* * * ♦ m * * BUSINESS CAL * * * * » * * BUSINESS XJ. N WAKTIfi-V.. t FOUR FUR i'.w.ii houaekveir i»«. cr email _ No ehihJrrn. Apply at Craig1 Uokory. IT tf. SCHOOL TEACHERS Wi O_ Wa want t» (omnu.up with a * ajiktor.l *• takt cSa »1 *% pria «‘F^ anghly com portent in WowiUpar yourpHcoJ Taro cap-bla. Ad Jraaa B <5 , or C H. Tr.pp, Dane, No. 5. • SAUL- rvro NEW vr fit.TrU'ka r ***• Aefly to J W. Ttpcrlc! 17 t« rex SALE — ON£j£lSEY and"* Gu* rarer com frdK to the caU. g> :vg Rood i»4^1K Caui or or. t.mc. W. R. ^reward. 10-tf. IT INTEREST E© ly^HE LAND or rsnahin# anj I fjjftraia, lot you: "•at* bo IMm t^A. PhiLNpr, aguet, CaitaJT Ty 17 4; pd ■RICK FOR JALjtaEADT FOP taat*d'.«pa <GFcry. NVorberry Bren. and CorWi, Dur.n, N C FOR SALE—FLORIDA TjClM~cy 10 acrw, 20 citrr.M. dCeoti crou r.rw grcv*-!rg uu it. Sjdrroom hour arid v« bu.id-Vga a^ali k ti.U Six ailaCJ of tewim on and one-half ■ulcs fiora eiljmioa point. Good tmtax, school air by. 12,000 take, the place. A Phillipr. ag-oet. Cnlia h«n. Fla. 4t pd. WWW. HO_ icE ON »ha Job under . lr tank aro »ndy to terr again. • Bee him /or aerovn , nod window?, porch furniture war atandt, ete. Old fnruiture tad. FLORIDA LAND - FORT^ ACRES SC acrnt cleared, r.rojft hot:*, 15 poean trcaii, (T^P>'.,^lache», J«pj. r*ic ; » «jnq bearing mo! oerrica. picad . Shelter* and out betui* nds. UnequniM f p* rai gc prirjr water. Free mi.ta of huji lawn. All for only F18,0i)0. A ••>*, afrenbfLI: lin ker.. Fla. y ... FARMS FOR S SEV eral fauna in Harnett, Sampson and i counties If yow want to rn sec mo at oima. Gocd in daalrabi* - .mmir.itiea, dctircblo town property for including atTcral i rred.me**. N. B.Jt*a. tf. HAVE YOU THOU of THE Battery an If anything Baltary aa tell our Bat. jt it—we are *» w«-it und our aer uteoe command at ml! tfteea. SSCrfK * Me* AY. NOTICE— DEblRIMC hoteat thauld Ir wnnU be knoTTti to the who can buy a teal be: gain U a. See Coo. L 8SS%8* —• ON MACNOL . 1 carton of Aoap. rta.-ai return to Bob:u aon'a Store, on. or Fcopln’e Supply Co. ltpd. BATTERY' ” -TOtL ALL of terlee a »er •tea that i i thorough, jud aa dependal aa paicatakfng fe* other a Ba. eerie* a* it b fee tha _ USE bxide 8KBVICS . ULARtTY. Skimi A MeSAY. / NOTICE TO FlioBMnr-OWNERS —If yeu hsvd^o party ta rail, trnj .io» s#« M higti doiiir rui «UU s.#c* (fto. L. C*»nady. Make Washday a Holiday 1 I ‘ - •'> '• >l-kr.ov-n aviator cODncna 4V . i: ... t. » *♦ ••• * 1 <H4 r.V. |a laryo it.tu; noot V; '■r ‘•’■“•a. a-' a^tay p-.-edicUti. Ia.1- bailed t^v! I’.Ik*-. *.:** ~x. ■_o.** b.* .. . -ta'o<1 .v, 1 ! \jv, ^ ;tj« elites....ft n at •. .< u- »... Vjt t*'.".! an ord'rju 4ntW ,• *• .0 ■•«■« .:■ r.- u, ,m.. for t j L'JJ'U 'L -* -• — **— ~ ... -> - - ;;; i >*< .s : ■**-. >x, <*.cmvh4HH^4^h^>-: rnrr o ? I I OPTS Tag 55 APPRECIATE ii if . , I • < iui 01 cut cIjo-m und rtilvor ♦ *■ i; vo you. Gem- j | > c'7 Ivow 'i j |! I ij DAWr^ij'.fk SANCTON I j > *' ••'•'• '■ ■••'' ’-?