THE DUNN ISP Volume Vll , . Dunn, North Carolina. N . 30. 1920. ■—i—|—ii—^————^_ __ MEN SHOOT WIVES IN WAKE COUNTY; NO REASON KNOWN S. P. Shadrick And Charles De vi* Are In Raleigh Jail ONE IS INTOXICATED; ‘ THE OTHER A MANIAC Man And Hit Children Found Sitting in Kitchen Watching Corpse When Sheriff Arrive* —Placed Part of Heed in Stove—Both Crimea Mon day. Nov. lit.—Charier Davie la lying in Wake county jail paralys ed drunk nnd 8. P. Shadrack >* gib bering accounts of hi* domestic mad neoe while neighbors are Marc hire for any reason that led Davis, a far ■aer, and Shadrick, a tenant in nor thern Wake, to shoot to doalh their wives this morning Davis fired five pistol shots at hit wife and three bullets went through her head. She was still living late this evening. Shadrick blew half the ois wuc on ana ii roll in a atom, h* aayu. Others declare it won ' wrapped In paper and placed there. Daeia haa lain on tho jail floor with out twhehin* a muacle for 18 hours. . Shadrick declares he "shot hii wife whan ha found a men with her.” Shadrick ia a * discharged Inmate of the state hospital, and. of courea. ' than ia nothing against his dead wife. Ha has gone craxy again. He ia far above the average of the tenantry in education and talks at tinea lumin ously. Mrs. Shsdrkk s people live in Mullins, 8 C-, he says. He has a son 18 living at home and a daughter three years old. The infant ia named Nall Cropery, ^flar the Elisabeth Citr girl whoa# drowning sent Jim Wilcox to prison for 80 >rir>. The two faimara killed their wives early this morning. Nobody teems to hare any light to throw on Davis, who has monkey nun enough in him to make drunk every prisoner* who breathes the malodorous fomt-a The coroner went out*IR miles to the hom icide and hald an inquest over Hr*. - J^ck Tha sheriff says it was nee aittinifl^Ui^kltchanwit^tkeehil dren watching the body. Davis and hit wife never had any trouble of which the neighbors knew. Shadrick was several months in the state hospital. He was not “right" this morning, be says. But he thought ha was well when he left the hospi tal. He believed in his wife until he found her untrue and he tcila bin lunatics! story only to destroy it with another hallucination. Tha sabering of Davis tomorrow may give some light on his affair, which has amased tha county beyond Col. Cox Fighting To * Keep History Straight From 30th DWWioo l. Hi. daaVvrg Drift Washington, Nov. *lb“! L. Cox, provident of the Oid Hickory association, 13th division, today call, od the attention of Senator Simmoni to the efforts of the people of Nero York to claim for the 27th divieior moot of the credit for the bn-akin| of the Hindeabur* lino. He a»k» Sen •tor Simmons also to bring to the at tontion of the war department th< program for the location of a eemc tery at Bony. This cemetery, Colone Cox says Now York wants to taki itaad •Although the famous 80th dWlsloi has been given chief credit for break ing through the German lino, it as poafs that certain New York folfc believe the 27th had mare to do wit] that hiatorie performance, Colone Cox mys New eYrk wants to tak as_s ■___»* Tho letter hot by Colonel Cox to , the Motor winter rands: "Thors haa boon a continuous ef- , fort on tho part at tba people of New York state to gain for themselves and the soldiers who in France, represent td these, the entire credit for break ing the Hlndenborg line. I notice now that an effort Is being made to locate one of As ton American ce meteries In France nt Bony, to bo known 'ns "Flanders Field." The loca tion of each o cemetery shcold be by all means at Bclleeourt. I enclose copy of an editorial that baa recent ly appeared A the Journal and Trib une, ef Knoxville, Tenn. "ptenoe bo good enough to bring Ats matter to As attention of At war department ia order that pro per credit may be given la. Aa men wh* wore mainly raapenrihfc for As AmorWhn ofenalva la Flanders." | TTt~1~g Backward “I Ota not anxious to a««*UruU the approach of the period the greet mass of American labor shall hot Bud its employment ia Ac field; when the young men of the country shall bo obliged to Aut their eyes upon external nature, upon the heav ens and the earth, and Immerse them •dree In close and unwholesome work shone] rtts they shall be ob liged lo shot the+r ears to tba bloat ing of their own flocks upon their ' „n kino, end to tho voice ef the Ck Art cheers them rt Avir plows, that the* may open them la dug and !