DUNN FAIR OCTOBER 12. 13, 14, 15, 1 :: PREPARE AN EXHIBIT MS3THE DUNN DISPATCH M __________ _ • i Volume Vll Dunn, North Caroling Mod, 7920. ~^~"==” “V”"7 ^ — — ^NkraW 50 S HARNETT AROUSED BY HOETS SPEECH AT BIG BARBECUE Mass Meeting Includes Both Men And Women THREE THOUSAND TAKE PART IN THE BIG EVENT Coa|riMinu at HU Beat In Appeal to Women to Cast Their Vote For The Demo cratic Party. By BEN DIXON P4.fiEILL (In Newi and Observer.) Ullington, Sept. S9.—Three thou sand Harnett citixem and the pleaa. ant voiced Clyde Hoey came to town today, the former to osar the speech and the latter to males it, and thay all to oat of barbecue and picnic dinntci spread out in a great warehouse. It was a great day for everybody. Hoey made a groat speech, o thousand Dc n«r, and everything was altogether satisfying, erpecislly to Count)' Chairman Charles Ross, who hatted shout 1,000 as the occasion'- general manager. It was the first time that the Shelby ! Congressman had >eeo In Lllllngton. and and partaken of Harnett county barbecue. It was the first time that Harnett county's citlsenry had aeon the youngest ef the State's represen tative! In Washington. The meeting was mutually pleasing. Hundreds rushed upon the Congressman when ha was done speaking and told him what a grant speaker ha Is, and he blaahlngfy thanked them. After din ner It came his turn to deliver thanks and the turn af the Democratic wo men to blushlngly acknowledge hie praises of their dlaner. Te Warehouses FmH It took both the team's tobacco warabouaot, and both af them era sizable buildings, to accommodate the entire program. Hoot speko to as many se coaid crowd Into one of thorn, end nereis tbs street the wo men wore busy fixing the dinner. Af ter the spooking there was a brook for tho second warehouse, and some now records were established In dis posing of 1,(00 pounds of barbecued _^^£jfJuid^Udcalfj^M<^ora^hun **1*m8T53TlKnflngsTP!9y,R?vff rneri ef tbs South know how to fix. A rain ladl night perhaps helped measurably to swell the throng that congested the town today. It was too wet for farm work, and tbs farmers for miles around came to town, bring ing thmr wises and their daughters with thorn. There were mere here than could have been accommodated within the warehouse during the •peaking, and more than could get into the other whsra the dinner war served. Hoey talked mostly shout the re cord of his own party end the things that It has done for North Carolina, the Nation and tbs world. Ha save the Republicans spans attention, and then only to laugh at them. Not once did ho denounce them bat when bo ridiculed them—and there is ao finer master uf this terrible weapon than ho—his thousands of Barnett county eittaanry rocked, in the ccsUcy uf their d -light Ridicules the Radicals Time and time again he turned aside from the main th-.oad of his hour and a half of argument with gentle chiding of the minority party In the State, hot not until near the end of the ipeoeb did he turn the full power of denunciation against the National erganisation seeking 10 em asculate the League of Nations, and bring tin- 70,000 American dead to the low depth of tho millions of Get; mans who rot ha the aoll of Franca. He srornod them with tho biUerret scorn, leaving his audleaes almost darned with the force of hU attack. Fiom the apeoeh everybody there get sentences that they could taka home with them and ponder over, pioea together again, and weave Into the whole fabric of the speaker's ut terance again. It was as full af texts •a a chapter cut out af tbs Bible, hut pvikape the two outsaaadiug phrases wore Harding’s morning prayer and ' the speaker’s, description of how well the Republican nominee fits the plat form. The prayer, "Give nr this day my dolly thoughts r This came aftat a passage of ridicule of Ibo vaccination af the Senator’s views on all issues. Harding's Morning Prayer Censing around to Harding and the Republics* platform Hoey declared that If Balding hud a single Idea ho , would be too Mg to stand an plot- I form, and if tho