THE DUNN DISPATCH FU BUSHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Enured us tocond-cleee -»*♦«» April 1*1. ion, at the part eAce A Doan, N. C., under the act ef March I. 1070. U FO?E, Publisher Three mouths_........_ .JO Six month«- ...Il.oo Oct year.........09,00 THE WET MINORITY n 1* we'! unti.rt-ood that an in ti gaunt nuukae more noise than ,r satisfied •najjriiy. With that rks.urht ia ttLai ut os rom.drr the pion-.biticn ruckus. &.-cnttiyiy the net* arc in the ma joiitv. Meet of ‘h-.- newspapers of the states which r.virg cii Ctlor.v have de manded rrcontido.wt'nn. Numerous twtit cuans i.j-.- •natch.'d at nsodiTn't t.’oo as a popular issue and various candidates now Hopped aboard for a rije. To- for. re! contention has bret that tURK thing inalienable hca a traded far u yoke if oppression and tHai a slwpin* ciliarnry has at list disco-vied ’Jk frsud aatf is rous ed U> Nut r^ht at the- tiich fever point of tills contestioa csci* the '.v nn tianc: convention* and both P.opuh Ilcsr.o ami Ditruveis turned lev is sue down w.Vivist v”cn so much as a Vit> if emvithy for til. Wets. The> wcr. sympathetic, ■.« doabt, for poli tician* are tuuuliy liberal, hut their eympxthy did cot extend to embrac ing imues which cast their majoritie, ia noise initcwd of vou-e. The fact ie prohibition is hi re to etay, and the political etiategistr know it. Lujaer dies hard, of cour t1, but the penod of regret* and of es per.mmtt in homemade hooch will soon pn < and liquor as an Issue will oc dead'- - I turn a snake at sundown. —The Courtly Gentleman. MOKE SONG AND LESS RICE Th bobolink i.; cot only a beautiful bird but t nvn songster. To ac him r Sr from '-or meadow and hear him rjril.ny his wonderful song as he wi-ig* his war up-xnid l» on* of the drJ./b-s of a tcrtWc Juno. Hut lh-7 so., hs loves rice; that he tsiev hl< toll of tbs *outh''i*n rie. Celds. Of f itf.r he ii.y\ Hud* hsrc to five. Tbe> can't live on air and water any more than Caruso sod Efts and Gall-Cure:. They ought no: to sing for nothing. Many- of us would rath- r have tbs song than the riei, or at least a Kuto leas rice even if rice ware all we could gat for food. Even as*- he robs tho rice grower it is proposed to except him from the mi gatorr bird law sad kill him at sight or poison him by the wholesale. Are »e forever to estimate all Values <r. dollars and cents? Even from that low level w: venture the vlatemcnl that month In and month oat he pay* the world all hi own It. Tru« as it may be that he would spoil a rice field la the South unless with gun» and other devices ho Was prevented yn ia May and June and July insects mail up 85 per cent of his food ia the North. For at least three months • of the year ha ia a faithful worker t ter therythiiii teinqrOgp^s love far him that the fouUern rice i grower. Some people want an the sweet and none of the bitter. The old Scotchman admitted his wife had had the tmaltpox, was very, very ugly, of ten drank too much, but torn be mid, “but, roon /e can ns ha> all gaid thing* is 0x4 woman.”—Our Dumb Aithubi KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ENTER TAIN Cap- F a. Lndyv No. 136, Knights of Pythim, rr.eraiinrd at an informal Slhenng at tfctir ea-ile hall Thu:* y evening at S o’clock. Ail Pjrthians along with their wives and sweet heart* wtr.. imil- d, and mot: of them atls-nded. The occasion SHI a dr light ful one and thoroughly snjojeL Hon. J. C. C'.-'urd acted a* toast master and short taik* ware made by Rev. J. M Daniel. Rev. A. R. Mc Queen ana Rev. J k. Langston. A pr ->v« -j ,ns* rendored by Hlsx 31*77 TaiM, of thr Fycb an Homo at Clayton and it *u received with much uppuiuse. Ai *j*.v tincl'i*ofl of the progTam Tufti/hiaxnl-- wvr» served. f'asx I'rar l..x!gs is on- of Dunn’s Iiv. 'raw-rosi mgar.ixutions. and an occasion of ’Jus sort brings togo'her u -inr< -mUags of our people. MAUD HUDSON SHOT. W«itant* ware laautd Thursday for Ui« a.rcat ot Alton Svmil. A/ «!»