**** **************** __ - _ Jisrsarjsrt:: T'Or FVI TTWT *++• ««£♦******* ++*£ • Volume VII. ‘ ZT ., , _ _ Uunn, North PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO OPEN IN DUNN SEPTEMBER I5TF Full Faculty Will Greet Pupils Next Wed nesday Bunn Graded Public School, will open Wednesday of next week with every position in its faculty filled Nine of the teachem who were here laid year will return. Ten others who Jive not taught here before have bern employed. Professor J. B Mar tin, superintendent, has arrived and ia preparing for the opening All new pupils, except those ot thr riret grade, aie requested by Pro feasor Martin to assemble at tki school Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to be assigned to the proper grades All pupils must have been effective ly vaccinated against small poa with in the lest five yvari or submit to vaccination immediately. Compulsory ettcndencs laws requin ths attendance of all children he tween the ages of eight and fourtaei years throughout the term, Prufemoi Martin pointed out yesterday. These will be enforced. First Grade—Misses Ruth Whit field. Frank!inton. Miss Cora Ballard Alexis. Second Ciade—Miser* Agnes Ellis Kittrell; Mery Whitehurst, Green ville. Fourth Grad. — Mi., Ma y Judd Fayetteville; Mrs. Bertha Felton Dunn. Fourth Grade- -Mum, Elfredt £frt,r- ‘r * C'i *>"•«•• O’Danlrl. Clinton. S. C. Fifth Grade— lint Grace HuUr Elizabethtown; Helen 8tcwart, Mae.* Sixth Gtode-*-Mlw*i* Maud* Turk*. vilW. Lake City, a C.; MaUta Thom a». Mayexville, S. C. Seventh Grad* — Miaav* Lottie Jon#*, Virginia Beach, Va.; Elisabeth Whitaker, Littleton. Section 2nd and 4th Grade*—Mim Moraey J. Williams. Clinton, Ttna. High School—Miaaoa Janie Ipock, Gold abort), Ml at Cammir Koddey. Roddey. S. C.; Mba Annie Carroll Columbia 8. C.. Mim Janet Weath erxpoon. Sanford. HOLD TO COTTON LEADERS ADVISE World Will Need Every Bale Produced This _Year_j mao-wa—ow—IW%»a—OAUrtldnar < t'u'.tuu Aaaociation in Montgomory, Alabama, laat week, diacuaaod a lot I of thing*, but we holier* th* mtu of of the whole conference may be giv en In ila definite thing* every cotton • farmer in tha Srfuth can do to help the flght for bettor price* I. First and forvmoatt hold your cotton. Wc must xbow th* bear gamblem and their alUei that they have absolutely miataken th* nirlt and d*tcnuluaUon_pf th* Boutaora people if they thiirtf we will ait idly by and be robbed of half tha fruita of thin year** labor. It ha* colt be tween SO and 40 conta a pound to make thla year’* crop. Tha declaiou of tha Montgomery meeting waa that 40 centa ihould be a minimum price for middling. Not only muat each man raeolve to hold hia won crop, but ha mual **t hi* neighbor* and in*1*l on their hold ing. A* J A. Brown* aay*. "We mint (hut up the market *o tight that no man can bny or beg a bole of cottoi at prencnt price*---ao that the only way to got a bale of new-crop cotton until price* improve will be to *»**! it1" Hr. J. A. Todd, th# diatiuguttSod English authority, wt*o t# tom cry at Prcnidnnt Wan aimaketi request. *i**d up the pr*»«nt world lituation nomeudiat aa follows: <1) Tha world will need every bale of cotton that U pinduced thla year. There I* no real overproduction, (1) Right now, howbver, there la practi cally no movement of cotton good*, a wholly abnormal temporary dull new in th* buaiuem of cotton manu facturer*, and of court* they are not offering normal price* for cotton Preaenl price* ar* only fletltlou* pri ces baaed on a temporarily demoraM ..I_L-4 NmrtktlMi if one-foorth of the < cotton former* of the Sooth ore euch i fool* a« to accept thie ficUlloue an- I dot valuation for 1 *2011**|tU>^ P!