Gambling In Food Pro-! ducts ITie Cause of High Prices ?jcch* it C'jHivutar.l I" CTvry paper I pick op I m* an a.-cunt of th. labor problem and h.;-h Cv>: of living. Wbal it Id* mat c-» with the world today! Why, nmV tv.'! "aka mmr for instance; it i n't th-.- Mtrdty of <ugar, p*opie hat* bough. uj, ronnnl on It., h'.ldl-ig t: for still higher prior*, ir everybody would rente tu|f*lb*rr, not! buy it, kt them kv*p it t>a thairj buit'it. it sroultl romc down. No. th*y won't iln that, rh.-y *ay ”1 am going, tn b"i i| •( I ean |*l it, rtgardldm ••f price.” That i* wha. hold* th* pri r - of thlaus up. The people will buy art! tiraci » H nrrer b* any b«u*r as l-iog a* tk'-y do it Wthoe, and anotb«r rhi-iC. to many people Ioann* the fa.m. looking tor an rosy plat*—a du-noiliin* j ib—but got big money f-.r it. at !i u.-t ir looks big to them, but by th* lint, they pay th*ir ei lar.^cf they aav* but very iittie left, •f any, huv thry can't *«» but on* si.!.- of the <|u**t'oiu and that ia thr ■b*wlli:u »id'-. Th.-y want to go all doll*.I u,i. and hove prvtly white hands. They w’li actually *Ui«r arar tv la death loforv they will get nut on the .'arm on.*, eo to work, where they coo'd mak. their bread uad until, hat* plenty of milk sod butter, rhit-ken* ar.d v»gotabl*s. Thr reason ie *o much robbery, so many p.op.c have swum off from work, i lit. r had rather hill and tob than I worL for *n H .nc.t living. Oh, I tell I tats ibis world It in an awful eondi *..tu». (iotl is a mrrt-'ful God or h« would -u' suffer the world lo stand, and I don't believe the time is far! ..If- The form (a the bo*t place for m-. I been* up. moved to Atlanta ones'. Fou. months was enough of cil> Ilf" for me. 1 rami- bach to th* dai •»iu worn * irvupn b win inn and die. The.e are too many people ir the citiet and Coant depending un tko old farmer a, they call them, ami not enough farmer* to ‘upply the country and city too with food. And 1 t».lf you rootobody 1« going to »«f far. It is like an cvpression 1 heard Col. Tall-.-n lie once in a speech at Modoc. S. 11- A farmer rant hit ton off to college. Us rum* home atilt dik el ool in hit fried shirt and collar, diin't oft- to help with any of the *0 < k hi ali. while hr wa* raised to woA. in: hr had been off to colleg. he think ha ought to work any i.uva So the oi l nuu had a horn. U.ought aiound ona morning, railed hi. sou wit asked him: "Son, what is hln ’.n l a; in?” “Horar a bu s. Pa.” ri.- iud a ulo« stock brought around. ■*W»*l. ten. what it this in lastinT” "i'ji/t-busi, Pa.” and tha old man; said, “Yet. and if you don’t take this borx.-s-bu*j and this plow-a-bas* end go to plowing I am going to give yen a hell-a-buas.” So it is going to. be with a lot of the city people, if b. y don't gel out on tho farm where they can mak* them something to cat, they will catch helLadmsi and w.ey won't be long about it. As for • eerything being high, they will con tinue to be h'gh as long at time goat ai, like' it it, too many middle men rtwer.i the man that mokes food oU3 .ind the consumer. Too naaoy phr sit-down job in the shade, they can anokc their cigars ‘tes. The man that labors 1 Ann gem lean out uf what lau anyone else. Lot ol ang around towns, claim looking far work, but pray ' God that they will nav«r find . They don’t want to work, and such people ought to be out on tho gang and madr to work, ( think It it hlgr time for things to change and Gud in His wisdom is going to change it, too. Than arc a lot of people sitting back in the shade Inventing ali kinds nf th'ngs to deHtruy the boll weevil. Why? 8.cause they know the poor old farmer will hiti at anythiag that "isn along that will enable him to nuke cotton. Tho people hove gam bled on cotton I erg enough, and the Luru k'iiue w o it lie wil. dcxt'.