IK DUNN NSPATCBiLEGAL ADVERTISING! JPe ptoto—.^...,,.,.,1 liikf OrrdoM h4 bodi atdm b id ■to—d Dana will yi. d a haadaaax ite ■mwwr*r»lMu>a«l*>li* *^u * ^ ^totoVtoy ^teTTfSS ®*r tto b_ xlag «f a aan T^teMk^' -irekaae of a ■tot to a* k «>x i,y through to* aatira «*-*»•: »lty would Tamatiii, bn; , pcaa aad . . tekHw —a fp't; tkat grow ti’^ZUS J*"* “•■aadj Of drltara worth tow toon torowa a- *;■ >a formal 'Y'hii k L ; ianaiag to U»< of too homa 3$3j *»t •* iSN to Duma at . — — —ar fotoro and “■tola Juto tow tto (baa far eon ""tog food la worfcod. Tho initial «••* df tetaUia* uoeaamry machia *y wOt to muff aad It la aatimatad that too profit* wffl bo largo. Dwaa w urban ta gowarally an dia totod to tram ttoir doktora aa W •tol» — oiMumataoeoa wil allow. to MeD Holliday, of - ^ fat ter Ite duo and rofaae "to” vialt tea for too ootiafactory rearrange maat of eocb okltettea. Tbo mereb teait aow oaaular lottora to moat of ttoir daHnquoat aatnmiii aaklag tkom Da m »*•-*- _7 expect to ret litth -i overdue, but the] detomtoed to clean op all oh ■•toa. A put due aote b a uoil •■welcome pa.. Merchant* an atotoc that they be retired. There (< Juattoe to this raquato. They will he» tote to foreeloaa oa aay pencil. bul ■I* they are treated lalrty no mn aatfe . -retare to tha until tha mfarit of mutual f.-.— • the cUieenahip. *■ to pay aad will sot .— -we an pneeuttor •to** ether fallow who haT a hotter *toe«ttou ndrlac hb obligation* STttstfLtijiE s ■BTAjSTRJS’S.S'fi; **• tock to us. Than b a whole *■* ■•Mf lu tha eauuDuaity. It wauldftoton tha aituatiaa if thoaa wha hare It wauld start it to motion. Fifty children ef the Xniphta af Kis •£**8 FJrtokn tote Superintendent nad Mn C. W. Pander, af tha homa, wtja with than. Tha truta was stop padhan far ten minute* to allow nanhm of too local todn to rUlt Sus 5^5 Has. Tha Blanche Plekert Stock Com pany will play a weeks aunfcmeat at toe Metro poll tea Opera Bouse an wxt weak. The company win pra te** ail royal typtoya with eaadevOU h*twees acta. They abo carry a full carload of scaoery. Tha ope sin ptay will be -Tha Girl Ba Caihtoh £?’ tBarwtSTEK St,’Rr,.3Kl.«SU£ unto six other eaudeeflto acta. NOTICE or LAND SALE Under and by vUtoe of the power wntnlwod ■ eartalm Dead of Tnut timmlOn Barefoot, to tha under dged. wh«h eaid Deed ef Tnut It NCMmd te Baok No U7 Pace Na. of Deedi of Harnett nty. North Carolina, we will of. foe (Bit bo the hi*beet bidder, for flM» a* the Court Hotua door in ■Sum County, North Carolina, on naarrihid a» followa: Bcyiaainy at a MNto o« the Southed# of the Duan R^od and iui & 3 E. to a (take In JJr Uno; thence 8. 89 W. 8.40 ahnin* to a (take la the Bald “*•» *ba yrnvOyerd; thence N. S W. 3Li-# apt*4/te a (take In the raid Dunn BAd;/thence 8. 88 W. 1S.40 #take la 8. C. Neiytibon Haa theneaat hie line N. 11 E. 17.16 •£•*»»*• la 3ft*. T. C. Mil jet** Une thfcee aa her line and yoaa iny bar eerier 8. 80 K. 84.40 chain* $■ a atake; themec a* W. C. Bare fotd’a lino 8. 6 E. 11.40 cluina to a •tako In the Dnna Road; thence aa midRoad N. 88 W. 3.10 chair, to the r lla"1*' c0»taiahjy-44 acre, more ahw■>“' Thne of Sole January 4, 1981. Term Cash. BENSON LOAN A INSURANCE CO. TRU8TCE Dm 10 17 24 81. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hariny qualified aa admlnlatrator af loo eetata of Lauretta Drauyhoa, •"•fted, late of Harnett County. North Carolina, thla in to notify all yemona haelny ctaima aymlrwt the ** tate o< aald decraaed to preaent than to the nndertUMed at Dunn. N. C., on or before 1% Wth, day of De XSOber 1981, o\td* notice will be ylmded in bar ofVtl.ir recovery. AU yeraon* indebted U uid eatate will. **** FURQUARD SMI^ft!