i IMPROVEMENT IN COTTON CONTINUES FORECAST SHOWS Government Forecasts Cotton Crop at 12, I 83.000 Bales Condition August 25 Sixty-Seven Per Cent 0' Crop N»r,1> Caroltnr /» Per Cent of Normal Aug. a Report Show* Increa.e In Pro.prc • Yield ol Quarter Millioa ol Hales; Boll Wssvij Damage. Washington. Sept. 1.—Continues improvement In the cot«on croi th.nuffh Aupiiet, amountirg to on In creuee of more than a quarter of i million buK-j in lh«* month, was an nouno.-d today by the Department ol Ulk to<**y *n it* forecast l.,«S3.U00 ha lift, baaed on Augual condition of 67.6 per ccnL Krmarkablo growth took place dur jnx Aum»H official* Raid, but the crop Is from two to three week* late am* a lal«* lull is ncci.f.'iiy f«ii fuvorablt termination «f the ciop. Boll weovi damn?.' wtil be greater than usual Miry *4)mI. I reduction wu forccaM, las' month ul I2.;,l&,000 halts and the *'011 lit ton of the crop July 74 | pc cent, whilr the foR’caat made in Julv wh < I 1.4 50.000 haU*» based on a con dition or 70.7 on Jum. 2.V |.Mvt yeai* production wa* 11.2S9.756 bale* ant’ the condition of the crop on Auyui 26 a year ago wan 01.4. The trn-yaai » a*«*ragc condition t»n August 25 I GR.2. Vwoodition Uy SUUi The condition uf the crop thii yc*i on August 2fi by States »a> V.rginia. 81; North Carolina, 79 South Caiolina. 71; Georgia, 58 • Florida. 67; Alabama, 58; Mississippi 60; Louisian*. Go; Texas. 67; Arkan sas, 76; Tennessee, 75; Missouri; 83 ;i Oklahoma. 84; California. 80; Ariao 1 na, 86; all other States, 90. Statement na Conditions In a Statement commenting on coU ton condition* the department said: "The cotton plant ha*-grown won. derfully dnnng August over Um on tiro belt as a result of almost coa •tani raine, but this growth during the past two or threw weeks has bean largely at the expense of fruit and ^piank, although large and vigyroua. as py The crop in the normally dry i of Texas and Oklahoma, whert ■wgle rainfall wns henefteial. and hw northern portion of the shown absolute nr relative hiov.-mont fm August Generally -— Praking, the early eel of bolls wi Satisfactory »nd while the bolls are liot now present in proportion to lie vise of the plant there is a fairly sat isfactory set of bolls. 'Thr cloudy, wet weather and cool nights with large growth has prevent ed thr plont from overcoming its ini tial lateness and it from two to three week* late over most of the belt Boll W«sv9 Active "The moist August conditions have been vr.y favorable for the boll wee. vll. which h> very active In all Infest ed regions, from centvill Texas to central Sruth Carolina. The loss of a large part of the squares not setting and a considerable proportion of the umall bolls and many large ones as a result of thi we- vil damage is report ed throughout this area. Boll worms alto active to a damaging extent in the same teiritoiy. For a favorabl* termination of the saason a late fall i* nect-jtaiy. Early frost* would do great damage. The harm resulting from bnll weevils will be in greater proportion than ordinary, because the damp weather tenon to rotting of the mtire injured boll instead of the lock affected only. Much rolling is report ed in the ventral areas. ‘“I So abandonment nf planted fleHi sinei the .late uf tin- bureau's acie ngc i-dim ate of dune 2$ has been slight and probably lea thnn average. 1-sbov Conditions i "I .u, .......1 ii ...._*_ _■ rlous J. tc whin the reins permit pickin';, especial1? If dry, hot weath er should fo.ee quick maturity, hut no acute -hortepc exists at present although labor la gonorally higher and inyrts on shorter hoar* than former ly. "More fertiliser has been used than Ian rear and still more than two years ago, although the quality is still inferior from lose of sufficient potash and much of the benefit hi.: been lost f'.im Ir-Iirhi itr or from growing into plan! growth rather than fruit," Draper Buys Interest In E. J. Hudson Business jj. T. Drap'v, until September t an officer of the Slate Bank and