Bi. Support The Greatest SI - *920. Number 65 9, BL_ JP ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS OF CIRCUIT RIDERS Nina bar of Changes in Loading Pastorates of North Caro lina Conference CROWNING EVENT OF METHODIST MEETING R”- J. H. Shore Goo* to Rock iaghana District as Presiding Eldor to Succeed Ree. Harry M. North and Rut. J. M. Daniels Takes Over The Wilmington District. Rocky Mooat, Nor. 22_The crowning event of the North Caroline Mothoditt conference, which has been In evasion hare since last Wednesday abont noon today whan Bidiop Dar lington road the appointments of the preachers for tha next year. Rov. J. H. 8hore goes aj presiding elder of I?* »°<ylni**n district and Rev. J. J*. Daniels takes hit place on the Wilmington district. These in the only changes in the presiding older •hip. There are quite a number of change* hi tha pastorate of some of tbt lttdisg appointment*. Tho report of the otatirtical am retary shows that this has haca a year of progress along all lines of church "•“’it Tha mamborahip of the church ^thla tha hounds of tho eon fomco has gone beyond tho 100.000 mar*, and the material progress has goao beyond anything that could have been hoped. j il oi*conr«■«»€•■ was ?***?*?services con iZeXi ^ 5r- *or*2“>“- Reports of all th* hoard* that had aot previously reported wrrs submitted and adopt ed. the most IntaraatUg being that of th* board of mimiona and board of edocation. The board of mission* recommended Mtting forth plan* for th* erection of o representative church at Chape] Hill for taking care af the increasing number of Metho dist students attending the State uni versity. Th* report of the board of etacatioq deplore* the feet that none of tha adacational Institutions are awo to accept a large number of *p pUejmm knocking at the doors of the taMtatleo* of learning belonging to w* chores. StatUdMl *-rtrt which will be o( interest '■Kllil lllll those woo hr#’ not in any wise connected with conference be permitted to havo tables to display their ware in the church which Is en tertaining th* conference. Mr*. 3. W. Jenkins, the mother of .the orphanage at Raleigh, spoke to the conference of her love for the home, and stated that she wa* pray ing that tha Atwater memorial hall, a building la contemplation to the memory of this good woman’* fam ily,* should soon bo • rooted. A rising and roaaing vote of thanks was given to the people of Rocky Mount for th* splendid enter tainment given th* conference. A pleasing Incident of the session this morning was the presentation to R«v. L. 8. Massey of o toilet sot and a handsome eonlorcnee, dj imt. i. A. Sikes, who goes to thd Advocate as the representative of this eon feronce. Mr. Maaeey responded in a happy style. fto report of the statistical secre tary shows the following figures as the present numerical condition of *tho North Carolina conference: Pas toral charge*, 212; church, 756; lo cal preacher*, 28; members, 100,619, adults baptised,, 4.050: infanta, 914; there are 128 Epworth leagues with 5.488 members; there are 878 Sun day schools with a membership of 84,344; there ar* 279 woman's mis sionary societies with a membership of 9,001, and they have raised $87. 578. The church paid presiding ci der* last year, $28,184 and for preaclAn $87,578; In charge $884, 887. For ail pusoeee the conference raised $1,882,070. The conference own* 715 house* of worship at $4« 418495. The ehurrh owns 164 par sonage* valued at 88S8.000. Conference appointments for Fay ette rale District follows'. .FnpeMevflU District Presiding older, J. D. Bandy. Bladen circuit, 4. W. Dimmith; Backhorn circuit, E. W. Dewnum; Carthae* circuit, O. W. Perry; Duke, N. McDonald, Dunn. j. H. Buffalos; Fayetteville, Huy rtretd, W.' V. Mc Kae; Person and Calnn, E C. Maa em; Payettevin* circuit, R F. Taylor; Gleudon circuit. 