**"1 ( . •_Adminittrator of ' Lauretta draughon. Jfy.of December, 1920. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Attorney. Dee 17 24 SI Jan 7 14 21. ■ NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Under end by vlrtmo of the power of »«Ie contained ia a mortgage deed the 2nd day of November, 1*1«, duly executed by W. H. Me Donald to Mix. Hay Out securing *re bonds of even date. Said mart EUC deed li recorded In the office jJLlhc Register of Deede of Harnett Gouaty in Book 115 page #7, default •“•‘■W bgR nude in the puyiuent of «ho indebted new thereby secured. The undersigned will on Monday 24th Iday of January l»2l ot 12*0 o'clock M. at tho Court house door ia Ul Ungton, N. a, tell for rush to tho highest bidder the following deecrib •? ruul estate lying and being in HjjrnetL State ofTforth Caroling; Neill's Crook Townihip. Beginning at a large rweetgum on *J>® north Side of’ the Branch Mr*. Carotin# 4ohn*onr« corner mud man “ lias rnijbt Morgan's lot of *•■?» Mo* aadf past hor comer with Bulloch's line North 4 E. 19.74 cha. to a stakh IW links 8. of tha whits as an agreed Uar she- to a large sweet '* of the Spring --Jown the various courses of.saM Branch 11 chains to a blackgum comer at Rock Qsarry, Mrs. Caroline Johnson's corner; thence at her Use S. 10 W. 25 chains to hor comer ia the Barber Spring Branch; thonce ap the various cour ts* uf said branch to beginning, con joining about 44 acres mors or lata. Tho above described land being known as tho Darling Jones dtcea* •d. Into of Raman County, and It being tho tame land alloted mm doWsr to the told Darling Jo neat'wife. Fines of sale: Court HoiWDoot, Harnett County, Liltington^K. C. - Terms of sals: Cask. . 17th day of Dassmber 1920. MBS. MAY GUY, Mortgagso. Doe 24 »1 Jan T 14 21. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under, and by virtue of tha pow er contained in a certain Deed of Trust from T. V. Stewart and C. K. “«r > T. O. Stewart's line, ud hi.* »• Ungdon'* I n. 8. 1. W«t 8.05 U> * *taka at Main 8tre«t; “•oca U *14 Street North 8* Wc*l 10J5 chaitu to a uakr at tt« Ever. S? ***tWTi thence as th. [*”• N- W West 1.18 chair* to B. F » * Un*: th.acv .< hi* line N ) Ba*t *.7* chain* toT. D. Stewart. Hne; three, a* hi* South 88 B. 633 chain* to a stake, hi* corner, tbenea hU other Hne N. 32 1-1 to th. be Caning, containing eight and throe rotuth* (3 8-4) acre*, more or Usa . of***"!** at a (take in Street, Uoiling fro* th. Stewart Hotel 1* o a><1 *»«“ " *14 Stie.l 8. 83, East 210 feet tea lUki. Ki» ett* corner; thence a* hU Uua, S, 8 West 210 feet to a (take, In hi< Bald; thence N. 82 Weat 210 feet to \ ***.*'•: tho*,e* N- * Ea»t 210 f«.t te th. beginning, containing on. acre, al inloreocSon of Main ““. MclClal.y Street*, and run* ai McKinley Street North 100 feel to W. H. Parrish"* line; thence a* hii Hne East 80 faot to B. F. McLeod’, line; thenco a* hi* Una South 40 feel & V u"*i U*a«ee a* hi* line W**t 20 f#rt to Nok"tliwmt comer of Drug Store; thune. as Wall of said Drug Store 8. 80 feet to Main Street; theftce a* said Street W**t 30 fret to the beginning, the tame being cornet lot and a port of lot adjoining cor* ner lot in Block “E" in the plan ol the Town of Coat*, North Carolina. Place of 8alc, Court JIou»c Door, Tlarnett County.