•» - ra ****** O C A L * * a ★ a * * * C L. Guy 9p.*td vcuterduy at Ra l-i.-h A. D Will in ms «|.«nt Sunday with *• • '!<!•( in Giahum. }'. N'u'l Pridgen la hvi«■ lo vlait ,'»*•. X. *.l. .!rri*r»-y?. I. C. >V»lkin*un of Kealy lyml .h-''lwy i tv with fiiend*. O'.*r I* hhall wit** h r* Sunday lu • rj» Hi.ulry with H s family. ■J. C ' iu* of Re fuid «jn nl the •; enu he»c with irlativtf. a..11 Alia. <2. I*. Ptirk<*r an VJN • «!.«.>v** n Fayetteville. f' .ul Lz*e1l u*-' R* Ititrh sin-nt Sun* c. 1. n* with hit* mother, Sira. J. D. I- •'./ ! 1> t\ Shield* of iK'tiyit, Michigan, i* hr?v fur a f.*w day* v bating • rude. M '«* E1ir~b*ib Shvll. of Warrm* ■»»;. »• «••;** .»> visit hi*r grandmother, . M«: y C Shell. Mi,*.. I 111ian und Elizabeth Ad icy l'cmnnl I rainy from a visit lo r.-la i \ rs iri Fayetteville. Mr Man« n Buggvtt •prut arwrol •Uiys vf i;...t *.*ek with nlative* at U**n» lniro arid Clinton M'o MuuJe Phillips ha* returned ImniC lift*, r '|n* ruling several w«*k> at \Vright<viH« and Kerdy Mr und Limn l'olk returned lu. i night from Clayton where they 11u«l I***, n visiting relotive#. .•lial El- tnoi Reed of Balliitimc ar r’\id thu* Week iind will be :ii. -irajori lor Jnhnnon Urol hot*. Aithp .Ma;;M Godwin niunml la»i1 j, .yhL t*» Washington nflm t:pemliria k. vc'nI Week* her- with relative*. P A Lee : el timed last week from \\ la-i«a whi e he pun baaed holiday me', fur the WllfcO.l and Lcr dan • tt J Mr*. O. He • v> Shell. ©1 \S :r. *igtr*i|. were hi re S'inday tc \ .pit Mr. SheMV mother. Mr*. Oli* I*. Shell. Rjbe:t Lainb. me’mu' revenue col l do.. of >’ft> ttcvtlb*. waa hare thi •,*»•** to vis I hn 'hie#. Mi*. J. R Butler. Mtv. J. L Con ad. who lu»* biv* vi«r.it»fr her olatcr, MrL James Earth iut*. retur ned yesterday t»> her hom< ir Duiham Mim Florence TinIIida> retained !**♦*•!♦ L*> from Kobe I «onvil!e when >hi h .•! h. i n visiting relative* fo« several daye. v. r i. Kilv.'sril J lew anu .miss r.m Gntdy. ol GeWUboro. nrc her« 4 i*vests u; the home of Mr. and M.< \Y. Trr.y blonds. Mi-*- Paulina Hi^d) ban r* tu utni to h-r home is Elitabcth City after ipeiid.ng several days hc»%* as • RUrrt of M s. I. M. lt»ara*. L’Jciilo Harii* ha* siceptwl .« position with iha Chamber of Com m "c«‘ and the Ilarnctt County Agri » aUural Fair Association. Mr anl Mra. H. C Roberta, of . an t* d. were heix* Sunday to visit \!r. nrd Mr*. T. I R-ddle. Mra. Rob . r:» i* M*x Riddle’* itator. Mr*. J. (’ Hodg«* of Creansbon Iv«tl Monday afternoon to *pcnd cial day* here with her i>arcnU id Mra. Henry Pope, effort wa* made by xomv one iturday night to enter the Home W. C. Kanoy, who arose and •ear th* would-be intruder away. Jam** Pope, who holds a position irilli the Bunk of Loris, Lor-**, S. C., v» a.- her** thi* week visiting Hi** par te.!-, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pope. Representative Hannibal I. Godwin •»• rc to a|u*nd a fe uday» looking .ift<» I*in varied buaineM and fa-m ! i.u in*.«"»*Ma. He will return to Wa*h-j tiHtlon hi* week. • Mr. a:.d Mrr. fanrcj llr.:L returned! •; we!; from Ki#*ton. wirwr** Mr? He ' wa dam** of hono: at thr wed d.'V »*l h/ co» » M;a Varlhn Rui-f Cr.rn.idv. j *\ .1 *•. ftauifl returned to I»oni I * '•> ;•* k .* c m VV.iTe.iton, where h* .. . ;h rdi.-j* hf< vacation and filled H n/uliiV ep|i>*HiUnont at the Moth wd t 1‘f i.uli &u*'da>*. :?«'• N 0**1. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs t .* . t"i*-«-l. J**., Noll and Lu ••d!e fliefl 1 ft Alnmlay foi a motor L i *aiuuy &pri»:p> white the; vili pond »iI«l days. J . M i1* . ks, for many ycarv a re J »l of Di» n whf*rc- he conducted Hi Wnki Hotel, «»<»w living in G*»ld.u !»•*• *• v>:\* ho*-, lest waek to vint ho* *1.'eight, Mr*. W. 7*«»y Mor.d*. Iv !’ *<*i\ i * the Hbm-11 John . !