4. C. Cvrmmingu; OoldeUB circuit, 8. Salyer; Haw liv er circuit. 4. W. Autry; Hemp cir cuit, H. E. Lance; Joneeboro circuit, C. Bom: Lllliagtoti circuit, 4. H. Frlsaie, L. K. Osina, Junior preacher) •Jewton Grove etreuit, G. H. Biggs; Farkton circuit, W. L. Man*M; Pltm circuit, 4. 4. Boone: Kosoboro «l«ult, R f. Munnc; Sanford, W. R *«TuIl; 80ar City circuit, H. B. Per U»r; StodMaa circuit, H. A. Thorp. rm**H WITH . WFLUl m THK TREASURY . Albany. M. T. No,. *0 —Tba Da moerat!; i!Mgl.yi»«« todaj rtciorl^i to Uw llavtUry of BtoU dttaraa of data ■ant wa* *bt®ad by Wllbnr W Monk tnutnr. Tlit rlniaweiil *£?d thS WJI W t-r«J „CT to tba «aaa*lttoa by Maw Tart gsa?a»g5 l£to. Wdonartora and |4,«51 b] tba Baa nanrido haadgnartara. Tba total of ear* Wadad with cam ■•ratal freight Jm the weak <mdia| Oatabaa t raaahad l^0*,TB7. I '• '• • I * • FAIR ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS Tariiagtaa Again Headi Company— Little Profit This Year All of the former ofBptrs of the Har noll County Agricultural Fair Asso ciation were re-elected when stock holder* of the corporation met in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce Pfhtay night They are Henry A. Turlington, president; Granville M. TUghman, vice-president; ’ E. B. Warren. treasurer; T U Riddle, sec rets ry, and Ellis Goldstein, business manager. The only change from the original organisation It that which mads Mr. ltiddle secretary and Mr. Warren treasurer. Thle change wae made early in the year when Profes sor Owen Odum resigned the office of secretary and treasurer to return to the profession of preaching. Directors for Utc year ware chosen as follows; Marvin Wade, H. A. Tur liagton, E. B. Warren, Bills Gold stein. } L. Wade, MeD. Holliday, J. C. Byrd. G M. TUghman. J. W Draughon, Dr. W.'P. Holt, Dr. J. R. Butler, E. W. Smith, Dr. C. R. Young. R. U Godwin and B. P. Gen try. Report of the year's work made by Secretsry Kiddle was eatisfactory to the stockholders, although It did not •how any gnat profit to have coma to the association. This was not surpris ing, however, when it urns recalled that the directorate had planned for a bif fair with the expectation of conditions remaining as good as they ware last yoar. Financial rinse bit the community while the prepara tions Were underway and the direc tors considered themselves lucky to have come out as well as they did. MORE BUTLER TALK FROM WASHINGTON Sampson County Republican May Secure National Fsno ws' Union Support Washington, No*. 20.—Informa tion cam** to Washington tonight that fgrmbert of tho North Carolina Farmers' Union, may make an effort t? eecnre the indorsement of former Senator Marion Butler for Secretary of Agriculture in Harding’* eabinat by Charles S. Barrett, of Georgia, National President of the Parmer's On<on. Mr. Barrett haa bean re-elect ed aa tho head of the National org anisation for the ITth consecutive time end was a prominent figure m the anneal meeting of the bed* thia week vhan a nation-wide strike "hr, agriculture was urgel’* ” * “There . are many Interesting an gles In connection with the efforts to place the Influence of Mr. Bar- ■ refit behind the mention of the Tar Heel candidate for cabinet honors. Mr. Barrett in a Democrat, according to GeCTya* standards of Democracy. He was chairman <*f the iU-fatKl Wntaen-Hoke Smith delegation te the San Francisco convention which waa not allowtd te be seated. Whether