♦LOCAL* * ******* Mm. R. O. I*iimroar it in Asheville* to spend a few duya. Mrs. Robert Surleg |r Visiting rela tive* in Portsmouth. Graham Olive and Vhomar Hood apant Wednesday in Kolelgh. Sheriff W H. Turlington wee here Thursday lo attend Recorder! Court. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Polk spent Sunday in l.illinjtton and Fayetteville. Ander William* of Autryville, was a businoas visitor in Uunn Thursday. Mra. G. L>. Craig has boon vny ■ick at her1 home here for several days. Mr. and Mra. William Jackson Have returned from a short visit to Kuquay Springs. Ellison Coddaid was a! Mantao this week to attend the Teat sail-Wiatcott wrdding. Mist Ethel Lucaa loft Saturday for Faieun where she will visit relatives and friends. Rev. J. M Daniel retamed Wed nesday night from Wilmington and Carolina Beach. Rav. Eugene I. Oliva has returned from Wilmington Beach where he spent several Hays. Miss Grace Cruekett Is s|irndlng two weeks ns the guest of Mlsa Gladys rouahee at Jonesboro. Miss Blanche Thornton of Mulliua. S. C. ia her* this w*rk th* guest of Miss Florence Coopar Mra. Foy Pillmsn hn« retumi'd home after a shun visit Ui her abler, who has been quite sick. Mrs. N. A. Townsend and mother. Mrs. J. J. Wade, have returned from a viait to Wnghtsvillo Beach. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Weeks have returned from a Severn) days viait '|> Wilmington and Wrfghtrvillc Bench. Cant and Mra. I. M. Ream and daughter, Mi** Julia Howard, are spending the week In Kinston with relatives. Mias Margaret Wade left Sunday for Richmond Va., where she will *P< nd wcornl day* with her aisle i. Mra James Hampton Chester Woodall, of Charlotte. is here tv visit George Grantham. Jr. Born —to Mr. and Mra Marion Baggett, a girl. Mra. J. R. Collins, her daughter, Mian Mandc. and hor sun llubart, oT Charleston, are here to visit Mr. and Mra. X M. PeariaJL Mines Iioiolhy and Annie Elisa beth Lee and Benson, are visiting Miaa Meta Harper at her home on 8outh Wilson Avenue. M iss Corrinnn Jackson has returned from Manteo, where 'Hr attend'd the marriage at her step-brother, David Pearsall, Widnesday evening. Miaa Jessie Phillips roturnud Wed nesday to her home In Graham after having spent fevers! days hoiv as a guest of Mum Helen Parker. Mias Ida Mae Pittman and Miaa Martha Taylor left Wednesday night for Cumberland Maryland, where they will visit Mias Elsie Oglebay. Rev. A. B. Harrsll. of Petersburg, Va. la spending the week here with Mra. Harrall, who la visiting her pa MUs Gertrude Marsh and Mim Holland of Fayetteville, who have been the events of Min Elisabeth Thompson, have returned home. Miss Anna Barnard Benson of Monruu, after spending scvcial days here the guest of Uus Rachael Clif ford, returned Friday to her home in Monioe. Mm Annie Parker, a member of the gTadcd school faculty lau year, after spending a weok hare as the ruest of Miaa Julia Howard Ream* r a turned home Saturday. Dr. Paul A. Slwran continue* ill at hts home in Greensboro. Ilia of fice here has b«~>n closed for several week* and it will probably b«? several days yet hdforc Dr. Stewart is able to return to Dunn. Mias Flora MrQacen, »lstrr lu Rev. Angus R. McQueen of the PrvsbyLc rian Church here, has boon selected to direct community work in Wake County. She win a tea me her new dntlvs September 1. Mr. aud Mra. V. E. Williams uia off on a two-weeks motor trip through thn western part of the State. While away they .will viait Asheville, Ut. Gilead, Charlotte and other place* or interest. Mr. and Mr*. David Pearsall ar rived this morning from the North. They were matried at Manteo, the bride's home, last Wednesday night. Mrs. Pearsall was Miss Lena Wrgt cott, who taught in the schools here last yaar. Mr. and Mia. K. A. Stewart of Lil lington, have returned from a two weeks trip to Niagra Falls, Montreal, Quebec and New York City, and are spending a few days In the city with Mrs- Stewart's paiente, Mr. and Mr* J. C. Crockett. Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris of Hen derson, district agent of the St at* Home Demonstration work, who makes he* headquarters at Header !*•'>, snent yettr.-day in Harnett coun ty. bhe was In Dunn in the after noon, Inspected the fair grounds and made arrangements for tha display of the home demonstration depart ment this year. Picsident Henry A. Tuillngtoi and Bee ret* .y T. L. Riddle, of th« Harnett County Agricultural Fair A» sociation, attended a meeting of mem bers of the Carolina Association o1 Fairs held in Wilson this week. Is this meeting arrangements were mad I for racing at the Dunn and ethci fair* In the circuit thie year. It wai stated that there will be a reeort number of horses in the circuit Mia* Fannie Breaks, who servo* Harnett the past yaar ** Home Dem onstration sgsat, has given op hei work and has bam succeeded by Min Marion Bwatn of Miami, Fla. Min Brooks has done ore*llent work an< resigned on accoenl of her health on the advice of her physician. 