BUILOINC WHIRSI'CkVEAR IS GSEiiiST EVER Approximate'v $ 1,010,000 Wil; Hare Spent By January MORE THAN~100 NEW HOMES IN PROGRAM Devrlopmenl Comply A'..,< Wit Spend $200 OC? Kt.f (tor * —<j(v erml Bui n*f| 5*t irlurej l.ndf'vn/ Or Plana. J- lioto May He Starf In Ntar i-'Murt. Ruilrii-:k op-t,ij|OB» iipproxim/atin^ a «»f tpo>e '.har» $1,000,000 ur mow unu-'iway, Jurl r»n:|»k-« ?«1 «»• planned for il.«* immediate Tolu here, afcoulinv to r» rompil**4 by T. L. itfddk*. icCietary of ih • Chamber of Commcrci. Included in the Hot of building Jum completed arc th«- two hamlMirr**| 'iome.-« of J W. KttzzeraM and J. W. i Whluh«*ad. the formet com.j.j? $4h - \ l»00 and the latter $du.0bO. and the bm>t c :rag* :h** S».;i hern Stat- v built toy the .)• hr t..i ..*.ot«»r f!om-j p.iny at a cr,\ $ So* - c ■al »malb hem- *> ar». aUj includrd in iIk* li t. notable amonjr them b** inj? that of Vernon II. Mnr>« n>c»,| *r.d Artbu* l\pi, each touting about $12. Building now underway inr!;»U'-.* ten in v hr»m. h In irg niDctrurled by th'- Dmiii l)«i<;in|nv <il Coir. >nny on fnu* block* tn the Northwest qunru r •ii* town. Tlic ivoinnny wl’l spi r.d J*3fOU,O0O o^Icit iis build, ig p'ogn.m l* CL'mpMwl tho year. IV.pc & Tart, li mbcrmcn, bUo arc n. th. midrt of a building program which Will mi. .un.' abucr iioo.Od*/ tor home.. b. fo»« it it completed. Morn* !•">• *eh* man, owner of properly udjoiQini 1 tha: of Ihi de .ehipmtnt company will flpeml probably f&O.OUU in *Jrt* ton- I •Mii*dion of horn. * in eh n»*xT twelve month* He ha. completed one house 1 and is planr.i'ig 'or *cscia! more. In ailditi »n to the fongoing then i.t- more thun * «lo/«-n individual* who are budding ekigh houses either for their own nivuprnry 01 for reu* 1 By the end of the vvai It j* expert*.! that mor** tho'i llH' dwidhngv will have* hern built during 1020. Hurlnr*.* building* now un*b*r eon* struct.on inrl'Mli; u big ga.agr for th.* Btandaid Oil Company, an wdU* • mobile sale.* atorr for Smith and Mc K*v ar.d t big bo'll ng plant for th C'-oco Cola Company. Within * few week* I*. T. M«wn gill wiH begin U»e construction of a ^ ^ ^lock^oj^bmdne^^uijgrtgaiBBtib nv nt Company will build some others in North W:Uoo Avenue. In addl r on tn :hc.*e the '<00 hotel pro Cet, for wh . h half of th:* m* n v *hp* <11 KvW1ib.1l, will #ue*i Ih; rta ted, it Wag announced yesterday. Own. • of the property from wmrh budding.* were burned le:t December a?wo are planning tn .«jh nd in |hr neighbor hood of for lie W buildlOgm then*. CHECK WOMEN VOTING FOR AT LEAST A YEAR That Is Prediction Ksdo in Tennss sae As R^ioll of Injunction ProrH(J,nfi Nashvillet Tern., Acg. 21? — From the anu.l 01 legal Mini letr dative tech nicAlltk** that have enmeshed Ten ; nciMr'i ratification of the federal • suffrage amendment tonight rami the prediction 0*’ *Jh* Tennefsco con ft: tut ion a! I..pn. .to: the injunction nirainst certification, obtained >mU> day, woild prev. nt enfr«r.chl<*ra#nt of flic women of ihr notion for nt lea*l n >«•;»*• aiu! m half. Th? eon. titut.jnal league. which has been fighting ratification in Tun* netted* 011 the ground that the iinte constitution prohibited tin* present legislature from ccting on the oufT rnge antendm nt and whch claims to include both Kuffre.gi opponents and advocate* in to membership, made to pvedlrtio: in 4 ifp.'iaac addro<«td Lt> the eoverno* of Vermont. Con nceticilt, K.oiiiIh. Alabj-rna. I.nuiaiana Pelowarc nnd South Carolina. The! longue-’* mm-aO'C' dcclcred that Tor.-1 ne'vev hml no! ratified suffrage and I served notice that any itat* olTfe-iall who attempted certification would tic' pttnrVed foT contempt of court under the Injunction which tho league an nounc'd ooniii if necessary be car ried to tho Supreme court of tho Vn’ted Kta’.e Suffrage advocates, however, run-. I nurd lo-lav to characterise the vita prion as satisfactory. They reiterated their contention that tho artiun of, the houw yesterday in calling up the Wr.lke- ••crime deration motion, in de feating it, and in ordering the -cnate |nln» resolution of ratification rrana U'tl.d to th# senate for engroii-lng to ho jurtififd and unanaiir.ble des pite the lark of n legislative quorum The so or more anti-suffrage mem ber* of the house who went to Deca tur, Ala., early yewiday in order u> prevent the quorum. still wcie in Ala bama today, and. according to re ports received here. wt-e<- de-terraintnl lo remain there at leapt during thi nest few days. Veiny ontatd'' thi natc Ihev ear.