^? on the whole crop will ho lowerea. We muet keep anybody and every body from selling at preaept pHtea. * Oo to year ing neat Wednesday, Seuteeaber II. K««-ry county in the South is ask ad to bold a mete mnetinf of ita cottoa feimeit on thie duto, to make plana for holding, warehousing, tutting acreage and co-eperative marketing. Oo, and get your neighbors to go* both landlord and tonnnt, bleck and while. Wc muet educate everybody and nil eloaeee to du leeportence of tbit fight. And nee to it that every body make, tome contribution for supporting the Cotton AMoelatiwn In It* plum. A good method wtH be to havi every grpwer authorioa hi* gln ne. lo deduet 10 to IB cent* a hole for the organ notion. Surinam maa ihould ruboerlbo liberally, for no one will bo buit more than they tf_ the South'* (pending power end debt paying power is cut la half. 1 Cut your eotton acreage nest year by sowing o lotted brooking grain crop Oil* fall. Don't Jaat talk about "cutting down acreage"—« negative tort of program Tell every body to cut bla cotton acreage by towing more wheat, oat*, and rvo, and by towing more elover to enrich the land for com sent year. This I* the only lenribl* way to reduce acre age. 4. Fat your cotton la a warehouse and organlte a co-operative market ing association. Remarkably import ant era* the to»arehenri*e report oo (Continued on page 4.) Notea On Home Demonstration Worl i By Miu Msrtkfl Iwmia. Ham* Dtaw •traUaa A|nl NstmO CwwlT It i» with • (ntt deal of rnUree that wa ran report to the people o: thU county, who did not attend tix ranacri and Farm Women’! cooven tion. that It wa* on* of the most in spiring misting! of its kind ever heli m the state. W* regret to say, thougt that there were not a* many of otu home people there as we would liki M«n, mud hop# that next ytti mors of the people will take advan. tsge of such splendid free Instruction ** It wcie, and also of * most delight ful rfntiUoo period. natter of jetting betur 4f*nooI* throughout the iut« by means of cooperation was discussed, ■t **s shown By facta taken from ac counts of last year that by uniting for thr Interact of the communities a number of the special courses offered .n the larger schools could ba given to nearly every child in the country, es the funds ware available to almost covar the teacher’s salary, but could not be used an there were not enough pupil* of the right ages in the Mailer schools to get this training. TVs in struction In agriculture and home economics la a moat important con sider* Lion to os all at this time. “Bet. Maker* and Better Furm *r* ' '•t this be our motto. Tho canning work is still in prog, res* and the Homs Demonstration A*Tnt showing how to pack, *eal and dean irons, in orrisr ta seal | properly There is still Urns to do uuita a bit of fancy packing for the fair for those who have been able to< secure the square Jars, which the agent has Just recently bees able to |Wt. and baa tried to distribute among j thr differant ones in the various we. lions ol UM county As the Agent nt the present time s without e car. end It will no doubt be some time before she will hove »ne, it is hoped that everyone will do ss much as they raa without help but It notified some time in advance t might be possible to asoke arrange-1 stents to meet with a group of wo “•« for special work l In the places where there Is to be i 1 fnir. committees here been appoint ed to assist the Heme Demonstration I *!£**• •«“* “ m hoped that each one, vill do hie port la melting the Fair I i saeceaar Notices will be seat out to •►►elntril commit-, ves telling thorn what is expected of I Atm. I It is a matter of much r^ret that rr have to at lass coats to the tinea •! hokrrod wunty BaHaJHnip yashd of work. be has many friends who WTU bo riad to know that she will be with aa ■ntll tha middle of oext week bo ore leaving for her home la Lea lounty. It is also hoped that she will ■ome back to viait us as often as poe ilble. ,_ __ 1 EXPLAINS CASE OF MAYOR McSWINEY Bonar Law Says Govern ments Position Is Not To Interfere London. Sept- 6.