•LOCAL* Wm Mary D. Atkinaon. of Sanford, la bar* to vWt Xiao Lottl# Loo Jonc* Ralph Koona anast aovoral dan of Uda »ook with friend* at Hogan Park. StaJUrtM Taylor ia viaitlog hor gator, Mr*. Bornlco Smith inGoMo* . ***** {«bn Mickey, of Winston-Sa haro to vladt Sira logon* Good* T. Oardsor, of Rocky MmmLwoa here Sunday to viait Mr* Mr*. Sam Broughton and Mr* A. ^Broughton (pent Saturday In Fay Mint Donna Daniel* i, here from ba homo at Norfolk to viait Mr*. Bob Bwila. ,. KJdrodg* L**, librarian of th* State Senate, wao hare Sunday to viait hi* family. ■Mko hva retain*, of Zoholoa, 1» vuiang her amutr, aim* m*u r*r ***** * kemoor ot tae grnu.u moooi t acuity. Mr* J, A. Broughton and bar ton, of Monty, apeot Uie ecu auo nan, aa guaau ot atr. and art a. *. nrouguton. Mr. lad Mr* 1). H. Spam. of iinen Vdto apent cm tut a ay and bunco,, ••w witA Urnr dftufAUr, Mrs. txmr pw aouidAy. ^ckief 0nfroMuo^ Clara ot to* cxouao o( kcp.cacuLa tivee, waa bora ba.uxoay auu ouuoa, to viau am lamtty. C. Urten, wao ia directing tbo or ganiaatien at um woman a uud atio *u**> «J»«nt um Wee* ana Wita ••iviiua ui aioiwo, bn. Oua l*. Htu ana aer daughter. Mam Aiuurtd oneu, returaca miiu **» <>*■ wuauguo wnvre tbey nan bmo vuiung Mr. ua an. Hgpry u. beau lor several uaye. Mum Uiaoys to ami baa raturcaa to bar mom aa teacaar w mtuuc in tba Uuu tiraoeu acnoole. roc eav •rai (hu eec aaa M«a at Bet iou« bt (arm rule, wav re aer lamer mea iaat moom. A young aoo of Hoary Morris who (eaiana on tbs Ueata roaa jui ovyunu biaca diver, waa arrwetva nq nigm by ilepaiy aanrai a. to. iiirnage nun i oikubu hlfpu aa a caargs ui M.. lag liquor. He wm ue ouuu in ponce court i annoy morning in U. apaia aa* Opened a pmmouia aaop avrv ana wm au a general piuai Bug contmeung Oibuum^ He Own ia uunn ier taa iaat year m toe employ ox N. A. ooiL Ho eaoon b«rc Horn Kocay mount, eracre ac baa Oven in tba pinmning ataua ier •cvaimi yean. la aa attempt to dodge aaotocr automoaite mean Name ooneay ai varnoen Orvva am own ear a •map ta iroat ax me um uvuw*i pace aa Hue roaa. Jam car wav Oau if new age a. out ear. bona ana a<v companion, Harvey ntnrvnnu, Ov capvg mjary. (tor. Harry M. North, diractor ni tba ma Tomcat ia bone urouu ui BIUNOI UIUU UU Banos? Sigat- Mr. anu is oos si tbs aSMst prsscosrs oi tos bourn and mould be assru by all who csa stUna tos services buousy iukql Mogsr brooms, who nss beta am Ptaysa bars isr several s*mi u • Buyer si ceUon tor Juiuou biots srs. isit last sigot isr amiiatieie. no probably will return next season to engage in tne ansae basin sea. arson* saeoe many trtenda warns in uunn and tbs community generally regrets bia departure. Tbs bom* Economics Department of taa woman's tiu will meet in tbc rooms or tbs Cumber at Com mores ynday aiteraoon at k o ciocjl. A bItsc tea win bs served on Uus occasion and tbs proesaot rrom u will to devoted to to* porobasa ot now equip meat for tbo dopartmsnt'a kitchen. ah women of Dunn aro invit ed to attend this Wttlle Fowler, of Daks, was Aasd In p*Ue* ooart Monday morning when b* was ksord on n charge ot having cut s tout used by a carnival on tba outAirts of town, the carnival had boca operating in poses far near ly a weak until. It Is laid by tba po lice, Willi* and bin crowd derided to enliven things a little. After tbs teat ™ dashed tbs carulvalitas dosed tbe skew. Eli Jeekson was arrested bore Sat urday night by Policeman Page on an old warrant charging him with having operated a liquor still. Ac cording to the police a still was found In a tunnel leading from Jack son's tmoko bouse abent a year ago. Tbs warrant was leased at that Urns, hat It eras sot until Saturday that Jsskaon could be found. Ha was re leased under bead for Ms appearance la psdea court here Thuriday morn tag. M. A. Townsend, who is rvprvssnt the General Ameinhly, waa hem Sun day ta fldt hla family. Mr. Townaand haa receatly introduced • mad bill which will bar* a wonderful affect upon Harnett eauaty'e road aeUettiai in the scent It ia adopted.' T>e full teat of this biU la printed la this i» eue. Final action la bating bald la abeyance util Mr. Townsend can loan tha will of the people Next Friday haa boon ant aa the day or which complaints or renommoadatioai may ho hoard. Dr. D. W. Denialt, professor o| DngUah ia Clem eon College,'& C., hat sees seed the iarltetteo extended h) the Chamber of Commerce to spent here an tha night of March 14. Dr Daniela ia aa organization eathueiaei and ia raafcod among the loading or atom of tha eeoatry Hla anbjaet ban wil) ha MThe Forcaa that Build Com munition” Around this subject' ht haa buOdod a tectum which contain a measure that retry dweller hi thi Dunn District Arnold hear. Ho wil spook la the Metropolitan theatre and no charge will ho made far ad mMaa. Deary farmer hi the dletric is lasfted by tha Chaaeher of Com meter to hear Dr. Dan lets on this oc Aa Department « I more thee it, •AM cattle during 1M0. The Doited States has gained Ii wealth by fifty billion dollars aloe 1114. . * Pries Tread Still Continues Downward D«a)li That tha downward trend of com modity price* 1* Kill sharply defined ta evidenced by Dun’i comprehensive •** ot wholesale quotations, which •Howe dfl race**ion* this wook and only 2B advance*. ThU Js tha forty Ant cooiecative week during which decline* have predominated. Tha grain markets were again eensBlcu ous for their activity and buoyancy »■ occasion*, adverse crop reports outweighing other factor* sod caus ing another sharp advance in wheat. In sympathy with this movement, baying of the coarser cereals Increas ed ana resulted In more or Isas gain In corn, oats and barley. The rise In com and a somewhat better demand strengthened prices of hogs sod pro visions, AEE there was soma Improve ment jwnvt href, bat shereceded sligbtlH In dairy produeW smaller rtwoijA of high grade ihA vere a «upp<*tmg factor in batter, M^no^ sctlvflbuylng brought about somPIF vswcU egga Cheese, however, was in ittmr light'demand, and was in clined tE yield. Irregularity remains the euta^mdinr fealura of the Iron and steal Utuation. Whtla the leading producer Us made no alteration In quotation; independent intervats nave ndfted concessions in an effort la oh#la new business. In the minor metals, fairly steady conditions aro maintained in copper and spelter, bat n reactionary foaling Is seldent In tin, lead and aluminum. Encouraging advices continue to b* received re garding prospects In tha cotton goods trad*, but some sellers still endeavor to stimulate demand though the me dium of pries reductions. A somewhat better sentiment appears to have de veloped in hides and leather, though prices remain unsettled and furthsr decline* ora noted. »»mcnerter, vi, reo. zo,—A bus tard. ranging Umij*t throughout the Shenandoah and Cumberland valley* wai threatening te block railways and nifimyi, railroad iimti vrre infer mad tonight In rvpora from over the torritory. Tha storm started with snowfall aariy Saturday evening and with an iertarmingling of rain and hail has left a coating of elect and snow from twelve to fifteen inches deep over the ground. Early tonight tho storm had shown no abelement and in gait way cute tha snow was reported to have piled so high that a tie up wae threatened. The temperature was reported rap idly falling and small fruits, which had bean encouraged by the springs like weather of the last few weeks ta send forth buds, are believed to have been nipped and newly made gardens destroyed. NOTICE TO THE EXHIBITORS AT THE HARNETT COUNTY FAIR I have Joet finished malting tha ^emluaa duekg according bo my records, wan by exhibitors at tha last fair. check, has not raealvad the tame, I •hall thank you te communicate the fact ta me at once so that I may In vestigate the matter. V* ..Iiu ,,0DtJ!' * THOR H. THAXTOM 4 * Fngiooor ud In Ufa 4 * CwntU W«k A SwaoiaHy 4 * HmW Ammu A*~T£ 4 * tad E.