-oy it in Mnc way. I have heard *o many people »ey "I am rolng to plant gut eh. ail the boll w- evil.” Home aven burnt fr> wood* eft juinlruc thoir failM.'. planted tai'y. WT-»t AM it amount to? Los!; at the muttia-' of today, lien it !« the 15th o? May, cold ax winter t'nta. Cod i.- n a dime the cold and rv nd* »•» tafc" tin- P'-opla down in I •h«:r fodv. Me. It rot her Farm.'*-, ym. may gd uh« ad of the t>oll weevil, but lh. no » sue thing *ure. you can't get p.-t-pov bu; lie will dispose. Evcry thred if Almighty liod. You ca" th'.T-e on ih'e <arlh u in If'» power ».#u| lie ii g.rug to control it. Rarth and 'tearr-n mi.y pam away, but Hir e cu! will r. Vo- pao a-»«y. I never fur X m» Ktilcy !n do thi* or I nm f.o'fV? to do the other. I take the I fa-rd !n my ha, ine*« uv a partner. I 1 ,,t I am n pier heipl «* cf-atere t- Ik’* w-r*d i run'i do auvihipg jn»l j v ti>*n m'.vdf. I woik Irurd, loibnr ie1 -• ,e.-* n t’elv fixip- ry. My ciop » .;. , H —.1 ‘t ir.f Vi Ie -l beau*. Mine cy ton. | «* the Cultivator wher* . >• wy p a; ,, thsm. thoitph!. I woBid l a - t,i T v,--.dd r,c. likv to be with cut the Cultivator; U U helpful a i' ll a,, a ptcaxB'e- My rollon rrnp tel \ er ■ e «'« man. can’t plow mv I; hat '»/ tip- help of C«d I am I t’j mv e *•/ living at home. The pe. •: .*< -v. >ur for m-> I will -toy v .••• t*:c b—a hum in the honey • -r .’»e t,ad 1»l«* crow. W. C. C. c:> or,-. R. <■„ May '.6, 1920. ThUgTto Tbioh Altai Married (notary worki-re arc more re fl.-ae *han 'oner who Bn- «iagV 4ee» ding to xBl.ellea compiled byi the s«f»«y FI <ot department of a tlrr and nibbvr iwnpanr, I St married mo wire- ’ajored la*t month com pared ui 123 (ingle men who met with 'nerty failed in .etalo whether or not there ie a peyehologleal raaeoe1 Cp/ th e rendition. FarefioU* hwehce| ore, who e»Op««’ M per rent of then r •n.-l Her e . that the mBfTiad | tarr. hare greater fiapoaaiW1<tle* andij more thing* ’» lh‘ak aboat- -thoe e*e-1 riding attention and de I'or’a* con-ft e -Rteptioe «n rne'r woe**. Thor mr i that matrimony ie dlitraefeic and »• < taraUy caaeee ah rent mind, d v - I lfc> riaai ef maay accident* I Another latereattag fact eatab'ieb>!f od by aa/cty lint rgperte b that the • prrrwMBjre of arc .dent* H greater, amen# foreign-born worker*. Ap- a prvelaMtely 10 per cent of the com- a pior'a empioye-1 worn born abroad ! a yei In nae aaoMh they fariiiahed 10 < per c< .4 ef the total (ember that ami: wt*b jeeident*. d Ae (ha raeah ad a aafety Aral eaea- ti paten evtendtn# ever a pcried of a NURSING SERVICE IS I rapidly expanding This American Red Cross Work Flourishing in SmaN Towns Throughout Country. — Mnr» chao S'.OUC graduate no ran enrolled la tba Araerlran sa« Crow la data and Ita department “I nutaJug la dally immalay ibla aa ulltMent. The detain mane of Buraia* Baa been 'UiknriMl to raalatila an a decline ■ .