—Replying to the Labor Party’i appeal In Behalf of Lord Mayor Mcawiasy. Mr. Bens' Law. the goverament loader, address ed a Ion* letter, dm tod Downing St, today to tbs effect that the govern ment's position was made elaar in tha Premier’s statement of August 25, to which was Itm otaedETAOINNUNU which was littla to add. Mr. Bonar Law proceeds to stats that McSwiney was ooe of tha load ers of the Irish Republican army which daclarad itself at war with tha forces of the crown, and according to his own written words in one of the seditious documents far ertrich ha was convicted, he and hia follower* had determined to pursue their own end*, asking no mercy and making no com promise. Had ha bean token at hie word and dealt with aa so avowed rebel, ac cording to the nnlversal practice among civilised nations, (ays Mr. Bo narLsv. ha would have bean liable to bo shot. Instead, ho was triad by a cftllf ron«MMII»u wo iwtfiiai, wveswwr- . :ed to a moderate term af imprison-1' nent aad given all the privilege* of1, i political priaencr. "To release such prisoner*," sa le rta Hr. Sonar low, “weald ha noth ing short of a betrayal of loyal aft sera ea whoee devotion to doty the Fabric of social order la Ireland rtf!*." Sine* MacBwlney'i arrest, it le pointed mot la the letter, fifteen ofB cora have been brutally aad treacher ously done te death without any chance of defending themsetv**. “Barely," continue# the letter, “the sympathy extended to the Lord May or, whoee condition le due to hie own private act. Ic due rather to the be reaved widows aad familicu •* the ■ ordered Irish policemen. The gov. eminent fully realise* bow large a part sentiment plays In aO human af. fair*, aad If It were posdble H would, gladly have taken the attitude of the English King who mid of an oppon "He is determined le make of him self a martyr aad I am eqaally de tnrmlned to prevent H." Mr. Sonar Law declares It cone Ia si on, that the government cannot take a course involving the complete breakdown of the machinery or .law and government and that If the Lord Mayor dice in priaoa the reapoueibilf ty recta In degree upon thee* wb# by their rep—Ud appeal* have encour aged the belief that the government would prove insincere in Its deter mination. __ The army I# having difficulty la getting oft*cm far the enlarged fer eta. The »«eminaUoa* are dlffVuit particularly in mathematic*. SUBMARINE CREW : REACHES LANE Thirty-Six Men Troop Down Gang Plank At Philadelphia Philadelphia, Sept. 4 —Thhrty-aij | men trooped down the gang plank el the destroyer Middle tonight at thr | Philadelphia nevy yard. The Aral mas I of the group eras raising hU vole# is a nautical tenor’s version of "Hoe | Dry I Am." and acrompeayliv his song bv a broad smile. Behind him I trooped the rest some singing, some calling out cheery “Hello's" but all smiling. *»» the homecoming of the .eurvivom of the eobmarine 8-5. Their 1 boat Is at the bottom of the sea but lit Is expected it will be anlvxgi.J. A few hoars before, kindly fate ! aiding the never failing “luck af the | navy" had snatched them from the [ Jaws of death and released them from i nearly two daye entombment ia a submarine, one end of which rested 'on the ocean floor and the other I stuck up ia the water at an angle of •0 degrees. Penned up for hours In two narrow compartments, they had waited hoar after hour for rsiaaje. Bvery minute of Uu time had been accompanied by a Joke or a laugh or ■ smile from some one, even daring lha mast trying minutes—minutes when deadly chlorine gas was creep ing over them and they were forced to don gas masks to keep alive. Tonight erhen once more back an land the first answer to questioners curious to know how it feh to ha face to face with death for more than for ty boors, Joseph Star Youter, an ap prentice seaman, of Camden. N. voiced the sentiment of his fallows with the statement: “Great. It »»• wonderful: It d»ow •d that we here the heat crew In the navy. I went to be ia on the neat dive and I weal to make it with 'Savvy* Cooke" All were willing to dime la their own experience bat they had cooht thing ta ay on another abject. They wanted the world end e^oeiai ly Presideet Wilton and Secretary Daniels to know that during thoir try ing experience they had found out that Liatttonaal Commander Chula M. Cooke. Jr., ie the grated end breveel sun in the entire navy. And r«r far there might be any mistake la Ike matter, before the* left the Biddle. ■ round robin had Woo sign sd and forwarded to Secretary Dani ils by wireless setting forth •pinions end ending with a hat they raarine, that (Key be allowed to Follow him. Although the allors did not knew It, a about the same time a petition was boing