••»« ir • • n ke, ri-:urn*<tl last or « I*.-* m a tr!j» th:*ougli the north . •• nu Ret a, vd h purchased fall -»•*•! whit* r guod? fu» h!* company's star . J*»h. V. v /hen and Mr/ M*g •*’ l*n;*e»\ who navi* bi*c?n on the *th»rn M.-.ixet* Jc-.* *.nr»| day* . u»rha«*ng good* for the Draughor. *.< r. * h!l and winter vtocka, rcturn •V Some Horiny. r.L*. jr.J XT's John P. Johnson and ^i n. Ma j Jditchei! have returned *o Nvw York and Halt.more, v/lu.e Hr. Johnson and Mr*. Mitchell ,i***'-h: fall *ind winter goods for .•»ib •• -op firrillit-M store. ■ u- t-n:*', J-.Bffene T. Lae, ”"h'-t -fnrdnn mil .'sm s Turfing* I-.* in Rnh':::h tod iv James Turnagr, •>l has b<-i veiling Wallet Tur ns!.'-. wdl r.wain there to resume hit .•Iv.lira ». A. mikI E. Collrge. The home of Tom Brown, who lives ii' r t I'udiA-* Chapel. was atiurh by itrilti; anil liadly damaged last k. Vri ov n was stunned by tiki bo!', but iuffrred no serious in Jury. Ti.ria cal* wet'." killed. iVr-. 2. tV. M' «-» of Winston-Sa I'M u.r'/e-t .'as: night to spend a ihurl time here with relative* Bhe waJ i ills.' homr on account nf the llln-!.* is.' our little dauKh'er, Emil/, wbii :s mjKitlrd belter today. A. V*. Branch, editor of the Pair moot lle>'»w, was here yesterday on his uay to I’.uirs Crash to attend the iii.» ixcrehes of Profeasor Camp* hnilV Mchooi. Mr. Oiamh was a (to ll' ,11 In the «rho<i! for several terms. H'-rman Smith, for whom an out low proclamation was iusurd several day- atro in connection with thn shoot ing of Mori Hudson, has surrendered ai'il is urns at llbarty aaiinr bond for h'S .if.peS.nn.e at the next term of Hu> .ior Court. M . nnl VSr». I> II. Hood and Mr. .-.nd Mrs. (#’;orgv Y. Pots' left Sunday ■iiipht for Ntagaia Palls. Mr and Mra. Ilo-'il will proceed to Montreal and tali Her’ a(trr pending a few days at lb. falls and will rlelt New York and rrveial other northern cities before returning bom*. Mr. aud Mr*. Pod. wjJt iriurn to Dunn from ih« folia. Manage' Morris, of the MetropoU .an Theatre, has returned to Dtini for the season. Ha has booked sever* ■ Urat tiona for the season and wll open next Wednesday night with Vo fel 4 Minstrel*, which is said to lx ■ nr of the beat troupes on the ruad lav theatre has been completely re novated since last mmn and is now ■ankad aa one of tha best in lh< butte. I»una graded schools will open Wsdneaday. ScplvmW 16. pro fra tor J B. Martin will continue as eup erintendenL He Is expected to arrive here today. Many of the teacher* ol last ifitu will return for this occasion Out thvre will be many new menrbsri J‘ wo faculty. The high school d*. IMrtmr nt is practically unchanged, according lo a. statement made yas terdty by Marvin Wade. sacreUry of the school board. Plan to Prevent Fuel This Winter's rual shortage will hold no I vary for Dunn if (hr plan of Men. Uolhday which i> to b» submit, ted to the Chamber of Commerce to morrow is carried out- Mr Holliday proposes that the chamber purchase standing t.mbar. employ wuoo cottars wild saw rigs und establish a wood yard hi re to supply the needs of all who will not be able to get coal. T he.e arc within ten mile* of Dunn to rests whose timbers would lnnply :hi community with fuel for fifty /ears if somebody would takr the trouble bi rut it, Mr. Holliday points oat Riv suite of the Ncarcity of labor and owners will not undertake the job individually. Mr. Holliday Is sure, however, that if the project b put in ihc hands of a piopcrly functioning • I'njmitte* it can be handlrd with pro fit to land owner* and the ebamDei, to :.ay nothing of the convenience it would uffoid townspeople. It is probable that the municipal government also will take a hand In •ir. Holliday's scheme. During the ia*r. four winteik the municipality bar vpern-in rd much trouble la getting fuel for its pow*ir. light and water plant. Shut down* have b*en frequent b inging large losers t« msnufactui -iig plants and other enterprise* de pendent upon it for power. The mut ter will lie submitted to the city coun cil in its regular meeting Tuesday night. Will tmploy Whole I ime Nurse for Dunn Health Work A whole time public nurmr will be niplciyrd to c,r, |or health of I'ui people wahin a few day*. It wa.