Hygiene Campaign Auspicious Start Here Yesterday (It* Krum 1* E. a. it auvanx*- of ih l '. S.TSovorn »Ml'< Social Hygiene Exhibition presided al th: ailer noon reveling in th • Tb*-i:re, ar.d at th* evening moot ing in O* lUptiti church. and inl-o diced the k.-ct-jrer and tha spanker*. alio faund Time aftwr the while hi--vt in*, to aw to the colored meet ink* 4i1.1t My o »«nl to tho colored ? ople a-cemeted there. Al ull le.-ti ._-e before introducing tr. ifinik -< .inn bur chine the pic .lii’M. '.tr. Hc.dliaia leave a nhuri blief Bu.nteil irmim- uf th" Work a* C mpliril'-u in the debt of venereal i'-.-axc rurlrol within Thv part two y*:«r* by ifc* C 3. I 'nolle Health S' r by ta* American Social Hygiene A •'. octal Ion. and by the various Sta.. lltiunl- of llaaiih. He al-u explained a b lef -.ho [ire-cc; campaign for the education of th.- rural population it, Ihe com ol of tfce venerea! diisasci by mean, nf mov:ng pic-.u'-vj* ar.d III ature brvuirfci Ir.to th>- very heart.' *aJ ci-at.-r* of their ommunttk; Through Tha Social tiygu.no Cnr o» m.>vinc picture »hw on wheel*. Al the* wfteinion .ea-ion lo ihr la. •I.e.l In the White Theatre. D". lli-rd liaka intuduccd two speaker*. The fli*t wa» Dr W II. Gilletu, l'. P. TI S. the cel'll Tr of the afternoon, and lb. d-.jr.oujl-ato. of thr- film.. Thi ;.*t'4iiid ;icraon li.irodocei1 was a lady. Mi-« Ann Simpon. of the Staff of The S’rvtv Board nf Hen'in, lu charge ol womer.v work or tho Bureau of Vi-n •4 a! Dwraeea Tlr*» S ins pro n * nit mjc appeal 10 -,iw women to _am sh» part asCg.t-.-d 1 hern ami do thot? -hari- in Ike great Held of too*! hy ci av no* opened up :o them wa/ iirtened to with deep interest. Ilr. Ht-rdiishu <>tw to It that everyone ol » the alm>-t !»'W women pn-sen: wa ruppl'e*! with a piece of literature THr twu *ptcal booklet* dutributeil were, am' dn- 'rm-l «*p<c:aily fot girt* Ill'll wniUrr. ami the olli- r to parents At the Ki'-rtinr in the Bap'.i-d church Ur. Hrr<lli/ka uuro*luct*it then apeak*:*. IV. Gillette wa* once more Inrtnduccd ici 'hr- lecturer ami ilemon tlratur of the film fo-.- men. He gnv a uill*. The next speaker in rodvr.-d wa* Sirretary RidJIe of the Ch.unli r of Comm'ree. In intrndii* i"g flccTi-tnrr Riddle l>i. He.'dlitkr ay that. jn«» a* Dunn i» “the livlie-u «••• i. urni'-r the »ur-.” Jutt so he had • 'Mind See i-tary Kiddle to be the Hv t Sivrc'.arr of Commt-m unde; -1** ton, that not :n hi* experience at-il be foot'd a man *» murk inter "•ted in his nark ns Mr. Riddle, end r.o trfcrri- hai. he found a man who hail given hi.* timi and thought to Iht- publicity in eonneotiou with the com.n.: nf .he U. 8. Social Hygiene ■ixh.bition. 0.1 had M -. Kiddle. The Sc* rotary of the Chamber ol (Y.aUB"i-re gave (mutinied praise to 'he work bring done and expressed .in- hope that Dunn will appropriate (be mall sum of money neccsury do Dunn to Have a retant en g-igcmcnt of thr exhibition. This, he •:itd tv thu suilisntt. Might be ban alien the exhibition bad finished it tovr of the county which would re ■tuirs two weeks. I he show.ntr- in county closed at durulrvc). Saturday, Sep ton her 11. Iccratary Kiddle 'aid he would do ml! m Ms power to bring the exhibition yack to Dunn for the 11th and 14th., dad possibly 14, and Id, of Septem Mir. Before the exhibition removes to Kobe son county to taka up its mo-ith's itinerary there. Ha has pro .uiaad to see ttw city officials today in ndcr to give Dr. Hardliaka an an wer by Wednesday. The third speak r of .he evening who made the eloa ,ig address was the Roe. K. 1. Olive. . he jiartot of the church, who express d h's pleasure and that of the enureh i huvmg this great