£oke and Vlaam to tb. pdmtaal whirl ef moola and spindles, ami the renting ofrnapu and mwa. —Daniel WoWler. Negro Boy Accidentally Shot by Chat. Goodman Allan Lea Diaa From Wound* In flict'd B7 HlOOtrltM Shot Coo Al).n Loo. a colored youtli, was ■hoi and killed at ihc home of liij mother just ol town on Broad Street by Charles Goodman, a lothur colored boy, Monday afternoon. The ■hooting, according to the verdict jof the coroner's Jury presided over by llr. Arnold, war accidental. died two hour* oftci hr wdii shot. I According to the leijtimiiny given I before the coroner, wae stand ing beside a uh in hio mother's kit chen when Goodman, who woo ex amining a hommerlcss, single barrel shot crun, accidentally pulled the trig ger. The sutirr. Itnd of allot en'rriti ‘the boy’s hmd just above the tight ear. ahallei ng hie skull. Hr. C. D. Codd int'ion and Dr. 1. F. lllckn. srho attended Ik- boy. testified that the shot wus firod at rinse range, but were unable to dstsrminc the site of the shot when tome doubt arose as | to whosr shell was in tho gun at the time it was find. Judge Pritchard In Hospital Very Sick His Frioada Are Warned Over Hit Coadjtioe — Coafiaed To Bod Far a Week Asheville, Nos 'ilt. -Friends here are worrird about the condition of Judge J. C. Pritchard, presiding of ficer of the United States clrerit court of appeals for the fourth cir cuit, who was today removed Jo the Misaion hospital, Jadgv Pritchard has been , ill for sons time bat had suffi ciently recovered to hr able to gv1. out, until about a week ago when he was again confined to hit bed. Bin condition grew wort# ned he has now been taken the hospital, where he will receive treatment It was stated at the hospital tonight that ho ia rott ing easier but it was understood that he is very nick. SAMPSON FARMER HEAVILY INVOLVED IUc*4v«r Named by Judge Con nor to Straighten Oat Hta Financial Affaire I . E. Britt rffd'.vcv for Enoch McLamL. the Sampson county fanner and ginner. whose failure and fight were reported In last week's paper. Me Lamb and his family appear to have left their home In Hall's township without any thought or care for the household (foods or stock He Is supposed to ;hav,- been in Wake county, though It 'is reported here this evening that hr spent the last night in his o.d neighborhood, ten miles north of Clinton. The ginnery has not ^open ed, but Receiver Britt ha» placed a watch on guard. Mr. Britt report* teat the liabilities ' appearing this morning ware a bo at $140,000. but today a mortgage haa been received by the Register of Deeds from the Dank of Warsaw for the sum of $100,000, and conveying to the Bank of Warsaw practically all ihr propcity possessed by *e' Lamb, all which is claimed in the i mortgage to be free from encumber lance. It ia understood that IWaJj* owed the Bank of Warmw $14,000, und no explanation of the reason for this mortgage haa been received here. It would naturally bo Inferred that McLamb haa made arrangements to secure the money to corrcei Isis ob ligations. hot it Is hardly though! 1 reasonable that the Bank or Warsaw, even If it could spore the money, 1 would be willing to loan any such ! sum upon the assets of the bankrupt Your correspondent baa been in 1 formed that the Jefferson Standard ■ Life Insurance Company it a credit ■ or for a large sum, and that It Is pro • babie that criminal proceeding* will ( be instituted by that company, as 1 frond U said to be involved in the ► deal. The National Life Insurance is era, aiav, a*» ■ *.