IflE DUNN DISPATCH! nmiiWP KVUT TUUBAT AND nUDAT. a5*S m«! st Mm pant a* Dues. K. C-, under At Ml d Hank «. 1ST*. L. SSS POP*. Pahh'ihir TArss ■Matk.........—.... A* Six stalk..fl.M Om rear-..............M-00 That cktrftl young fallow wk writes Om entertaining editorials foi Ike labifk Evening Times has taken I hk pea aad hand to let us know that k Is helping la the effort to got Jim my Cox down hero for tk Dunn Kal.. Just listen at Imi “Asmranee has been received at Duao that in event James Mid dleton Con. Democratic candi date for President, comae to North Carolina daring tho cam paign la make soy speech what soever. he’ll make n speech at the Dana fair. “We trust that "If" does Bat mean that Governor Cox has no Idem of coming to o State from which he expects to receive the ■olid electoral vote without do ing non tlten having a fow cam paign buttons seat down hero, wo heme that Mr. Cox will come, aad if be can ask only one •peach. Does will he a flee place to make it. “It Mr. Cox intends to make a piactke of loading tho Demo cratic party, there could he no better place for him to begin bn teasing better acquainted with the aert of Democrats who stick than over la “Hswmtt" If meet lag up with real appreciation moans anything to him, Dunn will shew him appreciation and more. True, the chances are that the ‘Hawamtt’ collate will not he so good during fair week as a lit tle later when mtkfactoriplly framed, bat barbecue aad sweet potatoes will have begun coming late their own and, Volstead Act or an Volstead Act. kH have all the help be needs ta working ap \ an appetite. ' u M mi niwntu XJ will rote for Mr. Cox whether j , , be come* to the fair or aot; but ' \ if bo’s tha sort of he-baman be \ } in* that will auks a rood Dcaso “ j era lie President, be eaa*t afford / to fore*o the pleasure of aecept in* Dunn’s toeitatioa.’* Wa doubt not that tha sollards wil bo ia food trim by tbo tiaao tha Do asc.tld candidate ia duo hare K no winy how well "O. J.” likes e*«i lards W-: are tempted to parnti bias a bait should he decide to joii its a* out fan Wash. Aui i« *o eut Mr. Volstead mrtn down this way—CoAn ls*sSout lykt l*ayo ia the fallow who aarroa si ou killjoy. If he will yet oat a cou-t or dor roatrainin* oar Chief of Pol»e» * MEM* AND TNUI ABOUT * - TOW# -- •m _______ * Curious Thsp._ J Tririlous Thfeys, TUsy* * Of Sumo nod Noa Crttaaila poppiny opon la the Held, arouad Dana and the pickers will be *ia work within a few days. Abend) wajbrrmomea are yrttinc pieeyualM. »■* *• sad by next weak will be ready to tall rastnmtis that they do aot caro to wash “no mo’ cloos. •font of the coUon yrawsrs are pea slailstk over the etrtlaok for prW and fear that the present crop can not bo marketed at a profit. The) are runainy true to fora la tfcb ro *p*ct_ Beery year we hare tha ——* tkj. Last year’s season opened below t9 rents, hat topped 40 cento by Da. fratbar. The outlook thea waa no better than it is now. One yood farm cr la Sampmn offered aa seeoatr-de* halos the other day at.15 eenta. betay possessed ef oaly six bits wo coald aot taka kiai as, bat we aro net as un easy as he la Cotton farmers tkronyheut the halt to held eottoa for a profitable price. There era aaaay who M»»ot hold. Fertiliser sad aapply bHU must he paid and a laayu part of the yrowora who cannot pay thin without Istbny their eottoa on at the market. Thera are thousand*, how fk or, who can heap the staple la ware ho’lsat and »ot suffer IW money Tmso should hold for tin protection •>' the little fellows If or cry farmer *• •'»«“ ktep his eottoa off of th* market aatU price* rlsn. they weald yhro a