$38 r-.;- v ii • • v^Sv 8j? ifiX? i • «r|sS|j ^r'i-9-:•/»-•*»••'• -•.••• * , Merchants — • s •.*'*'•' •* MRS S&?Nk& \'>r . V . . . . fQifllT r.yvT'f . j.. *■ *,• .’fc** , ' *' —WILL FIND IT TO JftEIR ADVAN TAGE TO GET QUOTATIONS Staple and Fancy Groceries From us. Large stock of new, fresh goods at lowest prices obtainable. PEOPLES SUPPLY COMPANY DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA ■ ,*’*vir “• '.v. -.v» . . .• ^ ’ ' i r—rrmniim ... . LEGAL ADVERTISING *-*» CJUMNAMCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WOW.N WATER BONDS, AND PROV1D INC FOR THE PAYMENT OP gg<gAL AND INTEREST THEREOF. M *T ORDAINED by the Board SL of the Town of Dun, North Carolina, u follow*: Section L That tho Town of Dun, pursuant ta thajMunicipal Fi hoodu t'rn'tho paryOM^'af *eaLai_ § I ntod with tho Clark, pmnat to uM “» **l to upsu to puMlc inspection. Seetton S. That the antml ral »a«an ef property subject la taxation by tho Municipality for tha ftocal Tear 1928. ai toown by uid .tato meat, to M^4«.llt.00. 7 Itortlen *. That the amount of the f't debt of the municipality outstand ’*«•, authorised or to be authorised Z *7 •*■*•»«*. Ending ttw mao, to 98S74M.00. Sjctloo 7. TWt ttiii ordinance Jhan trte rfftot thirty days after ha 6tot publication, unices in the meantime a petition for ita submie* ‘•tb-Atari to filed under the Mnnielpel Plnanee Act. and in each take affect when ap 5wl by the rotor* of the ToVn of Dunn at an election a* provided under raid act. „ K?T*; _Un<ler faction *0 of tho ssKsr^L'ijsar^s; in a newrpaper published la tho Town of Dunn, and at the cud of the octfaanco to oubBthed the foBowlag Bottom moat he added, wtth W..V* la, anA the printed *• *** to I 7T* w* JMI: *»7 Niioa rff.K,IUKl„<w -• r*5ij&rfvs'’a** l _ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR J»-E JJ»?UANCE OP *22,000 0* 5SK£5ASi-*OKD*» AHD fro WWC FOR THE PAYMENT OF fjunotai. AND interest THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board ot *•>* *■•*» «f Diwb, North Carolina, as follows: _ Section 1. That tha Town of Dnan. pursuant to tha Mnalaipal Fi nance Act. as amended, issue its honde for the purpose of extending ile^ udttiog eenitary aewereye »j» Section S. That tfco maximum ir ^am.mttrfmldb.^s.h^ha ?- .T1** a tax suflUleot to RjijSbJVf the^B«ntrTpaTity”hai'be sn filed with the Oerk. pa recant to •eld act and is open to r"M'~lrisi ■ ■ Un,. Section 5. Hut the aimiii valua {*•■ of property (object to taxation kjr u« "“^Ptbty for tko fiscal roar 19*0, at ebown bp laid state ment. U 94,649,111.00. Section 6 TWt the amount of tho net debt of tho municipality out standing, authorlaad or to be auth ortoad, as shown by aald statement. Including thl> Issue, is *23T,*96.00 Section T. That thia ordinance shall take effect thirty day* after ita Bret publication, unlese la tho meantime a petition for Its aubeale ilon to the voter* la filed under the Municipal Finance Act. and In such event It shall taka effect when ap proved by tbe to Ur* of the Town of Dunn at an election as poeided under • NOTR: Under Section SO IT uric.'pal Finance Act (Chap! Public Low* of 1910) thit after paesagv, shall be ' each week for four eat ; in a newspaper published_ of Dunn, and at the tod of tha^rdl , nance so published the followieg no tice must be added, with bUduma Jjj^^fillud in. and the printed a^^H iweof the Clerk appended to the wm tieet