! America Lie it catena te 7!:cs$ - • ‘ --- -1—-_ i Th« Kurapran louncH, which nvti U> raiaa 133,000.000 at <*■ Ctir.eimaa aeuaua, b.<- f >• tunned Tor the purponu of throwing tha entire charitable eoerg> »fi. < 'tied Klulch Into Ulu >lln| rank of providing food and OMvIhwl aaalataoee to 'ilul children la envleni and central Europe ttala • liner. HepreaoniaU • • ftiglil greet relief orcaaiautiuna. working tnda- [ te n.lenity, gathered o nlng e, ihncv that the- plight of thaaa oufortu- ] Untva abould tnka prv . In world charity uclU tney are aavad. Tha m-ut>erating agcn. lea > n form the Council are tha American Belief Admin let ml Ion. the American lied Clove, the American Frlenda' Service Committee ((Jmikcra), tha Juwiab Joint UUtnbullen Committee, the Federal Council of the Cburcbca of Chrtat Is America, (be Kolghte of Columbtu. UM !. H h i Mini tha Y. W. G A. a HIE VALUE GE COM CROP COTTON EXPORT CORPORATION | HAS ALREADY BEGUN TO FUNCTION. i Movement la Baaed Upon the Pr'aci pie of Assembling Credit Pewer of Cotton Growers Themselves fer Ex tension of Credits Neceeeary to Re apering European Mark eta. _- 1 .Ttelelart'..—In'a lector k> Richard I. | RAaonJog. tenner Guvernor ol Buuto and sue Leading too Amer Pndsctl Export and Import tor poratiuo, Ooaaroor Bh-krtt hue given Ondorearaent to tho »r«al South •rm movement growing os* of tbs A»l>ar+ran Cotton AenrH-tacioc to re opso the markuta of Bumps to tho •■RA'i staple and forntiAing the crodlu necessary to this end. “I am tnBofa laloreatod B the cor. poratioa of wtiiefa you are president,” Goearaor Blcketl haa written fonder ' Governor Manning "I am lmpresir.1 'wtth the aeceeeXy of eucb aa organ •"“•of to order to properly market , Two rnooUa ago car weal tad cot Soo export oorporattoo wax only an tdaa. bat a matter bo which Oovar ■ar Meaning and other eoantUblnh teg men bad already derated lone axd earafel thought, bscaoiaa In R Uoy aaw what they believed to be toe JL—^1^-— • »Jt_ r «nn«l practical wcy of woreng uui c.« South's econo’nlr laivuuon In two month* alar* October T. w:t*n the mo.rra m waa launched at a meet., t held ft: Columbia. practlcnl* I? JS.OCti.BBO of me American Products Bttpn. i and Import Corporalloa'a cap 'V *trHk of Jtd.OM.OBd has been p4Ctd la South Carolloa alone, the ec opun> has h*.*n rharland under the laws of that Suta. upwards of n-'ty per tout. of tba subscriptions k.-va been paid In .ami the corpora, ti'.n la now ariimlly In operation. Tba nioet algnljimat thing about the success of this movement to South Carolina la tha fact that al though thn farmers are unable to sail C'-tioa vii-v.pt at a big losa. tha mar ket price lining fwr below cost of pro div.^iiju. It la the farmer* of South Carolina who have subscribed tha lurger portion of the JJ.OOB.OOB raised in that State. South Carolina farm, •r* and bwrlnnaa men have been gulch to renltir that ns eoon aa tha Ivo pean markets, now clows*. am rw opened to lb* Souih'a cotton—sad the Europoan erioner* wMh mllllooa of l>l!« spisdlua wMt huy the raw oottoo they wood tn rruumo operaUoni and |*--y u good price I or It. If oaly they da not have to pay for K new—aha et-mutaUat affect-' will be reltBctwd la file domestic market The American Products Export and Import Corpora. fl.