wonderful so v*0 ta rotten a rowers yoncrally ted sar* Us hide of teaaata Mill li ruaaHix at faM fext m*. after a Mt ten of m r *• btea«M •* tbs bl« fir* thnr laM M4 o he meeting jag It returned. Our irtMBl huutrer it not otadting us I ■end out way*. j: Monday will be Tlati beginning of i he Jewish year Mil. The ttorea at 1 J Ptabhmaa and Brothers and the I 3eldatrfn Coman ay will be cloned on that day aad Tender In observance it the event. The Jewish cnleudai lata from the crenUerv. In ordinary rears It hat twelve sooathe totaling 184 days. In enehollaaeie yean It has thirteen rneolha and S84 day* Tht snoatha are Tisri, Heevaa, Klalev, Tr hot, Rabat. Adar, (with Veadar in amboUsmic years), Niaan. Yiar. Si van, Tam us, Ah. KluL The year it tolar-luaa and begin* between Sep tember I and October S. 0reheat Oils*, that quiet young brother at Parson Cage as. who ha been a ■tabor of the Dispatch farce for tho laat year, resigned hit potWoi wita er last Saturday aad will leave this week for Reis KB to resume his stadia la the North Carolina Agii tattuial Engineering college. Gru ham it a fins boy—a hard and a roneclcntious worker. We will miss him much aad the baat wishes of the whole gang will go with him. We hope he will be president of Tho U. 5. A. tome of these times. Alley Womack's tribe of black and an warriors put up the finest exhi bition hose boll yesterday that had been teen la Dunn since Rusty Ran lell and Big Jordan put the village m the baseball map. Alley’s boys wal 'oped Rocky Mount two to one. Nei ther team was able to score until th - lighth Inning, when Alley got n hit, itale second, took third oa a wild peg aad scored on another hit Rocky Mount tied the count in their half of the ninth. But whan Alley's gang came up la the final they put ovet die winning run on a hit and two wild thrown They art playing again today. A copy oi w Irani uhhc, iwumi April 36. 1906 luu Juat boon uncov iced in the rear of the old Gold' Building which i* being renovated for •■he Craig Bakery. We ae* by it that •The Backet Brigade.” H. L. God Vinfl captain, had boon called out to rxtlnguiah flamei that threatened to omumc a valuable croe* tie on th A. C. L., tracks. It also tells of a weetlng of the boaineaa men of town ad by J. D. Barnes, called to dc •ounce certain practices by mercb U1U which bad brought the town mt“ Hireputi and materially damaged the vedit of the commuaity. We gaxed ea this aid sheet with a lefTce of gtoora. It carried the nam*-. if so many frienda who hava pained out. Among them were John Mondi frank Pope, the Dupree*. John Alex Wilson and a number of other* who eer* familiar to thoae of us *rh>. maw tk* Dunn of an earlier day. Australia la having a battle with he prickly pear. It was imported aae year* ago far the sustenance o! » bog from which eohctneal, a dye In gredient, was made, hut rmpidl ipreed beyond control. The rabbit did he same thing in Australia and had ea ha rounded up. OCTff0 orenydae. Ontario, and a heavy 4i tgv came when hope arao gone. The jwasmea had battled fierce fires on II sidoc of the village for three day* vlthout effect. Laid Reading, when a member of ha Jnmor bar. once walkad boldly hrourh the palate yard at 8t. Stph n‘n “\\ro you a m. Bb r!" naked be guard. “No, but I am going to came the answer. Twelve year* Iter the ambition war achiavrd The temperature of the gmin field. : n Saskatchewan and Alberta at thia iaao of year not in frequently riav. ram aaveral degree* bejhw freezing it night to I flu drgrvag in the *ui.j without damaging the Cgopa. ..ana ai i " iDltCK "proptMNl n» from o.dinary Jcwelrra ^ctrirU. 