? • 1 A $$& m I p$ . ., . ,,•••-/-•. V 1 • i * * ' ' • —— ■ .-, >' ^i., •* L to, itao. TENNESSEE 36TII STATE TO RATIFY 19TH AMENDMENT House Concurs hi Senate'* Ac tion of Last Fri day EFFORT TO DEFEAT STILL TO BE MADE Speaker Change. Vote From Na To Aye A ad Will Praeeat Motion Te Roeocwider—Farty-Niae For Aad Forty-Sir Again.t Swffrage Ataead roeat. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 18.--Ten ntiM. today ratified the Federal »uf frage amendment, the lower houte. of the legislature by a vole of 6G U> 48 concurring in the action of the aenaU, which last Friday adopted the ratification resolution by a vote of 25 to 4. Although It was thirty-sixth slats to act favorably and the amendment should become affective as soon certified bv flainbridge Colby, Sec retary of State, whether 17,000,000 women of the country would vote ir the Presidential election in November remained to be determined. The house still has an opportunity to rve cind its action and preliminary slap* for tasting the legality of ratification by the legislature. If rsconalderatior. should fail to upsat it, alraady has bean taken by the Tennessee Conati tutional League on the ground Uiai the assembly had no authority to set Walker Cheap*. Hi. Vote After tho ballet today Beth Wal ker, speaker of the Hoa.r and leader of the opposition, changed his vote from "ao’* tn “aye” in order to avai' himself of tba prlvilsga of moving for reconsideration and announced that he would do so Under the rules only Mr. Walker can offer this motion and it may he dona St say time be so de sires. He must act, however, either tomorrow or Friday. AMMnu tor Ninety-six of the ninety-nine mem ber* of tho House were presort to day. and the alignment, until a vote on eonrurrenea was taken. wa* a tio. each faction polling 48 votes on a motion by Ur. Walker to tabic thr resolution. On the ballot for concur rence the lineup was 49 to 47 until the speaker changed hi* vote. This apparently would give the suffragists an advantage of only two votae, but their leader* declared tonight two member* in favor of suff.xge, who were absent today, would arrive prob ably tomorrow rooming. Tightaa Their Lias* The motion to reconsider may be carried by a majority rote of thr member; present and since Mr. Walk er can act without a moment's notice, the suffragists expected to lie on hand in full force during the next two dsva It wa* evident the only hope the speaker had of overturning to day’» action w»« through dcsertioni from the suffrage ranks or failure of tho auffnagist* to have virtually every member present until the House ad jnurns Friday. The suffrage leader declared they expected no defections among their forces, but a» a precau tion they were tightening their linen. • The opposition leaders tonight were waging an active campaign in an ef fort to incrcaae their strength at the expense of their antagonists. Dramatic Conclusion The end came with dramatic sod dannos*. Debate on thr motion to con cur had been in progress little mo.** than an hour ana there was no ind ration a vote was Imminent when Speaker Wslkvr called Representa tive Overton to the chair and tool: the floor to reply to a suffragist. who had charged that special- inter-Me were at work to defeat ratification. OHIO DEMOCRATS BEGIN WORK TO CARRY STATE TT* B. -A—*- tt.l. ramuMliM Ad not W Platform Rigid Eaowo. mf. Seeesttry Baker Sgaak* Columbus, 0., Aug. 18.—The Dem ocratic campaign purposing to carry Ohio for Co* tod Roosevelt and to el act the Democratic atatc tickel wai formally launched here today at the party's itate convention. The convention adopted a platform pledging the party. If returned to power In the itate, to rigid economy, enactment of e debt limitation law, a more equitable distribution of taxes. It also heard addresses by Governor Co*, Secretary of War Baker. Sena tor Atlee Pomcrrne, and A. V. Dona hey, gubernatorial candidate in addi tion to the keynote epoeeb by M. A. Daugherty, of lancaater. and eelncl od 84 candidates for presrHential d #ctorA.' Upsetting previous expectation! that the two former governox. Jud eon Hannon and Jamoe E. Campbell would be chosen electors - at - large, the convention