[HE DUNN DISPATCH PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Shtarod, ao cue owl-dam matter A*(R let, ll»14. at the poot olSct m Dean. N. O. under uu act oi JUroh 3, U?tf. L. BUSSES POPS, PeUuher Three months._._ .50 but months...---$1.00 Dm roar-- *2.00 . SECURITY IN HLAL1N Any man who can work can make enough money to pay a note these day*. Security ir the demand of thr hank. Nothing secure* like work and health enable* a man to work. Ty phoid treatment* keep* this fevei from you. 'ike same mesa* employed to mail oar &1-U.M free fiOCO this dreadtu ; dna-aio is offeied the people ia Ksi- ' nett county. It U free to alL It cmum. no aorc. It prevents typhoid fever and deu not make one eo hu can’-, keep h.d work going. A painful a:*, for a few hours is hotter than aick-a bad far sevoral weeks. CitiMne of this county—come U the front. DUNN S GROWTH Uuu8 hnj iacicarud In population ay mostly l.oA) souls su>«« Ugh un counted noses tn 1010. lu popu - Uison now is z,8u6. lea yean ago l, was 1,8X3. Thu snowing is tar iron, bad. 1 rue. It la not quit* up to tb. *xpaeuuio,ui of some of the town! moat ardent boosters, bat toe growth is ail that wc expected. swan's airs is tbr earns as it was whan toe town was founded thirty years ago—* choc one mite in dia meter. lo the twenty years since l»0u n largo population has settled out side thsse oorders. Tail is cvidanceu b> lh»- increase ui population uLlitbu wd To Areiasboiu—Irom 3,4X8 n» I0«» and 4,480 in 1010 to 6,788 it. loll). rfcta give* the township prac t caiiy one-fourth of the county's 411 tire population. 1’igurt s received from the Census bc.ssu this morning show the couaty lo have a population of 26,313. O. this number IS,638 reside in the townships of Averaaboro, Duke ana Crevn, leaving 13,680 persons in the other ten townships, which inciads the towns of Lillisgtaiu Angier nnu bales Creek. SUFFRAGE SUFFERING From this ilatnaH it appears that If tb* suffrage forces are lip inf lug furl their hornier. The Osnerel An “■Mf shows little SgedUrn to lie tea to the Lo rolls -song of suffrage sireas, and sixty-three of its mem bers have gone so for to to appeal to the Ti nr suss Legislators t> hold feat to Southern convictions relative tb States’ righto. In Ealcigfc there is a bedlam e. noise—mostly from Us suffragists, who are bestegieg the Capitol from every point of ventage. Along th bells, stairways and rotunda, ism ou ig thingr and tour-faced oldei women who ought Lo know bettor are losing sleep and time from bom.- tc force upon the State a thing a ma jority of ite citizens do not desire. Ir. th* hotels then- ar« similar workers , inoy appear to b* making littl. headway. Repreecntativr Neat, leader of tha aati-euffrage crowd, ha* gone to Ten »'»• t* work ia tha Internet* of klo ( I'*, to. «att Alloa, Will Sawyer. John Daweon, Van Dunn Martin and kite of other influential members art remaining on the job all the time tc •tri-P matter* ia line. The Cavernoi k working to put tka thing over, but 1 edpr: -*,/ .j p-do it The Senate today will be called tc pa/a mi the bill, but it U not likely «hat any definite action will be taker 10 early a* thla. Meantime, the real werk for whirl the ipreial temion wai caUed it Krinv negtaatad. The Duaa Spirit k being ihowa It the mux**» remie* to ends'* Baker; --tha now entrrprke brought to towr by tho Chamber af Commerce me era! week* aga. Before the bakery wa opraid all af the baked bread to te Dunn tamo from# Richmond an< Wcahirg'-on. It war good bread aa* l.ked by our people