>ot he ar e*ted ami rompell <d to attend session! of thu hoatac. No date had been fixed tonight for the bearing on the temporary writ of injunction Issued yesterday by Judge I-nngford rcrlialning the governor, s'eicdniy "f state and the «peak<-r* of, tho »< nate and houw- from eortlfyin*, mllflration to th-j tecretary of state' at Wm-hlugton. fa romc iiuurtvrs it | waa believed that the hearing would he held tomor'Ow <• r Tuesday The writ ia returnable *n* time within (toe d»y« apo t ugfi'emcnt of the par tie*. Browr.stoac mansions, formerly oc cupied by New York millionaires, hav# Seen, in many Instance*. marie over into “three rooms and a kitchen ette" for yoOBf couples. Anson Baggett Procures Much Desired Holy Stone “NnwiMjh; if hit toko* dis yaro • loot.' to pit mah money back. Ah Jon i want no money." So declared Anson Baggett, negro fanner, possos jor oi "hilly" stone (imchaail n( ■ laivyj H. McKay, druggist. Who told -citO’i thi potent charm in a spirit of un and who ri, trying to return the negro his money. Anson come with hit wife. Sophie, la llsivry's store about two weeks ago -n search of a stone that a quack bo,| (old his wife vras nr, did lo cure h< r of a strange ailment for which ths would not lake "doctor's medi c.rr." Harvey admitted pour a. ion of i ten, found in the holy land by ar. \iVd.,.oo which lit had financed in tin- adventurous day* of his youth, ••ut he declared it important and ad vi.-cd the purchase of medkina. Anson and his missus, how over, ware determined to possess the stone A price or >35 was fiacd, but Mr McKay plea .fed that the stone was not in Uir store at that time and (hat he had not time to pa it from home. The following Tuesday was set as Uiei ■my when Anson was to be riven doi session. Mr. McKay promptly forgot ttn matter, but when Tuesday came ■t biought Anson and Sophie, still de liimined to buy the stona. J 'try could not be argued out of it ix'i Harvey dispatched a diug cferk to hit heme to gat the stone, phoning Mr McKay in the meantime u> give th dark one of the smooth rocks he Ioid picked up on the bearh whan he » on UM riorioxi K<*y< Whrn th* M-oru changed own-] era the- seller with much cxi* caution •ul Ar.ioii that the charm wu no good ihal he could never hope to benefit In* Wlfr With it and that when be found ttui u» be tiue he could return; erfd K»*t hi? money— minus the pri«-i* or medicinr- reco/nmended for Sophie. Yi'Klerday Anton and Sophie re turned Harvey went to the *afe to get lhe money, expecting that wa* what they came for. But Sophie bulk h1. She would not part with that •tone- for any euro. It had done her a voilil of good, and no white man wa- a coin* to get it back Ilarrey trsoe Anion a batch of medicine and • twenty dollar bill, and told him when he brought the xtonc back he 1 cuid have the balance of hia money. Bui An*on refn*rd f So for the thing a* ht packed ffiorau wag at tb# door. 80LSHEV1KDANGER NOT PAST ENTIRELY \Variaw. Auguit ^9.—The allied miliiary observer, consider that the I'vl i nlu-udy have won the victory in their prevent offensive, but they -»y lh»t the danger hae not paned * "t 'I'y by any means. The Pole, nave advanced rapidly at var.uu. points when the Krda have retreat ed Sometime* the Poles are out of contact with the enemy. In eomc lec tor.-.. Notubly northwest of Warsaw, the Bolshevik arc reported to be : hosing more of an inclination to Agh:. '1 be observer, say th,t advancing armies, especially rapidly advancing «rm«s. nlway, have difficulty in mov ing aildleiy and other heavy material to Wp pace with the cou,tantly shifting infantry. They asaert that upon the rapidity of the Polish ad 'Mice north and northwest depends the fete of the Red forces who have reached the “corridor.” These Red, erC roughly estimated to have be tween 20.00b and 20,000 cavalry. The observer* say that if the Pol ,.h drive continues and carries the role, lo thv Piussian frontier before ■ L I. possible for lha Reds to with draw from the Thorn region, a most Itlttrc. tin* situation will result — that the Red, will be compelled to mrrmder, or, if they have sufficient supplim of ammunition, they may en deavor to stand off the role, indefi nitely. meantime attempting an en circling movement which might lake them across the Vistula in the Posen district and threaten Warsaw from the west. • I HAMILTON. OF MISSOURI. WORLD'S BEST ATHLETET Army Captain la dw An rrican'i ClaaMt Rival Rataaal ol Tb. Point, in bn Mad* Antwaip, Aug. 81—The title of the world i beat all round athlete Ilea tonight betwem Grutur K. Hamilton. I»r the University of Mtnaourl, and Ciptain Helgc Loveland of the Nor wegian army, who ware well ahead o' the other competitor, in Olympic decathlon. So few point! srp.ratod !h.