Social Hygiaoi i xhihiUen as the guest of the church I'd expressed his approval and en i,orrement of the great moral goer ring accomplished in the spread of via educations! propaganda amons • Hr people of this nation. The literature- distributed at thi vca'ng meetings for men consist' d - l a number of pirces special among kick were one called “Man I'owor’' or men. another called “Keeping i'll,” for boys, nnc called "Parent’! !'art“, for fiithem and mothers, and the fourth a “List of Books" oo So 'll Hygiene for home reading. Thu I tt of books was choacn by a com :.little appointed by the Government . jnsirting of, former Surgeon Gan c-xil Blue of the Public Hsallh Ser ve. present U S. Commissioner ol s.duration, Dr. Claxton. and Presi «. -nt Em- rituj Charles W. Eliot of i-urvard. The list has b*vn formed to ike place of the many irresponsible >o -. eugenic* ana vex nygiwit jbliuhrd and eold broadcast by ip . vriraiaatc people Thera are booki fv parent* to read who have children i X to twelve yean of age in order t fit they may know what to tail I >em. Three booki arc written in the • ‘iry-lnr.d of icicncc. There arc book* for boy* clever. . fourteen, fourteen to eighteen, fo> rl< thirteen to eighteen, for young < .if.’fr'l people, for the married, for i .truer*, cixlol hygiene worker*, etc 1 or euch at did not attend the meel -g», and for tho*c who did attend bal •' U not receive all of thin literature, l ic nformation i* given that any unc < I* the above piece*, or a complete *et ft thin literature, may be received I c* of all tharge by addraseing a j >et card to the 8tate Board of licalth, Raleigh Thr ihowing* at Duke will be a* f illowe: Saturday afternoon to wo . or only, Saturday night to men ! ily. Both thier thowlng* will be in i «• auditorium in I.-wln Park. On *:nnilay the exhibition will be in Ir in Park when an out-of-door *how - • c will be given at 1:30 in the even tg. The film to be vhover* will bo a i .o', ion-pic turn drama which all may : i- ad, lather*. mothers, and all pen -u. of both KXCV Every reddent of the county ia urg I to come out to wi thaw free mov ' ,g picture*, hoar the lecture* and ...-t reading matter, and after you ! avc attended one of tho meeting*, ; .u are urged to pau the good word ’ sSRaemmsaMamw -ilonff and become • boonUr In the ***** advocated by former Su>ynn General Blue of the U. S. Public lleallh Service who. in an eddrets in which hr declared thin to be the crcntrrt health movement of all time* •JTted that, “a* we have made the i world tafe for Democracy, let un now moke it safe for our potted!)-.** | OUR SANK . — invites your business and guarantees you a degree of service and safety seldom attained by any institution. Let us tell you about our Savings Department r COMMERCIAL BANK DUNN. —. NORTH CAROLINA 1 .. ■■ 1JT-W=T For a LIMITED period we are ghringaew and regular customers. with each Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store, ooeMToaTestadr’ Tube of corrapoodfaig rise. Buy NOW I fcyg^nxx^y ty antidpsting^yw Spring and BANKING I Tliis institution will use this space to entertain you with some interesting about Dunn and its bank ing progress. I WATCH FOR THEM | STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. Thedford s BLACK DRAUGHT Professional Cards a TUOS. N. thaxton a a ui Sarrayar * a IbaW AaarluM At tar U a a Hm a# infiitMn a a im ass a Ohm. — Marik Caralfea a aaaaaaaaa — a OS. ACTIIIAU a Ofxi of^DrTsssSArftrS a! r«MWw«A m. c a1 Wfkr far Htaratorr raarrn*- a Wt« OMropatby , S k • lilrSIriESS LOC.M ' - - . r ;• OK SALK. — MAS \ CARRIAGE . new. * >4 .is iurl c co • .■ on. Will Mcrdift fot n_t • •li.