ant ta President Wilson by Cooke, asking him to take daps suitably to rexrarg the brave men who bad faced death with him a calling, ly and unflinchingly. Every mar was ia high spirits Three were feeling the effects af the gas, but they were able to walk down the gang plank. They were taken t« the Navy Yard Hospital far treat ment. They ere Joseph O. Sev^e, seamen, of Erie. Pa.; Jaeob Akera, Jr., of Wernecllrfe. W. Ve.. end Rob art O. Igdanoa, of the Philippine Is lends, a mess attendant. They an not expected to experience any sari ous permnanent results from theii gassing, but the navy is taking n< chances and they will remain in tlx hospital several days at lead. Ever] man was met at the gang plank b; Admiral ChaHee P. Hughes. As thi Admiral, who Is cosamsndaat at tlx nary yard, reached out bis band xritl the cpicstion, “‘How are yoat” eacl one, even the three sick men, stealth tsned up and with a bride navy mint answered briskly: "Fins, thank you sir.” __ The New Hotel Will Be Three Stories Messrs. J. C. Byrd 41 Bro., of Bunt level have decided to add a third dor onto their hotel now under eenttrui tion In Lillington. After figuring th varying coat of patting ep butldtni at this time, the Messrs. Byrd coi sk.s _It..l.al aamaduiMiHa >u under wuy would bAhe moat ay-1 fortune time to put on the additional itory. inasmuch as tbia would be ne-| icaartatod in the Mar future anyway, , Tbe third atory wtU add fourteen' aore rooms to the bo tel. making for y-two In all. Private and public baths! will also bo added. The hotel will be modern throughout and will ha earn >f the mom up-to-date hi this aoctiou i of the eoeetry outside of the dtiaa. Towni Ilka Sanford and JHran with . a much larger population will have nothing In the way of a ImM that will begin te compare with MJHtg ton. The sew hotel wUl coat when eomplotod 176,000. NV name has aa yet been decided' upon far Ulllagtoai’a mom handsome new hoetolry, »»r has there been any Warn or managership assigned This, however, will probably be done in the near future. Contractor J. H. Shaw says be is bending ovary energy to have the ho tel reSy for eeeupouey by January 1, mi.—Lilli-tan Mows. BRITISH COTTOff MERCHANTS , are worried over supply Washington. Sept Increased consumption of cotton baa resulted la giuveunanaiaeas la England aa ta fu ture supplies, according to oAeial advices received here tmUy,and cot (bn merchants ia LaacasRlre are eon. side ring tbe advtmhEHv of sending a trade mission to tbe far earn to t» vostigate tbe euport trade In menu factored cotton product*. By this, they believe, a mean would be provided for sobering val uable Information to aaelm la atobil islng the cotton Industry. Farm ) r , Fad . firmer and i and Hobart f tioa officer, i two wound* i a moo i tewnahlp, r Blaming, i both lags i' bloc leader* I in* officer* The Hal] a with a - three or four ;>tng. | Jaa Me llhoaghl to tiUera, wai In the day. | man b capital I reeling well Hall had er a ad owi» 'He lived location of milaa from weal to the eetvaa la the which outfit, work until • etarted float . jogi of the the officer* hot threw daw ad fire which In tha mtdet, •bln ere e addon I; era I boura In aad Deportee 1 Fate foand the badtaa I Ul_*_la* h. dim) at 3 j bounds ws 1 aid lo th* OFFERS PARTY ! Nothing Record ft Wa must wax) der DeaaocrmUe rule. The Dm enough to contain as all while arc work oat this hulssa; and it ii strong enough and worthy enongh tc I hold ui all together. The special Session of the General Assembly levied no tdx on land •) ! personal property or poda for Statx purposes, other than the maintenance of the free schools. One of the fir* thing* our people ought lo do i* tx Make this policy permanent, aa then are aMpls sources of revenue to sop po it the BtsU, ha institutions am enterprises, in subjects ef taxattoi ! Other than land and personal proper ty. In setting ap this policy the Leg ■stature deserves the eommendslioi . of all our people, la order to Make ap for th* rove , sue heretofore taken by th* State to i State purposes, the Legislators a , creased Uie taxes oa the privilege . and f ranchims of corporations. Ii I this