The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 21 day of February, 1921, and was firot published on the 22nd day of February, 1921. Any action or proceeding Questioning the valid ity of ea'td ordinance must be com menced before thirty (80) days ut ter lu first publication. H. A. PARKER. Town Clerk. Fob 22 Mar 1 8 16 22. «U I ILL Oh MU, OK LAND Under nod by virtu* of the power ef tale contained la a certain trust deed made by W. T. Warren and wife to me. the same being registered io Harnett County in Book 1W, at page 400, default having been made la the payments therein tenured and the bolder of the note* having de manded that the Trustee foreclose ■ same. I will, on March 24, 1021, at I about the noon hour, offer for side Ho the highest bidder for cash at the j court house door in LiQlngton the landa described In said trust deed as fellows: A part of the lands of the estate of Joan 8mHh* and a part of lot No. 4 of the dhteJon ef mid land, con taining 12* mVe*. more or less, said land u fully dencWbed ;n the deed from John WiPieoM, Commissioner Reference is made to the record for fall end arci-mie ij—e-’-u'en. THOS. B. WILDER. Trustee. This Feb. 17. 1021. Feb 22 Mar 1 » It.. BROAD MOVEMENT IN STAPLE COTTONS Retailers are baying staple cotton good* steadily, tho demand for do mestics of standard gradss being un usually broad, although the takings are la email Iota Sheets and pillow cases are exceptionally well euadi- i tioned. Brown sheetings ere lower, i and weakness has developed In soane i lines of bleached muslins end othe* plain blenched fabrics Narrow prints and pe-calos continue in steady de mand for Well lota. Efforts are be ing made in some quartern to clean ep stocks ef napped goods. Wash Sta for~gnlek u-.sn_ for unfinished goods for genera! manufacturing nod converting pur | poses has continued light. f -c - C? X>1- LAI- U •;»? u ta .-il . ; .tod by Li . . ..: *> C..•«*••.«». ■ : d-ii. «• . ! ? . of . )•* ** ■ •-'•I..-..« CouiBooV lit?. l*s. • *»-. the • urdUnamed in 3» *. 'd’of trust nvimr Veu tom .':'nd with, and hold r of lh’ ‘ 'to ••cured tin ha vug io ne -ordane* with l*vUion» mris ■n .taid deed ott declared th entire Indebtcdeecurfd thereb. to be due and g made- dementi upon tbe tnaataet the powei ai •ale contained ia deed of trust be cxerciaed, tBexeigocd Iru; tecs named In •& of iruat. eh’ on Saturday. tjikhiy of Pebvt %f 1®21, atl’Jch P. M.. | tTt. eourthoudMAn L'Ulngton North Carolina, Waublir auctioi to the high eat tr for ca_<h th land deaenbed id deed of Vnu: being a tract end In LlUingloi Toemahip, HaraCeonty. State o North Carol inasolning tbe land of Mra. Annlo Sere, f- B. Lanie; and otheo, and udrd a* follow vl»: Beginning at i&a in the recti of Front Street die town of LI lirgton aa eatandn tha center < Front Street of (Town of LilUai ton aa extended fettcrly directii at * point oppoittc the noriheeeut t corner of land deeded to Mra. Anile M. Hnr« by Foard of Tiuetcea of the Lillingcon High School, nnd runn there a North 71 degree* 56’ Wilt ■ 1805 feet to • wwtera liro of the ' Pegron land; t her.ee n -.be lino of i‘ add lord S. 68 degretr 29* Writ 427 1 feet to a stake, tho original comer of r the Geo. W. Ferraro 104 acre tael I and the A. N. Waddrll 7o acre troctij thence North 69 degree* 40' W»: 564 feet to a «t»ko In the Otaily lUtof thence South 44 degree* O’ We.*. 