platform bod a sin gle ideal hi it, Harding would ho soj little when he Rood on it that nobody, would be able to And him. After each ■ of three thruju tke crowd roared it* approve I. The ■weaker’• time waa about even-1 1y divided between Sute a ad Mattes al lame*. He refaead te dieevuu the State record ef the RtpuMleaaa, he raoer they have eeno, he laid. | Pertleuleily effective encaker* appeal to the wi North Carolina U alliga ' with tha damlaaat party In the State. There are only two goeMiona that seed he aabad ahoat woman voting he declared -are they good oaooght and do they know cnoaghT The firm he rofooed te dlaceea. To tke eeeond be anowerodl “Mlnoto live per cent of tho moo In the Unit ed Stalee have never gone above the erventh grade la cchcol. Ninety-eight per coat of tho teacher* m to the •erventh grade era women. If (0 the men weve tanght by the woman, and the men know enoogtt la vote, la there aay who will argoe that tho womon who tanght them don’t know eeongh MMUMMMMM m m m m m M M m m m mm 1 ¥ ¥ ¥ TOLEDO PLANTS OP BIO ¥ ¥ MOTOR COMPANY ¥ ¥ CLOSED ¥ ¥ - ¥ ¥ Toledo Ohio, Rept. I*.— ¥ ¥ Toledu plant* of the Willy.. ¥ ¥ Overland Company were elan ¥ ¥ rd down yesterday and ta- ¥ ¥ day following the lay off of ¥ ¥ 4,600 mm end woman work- ¥ ¥ era. ¥ ¥ Thooa re loaned yeaterday ¥ ¥ were instructed to rspsirt ¥ ¥ Monday when ofBrlali will ¥ ¥ aay whether the plants will ¥ ¥ operalr on a three-day a ¥ ¥ week basis or remain cloved ¥ ¥ for a time. ¥ ¥ Falling off in the demand ¥i ¥ for automobiles which has ¥| ¥ affected motor car companies ¥ ¥ in genera) throughout the ¥ ¥ United States it assigned ns ¥ ¥ the cause of the drastic cur- ¥ ¥ lailmsnt of productlos. ¥ ¥ • ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥♦¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ LAW. CLASSICS AND SCRIPTURES CITED Chief Justice Quotes All In Reversing Liquor Case Much law, some Shakespeare and ■•me cf 8i_ Matthew's gospel ar« cited Sy Chief Justice Walter Clark in an opinion written by bin and han ded down by the Supreme court yes terday sending back to the lowar court for further hearing tho case against M. L Sykes, charged and fousd guilty of being an accessory to the crime of manufaeutring intox icating liquors, whan he himsuif claimed that ha eras merely a visitor it tha manufactory The Chisf Justice holds that the mere presence of a man at the scene »f a misdesd Is not necessarily proof sf the contention that he is actually a party to misdoing. In lha lowsr court, the trial judge, William Shak-1 • spears Bond, instructed the jury that even if they believed the defen dant's contention they were not to absolve him on those grounds. Hero the chief justice pulls away from tha lower court. Sykes was taken when a still was calded, along with two other*. Oa trial he contended that he was merely passing through the neighborhood, rn route to visit relatives at a point beyond, and got lost. The negro Mm frjrtniiiaMwfcup m whiskey could be bad, and the drfsa dant followed him. Presently, they arrived at the still, and presently re venue officer* appeared on the scene, dratroyed the still and a vast quan tity of beer. The three man were car ried along to court. All were found guilty. , Quotation From Hamlet The law quoted in the Clark opin ion la taken from various source* and; indicates clearly that the prosecution | mu 4 establish the fact that the de fendant had criminal Intent. The vrrse of Bard of Avon is taken from \ Hamlet: "The un pro portioned thought is given hi* act-’’ The scrip ture llnlihew, 5:28: "But I say unto /ou that whosoever looketh on a wo man to lust after her, hath commit ted adultery with her already in his beai L" A score of other opinions wore handed down yesterday by the court, but few of them of more than local .t--.cn-: having mostly to do with Ihc lltlr-s of land and cuch mutter. Iii.We Bond wa* confiimed in the case of Stats v*. Leon Cols, wherein the dsfsndent was ibsi-ged with msl klout prosecution, and taxed with the costs in a case wherein he vu the chiaf witness at a magisterial Imaring. He appealed to Superior court and lost and romes to the Su preme court fur the same fate. De-1 rlslont handed daws were at follows: State and lm-.gston, Solieitur v. Cole. Johnston, affiimed. Btnaon ct al r. Benson ct al, Jobn vten, affirmed. Lee v. Lee st al, Harnett, modified and affirmed. Cola v. Thornton, Johnston, affirm ed. Coats et al v. Norris st al. Harnett, No error. In Re Tart, Admx., Harnett, af firmed.