-er**. of uuraea fur Iba array and a*T- It will continue lu auvidy (ha •IW.U of ike Lulled Stntao Public ■ l't»li k Service to which It tuu ar mnetl mure Dial l.dOU nuraen la ike Jet Junr. ll will aaaiat In aatabllabln* prover aur-lhg err lie In foreign lounlrlro lire* the Ainencau Red Ihw baa ar "tiled laaiptralM. dlsfwaaartea and .:a-d» for nuraea. CourMa lb home *•> while and larv of ilia nick ball: lit'in -r'c*J fur Ibuuaanil* of women alio ’ uve never received any education la ’*!» dliectlon. Rural pursing which "* i™ t»! Infancy a abort while ago '* ho.1, pm .Bead at lean a doude ' iruttah rlic work of tba dejw f nu-alng 101) I oral Hod Crow • uiiilvM l*wl»llc Isrolil* bu rainy b«^«tu #*• in many rural powoiuoitin nnj "H i1m:ri«lup« artltvly |u bmxjrwJi, of tialt iiiwni on«i rouutUt Nearly ■ ::.iU.MIMI erect rut BUraft. but* .1 ready ■ vii u.-wlgncil tn this klud of work. Th* department of uunlng Is unlt '••Hi other orsanluiioua la s year's llti.H.Irn Is rrirulllna nurses for i-iIiil- .elmot*. In mlueaHaf Ihe **n .Ml public as to .Undard* of ouratin IimniIi.ii airj In showing cotmuualtle* let.- responsibility loward sch.-oli of *r»Jnc It win endearor ta meet all beee next* a« well a* tn enntlmn th. ■ .irnllment of dietitians who will h# •1lli**0 at Instructors In Itotae rtletet *‘A In deyeln|M.iS natrltlnnal rllnlsa. nd In supplying dietitians for the • i.lied St.t.i Public Health Kerrir. -nd the drills* bamdlHla Tl.* JfnralBf Srrti,» will eonllnaa la ■ Iter to women and your* cUla tha cpfiort unity of arecrtng iDMtrvetlon In 1 nm« hygiene and ear* of th* ale* la • eery community In tha country. Thla 'ti* tract Ion haa not only laid tha lots ration for public health bat In aoma idaran haa risen Impetua ta tho rstab wshtaeat of hoapltals and eaanaualty -enool hatuaa. “Aa a eotamnalty profits by the wot* irf tbs nor**," says hfias Clara D. '-oyaa. dfraetar of tha depart moot of miraloy. It la lacteal that tha eosa titnnlry ikonld ha aronaed to Its rsapati .IbllMy. The American Bod Craaa rtaads ready ta help la a owners! ram !<al£n of rrcTuinnt and meat hare tha •apfiort. sympathy and nndetniandlag of tha medical profession as stall aa tha Intelligent co-op* rmtloa uf th* l-aople at large.” HOME SERVICE FOR EVERYBODY IN NEED i f>o you know what th* praosnt da> • loot* Settle* af the American Red •Vim. la? Many paupl* do not know that, ba bies com plat Ins lb* work lor ea-aers I'J* men. especially the dlaabled, II pro ltlea ilia aams neighborly aarrln- iu itnlllea In (eaaral that & formerly Jt* fan.nice of aoldlcra, sailor* an.l ..thrill**. rmem at vriw ana nrlril twtd," up frederielr C. Mim ic, *• »efnl manager of the American •;rd i'rom. It (tin aid la I tec ■ii an. \ lug . ach problem* a* budget ;-hi wiling. marketing, rmirc orer tlnn-e r flnanctnl at mm. keeping children In • helping crippled children, whl •ecd etid deaefted mother* children nn.k.ienJ In ea-hnul and chl'dien In ■ indict with the law*. It render* aerr ■tt to the hoiaeleM and 9 tana lent. 10 • he llllleml*. to tenement dweller* la ■ie nnciuptiiynd, aad give* friendly aa atanr* and advice t# foreign aprnk. 1IK g1'OU|N>." In niktltloa to helping fhmillra In •t.e aolntlon of their own pr.hteiuii »!im*n Serrlitt he I pa la »lrriiKthrii-ng ■tie weak «i>ota In the aortal life nf •■inmithll.iai. II Jolna hand* with rule r» to uuke cunimunltlca anfer, rnltMof and happier. 