men their in good boxes for your window^.— - (V i Dunnfcoofing . and Cornice Co NOTtCft or 1AJJE or LAND Under the authority contained u • dead Of trust rxecutod'by t “ ^"•fV*** wife. Kntle Clyde Bpoacs o* Hamjtt County tafiSTlO. K? *t*i tha conditions named In Mid •*<»* «* having been com Piled vlth, ssd the holder of the not* secured thereby haring in ac eordanea ml A tha prorisloBs named In Mid deed af trust declared the strjsftsterafisss umb th* trustees that tha power ot Ml* contained fat said dead of trust ■ h* exercised, the uadersignod tru> toes named la Mid deed of trust, will Ion Saturday, tha 80th day af Fabrn ary 1821, at on* o'clock P. If., at the courthouse door in Lilliagton, North Carolina, tall at public auction to tha highest bidder far cash the load described in said deed of trust, facing a tract of land in Lullingtou J'WMhhi, Harnett County. Sute of North Caroiiaa, adjoining tbs lauds °f hrs Annie It. Hare, 7. B. Lanier, and others, and bounded aa follows, vis: Beginning at a slabs in the can Ur of Front Street of the town of UL liagton ns extended in th* center of Front Street of tha Toss of Isling ton as extended in westerly direction at a point opposite th* northwest comor of lend deeded to Alia. Annie N-Har* by Board of Trustees of tho Llllington High School, and runs thonce North 74 degree* S6' West 1305 fact to a western lint of tha Pegram land: ftnci an tha line of uid land S. U/dogrwss 20’ Want 421 fed to a staked tha original corner of th* ®**< tB. Bagram loo acre tract and the A. N. Waddell 76 aero tract; thence North/5» degrees 40' Wort ISS4 feet tow Stake in the Grady line; theaca Sodhf44 degrees 6' West 1011 feet to'A stake io the corner of K. street extended; thence as the can ter of said street S. 71 degrees 85* Bast 1778 feet to a stake, the comer of t acre tract deeded to T. L. Bayne, Jr.; theaca at tha Una of that tract N. 18 degrees 25' East 898 feet to a stake; thence S. 71 degree* 88’ E. 880 feet to a stake in th* line ef Mrs. Hare; thence with her line N. 18 de gyves 2S’ E. 781.8 feet to th* begin ning, containing 48 acre*, more or PUce at ah: Courthouse Doer, Lillington, N. C. Time of mle: Saturday, February 36,1 Ml, 1 o’clock F. M. Term* of tale: Cash. This the Mud day of January, 1M1. S. RANDOLPH WILLIAMS, N. A. TOWNSEND, Trustees. Jaa 36 Fob I « 16 33. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER MORT tJadar and by rtrtue at power of sole contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by W. H. Parrish to Use ma de nirned Mortgagee bearing date af January 36, 1916 aad recorded in the oAcc of Register of Deads far Harnett County In Bpok number 111 Page 390, the same mcring one note of even date that width aad default haring been made h the payment at said not at maturity, the said M. A Barbour as Mortgages wOl sal) at public auction fof cash at tho Court House Door, in Eta teem af LiUiag tea, N. C., on Saturday, March 6. 1931. twelve o'clock, noon, tho fol To whig tract of Maid lying in Bho) Elrer ToWnshia, mid county and state, describe* and defined as l<|\. lows: Beginning at a steka S. W. Corner of a I 1-3 act* tract belonging ta J, C. (StephenIon, end ran* thence g-|——■ 2 1*2 W. Mi chaim to a stajbo near a Hickory trae in the 6,'^, theace Si' SI E. 7.50 chain* to the center of the road pasting W. A_ Deaf* houac; thence as this road N. »4 1-2 E. 14.40 .chain* to a stake ia the Angler Road. JJ H. DeaT* ctner; three* as this Wid lO 12 V. 10.63 chains to 2. C. ,afcPyh*o>% corner by saad Road; dhen/e «• J. C. Btepheaseo’h line N. MR. 17.80 chains to toe beginning, eahaaining 23 1-2 acres more or lav. / This 28th, dbg ef January. 