—News and Observer. Withhold net good from shoes So whoso it Is dwo, whew Is It ie she pow er of thy heed So do Is. to vote?" The Aediewee Convinced The speaker paused here a moment The crowd pondered his question and ssmiksly over in the back of hte ho her* broke out In • Mg laugh, real-. ibmiV vnai hit huh ■iianmi I women'• voting had beea “batted" right before hla epea. Tho laagh| •prvad out uatil H eovorod the whok ■adlracc, and developed lato a bleat of applaaet Ia that moment tha mea af HaraaU realised that tha wemaa praaent knew that tha men haow It It waa tha itraagaat stroke af tha en ttr« apaaeh, aJia It waa whaa ha ararhad up la • tttma* with hla appeal i far thr League af Halieaa and eop part af Wood raw Wikan. Than amp ha no deebt abaot what HaraaU thlaka af Woodrow Wlkoa. Tha maatlaa of hla mm brought forth tha Mggaet Karat of ehrartag that befall ia tha Knar aad a half that.wa* freqaentlp panatarad .with femaaoUatloa. It waa a vote making apaaeh. Ia three latter dapi than has rams ap a wheel af Uiiahero who believe in Woorhwahlng aa a bagattar af veto*, hat apaarhn of tha Heap tppe gat vatara Intonated anoagh la Ota cam paign ta go eat aad vote. Thera waa mWWIp little temfert ia tha Harwattl >«pakllraa ramp and will ba lam1 whan all that he mid goto home ta Dm folks. Three Ancient Churches In Cumberland County O** Hoodeed tad Siafar-Mtawd Aaal Matary of Paoadtug U Oh Fayetteville, Bapt. 28.- Tha 182 analv.ra.ry cf tha Bluff rhurah at Wada vai celebrated Sunday with tha annual obeei-vaacc which *axka T‘“rr*?c* of tha time of tha chureha • foundation. Tha Bluff charch. on. uf lb. thru, old eat Prea b^rtariai1 congregation* in tha L'ypar V“JW. ia aituatod on a high Muff on tha banka uf the Capa Paar naar Wade and .ta acmbara and iwambora and thair children unto the third and fourth generation, aatrmtk At the old church once a **** eongratuluU thenarl.ee anew at tha ahrtne uf thair fathare and t» to tha founder*. Them waa pro rant a large gutharing of tha Scat, fro* all this auction and fre* the lauaodtute neighborhood v',r* ^*fv two aarvicaa,iu tha nom inlC And the aftsmor Oif NMnksra of •be atrruWnU always making U»a twe scrvlenn acecamry. The sermon* were preached by Be*. Dr. H. G.HIH,oUast minister in the Fayetteville preaby. lery and known and beloved by all the people of this section. Jhr Blnff church was organised la 17M, by Be* Jamee Campbell, pio neer preacher of the Upper Cape roar. In the same yewr he organised the Lon* street and Barbees* Pree byt*n-ian churches. The first alders of the Bluff Church wars Hector Me Neill. Duncan McNriU, Alexander McAlister and Fanjuard CampbelL A monument in the churchyard honors the memory af Campbell, though his grass Is on the west side or the river, hin fune.nl having been anable to cruet the river, swollen hy ■ freshet, and the burial having been made across the stream from the church be founded. The long street church is la the sru.n of Camp Bragg and baa bean abandoned as a regular plaea of wor >h:p. It* congregation having moved away with the establishment ef the camp. The Barbecue church it in Harnett coaaty. Its first eldare war* Daniel Cameron and Archibald Bale. Tks rating elders of lbs Loagstreet church at Ha organisation wore Dun ua Kay and Archibald McKay. William Luca* Danced Himaelf Out of Raleigh William Lucas, a simple minded man who had no other means of mak ing a living than hy way of the new paved highway! nrii u Ui. I-uca* ha* been more or lea* aput> lie naiaance for several week*. He I* harmless. hut has drawn satirvly U* many people during hi* dancing •press Police were unable to handle the crowd*. Critic* *ay he can dancs. The poll**, however, picked up Luca* and he (pent taro night* in Jail. Thi* brief time wa« enough for him. Judga Harri* Wednesday found him rnilty of vagrancy and paroled h<m in the custody of 8. W. Eason. The lawyer reported after court that Lu ca* had left th* elty. H« did not even dance for railroad money, but pro fcried to aralk.