•■LOCAL* i * * * ★* * * * 0 -o o WUlt Way Tkaatra Program a 0-0 THURSDAY "Betwetn Two Kims".—Episode 4 of "Buth of the Rockin'*. "Don’t Weaken." Mack Sennetl Comedy in two too la. "Hearts ard Club* one rael aior entnedy. FRIDAY “North Wind JMalace", uoldwyn Super Special. Snub Foilnrd Com edy in two reels. SATURDAY Quicksand Lpiaodc two of "Veiled Mystery" “Dot Dogs ', Univirsal two reel comedy. Latest la the .New*. B. Y. P. U. PROGRAM < February 6, 1921 Devotional Meaung—"that Lila Of I ears'* Lead by Uioup No. 1.—lil>> Ger trude Price. Song—"Taku My LHe mid Let it Bo". Scriptural Readings — sami-s 4i 13 ;lb, Ida M. Piumaii. Luka itiiily kl, Nleaour Hatcner. introduction—by loader. The Qualitative led. . "The First Demerit, Thr Soul—by Margaret ktoore. Second hu merit- The Soul Re sponsibility—by Sam Ferrcii Third Licmcnt—ibe soul t’oisrbil Ity—4»y hr*. C. L. toy. Duet—by Mr*. Denning and Miss 1 pock. ’Ibe Quantitative Test: James Declared That Life Is a Brief Thing-- My is Olive. Life la very uncertain—oy Perry Godwin. An Assuring Word—by 8aH'a Nay lor. (a) Illustration-—by F.lhel Bailey. Poem—Do li- by Haywood Hart. J. C. Bonington, of Raleigh, was here this week, iOdward l«c, of Raefoid. was hrrt thia week to vunt ms mother, Mis Kldradgc Lee. The home economics department of the Woman’s dob will meet m tne i rooms of the ehambec. ol conunosCC! Thursday artrnoon. t Secretary Kiddle of the Chumbti of Commeive has recently muni soon, improvement! in his unices mat suu much to the attiactivonosa of the; quarters. Bob Swain went to Wilson indo) to undeigu an operation for tho i#-i moval ol a purtion of hia lonaili leltj from a former operations. airs. Swain I accompanied him Otia R. Shell chief engrossing clerk of the House uf Representative, re turned Monday morning to Itaiiign after spending Satuulay and Sunday here with bii family. * , Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Townsend re-j turned ycaterday to itnle.gn ahti.s Mr Townsend is attend.ng .a-.- ogis lature as member of the House of R«P roaenlatiTc-. from Harnett cuui.-l »y. John W. Hodges has presented a set of park benencs to the Women's Club for us in Greenwood Cesuet^^ j These were manufactured to Mr. Hodges plant here and are of a do-1 sign ho la making a apecialty ot now. Khnon Jernigan has joined the ar* j my of Dunn citizens, who have gone | “back to the farm.” Lie and his lam-1 ■Jy have moved into Sampson and ox-1 |>ect to produce a fine crop of pota toea, cotton snd other things thia yoar. Tho first meeting of the Dunn Communitr Singers .will be held to night in tne rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. Rev. A. R. McQueen and Kcv. Eugene Olive will outline a program In this meting to be luljo w ed through the season. All local aing ora and musicians are Invited to at tend the meeting. Going! Going! The cotton yard L shout to move; or rather, the Wom an’s Club, with the aid and .auction of the Chamber of Commerce, I* a fcout to move it. Bofore Saturday’, tun (Ink* o'er Red Bone* you ntied I aot he .urprifted to «ce the women oat there with plow* and thing* pre paring to plant the old plot to gran. Definite action toward bringing (he age-old fight to a cloee wo* taken last night when Mr*. J. J. Wado and Mias Je**ie Smith went at a eontniilUe from the Woman’* Club before the director* of the Chamber of Com merce and demanded that they be given aid ia taking immediate poracs •ion of that portion of Lucknow Square now being used fur the rot. ton