LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING NO I ILL OF SALE OF VALUABLE LAND IS»rJ»»r ami by virtue of a special nrnc«- dint; in the Supctior Court of County. f**fo . Ihr dark, en i Il.i! n re Luunii McLeod et al«, ex iir.r **, th* ’»w<' hi inu Nft.— • —on tin* it'd:.I t>ioe. cdti.u* docket of said co j»l. ui «i l.i* tirnei obtained therein, IE.' u«nl i- ('uniwiiuiuncr will, c-n riiiiu'- th*. -Uh Jay of Sopti mbvr 1; . l, ..t : I n\ )«>rk .i m., o«i Ike pre ittilih he •iii.lior d» m- ibsd, otfe.- for • ui• l j «K.a I* trhol liidili r fot cnxh, iln fol'.Ov icijr described troct of land ly.nfcr uiii Pe ng m Grove Township, .!:;iue.., .uu:ity. Ninth ('.irottna: it**. .11 j'n;; ui the *ovginning corner l«»; Nn. 1*, u»nJ r»mi* with the line •ii McL**ou bou'.h 71 West, f'auin-* in n pine, th«- cor i« • in" t’u old Mrl .end 100 at ri tract; Uu i«> ihr line of that tract South J l-J W» t. £.'.>»o chains to • stake nri; ib iuv f*outh b7 l-« East, J :;ti i hi. nn !o u <flske in thr line of I..jt No. 1; 'iiriicc a- me of that •*.i North 4IS )-J East. 10 chuiiis in a Uise whvic onrr >tocd a poet oak iIn- rc-ri.'l uf Lot N-i. I uinl olio a ii>rmr of *he No' M* I.»ed trad; lh*r«e u:i tile Junibei on the hillside North ly ftla.-tt, K<JG chums to a 4iakv «»lU i hr. No'.vh 1H Ecut, 10.75 chain* i>i hh .otimt; tbon«« as hia other Kn. North 0 Kart, 13.70 chains to it?.- ,-.>.n*r of lot No. 9; ihence a* that line SoJlh 80 I 2 Weal, to the i»r/ **i ng. containing 20 3-4 aci ex. mole u> lea?. ll**mg lot No. 10 in the •Civ i ion of the land a of Daniel Me 14 o*l, tire cur i J. fcllouJ to Neill K. Mil.*-..-*!, now dcc<*M*«(l Place of Sa!«*: On prvmoti, above lien1 ibcd. • T’.m* of Sale Friday, S«*pL 24. I *.> 2« , 11 a. m T»-»*m% of Sale: Cash Tlii* th* 23id day of August. 1920. 1„ L. LEVINSON, Com li: 71 7 14 SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE Thr undet dicn d. transferee of that filtiiin rhal-,il mortgage. caveat* d by Owen C. Smith to O. I. Ellington on 'l»o 13, day of April, 1920. and it.u'ded in Book 93, at page Go of ’hi Rnri*<lr> o' ilnmwtt County. Jure 12, ’ !'*jn, a. curing two note? $11)4.4.7 • •••*• A. one of *)nch fell duo on tl»» 1*1. day of May, U'20. and the other nt‘ \ fell due cn the 13. day of June. 1920. which chattel mortgage rt’. il the not*« su jnd thereby, hav *r,T b. er. duly tran-ft-cred to the un d<?;xigiMsl before maturity of *aau, n» d Jcf&al: ha*ing been mad in the payment of *aid not****, will offei for •ale, the following described peraon ■I property embraced in aid chattel mortgage at the pout oflke door is the town of Angier, North Carolina, on Saturday, September l§, ltt'20, at 12 o’clock noon, for cab: “One flvo paaaengrr Bunk, Tour ing Car, Model D 46, number 200 CSO." Tbit aotomobile may be eeen at any time before the day of ale at my home about two mile* Ep»t of Arr gier. Thi* 14, day of Auguat, 1020. 0 U F.I.I.JNOTON. Mortgagee. By J U. UARDK£B, Tranefercc of Mortgage. >'i anklin T. Dupree, Attorney, An gmr, North Carolina. 17 4L NOTICE OK SALE OK LAND Under the authority contained In a deed of truet cxecutod by C. T. 8pencil and wife, Kalla Clyde Spence, which deed of trust is duly registered In thr Office uf Kegielrar oi Deeds of Hamit: county Tn Book I OB «t peg* 87C, the conditions named in teld deed of trust not haring bean compiled with, and the holder of the noU secured thereby having in ac cordance with the provisions named in said deed of trust declared the en tire Indebtedness secured thereby te be due end having made demaad upon the trustees that the power of aale contained in said deed of trust t > exercised, the undersigned trustees named :n said deed of truet will, on Monday