m DUNN DISPATCH PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY j_AMD FRIDAY. EaUrwi as second-class matter AprU la*. 1914, at tho post often 4* Vwmn. N. C. oader the act of ■ait* a. irr*. L. RUSBEE POPE, Pmbliahec Three months_..._..... b# Si* months___11.00 <>»• w..18.00 SOCIAL HYGIENE R«raett’s comm uioners and Will iaru .V Erwin did a good job for the cuouty when they appropriated rums snfllcient to guarantao the help of gov. . nment social hygiane workers In a campaign for eradication of the deadly secret diseases. A two creeks’ campaign is assured and it is hoped that all of Harnett’s people can hear the InctliSi and see the motion pic tures which win be a part of the campaign. Untn gathered through the army d aft machinery revealed condition In regard to those diseases which are all the more dangeroo.* because of the ‘vercry attendant upon them. Most ef the Insanity of thr nation is di rectly traceable to them diseases, and n large number of other disenses have th.m as their foundation. Ur. Charles V. Ilerdliska, bead of the work to be undertaken here, is cnthuaUfitr over the campaign, which thr second to be waged in the Unit ed States, and 1* confident that a great good wri.l accrue the people of thr county. ur. 8. Atkins, principal of th* SUtcv state Nurmi and Industrial School for colored people at Win den-Salem, one of the foremost ne st ne’- ct North Caroline, will sp«al at Dunn, Fair on Fiiday, October 16. It wa» announced today by T. L. Rid dle, secretary of the Fair Aatoemtion Or. Atkina wrote that He had been r -mpcllctl to dcrliae several tnvtta tioue to -peak during the fall, but that he would gladly come ta Dunn to apeak before the big colored audience expected her* for the last day of tbs . Fair. Riddle hope* to maki Coferwl Day” omt of the moit sac ce.'-arul of this year’, fair. On that day all colored school children under tie age of fifteen yean will be ad mitted to the grounds free, and aa . effort will be made to make of the c tension a great educational demon .'teation. It was for this reason the Or. Atkina was Invited to nuke Ike address. A committee of the leading colored men. headed by Dr. C. D - r'^rlH*ton mnd R»*f«mor J. G. Smith will he appointed «• araaowe doteOs of tha day. It has not yet been determined whether or not Governor Cox car he induced to speak bera at the open ing of the fair. Seeratary Riddle i. doing bis utmost to persuade the cam pnlgn director* to sand the Demo cratic Candida tv here, but has not heca givers any definite promise Both of North Carolina's yonator. Representative Godwin and Sccre tary of tha Nary Daniels are helping Mr. Riddle and aiprta the hope the they will be successful. A catalog of premiums offered k; the flat nett County Agricultural Fair Association Is bsing mailed out by the secretary this week. Severs' t.KUUand ef the** were printed anu are being delivered to the aesociatior us fait aa they can be bound. They are products of The Dispatch com m.-ic!tl printing department. There ure 100 pages in tha Fai: catalog which taken up tbo twelve de partments of the fair in detail. The premiums offered nr* more valuable than those of last year and will at tract many more exhibitors, it it thought. The deportments of the fab (n flatail. The premiums offered are m«r-. valuable than those of last yen. ned will attract many move exhibitor , it le fhr-of’ht. The departments ere: fa m and field emp-t, horticultural f't©duct*, home economic*, live stock poc'lrr and pet storU, Sr.-i art* and ■ya!-tlr.r>. ladW handiwork, curio i end ra'.'cs. . ri-jcatinnal, merchandise. p-Tiroitwal imulamenla and mschin -: y, ;tat> of rpccd. Purses aggrega 'i.io *3.Of.') sic off/red for the roses. O'. ' P. fcbcli. of Dunn, vog.