>— Timr of Sale'Jankao t, 1921. Term* Cash. *./ BENSON LOAN A IHSCtlANCE COMPANY. TRU8TEE. Dec. 10 17 24 31 . NOTICE The undersigned having qualified V, edasieistnocr on the estate ol John 0. Jeraigan deceeted. hereby noUTiM all ptrtoru kavftf elates a galnit said estate to pnfsent them to me duly verified \pn hr before th« *rd day of Deceoftef 1921 or thii notice wfll be pleadUfIn bar of their rmmivetjt j afl pereeasUodeblrd to Mid estate will make imn*dlat« payment TK* SOth .day of November 1920. , C. G. JERNIGAM. Administrator. _ . Benton, N. C. C. C Cenaadey, Attorney. Doe. • YT2431 Jan T. NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue ef the power Of sal* contained in a mortgage deed dated the 10th day of November 1017, duly executed by W. H. Mc Donald to Mrs. May Guy securing five bonds of even date. 8ai<J mort gage deed U recorded in tho office af the Register of Deeds of Harnett County in Book 116 page 160, default having been made in the payment o." the indebtedness thereby secured. The undersigned wfll oa Monday 24th day of Jaauary 1921 at 12:00 o’clock M. ot tha Couit Rouse Door in Ul Ungton. N. C-, sell for cash to the highest bidder the following describ ed real estate lyifq and being in flav AHt County, Stefs of North Carolina. Neill's Creek T Jan ship Burning noai a white oak on the rued, Bullock's Jrorner and runs as kia Una E. 23 cHaim. ond 16 lioka to a stake la the laid, Richard Bullock’* corner, thence North 4 to Joe Hor ton's line 22 chains to the aid road j thence with >aid road.to the begin ning. containing 8 esraa^baora or Itip- ' ■*This mortgage deed, end not-* is given to secure the Sure hake prjen of said lead. , ,y . TJ-m °f sole: Mondahr January 24, 1921 et 12:00 o'clock M. Place of Sale: Court House Door, Harnett County, Lillington, N. C. Terms of tale : cash. This the 17th day of December 1920. MRS. MAY GUY, Mortgagee. Dvc. 24 31 Jan 7 14 21. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION i lTjvinir qualified as administrator ■>f the trait of J. G. Dudley, deceits ' • d. late of Ha. nett County, this u| lu g.vs notice to all persona indebted ; to said estate, to make immediate ' pay ment .of toe tone. Any p*i-i sou holding Any claim against said i :ata*.e wilrptesent the same to the I indcreigr.ed adgrtbufrator within! twsfsn months fsom the date of this I notice oc it Will be pleaded >» bur of! •ecovery. This 2*. day of WhY*»he* 1220.1 H. S. HOLLOWLY. Administrator. I Ga.dcnha, N. C/Buutc l.j Franklin T. Dupree,-Atfy. Mot. SO Dec. 7 14 21 28 Jan. 4. ' NOTICE OFLAND SALE UNDER if lb'- power of talc contained in a mortguga deed d-led the lDth day of M-v 1719. do !v executed by Sarah bV« Yth to -• C. Luc.:* ar.J w f*. 1‘r.o.bj I. C.-rieg ti rn'o oi eve i ibt . f.*«l T.'tt’t'io .a recorded n th river' -d’ of Dt-:cl> of 'Tarir'. wnatj l.i b»eh 113 pa*r *7‘ al I t&id vote a d morteagt dc. d. was! fer value received duly transferred ;’'d assigned by B. C. Lara? ar.d wife,, Phoebe Lucas, to Stewart Tu.lingtor. which raid transfer Is recorded Ini book 195 pace 349 in tkr office of I Register or Deeds of Hamott coun ty. default having been made ia tho jajW'iit of the indebtedness thereby ■wourtd, the undersigned transfers# will on Monday, 24th day of January, 1921, at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House door in Ulllngton, N. C., sell for cash to the highest bidder the, following described taal esrtatr: Ly ing and bring in Hamatt County, State of North Carolina, Averasboro Township. Lot No. 3 In the division of the W iliam Lucas dlvialea, beginning at a stake nonr the Lrss road, the cor ner of lot No. 2, and runs as the di viding line of this lot, North 12 W.j about 25 chains to another corner, eo ncr of lot No. 2 In the Sorrell hne; '.hence B. 52 1-2 W. about 19 chains to a stakr tenth of the tram ! road; thence 8. 