. Tha however, that ha out hi* plan for . hi* library to work between several date pot in rots a Inp hi* uddroau. The address the or said wi” be “Just lonsr i tall the rtory.» bat be it. smbryonlr staff* ha could definite pro dictions as to _ is to sand it in insUllmaats aa are com pletcd to his new oflea here for completion ">d ha promise to DM th« Mm _H wiJLmmrn mlaa* on proof* to eltmi . ruary word. Between shift* Ires* th* rowrrnor today eai I with Judge J. G. Johnson, ef coart. who mad* t »c**eh at the San Mob. It wa* their tkc conoonMaa at thanked th* jadg* outcome of hi* «ff< WmI U Par •Tho Western pi teem to real, is* that Governor <_ eac of them in their ideal and aa,” *ald lodge Johnson, _J the west en route lo his t Bprtaefteid "They heiiev* Gt- Cox U for tht People. They refer i as 'Jlauev.' like Tkeodore „ was called Teddy.' It iadfc reeling of pa: mnal Interest ai d. a* I heUerr Cox is th* Brat "al candidal «inc« ■Teddy' e.»T j. ho Ing popnlxriy - Uy need." Another caller _ Governor' was Oscar E. of Xenia. 0 of th* Ohio am — aad a direct or of tho Federal i Berma as IS EAST* Etopic of Ms ehitf arano**w#h* the inter, who aho had • social cal today from Joha D. fprocktoo, Jr., ot California. Senator Pemeraac Ohio member ot tho Senate commit, too invastfeating campaign expend i turo*. b to see the Governor tenor row regarding con tin oaace af th* in quiry daring the campaign. TAR £□. REVENUE MORE THAN ANY OF SOUTHERN ST ATES Internal Rtetant Tarns Exceed Nearest Southern Stela Bv Sixty-Six Million. FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE SO Nerth Carotin. Ferwerdad UNJ**, 007.77 T. Piiml Treeaary Due >■« Fart Yeari Total af FW. -BU •Wn* CetUeOed Largeel lima Tha (warn Waa SotehfiUbod. By *. E. Powell in Hnn A Ofcaarvrr. Washington, Jnly M._Of tha more than lire billion doOan tn internal ravcnue taxes collected and deposited during the flmal year tiding Juno .10 left. North CaroHaa forwarded to tha Federal treatary »1M40«.007,77 noariy aixty-ate million dollar* more th*n any other Southern State. The department aaya thie repre «enU the greeted annual tax eoUae line* tha ravoaaa bureau w» tetabnrhad In lid*. Tha eeat of eol laetion win appro xl mala fifty-fire **■£» t*r every |1M collected. The Income and warn profit, tax netted tha traaaurx »3.M4,4*4,7S7 <1 and from miaeallanooea taxaa II. 4fiS.78P.l3fi.fiT waa racalvud. Boopot tlrely. North Carotin* faralthad 144,. 038,337.46, and fl34.173.fit0.31 af the grand total. Taxaa, with eollaetlona .light h above 10* million, I* tha only South wm State that approach.. North Car oilnx The aaeond New York diatrict which include, the eld third New York diatrict. U tha anlv New York dlrtriet ahead af North Carolina The Chicago, IW.Ua, Detroit, Clavotand, miadvlphia and PHtaburgh diatrict* are tha only ana. In the eeuntry that w norm traronna Ban. <■«*■»» State* Tm*U Tha cemblaad total collections la tba Southern States, as reported, art: Arkaaaaa.