‘ announc.d yesterday by T. L. Riddle, aocrntai) of ths Dunn Cham ber of Comtance, who it now cottcw pondinp with several trained workers' who are applicants for the position. 1 Expanic of Ute service to be given by the nurse will be borne jointly by! Ibe town of Dorn and the American Red Crass Society. It Is expected that ■> salary of *2,OOU and a few hundred dollars of oiTiee expense will be all Oral is required. There !■ deposited In Dunn banka now a rum exceeding *1,100 belong me to the Red Cross. This is what was left f om war activities of the fund raised In Dunn for Red Cross wm work. The society has determin ed to spend it here for health work. ' > A local health committee, the town aad the lied Croat will direct the ar tivitlea of the none, it is stated. Sh-j ! will Inatruct the people huw to avoid disease and how Ui treat it after it has been contracted. ' Womans Club Induces Employment of Music i Teacher Recently a committee fiom the Women'! Cl«b met with the School Board to arrange to have j teacher toi public school muaic is the graded schools. It was the wish of the club ta have a special teacher for thU worn, but because there was not suf ficieiu fund* ami ulau Ihr school building ie not large enough , cl*“c* 10 asacmbls. it so decided to secure a muaic teacher, who could teach public school music. This teacher will divide the gradra so that all the children will be taught thiily minutes each week during the morning axaieltaa. The remainder of lhe time she will devote to instrumen tal muaic. This is Just a step toward what the club wishes to accomplish. The club feel that singing has been lo wime degree neglected in the school and hopes thut this will arouse an interest that will be both bencf. rial and pleasant for the boy* anil girts. — New Union Depot May Be Built Here At Once What • * balievi'd lo be lha first *U*p toward Die new union depot no long needed by Dunn was taken here Sat urrlay when t#*lephone and telegraph lompmifA began moving wires ami poles from lots recently acquired by Ihr railway rnmpanin* al 1he June, lion of the Atlantic Ctmd l.inr and the pu ham and Southern Midway* Thl* is being done upon orders fiom lh«* const ruct‘on department of the A I Untie Coast Lin# it wu staled. A project to build a pa <seng< i sta tion has been hanging fire since ID)4 when the railway companies submit ted plans for a building which they purposed to creet on Lurk now • qua re. The site'was not satirfactory to come of the huamtM men. Befoul •the matter could (pe nettled the wai jcnmr along ami the road* pasted urv di-r ih« ruitUol of lh< Fi*de»*ul gov c rumen I. IM untiixr the town It** -> u IT *re <3 .'nun inailrqual* freight and paasen l* ImmihriK fm-ilitWe. At pretent all i of '.fee huvinmi of the Coast Lina is | bandied at the busiest point of Broad • d.r*ct and Railroad avenue Trains I arc neatly always there and irtreet : traffic is a'ways concealed. Minor iac(idcn;s occur frequently. iUi\ r.t.y the Chsnbir of Com (U ret rvn«*»id il* effort* to get ac 11 >n, iugRvst*Df the ■ile which the I road* harr purchased. In connection 'th thr project is another U) pro iVide K ;i-r facilitioj for handling col l4>.». Ar present ail of ihe cotton ship ped fr*.