*. Call phone No 2*7, n 1,-1 V U t Oil SALE — TRACT OF ~MN ' m iand, containing *13 acre hi acre* in cultiration. wiih thro iem huuec*. Located on llalript and Fay> Uaville old *U*o roni' thteo mile* north of Cod win. flv mile* front Duke, > t all** fr.-ur Dunn, in Cumberland count}. Wil’ *ell on eaay term* Ste me it u-ur. e*ted. E. *. Godwin, Dunn, N >. 4 3 27 4t pd. WANTED—THREE OR FOUR VbJR malted room* for light hou-vheep ing, or -mall cottage. No children. Apply at C'aig'e Hakery. 17 if. .'OR SALE—A CANE MUX COlT P'Y pan. Will toll reaaonublr. Ap ply to J. B. Week*. Dun-., R 2 .’4 9t pd. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN1RJ —M you hare property to tall, why not aao the high deUar rood ortaU man, Ooo. L. Chnaady. RATTRRY SERVICE—FOR ALL aaakae of itarting Batterlei a Hr rlco that It Jurt aa thorough, fuel a* dependable, Ju«t aa peUtataklng far other makoo of Ba*torlca aa it la for tho EXIDE. USE EXIDE SERVICE REGULARITY. SMITH * McKay. BRICK FOR SALE.—READY FOR Immediate tloHrcry. Nrteberrj Broa and Cowell, Dunn, N. C. IOHN W. HODGES IS BACK ON the job under the water tank and U ready to aerve yuU again. See him for ecirrn doom and window*, porch furniture, florrer eland:, etc. Old furniture repaired. FARMS FOR SALE^I HAVE SEV craJ farm* located in Harnett. Sampson and Johnston counties. If r»« went to buy a farm ire me at once. Good locetJon, in dost mbit communities. Also desirable town property for sale, including several residences See. N. R. Lee. If. HAVE TOU THOUGHT OF THE Battery so year ear? If anythin* *oes wrong with the Battery an year ear seats in end tell our Bat tery Department about it—w* are •are ws aaa remedy it und our acr sieee are at year command at all ttmea. SMITH A MsKAY NOTICE — PEOPLE DEbIRING homes should 1st thsir wants be known to the man who can buy a real bargain for yon. 8e» Gee. L. Caanady, the real estate man. Dann. H. C. WE HAVE FOR SALE A NICE farm near Bunnlrrel containing 345 acres knows as A T. I'ender gram Farm, two rood dwelling houses and all neccaaary outbiuld in**, 300,001) feet pins timber. Land suisble for cotten, tobacco, end grain. We can sell this farm al a bargain and on easy terms, Sev us about it. Wade RAIty Co. FOR SALE—AROOM HOUSE AND lot un Magnolia Avenue and Carr street. Good cash price. J. F. Suriea 81 tf. Swims With Baby For Help For Her Husband Launch I. Which Whitehurst. W.r. Beating Struck hy Lightning At Mncehaad Morrhsari City, Aug. 28 • —A gaso line launch. In which Claude White hurst, his wife and three small chil dren were rtdin* this week off- the shore of Morehcad City. wa» .truck by lightning. Mr. Whitchn st vn was knocked unconscious. dying shortly after arriving at a hospital. dr-. \Vhltehur't and her children .** *' ‘u J u *l»ght shock and recovered : ' • kly. .;»ltv ut'tvr revoveiing from lie *'rv Whitehurst went to .he cni 'i'i* i.M.m, %••>»«••»• .dv, found her hu«u«t«;| «•irr.pl'. toly h«dpl.-»* with the pirton *-o«| gf il>< r igim- U atieg h<#i n the • tnplc. Mrv. Whitehurst wan nut sir.»ng i.oourh to emuve her buv tand friiin !]i» hazardous position and *»n iquemJy «tup|.cd th. engine. Aft.r the injured nan had bean .'emover! to a place of safely Mrv Whit*hu si tried in um to start the c"*'»nc again By thia time the little lour.ih wa> drifting about. With no •V tan.-- in atght Mr*. Wbtehuot did the only thing left fo: her. Strup pitn; * life preserver around her y»»umt«-v child ami one on hnr*clf sho -warn ashcro for aid. Hero «he wail, si or a long turn- for help About night, iftrr having become exhausted and rantic with the grief at thr thought of not being abl<- to render help to 1c. husband and children a man came .long and helped her get the boat a <-hote. I. Vr Wh.tohurst wm taken to a hoa P •!, wi»t.A* no ind without regain u * -«i» . nc.. -drt. Whitehurst' n» u igv „ wa.