- young American from Uta 27 year old officer that a recount of the point, allotted by tha complicated system will bo nccciaary before tha wotld offlclally know, which It the b* titr man. but It appear* that the Norwegian ha. a alight advantage In tl,» content, which con.iatod of 10 event, deaigned to beat .how the n.e. r.-nto of h" aifclcto. Although Loveland failed to *cnre n <1.1.10 fire*, he made equally good ’ian< with tcveral other. In the dm he. »• I I) |,••rf^lrmane**, In ihe high jump, the | f ’.C'vault, Iht I.S'Hi-mc (■•e. and the ♦’ (t-pot and i|;*cu* w.re ,<n t on*i,-icnt ih*! he acc ired ucind. third #.i;.-th. flc thu' apparently c at pointed Hamilton, wh von first in t » no and the IH awtiw ai d did w»IT i ha broil jump, the j*va and -he a >eu. but g-.tonly irvcnp l« th* > SOn-melmi and . U!» o the • gh Jumr. Dciring a naval chrtprning, a N*w Orb an. lion worker, aitttng on a ataal girder fourteen atarlea above the ground, held hi* fhj month.' aid child in hia grtn. while tha ceremony was performed Association I s Formed By Cape Fear Gin • ners With n View to .tub;i:,.„r rollon in l!,i> PO" »* thl Srntc the Cape F.;a- Cotton i;;nncr A ic.r’ntion wti ...paroicd here today with ••Jtehry member* from the eoun ijarn.U. Samp.on. Jnhn.ton and Cumberland. Den O. Towrv.r.d of the Grn.ral Utility Company hi re’ ?n',H °r cfJbr ,"re'n K*«;n:<ur An J ,|,1cU^ Fr-.-.Mcnti it ®S Bu,inl'''* '• w..» elect ed vico-prealdent. and T. M Par*on "LV'i 011 Kill, Company war .loo i r>r,h*' Srjt »tu of tile ,4r0c;n. n°" I’ pl*cr »*•'■ chare for dine a bale of cellar. at »i\7.»- th. price adopted by Johnson Court' •finnei* in an earlier innllnx. Th' one, 1* fi above that of but y. I he increase wax made. >!r. Town - vend ..aid, because pinner, were com pclled to pay from fifty to 1(10 p.r cent more for everyth'nr u«.-d ,h.n. tj^Ahnd to puy Ja.l year. '(^Pinero rannot hnpo to mnk. mur. money this yenr. Kr. Townsend d dared. for the rea.on thr.l they mi: depend ulino.t entirely open reelin' from jrinnlrp for thc.r iVromi. The •eed ma.ket, he /a'd, l.v in .uch roi ditlon that farm, r- rannot be ex oeeted to **!1 th m unt'i '.here lia. JCCn a material iecirare i». niicc I h he doca not expert soon. He.-ti fi. tfiiiHffn huve rrtA<\r thr lunr r |>nrt>’ip >f thoir profit, fiom «*c4, which jr • mittcd thi-m t«> i^iav# eir.nint; churf*1* to a minimum w.... uig di- f MTiu.Oh Will '.f more thun 160.000 bale- ..f . otto • hi* ycav. it ir clirnat d. T'..- cr>.|> n the four rounh.i I. aline;.* the *.* tragi in spite of rrn ni u;.1'a\».,ibl • weather. Nearly 30.00(1 Uso-s ..f th. rrop will b* sold on th. Dunn mar ket. An executive comm'ttie eumj-rlvTo. •he three officeix and J. (' Dyed. .1' Huonlrvc-I, and T. S Honey of I I lingt.m, was named in tin nuetir.; yaaleiday. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE l.illlngton News. I II A. Matthews to E. F. Honey eutt, 2 lot. in Costs. SUi'O D. D. Medlin and wife tu If f Honeycutt, S lute in Coat:, $3.>0. B. F. Byr.l and wife to A K f3;v J and others, lot m Cunts. S jC-0. J. M. House and e if, to II. C. Iv.-y 39 acies in Avcrasboru l-jwrv-hn |100. Neill Smith to Novir Mn.ou, IK acres in Andenon Creek iown*hiu. *200. Wm. McDounald and wife to Mag gie McDonald, one acre in L'ptsr lit tle-River, *S0. _1, R Wilburn. 128 acres In Hector** Cieek. *700. Erwin Cotton Mill* to C. H. ami O. W. Jernigam 2 lots in Avera boro, *700. , Henry Cox and wife- to H. T. Me lean, 7 1-2 acres in Baibtra: town -hip. (10. Erwin Cotton Mills.to W. H Ad urn. 6 lots in Aveiaeboro. 12,310. B. M. Watkins, eemiriiiei-i-.er. In Isiah Waver. 128 acne in Crave township. *7,000. Lady Defeated at Fayc-tssille Fayetteville, Aug. 22 Only thr u vole- In a munic.pai primary „>p m,l ed Fayetteville ami r«m«- Tl»t* -ll.i> night. The three votes jiiivi ik th, margin by which Mrr. w. T llriKa, popular city school teach, r. nr ■•*•,! being elected to the city board ol al dermen and by which Fay.