-naung V rf the Howe of ReprenontatWes I ’f ll Mirth Carolina Oroorol Aiaa *>'*■, a ’.0 cxor.irxted In* week by n committee nppoint-d to la vnrtJgntv the chjryi that he had »■< a* ‘«|/.ll J tUntil handled through hi«| " V*. The charts' wan made during •hj ISlfi ao»don of the ntaembly nli-?a an auditor alleged that ho had fax :<l % diwropaney of f 102 la his tr It ItrpttocaioMvo Rufe Doagh I ■'*» made toe report exonerating the! Pure man, outing that be was blano 4*rl o. ly »Mh iteorr.'ct bookkeeping ; Member* of DatoM McDonald i •’•■P. Cnlted Confederate Vetemr.n, • have been ealM U meet at UlUng ton Thareday, SepUaaUr 24. Call, to the mooting were loan* la* we* by Adjutant 3. L. Sm.lk. Chari*o U. Skinner waa winner of _pei*v off. r«d by lb^ Commercial Ccnk for the larva* watermelon d'o pUprtd ta Mo window. tbio mouth. Mr. Rkbtaer** melon woigbod 61 pox ado and wa* the nmat perfect opeefmen "■« kora dUo year Several melon, y tewl la the cob loot, the mull ' n* of which wrlrbod 40 pound* Jadgo Roboit I* Godwin, of the J Recorder a Court, la *vff«rtng from < fheowaatiem and baa boon confined ! to bio kam marker the Ume for the Hat two wdvka. White haJo Incapaei f»« d former lodge CUrvncV J. Jjltj^lomfaevrdor, io preaiding over Too gtjnp boiUaya in Rareee. toy*' | lote R. Mott, latvraatloaal fTit C. 1 A. Secretory Poland hot M hoHdoya < a year not (nrlading rgiiija R«. ; ■onto boo even a great vr number **•*♦*♦ * ♦ 4 FO* *AfrE- CARRIAGE, practically nd In perfect eoa Wll rtf icc for quick tele. Call No. 2S7. Duan. N. u 24 tf. WAHTED— FOUR FUR nicked roc Ugkt hoatekeep tag. or ama ige. Noy children. Apply at C Bakery/ 17 tf. NOTICE TO HEREBY forbid any kiSIg. feeding or my l6-y«a» old ton. who hat left mykoB# Mat. Aay otto doing tkU proaecutcd by law. Walter U-pd. SCHOOL TE ANTED.— We want to with a *** or ia competent * aebool aa prin cipal. M thoroughly tom prnteut In ay. Wa will pay your price i are capable. Ad *r»m B 0. C. H. Tripp, Dunn. No. STOLEN — _ IE OWENS boro wagon, lew and one old pice*. Sand bar not painted. y badly utrd 1*1 cate notify p, Dunn. No! _±__ttP SALE—. TWO NEW Ford Truck. i. Apply te J. W. Thorn to 17 tf. — - - OR SALE fE MILL COP. pee pan. reatonable. Ap ply te J. B inn, R 2. ft St pd. NOTKC TO OWNERS —you hi >perty ike **U. why net ee tllar reel ***** ■*■• randy. ■ATTRRY nil “*kee *f tm * hi *k** *• »gh. J*et f* «•»">< u painstaking for otbee Batteries at It EXIDB *K*vic* . SMITH 4 MeXAY. IF INTERES' THE LAND OF sunshine and rers, let your want* be A. Phillip*. agent. Call t7 4t fd. 3E1CE FOR S. EADY FOR I mated let. Newberry Broa and Ci Dunn, K. C. FOR SALE—FLORID^ FARM OF SO acres, 20k cleeraT Good crop now BTowina Vn it^ptx room house arid out buudwigaSf alt Idnda Six mile, of towm^Kte and one-half milee from sBJfelng point. Good water, school K by. $2,000 takes the place. A Iraillipa, agent, Calla han. FTa 7 17 4t pd. JOHN W. IS BACK ON the Joh u rater tank and is mady te See him for eci m aad windows, porch fare flower stands, etc. farm see me at Ion, In desirable desirable town including several N. B. Lee tf titiiimnniiniMiiiu: ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE i LAND 1 j Lnd.r and bv virtue of a special procvs-dingln tbs Superior Court ol ■ ?.V^0tt b.foit the clerk, en I titled lujb Lonnie McLeod «t ale, es Ift*”*' H** “H No-on tho docket of (aid eoyt. natfthu order obtained therein* ^*N_®*jdrnriaaed SpmmlasJoncr will, oa Friday® 24th>tf of Srplrmb, ; 1»I0, at 11 onloir a p., on the pro-* miae« heremaJBtiMrscrtbed. offer for j blddrr for cash, ! the following dbscriWed tract of land U'"* In Grove Townahip, Harnett, County, North Carolina: Beginning at the beginning corner of lot No. 0, and runs with tho Una uf Norman McLeod South 71 Wert, 3.SG chains to a dead pine, the for u‘ the old Me 13*0*1 100 acre tract* **** that trart South ,2 1-2 West, 22MU chain* to a stake Ico.