« la designed tn awrvw aa a connect ing H»h between tha Southern cotgpn , s Ortons, have had must look Only to riemeelve* la the future.” "The cotton export corptiretloa vrMlo htw.iur.lcc In himth IVr. t’na la not ' nyd to that btrtc V-at h-r *k • craiklar ikow ot the muvemant ms it necesaarUy be South-wide tn aeon*, tiering aotualty begun K* functioning, tba movement aow attends lau> North Carollaa ft ardor that the gamer* and btudnaaa mea ot tkia 8mm am/ participate. Meet lags ara bolitg arranged ft he held la various oounty aaale betweea suv and Christmas, which the tarns ars aad buetnaae mm ara So be In vited to attend, aad ad which will ha present representative* ot the Ameri cas Products Export aad Import Cor pora! k>a who will explain Ha pleas aad perpesaa ta detail. ."It w* are to save cotton and aa aare mraalvaa *d getting the veto* at the Sooth's cotton crop BOW and In the More we must ooncera onnatve* ae oottoa growers with ft* factor* which ere reeponalbte lor the pear demand sa raflocted fas the piece at market," ea/e Waller ft Duncan. Comptroller General elect of South Cur olios, who ft In this State ft Us Interest of the cotton export oorpens t»» movemeot, “Cur preeeet boo toe* ore directly baceeble to goretga trade difficulties. Oodtoe ha* slump ed because, la aplte of tbe greet qeed sod desire lor the staple In Murope. the Buropeeae are unable to bay and P»y cash aa formerly. The/ would toko bow greet qaentltles of low grade oottoa. wbloh ftatr factories here always need But ft* grant A atari* le oredk- The redore, the credit power of the oottoa growers them selves mam etc*seamy be aaeaasbhsd lor th* extension uf the necasewry credits to reopen the markets sow aineed aad to set in motloe again th* m: 11 loos of Burupeen epfndlea aow hhe." It la to most tala emergency aad ft lasure against a recurrence of prweent dutiesrt' conditions ta future that th» notion export oorporetKm —re boot bn* base lnaagu rated. rUUHT OF REFUGEE CHILDREN TERRIBLE Ome hundred tbona.-tnd lioistan ref». xeea In Poland r Li»«oluiet« dcattruta. according lo odl-lat ratimalaa Tile majority of ihei. are woman and chll dran. The comltlluii of ihn lanar [.. r. ilcnlarly la |ilitfal and ebay will b* aiiuMig Ihc bMiaUdarioa frutu ilia £!&.(OOOOU fund being raped by tbu European Halle. Coutull. roinpoeed of elgkl leading Atncrlcnn ref . agmr'ce for a Jotoi appeal la be* atf of rive millions of little Bnrwprana tgho mi. look only la America far tb» food, clothing and ttedlcal care that will maka U piMltU for tbeiu to aurrlta (bo wlatar. CONTRiiUTIO'* EXEMPT FPOm' taxation. Ountrihutloaa to the collenloa of the European Relief Council tor the European children’* relief fend are ex empt. treat taunon and uay he de ducted from lo cotut tn. rwtoruA no* ronjun* lo a ruling that has twee made by tbe office of loiyranl He meat Id Wightor a , * .... . One million too bmndred tboneead children In Poland today need medical attention. TMf condition hat bene caused by hanger and curt. To on re them the Europoet. Relief OouncH la appealing to the people of the United ■tolee far SSS.OOO.OOO to carry an re lief work in atrtekee Eoropm I ARHj^JutJ M 19 RCCI* 1 J?J »>/ this c nor o tot of In* tc.T.ol Rcvrnua m*d\ ;...j . beurxguponir.cn ,pr,.V • cillnnroai U*r* a »rt <1 r: | - •S t fiscal yeu . ,r, . TJ •' i u1»!r te fcc i p>3gre«ziv*r.e c of i-j . Noith Carolir. a r. V t -.elghbcr* of 'll' 'ti i a> regard w,‘‘J» f 1 »T* c •he Southern Stat . North > j •• paid the hearieot x to tV . mont laat yenr. a r« than Virginia with it. cttiee; ■ re than Geo •ith ltiriehana, and morv tin Maryland with ita pltndld met upu I'e, with tha Diatr it