-tti-vi'e missed- winning the distinction cf 'til ing the first City in thv Unit! d Slut., to ek-ct a woman to office after th ratification of woman sulfrait,'. The incident occurred jual 30 hours ufte ratification of the 20th nm- iilmci.. by Ihe Tennessee legislators. Equipment of Granite. Works Is Ruined By Miscreant All of the pneumatic hoso unod try the Dunn Granite Wotkj wan rut In piece* by an unknown prison tom, time between Saturday noon a»'l Monday morning, it nm dUcovnetf yesterday morning whin woikmru started up the plant. Mystery war rounds the Incident. J Mnenry. Join owner of the plnnl. »t« not of tow, and no nUitcmet could be gotb- from him. Janet Dciacoll, one of the *to;u cotter* employed In the plant, .dated however, that It wat evident the de. ■! wmt done by tome one familinr with the working of the plant. Tho plant it one of the In-g. at o' its kina In the Stalo and hs> turner’ nut tome work that hat Won com* menrlution from the most careful rril ice. With its pneumnric ri|vipmi.itl ruined tbc enterprise it out of cam mission and cannot tn<n a wheel UiV til new <>|uipment is gotten. The police department has been celled upon to help discover the prt son who committed the crime. NEW YORK EVENING POST FOR COX (Philadelphia Record I The New York Evening Pott has declared itnelf In favor of Governor Co*. After hit acceptance iwvch it waited to aee what Senator Hard nr had te utter ia reply. The Senator had nothing to offer, i-gcopt the same' lament at iom about Involving th: I United States with the rest of the! world, but aa the United Sinter eye ‘ no longer rctumc the isolation of Bfl' year* ago, this was not satisfactory an, an alternative to Governor Co*|t warm and enorgotic advocacy «,f the League of Nations. The Evening Post rwognlica that the doralttMnl Issue of the campaign la the League of Nu'1 tloas, and tho Governor D an iho right aide of that Official reports of battle* . being fought in Europe are Mill bwucil weekly by the firitiah War Offlc* l | KliiH CLOTHOIC COS.S j UNDER INVESTIGATION I'hkasro, Hi. ’ Aw- 2.S. —OIU i I rli!< an! < mplopaa ol Hart ! i frlufTnoi and Marx rt'tl'.n* tin- ufarlurnt -war* .n.rr.m..n iH loJy> to appear brf. rr -lie ■r :*nd juiy haacatirrau « nc , i nUl a#*.! of el^thinfr. I TJw riuthinar 4rm »« 'jr <1 ' ta brine I buyka, rvcuisi* i. ,.i | billo. Tin putpoa* of t!t.‘ 4. va.ryatiV r.. it ipaa tUl<d, ‘.i 1 di'.crm r.e ahetbrr rctaJiT., a:r rbantii.lt y >lut profit*. _1. CiiARClii'SMg: CGXumw&v/-: wamnK&?K. Wouid W e | {'0 ni r L'.: itnet TFat Republicans Hi.»e Raisod $15,000.?;: j CHARACTER|ZES Cl.ASWu AS "ABSOLUTELY UN I RLE" • { ‘jyyj HipHuw, Not Kaarfa* Of 1 vaaJcatian Of' T K»> Caj* ri.c.. CoL'xn: C. O. p. Ha,:np D fiiculty lu C.;ii«e N^dkaao,) M„...y F01 !.••£itimyta Nad. Inalaat!. A'i j• Auir Ci—On. "»n-r •os. * i.srtf* «r 4 M.pvb'trwo tjm miaa faiifl of *; i,OOO.OvC' Vtu chur ..tcrlr-d by Senator Hr.rd.n* u.l »- -Vb nluie.y Hrlnj- ...i -prif. ' iric jlouv. Declaim); 1“' ser-uiirical cor.l.i* ri-cii.iin uf UopnltK »’■ National 't.s rm:i Haw* to lb.' . ... •■ rr.inic ;o braducv tv rtriu-u ,-.[ ..x c:.v»- Hcounl cr. , conirf-buiiOft. >:. '•» «i •¥ m '■ h* JT-U- r.-t f.a.r.’l ... tiic re u)U ul v.y mv«4i<atioi> of i:,,. •.Arty ti.uury. • collet u,|.|it ,;.iiv ■•'o’ ' ' ou.f ill vwry •• «»:.<•, " •ui.l .b’ It.pubi'icuo nomine. . >n com ;!■»<•» ! ijf * Mr. 4 .**;•*•• xjM .-i-h of y.v rduy. (*i 1 JTI'•»*1 c* •.vc • •pci.<\ f*|rt . .:b viuli iv no • i.u. but a rf •:*. t w# on 1i*i* •* *• ’•» tUl :HfU .. f m<«0 to Cv/r.lu» # c:'B>aiy.i »hou i] !> eoiJj*-(. id. fi:or:r\ of »• 11 G.Of*' .dog a-f pcrfirlli .'dice ••*>**• _ £oulor 'nardj mddgd ^»wt the af • nitWiil cai^^ialttn. Init <!erl»rrd nit. parly** tnc.cy chest conUined *• nihirj !:kr?" the lOwtl naivto.1 l*y hi© -t. moc—u’k* opponent A**«.<d svh to t 1 > «f it.v money raised by ;V Wu oi.Vil «« mm it tv# ^cforr- Uh> f.» Hiuld b‘ U i d . ti» calTi m h*- ...r.C :t all hi..? ’•> *.r. • .,«!■ •-I o> vr. on i n/, a »•: » .! ip nail .ip •%- ur'am.vrM*; . (. h . tl« i.-rusury hod m-n ci»Bpc‘5'." l»crr »*.r ’Von rlMr.? like s» n'o««'i. • *ii a it. . *n dcdlnrV Os. »i*.i MDunpfN Ct i.'ibb.Kiwi Th* Penutf*.'