But it waa n< better than that mad* by the loea fellow*, er wrofci grocer* hare con tinm'd to get the foreign bread, bu gradually The Spirit hai ibowa ltsel! •atO aaw the quant Ay coming from •otkds ia a»gllgibU. THK SPIRIT prompt* ue to tab< ham* f*_ta da a* McD Ueniday my* do: "Buy aetblag out jWe of Dana that aaa be bought Ir Daan. Wa are glad »# aoa thla. Tb rrrrythiag elee—tn hato and *hoe* and costa and —it TltT SPIRIT he* Bn row rage H. Bo Oua« "rerrking Dean Mil*. Thai k W* way w* mutt take le carp the eammaalty ferward. J>p#tch would adrla* tboe - *» Ms friend* who are cotton gtnnr-r Md mad dealer* to get their aead aad glaalng book* order* la aaw. la fat mar year* atort af them bar* dims* Prod at the tait momeat that the *to* i. W **»t from tha pvertoua year wa* £•* a*w »o lam •« they Iheught Th*n come lha inch t* the plater t. r t lb" rtuff ie * htavrw. Threr thiaa. ttewnM b- made in a huffy. It tab/* ▼4 to arlat p»rf*rato. aamhar aad ad tha aactaTLaak cm pour Mark mummI aaa If rag da aat aaed a aaw Robert E. Lee Skim.or, a pioneer j irvdnrint of Dunn, now rcsKiieg in Uurhom, It herv this work n> visit hie brother. ChuHo. U. Skinner. With' iiob tame Hi* eon. Oliver Lev Skin-. -Vi. row a full fludgvd men. but iv numbered in Dunn ns a eurly-heudvd I tymo who played a.uund the store. Job * prow ore r* cells “the good ole Jar* when hie store—where Welter • now conducts a jive cry—was? the hangout for every young fellow shout town. Then the phonograph had just been perfected to the point that it really reproduced music, lie bnd on* of Up machine* and would give u.ghtty concerts for the gang, doh’e Store was a curiosity. He never f**» • of patent medicine that iM did not ftr*t tell tbo customer that .10 was throwing away his money, aiul when fair maids wanted complex ■on lotions he always recommended • food wop and clvan wattr be rtrd luaicad. He wa< one of Dnnn'h most popular ssen and Is still loved by those who knew him thsn. W* an rfad to toe him and hope he will re sMi'o h?r? at loaf aa ha ran Dime tors of the Harnett County Agricultural Fair Aaiociatioo held ■ ip#c_al weftinf in the room of th I .aamba- of Commerce U*t Friday sight to complete arrangements for -.he couit.ue-.ien of the two new luiidirot.. lor which lumber has n> vasiy been delivered. It was decided ,o build practically along the' Lne. ilannrd last summer wh.tn the buikl ng committee recommended the coo traction of a machinery hall and a yuvltry building. Work on thc.i,- will .tart this week. They will be cum listed In September. Premium ilata for thr approaching -air wiU -be completed by the print ira next week. Then Soeretary Kiddle rUi begin their distribution among he people of the association'] terri •ory The lint Is much larger than -hat for Last year's event. Eveiy lepartment has been materially vn arged and has bean so organised as o give a much better service to exhi litors and visitora. Racing will he a rig feature of the fair and for thl* lepartment dozens of horses have reaa entered from the brat stables of: his and other States. In Raleigh the other day Ed Chap .>«{) told us that he had tomo of thr reet hones of hta career and was go «o enter them In the Dann Fair. Ihappell's horses were fsvorites i»| «*t year's event. Tills yetsr they will re opposed by representatives from o»c celebrated stables. The truck sill be better this yea--, although it I saa rated the beat in the State last _ Will 11. Kiliuaore, president of (be “‘berty Flyers, who Is going to bring >-* flyer* here for the Fair, write* -hat hie machines are In perfect trim -or the occasion and that hr is going to show visitors so bis stuota they have never seen be for*. Th« Liberty Fly. Ji* were employed at great expon-w j»y the association for the reason tha: it wanted to 1m sure to have aero italics. It was thought certain the l p tunes .could ha gotten from the army |Mt because the association had bevm ^“^Matad^byarzny^Oysrs jntre ! la* b kwzthjswk with ■*'- ndirg devices which delude a big •■'tfij whist ant a inntyg>-round, ■r- Lee is opening these attractions n Broad Street on the lots from vhich several store* were burned last Jtfcunbtr. He ht« bred operating ri* ailar machines in Eastern Carolina " !h', *■;» twelva year*, although •bra s !.it first trip to Jiun.i He w:li ,turt his machines Wednesday i.-vi ri nk at •! will r»m.i,y here f.-,r ion ihyz The Harnett County Medical Socle .y met iu the offierr of Dr I. F. Hick' jpUmy afternoon and pasvd u rr*o utten endowing the typhoid fever -umpaign being waked by the county, rho pyhilclans will encourage the aovepent is much as possible and raw decided to advise all of their patients to be vaccinated. Alfred K. Wilson has accepted a po-, 'ition *1 local representative of the Waller* and Gurley Real Estate and I Auction Company, of Kinston. Hr I iaa already cloved contracts for the isle of the old John Robert Codwin 'arm and the large tract owned by; I. D. Oarnc* on the other aide of Capo "ear River. From the activities of real estate -onrerns it appears that this year’j and sale* will be even more numer als Jhan those of laat year whan prices reached then unheard of price*. All local concern* arc heavily loaded rlth contract* for sales which arc to .tart aa soon as the cotton crop atavt* stoving. Hr.ces have continued to ad vance since Isst year, in spit* »r the lightness of th* money market, and rperla uy that* is no dangi-r of u decline. In view of the fact that land* iround Darn continue to make lar ccr and la.gcr yield* of the staple* hat are (till high In prtea. k appear* .hat the (and uf the expert* U well -akvn. Richer sells arc not known in bit countiy and, with th* notorious railroad and other Industrial project* jnds: way, there is no reaion why ab ounding lands should not advance much higher. One Instance of tho goodness of Dunn District land it that of Ben 0. ■'owns*.id's 100 acre tract at the. cas ein edge of town. All of thli tract u ilantod in cotton—end noth cotton | an sot be found in any other part of h« state. From whiehuvn awte one stewi it, it preucut* aa even, level , trstrb ef rich green foliage Ivo feet n height Every sulk is perfect and ! ich in that fruit which is soon to /told th* flrrey staple. Bat f«.' Into heavy rain* and the < ■eool spell," tor. Towneend any*, be,' veuld have bean asured of at least 1 •we bwka of (ottou from every acre. < k* K 1* he ia certain that ha will gac ; rally on* and a half bale* from caeh < icn, Mr. Townsend Is eapcetaly ' sruad of this field kautss it wan pro- , tueed with tho aid of fvrtiliwr aaanu- 1 eetured by the Breihaolr Fertiliser ■"ampaay la Dunn. - *••*. and Mrs. L. F. Johnson and ! hUdree. L. F. Jr., Horae* and Vie- ' or, of Brooklyn, N. V., who have [ area voting Mrs. J. C. 0**dwf» hif *h-» Fit *t Ch.tabaa rhsica ut ,t .f.'tlft. N. V. v Raymond nod Its ocr Cronur'.Io »r.d A. B. Jlrcart') •• it M.ua.v >. btfchhioi.i! ta nto r.4 .0 fc. Tv r. Imtlcro tv., i. lit > .1 in .. !»a.s of the {'.ain . ft. '.ain't, r unny org -niaatioa. Ur. nr.d Hole Tempi* lou ipenl burday in :h. «-ty \* & U»->. i -mnletun'* pan-nU, Mr. and Mrs. j. V. Crrel. They were ytirrc r h .as. ifirr »po* dirur udm time with M. T«mpl*l mad*' .af. for •*un. \i« u.on by -*1; ril’xation at a tenperu jrr of 2«0 decree* !