action also H deserves popula , approval. It is generally conceded that th weik so far performed under th Kevaluattea Act Is not perfect. Th Special Session pravtdod that aay in . dividual aony shew before his coant commissioners, that his land was o Is te* highly valaed, la the Month e * May end Jan* a**t. and obtain n 1 lef, upon approval of the conaty.com * misoionars and the State Tax con ' mission. This U a atop la the rigt * direction, and eMfrt te he eneouraj ‘ ad. FERTILITY OF SOIL IS FUNDAMENTAL j Most Lanci Tn South Needs Lime, Says Massey Th. arrival of lha cotton boil »» vil, lbs aearelty and Ugh coat of farm labor, and tbe greatly iaeraaaod coat of aoeds aad ebaoasercial fartiUiare la ok* it absolutely necessary Ur the farmer wbo Li not In boanaa* for hi* haaltb and plaesars, but for a good ^*i*lt* rtady aad apply farm prat tioaa chat inertaaa crop yield*. Coartal Plain aoila. ge nor ally m*>h:n* mU bo necieaary to aa ar raas« tbe crop rotations that organic matter in conaidambla Quantities •□I be tanad back into tho soil low' In this malarial. In arraagiM tha notations. It Sovld bo rloanea as •aaHy as Is pmctlcahlado provide, by, the growing of mitabfe leguminous eropo aad turning them la, tha ro.: qtiirad nitrogen ia tha sail* for tha nonlegumlaou* crop* of tha rotation. I la order to grow tho Ugumiaoaa crops ia the rotation soccaasfally aad I la sornv esaos. too. the aonlagaaiia-1 oas crops—It will be necessary to! aso liberal quantities af tee oa th* eaila. It is quite evident from the forge number of acid or soar aoila la the Comal Plain section of the SUtoe of Virginia, North Carolina aad Sooth Carolina that not Boar! enough lime Is used by th* fanatic at the present time to secure the lar-' geat aad moat profitable production ,of crops. I “Weber, very little fend la the South (hat does aot need UM1, and watri It Is applied, the beaoflt which, —40 to- bo had from mutate aad' fertfeaors will Ml ha c—wonsurat •d udth their cost” ,(Pn»f. W. T. If assay.) I "T* -cat the greatest gand out of i man are <*r ■ f erUUaerm you mast hare lima In the soil.” (Dr, Thorne ) , The application of time on most tends^/Wum* cap. will tucraaa* ■ a-afttisra.'iirsa;! wd aad approved by rzpcrimoel Sto lons and sgrirultaral eodmts L ose makes clay soils more porous aad (rmnafer. Lima promaUs tho nitrification of soU thtough tbs eoloalpa of hoctcrla on lagamiaoaa plants 1 L m* providu a favorable condi tion (or beneficial action of soil hoc-, term. Lima produce* the sanitary condi tion that prevent* the growth of In jurious bacteria. Lime removal aad overcomes the aernmulation of poisons that arc for med by docay and humus and ** eri-ttoa* from plant roots. Lime la a pleat food and is acces sary to the growth of plants Lima is a corrector, a dissolver, a decomposer, a liberator of oertaia parts of animal, vegetable and min eral substances contained In the soil . and K is a fertility maintainor. Lsme assists in restoring land to Jit. high yielding power aad original , {prmlactivsnosa Lima Insures Increased production . more wealth and a more permanent i HTirilhm i For farther Information rolathre te . the uses and sources of lips apply to yoar county demonstration agsnL > Leader of Marines Gets New Poat at Capital r - r General Feiawd Wearer of Many r Decoratiens Won in War Washington. D. C., Sept. 7.—Bimp.l tdicr GsMrtl Logan Pslasd of Ihe.i Morins Corps, on# of tho few gonor* j tl of Hears of tho A. E. F. who won ha Distinguished Service Cross, tea keen ordered to Washington, D. C.,|l to toko charge of the planning see-' Lion of the Marian Corn* Staff. He Is now In command of tho brigade of! ica-soidiers in Santo Doming®. Ha will be relieved at Santo Domingo by Brigadier Gsasial Charles G. Long I who bos In tarn recently bean reliev ed as Chief of Staff of tho Con* by. Major General WendeU a Neville,' who commanded the Marine Brigade General Peland, hi addition to win ning the coveted Distinguish Servioa Cram for personal bravery In troop leading when the Marines launched their attack at Belleau Woods oa June *. ltlft, was alao awarded (ha Distinguished Service Medal. The French