THE DUNN DISPATCH PUBLISHED EVUY TUESDAY AND TODAY. April leA IMA ' •»" ttl1* pmiTZdX at buna, N. C, udn tha act af Hank S, 1ST*. L. BUSS EC POPS, MBW month*-...._ .or Six month*___...._11.00 Oua mar..--$1.00 For Sale—A Presidency Why alioald aa ordinary citiaon »'.<• hasn’t the price taka any part ia a p. evidential elrcttea? .-publican*, tt appears, win aat h.'rf anybody. Jimmy Cox, Democratic nomine* fo» tha job, ka* Jaat uncovered and a plan throuxh which He puM'.ran* will rata* thu pne*. Tha sum ia $1S,000,00«. The contributor* will be. of courac, big buainrs* men who will have axe* to itr.nd in the event Senator Hard trig aut* up hi* whet atone in the White House. If the Jtepubliran* are to be allow ed to buy the presidency wh} dioulria’t are do away with election* sKoMhtr. If we can be given any asaurmnc* tlwl the buyer isn’t going to rwlp*. tha .<um paid—or allow his frisndt \o ..wipe H—why shouldn’t wa place a “For Sale" sign oa lh« saat and tut it go to the highest bidder. Tha; would saie millions ia eloe tlon cgpeMM aad give us at least a $ 1 .000,01:0 bonus every foot yean. rhe Fuel Problem MtD. Hol'iday, president of the Burner A Holliday Company, offer * eolu'ion of (hr fuel problem whki; going to prove a serious thing to all •' ttmur.ille* this winter. He advise.* 'orma on of a foal corporatioi I*, buy standing timber, eat it down, haul it to town and sell it to the con -***.r a; as rrawmabU prke as poeoi • hie. lie points out that we are sue r. untied b> fuel suAeient to met; every need v» have for the next lift; > «r». All that Is needed to gat it li town is orgoniaed effort pruperiy di • cried. H« thinks that standing tna b-r in many instances-ran be goiter for the price of clearing the ground Mad that a great aei vice mould hr ran dervd land owners as writ s» house holders through the clearing. winter is going to nee a sari ruct shortage. Coal mines ari anything like a norma winter wfll find prae will dries coo In mddltl.r aasuranca that railroads the small quantity that plan will he submit thr Chamber af Commerce to night. Martyred Terence MeSwecncy, lord mayor of Cork, ie about to be added to that li« of Iriah patriots whose mem ory is kept green In the heart of ev ■rywirf the Emerald Iile. Wolfe Vor.e, Robert Emmett end the k»g J;ae of mm who Heed and died for Ireland mtml look with approval up on tb!* Irishman who la slowly stare li'tf him'clf to death rv.ther than lut •nl* to British rulv. - It is rlmrartorialic of England that He should allow an Irishman to la ‘ "»< ■ miityr at (his timo. Out of • v*. y trouble that she has had with >' r pugnacious dependency there hae •’■•me (he m. mory of some one man «h-ir she allowed to become a hero *n :iw eyes of the rotnsazic folk of I -lard. McSwceiwy probably will **'• lif hae suited Into the business Jvftsc in apparently a dote.mined iisannw-. ru'O.v x-m-ration* will com. P • h ••l»d to h'm and rank h>ra wirlt ih. uuoii'a Immorujl*. J.l.'S.<i.B< England n laying • ; .tsaro trouble for herself. Carlton Duncan Oni of North Carolina’* snoot use - •’«! c.(Irens passed away at Bauatfort ; •'•Jo* ni'.rnlog when Edward Cart ■ i IhJrran dint after an illiwuo ef we as, >fr. Duncan was a •!:«.1 railreadar and an Industrial •, but It was as a politician j Xo ‘h Carp Italians new him beet 1 lr.4. aru« a Republican, a national j « mm tUsmaa of the party for aev. ■ bnt. la .pit* ml the proa #« :ir* bia pvaltlrn para bia. It Wi> f- (hot Ua vaiaa ati baaH if, vha biwr matter! af 8tala peUUei V Ualahrb. e-harr b» «.a praaldent i>f n lank and prcruimt of tba Cfcsa I- r of Canunariv, It *m .rlrioa (Jut b» tr-k aa aativa part in party poW Ur dkl mark far bit Stata. Kind, tMrt«*w, cauldarota aadar nli airromataaca*. Carl Dmwaa .on friaada hi all «efta af Hfn. Mr •rill hv mkard. unw UIMNI IN NONMALCY. IXrw York Craning fart.) I ~4fl aa the kaya at piny. • *•« *•«« <*"• One. Iva. thrrr. rSnaar swart “** a* £2! •‘MPf t Yea, the bay* are eery happy, with » »• < tiif/ dmrd f' Why da Uitrt and WMiem IL Nka ! fine*? They like Warren became he anyi ‘V? Uf 'fM** kul n»« Ten Why do Hiram and MediU iak> Yurren? They like Warm becauao ho soyr >«* to no Aato-ci-aliou of Nation! ut aoeana No. " Xtf*** £®uld **»-«PP*»»t Ellhc William H.. what do you thlak nil happen? EUha and William H. will be (root y putaaad. If Warren tbaald disappoint HI am and MediU. what do you think 'Oald happen? Hiram will butt Warren In (ha y* Under the cir-ctam-uUncaa. who dr ou think aril] win out? I thlak Hiram and Medlll arill win •at. How data Warrvn da-acriba thia omewbat Unpaid dtuation Warrvn think a it la a ilali of Nor malcy. MEMOBY VERSE “No meona Yaa," aaya the Globe on Day Rant “No meant No," tay* the San anil Herald. “No meant Yaa,” aaya the Rubik Led par. “No rataai No,” aaya the Chic ape Tribuna. . SAMUEL SMILEY’S SAYINGS , The "Retired Steteueee" Am- ' Qwestiem* Be Hie Auieei Friieii I AnJ in By nail the following locations from my former eonatitu nta bearing upon the national eta "SB!—. How do Cox and Hard ng compare erith each other aa Can dida tea? Answer. Like a dynamo and a ham naelL Q WUl Handing stick le the from .torch? A. What difference will it make1 fell he stuck anyhow. <J- What ia a mandatory? A. Boie* Pentose. (You see. a Mandatory ia somebody set up ovei be weak and heipleaa until they mpi *ct up out of the rocking chair.)v Q. What kind of a peace would w« ret by Harding’s plan for a declare don of peace by Congrsm? A. One half of one per cent. Q. Where ia “Trail's End?” A. After March 4. 1921, it will ye located at the White House. Q. How did I like Franklin Roose. /alt’s speech? A. It convinced me that the Rooar /elt progressive spirit didn’t die will r. R. Particularly I liked that refer ■nee to Governor Cox aa the "engi nrrr-caadldate.” It nma, a condl late who knowe what he's doing and now to do it; In other words, it mean, ’fllcieaey. Herding ia aa engineer rendidate, too—stationary engineer. Q. What did I think of Govemoi Coolldge’a speech? „ A. It was very convincing in on respect. If Governor Coolidge payi >aly 134.59 a month rant, any tend lord who would charge Senator Hard :ng more than $2t o month ie a pro Steer. . y Do I think the Republicans arc insistent oa tka League of National A. "Rig Injun" Bill Bomb says b: wouldn’t vote for .the La ague of Na tioua if tbs Saviour of Mankind wen to xak him. "Big Brother" Bill Tafl <aye he ie astieftad with the le^us covenant jnat aa President Wilao i brought h from Paris, end at lui reporta.they were both for Herdiny Republican conaiatancy on the league ia a jewel—the kind you buy at the 6 and 10 cent stores. „ Wh.t do I think of the R- nub llcan plan far the campaign? A. Retailing the election of £. ataw Newberry and the tray the didaciee of Coaeral Wood and C.ov ernor Lowdea were managed n. 11> lata priaurtes and mindful of what 1 concerning the campaign fund 'tilotawa/' it looks to me lent thing like the Point plan with r<. terse Engtleh. SAMUEL SMILEY. CAPTURE COPPER TUB AND TWO BLACK BOYS <Harnett County News.) Deputies Kyla Matthews and Met riiBoa Lanier tnok a ftiwnr jaunt orer beyond Spout Springs Monday morning, thinking perhaps there “light possibly be some enterprise go ing Into liquidation. Kyle somehow or other has a habit of thinking in cer tain terms about rueh things, so to stake a true story bring results the deputies lay in hiding till the propria tom of the industry came down to the main plant. Patience being one of the cardinal virtue! of a deputy, the operator, I were allowed to "ax thr ikubberr' an j HI a upline fell almoet alhw.irt ihi noodle of Chief Kyle. “Time to call! and introduce,’' announced hr, «o con : vcntienality wae dispensed «,ih and two big black bud dire were e-aorted Into coetody and n huge copper tub 'U edded to the lint of telm that enter into a junk sale. Com m,al wv he principal Ingredieat of ihe tub .ostenta and the supposition in tha kawn likker” wae th factory's rh.e. output. The whole shebang mav h oen at the jail, LUJington. K. C. P S.