Mr. Butler is successful, or whether Mr. Barrett endorses him. opens op an Interesting question e mong the spectator* of Southern po lities with regard to its affect on the two major parties. - It la said here that Mr. Barrett had an ambition te be secretary of agriculture in 1923 when President Wilson came Into power. Ha waa net appointed, and it in uo betrayal of confidence to say that Mr. Barrett baa not been an admirer of the WO eon administration. Ha croseed with Herbert Hoover during the war on agricultural matters. The Georgia man has been a leading critic of the policies of the Wilson administration. In this connection, it is Interesting to learn that Mr. Barrett and Sena tor-elect Thomas K. Watson, of Ga., are close personal friends Watson has charged In hie Georgia paper that Mr. Barrett waa not appointed See retary at Agriculture because of the alleged animosity, of JosephTu multy, Secretary to the President, to ^Arother^delJght is the feet that Mr. Watson and Mr. Butler were to gether in the Populist days of tho nineties. Kx-Renator Butler was. Na tional chairman of the Populist party when Mr. Watson waa a presidential candidate or the third party ticket. So. the chain comae hack to the names of Butler, Barrett and Wat .a. w*Mk ftka lead a-awa/A to Inks kU seat on March 1. as tha Junior sena tor from Georgia. Right Rot. Thomas C. Dnrrt, bhh op of last Carolina will direct the national preaching mission services, a part of Ih* nation-wide campaign, at tha Church of the Bpiuhsnp of this dtp, during the wook from Mocass ber 28 to December S. Bishop Dent has bean want to Washington to taka charge of tha mission aenricss bp the prodding bis hop and council of tha church. He will speak an each weak dap at nooa and agnln In the craning. _ . The Aihlcp Masonic Crab of Wash ington, composed of the Master Ma son or tha Stata, War, Hasp, White Hobs* and Clril Sendee, held a ser vlet at the Masonic Temple this e*cu ing snd hoard patriotic speeches bp Chief Chaplains Anton of the srurp, Frasier, of the nacp and Bdward t Britton, president of the dob. Dadd m. Clair, who was la charge sf tha News snd Observer Washing ton bureau during the campaign, has accepted a position in tha historical taction of the Msvp Department and will remain In Washington. Mr. Bt. ChSr eras formorip on tha editorial dag of the LiUrarp Digest' »• M. Miller, secretary ta Con grassamu Bob Donghton. (oat '• eornmer, which sens uncorered __ issssnsn Base's often eras — -Tiisruc Ion lOWfflf, * * * * * * * * ¥ * * ¥ a ¥ * a* w ¥ * *****w^^B* «** + A TIME FOR CO-OP^RATION^B * Everyone knows that our country is en^^pr a * * period of depression, due to the return of up^^Es of * * the country 10 the condition that existed befn^^Erar. * * All classes of people are affected' by tha^^^Hmes, * ; ancl al1 should work together to relieve pa^^^Endi- * * tione. • a Those best qualified to apeak on the sc^^B' My * * there is no reason to fear aerious'conseqiiv^^Hv'hila * ¥ the prices paid for labor and farm produ^^^Euch * * lower, so are the pricea ab everything elsa^^Kjiesa * * the sales of all kinds of gobds at greatly rudd^^Kices. * * In a short time these matters will be adjuats^^E we * * will still find ourselves the wealthiest and^^Bpleet * * people on earth. a * The vast majority of men are honest in ^Bdeaf- * * mgs, and if given time will meet every obuJ^BT Let * 3 every an, consider the men with whom he^Bbuai- * « ne**L *nd iud*e Wmself how many there^^pf the * * number who would defraud him. ^B * Now while the most of the businees done in^^proun- * try by farmora. merchants, bankers, mechno^^Eanu- * 