• ntn o "aj—*- - ' " SSgffigfflHa?3asrct:~r-w?>t...i.n>mi Jjj'**-. California SUM Board of Health u about to Um order* com prllinp Ati riliration. Wbi— onr °f three bandit* who hi l.l up u lna:n io Virginia waj rap tured after a Acre# revolver battle >t was discovered that the captive was a woman. 1 ♦ 7 * ! i| • JeANCI'ON. .<«» tiers urd Optometrists. ] | 2!0 Ilay St-FayeUeville, N. 0. ^—wmm NORTH CAROLINA STATE AGRICULTURE ENG ' Toaaf m of Atnusw ud fl latukil «diM oood la ra«tv dtoooc vocaUoaa. Bca_ tfaaua «n mom •vnu. bat far j>wk«>l>i|i la Mvairkl Tta eouof* r»u« vcar t ical eouitsn i aaUaoal odacalfca W7 jatwjsr'*' rfagsaa ■ •MAaltaJ tn«iaurlM li|lMirlH couno Ml iCrlciiOBa — 1 ala An* — TatlO* o»* T*ar C m Au;o twiiiMlM WlBUr Ca«n* ftAifitcaltm Cor n/Bl fafrdaBt BBBllmtf IB «n dmrtjhtf ■nMn hfln ft. no*, bo T. AKMUnrtallaaS limMM la pal a Mar A«|M asvir «rty. la Iv^-M rw aJl abac * atilliM*. ._ Mimacr rMWraarea tm Cow »*»t Pn*b«aaa Claa. M J«r *5*4“- *1 •: M.Ua-ai.UM. iir.ciudw IWla n*a* Oaua.l*;.! H| ; Brt.my |; Elo'lv*. J’,4. -• M* cat* Com*. lllaaur»tM Mrruiar. AM «nli*ac* U.uaU( We have just instituted a rfcair depart- 1 nient for watches odm clocks aad have em ployed an expert to^Birect the work. i he EX partijfcnt is equipped with the t»e3l i=nd iotfcot n#chinery, and we will ap prodate your\pa#ronage. Wo will cMrry a first class stock of jew r’vy. coco ana cut glass in this department. BUTLER B$OS. Dunn. N. C. > - • ...mn lmn:Tn Victrolas and Vic- ! i ' _ • i i tor Records < We have a large stock of new Victrolas 1 —fmiahed in the prettiest woods and design- ; cu to match all styles of furniture. With them, we havtrthe newest records j m“.dc by the Victor Company’s most noted tinge .*u and music iany 7Tie VictoV ms mine is without a super- | 10.. it has few dauAs. All the fini dbir.ts of talking machines ; manufacture hawboen built into this mach which has stflod the test service through < ' " t oince afleh machines became a part : of lha music world. < ► We will be glad to demonstrate these ; m e! inea and these records to you. COME AND HEAR THEM < i < I Butler Brothers * ^ , ( • I The CAPITOL DEPARTMEN T STORE I AUGUST SALE | Four Days Selling of the Season’s Ij Best Values 1 AUGUST 18th, 19tlJ20th and 21st 1 Special lots selected for this sale,/and prices very low to I make Prom for ow fall stock. « OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Ae I>UR ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRINC S SEASON'S BEST VALUES IN \ I AND SUMMER READY TO P SILKS REDUCED 1 U WEAR REDUCED ■ SILK HOSIERY R£DUCED_CU*1 II A, , p TAIN MATERIAL RE- SUMMER FOOTWEAR DUCED V REDUCED * K And many other items selected froft*our immense stock fcl for these Four Days Special Selling. ■ The CAPITOL DEPARTMENT STORE I Fayetteville, North Carolina I v I ..mm. liK | Just TVyfthe Melo-Harp I We want you to vidtViJ salecroorn3 and play your favorite 1 ! selection.; on the MelkJlarp yourself. Or.lv by trying it can I I y°u ralize the dcli£i.tiU difference of the Melo-Harp. I j Fou™* only 5n StraubAiad<= plnyci-pisncs. the Melo-Harp I 1 combines the soft owee*ti*u,e cf the harp with the full rich I iI tones ot an unusually hill quality piano. I I Stop in some time toon ilcl enjoy this musical treat. I I Barnes and Holliday Co. I 9 ^