—Raleigh Time* CUMBERLAND FARMERS PURCHASE WAREHOUSE Flr»l Cooperative Crttao Slarags Pl.*r Will B* Op yard Maaday Fayrttrville, Sept. 30.—The for. mnl opening of a co operative cotton warehouse which the cotton grower* of Cumberland county own and op rute to aid In tiding them over the present market crisis aril! br held an Monday. October 4. A big gather ing of cotton farmer* and co ifrranc* of those Interested will mark the opening. A number of experts on co operative marketing will be hero from Raleigh and will be among the epeakerx on th* program. Tbs Cum berland County Cotton Association, reorganised on the occasion of tho re cent meeting when cotton grower* resolved to hold their staple for a fair, price, will mart at tho mm tins* and filore with tbs warcboaac company, n order to advise a* to the best me thod* to be pursued to meet th* cri tical market condition*. The co-operatir* warehouse com pany. composed of cotton farmer*, has purchased the Fldclty Cotton warehouse from McConnell, Brooks A Co., and this will bo used for tbs holding of Staple belonging to mom vrra nimi ■ y* twuivnw» aw way con| of production and • reaaertabir pro.' fit caa b» obtained. SAYS SUGAR STOCKS IN THE U. S. ARE ENORMOUS' Boatoa, Maaa.. Sept. M—Tbe drop la tb* prico of roper Haa earned a' abrlakairo la raiao af at laaat ISM,.' •OO-MOaeaerdtap la aa orttatab ! Allaa la day by Edwin q Atkina, bead af a =r£51r>?r"-~S S1 h-sSuxt^ -| hlpb yrtce. far m »"• Ht wkaaao dated, ware daa la eoMatltlaa aaata. With apoeolatioa operattaa eoata With Wwalatiaa *iattaatad aad aarwtai Rrteaa aRawad h* ibaapbt It aipbt ba M«lhla ta and auyar ta tbe eonamator at M | -E rente a pound. Tba wttaea aaid tbe Aaarleaa peo ta Caha attempted to Cap <jw« tbe prira af appar wh.n M Mart M ta aoar, bat they wore unable ta da ta boeaaat of tba biddiap by Bap M and Coaadtaa bayera. •ay eat onto toy aMpbh.1. aa, aad aoaaa »*ala, aad UaMtolO I wUI ptaoi •haa loan beat H by thaa. JUDGE PRITCHARD MAY BE SHAKER AT FAIR MONDAY Republicah~L^der Is In vited By y^ssocia tion williams waking ON PARADfe PROGRAM Prise* Are For Float*, I Automobile* Vlad Bicycle* la Big Pageant Os Tue» d«y. i' „ JmdF*.J,.Ur -C FrlwSsH, former Oeites State* Senator ed the most popular Kcpsblicaa |.*d«T in North Carolina, has been iBrttad to deliver the open in* address at the Dunn Fair on Tuesday. October nflt tra* as _ Sad... L_ m ■ iS' - a m mm 1 “*n\<£ £\Har?««.€U»tJ' Africul tnnl Pair AneocLatim,. The Invitation wu extended aevernj to}< ago after It #aa learned thaT the aaeocialion weald be unable to g* a Republican who It more actttVj, the national campaign from another Stale. . . *&' b»»a received from Judge Pritchard, hut Mr. Riddle i. confident that ha accept if na p,«cieiu engagement claim* hi* at tention at that Urne/tf he doe* accept the ipeakmg progr**, gin be perfect It balanced. On th« foBowing day /oeephui n«nlm. 0f the nary will m»ak. Ea jTaJ big a man n the Democratic Jty a* Jadgc Pritchard n la the ^Labiicar. The ■aaociatlon la atrivi^ggam arrange the program that no iliticaj party will be given an advg&ga over the other through the paw, although It ie emphatically eta tag Sat acHhav of the eaeakera are agpmted to touch on politico in hia dhign With only eleven more day* be tween now and the the Fair1* opening, the aaaooigtM la gratified with the outiaok far , ~ large attendance and r'oae of p-eparetiune Practically every a. ixpoeition la corn pi niUae la faactionlt a evident that the year will be rf the pn ■ Pair'i open parade haa do lowing prlico 1 and bicyrloa: Pretlicat float. ’ w • •• • • ''•••••• -OOU Berond Piece _j--tl Third pria* ... .. 