25S. 4.35 chains to • dead pine in a Hutch; thence N. 37 E. 6 chains to Uptake comer on the hilt; thence 3. HE 15 chains to a corner East sf Ary Hail’s resi dence; thence N./H 8. 6.60 chains to the beginning c<Malning 22 acres more or leas. Time of rale: Monday JanuaryZtth 1921. at 12 o'clock M. Place of rale: Cadet House Door, Harnett County, * ” - Terms of sala: This tho 17tk 1989. B. C. LUCAS. PHOEBE LUC STEWART TU 21 28 4 11 18. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN This U to notify oil persons that I have no interest in the firm of John son A llobbs of Cost*, N. C. and that J. E. Johnson or A- D. Johnson A Son is responsible for all obligations whatsoever. This Oct 23. 1820. J. A. HOBBS Dec 31 7 14 21. SALE OP LAND Ci der and by virtue of the power of sale contained ia a certain mort w*f!o Su*ic Sorten to J. C. Clifford, cacr executed by Taylor Surlcs and trustee datod tha 23th day of August IJ20 and recorded ia the office of Register of Deeds for Harnett coun ty in Book 128, Rag* 210, default having been modern the payment of notes secured tMrsia, 1 will offeT for ,r.le to the wheat bidder for cash tfc» courthouse door in LiHington X > > Monday, U« 31 day of January ” o'. 12 o'elock/M., 1011 the following dbr'M ic»l retain. A certaln/tract of land lying and being ia fla/rett county, bounded on th: north »y the Dr. Sexton land a d on tfir Vest by the said Dr. Sex ton lend :sal oo the aonthby the lands o( Henry HiStmsfi and on the oast b • the landAof J&JbJinnn, contaln II? twenty acres otar. The above de scribed lands are to consist of tha twenty acres mentioned and to bn cut off of the north end of a tract of t&.id purchased from T. J. Matthews <*d wife by Henry 8Uwart- ffor a Xur-brv dcsciiptlon of the ibid lands »:* dred from Hsnry McStawart and v' fc, Minniv Stewart to T. J. Mat tl,cc.-.*, which is of record in Book 170 I'mre 47», Registry of Harnett Coun ty. J. C. CLIF»QE*r-Tru»Ue, J. W. WIUONr Attorney. Vhli the 31 da/of December 1920. 01 7 14 21 28. I if I ; i I *- 4 tl . ; Forget your troubles. The old year is dead—a thing P38*’ ^-et it be buried in peace, and into its grave place all those worries that oinocn^your soul. 'Face'young 1921 with a smiling face, a stout heart. Work. Make work retrieve what we have lost. Nineteen twenty-one" holds everything for you. Secure and hold fast to the good things it offers. P^Tup "tlxe b^d an'dTet s makTthe com munity smile with prosperity. Throughout the year yX will find that we are your friends. I Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn and Coats, N. C. January Clean-up-Sale! “ OF " " HIGH-Class Furniture FROM lO <o 40 EL OFF I A .1 —■ - . , .«• ThU mean. one of the Ur.estUoclf. of furniture in Eastern North Carolina—^very thin, included. The reason ihyj we oiler such reduction in price, at this time la that Inventory time is at hand .Wd n «m,e line, we are overstock'd. The hi. diaeeunt of 40c applies only the lines tlkt we are overstocked on. *' Such u Living Room Suit*. Dining-Room Suita, Bed Room Suita, Ruga, Rnngoa and Coot Stove*. Moat of the itotne mentioned waa bought in 1919 and the Brat of 1ttQ, We feel that thia i« the time for you to bay what you want in the Furniture lino. Beginning Jan. 1st We Start The Sale That Leads All Sales of The Season-Beginning Saturday, Jan. 1st for 30 ~ DAYS Ofrl/Y — -Qn I The Fayetteville FurnitureCo. I Fayetteville, N. C By Hie Pott Office . I

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