* 'awfc'rifU, | || - FayattariUa, N. C. | | Alabama Minister~4%elieved Stomach Troubles Mads Hh :eel Sick at Meal Ttmcs, , But Now Always ijoys His Meals. ° TOC Wjoy y-ur tn# .«...vto writes: “t had slt-aack tron _■>. - •’Ittcat the i xii ti Me. TTU-aa 1 o-oufd 5 t tr r it. I -roulo I cfeeUT ”'r-< IteJs. » fool oaf- kct:.a cf Zlron Uft ot *PPSUt., sort 0 ,.r m. r J luaot- , rHnj «lei-»t-th.e«.o-jaei I«Olaf aft I;; \. . ou.-l. 'lua." WiAlir Indicate Hurt your it '-:.t yo»>. If your -Vp# aryaaa r.ra not vo VU; -jr-jjK-l • !1 ; ro t :-ro ).»'<>, ncak ‘u»d « result, you tt'.H i el v.vV . ’ '.>/•; '; ' 1 «s^' *7*Wto»« ... ..... . V f. t :' ;.|>UT system nexus helo, .-d leek tie Ot'-vr Is •.«§ . * -- !. -?*.• rat Iron into your Tlsel freia »*5! \t,\ r • :« *o tu.M y,)u U9 t.v. if A snlnalle -r ;*-•**'' * tr CllKUor.e. a-id If not *..!? * ; ■ - I- . .., ,i« tr? f» *t bet'le, til* tAOMJf *■" “ ,ic- - • "" *r '•'u »««*. * K. McKene'.e, c Pu-i..s J, f \..v. Ji-.-i.-!. ywww^yywwwwyvvvvwvvtfw I Laboratory Ti ted «J Cow Our,/ U , .xl tad . !| ^*,. *■&,***, ;■ HOW. 4 V«kKw *«• il » OT '* (,,... lj7 , 1 J k^srir.&r '^i-r-uSf^SbtLsi ■[ Pwwa *n2ISW J! S , a r,ia- iKartSaB 5s Am ackn.'U F y ,te U» C.- ...fcYrITj •< ol qvtai,. N* »«t ■• .’••* .* u a iV23 •: P-dcd. U* the nfat,^, . . v- -v. wd' iau | 1 | "tasoJlTu M*y‘ F’'"'‘Al ^ v^CmUm Js absolutely *jj M Ald^t alanrau *<« I&-Xa "^ffr^p jC I —"w.** *•■ ■ r jsrciitrtzr^ A w ^ ^ ^ *, KiRSi4 CoV/ S . ^• Sark'*. Dunn, N. C s ••<».*... a •«l •• •. . . . « . 1 . . 11 it Uid yaj, grt ui Fr i- Ye^. O^raMee with your Dnitcne* XX [t bou,h.ren EdUon "' " ^ ^ •*™,d *•" g | ' J | ! i|| *, i ! • * ’ > 1 j ' ’ ! i 1 J ! i 1 j ’ • 1 * ! 1 » . • < j j.: 1 'i> ! I ill [ J j [I , . Jf •.‘."I.*/ ;* '*i pfir-* ; OUI home with a Ui'-.ltnj I’Jeti. •* • „at ^ -Jimarul'etc 'he Ediaon. You will ; » : ithe it : j I 1 j l > ; '< • | Dunn Heat e:\d Light Co. ill L C H. R/V.MDAIJU Mnnn«CT !jj ..ill44A4/AAi.iAAAAAAA4AfAtf mttttH Iff | || II M \ '. A VICT OF •<»S i 5 LAWYERS " •».<!'i > Up To «J.\v .'lid reei-d -o -f ‘•-n. Acp- lS.-iA# lii1 .mo',u>u .1 defen't to be Offered bv Oh is a. cow In jail ax I the outrem- cf •nn'.eial dialing*! was given to oy bis counsel, Daniel Mclaaa:/, i- ia''d that Fonsl 6»d been swir.il ' nut of thousand* of uollat-i -.r-Cfli th« forging and railing of hu ijoIm*. Tk- attorney declared that note;. • v. (100, in sums Cases had bco.