Cifiam Sm t« P«Uiah u.« of Draft DsMrtm (Continues! from page 1.) the t4.004.0vu record* of draft p.g. “ttaau, there ot m.o r.poru-d ilor »■« the parted of the war a* diaft deserter*. '.ha >h:pm. r,t to Washing, toa of these M4a March 1910. Io CMli|itite showed that a com para kvabr small proportion of Ur ceeriy hair million men reported ai draft derertatt coaid ho considered a. oil fal offender. la lha redaction of this number, the clai. of persona, num bering abou: li>3,0i)C acre had their •ate* dtapoaed of dariag .he w»r; (»l KvgUtlunts who enlisted in t the Army, Nary, or hir’.nt Corps, hut failed to Inform their lecal board* of the fact. (b) • Men who fa'led U> report (or m.utnry daqr. b.cau.e of (gcoruocc of the Selective Service Aet, hui who. afu-r loam in r of the i-riumo. of Du* offoaie. rrpo-ud to mltitury r name*, the nnordt Of lil.OffO showed that they could nor propvlr br- charged nits i-iwrileSi a.l.'i ihr records of 173,P0f rigiilmnu rev.-alsd •.ha! (nr,, hud boon ordered to report for mil*. tary duty and wilfully faiU-d. Out of over 24.M10 000 regia'-.mnii, th- mrjcim:m number chargeable with wilful d •.- rtion l.i 17.1,911; con ikbraVr !e.l Lbui one pt; cent of the total > rsrutratioo. trw a i remen dots* improvement over the draft re cord of the Civil War. The war de pr. rimer.*. ;n the r.«-nr future w.U publish to the country a list of men elnaaificd ct wilfui rtre.rters, end de »irc* to obtain the roopcnitiun of the various state and 'oral cfikisU pa triotic aach-rten s--i oner agencies, ‘-winding the dcpurlm nt of justice, m bringing about the aporrhen-ion 0/ thvsc m-r.. Assurances of *uch co operation have in many rates air. aiiy h*«n given. Exact copie* of the list of Beta's, grouped by State* or other roTVwnlenl d.-Hnion* will b- available far postmaster*. police staricr.* aod Other agor.eir.*. Ponding publication of th. 11 -t of deserter*. any mao charged with d»\ t desertion who wiihe* In avois HumTiatiop of a:?v,t may voluntarily ; art render at the noare.t Army Port, camp or atation. In order that hi* ea*« may be investigated and bU .«*a tn« definitely determined. In the even! that any *ceh mnn'< cast .hail have been finally deposed of. prior to the publication of the list of d« f> Iters, hi/ Home will be omitted from that liaL Any draft- registrant who Is in •luttbi as to kis draft statu* may wriU to 'he Adjutant Gcasial of Ui* Army, oi-h n-fton. D. l's and find oat how k* is classified, notwithstanding the • let that ixnoracc- of /uch statu* i/ th.t traUtram’s own fault, beruus* of fc-» lack af inlorast in keeping track oT h-s obligations to tho government. The war d/part men: wishes it cleur *}' ar.dsistood that men who am guil fc’ <*r wilful desertion will not be r*. ••-fed of the consequences of their misconduct, nor will they be dis charged merely because they write to .he Adjutant G.oeral of the Army and request a discharge. While the war department ia pra te red to give full information to tha draft regi/tranta requesting It, as to chat evidence will be required in or > r to obtain a discharge, the docu mentary evidence required will be most rigidly examined when it ie sub mitted. and must show conclusively -hat ro iojn*tice is done to Ihr gov ‘-,nmict in granting a discharge. D-uft deserters ar. men whp rug ,*:*r«d. and who were ordered by draft authorities to report for military duty at a specified lime and ■ 4C«, a-d who did not to report Such n>3 *P by law held to have brer •ducted into the military «rrrice of *•> United State*, whcie they remain ■' until they an iil*chai-ged. They -*» iub)tcl to trial by Court: Mar • M for their offense of desertion. Dtnf. d/UnqiSent* arc men who veir ranuirod by law In register, but v!to failed to register, or who. al •ough they registered, as required. - V-d to report for physical exam ration, or failed to return properly I " ecut/d qmationnaires. Thix delinquents have not h.-en ducted into toe military service and nscnuentlv ars civilians, not' sub .1 to tiial by military courts. The l pertinent of jaatire ia charged with i r.nging these offenders to pnnUh ji nt. and had indicted thousands of im before the Federal Court*., of '.on a considerable number have | • -n convicted. The offense of drafi . linaucncy is no more to h<* ovei lokid than that of draft dssartion. ne Department of Justice haa moat .My cooperated with the war dspart ■oi'tnt in apprehending draft das/rt rs. The wa<- department has temporar. ,':r suspended the payment of the rc .•vr.rd of tSA.OQ for the apprehension ;.-.rd delivery to military authorities ■ 1 draft demers because of the tre .a-r.dous expense that would be in ni-rvd. The patriotism and universal d.-irc of the people to see no draft .!■ »-rtpr go unpunished, it is believed rdl be sufficient incentive without I ihr offeting of a reward for the ap ip 'honalon and surrender to military - - borides of then* draft offenders VEGETABLES AND FRUITS REACH LOW FRICE LEVEL Waahmgton. Ao*. 