wont into the rank and file and selected Oscar K Brad fute of Xenia, and James F. M allay of Clevelaad. . , „ The keynote speech of m. A Daugherty was r*pl»t* with lauds tlone of th# Democratic national aoc state administrations and _ crltmien of Kepuhliran traders and that petty i presidential candidate. He repeated!) referred te Senator Harding ■* "' "Newberry candidate” and the Chi cago convention as the 'HewberT] convention.” Mr. Daugherty said "Ohio Dome rracy will kocp faith with the na tloael Democracy Just as the nations Democracy has kept faith with th rant of the world featuring te President Wilson « "the greatest eUtomaen of th wortd, th* crowd shoaled its apprr vat when he declared "the league r nations transcends the Magas Charts upholds the constitution; vieualisc the Samoa on the Mount, and bow only, with reveruaoe, to the Crone.” Big Di*ti‘!£; g Har-t It Foui?d fj}- Local Pol icoioon AHhojca it v/v. c«v iprs *; Wer alarm." whirl, w. . , to dfnal U»r appro*.-', u' .S.ref., , Jr lh» bisvci dl/tilling pia.-.t, v— fouad ,a this d;*t,ic; w,u o. ovi(i Iv.terrfuy by [>ua» yoiicr .uiU iiu. ,1V, CoVnly lcpul,«a sh./.'f nvar i nicorg Louie grout.da on f.ittlv Fiv cr. 3omr tbomiancli of gallon/, of • oru bwr and apple, T>r»ieh and plum eider wore found and drxtnoycJ. Kit S* principal parts of the plari hu l i* removed before (lie raU,*.-- . *K , the alto. No arrr<*u wi re irjv., . Operators of t|i» piao. ./.«!.•: ,. had been at work for tn.vu i.im Fv«iy con.cr.ii r.cc for niodeu. n* 7 •h^.ir.g h;.«| Lven | ovided. Kn\, e uppMca moM of them u. in* rd. «. * riill at thi- v%v*L*ro wi^r o/ ii..* r,v'if. -he liver - a «aiail) >:/euu. tnd b. i n datrmed and a »*<»ntjilcic Trtiw of aatcr woi'n coiistru'ti.i! i •Stairway* led from higher ground to .he Rite, and « mammoth fureoe« had oren constructed of clay. A .avc had; i)o*n constructed for Moray* oi Uirj beer and cider. Kmd«r ulvirn*, the fiia: acen ».» hv/e part* Imd been sti\tcl.. J; through tb> eu.TOUnding *ooar. rhc.*- wen- wirvs coiiiivct/-d wth n boll at the plant. l'ol-ancn Hunt and N.pp.n and! fJrputfCN J< inigaii, llarp r oed 'bev/i niadc th» luid. GREAT RSMC iN CAPITAL OVER SUFFRAGE ACTiGR Every Southerner in Waakin* ton Elated Over Ratificatior. By Tenoea.ee Daniels appeals to legislature to ratify Senator Siooini and National Com niiUssnsn A. W. McLoaa f sprat. Their CrillEttlwai No Fears That Aciiao of Votoatear St.ta W.'*1 P,. coni.'dcr Its Ratificaoon. Washington, Aug 18.—Not sine, the Iijcinr of the armistice ha* -.ueh icyfol news bean >vcoi/eJ in Wash .r.jli.n as the ratification h> Tann-i «ec of woman luffiugc E\ re worn'in »u?T. iy# wetliT, every n'moc.atiel Olid more aspnciaJiy-a*.««|t saatUoori.ar dialed ov«r the new*. Secretary Daniels, Senator Simmon and A. W McLean, National Comm tlurain 'rnm North Carolina, a!) cxpicad hiir osetx-'imt; t;cBtif!*Hii*,i tV.ti j iv-uthern mat*, a State (.K-.t cf L>* Mississippi |iv*r and south of vh- To ‘omsc, had completed ratification of -its- • nirajichurmrnt of lari million women. Secretary Daniels mod hr now cor. ulrr-d unman salfi-egr for the win :• country an aeocmnlinliarl fa-t. t,... ■"•Stco "ujAl move to rtconiLd" - hut |:r ihonrat the pr"b.d*ii.l> oi auiiu. 'n»j or cancelling her idoriou- a» h. -v. mant \sa* remote. Tcancwc* will .nr tomorrow how plea. Ml the pub lv opinion of the cojir.iry wth hr. woik and the wd! not ijxnl it Wiu particularly pleased the Secretary »a» that a state of the old aoi.tli l ull Itai «o lone been hound' d and par.e fUled by tar party of feel *onalinn has by liberating the women of the nv lion removed all excuse for the charge of sectionalism. Wants Slat# to Ratify fhertlary Dunicls has no lest iti»: Ihe court• will set*aside rat if iratur. That Is all talk. “But.'' said the s^c n tary, “North Carolina, tho mo the of Tounesst., should .that a this honor with her splendid daughter. Evcfy ar RUmrnt that the ant’v have used in North Carolina has ber-r. swept av.i" by Tenneasna'a action. The sromrt* vriuvuiia iiu rr y u> r whether North Carolina ratifies at not. why refuse to ratify? Thar" |i no excuse left. Mr. g.rat hope ia thoL the sensible men In lh>. Icgislat-ju row in