3 facturers. etc., is done on paper. It must be^^Ea in * 3 mind that this paper is given by men, the vj^KaJor- * * ity of whom, as has been already said, ara ^^EtT In * * addition to this, ninety-five per cent of this jBk so * * secured as to make it worth one hundred ctBii the * * dollar. * * These things being so. It follows that wh^Bmoat * f n Ahrl nH in m hsmaJ «A _:_tfLa eL - „ * which we are now pausing, is for men to be sod * * pull together. Nearly every dollar of fnd^Bdnem a * could be collected by foreclosure, but why this * * be done? a Why force the farmers to sell out at a aacrii^Hfehen 'a * If given another year or two he will pay all s^Kttar- a * eat? Why crowd the banks too close, if eueMfcing a * is possible and cause them to be more drastf^Biheir * *■ collections than they desire to be. Suppose yo*^Kha a a * run on a bank and force it to cloee Its doors ^^Eorar- * * »y. only means that it in turn will forcibly o^Kt, at * * a sacrifice, from its debtors, and thus cancel it^BUga- a _ tiona. But in the meantime financial troubles ^Bonly a * be increased, and not lessened. Why all thtaHm If ' a * they receive the loyal support*of tho pubHe, Bylll a be the greatest factor in adjusting present dif^M^s? a Why should merchants or manufacturersj^Eaay a Z °“,r class be squeezed to death or so nearly ^Bm to a * compel them to collect by force, and thus wo^K^rd- a * ship and loss upon otheri? Give them time. a * will meet their obligations. . 7 * JJ) ***? ^y* of Plenty, men proeper by co-o^Btlng a * with other men. In the lean yean. calamity^Kn be a * fverted only by the same method. Tho manKo In a * fnis time strikes out right and left among the B[vbo a Z h*T® "*h>cd him to make what he has and thjiB only a Z ?f.h“ own welfare, is ungrataful. and will woriiBrious a Z Injury to others, and by losing their frlendahlnjflU In- a z for the future. These are not^^Fonly <# Z tight times in the world'* history. They * with each other, andvhs patient and ^fl will be well a HUSBAND LEAVES; WIFE A SUICIDE Pwwnimomt CHerlotta Woman With Pol Do* Fomd As phyxiated «t Home Charlotte, Nor. 21— Mr*. Harry 3 Zahm, whose husband waa for a dos hi yaan haad of the Katie depart meat of Elisabeth Coilejt* hero, for mveral yean organiat la one of the leading local churches, but who four months ago disappeared, was found asphyxiated la her home early today, with1 her pet do*, all dead, clasped In bar arms. Authorities pronounced it a clear case of muieido, after reading a let ter, written in German, which she left add re laid to a family frioad, ukla* for a simple funeral She loft aiao tea keys to kar bank eafaty da podt box In an envelops. Her husband, ap to the Umo of hit departure was a matebar of local duba and owned proparty hors and at Little Switserland. N. C. Ha left (be note to hie wife saying aba need not expect him aver to return. Brooding ever bar husband's disap pearance Is believed to have bean the cause of Mrs. Zehm's solf-da at ruc tion. Following hie disappearance aka had Instituted attachment proceed ings against 115,000 worth of bank and mill stocks Ip his possession. She was born in Germany and had «u bars in America of German par ent*. Mr*. Zahm «u toon by lararal friends Saturday afternoon an tha ■treats of Cbariott* and die appear ad to bo ehearfal. .However. before returning home, the stopped to ooo one of nor aloaa frianda and whan leaving told her goodbye The friend thongnt little about || at tha .time, bat recalled today that it nomad unusual. Whan no «<gna of life about the Zahm homo bad appeared up until noon, some of the neighbor* feared that aoDetbiaf