of Colombia Lhiown in. in all. Tarheel m contributed $l«».fO getting rich, bat they cannot beeoj, richer than they atairvi Of court* the | riving tobacco ln durtor of North irolinx ta Urvcly rciponaiblo for th great volume i*f taxeu paid to tha pvemment. Wina ton alone, it la aai paid more in to bacco tore* than Jany other eingtc my In the UnitedfState*. Moreover. North CaroUniBna *re profited heav ily from their eottM. which laat year brought them UnMaccdentod price*. Their yellow pine, foreet* constitute another grout aaaut, »» do thair hum ming cotton mllia, gad thair expand ing trucking indnigry. Herc’a hoping thnt the “down-hom era" will proaper Bg. Uii. year than Jail and more nagt year than thle. They are aa Induction* people, re xoorc* fal and farmeirtx. Alvo they »ie among the aktrwdeal trader* In the world. They Uv« Warned how to make money, agd bow to aavo K. ■n the last ten yam*, it 1* uid they have invertad $l»,000,O00 in aoto mobilju. which instates that tha puo Pic of the State Mow how to enjoy what they hav« made—Richmond Time* Duontrh. 30,000 YOUNGSTERS VICTIMS OF RICKETS or all tesoaess that are kKsi a deadly tel aaiaal tea children of Vii'iiaa a* tea *aadt of lader-fearim* girheca la peering the meat rartoas and widespread meaaca Mat teas (has So.. Oou chlldraa are cuffarlng from tlna painful ateMOaa, accord!04 to bflh-UI aatlisaiaa. Ta icacaa teaaa thread* rmridhw proper food, do thing and martini at ■ration that other wios Ibcj esonoi oh tain I bo Sarogeaa thief OeasHI. com puoad of eight loading AmericaD no H«f agencies. la making a ' rial appeal tor Cta.OOQ.0B0 for the retie' at SJMJft, aw rieUUPte and suffering Ruropet a Children. -ha-a—a—a—n- a « 4 WwWRWWWKWf nt $ ini « To the e.-iee: Tho state of Vs world gtvas as a-i object lessen of the oaeaoaa sf hamantty. Every race aad retry riimr still suffers from tea ad acts of the yean of death and destruction of the Groat War. Statesmen cannot remedy the eeib universally recog nised and tea distress of nations ii even greater teas whan the war wai waged. The worif lies ia confusion. Mankind sacks % way oat of the loraaWnmmM^^m FMMWMMMMMMf choc*, and the followers of Christ alone have the privllogt of leading it in the right path. He who said “I am the Light of the World” shines today with a bright radiance. HI* supremacy U unchal bat many who profam to follow Him havs not trodden His path. They live in a spiritual world iu (bo midst of the present age, bat while fonvincod th.t in Chi 1st alone lies the hope of renown], they fail to recognise the compelling force of His summons to oneness of spirit aad the unreckeolng devotion of Urs sac rificial spirit. The desire for unity is deep aad widespread. Man-made ob stacles Mock the road to iu roalisa Uoa. Only by the prayer of faith, threads llrtag trust in the Hoad of I tha Charch and 71M lance on tbo pow er of the Holy Spirit, can w* be j drawn cloarr to Him and to or* an other. We nerd tho vipou without which all Mcali prr'fh. l ie p!ae-; whate w« can truly menifnl mcai (a Chnrt J«nu la thr M,,r\ guu, the I place of prayer, whtrv UT£c v,.cer vaniah In communion with Rim TV. la the Rriourrqctiar and ;h* Life. Wa therefore again invite all who love and follow the Ki-cn Lard, trao i» oar Ufa, to n»rrt “with onr accord" throaghoot the world in lh» Or*t week of 1921. Lat u. hold fact tha Troth and Loro we haw in coaacnoc, and by »o doing unitod'y «py o„th tha Throne of Urao* ’a p?nlt.