8h< hat returned to .her horn* la Jones boro. Mia* Swsin, her successor has bad experience In this line o work in her native Slate and coma to the county highly recommended Bhe already, has takca up her dstie end I* making a trip through tlx county this week. Jflio was In Dum yesterday. The Non-partlran League lost 12 000 votes la the reevnt North Dako ta election*. There is talk of Town ley, the Non-partisan loader, Hakim up with the Socialists. *or muxinf u** of hr old stall o.i th* farm where Daniel Webeiei war bom. the caretaker waa ril«mla*d. Coke reached the price of I18.&H in Pennsylvania. The Panama Canal ha* Jut paaard Uirourtfi tta drlcat season, the water In the reserve Catun reservoir bring Ju»t rofBciaut to maintain a naviga ble depth. I ... irmtmoi ;amtly reunion On lh« morning of the 26th of July Ihr children and grand-ch'Mxca of T. R Williams, Bampoon County, mat at the homt of his eldest eon, T. M. Williams of Angisr, to celebrate hi* icventieth birthday. About cloven o’clock children aad rrand-children began to arrivt, bring Ir« i.-ark»> ' Ird.n >' th Rood ih'rc- to Promiitly ut 14 u't-i-x'; .. X t- ' .’» • In tho dining room war in tctUuKU to food the hungry children. Rev. R 1'. Taylor, pMlor of M. E. Church at Angior, war praernt and offered a short prayer. After which a few brief remark* were made by Father st-if' r.!,n !. i f. »;• * . •* •• i. • ^ W. •••... ... is ■„ - r .. i „\i . .. ! .v.. .... afternoon w» h Ubvu u • vtol-n (nude. Th.-r# nr* of ttil* f mil/ »'»on‘tr rhldmi, *3 of nr’.ioai an- Ur.'i^. A • -vt’-ib ••a:*. ' l(j*imlchI!drni •• wt .1 ’Jis, mat deal * •'!» '♦Iwr .hi ‘i •' *' I. ».** We cepaxated wlahinpr faiha BUI V ar- rean oi health uad hapaioaaa. ”t*a>. Au« 4th. I ntittttnm»iMMini A 11 if Lf t r t n Ub DLL -DAy JULY FOURTH 1920 THE 1XDEP1KDENCE that our furefeihcr* diedJtu gain. THE INDSPfNDENCE that our aont foyght tolhiainUin. THE -1NDIPENDENCF. that i* rberi»hed‘Jn ttm inmoat aoul of every norma) hirnain being. This tn4tpJr.dfr.ci> is only half complete It me are not Independent financially. I I i We all eHre. that. INDEPE.VD ! ENCE It nu wurth fighting for. Ii iU then, noOaorth saving for? EVERY D* IS INDEPENDENCE DAY l*R THE THRIFTY State Bank & Trust • i Company _ T. V. SMITH, President. M. C. BUTLER. Vice Pree. B. E. JACKSON. Vico-Pree. GUY M. HOOKS, Caahier. 1 E. T DRAPER. Aaat Cashier. Complete Electric Ser/ice for Farms Delco-I.ight ia • complete electric ' fiowc^pluRl (or the (arm. No mat ter whtic you Ireo, Dcko-Light fur nlahp.i complete electric aarrlce,— eluctric llghli (or all aerla of the I liouae ana bam, alaetrk power for -j -operating light machinery and for i pumping water. - Write (or Catalog E. J. HUDSON Dealer x DUNN. N. C. There’s a satisfied Customer near you -WATERMELON PRIZE FOR THE BEST The Commercial Bank OF DUNN, NOR*™ CAROLINA -i-off/rs A PRIZE C F THREE DOLLAR^ -FOR THE. LARGE* ^WATERMELON Exhibited in its \ iraowa for two days between Ji 25th and August H 5 th, the melon to remain the pi erty of the owner T. L. Riddle, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, -to be the judge — ~ The" Commercial Bar ... . 4 A FEW BARGAINS LEFT • ■ ► THE GOLDSTEIN CO. ' - % I m % ____ . ^ c^i-:_J. l_i - * - x \ ^ • • i i An Active Partner AN Internationa] Kerosene Enginewill be an active partner in all your farm . wort Watch bow it handles your little Jobs month after month with low-priced power, making your burdens lighter and giving you time for thought in “putting over” plans for making your < ! term yield bigger crops. •You cannot beat an International kerosene engine for economy or efficiency, h works on the cheapest engine fuel you Can buy—kerosene, and ases just enough of that to handle the job in hand. The Internal km 1 engine is built to meet your Bsed*. Mstcrisl snd OTorks?anaIiip ore of tugboat quality — tbs International noir.dsrd, It is very simple in do sign snd eesy to operate It is a kerosene engine pure and ample, made to stand the hardest usage. Then comes the very important matter of Berries sad repairs. A nearby^ brunch house wfiippsd for any ! ' ! ! Of need. ” * ' A dose fauptdion of tUs engine is going to yUw \ you that fts good fsr^i partner to have. Come in snd , v- • • - w\: ' >' '/ . • '.ty, . • < ' BARNES & HOLUDAY CO. Dunn and Coats j oessssososossssssssssossts ecsosssseosssessoseessse-sacssssssssssssassaas .<. H > M > M ► H ► M t. H » .. • N > M * M » H * ►« ► H ► M »* . rf > 5! 5: f» >«• M . M ► j ► )fi! M . M • :: H tiful, Comfortable. | any home, they are | somely bolstered, || Boh Swain will be % s N the hundreds o 1 I . s,vj g P 1 1 | 1 - BARNE | J p »»»»»iim»m»»»:iimimH«!»»«m:mm<um»H><wnnwwh_l

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