bad hapneaod. Two moo broke into the bedroom and foond Bn. Zahm and her pot dag, which had always accompanied her about the city, both deed. Beeides the not* la German to a friend. Bn. Zahm a|eo left a note in Cngtlab to Mr*. Bandar in which Mm directed that eba be given It,000 ant of har estate. to any plat against ''Farmer Bab." Charfaa U Abernechy of New Bara waa la Washington today on Me way home after a erefesaienal rtMt to New York and Beaten. Bo ie In eu callent health now. bit condition har ing improved gradually since hie nan *••• breakdown lost Aenil Bar. Edward Henry. Ingle. assist out rector of the chunk of tha Epi (waur, died bare today. Me was a •rather of Bar. ItVue Ingle of Bn high, and waa In Mn Mad yuan. * adi * < •* AUSTRIAN CHILDREN Mostly underfed Noarty A Million of Tbom Am Now Not Gottbf Enough To Eat. New York, Noe. 1.—(tho food ott oatjon In Austria Is at hag as la Pa land, according to tha *»orta of rep resentatives of tha Asftricaa Belief Administration European Children's Pood, who are am via** lo this coun try. Instead of Impiridu* since tha eomiag of peaea. ctndluoai have «reern steadily wan*. Austria Is the country among aB tho In which the Kurepeaa Children's f Ud has oper ated where next year's diet program Mil not be subataaUa ► reduced. , Dr. Clemens Plrqas formerly of Jaha Hopkins and id ,haad of tbs department of Choirs#* Disaasaa la the University of Vied •, has written Mr. Hoover, chairman' * the Ameri can Relief Aden in tare Ni, that more than 78 per eent of I » whale child popalatiea » to the te of fifteen ars underfed, la otb Words, **«, MX> oot of .1,182,000 luatrian chll dran ars not getBag bough te eat of Vienna’s child p< Ulation, only •bout two la one hud M are getting adequate noorUkassot The American Rsli f Admlnivtre *!*“. begu He WoA t feeding the children ef Austria i u April 1818, whh aa Initial distrit H*n of 1,600 tana of food. eompfM l cocoa, mAh. U2 JR5S' “ kindcryartan aekook, orphaaa(«a and mb of Rehanhrann waa . th* chlJdnn’* wotfal* th* araflabl* food euflciont to aa< admitted antU __ P*»*«* doctor or . •» •f1?*1 'oodltlon oonrWustnt. Th* coot to tho of foodlng ono ehUd o*o**al o day for • **»{h ha* ar*ra«*d{toot on* dob Ur. while tho muMt of th* ox P«". owonnttaf to or thra* dob bn for twh child, holhooa aappUad tar local charity. ro~fU*nt and >» nklnal rranU In thl way, th* ra tion ins ayateoi haa kp haon allow, od to bocoai* a> pa lafluana*. H A Ik**.' , k tho North Carolina repreaon of tho Aan orkoa Relief Ads ho 2ni fUdly forward -that Nootj OaooMma p-npl^ foal Ilka mak PRESIDENT WELSO*TO >1 GIVEN PEACE PRIZE RtoeUioln, Nor. to.—Prokdaat *•**•* WOaon win ho awarded tho NAol Pooco Prime tap ISM. tag to th* Bwodiah NowBNP 1 onaotaaconont of tho * ••», howoror, w tor* th* oad of It LEADS REUGIOUS SERVICE ON SHIP Hording lUnda F^os tfce 20ti ^»*in at* ItafWtfang Hi* ftwMndhl AHitnda Aboard Stanauhip Parimnina, Nav. *1-—“Tba trouhfaa rf my baart aro enlarged; Ob. bring than mo oot of *8* read th* Preside nt- e lect of th* UaiUd Stataa this evening from th* Ttwenty-Fifth Psatm, as he rend th* religions service* in tha women’s aa lssa of th* ship, which is taking him t* tb« Ctna! Zone, to conptnSooi pthaeml about him as h* aolamnly intoned the -words of David. Thpra seemed a peculiar and dim **» ■‘■pi* 11>« ha had dolfbaratalj selected from tba ap*Ml of tha Psalmist, aad a* ha mad It became the parse ns 1 prayer of Sen ator Harding himself. aS hi fa«. t“ mendoua problems. “Look upon mins affliction end ■y polo; aad fargtra *11 my sins. Consider min* anemias for they are amnv; aad they that kata to* with