$ lf,l**AT7.SO Alabama. SS.MSJM.M Florida .. .. IS.SSdASS.SO o*«»ik - *. it.ui.ni.u **«l*ky.4T.TS8.OtlS* Iyialjlon* . SO.SS4.SSS.SO Maryland (Inaladlaar Dataware aad D.C. 1M.TSMST4S Sooth Carolina. tS.SM.Ul.tt Ta*aa.lOS.no4AM.SO vIJPV diatetate) 7M1SA4S.S7 Of laara than »a*a4a« later«at In connection with tha report fast talaaa ed by tha dapartaisat la a atataaaaat Ijtea tha GaripCraOar ad tha Oarraaay thorn** that there la a depeoH *r. count fa North CamDna far eaa la rrary tea paraaar la tha State. This applies ta Motional haahr only and Barr aet Innhida State liialUallaaa Chicago KANorrs err m.—, SHOOTING TWO Two bum 7ipinHn IW, Oh «Hdf Tw. Chicago, ieiy SO—Two bandits and two express company paymaster* war* ahot, oac ol Lh« latter probably fatally, aad 1*6,000 atoloa la two i daring payrall robber!— os tW Wcet 1 this afternoon All of th# bandits rj ] SMa within *• minatea of smth other | —pad. Kartler ia the day, two young men 1 who have been bolding ap branch— of , a chain grocery ayrtam parpotratad | thalr 16th robbery within a month I escaping with $760. 1 rf-baadHa H a tocrlag ear fought j with throe sapTeas company m—ern gam la front of the Hart, fhaffae. 1 and Marx Clothing factory, ia tk< , heart of the densely populated Weal “•da, aad eaaaaod with a st—1 box containing $10,000 after two of that . Mar* than 90 ahoti war* otuni A the flgbt, while 200 pedate nana tnd employe, of the factory looked m. George Ua ah reck one of the e> j»e*ea ntyratm, wae teat teraogh *• head end i. not expected to lira Another meaeeager. Chariea Goada. waa wouaded ia tha lag After Haubroek fail one of the rob **• b**' w«a teal Jowa be Goad*. A eecend bandit matched ap the moeep and threw it Ate the ear, bat was teat before hi scold fallow and eollapaad acroae th« naming board. Hla aoaapanlona drag rad tha ether wounded man into the “I M dateed off with one AJ<“jd man eliaglag to tha ruantnp A motorcycle policeman gore cheat Mt laat the trail after aararal Mack* Shortly after th* flnt holdup, throe irmod man drove ap te the Petereo, Machine worka, almoat at the adgo o 1 the loop diatrkt. and took *16.001 hwm Abo Malaan, a mleaalreepai, •ho I* f atoahheUer to tec cancans < Netcom hod Joot ranched the plan; with money, white ha had drama from. 1 downtown bank. The men eacaped MR. COX TO MAKE : NO COMPROMISE j ^••’1 Par a Cnmt lxwnmd Ori- \ «haJ Bill WW. Ocean* Arrnot 0. 8am Cost,-aerate by a Bn- I leigb ynHiaman an a Tawn.aaaa ca- . fd— la dodarad U bare bean one at j Mated on a North Cerofiae' cJumrT I made tha fellawiag aUtamect In pea- , tardap‘1 New* and Obaarvar: **1 waa veep mate diaaapoiated Umt rot of tha iaf.rmcttenKrniahed yo* pcoterday tha point Intended to ba developed waa entirely mlaetag from , poor abort artirla In today'. paper, ■ referring to my roc rat arroat on a ca- i piaa laming from coart la NaahvUle. ] Teaa. . "Wham new* of mp arrant ranched . NaahvUle a friend of ariae went to , u»* muon involved *ad offend oa his , own hank to pay them tha amount af i the check which tha hank had refused to pay oa account of altered iaaeAcI oncy of fund* to my credit, aad waa , .nfoimad hy tho tailor's attorney that many waa ail they wot* after, and If I would pay tho principal sea of M».00 aad shout forty deftera, he would have tho proceedtaga fliailmil , Re acquainted me with thatr state ment, which varified la ovary detail tho position taken by my attorneys— that it waa merviy an affort af th. tailors to collect a civil obligation hy criminal proceeding*—aad I than tm mad lately wired him to pay them nothing, aad that I would pay thorn nothing unto tho criminal proceeding was fully exhausted, and then 1 would pay oaty the original amount of |tl Aad then la when 1 stand today. 