# oji al*o \ra «»!!«•*! in •«rt#: fiior C«r,' mi! that tlv ’:iri! litcd l»,• iv* ivuMnt.; •r i hi.d b*<n warn* I by .ny'* co.’ttrihptlon^ Thi Ke’ijMk-.-.i hi,*.r. dt-’T^i <d hr 7*on;<! ‘.<!'or:/ uuy prv*>f of th>- **-.:i»ui ••ul a her. he rst u«k<-d na« '.her : !■«• •4i»ty w-Mild niaiii inm. y (Vuai! 11.> aav* b.-- n ipven th oash •‘dummy . i»* ,n.:wnir,V h«* r‘ plied: *’T iaink that is raiht ; c fetch 'd h; poUiiv-ht " Not to Aj>p«»I to Women In durviivp thr uddtd oxpes«c • ua.yir^ the c*«P*:irp to <h» ncwlv titfnnchiitd vTom.n. th. cnndiilati ubi hi* party wouhl not chao:# it. rjmpii^n miuliij^^y moterplh ci •H it .utAttut. l*ef*rtr,atly. he said. h. >|»«M-f| in rnnk* *4n«» ptirlkllllT nj. v a! :.»p rh#- vote* or tbc worm n.** **l il » 'ir.t bifUAVn/’ wild S-onto: ilxwii y. "In mukifiK a d'©tinrnuu oi •ippvrii** i* to 4*ilhet *«»> or to *n> da Miih A‘y rarrip*:r»i «•!? U* «i **.ct. I o th*- n:hit nrjr of th* United f in • n»d ; tuk%' the rt*w tlml women romv r.lc th«l «-it:Acnry oi- the xavno - ^ ini*»».M »ni'Wititr or. is •I'ti 111 out ! • t'Xr.ev! en r -H»ichije»uc»;t of m'ORtei: t.« "i-imi i't tlu’ pulit'cul corr, || i \u»u rtf ’ •>' addin* that cJfVIM t'. u: hi *U.7|1.|:<- etata* liuJ ahoten iif Ku upiuinn f >{Mrll C«« to Reply fh-txlor Hnrdift* did not rav wh.il r *11 my of hit four ipairSi * due.' * ;*v i-oir.in/ vrrek hi* would run1 • .1 mure formal reply to the chalet T .hi- ilctnncratle n*tin r Ho xur, ■ t id. however. that h<- rtmrldcrrd next move thotild .come from Hi ,1 nor Cox hi reply *0 the chol’< ' it* f> i»:nol of hbt aaaeftiona The f.r»l of Ul* Smalo*'* tpa* V hi ' week will b« delWtr<«l here T re - t:.y to a *inup of prominnl thrat ca" folk r*|ir*wntla* the H ird'iv r. .*. Caoi'di'C Theatrkwl I.i na jr. EIp’i | ale nhifi* hive been mndr to fell) »:*llor«, who trill tptird all da Mh riun and will five a rpoe nl of ’ tninwimt for tbo *<rmhirc on hit f noifh. MISS MARION SWAIN TAKES THE DEMONSTRATION WChf (LilHnflon Nir/»f Hi* Marion Sfiin of Miami. I s. r.im will ftll I ho poidt>on mad. en ter.! by tho rrtifPt'.ioa of Mow f. ulr Pr«t*)<* an county he mi rletn. 1 etrator, ha:, taken up hr ilot'w Mi Swain d-d he rone kind of wor*< In KIovkR* before (rmipe tc North Carolina. 8b will liar*, tl • oflfe: foimrrly oceuyrd. by M II "oho In thr covrlhour* and will '• (Had In moat any and «>' ho* -rl * at intcrrrtod In tho work Min Nwaln romna to Hu nett rout ly Vghly rocommondcd a: noii iff eiaat .September Superior Court Convenes At Lillir.gton (Lillinifton Nr*i) jiarm L* Coumy Superior Court wilJ convene Monday, September 0, To- a pti nd ol two week# for the !r>» of 0*1 th cnmif.nl and civil cam*. • he i im:.*utl dor'ii-t will occupy the .1 ' J .hit i dn>« uf the term. the civil bcinf U/ tn up on Th*tri»iay vh* '.»th. Ju-ipv W A. will ore The ealereUr of civil ••***»» ’* iis IKjrtity, September 0 •V L. Barefoot v*. I. D McLarob L i!*rrfool v* Kutrr Parker; Si .lit A. Ildfdr v« John UcAr'.m 1 he J. I.. Thompson Co. vt lira. C*uil • !t.ime*; Penn Coramiaaio’t & Sup .•’> c«. VI Ervn Cortno Milb; Pat ■ : Ccnr.1> Paul v« L. L. Tart np •'”-»-jt»o;.l Hardware Co. vs W i •!;.A. V. Coats vi Itorhr.m ' it • •• C...: S. P. Wibon vs Bank of ’. A <1. Spaulding dr Bros. v. nran Drug Co.; Simon Cam •*vn v* Hr nrv f)avi.. Friday, S.pl.ntxr 10 t.’. !_ McKinney n W. U. Tel. Co; At. F. Martin v. WilMe Pops; ■V. ... .) W. r.anfrlry vg J£. V. Rsim v; Wai-or vm H. S. McKay; Minnie .toriaS Pooe; Cor-Mo'timrr 4 o. . W R Coair; W. F. F.vni. v. • "urliaRton; A. V. Coat* v.. j'i'ws of r>t*nr : i. B. Lini.'r \, Lr oris j ill uv II. " •npumiar i j r W. H»!{. r.) vs J. E. Liiw*n; C •5. Allen v« A. C. L. R. R. Co.'; U E. N-V.lo- v. A. C. L R. K Cn.; J. RT. * .lion v. J. C. Weaver; F.. F. Yotiitit vs J. A. Wcaihsrr; T F. Barr Tout V. >1:1- H\rd; Henry D. Smith v» lUtm-hal ('opr; Susan C- Fowler M-rajC-rec vs L. F. Maynard. Tuarday, Ssytrnbsr 14 .Very**:iI (mnpbell vi Anthony ■ v.i.: ; Liuckliorn Land 4 Timber (*>. s solii 8. Mom; J. W. Talton .« f. »V. Partin: Z T. Klvtt vr A. L. •ii-ur; J. ei. West vs CvO. L. Cnu j; C-nicstcs- Ciieaiie.il Co. vs S. D. ft-:- •!:.*•: f. orvhe.vst. City Sen Food • .. %'s OS. r. Hodges; Job iron Bros. il C. 1 vtv; W W. Alien 4 So.. • U. A I'olUr. Wednesday. Sspt.mhar 16 C 1. Clark vs J. A. Yarborough; Vo.' tlnijr Co. ** W 1. Btrs-irt; ’ N. Crv‘.