-i rais ed ui (1,000 and others sccnrrliiii.ly, •luring thr run on Poaii's olllr. . \t a hearing in the federal court •ouay on petitions for receivouhip of ■ •»» Securitio* Exchange company, of \-hich Ponsi was the bead, no opiinxi , 'in was voiced. Judge Morton toi’k advisement the receivership pi' a and also the question whetlr r era or three receiver* should be -ip. nnintod * Attorney General Allen sa.d to ni,rht that the returns filed by note holders up to the time of closing to day i.hou-cd the liabilities of PunxI In be 37,30,031. This SUB Include*) Dm 70 per cent profit which the investor* i y■ re promised. He said that more iioan 7,500 noteholders have reported. HOUSE MEMBERS DENY THEY HAVE DESERTED POSITIONS The Daily News last night received ••£ f. Jlo.T ii; rootto** Tiom Raleigh: vr 'lUle.ifh, Auk- 16. \.T7 t “ »'• e. lK ■ u: dvruigred mpnlwio of > c.t r, p*o.,*r';t/Vc* who -■'.net ;:.p trlotTWO to th» kjjiilo tjrc cf T unr.-pco, diety the unju.il •nil fa'-v it at • moot of your Ualoigh ^orrturKv.dont that we hud deotrtrd our pn. . on* cr betrayed our follow >P' ml’i rs who *i^ncil with uj and w« aA .. reUac’ton cl hi< input.-lion», a-raipit sir rowi I'Hith We arc irm vecfc.i>l/ 'jvywW U> ranfira'.o:. nf the Anthony sat. niltnnr.;. t. A K C ar ’.hcni 3, h. Haldey, J. C I’o-.. It b .VrHnlie" TENEMENT lSOt‘;‘ *;oT)jk: UxiS Now 1 oik, Aa-f. 14 —A l l->oar. old Hoy waa killed and two women nnd n aian were *t>riou»!y injured 'Ah^:i the . iii” wall of a Brooklyn tan* rment hrjwe coliapned durii.g a *?. w»e cHct icaJ .dorm wt.tch pa*v.4. over New York tr. night John May nfrr, ihc mining bov, ia thought to have benn borird in tnc rjina. Several ?‘hu incut hou^aa wore utruck Hi hgt.ni'kff. aiL: * .*•*_ ■JL'i. ■amnwaas^Hna I »»»«»»»-»»»» »>c * .-v V*-. -• ■> > •> undertake i* i; f < i i y< \ !i: l I O /> ! '1 I o • 0 I / When the grim reaper lays low your loved onto you want the best service obtain able f.om .-n undertaker You v want to express tlirou;t.»e p • tints 'or burial somt; I;; tiling of that love you i.ne r. ; !.•.< .r ing. You wan; sirnpii- ^ ;; city with beauty; service with, charm. << f l| ,n years our undertaj/ug department ha« served I the people of thie distiict ave/avc jeriven to so tcrve that « the stmg of grief will be softened. Th? rr.cn who do the $ •:: 'vork of this department wei chose.: btc.vj^e o5 th-i. sy m- f j:: pathetic natures—becai-te/icy ...,, v .! fitted to periorm t their tasri.:. m<W agreeebJjJLi _,ou. t \\[ Our undertJ^ting dpM.r'mcR- b:*a a lctrjr.. atock of \ || beautiful V;d v/,-;-:- fv n :rcl«sr 1 c-'-*tsc. | \\ It is alwny:; readylto si#rc ti. .,.. i:i s.d> •. \r.C»« X | gnel has come. I M | BARNES & HOLUDAY CO. ! 1 * 4 4 1 4 Dumi eau:J Co&ia I it _J Ar r.ME ANDJLABOR SAV^E I * W riU tpljCoUlog E. J. Him SON Dealer Duna, N. C, •~~t ' I a !■ I k.WaBBKaaiUZEMW% r jcrrr. | —. ___ . - T announcing« \ CO. “Thorobred Tubes” || Mr. James E. Wrenn, State Representative I YARBOROUGH HOTEL. I RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA I

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