1 ehall Brake no compromise whatever n tha case aad will not consider the payment af a dollar except the aaaaunt which for very many month* 1 .thought bad boon paid, and during which time my bank statement show, that there was sever a balance of lorn than 1*4.00, aad at one parted of four or five day* K stood at mors than 11,000. It simply appear* that the chock waa presented on one of rho 9*4.00 days instead of -at a time whoa tho balance waa larger, and I therefore flatly decline to pay a pen alty for tho anwarrantod acta of tha complainant. I win thank you to give publicity to this statement. Hr. Cox aim made public the fol lowing Utter from Judge Oliver H. AlUn. who with Mr. A. D. Ward, of Mow Bom, wrote the Coventor la his behalf i "Doar Bam: ‘Thinking that tho amt .tor of pear arrant might came before tha Goreraor apaa a roqsieitioa pro ceeding, Mr. A. D. Ward aad myself wrote tho Governor a Utter stating Hr. "I mb dad to Na ’that you warn Promptly diorharyod I know you «haa a aaull eooatry hay rolny to uahaal, asd bora known you arur nine* and know mar father and at tbar. mad want to acfeaoi wfth your broth* ru (now daad) and atatora and I aam know batter paapla. ”1 bated to tka Got amor that you war* ooaaacad artth tka boat yaayta la DapMa, Way*a mad ■aaiyaaa. MI eaaaldar tka way la whlrh yon kara baaa traatad aa a mat aatraga. It I* aat tka ftrat daaa I bar* knows cltlaaaa af this State raakad to prtesa and aat af tba State by laaaaapatont paltea aatkarltla*. I wteh you wad. “O. H. ALAJCM." Prohibition tor Maatea la bate* eanaldMad by Praaldaat Haorta "fas tka ragana ration af Indiana and half, kraad* who aaaaaua mat anantltte* !*f aloohal," It way b* mmllil that tka teat Mg tetpata* whteh praHhHlaa widnd la tba United Steta* waa that ftoao by Sautbarnata who dual rad to ■tap fla fraai tba aagra, JOHNSON OPENS FIGHT TO ESCAPE SENTENCE *t««*Mr* for Negro PngMUt Make HoNoo Per ArntXiau Of EMI Chicago, Jely li- Lk Johnera, heavyweight champion, began ‘ ***>l ®**t today to earape earring ' aentanca for violation •** ,wh«» l* attorney, kvfore Judge Aiachulvr of ha Clrcait Co art of Appeal* and Mdo a motion that hail be accepted or Ua roioaao ponding appeal for « mw trial. Johneoa. who ku bom a fngitiv. or oight year*, was not In coart a* >* waa la jail at Joliet, III, pending h« outcome af kia fight to obtain •all. Ha w*a taken off the train at 'oUet yaatarday after 1.800 negro* «d rathe rod at the Nation hare to 7rie?Tif* domonatration. . ;»f«o Alachuler learned that '•darml Judge Carpenter wa* In tha tty he refnaad to hoar the motioe •dgo Carpenter Hoard the motion f* nil before Johiuon fled for Euro* • eaaya v^arpemcr la recover *« fro» * minor omhUn ml hlr •pc, and effort* will be mad* br ft’antton**”1*** to k“T* W* War ouatry. hi* attorney* aaU today »i yy.f™**** *• f»*i*h bond ay to C.OOv to briny ahoat Job naan'■ re. ML Johoaan’a attorney* want to the ®“« •* dy* Carpenter, where they mntod the Strict w*. tea ill to baa i It *®<»n Carpenter imtima %th« motion co«M not bare hia at rtRon for at Ua*t thirty day*. The attorn