210 Hay lllr, N. C. MM fl ij_j m na Hi* i*w« from Haul* w hard to Wre oat. One service tells u» that he Soviets give Ruwians choice of lighting or faring a firing iqujul. ami the same day another wrvief tolls u* of Trotsky calling for volunteer* to Bght W rangel. Xcw Jersey it to puy it* priaoDert for lli.-lr work while in jail tn giva thorn a fair start when their tarnv* i •• CiWi*'.e:id. The experiment i< rc • vu * wide publicity and probably i e*v • 4 :n ruin> *tatos. Cou**iy. Tora^, on the l it ?ih»d p!uln*" bo* a popula • i of oily 1.7 »n lie area of 8G3 *. are mile*, bot th? e tat htrde of 10 U.v that feed on the plain* take care o!' quite a lot of out*!dc jwpu )a. ». i. Laughter and how man firat cant .o troll* >« i n* of 'he 'object* of dia .nt»l-<" at Jo- annual mretlltg of II !ljl||’. leading scientific urgamia t.uti. Truck irardrnlng an • means of livelihood ih being followed in Franca by a number of Tonner Russian no bles and princes who have fled there for :af*ty. I I. It contains basing pointer ,4oda and salt in right ardour, ts td taka all gapes out of baking.! Just mix with water or milk and pfepare for tha-utfen. It takes h«riy a felv minutes. BakingS. with Occo-nee-ches Flour costs Isas than with o^ier flours be cause it's thAfnost sooymical way to gat the extra Yigradients. Helen Clark and Joseph Phillips are coming! / I The celebrated contAlto and the noted baritone swill appemr in person at an invitation doncert-fi the Metro politan Theatre. \ I thursda\evIning j SEPTEM1EIf9 . . They will be assisted b\trace Hofheimer, pianist, and by “The PhonogrMh with a Soul." This appearance of these great stars in Dunn is the event of the season for lovers of good music. FREE TICKETS C.ll, write or teWpkon. o« for frrotirliote of .rffnlttanr. They win be fcuu.d la order of opplicution. The BARNKS & HOLLIDAY Co. DUNN. NORTH CAROIJNA DUNN- FAIR OCTOBER TWELFTH TO FIFTEENTH BIG FLYING CIRCUS BY FILLIMf E’S LIBERTY ' FLYERS MIDWAY CROWDED WITH A1 ACTIONS OF I ; DIXIE LAND EXPOSITK SHOWS ; FIVE BIG BUILDINGS FULL OFi -1NE FARM PRO | DUCTS. POULTRY. LIVeJ TOCK. ETC. j ! MANY FREE ACTS NE FLIGHTS AND ; !; • RACE DAY ! *\ ! , * ' ; -THOUSAN DOLLARS-—— ! | -IN PREM1U D PURSES-—- ] ! 1 BIG SCHOOL RAl .LY A' THERING OF FARM ! ERS FROM THE RICH ARMING SECTION OF AM ! i; *.....- I BRING AN EXHIBIT _ e - i Mr. Machinery User I We beg to call your attention to the largest and moat com plete stock of mill supplies in this section. Cast your eye down this list. We have the things you need and our prices are right. Get our pricei before buying. Hoa Mill Saws /jPipe " ' • * Ohlen Mill Saws /f Saw Man^^U Hoe Bits and Rings U ' Machine. Ohlen Bits and Rings M ^ 1 Si mood* Bits and Rings B \ V ) Atkins Bits and Rings M Saw Mkls -l) J Disston Bits and Rings f Sheet and Rod Peel* in* Rip Saws 12-in. to SO-in. I Brass Goods Cutoff Saws 12-in. to 30Ma. BolU and Nuts Jenkins Valves f WasKer* % v Valves M Rivets ~ • P,p*’ I Screws, all kinds Boiler f . Bar 3tael Shafting I steel Split Pulleys Bo*e» I Emery Wheels Couplings I Boiler Compound Ranges • I Lace Leather Set Collars I Files laXsmith’s Coal, Etc.. Etc. li aa have lately an Oster Automatic Pipe B ft M-hme. can cut andUtad pipe 3-8-inch to 8-inchea in- ;|j If machSdrts*** * larRC WCl1 *hoP and jl 1 ,^e niake a specialty of ordeing repair parts for all IB ft machinery, if it is made we will get it for you, if it is not l» ■e made we will make it. |fp I The John A, McKay Mfg Co. I I ENGINEERS—FOUNDERS—MACHINISTS II Ej DUNN, —' — _ _ NORTH CAROLINA f|j I^^^^BWBWWBHBPOmB33CC5!53B!!5*3B838gB»3!8SSKS5Biff!!!!!~!BBSSBB^B5 ^ ^ jisy