Anar decorated him Sva times with the Croix do Guerre, hh red and greets ribbon hearing two pahnt, twa bronie and asm gold mar, and alao mads him an ofScer of the Lag tan of Honor for various foots o| xaltaatry and leadership performed al Soileau Woods, Solemn* Mont Static sad In the Argos ns white either sec ond la coaunnnd or ta command of the Fifth Baghnant. General Felon d Is a KeataeUaa and aarred aa cap tain In the Third K as tacky Infantry in tho Spanish War. may road these linos, to remain wtth [and give faithful support to the De 1 os erratic part* this your. No mattoi how you fool about tho taxattar measures — we are jaat hi tho he I ginning of these matter* Stand b] tha Dtmoeratle party. If will sons I yon aa It baa as tang served you. Oiv, It lima and It wilt pr*v. la this mat ilorTaa h has hi aS riharu. faKhfu > u our CommonwuoHh. Sampson Democrats 3 To Wage Campaign Or(uM Club la CUatoa Fa* ll«*> at lawn InakrW la RtoMsa Clinton. Sept. 4_A central Dsme erotic dab for the teuntr baa km organised at Cliatoa and steps ard being taken to organise a townahlp Huh In every township af the reunty. It Is diaeevered that the inactivity of recent yean has diseournged many Democrats, with the consequent 4 that they arc csreleee in the matter of going to the polls. For instance, ia Dismal townahlp, which if the banner Republican township of the cenatty, only thirteen or feurteea ballets arc usually cam for the Demons tic tic ket. while K has bean discovered that there are between lb and 40 Demo crat* in the township, eneugit af the nominal Democrats af the township remaining from the polls at the last flection to have turned the tide In the senatorial election and to have >ent two Democratic senators to Ra leigh Instead at two Republicans if til the handful in Dismal had voted. Accordingly, it Is determined to Irvea up things this campaign, and not mly will working organisations bo sf rsc tad, but also a campaign of educa tion will he waged. It is Teh by Clin ton Democrats that It ia time for peo ple, the -avenge man, to vets intolM gonlly and hie real roavlrtiane more over, It is felt that the Democrats have aothlag to lass by a fair and square praesntatlen af the principles and politics of the two parties, elnet It Is felt that those of the Democrats saw af a nature to appeal most soc reaaf tally to any falrmiaded man ax eeman who will give the two an i> ►ertin] consideration. Ananmpy, dm cnnten box ciud, «* given genera) invitation to the l»abUc, man and weaten, Daatocrata tnd RepabHeaoa, to attend Ita mart ing naxt Monday evening, nhaa th» National Democratic platform will to read and atadiod In canaperiaoa with the RapobUeaa platform. Any body will be free to oak question! i d It U the purpose U approach the matter la a rak-aalmdod and enorte »aa manner, artth • real purpose ta mable Democrats to loom what the; are aakad la vote far and that any Republican who da Arm may Inert what he ia aamaattag to vote against It ia felt that AM something rather tew ander dm ama, bwt if the initial tody develop setAtfeetarUy, K ia hep ad that tha adacatibnal campaign at) be i mrth r id ham and art an Ad mBmmSBBBSSXSSSZZ ly. As one a fa lagged hag. walks on hia two limbs. Ms head bat anting bis rounded rear, which fc ■Imply devoid of all agmManco of llmba. The other ia a tma liffgsl chicken. Tha ehkkea aet«y brought a pries of |U, and It la mid that th< hex sold for $5*0. Both animals an as ratal montha old and thrifty. G. O. P. WILL BID FOR WOMEN VOTE To Make Strong' Effort To Poll Strength In State Special Correipondence I Raleigh. Sapt. a.—Tha regUtratio; and voting by the women of Marti Carolina at the goners) eketioa I" November la a subject that la Ja*1 now an Hating the attendee of As management of the two parting TV statement has been given publieit) that tbs Republican* win make oven effort to poN “As fan RepabUeai woman rota” (whatavar that aaa; mean.) and the warning added tha the Democratic woman of A* Stab Ishould be orgod to excretes tha fraa 'chiao to their foU ttrength. i Cmwly aad Pseaioet Work Headed State Chainaan Warren, fa charge of Democratic State Hand quarters la Raleigh, was aakad tads] I by yaar coneapcndsnt aha at th i matter. Mr. Warren stated that h imi of the party, urging thorn to pro perty arrange for tho regiatratlaa of Democratic women within tho regie t rati on period, which 1* fro*. ”f ten her 30 to October SS. Much tot* tad* 1* left to the iecel OMBomta rack rounty in took to* after this portent nutter. Tho appointment ol precinct commit!