pa then reappeared ba re* indy* Alack alar, who declined to 'b mtjr retion, eayioy he felt that k* earn ihonld recede* the attention f i«dy* Carpenter. tvunrnuDTuufo IN AIEP1AME ACCIDENT redr. Air Paeeenyet at AehcaHle, •aeama PriyUfnad Trwe T. Central' ad both ley* and ene arm brake* rha* to* aaryyha* fa which they Lahaeilte aibl 46 o’etoZk Z2? -ZZZ th*"#*7"*f-th#"cif*e# Lr*L If* ___) effort* »toeeen Me held and tor • batoht if IH fact \m the com me r by Scott DnHay eefni fUyhto had the aurntny. The ‘L '2* TV Vk*" U **“ MiMiM hospital rho lajarleswete to hU limbo No nternal iujnrtea wm raftnd ui it i lyth. attending physician* tot to win recover. Prady wm dead •too thorn wltiisoring ths flight «ehto hi, rids. His body am. to aovad to aa ondsrtoklng parlor and a tor was token to his homo. According to thoao who were first • reach his ride his two toads were deaetod tight about the control stick, •hitts flrst words wore “to froae « my stick and I triad to knock him ooao tot couldn't. The plane- was toa thrown into a min bnreota hi* trip was more powerful than mine." The machine was aa old Otsrtia J. *■ v- •Rh on O. 1L-6 motor geaerat ng 80 ho me power. It was recently larehaeed by Dillingham and bremght wra on July 17 from Rome, Ga. It tad toon in flight over Asheville rv Hffiday since ttot time, aad had car .d aboot 5* passengers. CHICAGO NEGROES TURN OUT POR «LI*L ARTHUR r**Theonal Gather at StaSioo To Wsteams Jaek Jatosao Mama, Rat Thar FaU to Rao Him Chicago, July IS.—Two thousand negro m path end at the depot today to weleome Jack Johnaon back to Chi cago after a vohintry exile of eight yaora. a fmgHiy* from lactic* in for-! »to» lnada, tot ~U1 Arthur,’* idol *f Uo Booth Bide, faltod to gmir. Federal officials removed Johnson from Urn train at Jetot, and hurried him to the jail there when they lmm IhmL* ***• •* ***• wd«*"‘** throng Wtoa the train rcuetod Chicago the waitlmt aegrom termed the gate* la aa effect to me the ex-champion heavyweight of the world. Felice ** servea from two precinct* wore forc ed to toot the crowd hook with club* to door a pa mage far LociUo Cemor »a Johnaon. white wife of the form.T pari list, who appeared Treating a kvl^e — -* tot m Wt- _an._j elating a Mrs tea a keirieae dag to her bosom. Paha—la loaded tba woman aad bar eight a* raaaa lata a brae* af taxicabs aad aaalatad bar eat of tba erewd. No off art wai made today ta *b tala bail for iobaaoa aad jaraapacti tonight ware that ba weald raowtia In tba Joliet Jan eetil arralgaad U caari. ROOSKVKLT HANDS RRSICNATtON TO PRKSIOKNT WILSON Waatimgtoa. July 14—Franklin D. Raoarrok, Dmaaaratf* etawgraai dantial tandldata. today, formally praaaatad ta Prakdaat Wiiaoa kta re ataMtloa aa aaiMoat aeerataiy af tba nary, k la ta taka afoot an Aa nfi S, tba day aa wklab Mr. Baaaa *ek wfll ba formally notified of hta aoaUiutioa at bU borne at Byda Park, Lady Attar, M. P., ta dm a ataa datoaa arwmayai ettaak aa bar, amda a twaptNa dkftitari ta bar riiaakk aoaaUaaata ad all tba elr.xmkaaaan af bar dhraraa la ISIS. CHILDREN INJURED WHEN CARS SMASH AT ELUS AVENUE Two Cbiklraa mmd Lit. “• Wufchw CM Am Hart VENERABLE BAGGETT BIAMEP FOR ACCIDENT T.hpt—«.IW^|4 lm By tea ftaaaiag ktri Aad Battered Feedvr. Thraa children were fajarad, * tvt SSf* p«^« ikaatoad down, a tree had(r wmd aad two —•—iifrll i lariouily battered when the twa m» «Jf co,U4cd Broad Street ai d KlUa Avenue today at noon. None of tho child ran la aartaeaty la istnsra.