< vi A. A. Fiivitt; Jam's ••till a t vs J. J. K< ynolils; Cooper ■4311)0 Co. v, W. J. Oliva; E. J. God ■ in v* J. JU. Jones; Frivt Jcrn!*cun vs . I' Furies; J. P. O’Quinn vs A. 4 •V. 11. K. Co.; X. A Mel .can vs A. 4 V. 1*. K. Co.; Cunad.v 4 TiUthman v» 'ia Hod/es; Marietta Frrtil'r.ei ■o. vr 4. C. Weaver; ('has. Hob vs Ain'il Uailuy. '♦i-vt; Sarah t. Thaniton v* Gao. B? Strickland; liiab Weaver vi M. W. .J'.kor: Coc-Mortlmer C». vs R. T. *:rlev; K. F. Y»uiijc vs A. C. L. R. X Co.; Hannibal Pop- vs S. \Y. Sic t.uuili; K. Flrishman 4 3ro. vs A C. .. it T!. Co ; L. C. Scawell vs Simon am. ioil; Parrish-Drivcr Co. vs C. • . Mo ri*:. .8. A. Util vs J. U. Den ■ic; A. Vann vi Susan C. Vann: H. ) »*.<« vs Morrison McCorm'rk: b. t-sre.v vs John K. Clsrt; Bni M %%■ I'c tiliver Co. vi W. C. Dcvis; J. Cook v. Uub. U.: Cook; Judari: L’raiMi vs K.bccrn Smith. Motion Docket t A. Kl tv vs R. 4 S. Ky. Co.; ddii.i ’If, yy Co. vs Gctbr-v Mr snh; Fti;t of K. C. ea rtl. County •( lluir.ett vs I). R. Stawart; J-ilin i >:• Bros v A. II. Weavi-r; John-.' i '•■os. vs Luvie H. Cashwell; Jesse E. '.no vs C. V. Uudvou: Marvin folk v< Andusjn McNeill: So.an C. 1'wrler Duir.ptrae vr L. V. Maynard; A. I*. HcPnetsan vs U. M. Ballard. i»..; Oldiiam 4 Worth vs W. T. r.rown; Craven Chemical Co. vs W. i Broun; First National Bank of Uuiin vs I*. 8 Cooper. -uovern nent Is Soon To Publish List of Draft Deserters Co;i«!<lcr*''K u,« fact iha; th« wili ng -lajiport o< the American people n Si lectin- Srrviec WaJ the corner icm- of th< creation of our great a: my and ,ur un restful military ii li.i'ii moot*,- the Wat Department •lots no; deem it proper to pursue h, policy of unj rrtinablc leniency towards those who deliberately evad .1 military rarviee. Thu r.ration of the huge army which was sent to the baUleltelds obrouii was the remit of the Sslre rve 8«*rvicc Act of May 18, 1017. Although eiitics of American in stitutions predicted that in the ev.nt •if a ir.VHt war. the people ef the •.‘.lined Eilatet would fail to rise to il'.e full height* of palrkstissn sml , < li-ucrttice In dcfkntd of their ’.’onr.iry, because of selfish motives | m*J foreign Influcncaa. the war hae proven that the old Amertrao spirit of sacrifice and sci-etce is not only' olive. buL more wide-apread than ov^r hafore. Du mp the period of arlite hoiuili ‘ t-s, t'.i* pevyrnmint was assisted by ninqs odie'.aU and sgenries ia ap ■ ht r,ding draft dsisrtera; a small out conatar. stream »f whom were b. P7 delivered to posts, camp* and stations; bat because of the fact tha; | ’hoes days wen crowded with other mattri* of niftre Importance, special attention ci' ild hot be given during h.il time to the rannlitg down of the \uinpaiatlvr!y small number of disfl 1 ill erterr. A ft***- ;h dbcoalinuance on Kov ; mine llih, 1018 of Hohili«ation and induction u idvr the Selective Sv.vkr iljssr, the wnr department began at hi. a Vi- ran shier the question of the I ■ roper dispn.ition to be mode of all i ihwc r>tfidratfls elawdficd by the (draft authniitlea as draft deserters, silh a view to definitely settling thc.r Iotas and pdnuMag the gutlly. Ko* thi * purpose inalrurtiona wore 1.Mint on Dot ember Hid, 1818 to the 'oral draft hoards to segregate from (Continued oa page 4.) I’ ayefctoville Is Planning Big Trade Event For ' Next Month __ 1 F*>.itev.lU\ A .iff -ja—“Buy In , Fayetti villa W-.ck, planned Ivy the mirtbinw of taw city during ufc* lit < four days cf September, ban ev «.)' iiid.canon now *rf bt ing a hytrc .avc.M i’rerfleai'y every merchant °* cl.v b»« joined in the movc m-nt a'ui vveiy lernui and ho<u« I.. i pi t Cubi»i laud aril runounii il»|J count.r> will be i-xpacted to vlait j m- fl jif- of “ay-Uevlilv during thlr tlm.-. | *• ►»<- vialt wii: be mod" attractive to ;:Ho Itrmoii by the placing of all mod cp farm Inboi'-Mivmg devices un dl* play in tb. »:ot* w ncloir,. An ex l»rt lU-miiiKtrator -.viil be on hand to explain 0*irirlhiag to the ••tiller. cl the rob." The formal*- wife will b« given thv m ’.4 cordial welcome n.'so ard the marebanta will vndaav or to ilamor.-irate to bar that Fay etteville ihv propel place for bar to do ha. .bopping. Everything abe tit'dii In the four of wearing apanr el, from rbi bat to th* -boar, will bo on exhibit aim. Th# «tor* window ■ will bi made a* attraciica «• peatiblc and the price* of everything will be made ailiactive to the farmer and b’e wife, hi* «on and daughter. Thi Fayetteville merchant* art cn epatatiriiS a» they never hove before to mKe lb. futiner/'.houackeepert* wi-ck .Vcrjth.r.g hr>|ird of It and ihc.v in'.cril to how e.c.