*ie~r. 4 * h>lM 4 * *>»•». — Nartk Carolloa 4 * •*•««««« 4 * BUSINESS LOCAL * THOSE DESIRING fhotocra phi Tutod, cither hi oil i color, communicate h Smith, Phono *87. SEVERAL USED CARS_" etM make* offered at Gainey** Gw «*• for low price* on cary torma Some of three are beaulien Each ie a real bargain at (he price naked. f 2* if. MHiu — TWO S-YEAR OLD mule* weighing 1,000 ponndi each a Duroe Jereoy etoek bog, aigbti ei month* old, and a number of othei bogs, pea vine hay and a lot ol farming implement* See Capt. J S. Cole, Dunn, N. C. 18 2t. LOST—BUNCH OF KEYS WITH “J. A. 8.” on initial plata. Pleas* retorn to Jim Smith at Gainey*! Q*r»gr- _ It pd FOR RENT. — HANDSOME RE5I deace on W«it Broad Street. Two room* be be rejorrad. Apply to Mrs T. L. Pltigereid or J. w7Primer na-_ l»tt ASIC YOUR GROCER FOR Hodges k EC LEANED MEAL. U he hasn’t It, come to the mill. John W. Hedges. tf. THE VERY BEST WHITE LEG hems hatching eggs, from prise birds |2 for IS. One hundred 19.00 baby chicks 16c each. Largs batch March I. Glee me year orders. Where honesty rules—whore qual ity reigns. Lucrotis Parker, Duke, N. C. / 2* 4L FOR SALS.—TWO FORD TRUCKS, can maka immediate delivery. See me at once if yon want one of them. J. W. Thornton. 2* tf. FARM WANTED — WANTED TO hear from owner of farm or good land for sale worth the price ask ed. L Jones, Box 661, Olney, III. It pd. COTTON SEED WANTED_HIGH est cash price paid and largest ox change for Buckeye Meal. Boo or ^B. O. Townsend, General j Company. 11 tf. NEW DRY GOO©3—MADE FOR this season la ths newest patterns, ■hades sad colors. They art on dis play at Dmogboa’a. f Btf. FOR RENT_HOUSE JUST VACA T1MBER WANTED—IN SAMPSON County- Addroso Captain a J. Hanna, The Tllghman Lumber Co., Dunn, M. CL tf Jit FOUND CHRISTMAS VUS — A »»6»Ur. Apflj M J. M. CtnI, Sr. It NEW GINGHAMS — MtETtlEST you kni mb far run—jut u rtrad at Dnagbaa'a. fStf. I BEAUTIFUL FEBCALES — HEW I » llilfit of Ifttoat pattern bow I <ti*!ar«4 at DHAUGHOKTJ. tttf.l ill Smile ' Smile | jiil a a i I: Smile Smile i ill Of of i i 1 Smiles Smiles] | Smiles, Smiles, Smiles * ‘ ||: -i-THE WOMAN’S CLUB MINSTREL i I: - AT THE - TROPOUTAN OPERA HOUSE I: FRIDAY, MARCH 4'-t_ If ill afford a a world of g usrhter, a unh^pe of Hilarity, a ton of risi 1 and a lifetime of happiness. , ; 50-Comedians and Songsters-50l 7-Big Vaudeville Specialties-7 1 ! 50-Bubbling, Breezy Song Hits-50 ; | 120-Minutes of Real Merriment-120 j: [ THE BIGGEST PRODUCTION g DUNN HAS HAD THIS SEASON i ff 9 Seats on Sale Monday February 25 - at - If WILSON & LEE’S—GET THEM EARLY | ft < n < i ft 1 tttlflttlHltlMMMlIttlMmilllMIHIimilllnii ■ I ^Bre is no indication that these Goods will ever again low as we. are now offering them. In many cases B cannot duplicate them for the prices now charged. (• Look Them Over Now ! BUTLER B [HERS huNN AND ( > . < H ► « M ► < - . Reduction Mhese Goods Already Had Been I V Reduced 33 1-3 Per ^nt | - OUR BIG SALE OF HARDWARE, FURNITUrLiM- If \ i PLEMENTS, TOOLS AND^OihDlNG SUPPllES, 8 WILL^ONTINUE UNTIL MARCITI. IT OgfeRS g YOU A CHANCE THAT WILL NOT COME AGAIN g \\9 ^ SqpN.^raESE GOODS WILL NOT BE LOWER. g !•:: V YOU nJaY NEVER HAVE SO GOOD AN OPPORTU- 1 T nity again, take advantage of rr now. 1 (, ♦♦ 1 THi BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. I i| l Dunn and Coats_1

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