'tnianlalng action along lln-» :n bb Ii ihe caniKitm1.;/ la ■ Iremlt liivp. IC|| la one nf the ohyerta of Home ’lice. It haa common: ly e ilng". patriotic '■♦lehralloim, par mt« and plmlee. Del mm. ,-m-re • [lon '(.illllc* play tuperrlauira .-nd •*o In.' plnnrea hare bee* |,t.c if.c.l, •i.ieigh Home Herr Ire other eiwe.ica influenced to bring nboet Impmvid •t. liter dal nmnaemenfa and hrtli-r lino# faiilltle* and to pritnnte ira>cl. ng llkrerle* ae well an to wrurr in in > Ogrtmltarnl and Iona itennaiai ra i »_-i-ntr. If ron need atMeawe at anv tttee, » »n the «#rrvt*ry of the neared Hn| ■■ ■ chapter and deecrthe ike flnio . Tm cmiOrlcso* will kc arnnl'i ♦U-clad ami erery poraHilo effort a III •c nmde ta ai.l firm. Aoaerlean Red Ceoee Nell Cali. The ►'mirth Annual Itidt rHl{ .if #hr -mor'iAB Bed I'mee alll he Jodd ihla •or from Arm let# re Do/. XerrmUe I*. In Thinkaglrin* Day. Xercralwr Jf, • ’Mi* During Ihla period Hie mm •el 11 ca »t the United Ataic* win •»■> their anoaal 4mm aul renew Unit fiec Bientha a“rTi<UnU were cat *0 mt cent and com peon tier, came M M Milt. Cl»e ta halation of accident* (here bat aaeet aecidcaU cease a* tbc re Slt #f ctreleaeaaoa eh the part ef roihaacn failure to obeorve aadety **• Iklu mode the greater number • M»e heepttal, while neglige nee of •Uosr trorseea aeeeante for • coo TV eo/etTfret campaign la beiag trongly waged Ot Goodyear and (fa ■"tber of «*rldggd« ia dacreoeliag loathly. federal itolifu bare boaa ferhid •n to boro gaptMag *0 do wtth poH ae It I* llbo pstttag a Flab in water K’ Wlllff R A#i tf wmIi. . r t • SUCCESSFUL SWEET potato storage house' When I hear on all eiibv hatdlucl.! tones of tha blggwit part of sweet i>ocato craps belax last through cars- | Usa handling smf improper banking I want to hand on my potato house expedience for the benefit of tha oth •T fallow. For ftse years now, »t have used a small storage house both according; the plans ta the goeernmaot bul-| Istln on sweat potato storage. It Is a > 12 by 1A foot house, eight feet In height and has a oement floor. Every i (Tort was made to build the house i tug and tight. The walla haw storm ihaathing nailad to the studding and • paper applied to this. The outside is weather boarded and the i uidr la closely celled, it baa a dou ble window and a double door. In addition there is an cat. a, out-awing • «g door made with wire screening ii the upper half. In tha cantar of l is roof there it a slatted ventilator. Shelve i built four deep are arrang • d on either side so as to leave an It.'sic down the middle of Ute botue. ' he aheKeaa aaa mm* aaals.a« she '■all but have an air apace left on all] a dcs. Wc have stout home-made* c atcs built lu use on the shelves. At harvest time, the potatoes are ataoitad. graded and put In theea c.atca right in the held. In all the Ecssees, harvesting, hauling, slor . the potatoes are carefully hand* . Bruises and decay come from rough handling ef the freshly dug po tatoes and this is vrhnl wc strive to avoid. After the potatoes are stored, to kiln dry them, we keep a little oil heater running fur two weeks. In our snugly built house this is sufficient time to cure the potatoes perfectly. Sometimes in extremely cold weather we un the heater a few hours to keep the temperature »vrn. In our Ava years of experience with this method of storage, we have hod practically no low of potatoes. Even the cut potatoea, after bring !