« TC.'.t through ail l* trying ordeal %*>.• d 7 ‘Hi • ?»•«;. » Wei kno\. • lr.: .• • Iji :rUv. • . e c*nl effo-l U, i\i:. ;b h • n.*' .! • d .rj ' well. W| tdmv lr. .. - -ll.igM*. I .1 i, \. i i*. •. tied 0u; >f a juo l» uilucuit, ali thr more r«« »on why a thorough finiah of it U ex peeled of thu boy, and he known full well it is expected of him, that every horde's ha«T»ej*e be property adjusted, that the ends of tow* be plowed closely up to the fence, and that *v iry dump be carefully hoed around. Not only, ia this youngster Uught th‘.>roujrhnc»i.l but dogged ncieirtencc ** well, and a* an illustration of how bo ia aoiUMing this trait, a recent ex perience will serve. Some hoga had got ;n the held by accident one morn ing and he with hit. dog wan given the job of gelling thorn out. The huge prove pig-hcodtd, os they vory often do, and it took the boy from early rooming until three o'clock in Un afternoon io get them out; but hr stayed with tham do op without his dinner until the Job an. dene. Av.ythli'g worth doing is worth do ing rent and I hope avc>y 11ufr. .. *»e i a.inci dud l> tcarhioc hia boVJ th> ©oi;hii s< c r.'acy, und dogp.d ' r i ll r.tes Them qualities, along r.'ilh honc.tiy and common --n»c mn..c fal men—wherever they urc and whatever lliey Do. — site i’ro. gi easivv Karmcr A radio method of guiding veasrlr through fog In the Anbrnw Channel in N. w Yolk Harbor has been ti ,c<l out *•> the Navy Dvpartmant I'nliee ths h'edriul Kramer hank gift fviii rous financial aid to the canning industry this fall there will be a shortage of canned goody. Cleve land bankers were told recently. Chicago has proved that wont' n are in politics to stay by arraigning several of them on charges p*’ voir frauds. COFFINS x CASKETS * I « i F unerals are solemn things. They inspire us with awe. At best they but accentuate the vanity of life. But, since they must come to all, it is a comforting thought to know that ihcr solemnity can be surrounded with that evidence of tender love which is^hsured by our undertaking depart ment. Lvery errort has been made in this department to dull 1 i the edge of the keen blade of grief. Our men are schooled I in that most commendable of all human characteristics— j ! sympathy. The unpleasant tasks of burial are underta- j ken by them with a thorough understanding of the pangs that are in the hearts of the bereaved. They serve with a genuine spirit of service. This department is equipped as thoroughly as is the best undertaking establishment of the country. It num | bers in its personnel a licensed embalmer and carries cas kets that range in price up to $1.000. Look this department over when you come to town again. _ Dunn, N. C. Coat., N. C. j ; " . -i 1 ;< We can sell you a A Ij We represent ihe | farm anywhere in three I gl ■* j^k Atlantic (oast flcai.y M MAM ml to.—Let us sell Hour Statee- m*"44 “ land at auction. VIRGINIA LANDS We have listed for sale a large number of farms located in all sections of Virginia. These farms are of all sizes and the prices on all of them are very low. Come into our office and let us tell you about some of them. —. — ' ALSO We have some nice farms located around Dunn, for sale. TTiey range in size Lr.m 20 to 500 acres; in price from $20 to $450 per acre and terms, from all cash all the way to 20 years. Let us show you some of them. Wade Realty Co. i i Dunn* :: Not th Carolina • j /

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