*—**• ^- . ititrable mb. Thv UKU of McLamb fall *mny .houmnd dellara ihort of the llabili- ' .too, not including the $1»0.000 ' Mortgage to the Bonk of Warmw. rhi> aportgag* I* mid to tart boon probated by a Wake Coanty J**tiee ' >f tbo Pome*, and alro by the Claric >f Wake County Court. It la a muU ler of roryr'oc here that Mr. Me Lamb (Would have found it pooaible to br rome Involved to the nmoanf he hn*. A giaood K#*oiv**»hlp Mr. M. K. Britt, by content, hae boon appointed receiver for the Clin ton bnainoae of Sarkhi Tadr. a Syrian, who hoe a etor* aim In Bolelgh. It eoetna that Tody Wad never paid Har^ erovo and Matthew* for the (took of good* booght from Ihera when they went out of bail net* and that it i« due to preanure from thla eoarco that the rocaivrrahlp ho* been Instituted. Tody's CHhion etore ha* boon under the manage***nt of hi* nophow, Mr A. David, and much sympathy la fcH for him at the failure of the badness a* ho hn* conducted It in -a genteel wny and hoe mod* many friend*, poubtleaa, the failure i» .da# to the general atriageney of the time*. The International - Borcau of Weights and Menaaro* announce* thot the Swim hove taceoedod In ea rned ring variation* in timekeeping dec to the cupontlo* and conUaetion of the part* of a »«»**■ The American Farm Burma F«£ aratlon will meet la IndlaoapoU*. De comber «. 7. ». for the par porn al formalatlng a naUonal agnealtara polloy. BANKS WEATHER STORM OF PRICE READJUSTMENTS Brief Market Rally Wu Of Vigorous And Helpful Character SEEING SIGNS OF HALT; EXPORT MARGINS GROW Restricted Buying And De ri inoa Nated in All Lino. Shoe Industry Begins To Tilt* hopeful View And Tanner* Are Now Buying Hides. New York, Nov. 2*. —The week’s eeenti in the security mitikeU teed cd to conrirm the view taken a week ayo that the worn of the liquid Alton and tht M ini demoralised condition* ox the ctock market was over for ihu preamt Tbit rli»e* not moan that .«*BKlhinc way not occur to brtnir about a frrifh outburst of *rlbng; it msuM\* ou'y thsit the utterly b*d alt oaiion of y week uro Friday and Sat — --/ vruunwru HUT IXSIK tnr ennnng vi ok. The rally that be gan « week n**r> yesterday and con tinued until Tuc relay morning was “f a«, character, and tbe acc omluiy decline which followed that rally, logical in 1 Lei-If, did not devel op into a renewal of rcckloe.* throw. 1''^ ova'board of rtorka While it ia true that In individnal instances there usrs new low piteea record’d, with apeclnl weakness here ar.d there, the stock market list as a whole did not get down to the tow levels ol eight or nine days ago. Tho might easily hare been a ‘•double bottom" aa a matter of spe culative movement alone, but the oeco.-^lary low level waj considerably shove making a "double bottom.’' Accordingly., those who follow tho speculative picture from day to day, from week to weak, and from mouth to month, foot chat if a more pro longed rally than two or three days were to occur it would be within speculative reason. It la to be admitted that business conditions ars not today of a charac ter to laspirt. optimism. If they were, securities would probably nut be al most at the bottom of a tremendous decline the period of steel romj _ jer curtail.' Prices' or steel presets are being reduced by tho Independ ents. which arc suffering from can cellations and lack of see orders. In nearly all line* of industry there is the same story of restricted buying, consequent slowing down of opera tions. with frequent wage reduction*. Tbut is the- course of readjustment r.nd Lbs stock market hua bean dis counting It. Cotter's Severe Decline Thu si-vrru decline In eot&cn dur ing the week was more than discour aging to speculative sentiment. rv firmi »*iu vmici K'l'iin •««« »*•* etl to new low level*. Partial recov eries have been turned into fresh de clines. The cupper metal market h!» been roiwpicioiuty doll and weak, with very little buying, even at the denrolled level of 14 cents a pound, the price nf which talc* have been made for delivery during the first quarter of neat year. Saki for prompt delivery were made on Fri day ns low nr 18 8-4 cent*. This «ort of thing of couwe mili tate* against any aubetantial buying in the expectation of a riae in stock* Should buying that would amount to anything appear K would probab ly be mostly for the short account, which is still believed of large pro po’tiont. notwithstanding the mnple opportunities that have presented themselves for speculator* for the decline to cove/ their outstanding contract* The extent of the short In tcve-t ha.