session at Keteigh will yit Itl to the :nevliable and give the 3Utr the- honor and credit It should h;’.r: in the liberation of the women of the ration.” Secretary Daniels tent ibi following telegram to Covemor F.'r,u erta of Trnneevee: "Congratulations. Tlio volunteer state has done Itself lasting h-j.ir. |r insuring the women of America equal voice in gnvsmuint " National CommlUaraan, A. W. Me* T.can said a* a Democrat intensely in teracted in the success of the party In Ui* nation, ho was gratified that Ten nemce has ratified the suffrage amendment- Senator Simmons said his Joy wits in the fact that u South orn Stale h,id ratified. "When the new# reached the h*wd qonrtcTS of the Notional Woman's Pirty at JarVeoa Place, Miss Alice aol, the chai-man of the party, un furled a flag from the bakery of the bonding bearing 3ft stars or a stu for each of the stales that had mli flad. Miss Paul issued a glowing state ment to the country congratulatlnr It on the success of the ratification of the suffrage amendment She declar 1 ed her party had now attained the end for which It was organised in 1 1913. N« Peart Fwr Ratification Mist Paul then communicated with Secretary ,f Stale, Colby, on th. • question of Iming the proclamation • at oncu, Oarretary Colby assured Mir. 1 Paul that he stood ready to sign at J the ft rat pntslhl* momtnt ‘.he iivnels motion that all the women of th. ns » lion were enfranchised. Mist- I sui die • not fear the reeulu #j n,u titan* U * reconsider at Nashville bat, of course f everything possible would be done « ! prevent such action. The antis, ahi S said, had told th* auffcaglct. in tin • II on sc that they had done „n lb#. eonld and that they might now g< €$i ioN CONTINUES , Vi* SOW WEAKNESS | VKcr DocJinua of Fiv« xivJ Six Dollar* a i Ule in Prices w York. Aug IB.—The coUon raaii.it ihowed continued weakness |toJ.u mil there »>i a further decline of hitxvwn fiw and six dolars a bale ■n !*■*•.■ i AM deliveries made new iv-w i.'iu.ds -...th llocen.ber selling off ■*3 1 vi 125 pout la below yeslor ' • ■ » i'-*r leolauou and 228 points 'c . lue l».gh level of yesterday ••r That delivery closed at 26, • • ..111. ill? mncial list closing barely • isd:’ si .. net doelinc of 85 to 104 points. i here wo* u good deal nf rvacliob u ya sentiment In ev-dence during the cuiine tiudii.g which was encou.aged by Inc b. tiei 1'olish news and U>e rm P'diry ol r rent declines. After open in.f t; a decline of 28 to 67 points ■I., isailct soon showed act looses of ^v to 8ti points ujider heavy selling o.dni- but ttom steadied on covering jm! buy,a£ lor a rally. This carried prlc.: up mjwc XU or 40 poitru from tr.. lowest, hut the advance met '■ Ji.lb.rn licdgu telling wh'le sailing “■ • i *'•'-» r-t-fiicd in llquidstlon ol i- <1 -ivd^is pieviuualy held against ora.,.'.i rules of good*. pr.c>. ton wukeuvd again in con. » .acmes with the pressure becoming u- grieral Jur.ug the afternoon n ally buyer* for a reaction llqu lUa' .1 and there was a renewal of lo . i no Wnsl street prosiuie. October »o -I v.l .i'i 65 and January to 26.17 - r. wrtivv mouths generally showing :o‘ * t of lirs to lgo points. The wo wo* sever*; pcinls up from the ..■Wet: o.i covering. Prospects for ro.iu. or euowerr in tlw western belt cnxtributcxl to the forenoon rally and taerc were a.so reports that Texas buyirs were trying to secure strict osHld.iag cotton for forward shipment in Oklahoma. l b.Tv I'oaturcl evidently failed to make any :mprs*ncn on sentiment, notrvver and local be*I* seem to be piucing more emphasis on reports of unfavorable goods trade conditions. 100 - ACRE FIELD OF COTTON IN SAMPSON ' Clin inn. Aug. 19.— Dr. C. O. Un ItrwjfjJ, accord.ng m reliable report, „\ai u most remarkable Avid of one hundred acrer of cotton. Mr. Croe •ui iUM*.n»otw - f-j y—Timm d Riorboro, states that It li aa high aa m man can reach, ha* met in the mid dle o. seven foot rows, and that the "••Is an; betiding with the load of .In 1 h.c lii-Id I, a few milaa from •■o.-bi.-o on which la known a* the Vi- r Und.-rwood place. Dr. I.owe, under the auapicas of J.e t»o»*.S (tarnMaa Landowners Aa a-c»t.