yard. They were told to go ahead and take it and do what they might cheoic to do toward makiog it one . of Dunn'* beauty spot*. Meantime, tho chamber of com mere* ha* appointed a committee to take up with the town commissioner* th* matter of xlocalhig the yard at a point more convenient to both rail road* and satisfactory to all concern ed. Supt*. • Porter and Kesms, of the Coast Line and Durham and Southern, havo been asked to attend a conference of the public utilities ■Snd civic* committee* of the chamber *»* «vunm« wmcn win connapr wii? problem of relocation. Since Dunn first camo to the real isation that it could he made beauti ful the good women of Dana have been working to get possession of Lucknow Squire—originally intend ed for a public park, bat used as a public cotton mart and, in summer months, as a depository for ail sorts of refuse. It is the one place in Dunn that first attracts the visitors eye. If the visitor happens to be one who is a lover of beauty, he is not very fav orably impressed by the unsightliness of tha public square. - It is to giro the visitor a better opinion of the aesthetic sido of the community that the women desire to convert the square Into something more sightly. 8ome of the cotton bnyera, how. ever, are opposed to the removal of the cotton yard. They hold that . si ace cotton is the source whsnee springs most of the community wealth H should bo given a pises most convonisnt to buyer and soiled Thera la na doubt that Lac knew Square fills the bill in this respect. > They bold, too, that th# presence of so much cotton then is a good ad vertising feature since all arks nan Dana mast see ^he hundreds of hales ' piled tier* waiting tor ai. .i*i<-ni j But, an all waya. Jv l nl • l * fjtal IroiV* aato «ho;>- ait • < ;.■»* main (horon>;h:c:i. ■ * breweries—U'ltri- iHyre tieh ibingo—wrr* In the <-•»> • ■ Chicago"* juur.lt cl* ' - would not b w !• .'t • • •• •• Roulevard’. So. with • • • >e . ru beauty, the eumr.:.io!t». . ■ ••• .» the inevitable a< rt »•■"««• ,».• . ble. ! BEGIN Sm i of F*c?! 1 ;:-ui Share* Will Be" . ,. \ v/:a c^.. •• •.;« 04 v. i New Yo.’k. Jas s**^-*/- i?e% ' wide can 11 »».*'• * ? tic * t. i>( the • 10 . .. •' tS«;' Fsreijrn Trade* r . :»ri * •* :it>n, charter oT Miirii .*•* - . daccrj oT tho rQ lerm crwiiU to Jvt*«r y* *•»£. • * oi the thiv«tcns«! |«ara ;v> »“ rational tiaiir. The pro.-pac.us p L p. .1 •!!:. r* tlana o ft he corn ml o*a •» 'a •..on hat jwUI n l!*.v .1 the country, .id • i- ti .hifc Werk to th'i.i*; j. • ’-' r turers ami prxtacviv. .1 * s. • . ..» <1 *ta'1 the uiKMuiution )i..i4ra o •! !ir method o* operation ih • :.cv corporation. iVn proipiclitK. uhi**h i. tra de velopment cl lac >»•.#*• ►'.•*•1/ and work by many of toe I* i. i V b..\ neat met: of,th« roinr.r', •?«».• •* • the method by * which «»n» o* .H.* in^n pi#»*injt pvobhr*--. .%»n o. iran btidncvM H'll lv liiUi'iVtl. Through the ‘organ •-♦a** • cf .n» to • poraOon mc:»» nt vM. •! •* l**i»l (1,000,000,100 in lot? i«»uu C.v*u(? io foreign cualime .• .*.»* will be prov.deit. *ih.* r*»rpo«vim. »•' »!«• signed not nnly tv «>.»!,• *» • «- a »d -ound mvi v.iurnt, b.*t r.’ao to rcsalcl a grtat public *c*vi»%* t.» Auici.ca by p. ovid.UK nicftlU fur • »*- Litr iteadlurk in foreign l rad . The rormnitu-* c - i.-v'ioi rhich u In ch.u^'c »:l tor empuration. wi»# appc»«t»i! j/ u ua uoi.-widr roaf crime* ui •>'••1 oi th* i adiry, hunks .