15 Prettiest decorated automobile: Plat price__ |*o Bceond price _____... 15 Thud price ......._ 10 Prettiest decorated ■utomobile: Pixel price... 15.00 Beeond price 2.50 it will be noceaevT 'or thoer com ptt'iMT for thews pr*0* to partleipolr ia the parades of T**day and Wed nesday That of TaJ^cy will maih the opening of »ehoW**y ucttvitiee at the fToond* That a> ”*dn*eday will be in honor of tha AFoxiraa Navy a* represented by Its t*’°f, Secretary Daniels. All of the new F*'ldin*a at tha fecund* have boon «°*opl*tad and a large part af their «Pare has boon caegned to exhibitef» *t appoara now that there will not b**t*Bcie*»t ipac: to accommodate all **o want to ex hibit Far thia raoacdj■ooratary Rid dle eauUose proapeed** exhibitor* to apply for spar* ba^e tha end of next week. SUGAR WCAJCfNS AGAIN Now York, Sant *•—The eagai market weakened B»n today and price? declined to low grannd for this roar for he* x«w and rofln ad gradea. Tha re***! Sognr Re Solar Company rcd**d Its priera a half cent to tho bad* of u «r.u a pound for fin# graa*“lad. ***•»#»*«•«*******»* *—* *—♦ *—» w^_* +—+ *—* • * »—* Mr*. Hook I^Matod *—* *-i CkartotuJ**. tl *H* *—* —A» « mttfyf af . *—♦ *—* Um “Good l!?Wa- *—* *—* (lab today law *—* *—* kaadrad MM prwmnt *—* *—* Mrs. C.C. ■bM.naoa- *—* *—* Moot af *• Hortk 9—+ *-* CaraHaa f^raUon *-* af Wo*m** Oaks. • *—* wm notaiaa*^ far *—* *—* mayor af C*aHatU *—# *—* to aateaad Mayor *—* *—* aval a« «*• baaii- *—* *—* aatod. bt* M ft. *—* *—* Book’s rats *»• *—* *—* *o pew •cmt** tbooo *—* *-* srssoai. <o» *—# » » WrjHktylst^^r ta *—» *—* As la trait Way is *—* *—* oaaMftsd *a»tka Job * * * * aad tint *• otty *—* *—* toald donators *—* *—t frarrfal t>*^ tkan *—* f—* rafta^TT JMt « BTLi* JTS fcS tl Kf9 a1 *—* on raald oast »ltboot *—♦ *—* fata* lata Mlta * * a o ****tb*«***#*«*^b**tMt North Carolina Forests To Be Looked Afte ForMt Fir. FrtmtlM I. To I By The Survey fn connection with the approach i the fall fire wi-on tha Sunri-o ni nou-'ce» that il has succeeded la t cu.inq the te vices of aa experience former who will devote practical V. who'e time to the prevention « foiv-rt fire. In North Carolina. ><r Wnr, l». ria.fr thr new A •oetanl Forester, came, from Nc England where fii* prevention hi been developed to a ecienre, end • graduate of the Yale School of Fo extry, probably the leading inetitut or jt« kind in Amci-ica. Mr. Clar combine* the enthueiaam of the Non with the tact and courtesy of th South, which eminently fits him to dealing with the varied problem which arc inevitably connected wit the work of fire prevention. The Federal Government has to the part few years been contributin from two to three thoumud dollai i year toward, foreet protection I horth Cutolina and the State tu Ooen spending a somewhat greats •mount. Satisfactory results hav been secured on certain restrict, irea*. but the funds have been sadl "adequate Congrees will this wtnts he asked to greatly Increase its i| proprlation so tha Ut least $10,00 will bo available for fire protoetio >n this Slate The State will c •ourre have to meet each allotment foliar for dollar, but this it should b ir.lv too glad to da. TWe v/ork of extending and makln more effective this forest flr» prwvei Hon will be largely left to Mr. Clar vho will dn the work of a State Foi '*• F1 e Wanlen. He will of cours ae xdvt eri and directed la bis wall ’V the State Forester and the Dirac or of the State Geological and Bco 'omie Survey. The Survey ia expect ng to receive much more general eo ipvrauun iron luoowicn, lunbei ns* find county oBeials than In th fast now that closer attention ea >c riv.n Jo all the distiirta wbctv ftr Jrotrrtion I* being put Into affect. Under the leadership of the Unite States Forest Service there is a Ion "ywide movement to inareas* fores ire protective work all along the flee rhia movement is beany supported Is > very eeeryetls way by the railroad* ty the lumber aad timber land In events, by the woed-nalay industries ffd hi fact by all who realise that It ■ nothing less than suicidal to permit Ira to run wild, consuming in it oarse the forest wealth of the conn rt upon which the welfare and pro* Warsaw Sailor Dies \x^ Constantinople, Turkey Warsaw. Sept. 80.