*— -.ii, do-iwixd an intcrccting and 'fn •••-if H-tdrov in the courthouse ' a-r <’vning. The address should - t ii.roiculnble value tv all who >« «»d it, but the trouble u that ao lev.- ; -opli- tan be induced to go lia .. to ai.ylhhig that ia meaty. V'nuit ha. been in evasion here for ton day.-. Judge Connor presiding. : ■ in uul docket has been unusu illy iiali, causing the postponement of .li - • >11 ilwld till this morning. One •i lb l.ioec inteiesting caare tried v.a. that of Ed. Brady of Hope- Mill*. Cumucrlai.d county, fur stealing an •automobile, which wo* found in hi* ••cion Slid identified as the prop •:ty of ori.-> Kaircloth of this county, lie H»nrJ thoroughly identified by a'. In the eommunity from which h ra> «s> atulen aa one of a group .i* tb.ee- mun seen in the community the evening before the discovery of 'ho tin it the nsxt morning. On the olh-v hand, he seemed to prove an alibi, but xeknowledged getting the ••a.- from hia b"other, Fred Brady, iHn wa* indicted alnng with him but usj no: been raptured. Th« Jury ren ffx'.ni a rennet o' guilty O' recoivjng property Knowing It to bar* boon dslrn. Thr. judge placed a penalty of *•>00 and a year on the roads, but «u -iiduced liter to remove the roid sentence, 2nd U.ady vw let loo*e this T.uminr. on the payment of 1600. ":!HC >.f which goo» to th# owner of she ear. Th. ciops in the county have held •1? rc'nark.nbll well, considering the .tnurxiliy long wet spell■ The corn crop l:< made and If a hamper one. V.'xne n< i.pic complain of lack of fruit •>n rotten, while other* declare they bin nevur had a hotter crop. Farm er* hove found It dlIBcult to take care of the tobacco crop, aa no much rip rand cl once, taxing their barn caps ■sty t»» case for it. Some rcry line •ampler have h«x> shown. 'the biggost watermelon of th* oca eon was shown by Mr. William Peter Win abd wrlghed 87 pound*. He has .-rown hundred* of Bfty and dxt] pound omw thin aoaaon. “Hurrah for Tommmo.” n*i-tlettxrille. Ohio., Aor 1*._ William J. Bryan, when he learn* here to*l*y of the action of the Ten comic legislature ratifying the fed avtl woman tuffrage amendment, ex claimed. “Hurrah for Tennis.1 and dictated telegram* of congratu lotion * in auffrage loaders in tha etate. • homo but they wiH not do so till th tail Hoy* for pomibl* roconaideratioi have expired. There am approximately 27,008, him women of voting age In the Unl1 ail &udr». »» compared with tom thing OVO' 20,000,000 men. rod- r Suite I*W» >0,000,000 woir an already held tho presidential frar j chine, but golf 7,000,000 were antit i, ad In vote for member* of eongrea i The rutiHcation of th* amondma* i! therefari rfl»e» presidential stiff mi i tn an addition*) eight million nod th ’ right tn vote for congress to 20,000 ■ OOP. Governor Cex. D.mo cm tic noiWino^Pr Pres.dent, will probably speni^Hgu at the opening of Dunn's lSta^fer, Tuesday. Octo uer 12, it WiaBwuccd today by T. L. Riddle, Mtaxy of th. Har nett County A^pltura] Fair Ai» elation. An iutMlua was extemkd the candidates ^pul week* ago At that time he At that he would gladly come ia a»*nt the matter couW be arta g^fll Goorga White, director of the Kaeratic campaign Sinee then tha ^Bef Scnatnr* Sim mon* and Over^^L Secretary Deni cl* and Rapreaa^Hfra Godwin have bean enlisted a^patiafactory prog ress is rcported/B It is esUmata^Bat Gov,.nor Cox would diuw a crKl of at least 30. '■>00 pcoplo froa^Arrrou tiding coun ties, where mer'hflP&ioeralic miasion try work is ns %R Tha biggest Rr publican itrrngtlS lasu-rn Carolioa 'la* taHory immediately .round Dunn. JoBan and Sampson'* largrtt Republie^vote Is cast in the u< I joining towa^Pa and almost all of Harnett a rapl strength is in J>. township of fchlch Dunn is the e*"Ur. It ia lat^^n for nj, i«n*on bat Democratic phadart here want hr Ohio man ioMaae to Dunn. Dr. 8- G. AUdaBnagro, head of the Slater Normal Bhool at Winston Salem. u also nArted to speak Hera luring tha Fair. Ia invitation to ad drom the colored Jehool teacher* and children on colorA poopte's day. Fri day. October lS.Tbas been extended him. Secretary RAdle aaid today that he til tonfldtntfbB would accept. A tentative ptgram for the fair was completed yhterdsy. Tuwday will be sdocaUo*) day. Wcdaeaday ndustrtal day, Tpfoday general day aad Friday colorAday. White school hildren under f&aa will be admit ted fee* Tueada* Colored children >f the same ago AR ha admitted fr«* Friday. K WARSAW AFFAIRS MVEKTROM the reds T, w TtUw Os Bwl *b*nhi sod | labs Imserteat Q tea Peril. Auk IS- Warsaw new teem* -o be laved fro, tke Bolihcvikt. Pmaid«nt Liltttdk • armittf no long?