*?, bll«»* *• « 7u *» -a»< rrprOjer.tntJvj • o> proii." . y •: *1 i*£ rieultural of th ••'•in. /, bikl in Chicago hi l month, w.uch Herbert Houv. ICtRH'M the **»Wl»A naomentoua economic roui'ereiKu •« the country filler :h hi«r. atilt iSubMrr pt.ona i»r l-..- *1«h *. of :h« roiporot'on will bv rec»i**d nt the rote of $10u a nh.iiv. There • ill b io promotion '.tort in n.*y uim'pi writing c&ptn nn'i'. nor v«ill any rommlarion be i»aid fur the .i:lc of >lock A payment of nr. each ihare of *t*»ck lubarr'bcd for will be railed in accordance writ. the ,»*ovi* ion* of (ho Rdn act whan tho ear poration U ready to commence busl '.ess. Xhc board of director* of th* cor pnralmn will con*i*t of not leea that thirty-six nor more than sixty mom biii. and will be representative of al •cctior.i of tbo country, as represent cd by the twelve Federal Reserve Jistrictm. The various Interests of ths country, as represented by agricui lu.e, lommercf, manufacturing and hu-iktog, will have places on ths j'*nrd. Poi the purpose of obtaining in fo motion of the foreign securities fshicts the corporation propose* to >uy or accept aa coilatesal, ansi for no general transaction of its buai ■•c. x, the corporation, will probably, •wording to the prospectus, establish ■Ktocie* in foreign countries. - The ospo ration I* expected t» esfablijh •ranches in different parts At the Juilcd State*. :me house by the side of THE ROAD Every once in a while that poem viittan by Sam Walter Foss wsuidrr* • to llio Dispatch office, and it is al vaya rend with a relish. It ha* been ep.inted in this paper many time*. iut it i* always good for one nore pivaranc*. 80, here goes "The House ly thr bide of the Road:’ I bore are hermit souls that live with drawn, In th* peace of their self content; bore arc souls, like stare, that dwell apait In a fellowles* firmament; lure ar* pioneer souls that blast their paths, tt'hm K'lfttU/ava nuLar eon* But let me llva by the tide of the road. And be a friend tv man. i [Let mi liva in a house by the tide of the road. Where the rare of anen go by— The men who are good and the men who are bad, A» good and a* bad as I. I would not nil in the seorner's scat. Or hurl the cynic‘a ban; 'M me lieu In a house by the ride uf tha road, and be a fnond to man. 1 know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead, • And mountains of wearisome height; Thnl Ihr road posses on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. Bui nidi I rejoice when the travelers rejoice. And weep wit hthe stranger* that moan, Nor live in my house by the side of the load. Like a man who dwells alone. 1-et me live in my house by the side of Ibt- road, Wh'-re the race of men go by— Th' / arc good, thay are had; they are weak, they are strong. Wise, foolish—so am I. Then why should I sit in the scorns r's seat. Or burl the cynic's ban? I^t me live in my house by the side of the road, And be a friend to man. Professional Curds * ********* * THOS. N. T HA XT ON ¥ ¥ tafWMr ui Surveyor ¥ * Mutal Auritu Aeeocia- ¥ ¥ tie* «f Bafiaoero ¥ ¥ Boa IH ¥ ¥ Duaa, -* North CaroUaa ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ *~"¥ * * BUSINESS LOCAL * •*•***♦ ? FOB RENT—GOOD S-HOR5E lain 0 .afTcr aoninwcat of iruxc. brv'or 4amor or L I*. Raynor, I boiuan, N. C. • xl at. | Ot»t rfcK CENT Edtnur AilUEl> I Ui mount* o( til luxA not paid I by r cOruaty 1- rd> /Cw and gave ' aouay. Ur'S. VaS/, 'Town Tax cauec^. t f $ xd xt, ifiopf d4»IHG\' PpOTOGRA. ij* TinUkMiuu n ill or water 5p*br, % commumcai*/ wiui bar fault VhuflrKdT. yi rHrfVtNT/rfxTRA/ADDtD * amain* op aU tax CJ not paid I by btdirn*HrI. ray ni* «,„* gave money. U. 8. PAOItf ToWta Tax Collector. r yrj jj6 ft. REMEMBER J. 1— HA,TC*tER COM Pc tee »ii» the ioweey^jiic«. tf. ONE PER CENT EXTRa/aDDED to imuuiiu of all V*xe/ 'not paid I by loOnuiy l. Pay Mb and save money. U. 8. PACR/Town Ta« Collector. W J *5 *1. FOR SALE—FROST PROOF CAB buge Plante, boo f^.oU,/u«H) $2.60 po.tpaid. 