-ner; IheneeAAulo 87 i-2 hast, 12.30 chains to fluke in the lino of if-®! Ncv 1; tho MM r* the line of thal let North 40 ImSsd, 10 chains to a I *tA*c* wh*r* itoo*l a post oik L&S. corVr ofKot No. 1 and alao a Tconirr elbthtlomin McLeod tract; thenco “PVAOunipc on the hillside .North 19 $.06 chains to a stake corner; thefl* a* Norman McLeod's other lin« Nfh 48 East. 10.75 chains I t* his corn*; thrnre aj*hia other ,linc North 9 East, 13.50 chains to the corner of lot No. 9; thence as | that line South 80 12 West, to the Lbeeinninir. containing 20 3-4 acres, fmo:» or tew. Doing lot Ka. io |n the division of the lands of Daniel Mc Ucd. deceased, rlloted to Neill H. McLeod, now deceased. Place of Salo: Ob premiers, above dew rib cd. 1 Time of Salt: Friday, Sept. 24. 1920. 11 a. m. Term* of Sale: Cash, lhia the 23rd day of August, 1920 I*. Is LEVINSON, Com. 24 31 7 14. ur mli or PERSONAL PROPERTY By virte of the power end author, itr confered by Seetion 2017 of the Rcvlaal of North Caroline of 181)8. I will sell to the hirhfltt bidder, for L- Wade on tied near the Carolina, in •n Saturday, or, 1920, at cr to satisfy lira and new P0 furnished on or about >20, the fol al property: rolet tonring list, 1820. LIAMS. -y, Srptorn loek noon. Wade’* More C. Trrwia of salt-—CASIT. 1 t pd. PROCLAMATION State of North Carolina, Harnett County. Whereas, it ha* been made to ap pear to u that BFRMAN SMITH did craning arrest, ana uiat use uatial process of the law cannot be eerecd upon him, therefore: \i J .ij ••'“'oy i<’ »"ln a if. >s i -*•4 . . V* . lul an wjLl».., and at * ■*■' ■•'■' •■■ " ' i tw iri r ' r > a . fits i f t»v >. i And S»> rni jon. •■• ■ aimc.d ill i*; lo UUiedJurirr w, h Sun s‘II Chi wk UJF sad ni-c-«*..> t.. -■aft ia-4b«rra aad ptmu . c • ! rftectualfJAapprehaudin.; ti, > - HEk-MAN SMITH. Ad ••. •> ‘-hi said HERMAN SUI1 FT th» s fad to louakklialaly mtrrndc I m I ff. ana citMh of the star* ni toplL a, »r*st Mi bring Kim to lot * tc, and laKkv of Uyhl or iviikl nncc by hinaBaKor being celled open and warned 1M surrender. mny Uat him without ■hocusnation and im peachment fog any crime. J. W. WHITBREAD. LIE, Justice* of the Posce for ilxr-ictt County. This 20th day of August, 1920. It SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER CHATTEL MORTCACE The undersigned, transferee of ha; certain chattel mortgage, executed by Owen C. Smith to O. L. Ellinrton on the 13. day of April. 1020, and recorded in Book 93, at par* 06 of •he Eugittry of Homett County, June 12, 1920. accunng two notes |10s.40 each, one of which fell due on the 13. day of May, 1920, and the other of which fell due on the 13. day of June, 1920, which chattel mortgage and the notes Jt-cursd thereby, hav iag been duly tnumimi to the un dersigned, before tah’.urity of iint, and default havlngi»n-n made in the payment of said niu, will offor for sale, the following described person al propert^smbrJed in said chatu I mortgage ht\hp post oCce door In th* town of AngLir. fforth Carolina, on Saturday, SsAsaAcr 18, 1920. at 12 o'clock nooa, km cash: “One live pjjmpt Buick, Tour ing Car, ModelmL) 45, number 200 830.” f This automobile may be seen at an7 time before the day of tale at imy home about two mile* E*m of hu ffier. Thia 14, day of August, 1921). 