-'^V *ZS?* s—-“ Martha WadAan, bt-aiaad aha at toanSdar. a»d heed/’ Wv BMa^t. braioad wheat tho AD of the chUdrea live ia f flrtTf W» Ctrl ia a death tar ad (fra. Wash torn who eoadacts the hotel la L3 rarlon. i'SSswSsS Be it blaaaad by m ntlnum aad part Parrish, driver ad tho other car. For the accident Ha awe a mala I this •ftoraooo hy Chief Ittna aa a sharps rf tosadiot. bat was adtaitted to baO aarhtoMpaaiaaea In Jadpa Godwin's wart Thanday smibIm drrx^tsffirsjs: « wa* covins alone Ellis Avaaao at tow afeht ala boar pdSri£ » torn late Broad whto ho at he other ear Be vada a_ l?ha dto as y^vM - lose Us bead aad laft. striVint Ua ear toU-ntofaraaad^tha baa. Ha fraat*aad wwa tot It was aMa to atoti tower after it was NiilA m* A «_ Mi lAjary bywl tha-Jit at [mvxxsSIZu. fc.’v&Sr.&ft&s! ss "» bennd far a brief *UL TEN STATES HAVE NOT KEPT PACE IM CENSUS TW *Uy U«OMirlhMte|nni la Main* -IS5p iXEnfCiS: from <>■ to at hut S00 to snot tha ‘ncteaaed nnUImi shown to tha IMO cn.M, 10 atotas will toZ otto br Kara raprsaaatattraa, aeootoUw to sasr^rrL which will frcmc the ccw ZHum. o?nt bill. Those atotae era: Indiana, lawn and Mi—-1. which will loan two rmaTi—nm aaafc: and i which will laaa one ~ r narnnaan tub. Mr. Siacal explains that If tha bane. Bunbndblp U retained at tta in nal Scare it will be neeoury to hiiriiaa Sresy^ciirsps wajor portion thereof now fixed. If Ui» *• <m. bo anya, tho IS atatoa naBod Will Ian ono or aaara at the "hwat diatrieta bees nee their pepn m*ii IlN net hm aaaal In propae l<oa of thoae at other atatoa. On the baals of the oathnatod papa tatfon at 10«,0M,O»t for the whole coon try in lttt, an Increase of an proatmetefy 14,000.000 to is Mr. Masai aays M or M sow aunts to the hotaaa Boot ha or anted if the IS atatoa art to retain thrlr nraoant an ■aortoal representation. Wh'to preeed ant warraaB tha tocranaa. Mr. Stosal dadatto there to atroas epeodttom to H on tha part of aoana of the t> resent rapnaeaUtion, while othrta favor re dnetino to al low aa 800 members. . Mr. SimH expects tha work at ftwMft tha oypartianaont MS to an* Cira with tkp AMS ■ on 111-*1-In kn. fin With tha racoaraator- of Coapraaa to Daeaabar and ha aoUctoataa that tto nanae-t ** P***” "“to to Cvarr dacada tinea 17*0. with tha •topic axrapUon of 1U0, tha hoaaa aantbanhlp ha* baan anlarpad to heap KjRAcrtwoaa aN m mb ton ara pratt at; naota aaariy «ll tha chaaabar; the old indtaWaJl daaha toae baan dlaoordad and aa In awaaa to ttaatortfcp probably wffi boaa to ha talTad by narrow** tha width of tha Mat*. Taa ran apt> tha hoata-*~t *to waa iaeraatad fren J*l to «M pr»togn *f tl, #72,1M aad th* only letaptlan to ” ai praaadara aacmrrad to lit# »* to toa appaitionaMat, tha »aa tonhip batoTfead at MI after bar lactaae l«f far Id yam • Tha toft aypartteaneat heat Intact tha nataatienl atrtnpth ada* Mato ' daitonUona bnldtod^lnt to- tor Wthmaan, bet eaea than anaan) tonaraaaianal diatrtato tafl .hart of ^totaantow toato «f diMMft p^ . thitop an tha new an Mt Malar, w-jw-ja i

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