* been estimated In respon sible quarters as high as 1,800.000 lu 2,000,000 rliars* but whether that be true or not there is no knowing. One thing that would suggest the pos sil'ility of a aquuetc of the Wort in ternxt one of these days Is tho fact hoi thtre »re to miny Mtr^wroto n th«r tfmt In «o». »fe" £^5: Btaaiun house tradcT to notoneualj hort. Unquestionably the time vlRemi rhea prlett of commodititt wBl hatjr >ccome *<»Hlllird at a new lava!. When that t' will ho os ler.ded the right hand of fellowship. “Oates.” fay the way, ia a most on gaging kid given a ntUe too muck to loquacity. $erhapa, but on the lob and up-and-comin’ U the time. His nil great handicap is hii foot. They, unfortunately, are not modelled for Indoor use. Oates should have been . . a .a _ri. ____# open prune*, where ho would hove room to port Ms helium without dis turbing thr equilibrium of the root of the country. Them foot or* won der*. They reoemWe plus submitted by Jotmphu* for tho uow dread naughts be wants Hr. Harding's party to buy for tho nation- All the furni ture around tho place that has coma in contact with them win have to be tent to John Hodge* hospital Jer decrepit chair* and things. That good old stove tjhot baa kept a long l»n* of prinUrfa® la a aai warm condition through tho suntan of other years ia tho moat terrible sufferer from Oates’ fed -hot Oat** it not conscious of it. The other dap h’c passed the store sefth those foot striking Lbeir aeon) drwn. One of thorn aide-swiped tho inoffensive .thing. Ontes did not naJJeo what hap pened to the stove But yesterday Bus had to go dowa to B*c Holliday l and bay a now caatrlvnne* that set him bach Just seventy bouoa. Thom as haa such isolates should keep them musalcd or in batter training. Fifteen Warehouse* In Liverpool Burned SImf*w» IJvcrpool, Nov. — Fifteen oarohoaees la Uverpoel and Bootle, s suburb principally ectton ware houses in Liverpool were eat on (hr* last night. Two of the warehouses in Liverpool wort burned set Qaso line cans and paraflne wevo foend about the pnrieiMt. It *aa Mated in pelice quei ten there was strong evi dence that the Bret were the work of Bine Felnere. Some shooting eoeurred after the outbreak of the flaaoa. Constable* on the scone won flood st and bal lets passed through the clothing of some of them, but new* was injured One civilian was shot deed. ORGY OF OUTRAGES IS LAID AT POOR OF SINN FKINRRS London. Nov. IS—The Liverpool cornpjrpondmt of tlw ToW* gram ia an nntfanod nsoaango todsy uyg: t "An orgy of autiwgu and dooUue tian believed to have been engineer od by Rina Felnen was carried oui I In if cotton wnrehouses sad seven lumber yard* bora. Seven Nr A worn II burning at onou, neceeaRotlng a cal for the smistaaoo of outlying *n brlgadM. Many af th* Brea an buns Inf REFUSES LEGACY OF ONE MILLION; WILL GO TO WORK Quite Carted Thinka Christ Would Haro Dona The SAYS MONEY LIFT $Y ’ RATHER 15 NOT MI5 ' , ** 1_ Wifo Jdfu la Renunciation Of L Woalth For lUason. Aaai.n •d By Husband—His Broth » Sbara" ot Eatata LaftHfat—Motbar Footing '■ -Hb illla Now. Baaaarda Bay, Maai , Nor. »r~ Outlet GajTabd, the young man aha hat eeseuaead h!» right to a mUlte dollar htwy Un Um by ki» father, laqaA. Galltnd. who was a weal th* Mmaa sad yalchmaan ef Bow taa, taday made a formal etalrmmt af hU reaaona far rejactiog the mo »«*.?