- . • • - • . . ■ , C. <»., • 1 • '•* J -.U SsL. M» **. > *••« .1 .. «.r rut uni/ ohat • •’ 1 ' . r .util am. but ubo n l ;fl*- * r. Ili' h i| tl isjlor'.rd of .1 [ivntl t .» the late sprino.—Mm. K. P. **c.,!iTian, in The Progressive Farm tnutwial Nwuinao Named . ■ u.v A. Grady, of Saaapaon, nmi • Wili am*, of Let, have b..s !• i ir rated ai Democratic candidate >r :br State Senate from the four reiith District, composed of John ton. Lee, llumrU and Sampson ounlirt Both the Damoeiatic candidates ary vail known in the district. Ur. Gtady nas been a State figure for u ium a i n-emr—wmaiai- --i-J >eee-»eeeeea»»»e»»e»4 >4^^ ;-.**!*; i* |,% i* an able lawyer am! a • .j .iI r. Mr. WilLalDk la * >•»-» i-i" il.t low firm of William* I vi W »!*»:. *%% , «i 4 Son ton I LUMBER Why n«l buy y*ur lumber in car •t«, direct from mill and *av« tkc Hicounte. Writ* or wire for price*, ‘foillnf u* Hit of qMolity and trad* rou waul C ook & Company CrMcvilU, S. C. ————————g——,---— '••• i* ‘ + +4 »»••»»•*«»♦»«»■»♦»♦»»»♦ < -»«-H.<«-«M-» j| ii¥i.:ilil SUPPLY COMPANY I < ’ ^_Hlrik4L m P 7 CUT GLASS GIFTS THE BRIDE WILL APPRECIATE Wc have a beautiful collection of cut pi ns* and silver for the b»-idc. Corn** and le-s us shew it to you. Com plete sots or odd pieces. Price* Very Low DAWSON & SANCTON Jtwtltrj -aid Optometrist*, 219 Hay Street-Fayetteville, N. C. "ATTENTION Mr. FARMER" | ! I Now is the time to place your orders for '! Machinery for Fall use. < » % ; | Put more Machinery on your farm and y ;; give your help work all the year around, $ and you won’t have trouble keeping t i! help. i ;; After the crop ts laid by. put the Trac- + ;; lor to work running a Saw Mill, Lath 5 Mill., Shingle Mid. Com Mill. Feed Mill, $ 1» Corn sheller, Cord Wood Saw. 4 ; ’ We make a specialty of Light Saw Mills t for farm use, Cora Mills, Feed Mills and t o Farm Machinery. 4 i HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY | “The Machinery House of the South” y | WILMINGTON, N. C-NEW BERN, N. C. | BY THE CARLOAD You may call them what you please—Victrolas, Graphanoias, Talking Machines, Edisons or whatever you like— but we have found ' ^ The '■ Real Phonograph —that has nil the qualities of th^m all in one—The Wonderful GRANBY with the highest grade Heineman Motor and the Universal Tone Arm that plays ALL records. r ^ | Compare the quality of the machine and the Krgc, handsome cabinet with any other at the same price. I * * We buy them by the carload. Therefore we buy them cheaper and can sell you a larger, better phonograph or talking machine for the same money than those who buy in less than carload lots. Don t buy a phonograph until you have seen und heard the Wonderful GRANBY. % Its a wonder for the money. Columbia and Okeh Records coming in lots of 500 to 1,000. Come and look them over. Ask to see our stock of Phonographs. —"——— —— ' " ■■ i ■ i ■ ■ —■■■I————, ■ ■■■■■■ | Parrish- Driver Company 5 • » Dunn, North Carolina i « • * I I BB Bi BBBBBBB BBBBBBTBBBBBMUHBBMmBBHBBBBBBB^t/^JiMraBmBmmBmBMBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBMBnrvmmBBnmmB^ f • •

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