—The body o the late William Middleton, who dio in Constantinople three months agt ■ad Interred in the local remoter] Bevz K. W. Cawthora and Georg t’athis pesters of th* Baptist an Pradhytrrian churches, respective!] conducting the se vtcea. The decease was a son of Bred Middleton, of th! town, and at the time of hit daat ivat serving ia th* nainr and statior rd at CoastsntlBOplo. Tnrkey. wher is contracted pneumonia, which cam -d his death, be belay about twenty two yea.-s of aye. The floral design ware many and beautiful, amor, them wars handsome ones sent by th local Red Cross chapter. Daughter ot the Confederacy, and pupil* of th Warsaw school nuauiguii, nrpr. —Knee cul ling hat taken hold of tho wholesale trade to an extent that coon must be fott substantially In lower price* to tho consumer, according to the Ted oral Reserve Board’* monthly but- : bom review atari* public tonight. Icahnl of tkc aaave of price redac tion and lu as read to nuiay retail Hue* wu attributed to "a more ex acting demand by the buying public if price and quality.” Retail pur chaser* are ah swing eantlnaod deter nali.a lion to await a n*ov« bp dealer* In me*t those demand* while forego, log lax at lot and •easMumuri**, ra port* to th» board declared. Although the board believed the baying public wu largely damrtaatlag (ha- market now, it laid that lahar and prod notion ware having a mark • d eweet on prices. There Was evi dence, It Mid. af increased efficiency oa the part of lahar and a* a result production wu oa th* inereae* and factory operation beginning to ap proach normal. Sum seed up, tho hoard's Sndmc* were that "bueiessa eonditloas now are dcflaitely am the road toward sta bility af a* groat and confirmed a natere aa- the disturbed position of the world at largo pennha.” “Continuenr* af the praeem af re adjustment In bus ness and Industry has been an outstanding feature of ■be loot month.” I ho review mid. Thin has bom asrumpaniad by price rodurtloas and by tha resumption of work In bras*bos of Industry where beads t lei aa ta future outlook has lad ta wuwnlss. i “After aa sppa cat dewing down In dm price reduction movement dur ing mid imnmai, It has again ra ag paarad and the wrath af September sew esbetanCal rate In wall known ******************** ♦ * r ¥ WARNINGS OP RKIGN OF ¥, ¥ TERROR FROM THE ¥ ¥ J 1 W. W. ¥ | ¥ Tacoma. Wah.. Sept SCI.— ¥| ¥ A pi* 1 of Iha lorlu.t.-ial ¥ t ¥ Wurife l of the Wo Id to in- ¥ ,¥ augural s a period of terror- ¥ ,. £ in the Northwcrv. within ¥ il £ twenty day., >• charged by ¥ ¥ Congre.unan Albert John- ¥ J j * aton. of the third Wadi ng- ¥ l¥ ton dirtr.'cb in a itali-ment to- ¥ i¥ today commenting on anony- ¥ ¥ mom letter- received by the ¥ |¥ Seattle police and federai ¥ i £ authoril'.na bra m" the vcn. ¥ v * In* that ladical* ore plan- ¥ r £ nl"r to blow np fl-miteiari in- ¥ k * alltat-ona and building* in ¥ K £ Tacoma, Portland ynd Sea:- ¥i r *■ tie. if t £ Secret nervier operative. ¥ ¥ waru attempting to trace the ¥ I, J aourcc of ihr Utter* r¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*> : MAKES REPORTON ! AN1UIQ00R MEET J r Dr. William Louis Poteat 1 i Gives Impressions J Against Alcohol , p making hie report to Governor i Sickelt H a delegate to the Fifteenth . international Cungre.i Again 1C Alco | . Id I tin in Waikington, Dr. William i t Eoul* Poteat, prriident of Wake Fo> ; . eat College, aay* that apecialiata i- t . attendance anon the congmi ahowed . t lhat the local led light drinhi «uch at c . wine and beet have tha am. mhvatrw . logical remit* on the human organ-11 . urn a* ►pint*. among th# dlaaatrou* 11 . consequences being insanity, delin . quer.ry and criminality. One could s not r#d*l the furling, mid Dr. Fount ( , that the movement In favor of rein ■ Anting wine and bear would be dia t*rou<. HU report to the GovcTnoi i | follow*: . “Under ypwr appointment