* •tr* obliged to It• defensive battle •nd Ibe bold offcdahre on both wlngr aej reached the kyat objective* and be Pole* appear fcbe paudng before Itteoptiag to dSiOB their success. Tbe offroeive Ra t*, left wiag le oeiPl^grr»^*l^p|M^iba^gKb it haa oaea more ya^TpdnhMpea eeeion of the key to tbe Warsaw do ianres—the fork between tba Narcw nd Bug river*—while the form nd vanclng toward lllaara, which have reached Taiechanoff. 12 ni!c* to the •outh of Ml* or a. will forre the Hoi iheviki marching toward Pluck and rhora to beat a nasty retreat e.-.J ton .Mjuenlly re-opyn tic direct railroad line to Dsnxlg. Uut the munoeuvar on tbe light wing along tba line of Gareolia and ?aratchoff, between the Vistula and the Bug. ia the more inteiafting of .be two from the' strategic viewpoint, bctauac it threatens tba rommnnira :ion* of the main Balahavik forces, dwelled by troop* freed hy shortening •he front in tba Brody region, the movement already ha* gained rapid headway and haa driven the Bolshe vik! back all along the line toward 8 root-Literdc far diets nets varying from 25 to SO mile*. HOLD] NC TOM WATSON UNDER BOND OF 1500 TlwwMa Publisher Charged With "Public ladeeawcyr Trouble At Hotel Atlanta, A of. 18.—Thonuu S. Watson, a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for United 8tatos Senator in the September primary, *«• placed ander arrest at Boford, Ga., tonight aad held In 8600 bond on a charge of “public indecency," recording to Statements made over She telephone by Chi of of Police L D. | I avion and Sheriff J. R. Bhadbum. rho affair, they aald. grew out of a disturbance created by Mr. Wataon in the hallway ntf a Buford hotel af ter be had prrA -d to retire. A man whom name appeared on the warrant el "E. H. Miller,'' ac cording to 8k gif f Shad burn, waa held in 11.000 bond. Mr. Wmtaoa hurled a book la the mldrt of tout, young men playing cardi, tha ebUf aad sheriff agreed and also madetuanarks to Mra Sail/ Wiley, propriatreaa of the hotel, ahlch were iMKiliil. Mr. Wataeu Wua clad la his night carman ts at kbs time of hi* appear ance, the two mews amid, aad It was on thaw grooada that the ehaiyrs o« public Indecency were made. Sheriff Bhadbum J sots red. WOUNDED PATROLMAN SHOT AND KILLED HU ASSAILANT Baltimore Atg. 17.—In a pistol duel in a dark stairway an Beilins , street tonight. Marietta Reynolds, 40 yean old, ws* killed by patrolman Nicholas WsBsi, after the putroL ■ man had base Aot hi the hip Tha shootiaff fallowed trouble be tween Re yea me and Nathaniel W. * Wi r.rete, who, with his famliy, oeeo 1 plod part af the houae. Bry.n Sal* AsWrliU Ham* Asheville, Aag. 17—Tbs head some home of CeL tnd Mrs. William fait nines Bryan, an Evelyn place, Grave * pars, built by tha grunt commoner as * th* last haaas far aba aad Mrs. Bry an, was said today by tha real aatnt> L Arm af Moala and Menweather, to * J. T. Homey, af Canton, Haywood * ecenty The aousMaration was ISO, * ono and Mr. Barney will tak* Un F" i v: • FRANCE IN ACCORD WITH U.S. ATTITUDE i _ Frwneh Rejoinder to Amoricoa Note on Polish Situation la Racahod Washington. Aog. 18.—Tho Amer ican and French government* are In entire agreement in principle aa to tha future of hoth Roland and Ruaaia. Secretary CoHiy declared today ia a formal itatemrnt interpreting Fiance’s rejoinder to the Ameticaa note to Italy. Hie statement accom panied publication of tho translation of the French note, which wae deliv ered to the Bute Department on Aog urt 14 by Prince D« Bearn, the French charfr*. France's declaration "of its oppo.ei tion to the dismemberment of Rus sia.” ia "moat gratifying." Mr. Colby •aid and added: "The response it a notable declara tion from every viewpoint and briaga to the position taken by the United States a striking emphasis end peer erful support.” The secretary of state refereed