“n t*«iun it handled in one him V of Lucknow Square, which C »USI s t\ block In traffic almost rontm.mu.Jy m the month* of Octo ber ami November. l’l#ds t'f the Chamber of Commerce which ha\e been accepted by one of the iunde, call for thr construction of ;« mammoth concrete platform kx twv?n thr two road* in the northern ;»o- «>f town. Thur wiM ^vi the cost •f drayuge from the pr« nent platform :o Ok I>u»hr.m and Southern and will offer much m«»rc convenient for the rn m ra. 'Ihfie ms neatly $0.(100 bale* of Cft:o»: sold in Du-m luring thr months of October, Nuvember and Ik c cm her. AH of thi* in handled in a h.nlf of en«? nty Mock under the pre* cat arrangement. NOTICF. OF ADMINISTRATION Uavinr qualified 0. admlniaimtur jf '.iiC • -Pate of V A. Ivey, late of Harnett county, thU it 10 notify all e.i-non- holdinn claim, naalnrt aaid den-nned, 10 preaent tha aamr to the •ir.de:Earned administrator duly pro ven aceordinir to law on or before tha "-Ptli day of Aueuat 1021, 01 thii not wdl bi pleaded. In bar of thole m ievrr>. All pel tent indebted to .aid ■l> e« a,ed will plcate come forward mid make artUrmcnt Th'a the 30th. day of Attend 1020 MARION BAGGkiTT. A lioi i -tr.itnr of the eitate of Y. A I»oy, decraaed. Jcrae F Wilma, atlrmcy. Linotype operate:. on Manila p» pera went un urike bocante oditorialt n paper, aaid the Filipinot were not riadv for independunec. ANNOUNCEMENT I have aold half intercat in my Gro wer* Sto.e U» K. Godwin, who it now with m? in the atorc. Mi Godwin It well known in Donn and vicinity, £ hnv»r.j brer ir. the aalra department of the Johnaon Bio*., for the P*>t sc-veral month*. We will carry a complrte lino of heavy and fancy groceries and will t bo in to jpee better arnricu - | Ilian hnetofoit. Our proof m» a*e | tiaidi and the be.'t the market afT./rti . Call on ua fir acrvicc and *<*•><! ftrocoiiw. DRIVER AND GODWCi By M M. Driver ^ PHONE NO. 44 mnimimtimmtom^mtnmmmiTTmiiiiniiiimmumuuoimiaf this NEW EDISON And the SIR AUBE Player Piano MARION BAGGETT, Manager, Music Department The Barnes & Holliday Co. COATS and DUNN, - N. C. •jtmnTimnummwi X# Listen, Builders | ■ ,wf H *■ We can fill your orders for immediate de livery in lime, cement, sash and doors. I About the biggest shipment of these com modi tic* ever received here has just been placed in our warehouses. We have— 1 CAR LOAD PORTLAND CEMENT 1 CAR LOAD FINISHING LIME t ICARLOADSASH . 1 CAR LOAD DOORS | BE SURE TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW II The demand is much greater than the supply and early buyers will have the advantage. Our present sup ply is not expected to last longer than the middle of next week. First com&s will be served firt*. We have no favor ites in placing this stuff. _ II BARNES &HOLUDAY COMPANY —— tmititinii.mini ^ _ • '-/* ., COMING! FREE! FREE! FREE! I-pi-Ti p] % U. S. Government’s ENLIGHTENING INSTRUCTIVE EDUCATIONAL Social - Hygiene Exhibition CONSTERNATION - PRODUCING REELS AND FILMS NEVER BEFORE SEEN IN HARNETT CO. Showings only under auspices of U. S. Public Health Service. American Social - Hygiene Association, and North Carolina Board of Health^CW merctal Showings Forbidden by Law. MOTION PICTURE DRAMAS Animated Pictures, Stereopticon Views, Other Twirp Hailv Ahernoon. •» 3 o'clock. WOMEN ONLY * WILC LSauy E renm*» at 7:30 odock. MEN ONLY Separate Meetings for White and Colored People in Each Town—Afternoon and Night Duun. Aug. 30 Chalybuut* Springs, S. 0 * 31 Colnabury, W 7 Liliangton, Sept. 1 Mainer*. s**>t g Buie« Creek, Sept. 2 Pine view, Sept. 9 Coeto, Sept 3 Flat Breach ChnrdiXio DiAe, Sept. 4-5 Biinnlevel, Sept. 11 w. .-... - _ - . _ | __ WATCH FOR; THE BANNER READING: . “U. S. Government Social Hygiene Exhibition” In the Town on the Day of the Showing. For Local and County Qjvnmittaa Activities, Watch Tha Dunn Dispatch

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