•• Truv’ovr and Herman Smith, charged with Oi-- .hooting of Maud lludrnn, prosperous farmer, at hia haoir. two mi|«r cast of Duon emrljr Thursday naming. Sonn-U waa ar rortod Thujv<**i and immodiataiy proved an alibi. H- -wu-t placed undor a ?S65 he vc/er. for hi* appear, nne*. ai rrait. Trueloao nmMond to oft.-ar' today and w*» placed un dor HM Smith m (till al large- and baa not been seen t'r.c* the miot'r.g nrrar* rad. Smith t< a >V'.rrt.-r from the army and lo wanted hr th* P-dr-rt authorities A $(0 reward la offerad if’ ’hi- tjo< . ■ itac-.i fo.* h-r am.*.. Mr Hjlw»r *a »hoi in the back with a »b"t gu", about :b'ny ihot Ublr.a affect in hi* body It i* not thought th. -ro-d i *11 punt fatal. The > i.-.oUr* tew* pias. whan the throe tnr-a *b< .-* acc Mr. Hud*cn of *-*af>.p ;}*•!; vrnake). About tv raty opaed- n have been t**«d hpfo’ir iiiora Godwin during th.- pa.; yiwtf. AH ware found guilty mi p»'l iti'.e .hr Hmerdcr’* Cm*' f..nd svam! (orvfred dollar* in flnoa and so;,.. The iaryset dona:ion war •42 db Throe a authority are dr<er m'ncd to h rah up rrrhlcaa driving ari epeH.'eo tpd th* fine* will In area*- w the week's go buy, antes ■ora at ter'lee la paid to tbo traffic law*. ‘Mrt K. P. C*dd;r and Iwn email daughter; of Sumter, •. C , who bam boon vMiir* Mr*. J. A. Underwood. bout returned homo. Mb* Mara Tcdd of the Pythian flam* ot C svton, 1* vDItlag la Down tbta w*ok o-d 1* a mtaat in th* howto of Mr. Georg* M. Floyd. <**#. f. Poua U building w-roml *1 PK'donce* ia th* third ward of th* eH*. flo U VulMing ale* cottage br^toa that ay* In such great ihnaood AT METHODIST CHURCH , Regular rcrvkvx Sunday night J nog art l ich at s> o’clock. Sunday i ■ =hcoi Kt r-gular hoar, 11:46 a. m. t Everybody cordially .n cited to attond til aerricaa. METHODIST CHURCH PICNIC Tha Kcthndixl Sunday tchool had tha r annual picnic at hrwm Park in • i>aku on rvcoiig of ike , track. A largo crowd atmndud uie occaamr. which war one of the beat p et or h> lh» hivtory ol the cou ch. xhc committee.: wera on ihe job and the crowd wax well htr.d'.-d and <•*1 with all the good tli'tiga that fit ted the ocrxuion. The park with itr a aural* and any'ia-tcri ler arauacment* war thoroughly enjoyon by the children at well ». the older people. Everyone rc'.umod happy «rd grateful to Mr. Lrwta for the ux« of tha park. 7 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥/¥¥¥¥ ¥ THOsAn. FHAXTON ¥ ¥ Engine A tMi Suieayer ¥ ¥ Mrakor A>J(icu Arxocia- ¥ ¥ lion XmEngineer* ¥ ¥ Hr 2*6 ¥ ¥ Dunn, —.0 North Carolina ¥ * I t < ► I I 1 * ) , ► ■ ► it ( | t > > < . TO THE ! ! . < ► , —< * * < ► < > < • . < > > < * . < . ► < • ► ( i » • • DAWSON SANCTON. [ Je\««l«rt and I ; 211 U*y St.-F«ycitr»iik. N. C. ; »»*'!♦»«»« NJMbuhhhh^ RUNS ON KEROSENE zxxuttxmmuittttt me WOMAN'S CLUB MAKES AN APPEAL TO CITIZENS Dann* this month, Che tovn it ranking Special effort* to haul away all of Lha rubbish that the people wit! put out in boxes and barrels aril! . lice in theii alleys or .1 the edits the street*. I The Woman’s C'ub of Dean w co ! -pc rating with the tow a in it- effort to clean up the street* and al<ey*ai by having a committee In oath -.varb! U> -re that the streets and alley- sr< claaned thoroughly and that the fash I* properly prepared and placed -j •.hat the wagons ran yit it u-il-.. it is hoped that 'he people tr, wii. o-art'Ty coi-iwrate wiii bmb dm ntvn and the Wyman's Cul. in the roric t»y canu/ly.^ with *>»jf ib. f v^!' aJmi.J <*r.w.*Vw' ,y aivc the ^ r •> • * * >srr preail*<> once . . ut ci> ; to ..\6> »ooi »«w*i . * • a* n •*.. . »'i . to l.w* ‘if. * • ?'•• • ' •w.a.> .' • Ci*lb *•» • » .t ♦ .... •; <ra-. 14 v.ork ** < • > . %■•*% -*••« v* ^ • "t.* • •*< -« u* ;n.:' Dunn v ' * *» vt hu*r. '.»* .if*,* th« sou" * r i' ^ c..: **,»■?