I had \ the pice* are et attend i eg the rtf- : , fabaraaWuaal Congrae* c Agalnet AlcuboUam in Waahtngtan 1 September Sl-M. and beg te atk* a e Wff report |f “TK» eoagreaa waa important from 8 rueeral poittU of view. In the «rat a place. It wo* another rxproulon of the growing ipirit of lnUmationaliaa t! . and L.e mm unity of late re ou in all tha l . *®rld. The program presented repre- 5 - »«r-h*Uy** from Italy, OtTmaay,_Po- i Swrtxcrtand, Austria, Caecho-Blovaka Jugoslavia. Canada, South Africa China and Japan, besides many frum r *be United State* The report* which throe foreign vititrs mod* to the eon f grew* rho'wed the program of th* bat I tie against alcohol in all parts of the , world, aa wall a* the promt state , of knowledge of th* effect* of alco e hoi on th( human system bated or | -eltntlflr experiment*; in widely teat . trred laboratorin*. The question ltf j wins and her- occupied comidcixhlc ■ t'mc In the diacanaion* of' the con 9 ffrem. Specialists from Italy, Belgium -land Fiance in particular ahowrd that I s1 theta mw oiled light drink* have thr . an phyoiological result* an th# hu- i . man oiganiem a» do apirlta. among n the disastrous consequences being in ; canity, delinquency, and criminality. ? One eould net resist (be fegliiiL tha' ■ thr movement In certain stater in our ' , country in favor of reinstating wine I (continued on page right) FEDERAL BOARD DECLARES THAT LOWER PRICES TO CONSUMERS TO COME SOON Reserve Board s Business Review Says Price Cut ting In Wholesale World Must Be Manifested In Prices To Consuming Public * >r wholesale prims. Reduction* havi recur red In a variety of ntsp'i-s, hi lt udl nr wheat. Changes in pricer have landed to make business m.-n s*l sankrn eaotiou* about future con ailments.” I>rope in ptlce* have featured al nost all of the tegtilo line*, agents »f the varioat reaorve hanks reported >nd they added that, dm to rodue ikm* already announced by whoioaat srs and Jobbers, the relalleri are bay lag carefully and not in large quan tities The retailer*’ attitude was de picted as neemsarily conservative for Ihv rvavon a market ^fh a down ward trend loaves him tha alterna- i tree of taking a loss or kcridng hi* shelvvs stocked with high priced goods Shorn a ad Leather Similar Inflovniss wvr* shown to bo bearing on the shoo and Ivtrhor ndustry. In the** lines, particularly.I !hc rvports of tho board disclosed.! be inflame* of the d-mend lessened uy higher prims Is strong and giraa1 no Indication of weakening. Because' of this apparent sentiment, the re view stated, retailers are postponing buying or are buying only for cur rent requirement*. While homing conditions were rep. revested a* being acate in ail eom munhier, the hoaH's figures hsld oat hope for an early renewal of eon-. struct ion. Material prices show the effect of price cutting in other eem-' ssodttlr-e and “eertolnly have passed I tho peak," tha review mid. | Chicago Moot Favored Chicago and ewvirons have been sioct favored with rrspeet to prieo rt <t actios a in building materials and construe*'no whore, according to Use board's reports, price* fell between II and IS par font during the last thl'ty days. The feeling was said to prevail that price revhdoa in thleStihe Other liars of uads. was dm la RAPID GROWTH OF URBAN POPULATION SHOWN BY FIGURES Cities Growing Seven and Half Times Fast As Rural Districts OVER HAlJoFPCOPU NOW LIVING* IN CITIES Approximate Ftfuraa a# fmini Rursaa Show That Prpala lion a# Coartiaantal Limited State* U 105,000,000. Warhington, 0. C.. Sept *0 —Cit " are inrrMiing in population arv * ai.d a hair tlmaa at faat ai tha ro ■at diitncu, tha Ceaaa* Bureau dm ■loaed tonight la a compilation af ft*, irt* covering approximately rlfhtf >*• par coat af the acw cam. Tha irarov indicated that Un complete wnaua would ahow I hr majoiltr af he population to be t'*j d wall era Kor tha lait Un years rural growth rax hat one-third as great aa It was n tlx prwrioua dee*da, bnt tha eltiex I'raoit maintained their rata of rrowth, retting five new inhabitanta