-y viartor that th; typical old'Capo Fear taction wel come u accordid to them on Septem her I. 2. S, ,4. An cxtenrtve advert!? mg campaig. w ill or put on in Dunn by th. m- rchanta n that all will know. Fnycttevilla will be the mere* cf buyer* for the four day*. It Is non behaved vialtcr* ard -hopper urlli come to th? city by the thou>andi and plan- are being read* to tab: -;irc of ••very one of them in good etyle. . nr I’.n C' ic wear noici, tao gt t.-' .unr-h.ng .hop*. the big fer i J »■ ,-iaru. hardware and every •.h:nic e;»e neded by the farmer at.! .l»> rbrpper in general wall be plar. of extreme activ.ly for at l.n*t fox >'•/» lh' fit-' week of September and n l who iuecpi tbv city’s invitation and wilt come will be rully repaid Wo hiagton will have no mere rev bourn * or terrace* a block long, a lar Mvlrr bees pa.-td pi oh (biting reel, being bu.iu SOUTHERN GIVES FREIGHT FIGURES smaaessijsz. era Point* Given Out TVaahii'gloc. Aug. 22—Just what <.hu incrct-i-d freight rate* which w.l go into > rr.et by the firat of Sep tomliei m*»e u> the average conaaci or in the way cf contributing to O at uci.-fiary n/iklee of clothlr.r a id .’Uiiida-'t) food products i> *hovt in .oat int c.'-;ing illuvliutionji znei’c b'- the freight Traafhc Department vi the Sc-utbotu Beilway Systran. Vbc rate r-n .fine* from Boston tc Atlanta i* now |1.(( per 10(1 poaada, anaking the tranrpert.r.llon charge vi a pair of shore which with It* ahar of the I'jr.ing weigh* three pound* appiexlmavrly five eents. The new ra!a r-iil bt >2.18 1.* per 100 pound-, tnul-.j a the truuspoi lation charge n: lh -xmi p.i> of shoes anproxlmato!; !5 2-:; cent'. Everyone know* that the pair o.' ohuoa wnieh formerly sold for >7 00 it now -i-lling around 116 - 00. (illirti ars shipped frrm N'.W Yolk to New Orleans by freight for 81.61 per loo pound*, making the tianapo/ tnt'on charge on a five ounce mirt atwal hs.lT a c.-nt. The new rate wifi Li. tl'.O.l 12 par hundred pounds. me'clBi the charge on the some five ounce ahlrt about two thlnl* of one cent. The u'd 81 60 ahlrt U aellinr to: i3.CO and up. Clothing manufactured In Chieafp eon R«v. b‘ shipped to Jaelmonvill. fyr li.fcS per hnr.dred pound* or less U«:i 11 cont* for a suit which with its At-a of th* packing weigh* *i» fiount1*. Tlu now rate will be $2.32 1 2 pei hundted pound* or about 14 cent* on the aix pound ready-nuad :u:t which foim riy wau offered for ♦20.00. but now cannot be taken hem: (nr leas Ihain $80.00. V* (VVU, uir IBIV on freih bn-f from Chicago to Blr m r.-rhotn is now 82 conta p*T hun <l/o<1 pound*, tow than one per cant P-t pound. Tha new rat* will b? f*5 1-1 per hundred poundl 07 diehlly mere than a rent per pound Itrrf that formerly «old for twenty c»nt< per poood has bien bringing 35 ceil*. Bug/r ran now be (hipped from Nrw Orleans to Creensboro, N. C. for 5.1 tenia per lOti pounds or jut nhaoi half a can: por pound. Tha nor rntc will be at* cents per hund^p pL.lrr.iii. at ill le«* that, urea fourths uf a ci cl por pound. And augar which formerly sold for Ava canta par pound han been sel'ing above thirty cent* par pound. Thc.O IRortriitSora which are af article* and rommodltiea, takaa at inrrinre, may he eonaldered aa fairly rvpresi-nl at Hr*- of the addition to the transport*'..on coat of aritele* uand •n thr Smith which will result from the increase ‘.n rate*. Similar Illus trations could be mada on atmoal *v rry o.t-el* used In the honaohold. ox reel coal which, being shipped and will by ill* ton, wilt show a I datively hirher iranaportation cost in propor tion to ft* ralo*. 1 Antwerp. Am. 22.—Duke »■>■* mohu. "f the \mertean aajtmusla* team ic'lar by<-t-.. h!s own Olympf* r*r«.' o' 1 Tq'nuto 2 2-• second*by too fifth. of a -icands by two fifth* of a second In the qualify*"* Hant of the Itm metrea free *ym *wlm. HU time- an 1 minuta I 5-5 aaconda « SOCIAL HYGIENE CAMPAIGN STARTS IN DUNN MONDAY Worker* OR. HERDU3KA HERE WITH RIDDLE MONDAY Cneiiitn Will afoot u/_i TIf,j Erwi-^g To Pr.foct Fmr Towo AmJ <*„ T.'