the Sin day of September 1920 at one o'clock P. II. at the Court House Doer Id Lilllngton, N. C. sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash the land deacrlbed in said deed of trust being a tract of land in I.illington Township, Harnett County, State of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Mrs. Annie If. liar*, J. B. Lanier and others, and bounded as follows, vis: Beginning at a stake in the center o? Front Street of the Town ef 1.11 lington as ejrtendcd in the center ef Front Street of lbs Town of Lilllng ton as extended In westerly direc tion at a point opposite the north west corner of land deeded to Mrs. Ann e M. Ile e b> Board of Trustees of the Lill'ngton High Sckooba end thence north 71 degrees »V W. I!M fret to the western liar of the regram land; I hence as the liae of •aul lend S. 83 degrees 29’ west 421 fret to e .take the original comer of the Geo W Prgram 100-ecre tract end the A. N Waddell 78-acre tract; tbenre N 69 degrees 40’ W. 884 fast t > a stoke in the Grndy line; thence S 44 degrees G’ west 1011 feat to a -take in the comer of E Street ex tended; thence as the renter of said stiect 8 71 degree. 8G’ cast 1778 tcet to a stake, the comer of S acre tract deeded to T. L. Bayne. Jr.; Um m*r a. the line of that tract N 18 digrbee 28' E. 198 feet to a stake; sama^^^mnm^mmm city racnhtnto in all Unci, you will And that high grade clothing, fur nishings sf all kind for the house and a wide variety of other first class articles are aold as much to farmers as to city people, and for that mat ter Ike farmer and kta family come to town for entertainment aa much aa for buaincm Stop outside of aay motion picture theatre when the crowd U coming out and yon will •cc much more than a sprinkling of farm people who have driven in to the movies in the evening in the Twenty minutes or a half hour at lU. I. on. will U I h._ in from llu farm. The reason behind Ihia greater fre quency in coming to town lien In Im proved labor conditions on the farm. There wee a that not so many yean age when field work wu much hard er on account ef doing a good part of it by hand, and when the chore* always took a long lime because they represented hand work entirely. New, however, power has supplanted hand work to a great extent. A groat deal of his power ie furnished by small electric plants which art Installed on the farm and which furniah not only electric light but plenty of power to do the punping, swooping, washing, ironing, milking, churning and sep arating. It Is labor saving of thin kind which hat givan the fanner and hit family Use opportunity to make the moat of buaiaaa and toeial advantages to be enjoyed la the city. Unless the Federal Reserve banks give generous financial aid to the canning Industry thin fall there will be a shortage of canned goods, Cleve land banker* wna told recently. A Teethbcwah Dr. llutull, of Minnesota, recent ly declared that clean teeth would mean the vacatlac »t twenty per cent of the hoepital bedi now in use. Clean teeth KO far toward pirmtiof indi acealjon, heart diaauae, kidney t.cubic, brain trouble, and rheumuttiun. Sir William Osiar ia credited with •ayiaf: "If I wctc ankad to auy whether more pbyaieal deterioration was produced by aleokol than by de fective teeth, I should eay, uiihvsi tatlncly. defective teeth."—Vircinla Rural School Meamge*. them* S 71 difttei SC E ISO f**t to 'a itaka la tha lu>* of Mr*. Bar*; Umibc* with h*r 11b* N. IS degroea 13’ K. 701.3 feat to th* b*ginniag, con taining 46 aer**. more or lea*. Place af aal*: Courthouse Door, Lilliagton- N. C. TtaaTof Sal*; Monday. 