1011 feet to n atake in the eojne’ of K. r.revt extended: thence a# tie cen ter of aaid rlre-1 S. 71 decret* 35' Ea<t 1773 feet to a 1,‘tkr. the cornni of 6 arr* tract doedeu to T L. Bayi-e. J r.; theoee as I hr line of thr.l tract] N. IS decreeJ 23’ E«1 3fS trot >c a atlnc; theucc 8 71 decree* 25' J-' * S00 tefehto a ataVe In tbe Hn.' o' Hare; t^Sfc rcith !'•— I • e X. ’f ■!•' gren 25 ... 781.5 tec; to the bvgin aiog, cuntmln" 46 acres, more or lees. I Place of po'e: Ceu'P cu- INrai. . LUluigton, X. C. , Tlron of cale: Saturday, Fcbr^a^ i, 26, 1)11, 1 o'eroe’4 1’. M. Terara of »<'•’ Cwh. , Tkic the 12nd da/ c£ 4.«nucr> a l"*lE. RANTK'.LPII WlLMAMEs .. >; v TOWNS’.NP. Tru ica, n Ja.i 23 Feb 18 15 22. —.rrvsy:--ms’ loricE ivf cm'.’’ yrora vorrM 1 tod by Tiilrv ci °* |: a'.a coot, I -t < ’•■ a d'c.-timbu • xccuVcd !;*■ *-V ■ i2. . c**o*.r*’ to ■'** - O' l i*;vkiu<I *:ev*4*»B7» U* a.*1*.. k»> cf .ti’-iiirj v\ i'dV* juu* ♦,#*v*^vw he oPi-v. <-f ;b.yi. ->r of l*:.!' ?«» (jrtiot: C-icnt> >• >.--uV. nos'll:.. .U ro.se «V0, Av *iMi «r•.•da* ; **-« »f cvr:* <J:‘4 ...i lO’or.lh fid ■-»'* ■ •>• M«inf lie J ..• *> !»} X ■ > a-il .f.; i- '.*•..:.*’•• • «• Ki.. - • •** 4<,i.f>.'ioc i '"J ■j-joblV .n.. o-> ‘ :: -b ri lb*. *-.*■•». S-.J,. Tic *, i. ti-i* .1 -•*. O." : ..■■• *>. •-©a. N. C c». Cio .-do:*, *..i\ c*. •> .3/1, trroovo- *ji-*i to.; »■ lovtriot l*.:it :.»o*2 ’. • •» flu cl '*:• ....c iii. :..:-od ... 'i o- 'fl.« »*•* O'-l* \ ^Jji.t f >i . r-i'ii- ■ II. 1.0 0. I of a SI-2 aero uact bclonfir* lo C. Serphe.* <*i>, ao>d ’.'utr :'n«o; <* So-i 2 1C '..*. • -f.* <b .' • *o- .1 a I'lofco,; t- * t . • ' ok! !.v St !C. ..-i*. rh.*. . •••'.. — Iht taaf, VV. A. l/iniijJ:^ ao Mrs 1 M 81 l / i ■a*'* to’ * I- U'f •«***,or l'j Vi II'--:** .*:• ‘i‘1 *C -T-t.i the-.fo*’* i» ’'It i;’iv c-.t ar C. o t.*i’'i«* tooa* . A*. ;7 • ;V-j*. r Oh? b r-'-uoii iry *-’ < *-4 :«v Vh » 29th, day of January, 1821. M A. BARBOUR, Mortgagee r. Dupree, Attorney. •'re i 8 16 22 Mar 1. a?.. V/. ~WAK'. FIELD, M D-. OF • IhnrM'C, •••' It be in Duke, ip Dr. tinir* -»:« or Tuesday, March 1; Rcnaon »••• IVedneeday, March 2. The doctor limit* hU practice to tfcs Dee'meet ot eye, ear. neae and iicoat d—caaea w. id fitting glaaaee. - it vtu.* tr.ally phyiic'an about ;v Dr. Wak .-field. f83t dA *' - \tt >T1CE "o.' EALE OF AUTOMO | Bii-T FOR REPAIRS 'T".doi i nd ouYjuant to authority ,....■ , iC Se crV , No. S*31 of the rr I'.fl Cods of No; tli Carolina, I will i, r for talc on the 16th. day of ■«r,».c‘, 1*21 at 12 M. in front of M. P rinrti f* garage enc Overland au Ivach'lc knc.ttn as No. 75, belonging Do.n-.td H-btjJt, the »ald car be .- .»oltl Imi ropa'i* on mini* to tha Iiijc-.it .. tS to- same having boon in the pow«*a!on of the taad nicrbn-i C for over the statutory time , n-«-vifbcd by law for advertising I Tcims of *alc cash, place of ! . .- c f.r.-.t of Maitin Carnge. Time : <t, ?V.ch 15th 1821. V. D. *’;IICE. Mechanic. 11, W. C. BKl.L. Attorney. !'.:b. tn 22 Mar 1 8. ‘ T Stolen! Columbia Bicycle I Model M-2, No. 6460. Number under if crank hanger. Mud guards No. 39. Description: Black frame, with pin I stripe in white. Wooden rim wheels. Name |j on saddle. ;j | Suitable reward for recovery of bicycle 1: or arrest and conviction of thief. |j| G. M. Tilghman 1 I Moi^yy^. 