105t. ' 1C A. BARBOUR, lUdfMtt Ereaktte T. Dupree, Attorney. ' hk 1 t II 12 Mar L GASOUNE DRUBTS DOWN TWO CENTS IN INDIANA Chicago, Jen. 16-A reduction of t tents a gallon la the price of gaso liae was announced here today by the Etoadand Oil Company of Idtana. aa a result of decreoaeo la the price of crad* etL At sendee stations, the prise dropped freas 28 to 27 cents sad from tank wagons frem 27 cents to 28 cants. Kerosene waa eut from IS 1-2 te 15 1-2 easts a gallon. “If crude oil continues to go down, gasolina aad kerosene wii* naturally go down with It," said W. M. Bur ton, president of toe company. State-wide tick lass attune a lower Infest death rata te Eastern North Carolina—also a market for cattle raised ia the mountains. “Oeopendic* a tot hotter the leemt KT *ATE AND SANE FARMING I FOR COTTON SECTIONS'; Tho Division of Agronomy of the1: North Caroline Lire nil on Service hoi I propoeod tho following at a safe and l “M PUn for faming daring IF* I, *•»»• cotton growing faction of North Carolina under boll weevil conditions: l. Grow sufficient food and food crops to meet tho needs of the fam ily and livestock on the farm. *■ Plant the fertile and well miaed soils of the farm in cotton. Reduce the acreage of cotton and grow more par acre on tho acme planted. . A Use n liberal application of foruliaer which contain! a larger pro. portion of phosphoric acid than it ordinarily recommended; this will stimulate quick development and early opening of the cotton. 4. Apply oil of tte fertiliser be fore planting of cotton and keep the plan to vigorously. Use No Tap Dressing 6. The usual application of ni trate of soda os s top-dressing for cotton should be omitted when recom mendation* thro* and four are follow ed. since the side application will cause later maturity. Tfantirg cotton, use the b««t wHI m a turf'd grown in your locality. T. Swd of the medium to early maturing Tiriatir*. ruck u Wanna maker. Cleveland, Mexican Big Boll. I Express. Edgecombe. Cook, and Thrice yield host under boll weevil conditions. 8. Select seed of cotton each rear from the planU that set the lar gett amount of fruit under boll weev il conditions. *• 8»cure a aced cleanser, to elean the cotton seed so as to be sure of a good stand when planted early. f 10. Practice early and thorough 'reparation of the aei! so u> to g:t •’O d .< ed bed for quick germir.a oo und vigorous early growth of cotton. Give Plea'.y of Space 11. Giro the cotton suIBcien: pace between the rows so that Ok unshine can get la to d.v up the In seted bolii and open the round boll arly. 12- Plant the cotton thickly and 'low a good atand to remain aftc; hoppirg. By thick planting tbt lianta will mature quicker and will nuke tmailer growth. 18- Bogin the cultivation of cot on early, and cultivate frequently o conserve moisture and hasten ma turity. It. Do as much fall breaking of and as possible and grow cover crops or soil Improvement and graxing'pur-. loses. s 11. Plant more soybean for oil improvement, seed, hay and grai ns 18. Plant more sweet potatoes, rish potatoes, and truck crops as itoney crops, 17. For homo supplies, grow corn, orghum or sugar esse, potatoes, oats nd have a supply of pork and milk, .nd work the home garden overtime. Uee Waste Preducts 18. Utilise all the waste products if the farm, as far as is practical to !e so, that have manurial and feed ng value. This plan contemplates the produc ion of food and feed by each fara r, as nearly as it practical, to meat ho needs of the family and livestock a the farm, and at the same time inrvides for adopting a system of arming in which the producing pow r of the sell will he gradually built ip. Sasll yields per sere are one of he greatest handicaps in this state nd throughout the south generally W1i*r» larger yield* are obtainable the reduction of the acreage of mon ey ervps should be made. If neces sary, so that over production and de ist roue mice* will be avoided. Now Is the time to start planning For thia year's crops. Plan right: The plan above is believed to be safe one For any and all years. POULTRY CLUBS WIN HONORS Tar Heel boys and girls captured three prise* on their poultry club ex tlbit at the Madison Square Garden Poulttr Show New York City. The dub birds were entered in open com [petition wit tithe professional breed jr* <jf the United .States, Canada and England, and North Carolina was :h© only staler represented by a club exhibit. • In black Ltngshari hens the Noith Carolina entry.took second place with * birj pronounced one of Ibe most wonderfnlly colored hens ever seen, it failed to place lirst because a few lail fpathvrs were bent and broken luring the long trip north. Among the Buff Plymouth Rock tockerels, with 17 entries, a N. a tlub bird took third prise; while in •be pullet clasa a club bird took fifth unong 15 entries. The Buff Plymouth pullet class was one