0. L. ELLINGTON, Mortgager-, By J. B. GARDNER, Transferee of Mortgage. Franklin T. Dupree, Attorney, An gler, North Carolina 17 4t. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANd’ Under the authority contained in a deed of trust executed by K T. Spence and wifa, Katie Clyde Spence, which deed of trust l> duly registered in tha Office of Registrar of D:«ds of Harnett county in Root 109 at page 970, ’ho condttivr.-. -amed In sul'.l deed of trust not having been complied with, and the bolder of the note secured thcreh# having in ac cordance with the *-ovuion* named In said deed of truf declared tho rn tirv indent? id thereby to I n due and demand upon the trostoea oner of sale contained of trust I i • xerciaed, the leraigned trustees named in said i of trust will, on Monday tht 8 day of September 1920 at one lock P. M. at the Court House-Door in Lillingtnn, N C ■oil at public auction to the higher', bidder for caetl the land described la snld deed of trust boing a tract of land in LUlinglon Township, Harnett ^North Carolina, ad Beginning at • Stake in tha center of Front Street oft the Town of Lil lington aa sxtended la the center of Front 8trect of the Town of Lilling ton aa axtendad in wasterly direc tion at a point opposite the north ^_ I -— — -1 — ' gg— .11 Wr»t corner of load deeded to Mi>. , li*r* by Board of Trurter* . the Lillington High School*, and ran* thence north 71 degree* 55' W 1505 feet to the Weeierc, lino of tho fT*1*® ,UJ'd,:.Ul*nc» »A U»»> line of •nid land 8. 6S degree* wear d21 5j*1 *® * r^k,jitk» original corner of 100-arrc tract SS? th*, J' N. Waddell 78-acre tract; thence N. 58 degree* 40' W. 351 feet k * t«i ui" «r Ui.) n - ,|, s. !4 kjt: C /*: . • i J * :t - C. o. V > . , w tc Jed; f \ . , * si .«*» 8. 71 (W^>er / '• • »■> / » f« ‘* • *ar v.. w. .f w u. v r • ■ • ' : tv r' - •• — Jl *• . — J . . . , **•**'.. * *A . • ‘T . -* .. ncc w»t#i iuft i. <»• i 1 •» ,»•••. • ' I- - r .. . ..... 1 * 'Vr:c' *• •• •* •' D .r, N c. • i»..w o. W4.#: j.vMCr,.| .tji.4. l). f , / s*. »» • * • » • w * *• *»• <j- .iu, t • -o a.v.• f ■. . saix: .* 1 ’ UNDERTAKING „ v ! > i; i , , + *■ 4 i \ When the grim reaper lays low your loved ones you |; , want the hcmt service obtainable from an undertaker You want to express through the preparation for burial some thing of that love you had for the living. You want simpli- i city with beauty; service with charm. | H** ^e^r* °»Vr uVer*aking department has served > Si* 5?^ C ^“AjjF1 we have striven to so serve that the sung of jnirfwil/be softened. The men who do the W°»ki?f th‘! depT.rTlt Wer,e cho3Cn because of their sym pathetic natu res Vb^a use they are best fitted to perform their tasks most agneably to you. Our undertaking department has a large stock of beautiful caskets anV is equipped with a fine motor hearse. It is always ready to serve those of our friends to whom gnet has cqme. {■ . \ 11 9 , , BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. | 9 » \ 1 Dunn and Coats » • ► • * il 2 2_ # i * I PDF 1 i h 1 Plif i ^ '■ '•••« rf? j f.;! 1 ^ o .;•!, j jj | a One Ton Testeci ^ j !; | I T”b'4.L<" • iw I WM> E.J8W ~~ j g Bia ii I and Vacuum Cup ? J txxi Until I | iber 1st I l| &foior Co. | 'hnson Garage p I Just Try the Melo-Harp | We want you to visit cia sr.lc i roomc tad play your favorite I selections on the Molo-Hmp yom-.c’f O^’vky trying it can & you realize the dclxc;*-i.*-i r*.:; cf tU > V0-Maip. Tomhl^ ^ P‘W r-W. Melo-Haip 18 SSTS8* the 9oft *5 the ..urp v/ith tf* full rich tone® of an unusually high on-..jy pi.\no. Stop in some time toon r.rui enjoy tliiu musical treat. Barnes and Holliday Co. Dunn, N. C.

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