6th. 1020, on* o’clock P. M. Ttnu of aal*; Cash. Thia th* SI day of July, 1020. E RANDOLPH WILLIAMS. N. A. TOWNSEND. Trustor. TW Femtf Cwu to The City Thar* has been a great real said and written recently on the snbjoct of taking city convaniancea to the fans home and a great deal hav been done in tbie direction, bat It ahould not be inferred that the farmer ia waiting pamivoly far tbaae thing! to be brought to him. He b coming to the city for the convenience* he needs. it ia no longer a matter of the far mer having time fer only occaaional visit* at long intervab to the city and upon earns actual orgeat business. He now come* frequently for nil kind! of purpose*. if you will ask WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING i We have just instituted a repair depart ment for watches and clocks and have em ployed an expert to direct the work. The Department is equipped with the best and latest machinery, and we will ap preciate your patronage. We will carry a first class stock of jew el w. clocks and cut glass in this department. BUTLER BROS. Dunn. N. C. f Mr. FARMER «,> ■ ' ■;; Did you get a four-Year Guarantee with jrour flatteries I< ; to your Lighting P!anl> If you did not you should have ) !< . trough) an h dison. i i1 * • 'T 4 >• . • >x • I, , ■ I'rotoct hninnu Hr#* pfD^ crty »*d Ii*p tti*k, by «*(• • the &*fv li*h*h preduot^l by 1 4 I. ( _ ' CUfcTMC LMNT PUNT > Wo lamp* to up 1 ' | Light kai a* Dim. QetA < the CTMtltME MMSON • IlKTILC UOR ■ and rawn Witte < i | tar Ootokor < < > . . MotMhkr J If you are intcrealed equipping yqur home with a ' 1 Lighting Plant, we want to demonatrate tha Ediaon. You will > 1 like it. ■ « > ■ DUNN HEAT AND LIGHT COMPANY « i * i: i C. H. RANDALL M*na««. I N i ^ ^ __ __ _ _ A FEW BARGAINS LEFT Our Sale has dosed, but we are still offering many bargains for the Thrifty Buyer I I — COME IN AND LET US SHOW . YOU. * % THE GOLDSTEIN CO. When one read* of Dam liriiy in chatk1' **f fls racy ;o cvcdltryr povfrHy ami Kniah Bernhard! atilin. ,'e j*> vei ty-nt !.y f;, a >oriaJ of Vr life to hold off Inc — wolf, one von<lcr> about iho*» 91. n.’11 <V> v,i .not r.,Ti a a nitfht aala.-y r’.unir. • . n .» pal >«•/ ;c ».ay b.. ur recj .v —r.a‘V«J ol :hk»l on tf'tatif*’* «■*’ ltnC William Broa» Lloyd, Millioiain, IriMb with 1# others vra* ce.ilmotl to lino * * ••*—— and imprlaonrncn! a: Chkatrc on a DUNN DISPATCH, AUG. »!, |K0. oo»o>»a»»od-»»»»o>.<.»ac-o*<x»*.--t->s.MM.- ;« * j Victrolas and Vic tor Records We have a large stock of new Victrol.-.a ! —finished in Lite prc;tiest woods and design* ; ed to mclch all styles of furniture. • ;; With them we l ave die newest records I [ I made by the Victor Company’s moat noted ;; ; cingers and musicians. ; ; i he Victor mr.chine is without a super* « ' ior. It has fe w equals. : ' < • All the fine pointc of talking machines I manufacture have been built into this mr.cb- ; ine which has stood the test service through : I ;; t! i vexjirp since such machines became a part ; j tf;l r music world. y/c wiU he glad to demonstrate these j machines and these records to you. COME AND HEAR THEM Butler brothers | ; it < * ■■■■aaMiaHHn ii ii nianiai . a-i ihi.*»--■ •*** ywwwwtfwwvvwwvwwvw II Big Opening Sales of the Benson Tobacco Market I I Wednesday, September 8th, 1920. I I The Banner Warehouse Co., will be under new management, Mr. H. T. Wall a hustling tobacco man, and auctioneer will be in charge. C The new Farmers Warehouse will be under same management, E. W. Harris & | Sons & Coats.. Now farmer friends we want to make Benson a good tobacco | market, help us do this by placing your tobacco on the Benson market. Come 1 with a good load of tobacco to our OPENING SALE. s BANNER .WAREHOUSE COMPANY , . FARMERS WAREHOUSE |

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