• a ,.s*r. nsJcr the < . .O C: • **» Vf V *«. *:to ‘o rr. i* r .bb.vfc In l>oxi!j or barrel* rom. l'y eavU month ana place then co. -'cn.cnli.' for the wieoax lo tbc-»w;i»'. xr bm". ; 'ex I titicotly appeal to crp the back. of your ban mu house dean ai Wu! »< your front* It ia jui aa ImporUn: from a .enitary etandpint It ia only h> cl<«a eo-oporation o retry pernor living in Dona that wceen ka«p our »l recti clean. There ia a vary "Portant thins •not I wiah to call th attention of the people to ia this uinectioa and do m trh toward beautifying our ''.mli and lawns with shrub*. gra*a, a..d Dowers. Flans are already on foot to havi. miles of window boxes a ■! h. uuliful flowers abundant in town nest spiing It is our plan to have the ^pacr in front of our passtn (tt’i* depot biautifled »;th flowers and Crate. if tbait Is lay one in town who has any stigirrstion* 'hat they would like to make about keeping the town clean and beautiful, 1 would be vary glad to have you communicate with me from time to time on the matter. I will appreciate your auggealiunr and co.opefatlon. Lot ua all work to gether to the end to make our town ' aa clean aa It ta aliee. MRS. T. L. RIDDLE, Chairman, Civic Department, Womnne Club of Dunn, • 'rapomibl.- to tt> .1.. . « oi the ouri’ unction oi -.vkio t rri without .vttyp'nvt iu J8.00 and expectoration put them by thoughtless people. Be,ait* b" ; a violation ol the iav. it «ui aiuhtly and vary dangeroux l.< them not something that ran be dnn to atop it? Whan the Woman’* Club was rvor fan i a*si this yaar, it wan too lute to ' if | *y?fffffffffff>> tiff ^ > : V icirotas and \ic ► * tor Records: W s have a large stock of new Vctrolaa • ■ -iuiiohcd in the preltiAst woods ancHesign c. to male;: all styles Mf furniture. V. id. them we hyre the newestrecords niac£ by the Victo. (Jompany's mot noted ! ? *:-crs and musicians (* 1 ,ie V iSor nvicAine is without ^super ior. it has rev equal* i\ evii die rme poiAta of talking A&chines manufacture nVve bJcn built into tm mach ine wnich nas soodAhe test servicepirough the ''•:?*<*. since sichanachines becarfce a part of the music woAd.f V ( ft* will be (Hda to demonstratj these mivcr.inca and them records to you. I COME ANJ> HEAR THElv( Bytier Broth tmr i v rn n » — mw ^^ [ ms success ins [ BAKK EAS ATTAIBED r Was nude possible becuuM of tbtn thingst V f I’he resources at the Bank’s Command. T F Thu Courvesy ;« the Bank’s Officials. k F Tiio Ccr.:'i«2ctice of the Public. W T5ie Fj.Ii' hie* beds thatitave ever prevails# E The year 1920 will wi/ieas a strengthening^ these, F if it be at all possible, g *^^^WB^SfiUtioi^ofcnnec^imsel^»^wP^srik. As a depotuior ills n.oiy is absolutely safer ind as a borrower he will be Acorded as liberal terms as is consistent with safe bnking. Cur FaVU'tielAta At Yomr Diapoal Con.« i - arid talk il over with any official of the bank. We v.’ill givVwu the advantage of our ex pen ucao ft.V? nxi’.'Srt kniUedge if you want it. To One ^iUi Surplus Funds 1 Vou will lint! no safer place for your money than our < Saving Dfipariw.'.'st or Time CerUficatea of Bepoeita. ] J » ^ h:i:: »>;.vent quotation* are mighty attract ive. We can supply your wants in cither line. iiii of Harnett i 3>tike, N .C. SAFEST FOR SAVINGS > r ' i R^IELON PRIZE FOR ITHE BEST The Cod rnprcial Bank OF DUNTANCKf H CAROLINA --bFFkRS A PRIZE OFTBREE DOLLARS --Fok|T« LARGEST WATERMELON Exhibited in ils windows for two days between July 25th and August * 5-h. ti)» melon to remain the prop erty of the owner T. L. Riddle, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, is -to be the judge- I.—. The Commercial Bank » V---- ■ ' ^ The CAPITOL DEPARTMENT STORE 1 At;GUSr SALE I Four Days Selling of the Season’s 1 ValtJfcs jj ■ AUGUST 19tl/ 20th and 21 »t 1 Special lots ^elecf^d for thir. sal cm and prices very low to I \ maCW room ror air fall stock. t Iisfi tlMi 8 ■ g^g And many other items selected from our immense stock for these Four Days Special Selling. The CAPITOL DEPARTMENT STORE Fayetteville, North Carolina Just Try the Melo-Harp I We want you to vit:t our salesrooms and play your favorite ft selections on the Melo-Harp yourself. Only oy trying it can | you realize the delightful difference of the Melo-Harp. I Found only in Straube-made player-pianos, the Melo-Harp | | combines the soft aw£et strains of the harp with the full rich ‘ 1 tones of an unusually high quality piano. 8 Stop in some time soon and enjoy this musical treat 3 ■ I Barnes and Holliday Co. I N 0« I A I

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