* Haiauont, he-aaid. »aa tea 3 *te,ta«t that-the, many re porta af hit failure to accept tha legacy bad UM property to prasoat hta poai “I rate** .to accept the money be Sanaa U u not mtoa/* was now his aeteCT IwdM* am fifftd SteteteJ taOtf. A extern which laavaa p sick peman HW* •‘d* *•«» |h aervidte to a My. be all. "They aa almas'. fraud to point out A* power that hare in ay hands, hnt it is Urn most pitiful thing they CO aid poiai to. Yeti cannot minra God and Mammon. Bo many paopls raady to aersa the doila* menu ao many leas to sarre God There are great opportunities to dc good .■ hut they are in man' nehtet* i good, but they are in aoa’i heart not in ay check book. A preach* in th* name of Cbriat laid this ail* lion ahould have been lamed to good. Ha thinks that God's work is paid for I- n.d'e .nUc «l(ll HAVdr Ks done until nrn sec that this theory U untrue." Mr. Garland’* statement was made from his home here, a fer mor ilia of stage cooeh days. The young mas, who Is II years of age. Is lielng nt the house with hi* wifi and infant daughter as the guest of his mother. Mrs. Marie Tudor Grom who supplies them with a maid »nc keeps their larder fall. He plans ti go to work eventually, ke said, but a year at Harvard college, which he loft to get married, and preparatory schooling is this country and in Eng land fitted him for ao work ready at hand, and be mid be thought It would be spring before bo found anything. Hta wife joined with him In his re nurtciaUon of the million. Garland said. Hie mother, although not hold lag the same yiews, has told him u do what be thought right. Brother Accepts Shore la another house on the estate live* James A. Garland, third, a bro ther of Charles Garland, who has ac cepted hie chare of hit father’s estate made larger by the fact that the mo ther of the boys abandnred her right* a ardor to marry rranrw n. t.reen iftar the death of her flrat husband U Harvard college <• HamUtoa Gar nnd, a third aoa who lacka arveral Booths reaching hia majority. HU Hotter. Ckarlre. raid today that he ladersloed Hamilton alto waa eon ■Iderring refusal to ttko Mr Ante shoe ha becamo of age. Their Ideas ob the eobjoct wore, somewhat aim! 1st, ha as Id, although the mfloeneee of education and oavlreamcat were not Identical. Garland I ad tea tod that hia refoml to take the money wh* net hoard nr any question attached to the oilgln cf the Garland fortane. eaylng he did not know from whut ewrec It wa derived, bat ho believed h came down from hie grandfather. PRgSCMT SILVER CHEST TO RETIRING PASTOR Hamlet, Nor. S7.—An enjoyable occasion her# waa the gathering Of a large n ember of Methodists of Ham let at the charrh on ThankcgWlag night, when Rev. I. H. Buffalo*. the retiring poalor, waa praaentrd with a cheat at silver. . The recent conference trwnimi Hr. Buffalo* to Dana. n*d appointed Rev. W. C. Martin, of Wevt Durham to the Hamlet ehai-gv. „ , The Methodic* thorch In Hamit haa grew* wonderfully during th three yearn Mr. Buffalo* has been It pastor, and the eeap.tgadloa part with klm with much rvfteL. i' Mr. Buff alee and \u family « peat to leave for Dunn during th eoaalag week. New Pastor Will Arrive Over D. and S. Thursday •oo. J. H. x. |M , L Bcv. J. R. Befiloc, who is to soe fwd tVr. Jimi M. Denial as poster of Dirir.e Street Methodist Church bore, will writ* la Doan Thursday c*enlog at 1:4& over the Dortuas aad Sou then Hallway. Mr. Daniel wiU lesve. Frida* afternoon far W liming ton, where hr succeed* Bor. John H. Shon- SJ prejidintr elder of tbe Wtt mi-jcton District. Mr. Bottalea la at ptosent at Hamlet. M-. Buffalos U one of the ablest ;■ teacher* uf the No th Catalina eon i feeenre. Re has bald aoma af tbs mort important charge* la the slats [ srd is classed as one af tbe bast j worker* of the conference. Hs has beer with church** la Fmikllatoa. Wilmington, Cat* aad Olka* North Carolina towns. He and SB" family win mere* late the p-roo sms nasi tbefr aadval (bars. A d&OtRn af Methodists will meat tha saw pastor aft tba metier Thursday evening. 