Trust l.'ompnny. h«- pan-hated half Interest in the olrrlriial business heretofore t'omjjeird by E. J. Hudson. Hence foilh the fitm will be known si the IInd~o.vl'/»i)*r Electrical Company, t'l .li it- p.incipal offices at 107 East IJncsfl streot. Wilh -hi- addition of Mf. Draper lo.ihs firm >t will materially enltrga it* activiilar. B, rides selling and In stalling the I telco electric lighting system in farm homes tbs concern will do gcnerul electrical contracting in town and will carry a complete line of ai-reaeorle* for electric lights ami eiactileal appliances. Mr. Hudson has been In the elee trical bmlnea* her,: for several years. His business ami his work are well known Mr. Draper rime U> Dunn m vrral months ago and has made many friend* during hi* connection with the bank. Doth ere young men of energy and ability and are expect ed te build up one of the largest bali n' "« of It* kind in Kuitern CuraUui John Hodge* Building New Furniture Factory John W. Hodges will - begin thi erection of a new furniture factor on the banka of Black River, a ahor dlstanci went of town on ihr Duki roAu, within a dtiy*, ucrurdini to an announcement made by hin yesterday. Hr will specialise in om design of porch and living room suit of furniture, he aoid. Mi Hodges probably will continui to occupy his presort .hop near tin municipal water tower, bat he wil discontinue the general repair buai ness hi- >.aa engaged in for tbe las •• venal month.. Furniture menu lectured in Uu new plant will be known aa the "Cat iiah brand. Tha name was choaer through tentirarnL Several year* agi when the promoter laft the employ of Newberry Brulhara and Cowell furniture manufacturer, hia total rap da) wa. no small that hll venture war taken as a joke by Will Newberry But he put up a little aawmilling plant near the site of hi. new factory and prospered. Occasionally hr would come over to see hia former associa tes and invite them to visit him. Whenever John would extend the invitation he would tell the fellow, that if he eoold And nothing tlae for them to cat, he was right co the bank, of the Black and could catch plenty of catfish for them. From lhal John's plant became known as the Catfish Lumber company. ^s was proud of the name and is golngto perpetuate it with his new furniture. u-ox will visit Uunn It He Comes to State Governor Jimn Middleton Co*. Democratic nominee for President of 'he United Stain, will surely speak al the Pann Fair Tuesday. Octobei 12. if be ran com* to North Carolina at that time. This Information waa communicated to T. L. Riddle, sec retary of Chamber of Commerce, yea terday by Ellis Goldstein, who la in New York. Mr. Goldjte.n stated that kc had just visited Democratic national head quarters and bad been assured the! ev*;y effort would be made to aHow the nomirgre to viait Dunn during the Fair. The data waa so far /way, bow -ver. that It could net be definitely atated that he would some. Governor Co* will-end his ipeaking tour of the west on October 3 at St Louie. Then he will begin a swing through the South. That will give him gin* days to -'cover at* Booth am tatea east of the Mimlxlppi before reacting North Carwliaa. . . . Chairman Warren, af the Rut* ex ecutive committee. Has boen assured that Governor Cox will viait North Catulma in October. Altogether it ap ptan that the chancel are axevllenl to have him here. Southbound Train On Coast Line Is Wrecked Ten Persona Receive Minor lojneioa When Cara Laae* The Trash Wilson, Sept. t.—This afternoon No. HP, southbound passenger train ->n the Atlantic Coast l.im* railroad while going at a high rate of speed left the tracks just after crossing To. isnot swornp on the outside of thi roiporalr limits of Wilton. The canar of the accident waa spreading ralL. said to have been caused by rotten cross-ties. The engine and tender, ex press and mail cars passed over safr ly but five passenger couches and one Pullman left the- track and wore more or lets damaged. Harvey H Parker, of Tarboro, lost hi* bond and Jumped through an open window. He tolled down a twelve foot embankment and wa* brujmd about thr head and body. Ten othns received minor broiwa. All of the day coiu-hra wire crowded and the only thing that raved from perhaps horri bit deaths the number of pamengert aboard was the bolding together of Cotton in IN. v^.. Makes Excellent Progress Generally UautilfulMy Prrfrni Reported From Other State*, However Washington, Sept I.—Cation con tinued to make unsatisfactory pro grew* during 1ha past wm-k, dor to the lack of sufficient rainfall and dry sunshiny woather, according to the national waathcr and crop bulletin issued today by the Weather Bur-wu Progress was hindered in Oklaho ma by Insect peftt; in Texas by heavy rains, causing short fruiting; in Arkansas by lack of sunshine nn,i continued showery weather; In Ml* sippi, outside the delta couatias, and Iioulalans by unfavorable moisture and insect ravages, and iu South Car olina, outside the Piedmont district, threugh rot, sheddiog and rust Report* of some improvement were received fiom Georgia, but the condi tion is Mill poor and the plants are not fruiting well, the bulletin said, '(he crop made excellent progrese la North Carolina, except in tbo South west, which experienced heavy rains, Picking Is progressing in Georgia and Southern Alabama, the report said and has started in South Carolina. Wcovll continued to damage the e op in many sections o( the belt. Chaperon Meude ef Hone* Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. SI.—Ap pointment of Mrs. C M. Richard, si Lake Charles, La., as chaperon foi the maids of honor at the confederate veterans’ reunion In Houston In Octo ber, was announced today by General K. M. Van Zandt, of this city, com mander - la . chief. ; North Carolina Gets $2,279,053 Additional Federal Road Mone> i Apportionment. Available Jah I, Reaching $100.000.0010. Lara, eat Certified [ Washington, Aug. SI.—During Ui< i next two yean the 1,-de.ul govern j moot it ready to match North Cato line dollar f<>> duller in the construe tioa of good roads and for that pur poac there is available h t it the aucr °f 62.379.0u3.80. Thai apportion ment will round out the North Caro lina quota under the federal cog, road* act. The bureau of public roads. depart, merit of agriculture, hat prepared u final statement of the nnn, alloted to the various states to be exploded be/ui* July 1, 1922. Thomas II. He Doaald, director of the bureau, said today that all states should earn rv. ery effort to utilize the federal ap propriation, or to make agiecmcDts with the department of agriculture for ita urn- before that date. higurau at the federal bureau show •d today that Nutth Carolina it en titled to an additional allowance of 8688.763.46 under the original good road* act of I01G and that of the amount authorized in lulu the ztetc u entitled to raceivc ns a final allow* •i*ec $1,709,809.36 - making more than two million dollars available during the next two >eaiu. These »nms must be m >l.i,*d with equal ap propriations by the state V; glnia’z ello'rirni fo* • «* next two year* touts 8! .977 07n.8S and that of South Carolina in $ 1,436,01 W, 04. Tbit it the last allotment of fedor -il appropriation■ until Couira ail -toi tie* additional outlays from tbs treasury. A grand total of about 1100,000,000 for tkc entire eouatiy w to be advanced by the Washington government during thn next two years. "The last apportionment of federal foods to eld the stater In road build Ing became available July 1 ’*■ said Mr. McDonald today. "This is the brxest apportionment yet ceitifiad under the federal act, authorising $100,000,000, throe quarter* of which Is derived .fiom the appropriation of IBIS and one quarter from the origi nal law of 1918. A deduction of three per cent ef the funds It made for ad ministration purposes “Under the law the Mates are re quired to enter Into formal contracts with the secretary of agriculture for contraction for which this mousy it to be used. These contracts or agree "ust bu mads before July 1, “Ut it is not necessary that tbe ■ntire amounts actually shall he asnpaiWi .baic.-u that ■>—- j—■ -- the agreements have been Made and the amount* placed to the credit of he state at the treasury department. “All previous apportionment* have been taken up in the time elloted aod it la not likely the states will fail to absorb this final apportionment To do this, however, it will be neersmry that the state* survey, plan and place agreements with the frdsral govern msnt for approximately $200,000,000 worth of good road construction in the next two year*." Says Harding Throws Chill Into The West Fnaldl* D. R»e>ev»lt Allege* Repub lican Candidate Hu Injured Ml* Party Indianapolis, Ind.. Aug. 31--Sena tor Hoi-ding's statement* how he would Conduct the presidency have thvown a chill into the Republican campaign in the west, Franklin D Roosevelt. Democratic elce-picaid.vr tlal nominee, declared in an address here tonight “Visions of the senate cabal, of an Insidious power behind the chief m*g ■ titrate, anil not down," he osid. "The Penrosct and Watson* and Smoot* and lxxlgee ate at leant no more pop. utar than In time past. The people «aiit a leader, not s syndicated presi dency. ” fa itf iflie Kll rnlra •> rUeoe* am... s. bis A-.dings in the went, the vire-pree dintlal candidate declar'd that the •ret is asking why the Republican candidate* am nut going to visit iL "There are vivid memorials of Mr. Ilughe** disastrous rampaign to the Pacific coast in 1916," he said, ad ding "that failure was a failure be came Mr. Hughes' one ureal argu ment was that everything any Demo crat had ever don* woe a horrible ca tastrophe. He W|J ungvnrroun, he wa* n knocker and not a booster. “Today the feeling la very much the same Thar* will be a repetition of 1916. only on a biggor scale. In evory state I visited the trend is vis ible lo n chool child "Republican mayors of ei*!ca. Re publican delegates lo lUU cunvi n tioni arc out in th* optn wearing C*>m buttons. They, too. have been think d their ranks arc growing y remember the days of finan cial panics snd the calling of farm mortgages. They arc now prosperous, taking It by and large, and they want men and measure* to round out that prosperity along national linos, not lo repeal the basis for It for political reason*” THREE HUNDRED MINERS TO GO OFF ON A “VACATION" Wilke* Rarrc, Pa., Sept. 1_Three hundred delegates representing 66 lo cate of district No. 1, United Mina Workers of America, In convention here today, voted to "taka a vacation until the coal companies acceded to the demands for Increased wages snd better working conditions, as framed In the minority report of Neal J. Fry. ry»the miners* representative on the anthracite wag* commission. "Are w* or are wo not going to koey faith with the boys who died and who strop In France?”—Governor Cos at Wheel lug. ******** ********* * UNITED S ITES MAY ¥ ¥ ASK FOR FOR MAYOR ¥ * jfi ¥ Wattling flrpl. t.—p. * * P. Walsh, an of the- ¥ ¥ American c Jon lor Ir- ¥ ¥ ish Indep , after a ¥ ¥ con Terence with 8cere- ¥ ¥ Ury Colby, Ounced thnt ¥ ¥ Mr. Colby —r promised “to ¥ ¥ sndrsvor to da something and ¥ * do It qotckly*' in brhnlf of ¥ ¥ Terrene# MacSwiney. lord ¥ ¥ mayor of Co*. Ireland, row ¥ ¥ on a hanger *trike in Brixton ¥ ¥ Jail. London, i ¥ ¥ Mr. Walsh said he ashed ¥ ¥ the state department scere- ¥ ¥ tary to in terrene eithci oft- ¥ ¥ cully or peratsully with Pry- ¥ ¥ mi nr Lloyd (Merge to save ¥ ¥ MacBwIney, *wbo he said ¥ ¥ would die within If hours. ¥ - Me made ■ similar request of ¥ ¥ President -wReon in a latter ¥ * left at the White House. ¥ ¥ Secretary Colby niter Mr. ¥ ¥ -Walsh’s rlsit.ilB response to ¥ <• questions, sail hi bad the ¥ ¥ pies which had been present ¥ ¥ cd under consideration. ¥ ¥ Mr. Walsh Mid be cited to ¥ ¥ Secretary Colby as pi-oca- ¥ ¥ dints for Aiufrican intervan- ¥ ¥ tion In behail of the Cork ¥i ¥ mayor the U represi illation ¥ ¥ made by the an ted States in ¥ ¥ 100(1 to Che gasman govern- ¥ ¥ merit against (he Jewish pio- ¥ ¥ grama * ¥ 1 ¥ *y*sxx¥*«iss«xxsxsxx | Godwin s Gmd er Coo let Hi* Goose With Harvey Ucraa once saved Rome—-but prr* ent day folk who are accustomed lr mo.tmg the hissing descendants of that immortal Cock have little re*, poet for the tribe Such, however, arc not familiar with an ancient gande owned by Jedge Robert [_ Godwin who has a beautiful home on Fail Ground Road that deserves soar pc < lie name. Judge Godwin's pander is a price He dove everything around the place from shooing chickens out of tha gai den to acting aa valet and guardiai of tha Judge's h»rd of Jersey cows it la at a under of tin lowing kine that this b.rd shines best. Upon no 'em an authority than that of Harvest Halteh McKay it ts Mated that the pander rouiidt up the cowa each night and assigns them ta their stalls. Harvest la Judge Godwin's nearest neighbor. He. too, has a gorgeous homo on that supmfc highway that j til yesU-rdpy Morning. Yesterday the1 gander cooked'his goose so fiv %/ IIoi vest is cotiCr .ned. Jar.e the lovely little daugktei of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Kay, was given a roll from Craig's bakery just before she retired. Kid like, she nibbled it and placed a large remnant on the window sill beside her bed Before «ui>up, according to Har vest, there sounded a loud knocking beside Jane’s window. Daddy Harvest arose to investigate. He arrived at the window Just In time to see the rcll disappear in the maw of the gande.. Little Jane aiotpa on the second floor and Harvest i« a tiuthful man. Zannie Tart Pardon Is Revoked By The Governor ] Farmer Senator J. B. Bag- I pell, associated with Charles Lee Guy In the defense of Zan I nie Tart, whose conditional por- I I don from State Prison was yes- I I terday revoked by Governor Birkett. returned to Dunn this 1 morning with a stay of cxern I tion of the order. He had been I I to Raleigh to intercede for Mr. 1 Tart. The Governor granted I i him an extension of fifteen I days in which to permit 8hcrtff I I Tjilington te investigate the charges preferred by Chief of Polica Page against Tart. Safin- I tor Baggett brought his client i to town with him. The young I man was lodged la jail yester- | day. Ha la now at liberty on ! ! hi* own recognisance. 1 I_. _ a • I Berauae of complaint* chanrni that hw had violated the eondith-i: t>f hla pardon Zannl* Tart, who t.t-i liberated from 8tat* Prinon aweral month* ago, waa yeaterday taken Into cuatody by Depety Sheriff Kyle Mat thew* and taken to Ullington jail preparatory to hi* return te the pent lentiary. The deputy waa armed with on order from Governor Blckett re voking the conditional pardon grant ed Tart. Gove- nov Bicketl'a order . H thnt the act lea wa* taken at th* In ■dance of Chief of Police O. 8 Pagf, who complained that Tart wa* n«t living op to the term* of kb pardo-!. Chief Tag* alleged that Tart wa* en gaging In the *alc of whiskey. Th* young man waa in Recorder’* Court under charge ef haring whiskey for th* parpoae of ml* when he wa* ti ken hy Deputy Matthew*. M>. Tart ha* conducted a wnnll ■tor* on Fairground Road «inc* hr returned home. It ia the ant ntn e in which young Rldredg* l«* had h:n trouble* laid winter. Chief Pag* de clarw h* has had man^ enmplai..ta concerning the aataMbhment In the la*t few week*. It w»* for the killing of Pat Lloyd, hla brother In law, that Mr. Tmt wi.a arnUnced to StaWia priaon. H* lu approMmntely da year* of an aigbt year wnteaee U *erw John Roh Baprett. of LiUlngton, has goae l» Raleigh to Intrread* farther for him. Cox Sends Moore I To Chicago "With His Data On Slush Fund* Declare* F.xf.-U<« |, Su«eienl To Convict R - publicans Bafor. J ary (’oicmbui. 0., V-pt. 1._t. || Moon-, r.f Youdytowa, Ohio, pio ft.r.vrntlon tnsnaccr for Governor Cox, will leave f0J Chicago tonight as the personal tcprc-.-i laiitr of the U mocra-.lr pies rtontlal nominee u br i««dy to fWi»nl to the senate ub comm it.i- ;'ive.h!gati»K campaign expenditure/ dn;a in support of the povenror'v iharge that the Republi ran committer i* collecting a ram J'aign fund of $16,000,000. This arnnanrement wax mailt this ci or i-g hy ho'h Mr Moore and Gov rr*r Cox after an all-day confer, j.ci' (MoH.iciprvrd u: hy Ihi nomir.ee. Mr. Moore and Senator Alin Pomer ••»* Dr monistic in.-mlin of the In* vccligating rommittee. ll hi thi r hr Ivtsttfice before the . amnnttrr. Mr. Moore -mil. is up to the eommittre iLrclf He stated that ■it case tile committer dal not aov fit to call h-m. the evidence which hr aiwrps lo take with h m will be there •n read.neve. He added, how-over, that ii. nimbly will find its way before '.n# connrillri in s'Oi istaiinn. Comraer.t:rg upon t h e paper/ vblrlt in-' aoviinur tun.ml over to 'i m today urd -.hnn which had con' 'o h m direct, Mr. Moo.v declared 'hai "if T.casuier tlphara is telling '.he truth, then, is an entirely separ ite fund and we are going to Had if ■ • wv i ii'Tixriii inm 11 inr mi*n to be railed in the invesigalion ’deny or icfuic Ui proJ'jcc’’ evidence h.ch he said will aublaniialv the ;-nvernor'i chv.ncva. he will pirscnt 'be e*iiionce him. elf. |!< al Chicago in the form of document! 'Ce :» a ni» rrp»cu* with novelty originality and humor- a show of m rth. melody and music, intersper sed with spin-ialhie* that would hi op liner* on any vaudeville bill. Beautiful scanccy, girgeou* cortumr, and the genaial excellence of the per formers have won the highest praise {■ tim the dittos. Reports from ths cities nod towns pla ed by the revue n: * st the fact that It is a well aaertted success, playing to packed houses. • he advance sal, of scats, as be fo r mi nt oned, indicate/, that the on i-.-.gctacnl bar* Wednesday eight will b> a record breaker in point of at tendance, and in oidrr to avoid disap h-lntment It will be well to secure tickets early. "Of course there'll bo a parade," said the advance man for tbe revm i psr.eo to n.t injury from one uf the local Vogel "fans”—and they are m ry. ‘Tbere I- something about a parade, whether it U circus or rail' strol, that appeals to everyone, and I”, Vogel hx» always made the pa rade one of hit attractive feature*. '•CHECKERS" PICTURE A SENSATIONAL HIT “ Checkers," th* spectacular pie tors mode by WilVnm Fo«. which opened a» the White Way theatre Monday is -von better e > a picture than it was c-< a uir> p'/iy. Much of tha action ocears outdoor* dnd Director Richard Stanton took full adeantar* of th* situation to make hi* exterior seem-* ot only elaborate, hut perfect in de fjn. Th* stoiy 'ell* of a Southern beau ty fallr in lovu with Checkers, the raca tout. He grooms a hor«e owned by th«' girl fu" a r'eh stake, and in Celling the horse to l*« vac* truck •ireoimter* tremendous diffleahie*. Hi* eha«o lead* from the Roath to Kcw York and through CMnatown. At the last minute. Just before '.ho race i* to start, the Jorkey is maliei onely Winded, and lb* young (lit r iles the horse to eictory. It to ene of the boat and moat stirring pictures i Coronation of King Cot j ton To Be This Month i _ King Co lion j. a boa! u> ascend hi. inrun.-, Dunn and the rntl.-e Donr d!»tnct ir preparing Tor the corona lion I't-ti monlaa which will begin nlmut the fifteenth of this month. A glorious reci ption is planned .. r u|,‘ Smb'leman. Owners of thr big gia* in town and in the conn try are tuning up the machines ta assure thr king raay prog>*** Road boUderr an- preparing highways and filling m> ruts so the- chariot* in his Ita-n can got to town without bomba Cotton Weigher Royal, Is shining up the ration yard and gutting all rub bish from the jiaiaee ground* l b* King is on kia way. When be gets to town he will find every ran chant irady to greet him AS th< big and little store, along the main tiail or sprucing up to gain his favor. Window, that have not hud a hath ainec last spring are un dergoing their aumi-annual ablution*. The innards of Korea are being riranccd. New goods are being al liactirely displayed. MerebdaU are getting ready. The King ia on hi* way. It i» ertimated that more than for '■y thousand bole, of the fleecy stuff *"•11 b« told on the Dunn and I hike markets this year. Dunn will sell h.-ce-fouith* of this. Moil of the money paid out in both town* will find its way into Dunn banka and Ann stare* Th<- King i, an hi, way. Vive 1* rol. -x_ Herman Smith Dtamisa ed Upon Payment of Fine Hetman Salih, again* whom an juilaw proclamation was issued eev rsl weeks ago la connection with the shooting of Uort Hudson and wh<, .-bteqji utl> sun vndei-ed to th* po hero, vii liberated upon pay ment of a fine af I2S and the cost’ in two cases in Recorder’s Court >ef tarday. Judge Godwin was very kindly die posed toward the young nun and was of tbo opinion that ha should bv given • chance to makt a good clt: tun of himself. He hold* a suspended sentence over him to assure his futon good behavior. r Arch Truolove. who is alleged to kt.v been with Smith at the time of it- shooting and who it aid to have threatened Lillie Ball, a Croaten with a revolver, was arataaead t. •r ve two years on the roods HI sUorney.C. L. Cuy, appealed to the Superior Court, l|pwfv«r, and th ^oung man was pitted nndur $400 • tm. Smith's second case was that fo* sitting Policeman Hunt and Deputy Sheriff Jernigaa when they attempt, id to arrant him. Coal Strike Ordered In Alabama Districts Hoad of Coal Ml wars' (Jot*. Says Op •Tatars Mavo Not Kept Agree ment Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 1.—John L. Lewis, president Sif the United Mina, Workeis of America, late ta day imued an order for a geticrs' •trike in lhr bituminous coal Acids in Alabama. The order followed a repot c made by the unionisation eocnmlttc< The report dwltinl the coal op cralors tied failed to put iato effee the awards of President Wilson's coal commission of last March. It said th mi non were working for wages far le>* than those specified by the com miwlon and declared every attempt to arrange a conference with the coal iterator* of Alabama had failed J R. Kennamer. president of die lict 20 of the mine worke.ra, with ^ficee at Birmingham, was notified if the strike order by telegraph. Xu •witous mlr.es in the Alabama fiald have been idle because of the allege.’ refusal of the operators to wcei-pt th findings of the coal commission. rv « v i f fVfs.i L/oc» nauiin^ ivian witri Liquor 'Violate Statute? 0 —■ " ■ ■ Judpt Caw* hm Question On Tc Supreme Cuurt Far Aa Answer FnyeUeville, 8ept I.—With the d* clarcd purpose of securinp a ruling from the Supreme court on the'quo* tlon a* to whether a men tranapoit in* another man who ha* whisky Jr. his possession i> guilty of transport* np intoxicant*, Judge 0. H. Gu-on in >hs Superior rnert here, fined C M. Is-e one dolls. for tiansportinp i wo soldiers in hi* automobile while :hty had liquor In their poiecaaion and rrqur-eted that Lee'* attorney* take an appeal In order that the Ka. premr cuun may rale on the point. "1 want thU subject of transport Inp liquor threshed out and aatUbd oner and for all," Mid Judpe Galon, “so that I may know how to proceed t hare been son dink men thus trews rd is* the rood* at other places, but I have Just about cheeped my mind There doe* not aeem te be a finale etatalo that tone he* directly on tail paint. If e men pets on a train or In an automobile with a pint of llquoi in hi* pocket I am not so certain that the ranroad or the owner of tho auto mob'lc Is guilty of traasportlnp. Now In this ease I am sn-lnp to plve the ftollcitoT a rprclal verdict ana let the defendant take an appeal so that the Supreme court may settle tho contro versy. I rather think I we Is technW-ab Iv imllty. So 1 am aroiac to flne him one dollar end I want him to lake an appeal eo that the Sapitme court ear pive u* a rulinp on till* point.'* list every respect setn litre In sons lime. The all-star east headed by Thomas J, Car ripen and Jean Ackei #+»o an evenly balanced performance FORMAL REPLY OF i POLAND HANDED TO 1 SECRETARY COLBY i ______ Officials Express Entire Satisfaction With "Hie Document j Consider Strategic Phase of Situation | Neia Says Stretagle Ceaildarstiea Maat Caw. HaJNag W Fellah Ar mies la TW Paiadt al Kalahari*! at Tha Frontier (Jaa Fla ad By Tha Sapraata CeaaeiL Washington, Bapt. 1—Satire mtis faction was *xpiraeed today by Stats C partment officials with the fermil reply o< tha Polish govrrnmant ta rVt Amciicaa not* rcqutrting a Pai '•h declaration la abstain from traas iromioa of Raarian territory. Polar, d is understood to baa* re plied that strategic co moderation must govern tha haTt'ng of ha* arabaa r>. their pursuit of tha BoUhaafld at the fmr.tiar lisa of Poland tentative ly 5*ad by the supreme course it Sug rratlan had been made by tha Amatl can govr entnant in Ida not* that Po ll .nd sak* claar that bar lateatlans owarda Ruts.a were act imperialistic and that bar armies should oat ad vance bryoud thr ethnographic line laid down by the tapresae council. Mlalstar DsiWsn Haply f the U. S. ___ Oflkdala of ho State .Department h-ive deacribeo Ac position ed tho United States toward* the Pall* ad vance aa “midway betwvau that of France and Great Britain, flu yett* i t’on of Great Britain Is aadentead to be that the Poliak armiesdbould immediately halt upon the froabdr line now reached, whllo France has contended that the armies dtoald ad vance an til a etrutegic point hayoad ths line wea attained, ft ia bebeved I that the United Stataa now takes the position that the Polish armlea may ccounac ta p»«r* their attacks apaa I thv Bolshevlki, even if the frontier liar -hould be crossed, so long as ao -arencr* are forthcoming that Po taid'e intentions toward Ramie arc t.rt 'mncriaVLittc and that bur armies would be withdraw* latvr to the lute when all danger fr«* • Bolehevfcl of fensive h»* paused. REPUBLICAN path nil u»u COMES OUT ro* cox Norriatown. Pa.. A a*. 11.—Daclar i :ng leadership In the country has ere I V-n faith with the rank and fit* Of thr party, with the American people In’ a whole, and with humanity eeery where, e».d that the Democratic pM '(urn off** “peace, lasting oeac*. IboiWcd on the jeatiec of tlm OaMen I Rule which humanity i* prayto* far," tha Norrirtown Thnea. a BcnnMIma newspaper aineo it* founding m 1H1, •v.nouae*** that. In accordance with thi dictates of conscience and la the I belief that it la do!** a patriotic and h- manitnrian duty, h cannot do other than support Cm and Reoarrelt fer President end Vkc-lhfeaMiBt The Tlmee' denunciation ef the Bn pnbllran platform and taetlea .ha* .caused a aanaation in this Republican ! .ironyheld It acts forth that “fer the j >a!cc of gratifying hate the BapablL ran InadeiMity would pam ewer the glory ef American heya an the Moody stretches of France and Boiginm, breaking faith with Umoa who rrtera cd as well as these who died.” Republican* am charged by The T me* with premeditating the marder of tire treaty, d.ahcnoring tho word “Ameiicankm,” and krrserlng the ser'hnent of the people ef the coun try with their “deaWe-feeed plat form" The League ef Nation* 1* In dorsed. and It k contended that, with the assistance ef the United Stata*. lasting peace will be crystallised Mo ■n I tctoal fact. ! “Chochera," the famous raeiae melodrama ha* boon made Me a mo tion picture by William Fox and will be-aeon at the Whit* Way theatre, Monday. The picture, directed by Richard Iranian, hi a mammoth spec tacle with mart realistic Mena*. Chechen la the main character In :b» p'ay. lit Is* reformed raee trsck teat who fall* in I eon with a Ron them beauty and goto late lk< wort thrilling adventaroa Mow the hoiae Remorse wiaa the Mg staheai how checker* risk* hie life many Urn**, and hew he finally ere.eeme* all obstacles, Is UM, It la said, with an clnhentlen ef detail which makes “Checker*" one of Urn mart absorb, lag photoplays presented this seaaoa.