1UUU $2.INI, A),000 *1.60 per iuuO Expieee tiuecl Xinacy, ^ Whuleealo Plant Cay V aldoetu, La. AUTO FOR SALB^-PIVE PA5SEN K«r Auourn, n* <*lly now and id Iiud running condit/bn; practically new tiree. A. B. Udbwip. tf i*6 1 rOR SALE.—1 WOPORO TRUCKS. can nmKc 'lURudiaUi delivery. Bee in# at omj/i you want one of tboec. J. w. Inorntoa. 2* tf. UMBER WANTED—4N SAMPSON Coanty. AUdmaa Capuun C. J. rlauua, The URamaa Lumber Co., llunn, N. C. ^ tf ji*. ONE PER CENT EKTR^ ADDED jo omounta of all itajfea not pa.d by Kcbrua.y 1. Pay/>ow and eave money. L. S. PAtt, Town lax Collector. w J 26 FOR SALE CHEAP.—TWO TYPE-', writers, tW flat desk. Newberry! Uro». A u^rrll, Dana, y 28 tX. one per cent7 rxtVa added 1 to amounts of all! talc not pud .1 by February 1. Pfc/aow and save STown “ to irinburj; _ lllo No. 1 Roland Car y 18 4tc. SALESMAN WANTED JrO SOLIC it order* for taMcatin* oils, greases and u«iBt4luftry or com* ration. Addrexs Tfcc Todd Oil A Paint Co., Cleveland, O. forrent small/arm near ,’r**BtT-F .4 pod the test service through ! t ? ;v;j tieh machines became a part i r rrr^cic r/rfost ;; V/e will be. to demonstrate these machines ur.d these records to you. CO MS AND hear them Buder Brothers .... BANK That^S /loney I Inhere I^No Sense In keeping in arou/j the house. Thieves may get it. IThf house might burn. The bank will put A to work for you and your community Jnd always keep it safe. rJ'he C°mmercial Dank Dunn, North Carolina > . • i Money s Vo? \ ® ^ y .Idle money, has no value—it is no good to you or vour community. Only when it is placed in a good bank and made to circulate does if perform the use ful functions for which it was created. I . You owe it to yourself and your community to place your funds in a bank where they are always at work and always guarded against nre, burglary and loss. f f BANK YOUR MONEY WITH US Jhe pirst Rational gank Dunn, North Carolina MMMMMMMMMMMMAMMMMMWWMMMMWMHMMMMI ' ■ CONDENSED REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ^ BANK OF HARNETT DUKE, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 2#. 1920, AS REPORTED TO CORPORATION COMMISSION RESOURCES Louis and Investments-$360,*6*.02 Pnrniiura and Pixlaroa_' 2,444.86 N. C- State Bonds.. ^ 6,000.66 U. 8. Bonds___ Cash In eanlt and other strong banks .. -__ 61 Tot*! ..Illljl i.02 —-—-a | / LIABILITIES /cijiiul .. ............... / Biiplu .. ................ / Uadirided profit# ......__ r Cashier# chocks __$1,720.84 / Bead deposits..52,060.08 Cheeking Dept-173,880.81 Strings and Time deposits.218,779.00 Total Total .. _J_ ORIGINAL HONOR ROLL BANK OF HARNKTT, JOHNSTON, - ■ ^ - re pretest Don wealth than do! other Bank in North Carolina. OFFICERS i N. DUKE. PrmUInt. \ W. A. ERWIN, Vlc^mritot / E. P. DAVIS, YWPrmUmrt. / C S. HICKS, Ailm Vm-frililiit l E J. CLARK, J*., CmHu. ' B. N. DUKE W. A. ERWIN GEO. W. WATTS J. M HODGES J. r. WILT E. T. DAVIS E. K. POWE C. 8. HICKS W. A. ERWIN, JR The attention of the public «e respectfully Sailed to the above statement. We will be pleased to have all persona who are seekta* a safe ptaee te deposit their active or idle funds, to call ea or write as.