***, who shall ar rang* for local meetings. with spesk 'an to nddram tho wommi ood advise them m to their new deties u voter* IU urged. A foil rogkAratto* of em it* in ouch precinct la the oao fl«t Zf to moot the activities of ftopob liranr to poll a large woman vote ••The aitaaUon demands it,” mM Chairman Warran. gegtetratleai ef Ahisatee Vetera Another important phase ef tht sitaaUen toiould be looked after. Thoosaads of women, oa woU M especially school teachers, wfflsat ho at their voting ptoec oa atoattow day. that* work elsewhere making HIto 1 convenient and eemettmea Impossible. I AH MKk should at euee taka ndvsn toge of the absentee voter's lawte In sura their right to mto. AU who «*• P* f * aSwst* ftma‘ ffi JtoOto ! ~ is-'i: . SmtMshsr M. They sum register r anytime by applying to tha ekafriuii •f the county board of elections. This . !• • matter that should ho attended to I *l Ho'Democratic woman AhU fail r to east her ballot to November, fs* n the saceem of the Dsmuratto party -largely depends apoa kereaercraiol y the franchtoo—whether the • faverad the anffradsamoudmantoi • m the Democratic woman wnc t- did not favor tho amendment shoal*] II refrain from voting, It wowM pW (Continued ea page I.) HOPES U. S. WILL LEAD WORLD FOR LASTING PEACE Acceptance of League me Written WouidMean Losing Nationality Marion, 0 , Beat *.—Boa* that the United Stale* will take Jw load to "outlaw war" and eoaarc the per manent Banco af the • arid was voic ed hr 8* no tor Hardti •• today la a •pooch at a haaiaceating cotehiatlaa at Monet Qiload, Oh o. n country town In hie native tveuty. Irfdrimlm • crowd Don u etruet booth where membra at the Amort ran legion were aol e.i’ug fund* fur a home for thuir lac.! poet, the le puhUeaa nominee laeltred he wat willing to do anything short of mr rendering Me nations tadspeadrao to attain erartd concord. Ha auUataia vd that a aetata net af the league af nations aa it was eattten. however, weald Involve a eacraico nationality whkh no friend of pee.- should ed “I want to Mow my gratitude to Mem men lo an effective way" cold Boomer Harding, turning ta tha far mer service aten. “by uiim that nei ther they nor their ..rTVeTshell ever he colled to tt.- hatMn front again. I'm not earn tbs! I am In eem piete accord with o;a. s an la tha ■naans, hut if I ana tprah tha con science af Amariaa wo’ll load the world tt outlaw war." Tha candidate ohm declared ** an no tonne a anprtaaior or gratitude ukaJ: "If to* ntUmr «—**• i*hri i» tow—» to wag** a——' fcsjwrwvaaa: oh*t tow* af toa diffa—*e*r "Th* differ— poo* ta h*ly toa railway* —a* yrwwloaa tor— to «un which war* g> anted hy toa Waited State* KaUraad Ad*alai*n ,od atoar watartola or which th* railway* — largo gpaatit:** and. *J tar paying to— WK.wx.id —ha U yialda fair iwtara ca < ** walaa af th* yro—ty, daw—d to dtBgyto U«a nnrniiM Bach a iwWi-t la ahaa lataly aoe—ary if tor radwaya — u b« gb)« to Iflflflt MV WpNM ?hkh wait h* had to ,—too addi tional taciUtto*. mgwWly «**»< to toa B*ath wh*ra to— haa h— —h a marked to—a*a to —aiwtol a* “’Sfc. ~toUo af to* railway* for lacraaaad rates was Wad to May, lomr hcforc too award of to? I aha* Board and chawed that at that tlaa* away railway* ar— Mt main tiwir a* —tiof axpaacM. Aft*r th* mtdil to* Labor Beard v/a* *anoaoo*d, too railway* fllad a wipJvfawaUl yato Uni. atotag farther •**-«*** 1* —to lU* *ddM*a*l ( *n*i*. and th* ditto Im of toa Cawwlwlo* *u rod—d a fur taatokrlag hath petition*. The 8—1« way not thlnh to* *** la awar, hat to* War D*pn r.awnt know* k la. Thatwfero ao war* a*r> rir* *tr1pc* •<« >wa*d to Aa•#•* fare** to Qerwany, sffactlw* A ago l I. Chiearo now ho* a pnartto'r'n at raruwfcs*»*gv wmr.

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