.bwie* 1100 For Furtboronoo Of Work. I Harnutt it thr second county o/ the c,k#,r? ** rte Public HcaLh 8erv.cc in which to true it* cumpafgn agatnrt vencml dteuaeoj. The campaign i, to open In Dunn Monday August SO aed will b* rnn u-u»d through other tew nr and cH •ITC of the county Until it cadi at H»;nr.!fv*J Saturday. RejrtcmW U. . * Hi rJli-bi, ifjuai M«. ^nteon of the Htalth i^vlco, who it now directing tfcr ia|ti*l com. i* Cumberland county, war -'t«»doy In cosfoicncc with T. L Riddlr. secret*nr of the chamber ‘"T C'®m,jccc. eod city officials, to plan for the forthcoming drive. A tentative program ..ranged through he conferenc can# for ivro week* n Uk- county. Dates foi ontaida ••nr.wD. SoptcmlHT 1; Bujas CiM hn«embc. t? Coats, September *; U-k«. September 4 and 5j Oiafy b 4t« 9piir.gr, Scplcmhrr 6; Coke*. , ' ?• *'P,4»Ut T; Ha mers, gt« trmbvr 8; Piaoview, Scptetabvrfl): Plat Branch Church. September 10 j dunnlcvel. Seotembcr II, ’ nakc f4 given two dayr through cosrtwy to William A. Erwin, held ?i!‘‘ thwt- whc> **a* Jpp.tiacntva the turn appropriated 1>T tha rpunty for the wojk with a tibxnption of *io‘j. Due* will ar range for two or mote extra day* aa woa a4 the city rouneil can bo called cycthrr and appropriate lofflcicnt money. f,,T.hvt. «r"P»ig" 'Jto con *100 a day. " 'tum the Federal government neyx onr-hotf, the &it* Health Dc parrai nt one fouith, and tile county ■*r remmunity or* fourth. Tba Coun fj Commlaeionei* already have ap preciated a ruftcirnt mm to cover tec c4.1t -of a twelve day campaign. 5JSP *‘2, *>« •«“<* »• appropriate to. civ* the conumiaity fear ex ftM liarv «P IVn — —f_ ■ rntree w t-auesday evening. In this meeting physician*, meehantr, tn t uuttnal head., social worker*, clmb I *'°“ca •”£ other* Inreroatod ia the work wlil b* told how br»t to make 'he campeigo effective. In Dr. Hinl’liks’v ptrty are hi* tv.fe, two jky-irisni. a motion pic tori operator, u tnr.-l.mican and a photogiapkcr. On.- of the pbyilcfaa. '» ■ eolcnd man whose dutlaa arc to ’•cturt- before colored audience, who will be taught in meeting* separate from those fo. white people. Tba paitv tiavvl* by a u-omobit- aad has a hat it call* a “health-mobile"— a •mail government Karnuai and Bail *;• on »he>.i*. It is equipped to give Snr motion picture el.ow*. and the due Lor ixpeetr to hav* big audiences n ali |«rt* of the ccur.ty. HOT scrap staged in THE SENATE CHAMBER A. B. Brecce and A.temUymaa Me Null Com. to Blew* When U. I* Peered — BaK igh. Aug. 2.1—Forms) Kcpre sentative A. LI Rrveco. of Cumber ‘jrJ. cajl.il precT.t Aatambtymea (.cores- McNeill "’.hv short and ugly word ;m* aft.-r.aon in the senate -K*ml,e.- and there **» a long and pretty wrap ontil ordar vti rcatort'd. Rcmisvntat.'v* McNeill bad lateo . jcvu a county audit bill which wax ,-really icrentad by Cumberland***. Il-erre. epcaV.og the lenvinu-nte of the anti*. declared that McNeill had gone btforc- the p-eplc on this issue ji the primary and Uwt. That brought on more ta<k. Nelll ifkcd a 6trtct qantion U» □recce, who welcome rf the in terror* - tory and any other. "You warn rcyiaterri down there, wrtrn’t yout” McNe'll asked and Brcocc r*|>livd, “that ha* nothing to do with it. I refute to tnrwer.■' "You rogMe rod 19 Tot on between !ho primavrnn. didn’t y.,u"f McNeill irked. "I did not." Crete* ewiped. "You void up you did, MeNctll *hf>t back. "Yob art a liar." Brrece replied, ntd tho Blew** and McNollla war* at it Copt Jim Me Will, father of tbo rvproaanUUoi, tad Robert Strang* McNeill were in the pnrty. The elde-ot McNeill got a pood one on tbo roun h***” of Krcoce a'id whooprr*-up pllod la «n him. George McNeill had unitten B'.eeco on reoelvlag the Ho, golUr.g In two blown. Somefe'edy ap* p>iod a Bt rmng)orr Lewlr handhold uw Oeorpe, who leaf hi* ylarva, bat kept hi* peejmn on tho crowd. Senator Tobo Connor called on the «*rgeaabat*arm* to Tenor* Older, bat be wo* Pave Qattorvnd a Cumbor I loader loo. Finally th; fighting vwdod < and tho committee feeling that the »•* ta cmoSonal for politic* ro- • th*d la ladyUkr fatblen ta eaocotlea •cation and tho Scot left the hall. A robrtluit# bUI corerjag MeNelH'a w,*ho» and tatirfylng the apparition wm drafted. Rcprert ntatltff IfcNeMl any* bis ap ponrai< outnumber d him two to owe, but the pod falrwed Mae* put up a ■or. excellent wap considering the preparation for aacb a graoling.

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