—On the return journey th t hief deputy matt a gua on a black buddy who wae tinkering with a bu« wngon. Examination confirm'd >ui pirinn and a 44 raagaaiBe, coinnion l.v known as a “Magdeleme” rnnong '.he colored persuasion, nu hi->k»d ,o the belt of the chief aa a au.'olu rophy. Transfers ef Real Etiatv Mis. Annie Carinas* to J. W Mr Artaa, about one sent in Lilllnittnii township. |1)1. w. D. Patt< r*on la W. M. PalUr 5on, 78 acre, in Upper Little River ft' A $SM. J. C. nti'ickL'itl to M. K. *1 hurnlon. ^ *crci in AvinAipiu lowu-lup iO, 500 r N. R Ljc.h to L. W. Thornton. 20 acre* In Avnihhuro luvuahip, $2,500. N. P. Lucas to N. K. Lucas, 20 •cm In Avcr&hboro township, 1,000. w-i- -ii f-'-m j—ii■! i ■■ ma— ... l! r« . intan to l\ W. McKay. 1« < «!• Omii . ,/lm, »■ M> ta C . >M\.nn;ck, * »• • ‘ '-in >n .- t: •f:i Harm* tv V.\ f r.n.iri. Ir n ,ri 6>. .>. n t tc mli.p $ »4i0. K. .. r’l V. V / J... 1- in : .... i b«- >t .v •> yI. C. If. J#m.ja<i to V, \V McKay, '1 K.:» i».ar Duai:. aiiH*. J. (• Intrlii- tii «i. >\, iiiil eta c* M-’Uf? I »t ill ; Cv. I. S Vi l> D. K. i'ar .-lt •*n,‘ I «iitcr«vi'i St) «»i r«*.< ii« Ci. m) >UWi! ¥ I *’•». * M. J r'<mi!h C. T . i. ■ *v. n And.'* «fi»* C'raok ijitrn*; 1 f — *=? *J 1 [ 1—asss-=sss=s*Km> WHICH Phonograph can best bring you the art of these great artists? Do tha obvious thing, shjr don't you? Try each artist's performance on r.irh phonograph. Compare the performances, nuil »ei* which phonograph givee the heet reproduction. Bat—you’ve got to cmiljiulo m leuhjinilly. (tar Edison Tarn-Table Comparison ail] help you do this. It matchaa the phonographs against aaeh otlior. It pluya each from the same portion in the room. It makes enrh one show, in fair, a^uare com petition, juat what it ran do—with violin, with piano, with voice, and other kindj of mosir. You ait and listen. Your eir it tlie judge. You'll know, without heeitatjon. which it the Imt phonograph —the one you want for your borne. Ask to hear the EDISON TURN-TABLE Comparison CO*MB Omit K*m~0 TW Maa TmTaMa Cmbpmiiob U apart from the aale> rrui n/ 1. Ilat Mrrkt for all , BhMber tbry cone la buy «bataMT<p;ni h>ir>« ■hi »>M «o nara. but Mk f.» •“ Mm TM-nSt Cwapurtwi M 0na amly upas 4*tl*itr f Sctiro To itaoofo+oror, and TkeTalk my Martnoaa UMd in t baaa teats ara kept by tan in th* bant possible con dltnm. Haaufarlurcr* of each cnacklaea, of thadr ropraaenUUTea, am waited to I a* pact them, ot meulata them, or to *<kir Ian. biiana of thn aomo mahe. of tbeir own acjretim, of equal or arraatar aaluo, at any tlaaa durtn* buaioeaa hours. /£> BtHM. * Hollar C. | Q£) D—.K.C. v -1.. • ATTENTION HOME LOVERS! _____ : a \ ■_ *■. Make your home beautiful, comfort- | able and attractive with some of the | ■ * fine furniture we have just placed in X our furniture show rooms. I THREE CAR LOADS I T , t ; —or the prettiest, best and most reaa- j onably priced furniture ever shown in ...... Dunn or Coats. Pretty bed-room suits in Ivory, Walnut, Maple and Oak. . 'S Five, ►even and nine-piece sets—the I • ■ •' very things you need to make the mis sus happy. 1. It doesnt matter how pretty your dwelling is—if you haven't pretty fur • niture there is something lacking. *- Let us show you how to make a home that you and all of the family will love. *• , ; , • < —-— _ BARNES & HOLUDAY CO « Dunn and Coats . • . < I 1 < I I ..Jilt .♦<»»♦% ... .». i *4 T HAVE ON HAND Several ** Used Cars, Including Some Fords Buicks, etc. | 1 am Offering These on Time, and | | I would Take Liberty Bonds at Par 11 in Payment on Same. S J All of These Cars are Thoroughly 1J Repaired and in First Class condi- 11 tion. E V. GAINEY ! --k I ......-. IJuat Try the Melo-Harp We want you o visit our salesrooms and play your favorite •elections on tlx: Melo-Harp yourself. Only by trying it can • you rca',Zv' t'iC delightful difference cf the Melo-Harp. Found only in Strmibe-mede player-pianos. the Melo-Harp combines the soft sweet strains of the harp vrith the full rich tones of an unusually high quality piano. K Stop in some time soon and enjoy thin musical treat. Barnes and HollidayfCo. j i J

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