to French recognition of General Wron gvl in South Ruaaia as a “divergence” between the two governments on one point, but said the United States wat "d loosed to regard the declared agreement of France with tbe princi ples _of the United State* as of more dgnifivance than any divengoaec of policy Involved in the specific notion of France ia this single MfNL "The French note declares that the French government is ‘of the acme opinion' si the American government ‘concerning the paesent rulers of Rus sia,' and proceed* u> condemn the Bolahevikt in language almost identi cal with that employed in the Ameri can note to Italy. "This Is why there It agreement be tween the French government sad the American government to esc our age all efforts made with a view to bringing about an armistice between Poland and Russia while avoiding giv ing to the negotiations a character which might result in tha recognition of the Bolshevist regime and in tha dismemberment of Ruaaia." CLEVELAND BOY DRAWS LONG SENTENCE Joseph Busby. ClevsJapd, Ohio, youth, was sentenced to sens twenty -hroo months, on the roads of Har nett County when tried before acting fo** latL lie was nervine a short term V vagrancy following nls capture on 1 freight train several days ago. After hi# escape he entered the ‘"■me of John Allen McLamb, a few milm from town, and i# alleged to itnve ptnlen e suit of clothe#, a hatj and a small sun of money. He ws# -aught in the act, it is said, by Mr. Mrijunb, who turned him over to Sheriff Turlington, who livee s short distance from the McLamb home. THE PRESIDENT PITT ONE OVER ON LLOYD GEORGE la Diet ribas ion Of Voting Strength in Longue, Says Frmnblin Roosevelt —The a Ha Telia Hew * - Butte. Mor.t., Aug. 18.—President Wilton "put one over” on Premier Uoyd George, of Great Britain, ia the distribution of voting strength la :hr league of nations, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic else presiden tial nominee, declared In an address hare today. “The Republicans are playing a shell game on the American people." the nominee declared, because “they are still busy circulating the story that England has sis votes to Ameri ca’s one.’’ It * just tbe other way, he went on, a> America, ai a matter of fact, has a boat 12 vote* in the assembly. Until last week I had twe of them myself and now Secretary Daniels has them. Yea knew I have had some thing to do with the running of a couple of little republic* Pacts ere *.b*t I wrote Haiti'* constitution my self, and if I do my it, I think it a pretty rood constitution. Mr. Roosevslt mid that Haiti and San Domingo. Panama, Cuba and Central American countries, who bad at least 12 vote* in the league*! as sembly, all regarded Uncle Sam as a guardian and big broth or, and that this country virtually would have their votes in the leugua. GOVERNMENT WIU. TRY TO LIMIT THE PRICE OP COAL Washington. Aug. IS. — Active step* to limit the prices charged con sumers for coal la various parts of the country will bo begun shortly by the department of Justice, it was said tonight by ofleiaU of the department No attempt will be made to fix a price on coat it was mid, as the at torney general can only set under the Ltvw act but it was pointed out that by tbe prosecution for violations of the law the price of coal can be kepi within a reasonable bound. TWELVE MILLION EUROPEAN CHILDREN LOST A PARENT Paris, Aug. 18,—Twelve mfiller children In Korops lest one or botl parents during the war. as Mows bj compilation* gathered by represents 'ire* of the American Red Crow in II countries Russia leads With 4.000, 000 such children. Germany follow with 2,400,000 and France has 1, 000.0O0 Albania U last on the tl« with 17,440. FranMIn D'Ollw cabled greeting: to Bert Haig sad Wr David BcwUy on August 4, Urn Math anuivermn of Grant Britain'* entry Into th< World War. 4 Dunn Service Men Gel Buddy From Clutches Of The Law Edward Crawler, Pennsylvanian, waarer 0f the D. 8. C-, the Ciobc da Caeire and a Victor* Medal which *•“ had partfe'paud in u>. «al of the raujor offensives again* Germany, was an extremely unhappy baddy yesterday morning whew a newspaper fellow found him securely locked In the city gaol following bis arrest the night before foV hoboing. He thought th* South'* reputation for hospitality was a bit overrated when Chief Pag* told him that he probably would draw a sentence of thirty days on the roads. When hi* plight was made known to Dunn *x-service men. however, raised money for bis fine and a sum saflicient to get him home was dona ted Crawley was making bis way home from Tampa, whore ha bad lAixtod from • cruiw. Bit money gave oat in Charleston and ho was forced to the rods. COL. HAS BROOK OF RICHMOND TlMEf-DUFATCH DEAD Richmond, Va.. Aag. 18.—Col. Charles E. Hasbrook, editor and tnen sger of the Richmond Times-Dispatch Ltd at bis rreida&cc, 6ur.n-.-trouk Locke Lane, at &:80 o'clock this af ternoon, in his 7Srd year. Death was due to heart failure. Hr had been in ill health since bis return from Ur* Democratic national convention. FREE FILIPINOS FROM U.S. RULE ASKS AGUINALDO i agaiog Warner Went* lad* pendence For HU Peo PU KEEPS VOW MADE WHEN IN CAPTIVITY Will Not Talk Polities Bat TUaks *■«*<«« Should Cm* Fnabt— Sug.riag Faa MWab of t.rnia Who Laft Tools Im Body Aftar I OparalUn. (By JUNIUS a WOOD| h* CaWf to The Star .nd Chicago Oaiiy Nows. Copyright 1020 HsrnU, P. I_ Aug. 10.—Soothed in spirit and prospering in worlds Uo Acuinaldo speaks as the most pop. < u.nr leader of the Filipinos. Thr writer us the famous warrtoi at hit country home in the Village. *1 Kawlt, midway between Manila nr.d Cavite. In the large ramblina fnune house wer* chickens and pigi, while a doses barefoot, but clean, children *cr» playing in th* big g ounds iu Uir rear. Across the road in the nipa-thntchi-d huts, standing on polos like stilts above the ground with more ehilJri-n and tbs tame livestock, mothers wore gossiping sad smoking cigarettes, while leaning out of the windows. No men were pres ent. It was Sunday and th* wvckl; cockfight demanded their attontioa Adjoining the residence is the viitagi school, the giounds of which Aguioal do donates. Sargeaas Wave “Corel**«.“ Gnn. Agulnaldo was borne if Ur a year iu a hospital. Ho bad been opera ted oa for appendicitis and the sus goons bod caiclensiy sewed up an as eurunont of tools inside th* wound, and it was necessary to operate a sec ond time. However, fat* decreed that nether soldivrs nor aurgeons should kill him and the hardy vote-run so? vived. The effects of the ordeal wore visible when my host, a slim man of medium height, grave and plaasan1 face, with a Jet black pompadour, and dressed entirely in whit*, entered tb, Krlor into which On* of tb* barefoot ys had uoberud me. Though h> »pm*i ukiwi ing rpiniu, Aguinai de preferred to talk ta hi* native Tag alog, and called hi a young eocrctary to Interpret. “I knee kept my oath I mad* to the United State* not to talk politic*. bu< now that tho American* are arianc < the newt of the Fflipinor, 1 will re ply,” he mid. "Oui people are happy, content ml and more prosperous thar. < they over dreamed of becoming a* tht result of the American rule. The schools have taaght them to Uriah and industries end commute* have shown them the rewards of work. Now w* went the independence which wae premised t* u*. Not Satisfying to rilipioe* "The territorial form of govorn mont which the Amaricaa* in the is Ian da, lad by Senator George 8. Fair, thlld, are advocating doct not satisfy tho Filipino*. much aa we appreciate the honor of becoming American clti sens. Senator Faiichild haa done muck to | help the prosperity of the island* and Is a man whoso opinion we reject Bewever, he baa apparently forgotten that the American Congisss derided that It would bo ImpemlMe for the Philippines to become an America* territory. "The Filipino* are aMe to govern themsetvas and th# country will be able to survive as a* ladepvrvdiml nation, though K is onall compared with nthtr nntton*. The recent wat Changed tho world * Ideas, and aow It la tsgaldsTsd right that the gruator elviHsed nations should protect aad aocourage* the Mueller, newer aad weaker conn trie*." When It was suggested In reaps no* to this altruistic optimism a* to world policies that many Americans behov ed the aftermath of the war proved 'that the Stronger nations were eager 'ito gobbl* tho smalt* onm, 0*u. Agu htaldo (used for a moment through th* window nt the pooceful vurtk rc*n* without. A w*t*r buffalo wa* wallowing (a a mudhok, happy school 1 DOUGHTON OFFERS NEW REVENUE BILL FOR COMING YEAR No Property Tax ggnept For Srfcoote BEGINNING OP TAX YEAR BACK TO MAT X Sut* Tea Far Schools Flae4 A* U Cents n $100 aad M CaaU On Foils; Cities aad Counties Moat K«t Within Promised 1't»H»a Of 10 Par Caati Spmiol ~ T For the first year in the history ef the Bute except oa«, no tax will he levied upon property for the IK af the 8tate thie year 3 the revenue aat, submitted to the House by lomia tatlve Jt. L. Doogkten. fee the joint onance committee end pat upeo tie ilrst reed!tig in the lower House iwt night become* law. -WHh the approval by the people of the income tax ir lodm ef ogh mitted by this General Assembly, I Anticipate that lx all probability Me SUte will never again levy ibxfw u own gee upon the property at the -‘lata.” said Representative Flggh "» when he presented the bill we lied out by the committee aad aakad that r be put upoc Ht first reading and is made a special order fee May. In accordance with the ms enl lee. 411 was rut upon Us first nwdlag aad /ae made a special older for • e* ■ lock tonight. Elli* Gardner, ef Yancey, lariated •n saving the bill In print, bet tb« ear that the printer will net he able to furnish $00 capias in time far members to have them before the vote tonight, led him to rely on the lewepaper report. He insisted, bow -f one par coat of capital to 1-10 of •an per cut School tax at It cent* on the |1M ■aluatlon and >9 cent* on poUa. _ _ 23S& •ran**. Special provision for bond iaaum othorix*d and speciat taxea already or lt d. Poll tax limited to amount o< total ax oa 1300 property value. provide* for rapport of atx month* choolt by aperial machinary. PrrrUcKc taxes on telegraph, tele hone, express end sleeping eor ear orations Increased. Insurance company license taxes ix.-d at »2M) for fiie companiea; ISM or accident and 3500 for life tasar taee companies. No nroperty tax for State or pan ion funds. Tax payer may appeal from ruling f local boards to eouaty comrais i oners. ■ATHE.* NF.PTUNE GIVES UP MYSTERIOUS PHIALS 5 mail BotHse Contalalag HydrkeUer ll* Believed to Have Been Lett In Tecped*lag of Seme YrnagtH New York. Aug. IK.—Par the last wo weeks there have beta cart ap •long th> Jersey and Long Island tores thousands of mysterious phkoU, •lied with a whit* powder and berate •cally moled—phial* which IfttU -hildrrn have found explode like mi lt tur* bombs when hurled agsinil a ock. i nrai Dcwin, n. <„ h ur nvn* i» Coney Island*, and Long leash, her* phial* hare been washed Mhat*. Cbcmlau aanoaacad tha phial* tan aiimd calcium hj-drorMorlta, a pro >aration used daring tha war ta pttri '» water. Authorities wort oaaMa tonight to inswar th* qaaaUan af haw, ahoat :w» >un after fighting had ended, he phial* came ta be washed adhere. The theory was advanced laystsri on* ocean enrrenu had brongkt back o that* (boras, after twa years, 'hiali last in Ik* torpedoing of Man* transport an th* other (Ide of th* At mVie, for proof has bssn obtained hat (aalsd bottle* east evoibonsd from ship* hav* trasslad tha warid Monad. A second Canty Island may ha made af the tend dnaaa on the share* of Lake Michigan, nrar CHi**«e. children were playing and tha cigar ottc-MBoking mother* war* Mly waring palms. It wea twanty y*an dace the crock •t rifles, tit* cries af fighting man and th# glow of burning WJIaga* dis turbed the eonntryslds dsmtte th* world eenfltgt It was dlfitealt to re al I is that th* strength af America, 8.000 mild* away, had baaa tha pra U^lC*ve'f5th In th* world** cdafll satise.” mid my heat " Crass Itear oalamhVo left On retnrnlng ta Manila onr ante mobna Stood on a bamboo raft along rid# of a carload *f yellow maims** s^Uc tho ferryman. Vara sscsptfar hi* Mae breach**, patted slowly acrom the riser. Twa wanton. gay la holiday dr*me* and pnfflag stenr ettas, war* peeked aa the loaf ad Jaiejr frail. They (died: "Is Dan Emilia getting wsBT What did ha my ahoat politteaT" Everyhody on the raft gatharad solemnly ta lldtaa ahaa tha ward* of their teadar war* njatil