9 _ Newton Grove Road Work le j road was eesnletod Porter aad. Pock _n forces whs Soes saily i the eatiro length af tht highway has boon rosatfacad with sand aad elay aad la now clamed as eno of tho heat rc!l.d>.." dis part of tha state. Practically -*6,000 af tba I1M00 wo* rrnmd thro«h pcieata sobaertp t>oa and aaall SpproprUttoaa from Hampton aad Johaatoa Countlao by the Bunn Chamber af Comma** ha. base expended aa the toad. Tha Mm remaining from this faad will be held far further wort with the crop* from the market* anti] price* sdvanre. it are* mid tonight bp Frank , K. Xabater, apcelal eJetant ta the. Attarary Gaaarml in charge asti-i trait i'>i»rrotiona.. |, Sir. Ncbckr-r** explanation . that, department's attitude foUoarad tha , recent statement of Charie* 8. Bar- , intt, president of tha National Farm •nC Union, that ha underload that , Federal agents wore attempting ta obtain raid ewer for proaeeMlen is ; Kar.sac. Iowa and other Middle Wna tern States. The Claytoa aati-traet set, Mr. Nebekar laid, expraaaly provides that Agricultural orgaaisatlon*. out hav ing capital (taefc a* conducted for profit, eanavt ba construed aa can jpirseies in restraint af trade. With holding of crop* fratn market for personal profit, Mr. Nobeker assert ed, probably would not ha held a* organisation profits. Mr. Nrbeker also explained that the limitations on the appropriation act for the enforcement af the anti trust laws would seem to preclude ac tion against the farmers, Ian—neb as the act specifics that no part af the appropriations shall be expanded for the prosecution of farmers whs cooperate to obtain a fair and raaaan sblv prior far their products, Mr. No beker declared, would however, pro bably govern In any specific ease that might arise as it would stem that alaca the present taws forbids pro secution where the effect Is to ob tain s fair price conversely attempts to obtain snfair sad unreasonable prices would ba contrary to the law. Arrest Two More Men In Burke Homicide Cm Father And Broth or of Mon la Jail Chargad With Baiag A« Hiekory, Nor. »T.—John «d Jh neJTner, father and brother ot Cacti aad Dock Hefaor, two of Uid throo men held in the Burke roonty Jail for murder of Clean IJppard, wore anottad kora today sad ralaaaad un der bond* of ♦2,r>00 each aa eoeee eerlaa after tha fact in tha murder. Shortly after their arroat, A. A. Whitcnt-r, employed by all the du fcr.dunU. iaaucd a atatraaaat «a nor In thio eaaa (-■ , „_ two other Hrfaara and worn limocoat of the e Hear Ha aald he bad tafacmation ha waa willing ta •ha ta the State that would araiet in tha yrotceutlon af tha guilty yar "*Tha linking up of tka State reflH eaaa with the Burka caaaty tragedy kaa no! epoeed ofRcore haru ta doubt . for a nlihia tka they lam a dfjnj • C*M foolaaef Um 1m>T H«S), but IM] Larin await with dee* iatarom tha ro I tall af tha Mgr** «■ » Chart** I aanatarlum of tha blood taken fruu '.tha highway aaar BtataarOa. 'I The preliminary bearing will b i bald at Margawton n»«t Thurada; ‘afternoon, taatead of Taaaday aa an ■'rman.—l Solicitor Huffmea waa bap ■ at home by Hlaum aad did aot raad Hickory today. N. C. GIVES PARTY BIGGEST MAJORITY IN ENURE UNION Of 81,000 ^ INCOME AMENDMENT NAS MAJOWTT OF 177,000 . tounri AdJ«—— Ml Uatl •M»r Wbm Twm Ci— *>" «—•* Umk~4 F—i “mi ln: tin 390,000 Vo«m, M Eul to . Another day of Tirirhio tfaw4 was (•Mod by the Mato Board of Etoe tloM yeatorday. wakiac for Mum Jr— two eoantioe and (ho Board ad foarnod to await t—irrcw with the that *a report* wfl} be hi. If SfufeSaSi •• •t the •arty uhlo in the- Km, with Guilford and Forsyth hi oocoad sad third pioee* rMpoetfcroly. Harnett Farmers Are Radier Down-Hearted Duke, Nov. *9. — Tho formers throughout thlt section u» rsthor de •pendent over tho low prices of cot ton, ugd vary little li being marketed. A grant many ara holding la hope of btUar prices. Thooo who ten mar keted claim that their staple has bean •old far lam thaa tha coat af pro duction,