cruel hatred. Let Integrity and up Hghteoiuaem preserve me; for I whit on Thee.” , Senator Harding made It clear that th* vaapers revealed and reflected his attitude toward th* assumption of the Presidency aad Us further pray er. quoting from th* Sam* psalm was: "Remember not the si* of my routk nor my tranagremioB*; accord ing to Thy mercy, remember Then mo for Thy Goodness mb*, Ob Lord.” The aerric* was bald at I p. m. 8a nator FroUngbuyaaa af New Jersey, acted as deacon, announcing the hymn. After th* President-elect had read th* Tw'onty Fifth Pidam. than na anathar hymn aad raapoadea rending followed, Banator Harding landing. The singing of “America* elated th* service. DEPRESSION FELT IN COTTON MARKET Now Oriwia, Nov. Cl. — Lowest price* to ebeot five jmi »bat eerier tone to the spot markets! >f the interior. Highest prices were reached on the opening Marion end1 lowest price* were made Friday. At Ihe highest the trading months were S7 to Cl points over the closing quo lotion* of the preceding week and at Ihe lowest they were Clt to *44 points nnder. At market moved ever > range of C80 to tSi points, finally ■losing at not lomoo of ITT to C04 point*. July traded down to 14.4* and tloood at 14.C4. In the spot depart* aant middling loot 225 points, clos ing at 14.25. Some little selling was canted bp predictions of heavy ginning* to No rember 14. one private bnreta com ing owt with a forecast of *,440.000 Poles against 7,004420 to tkasaam late last year and *,706,420 te.tbe ■am* date two years ago. The Cen nu Bureau will lasae its f*sns on (inning at • o’clock .M today morn .ng and they are lOmfy to tofloeace the market ia tbs opening hewn of ihe new week. After that tt it likely that the not market wIB bo watched rlosrip and the contract market will Pc quick to redpond to anything new rram that quarter. ■apes for an earner sooner market ia the near future will make finan cial new* of more importance this weak and any let up in tbs flow of peerimistic newt from textile centers oould remove muck pressure from ihe market. ' BUD HODGES DIES . FROM HIS WOUNDS ■m ml Cwtp HUli^Modgo* VWtfas Of Pl|kb^Pwdle Bad Hodgaa, m afOoorge BWJv Hodgaa and a brother to Mack F. Hodgaa of . Dunn. dUd Tmaaday morning In a PavottevtUo hospital front wounda raeafvad tat a bght, It Is alleged, with Jack and Jaaa Odum new Fa/attovMc Sunday, November 14. HU body waa brought kora Tote day afternoon aad conveyed ta tba faaeily burial around at tha old Hodgaa home between Dona and Mr. Hodgaa bad boon in a eml-eea tloua condition ainca tba fatal light. Ha waa vial ted often by hU relative* bora. It U said that the Odom bay* attacked Mm with an as* and vary nearly asrvarod on# of bit Ufa from Ma body. They are bow in Csmbcr Uad County Jail aweltlag trial on tbo charge of mardor. Mr. Hodgaa la anrvivtd by Ma fa ther. ter* broth*™ aad five itear*. The brothers are M. F. aad John; tbo •toUra, Mrs. flam PKtaaas. Mr*. Lao Foal. Mrs. T. L. And ora on and Mr*. L. J. Mu*. Waenua PUa at Ago of 1ST OroourilU, fl. C., Now. ft.—At the age af HI. Mrs. Ms gmrvt Mason, .bolUvad t* be ana ad the eldeat wo 1 man U th* rstlrv tenth, died at her 1 bom*, two mH** from drear, yoak torday moral af- Tba largo boat of surviving fotatlves Inclod* chUdron. Ws5fSL5SU-SS£“,'“ . /V- ■' ■ , • f ■ < * . \ MONEY SCARCITY HITS SAMPSON lluklt to Waai I ' , Clinton, War, tl.