20_l*t>latvtu fro it* and vegetable* gcntaallr Boarad the eaaaon’i low pric: Uval ; ■ | di»>* l x-ck, aceard't'g to * TV i<* mm. of Agriculture mark,'l tun rra-y ir uni frduy. # A; $3 •< barrel, reached iu New 'V'i. polttio pure* to grower. "»rr n.iw lu arar than they oagBt to h , eon the oust of production." the i ■> utcmt-ia Mid. i ' wesle.n eitlr*, potato** are ! niftier th-,:i in thi i»,t. and the price range ie from $4 U» $6 a bairrj. Onio.* at 76o a bushel and cabbage , at 4S0 a .on. the statement *aid, "are < Sftn’f'tf at mdicsl price*." Can trio up** < and green stuffs and aanuner fruit* ! generally have suffered a acvvrv ra- < action from the high mark at this \ •peing and early summer. The Hr»t t of Westain board apples to reach ] Chicago an, bringing from $2.60 to < $8 against a $4 price early in the ' season. J LYON OPE NS CAMP Al ON FOR CONGRESS MONDAY Fayette ville* Aug 23.—Ilorerr Ly on, Democratic nominee for Congress from the 6hrtn district and solicitor of the eighth judicial district., will »{ie»k on ‘‘Possibilltice of the Upper Cape- Frar" before a Fayetteville au dience Monday afternoon when a big barle-cue will be given by the Fay etteville Community Service, Cum berland, Post, American Legion, Re tail Merchant** Association and the Chamber of Commerce, at Di. J. V*. MeCrougan's country’ place "Kutaw." Every effort will he made to have *rveial hundred of the- city's businew nun to attend the occasion. They arr asked to bring thrir wives along with them, and the fair guests arc assured a cordial welcome. Thi* will be the first public ad dress which Mr. Lyon ban ma le since his nomination in the second primary on July S, and tha man who will next upievent tho Sixth district In Con gress will he heard with interest st thi* time and, rwrtirularly, on Ibc "object of the Cape Frar country's great possibilities. America had the good fortune- to aecapr government ownership of tele eiono linos, nay* an English writer. c declares that the existence in Eng. Iland of government monopoly has re duced thr value of tho telephone to the British public at least eighty per ■mmmwaumummauaiM a I Their are about a same.' np» icia the voborrou) - ewet jnwlc* li .L«f9le» to ««l eDsrjtk rv*«a fer •he m optiit * |r If you did not you should have < | ' bought on Edison. ;; , i1 1 i > I ( 1 « > i t ii ' 1 I i 1 « » < t |i h x . .i 1 'I > 4 1, "4 I | i 4 ! \ l 4| 4 >< 4 1, J ■< and Light Co. ; M. RANDALL. Manager WATCH and CLOCK REPA G We have just instituted a repair depart ment for watches and clicks and have em ployed an ^apert to direct the work. The Dep^ i equipped with the [ best and latest ery. and we will ap | pteciale your ; We will car first class stock of jew | elry, clocks end lass in this department. BUTLER BROS. Dunn. N. C. iinMimnuiiiiuiiiiiiiiim±tm««Mmw«w^^>.».^.^....,,1||||||||||||lmTrCT. ^ B. FLEISHMAN & BROS. \ f W. E. KINDLEY CO. \ I TOM A. THORNTON l] STEIN BROS. U HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSM FLEISHMAN'S BIG STORE \ THE CAPITOL JUDGE PRINTING CO THE FASHION BENNETT GARRASON & CO. UNIVERSAL GARAGE CO. FAYETTEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY ALEX WAITMAN VANN TRADING CO. T. S. SALEEBY A CO. M. F. SHUFFORD W. J. BYRD • * ; i: k * i • * * • ■« i. » a ptfO|*tc ,i • tl.ic lh*» Im- ricaivcnl uh^n ii wac b*»m n in; rtdr: tag >c **aa wroii talc i k v * m *n^‘ -v a • ^ #* Vif; and Vic-1 tor iecords | bv e i eve h 1 .rge ; toe:; oi new Victrolas } —r.nisicrf m ti c p.c .ties'; vcoods and design- i td to mu"c;» .dl styles of furniture. » V/h .vs :ve Kave^he newest records t m;;e Iv, he v ictor Company’s most noted * singers .nnu mu ji^ana.. X I The V'ic.or nLicimic is without a super- | ior. I; hns fe v cque 1 e# j Ah J.e itr.e pimts of talking machines 5 manufacture have Men built into this mach- * it'** which has sioocWlhe test service through r t. .-; n’ncc sucmmachincs became a part #. ci rh^ music world.l | We vill be glad to demonstrate these 1 m r.cs raid these records to you. ■; COME AND HEAR THEM X i Butler Brothers l ■a—«r T»»» ■■in ii« ■! i ■ —umim ^jr. I • n FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ' j — ' i l - J Farmers’ Housekeepers Demonstration Week j SEPTEMBER 1st, 2id, 3rd, and 4th, 1920 | Most Wonderful Displa/ of Merchandise and Home f Labor-Saving Devices Ever Seen Anywhere. „ \-T ! Greatest TCilues it Most Reasonable Prices \CoJie and visit us. <\* AT_ McKETHAN & CO. C. M. WATSON EVANS FURNITURE CO. A. E. RANKIN CO. II. E. SHEF.7 Z SMH ; ::i.OT:iING CO RAY GROCERY CO. JENNINGS SHOE STORE HOLMES ELECTRIC CO. H. R. HORNE & SONS THE SPOT H. M. PEMBERTON DAWSON & SANCTON CENTRAL CAFE W. F. BLOUNT FAYETTEVILLE STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY * »