THE DUNN DISPATCH FVL1SHO IVMT TUESOAY AMO nUDAY. April let, m4,*tth#p*at"t2Z * Dana. M. C. ukf th* aat a* Maiuh S. 1STS. •■fc* i_ l auisu port, p^uaw ■fjriha...*• *“ .»>JH Oaa pear.—.IS M Little Progress Made On Holliday’s Plan For Fuel Bwm other meeting* aad bonne** havo wsgM th* attention of thooe who are wanted to put KeO. HaM dap'* fool plaa late operation little prvcrM* ha* beoa mad* In the matter thia weak. Aa toon aa ponaible, how. evor, work will ho ataited oat aad It « hoped that eaScieat tool can be broaght lata town to provide for the winter”* need* heforo cold weather *eta la. Manuring th* plan th* New* and Ubonrvnr aay* editorially today: "With winter approaching and cold aoariag around fifteen dot lam a tea aad oacartain eve* at that fljpira the plaa that the team of Dana ie proposing might ho etuillcd hv people la other aectiona of the State. Dwna la Sgariag oa baying timber la the forvet aad oigaatelag a force that win cut and dollvor the wood to th* elty yard* where it eon ho cut late atev* length* and delivered to th* beyer at a price jaitlfiod bp th* capeooaa. c._,T_r ■__, wood » Mk* wood champ. Fol lowfagr toe rawmilla o wood op •rotioa could pother up enough wwod to knock too bottom out of tho high prices. Bat tho sawmill Kha* Mo own troabta*. One of ! men loot week talking ea tkia asbjact Mid It wma ahameful the am neat of good wood that ii left la tho wood* behind hit op erative or that could be hauled ta the railroad aad ea polled to tho people If anybody eared to •odprtaa* the work. But he had l hi* hand* full with kU Igmber operation*, aad couM not ipart eithar haada ar haulage. So toe wood by the thoomndi of cord* ■ certain* to bo bam ad by forett d- All ever tho State ore op partuasUa* like that where or effort could lecarc wuod. aad with a fow haada and truck* and equip** rot coaid load •eraral car* a wank. Tha Mwmill duMiu* will ana ••••Sb we ad waatod tola aatatar ta Mtiofy tha mats ef to* Stats, and It arm b* waatod aolaly far tha want of organlaed effort auf Moat to got out aad briag It la. This Mato I* not short of foot ' ifZttrjrxZ's -*od out. and ubUo k may not rie chaos fuel, whieh'io toe .wl&rLJ**** f“*< *•”“ MhktotMMPritH* AMD THEM ABOUT * ♦ * * * * : ¥***♦#»**♦***»**♦*** That hotel proposition i* lit, to bob up agala JM a* soon as Dunn *“■ rotten its annual fair sot of to* the way in October. Boca use of mo ' JriT attority aad to* various other to lag* toot are now claimtam tbs at of Dun. folk giraaralty it b idudvluoblo to attempt to further Soane* too project until a aad too row of the fellows Who or* interested in to* thing ore one mind la the aealter. They think the hotel will bo tana ecd eaaily when folk are ta position to “put out" more freely. Hod ef to*> OW Itfll of to# opinion that too old Divine site la the logical place for the building. They are willing, bowerer, to a mint in Shaaciag to* project aad. a/tot too regain? mm U raised, submit to* choice of a sit* to a committee to be appointed by tht Mock pure baa* rm. • - Th« lot on which It in proposed to b*Ud the hotel U O.J byCep'n Tdghmnn, wha effrrtd k at a priec Much below that he can act for It n«w. The original option expired aev «rJ wee he ega. bat ha It still balding tlw property foe the botai COM pea y Tl U ta be regretted that the Hotel wet aot built leet eaanaer. Then ft wooid hare been ready far the great amber ad vtriton who com* to Denn durteg the eeaaone when the rich bar vc«t from earraandiag farm are ba int p’eced an the Market. The ant LerV. now la that the aheenet af ha ll /acilitid la going to he More keen. 1/ It lhi«IeR ami winter than it Wdt text year when every available r*» « .oom wen placed Into eerviee • ere line date Viaiton. tmna enffera fern the fact* that It ea-.not ef/er eoeefertable quartan te the V who are fa reed to get! time bare. The gonna drmani in the Meat Bg-vk/ of all Meet ala Min hoeiaeee af ratal, eg train* at all hear* af the aijAt and day, eatiag any aid Uad af feed be aaa get and potting ap with kept eg aeeemaaodetieae that are aat always ghod awfeo af him a ehronie \ t.reoeh. At heat he la n haidhslled < ptiy wha delights la anaring the \ thmga ha daean*t Ike. And the haul ] faerOUiee here era am eng the thiaga j he daaoal Ike. He thtage he 1 ehMt any lawn whan he la iImwhen 1 da aat do na any goad. 8a, fat's gat | fogethar and give Ota atd danrr a hotel that wBI wroath hie aan*y eooa- ! tcaanoe with amilm and aeahb him a < . - « j i \ i m ! Ale work that be doesn't wont us tn ta anything but took after his cuta *«*■ He It Id hcte about strcn times ‘wy always with tbc sane query: 'U®t Day Bore books.” Even thrvatt :» call Skipper Page will not keep , i B away. It's tbit spirit of Riddle'* that wc .re expecting ta make of tbit yeai's xir the grealost lil ole event of [U :jnd ever attempted by a Carolina •immunity. Last year's fair was ai, uuadinger—bet A will look like a‘ tecead carbon copy of this year’t rail when Riddle and hi* follow wor ses get through. Things arc warni ng up at the fair grounds unde Rid 'le’t'dirvetioa. Evea the absence of sllia Goldstein, business manager of be project, who It away buying, .aodt for Ut stores hnw, and of Ed i VarrtD, dirtetoa of building, who is1 oafiaod to bit homo with gout or ome kindred ailment, it not retard ing tbc wark. Riddle hat only one fear — that '•ere will be some one farmer who ■ sill to get a catalog. He wants «• ybody who hat a thoat. a cow, a cotton patch, a potato bln, a corn ■db. a borte or a mult to have some ut of exhibit at the Fair. Ho wants .bit fair to represent the Dunn d: i .riet and he wants all Dunn district; Iwellera to be represented in it. AUornty Charles Lee Coy was sterday lined ti for contempt of' *ddga Robert L_ Godwin'* court I nariey kind of kicked over thr tra-J it In a U'l argyment with Page and; .at admonished by the jedge. That I : id no effect, however, and a line it Impotod. The jvdgc let it be I town thbn and there that all folk | ito cams into his eonrt bad to de >rt themselves with proper decorum I or stand the consequence*. Charley] •aid the fine without a imil*. W« had a moat welcome visitor th<»i •V- Ha was “Sport” — Friend larva's dog who wav our constant nsapanion until Plarca carried him .lou and tied him to the dog hour*., 'part had bean given a bath and wo* ’.can and free of those first cousimv 0 tha cootie that heap good dojw ’nay. He was really proud of his con-! 1 tion and seemed a thoroughly re- ! irmed dog. Bo was eo conscious of. dis reformation that ho tarried only i short time with ns. scorning to Tear, iat we would lead him Into unrightri >ns paths. “Don", that other dog of ours, hat1 : sappeared. Neill Greon, who really i vns him, loaned him bo a farmer last month and has forgotten the inn’s name. New with the hunting * aaoa looming ap In the near die ■nco, Neill wants to prepare Don 'or the hunt and doesn't know wbeic > look. 1I< and we trill appreciate i :y information leading to his reeov y. Be is a black and white fellow ho will rido on the mnning board anybody’s automobile. That outlaw of the bird family—, ie 'English sparrow—is mystified.I 'ntil BOW he has buildrd his nest in j ‘lurch vires and rush other places j -1 . seemed highest from Mother irth. Now ha finds something high. It is a dark groan stalk which he -is nevet seen attain such height*, i *.t first bs thought it was a pine tree, boss foliage la nob suited to his pur-1 >oees. Bn* the thing continued u • ow. and its leaves spread out. of ring tha beat ef places far sparrow 1 A build a neat. And be did. ■ Some of the fields in which Spar ow haa bulldcd are the cotton fields >f John K. Cole, Sr., and Lorraian. rsamsammaamaasn ..♦*•••« ■prey. We wen cold of this .'eve s' I iys ago, and with lb' valxllcf oi. ’•'e Who have !>-•.„ .o'.l «„.y dnga by llarviy Mrhn/r v?r ur<>• 1 Yesterday w- wand, rid put with E. J. Hudson ar.d invert p.a ’d- They Were there. In (iap'n John', i *!d we found two Bests way jp a loee our head:. In Loriaian's held * e wv rv iliown one neat three 1 emr* on a l<mb about live feet °m the grout-d. “Babe” Puprer, the urly-henilri) six.year-old who thinks 1 4 dad U ths only ivguiar fallow in :•.© world, ltd us to the neat snd was i urh eliMl when he found that one ' dT had been added since he la.I saw . «• nest. We were much imprevod with the it gt we .aw on thft visit. Uiriman > w onv of ihe nicest tittle country !j®«« w. Have seen since wc left the t yaks of the majestic but muddy ■ BU'*. Every c mvi n'eiice ilevisexl lor r vilen com Tor. i« litcre. Electric I diu, electric fans, vlix'liicotly driv c i scw.n t machine city jluinoinit d ail the lh.nkJ which the city man i ■*«' ab ut were there wita none of I c disadvantages incident tu the i owded condition town life. abtut cotton, though, wc •: II have to find a field that will boat in us Hawkirr Jernigan’a Bud has '• hen the matte, out of our har.ds ild kiv.n it ever to thn kindly of 1 • or Apple Hlosasnt Ward—th. J *i • i •• . Ai^jc Ul.; -um on J do.i " o little ifVi'Migalmg o ^ * .■■••! hook bettrrdjy he to’d lh |> oh bilionint flat hr hr J Jus 1 add a.olba.' *.r ■>•.• at- . i n i s', ard for the man who pied i M . ‘trr field of cottoa the i ‘ 1 , « . homo east of town. Hud *a; - • l c Democrat* and neeowunly rr a f I Apple Blomom alio li a He a at. hot slneo he aolla trees to a' - 'its of folk—even Republican*—h ill ho a good Judge. That i* the rea ( ■ n ihu akinny old reprobate ha* ta " I -it the tribunal powara from us. Wc J . uraire—but If wa euer find h!« elder ' iug wa are going to kill the wort* { and report him to hia minuter. . With u* last week waa the Uo tor ..ble Tlbertua Par rub, many year* * ’-•ro a resident of Dunn, but now do miciled in Raleigh, where he i* con- L dueling a proaperou* building run- J acting establishment. Tlbertua ara* •■•te of Dunn'a first Sunday school *u- I ,:erl"t« ndenx* and waa one of it* on dnal tinging school teachers. He 1 as ihe possessor of a "tuning fork," ilhoul which no staging teacher u.d opvrato in Use good old days, •r. Parrish came especially to sec 'la:eey McKay and others of the old ' men whom he was intimate with in '.hr old days. He enjoyed his stay with us. Wc enjoyed having him. . • >• trmVd " r i .110 liirU-it Stulrt, . , ;.* • .* ;1 • -£! I »*■ tVA'HO.t | i:'cc« ?«»rc. ", f* • . I • • • • * i #*•. r . 4 i •• ■ *« . * .. Y«‘oik«; j of America. »n convention ft. c iCituy. i-ou-d to "take a vacation ' *.?»•• coal uecrdad to W « to? I: CtVJMil vagej and * \vv i n~ i- 'rvJ lions, as framed . • t •' minority rvpoit of Nval J. Fir i. . »i> Riia*rrj* rcpmentuiive on i>»* * commi^ioii. i! • ! ih'nk of hi jiard in litter? lory »>f AoHrimn boyi on the bloody trotchtm of Ftuticv and Ud^iuai, rua'unj faith with thom wh<t »vturn d an well as theww* who died." Republicans art charg'd by The lmea with premeditating the mordrr f the treaty, dishonoring the word Amencani'flD.*’ and ignoring ih« intinunt of the prnpU of th coun T will* thidi “double-faced plat >iwuM The League of N'aLiona u in "1 - . __ 1 FOR SALE | < » - < » ] I F.'.rm of 165 acres, half cleared, good J! building.,, on Sand-Clay road, one mile ; I Wade, N. C. ;; i > Appiy: D. F. McMillan, Wade. N. C. or ' I! F. C. McMillian, Fayetteville, N. C. < > ^..^■a.kaaaAAAa^A^TTTTTmttttttmtHI>tntH||MMI FREE DEMONSTRATION -OF "EASYMAKE” COCOA PUDDING—DELICIOUS AND IN EXPENSIVE DESSERT GOLDSTEIN’S STORE FOR A FEW DAYS COME AND TASTE IT-FOR SALE BY YOUR GROCER , REPUBLICAN PAPER COMES OUT FOR COX XorriaUiwn, Fa., Aug 31.—Declar ing leadership in Inr country has bro kai. faith w1tlj.*ha.ran*r4»d..fcU-ai t"c party, with the American people aa a whole, and with humanity every where, and that the Democratic plat form offora ‘'peace, lasting peaco. kjilded on the justice of the Golden Rule which humanity if praying for," the No.rittown Times, a Republican ♦ sshsmmmhimommimh newspaper sine* Jt* founding in 18*1, ' announce* (hut, in accordance with I the dictate* of conscience and la the belief that it ie doing a patriotic and ’ humanitarian duty. It cannot do other , rveeident1 and Vi)?Phii]SanL " * ' "i The Jime*' denunciation of the Re- ' publican platform and - tactica haa I canned a sensation In this Republican . stronghold. It seta forth that r,for the i tsdee of gratifying hate the Rcpubli. . ran leadership would pate over the 1 ”..... I I Helen Clark and Joseph Phillips * are coming! The celebrated contralto and the noted'baritone will appear in person at an invitation concert—in the Metro politan Theatre* THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 9 They will be auiisted by Grace Hofheimer, pianist, and by "The Phonograph with a Soul.” This appearance of these great stars in Dunn | . i* the event of the season for lovers of good music. FREE TICKETS » ' Ottll, Write *1 »•!« Of far tm uf .adnaittl(X'« Tkay wlH lx* liuh‘ 4 in or«lc r of apfllca.i**. The BARNES & HOLLIDAY Co. DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA f [ Announcement t - £ This is to inform the public that \ve have discontinu- > P ed the sale of Overland and Willys-Knight Automobiles, p P and have also sold our garage to Martin & Broughton. p P We are not connected in any way with the Garage ^ £ business or the Overland line. We are NOT GOING ^ i OUT of business, but our MUSIC business is growing to P p the extent that we need to give it all our time and atten- ^ p tion. We are buying and selling MORE Pianos now than P p ever before, and especially the famous BEHN1NG line. £ p We are buying the wonderful GRANBY that plays ALL £ p records, by the CARLOAD, and records by the THOU- ? £ SAND. We want to huy two Ford Roadsters, in good p P condition, with (A without starters, for light delivery S £ trucks for GRANBY PHONOGRAPH Salesmen. Can 4 P also use two or three more good Commission Salesmen. # r DON’T FORGET v/c out of the Overland and Garage 4^ p business, but ve*-y much in {he PIANO and PHONO- P p GRAPH business. ,'«*<. us for any of these. ^Ve can give ^ p you MORE, quality for the SAME money. P I # t - - t \ Parrish — Driver \ [ Company i r We beg to call your attention to the largest and most com plete stock of mill supplies in tills section. Cast your eye down this list. Y/e have the things you need and our prices are right. Get our prices before buying. tloe Mil] Saws Pipe r ittirg. Galen Mill Saw* Saw V and. cl* Hoe Bit* an#Ring* Swing Saw Machine* Ohlen Bit* and Ring* Boiler* Simonds Bit* end Ring* Engine* Atkins Bit* *nd Ring* Sew Mill* Dinston Bits and Ring* Sheet and Rod Packing Rip Saw* 12-in. to 30-in. Brass Good* Cutoff Sew* 12-in. to 30-in. Bolt* and Nut* Jenkin* Valve* Washer* Crane* Valve* Rivets Pipe* all sixes Screws, all kind* Boiler Tube* Bar Steel Shafting Steel Split Pulley* Bo*m Emery Wheel* Couplings Boiler Compound Flange* Lace Loather is*'. Collar* File* Blacksmith’s Coal, Etc., Etc. | . . c "ave lately installed an Oster Automatic Pipe :ji| Machine, can cut and thread pipe 3-8-indi to 8-incinj; in- plj We have a and well equipped shop and expert B machinists. iji We make a specialty of ordcing repair parts for all 9 machinery, if it is made ve will get it for yo i, if it is rot i| made we will make it. j| The John A. McKay Mfg Co. I ENGINEERS—FOUNDERS—MACHINISTS il DUNN, • - — — NORTH CAROLINA ijB ft' * “*******^\mnn i ?nw pru* * »

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