1 Idle money Km no value—it is no good to you or !j your community. Only when it is placed in a good fl| j bank and made to circulate does it perform the use- * HI ful functions for which it was created. \ all You owe it to .yourself and your community to ! *-!. place your funds in a bank where they are always 1 t, yor* ar,d always guarded against nre, burglary \ and loss. I ■ I BANK YOUR MONEY WITH US I I I Jhe pirst Rational gank II Dunn, North Carolina 1 $i 0 the opening days of this sale and rrorn r doors opened a mob of bargain mciv_ E crowded into the store, and with all the employed, we have been unab.t. to han wds which packed the store. \/e ex lo a lot of business when vve started tliis did not expect the crowds we did have II wishes to express hi3 thanla and ?r- g the liberal patronage of the opening V oods are being put on display daily 1 [ices on all odds and ends. I a mountain of merchandise to be sold lousands of customers to carry it y shelves and counters. Hun : now on display that are nearly nirlwind of bargains for the end _ tether, in the face of other ao-call “ thenbigfftest thing in point of ev®SJen witri©Be?Tijrhtl3 "• : */ • ; ' s among your men da and neigh will soon be over and that they you this week in saving money. Tell j wonderful Bargains, and advise them ,rly. They will appreciate your good in recognizing the greatest clothing, • and dry goods values you have ever ou have not already visited the sale, come . morning and look around examining the mpare the price and quality. They should npress you. If you believe in economical ou will buy now before prices go up again antee that you will not buy goods much the prices we are offering them. fie man who saves you dollars, F. J. PORTER, Sales Manager. I Polish SPECIAL | Polish, all colors and large supply, | - mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmm and Blankets I large double blankets that are for 96.00 are all marked down to self I ... $2.98 B 96 quilts cu^fe_<144 P q|lta —41.M 1 CDry Goods 'll ' i ,afil I 7fe value heavy Ticking, now..---24?- C i I Me Biaarhinc. *jow-15* | r I ?:c ll.lvn;*!de Plaide. now —--15* 0 50c Fleet Ginrhan, now. --15* 1 M R Vr.bleachcd S'ncc'J.*'? —---10* B *.1.00 v't-uc v 1 cfcaeiied Pepperell She^- B || value He* y Oulirjr. per yard-10c R V.T.- v.-'.r.e la..* iiouch Towel*-*-17* KJ Lv~ 'r* r.. .ui. t.. in je———— Mi ILADJE3 OVERCOATS | I 1} L%r?e aRtort'iio.it in different shades and col ; j o».» oT velours c and broadcloth with j> ' , M rini’" vs.vet u..d H’r collar*. Never were such »; villi'cs shown ar.tt price? mentioned are only a \ nucuon of wholesale cost. ’ t ' ij Up to $00.00 Values now---.-$18.95 'J £10.00 Values now-$12.95 ,i rIt0.00 Values •.cv__$9.95 £. i.j Ploin Uroadclo-.h and Velour.-$8.98 ij.j t*. ... — , —- *r- ••• , F jfextTlA SPECIALS I 1 H Wc have divided all our Ladies’ waists Into ! J two lots and have a good assortment of size* 5 a*d colors to ejaoooc Cron. |(L fi All Silit VVaisls o't .v.le at-- $3.98 Jl,. i h All Other WoEls on ale r.t.. $1.98 :i, i fj ! allies sl.irU iu Ser;c nr.d other Weave, wore p [• n arked at a fraction of their value, and some !,i R can be bought m low aa-—--$1-28 'l&xwsrr:-' . r.f . .-■r^zaxstammmmmmmm L I Ell t II III 111———■ SPTO3AM! I ur supply of Vnest grade Apron Gingham is inning low bufwhile it lasts, you can buy what ou want at, yard-10c ",j ur nascn-jjn oi Okcm Ginghams la complete and the patterns are beautiful i, j 7-inch now celling at-- -15c ■(; j 1-inch now selling at__IBm nI ■■ i as^—a i

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