—Tha «nt crash to sorer in thi*comity at a ramlt swiafEasTtss faraior of Han’t township, aad tha owner aad operator of ■ lam m. nery aad planing plant ia Clinton. Roaing hiaisstf overwhelmingly lo roirad. Mr. Mclamb is said to Imra taken bis wife and ebildtan to her father’* home in another county aad; to hare absented himself from his home county. The ginaery tan op to that erening when it waa found that there were no fund* to -pay off the heads. Mr. MeLamh has bcea ane of ths most successful tobacco growers of tho county, but. seeing last year, as he thought, big money ia the ginning business, be established a modern plant ia Clinton aad la tor added a planing mill It la probable that, with the price* of cotton, tobacco aad ha bor maintained at tho peak of last mason's prices, ha would hero found hia is sourer* taxed to the utmost. Bui when tWw price* dronowd b» low corn or productioa of tho stapUs, the hope of weathering tho atorm vanished. Th* wriur ha* not pat had an a» thoritatlve lUtnuat of the amcnot of hit liabilities, tat haa heard that they encood ana hu ad rad thaomad dollar*. A number of Clinton eitiaon* ora told to bo looora, nnt through becoming secern ty and otherr aa are ditori. Mr. A. t. Cooper, father of Dr. Cooper, of tho 8toto Board of Health, in quite ill at his bom* her* hi Clin ton. Hit condition was such the mid dU of the week that hi* sons war* summoned. Dr. Ooopor after remain - Jng wkh hie father a dap or two re tantrd to Raleigh, tat waa reacted to fHam thia evening. .’•hat cams near proving a fatal colllaton of aatomobiloa occurred oao Ibis week a fow mllaa north lifnfiiiilKj bmta' D K*tT‘- ffl ** Gag nt high spoed^rban ha*m€t*an otb*r car comm* at an anally high ipeed. Tho two can eoHidad aad were drivoa into each other an powarfaOp that they had to ba dragnd to town and boon spent apoa them before they were separated. The doctor es caped with only (light acrctehaa and bruka, tat th* driver of the other ceric K. M. Vick, of Goldsboro, was aa severely Injured that h* hai beam ioid up all tho weak at tho Mon tagna beta! under tb* attendance of physicians The ecWtooa k said to ba attrttatabk to failure on tb* part of Vick to give half of the real aa 1>. Kerr's ear waa. of tbk week and spent it in tb* Clio-j ton school, observing the work end I the state of discipline, and it is gra tifying to report a moot healthfu’ condition prevailing. The tear bars nr* capable, /enthusiastic aad vigor ous. The student body is well be haved oad as a whale seems to bo remarkably latent open their work, la abort, it is evident that th* ackoo] ts in canefala bands and that th* boys and girls of this community hava a real chance to gat a high school edu RftifB Burke County Yoqp| Man Brutally Killed Hickory, Nov. 21.—Glenn Upward, a young white waa, wa* murdered and apparently robbed by unknown peraotu just aero si the Burke county line on the Bhadhlsa road. It develop ed this afternoon with tha Hading of hie body by oocac horsemen wbo saw it from tha highway. A pistol ballet crashed into hie bead and his skull wa* crushed with the bat end of a pistol, a part of which waa fawad nearby. A crumpled dollar Mil and a flat paraa alao wot found. Upper*, wbo was employed by a Hickory con cern, was said to kar s aboat seven hundred dellare with Mas when last seen Met night._ Giant Eagfe Attack* Eight-Year-OU Boy CamUnad ECeeSa Of TU rassdty Be Unload te Prevent Lad Being Carried Away Glendo, Wyo Nee. tt.