*aci> for peat ahartcomlny* ar.it ir foil aaearanca that the Lord vci.i meet at _ e —■- I and draw » deeer to Blmlf and tv One ar.athi.-r. J jWMk your* la the faOearahlp «,s“ctes8,s»8»»s AMLBICA. Lot all i h« praying paapla of Daan • '•at* together and obeerre this wash ■A prayer. Prayer changes things. Vray. pray when things gv wrong. Aad gloomy ran around pan throng: Pray, pray though your eyre grow i diai; ,i Go with yovr trouble* atmight to K*8B * Pray. j.uy. for God a nd proton d»i funk, leaving all la Hia dear hand* " HUB. G. U. CABHWKLL. NOTICE! To Tax-payers THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR TAXES BEFORE THE PENALTY APPLIES. WATCH THE DATE ON WHICH I WILL BE IN YOUR TOWNSHIP, AND MEET ME PROMPTLY I WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES ON THE dates named Thursday, Dec. 16, Anderson Creek-10 am to 12 m Thursday, Dec. 16, Stew’ta Crk., Bunnlevel,, 1 to 3 pm Friday, Dec. 17, Johnsonville_10 am to 12 m Friday, Dec. 17, Barbecue,-I pm to 3 pm Saturday, Dec. 18, Upper Little River-9 am to 12m Saturday, Dec. 18, U. L. R., D. M. McLean’s, I to 3 pm Monday, Dec. 20, Buckhorn, Spence Str._ 10 am to I pm Monday, Dec. 20, Hectors Ck., Kipling--2 pm to 4 pm Tuesday, Dec. 21, Black River, Angi er, _ 10 a mto I pm Tuesday, Dec. 21, Neills Ck., Buies Ck_2 pm to 4 pm Wednesday, Dec. 22, Grove, Coats-10 am to 2 pm Thursday, Dec. 23, Duke_5 pm to 8 pm Friday, Dec. 24, Averaeboro, Dunn-10 am to 4 pm , J. W. McARTAN Sheriff Harnett County * I • . ' t SANTA CLAUS Make I I -r Christmas IS ON HIS WAY ! ! (T ¥ T Out of the North with a joyous Sound Let Us Santa has started, Southward bound; j ^ Treasurers piled high in his well-worn sleigh, I _*_ Making glad hearts lor the Christmas Day. I TOILET REQUISITES FOR THE MEN Our store is brimming over with just these sort of things. You can make no mistake in a selection here. We’ll help you to make one that we know will be to his liking. CANDIES — PURE, FRESH DELICIOUS Christmas Candy is as much a part of the festive occasion as the Christ>nas Tree. 11 ere you will find a big assort ment of regular and Novelty box es, bon bon baskets, delicious, wholesome candies for the little °™TOYS FOR THE . UTnXFQWS A See our splendid assortment of * things to make glad the hearts of the little folks. | OUR HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. is sure to answer your every need. We handle the best brands and i can fill your Christmas orders promptly and to your entire satis- j faction. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY— TO HER LIKING— Our artistic selection of Station ery offers a sensible suggestion for an always acceptable gi . Stationery that is correct, digni fied t>nd fashionable. Alan a nice assortment of ChriMMlGsfda. WILSON & LEE Druggists Dunn, N. C. 1 Gifts That Endure! Make It a Hardware Christmas Consider Stoves, Heaters, Ranges and Labor Saving Devices that make the work of the home less tiresome to the women. Could you give a more acceptable gift. Look at our furniture, our Talking Machines, our Rugs, Carpets and other things. Don’t you think they are much better as Gif ts than useless things. I * * } r-jr —TOYLAND— r. , ■ 3ra i' V . • | ? ' •. (• '; • ^ 1 We h*ve, too a large collection of all those t hings that your boy and your girl are sure Sant* Claus will bring them this year. Come and look them over. • V # ■ Dnnn, Mi C. Butler Brothers Vartaa,N.C. I i" » \ * • . mm*,'*******"*f****w**WBBwww^m^m