of Ihe "hottest” dasnes the Madison Square show has wen in years, according to A. G. Oli ver, in charge of poultry chibs in (forth Carolina. Throughout the show a large dia play cage containing len Rhode I« and Red cockerels bearing a label ‘North Carolina Roys and gills Poul try Clubs" occupied the center of the harden, next to the b'g fountain and ] Fancy waterfowl vahibiL The "reds" j ittracttd much attention and con sent and the ten birds were sold at •be close of the show to ten different preeders. WANTED—A SLOGAN If you bad attended the State Far mer/ and Farm Women’* Convention at Raleigh laat year and wantid yuur neighbors to go this year, would von tell them? Isn’t there tome rallying cry that will ntakr them want to go and have the time of their Uvea, luto so many fa'-tn folks did last year? The Secratary wants a slogan to use in letters snd other printed met ier for the coming State Convention. He is offering- a prise of five dollars for the best slogan received before Februu.y 20, 1021. Some slogans used for previous conventions were: "Remember the Dates—Bring your Wife and Neighbors.’’ "Don’t mtas the Farmer* and Farm Women’s Con vention..Let* go’ to the Flusters and Farm Women’s Convention." A -here, snappy, timely slogan is want ed. Send yours to W. F. Pate, Secre tary. West Raleigh, before February 20. 1021. PROTECTIVE TARIFF FOR SOUTHERN GOODS URGED Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 20.—A protect ive tariff for practically all Southern products with the exception of ehorl staple cotton wx* urged :n resolutions adopted at tbo rinsing session of the Southern Tariff Congress here loday. The resolutions adopted listed many agilcultural. industrial and mi "oral products for which protection was specifically asked, nnd the ex ception of tho shoit staple cotton from the list was understood to have resulted from Ihc fact that the South enjoys a practical monopoly in that field. "Safe and sane" farming has a new meaning this year. Special Prices on i DIAMONDS On WATCHES /fstkkam line \ Complete Stock Fine for Birthday GIFTS J.W.Jordan Dunn, North Carolina 8 3 extra specials CHINAWARE Best Any Where $230 Sets for_$140 $120 Sets for_$ 75 $ 80 Sets for_$ 50 $100 China Closet. . $( I ALL FURNITURE DOWN--14 TO 1-2 SPECIAL BARGAINS - I M _ 40 P A R L O R SUITES Mahogany and all Oaks OIL STOVES Red Star, $80 kind down to.$55 NEW PERFECTION And Others in Propor tion $ f 3 1.5 0 Refrigerator Kitchen Cabinets for $85.00 OTHERS LOWER Stick Brooms_90c --- DINING TABLES LOW $ 146.00 Majestic Range $115.00 $90 Cameron Range $60.00 $33.50 Cameron Stove $20.00 $75 Barrett Range -$45 Refrigerators And Ice Cream Freezers 40 PER CENT OFF 40 12c Fire Doga And Smoothing Irons, lb..9c LARD TINS —CHEAP SEE ALL OF STOCK BUTLER BROTHERS ANNOUNCE REDUCTIONS Of From 1-4 to 1-2 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN GUNS, SHELLS i Every article in\the Big Store* and Warehouse*—Except Victor Victrolaa -is Offered at these Reductions Which Will Continue Until onditions Improve. This Is Your Op portunity; Wheit We L°se You Gain—The Reductions Are in Force Today—Gome at Once. Burro hoofing: \ || |||| \ ■ ° 3 PLY $2.40 Snell Bicy^l esl Brace Fork and Double Brace Frame $50.00 Steel Concrete WHEEL BARROWS $12.00 American Steel Wire Poultry Fencing, per Roll_$4.76 NO GOODS CHARGED OR SENT ON APPROVAL - AT THESE PRICES - Butler Brothers DUNN AND VAJR1NA N. C. EXTRA SPECIALS 4 Square Yard* Linol eum ..$3.00 Curtain and Drapery Rods _ _ _40c $2.00 Curtain and Drap ery Goods ..._$1.00 COTS. SPRINGS AND • MATTRESSES CHEAP ROLLER TOP AND TYPEWRITER DESKS -WAY OFF BOYS AUTOMOBILES AND WAGONS AT HALF PRICE BARGAINS IN FINE LINE LOT OF FLOOR - LAMPS - Liquid Asbestos Cement —Fire Proof and Guar anteed to stop leak in any roof . --$2.00 Gal. —LOW PRICES ON— Guano Distributors, Com and Cotton Plant ers, Cultivators, Riding Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Pitch Forks and other implements. I ____ t Tires And Other Auto Accessories Very Low Screen Doors, Windows, Sasha, Doors and Man tels at Extra Low Prices. SHINGLES, LIME AND NAILS REDUCED Bargains in Pianos And - ORGANS PAINTS, OILS, ETC., GREATLY REDUCED SEE ALL OF STOCK

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