—It took the combined effort* of the Spauld ing family to an the eight-ytar eld Welter gpaaldlng from boiag carried away by a giant eagle at their ranch giir |)|ff When Urn hors bird attacked Wal ter la the ranch yard, be «r»Wtd It by the neck aad ecrssmad for bate. John, hie 7-year-eld brother, came to lb© reacae aad a third bey raa foy bale. Mrs Spaulding beet oif the bird with e *U*k aad eagle sltacked her. She wsi eared wbee Mr. Speslding cam* whh e eketgaa aad dlepsu-hed the bird. It had a epraad of eight feet. The two beys wsrs serersly later ■tad by the aagjeb eiasrs. CHANGE DATES POSt MEETING OP EOtTOU Seliabsry. »«*.» —T>f *■**•»•» the meeting of the Marth Carolina Prom AeaecisHea, ta be held la Char lotte. hare heea obaagsd hem lea oary 4 aad • te the t end f. The Dec ember bulletin will r I • • I a o HERMAN SMITH KILLED IN HOT WITH SOLDIERS Wh WANTED FOR ESCAPE FROM CAMP BRACC P»*» With Forty Bat k «-li Not To Hwi Find Upon D*»d Man’* Car — Body At Hodgoa Chapa! Cma> tary. Ha naan Bnitk, an afltad daaatV tka amy waa UDad by mV atari tron (bay Bran a baa pay P"*4 “ mtaaMbila P wbkb j* mar Pa beta at Mr . L«wi* Hod«*. early Banday lanapf Faar aPer eccepanta «f tin ear war* aninjmd ao far aa Pa MPa da pargaeat her* baa baa* able to Para. Thirty bailee boles awn foead p tb« car wbaa tt was diatom«d •ntibonr.JPtrr to tbelmmafWaeb “i Dvike. gaaday aflaraaea. At Imp nine of pm* tad entered hwithbJbody.^ daaP probably .rtaalt wmo Uamiib'flPtaP. tin batata bat* confer or the ear. other bmllctj hod wrecked oea of tha headlights InuZlt iJTsca hr Chief of Police PoKeWhaaTho • Sto Maunt o*1**. riot kero. Bo wm bob of MaLpkS »f Wayne County. *u mlrriedwd * ■no tha father of aavataTamaSr SZ Iran. Hla body was hartad in Hedgm zsrs&JZirgxrjL£ wha toed la aatf dafenat, it hei^ a? icged that ahota weaa “ * ^ todth car whaa ha_we order ed to holt- Chief of Polio Poo. and Policemen Nipper dlcra, who were a captain, when ana rad. According to an s^Ssst •* ismsm \*v* reaped from Camp ft3«g «a November 1. It it mid that ha pre rioualy had aaenpad from Oamp Greene and Camp Savior. Tha local oAcsr* were asked to aoeempawy the oarty as guides to the hamaa of John Moore, Ida Johnson and Wash Jack son, at eaa of which Smith waa mid la have heea Maying. It la aald that Smith waa m tha home of Ida Johtsen. Tha eeldtera were waiting far hla return from there whan the ear aaade Ha appear aace at tha creasing of tha roada done of John Lewis Hofgei place According to thair testimony they stored the ear to stop. Tha ancarar, fear any, wan a shot from some one " CMT Then It wm, aoeordiag !b7l. 2dCkil^°S.‘iSi uSTiSK. ■“"* rther woman waa seated wish k„ ^ tha front seat. oaa of dm? ^ wS mid had aim been shoe Seme mid that the died late Saadey afterueon. but no verifkatton of this rumor could be had. la mbs other places It waa flatly daalod that any ether person waa hurt. Southfield Man Killed By Friend Accidentally Smiihfteld. Nav. II.—frVte, ternooa whilaawt i ■*-“ •—“ -- Tbomaa i Ta'iton •hot by hi* compute*, chiner, and dtad at tba Memorial 1 pttal ham laat Bight. Mr. Tahoa bad teat at a rabbit aad miaaiag him call ed to hla companion to ahoot Urn. At thir tiaao, Mr. MtteUaar, who waa down drinking water from a ■prtng, i3’Sj63u«r*IsiAt“i5 entire load of rhot taking afoot M Mr. Tattoo** right law. jam below tbo h***, brooking the bona* ud error lag tba artorleo He died a few boon afterward* from tbo lorn of Mood aad tbo abock. Ho norm regainad conrelotMDoaa after naobtag tba boa ptteL Mr. Taltea waa' abaot M yaara af ago and Uavaa Ma widow, a aaaoml wife, with her on* child, aad two chUdraa by a forma* -nnrtiagi Mr. TaKoa *m a aoaaaarated mamba? af tkk Baptlrt eharch aad a oolet aad uaofal elUpea af tba eoortr. Mr! Tattoo will be baited tomonow. bat at tbit Un* tba funeral-gimnli sS'arSiHSfirS iaataaUy killed, jnat kotow tba warn teg at tbo oU cotton mOL Mr. fm jMi waa waMteg down oa tba aab neuod railroad inch, aad roetly fa front af train ja

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