rota 1910 to 1999 for each ate ad cd during the preceding year*. All lopuiativii tsatan, even the aaaall ountry hamlets and towns, showed a Trmter Droaortiomtr ' D» purely rural districts. The graat it increase*, however, were by cities f .i*" or »*r* inhabitants. While ibe bureau attempt* ao ca tenation foe the reaeon for the taw rraaing migration to the eitie* aacb ’•ar during the laat decade, yrraua bly higher wage*, ahorter waridag by and boa* caneeniaacea attracted be ruial population especially duriag ht war when wages ia big iadaatrU asters vriit ag> real illy PegaleUea IMUjUMUM Altksagh sbawiag a aback ta» the Me wf papefctlia growth far the ^r**1*. huraaab flg. rue Indleoted that thaeomefrta earn *«I yteaa the *Mml earn her of late* at approximately lOS.TCMMU gala of 18,798.840, ar it per east. Cklaa weald ahaarb practically al ib increase, It being aatlmeted Oat 8,172,800 woold tatidc ia town* of JWO or more, while 1.628,040, rould he aided to the farms sad 29 Jr&SJriM, — mmtely a million and a quarter. City Tapwlatlaa II44M44 ■ Each a movement *f the people vID place the urban population at ippioalmataly 64,749,100 and tha re al popalatiaa at M,»T*,0d0, la 1918 ka rural population outitrtppad that >f the cities by almast saves mflltoa ccplc, there being 49,346.88} in the 'OU' try and 42,423,883 tat the cities. "her several confute*,” raid the ■otaau anr.tfuntemect,'* tbe country ■as not ben growls* a* rapidly aa fa- c’ty. but tha difference appears * be greater at this ctnna than war nrfore.” The • ban population, tha annaua aaiaet added, laeraatad M a rata of > o per e, nt WD K> tut or mo rtnu I' tr’cti. including the vlUaeva and owns coder 2 BOO population, was - .4 per ext. For the strictly ram crrltery, th- rate was 2.2 and that of hr riling** war 4.7 per cent. Bis Cilr lasroase* Among the urban centers, cities xceeding 5!*.000 Increased at 26.4 wr rent those rtf 10,000 to 89,000 nt !0.7 per cent and tnnsc of 2,800 to <• 0-- •» st 18.R. From 1000 to 1910 ho pc'-r: ots»* rates of incr*as« for bca* th »r russification# wore 28.6: 13.7 and 27.8, respectively. t’p In Ira days ago, the anneunce u' fil mid. the count of population -r*-rooted «• 85 per coat complete, tad r-nehed 92,998,281. Tor purpuo M or"comparison between city and ■ountry. the bureau tadnead the fig ire to 90.586,742 by etlmtaattn* tho wpulation of the in solar pots* extent ind thru ia tba United State*. Of Biis total population that cion lifted as urban was reported as 82, 104,740, the cities over 80,000 pop* alien having 22.528,088 inhabitants, those of ten to fifty thomsand. bar. ng 11,771,224 and those of 2,800 to 10,900 haring 2,190.427. The rural ropolntien was *2,028.961 in the ■ountry district*, aad 6,066,692 ia the villages an dvr 2,860 in popula tion Mutt And Jeff Coming From present indications the event if the reason is scheduled to take ilae* at th* Metropolitan theatre vherv those kings of fan, hilarity, nisehlaf, laaghter aad noag. "Matt ind Jeff” will bold unltatatbed aad irekone sway. Thorn famous crea tions of Bud Fisher, whn ss usual am Kusersd by their mentor and friend, aagwr flat llll), will be seen in a typical end op-'.*-the minute musks) remedy la three acta and namorous wcites, entitled "Mutt and Jeff at the Knees." In this brand new concoction of mirth, mtody and rang th* pair will flgura In hair-raising «d»« ntutr*, mbarassed situations, complications that should rack the rafters of the ihratre wttb wrtMt AM carronnd td by triiaalng* and urprtra* rMoa tbc quota »f *1 *f faring lea* pratan Uoua than thin ana thair trhunpb ihuold be ratnplrt* and Inotantam Min. Kr* fartwa brraaa today an Joy a Toga* ■« dan Matt and Jaff. Eaab yni tbata papatartty inaraaaaa. Canaaqaantly tba annaancaaaant af thatr coral of la • bit af naan that ana await* wltb Bar* than pnaalng tntrr a*t and arlat. Knap I baa na* tba aaan al atadanaa. and abaaaa aaaa al Ida wayoi hr tba parrarta I* an abandanalaa fa lab a r »b| bnt^bh Maadtldp la wMb tha aw

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