. DR. D. W. DANIEL PHASES BIG CROWD AT METROPOLITAN T«IU Community How To Be come Really Worth While CO-OPERATIVE SPIRIT MUST LIVE IN FOLK Plead* For Aid To Law En forcement Official*, For An Awakening Of The Civic Sense Of Beauty—For Sani tation And For Organisa tion. Co-operation, character and cast are the things essential to the build ing of model communities, according to Dr. D. W. Daniel, professor of English in Clesuson College and lec turer upon civic topics, in an address Vo R00 men and women of Dunn in the Metropolitan Theatre lavt night. Good towns are not built by indi viduals, declared the speaker: “they are the products of men and women who arc banded together to accom plish good and build wcl’.“ He point ed to the fact that chambers of com merce are amentia) to the progress of communities because they are the only institutions through which men and women of many minds can come together and evolve a comprehensive plan of concerted action. Good things cost money—they caa ssot be erauired without . r> Daniel* mid. Cub it an essential to ehrie betterment tnd It moat bs sup plied If betterment agencies are func tioning properly. A man who will not contribute rash to ■ chamber of commerce end will not work with hu fellow* for the good thing* that *ucb organisation* work for is not a good citlsan. .No community can pi ogress in the dirwiioa unless it h*i rhoriotcr Xbt apeskcr Mid. “ChancUi Is as net; yyy. U>, f. t0B,Inunlty as it ia to an individual. A community with char acter it a law-obeying community— oo* who** cittern* respect the law 9** lad enforcement official* to en i^.°icr the! aim wow convulsed in laughter rnhi* humorous moment* and moved to lean by his pathos. The doctor advocated the protec tion of health, the beautification of homes and the cleansing of streets, lota and alleys. He ntao fnvored the Inspection of all school children by physicians to that the srourg* ef,ic rret disease* might be detected when It It present in children. He was emphatic in his denuncia tion of a system that permit* diseas ed young men end women to marry and bring into the world children who are foredoomed to a life of trag'.e misery. He said, loo, that it was a crime to primit a human being to die of a preventable disease and that most of the disonrot which claim the most victoms arc preventable. Any coro manlty that permits a perron to con tract one of these disease* should feel ltaelf disgraced, he declared. The Masonic Orchestra furnished music for the occasion. GUDGER OUSTED AS POSTMASTER AaheriD# Postmaster Removed From Often by Tala graph Yesterday Aahevilie, March II.—Coming a» a climax to the letter writing battle which hat been waged between Poet master Owen Gudger and let Assist ant Postmaster General i. C. Koons, the former wea removed from office thU morning by telegraph, and ha im mediately turned aver the office to Dan W. Hill, who war nppointed by Mr. Keoni aa acting postmaster pend ing the eettiement as to the regular appointment. Mr. Gudger did not profem ear triee at baing ourted from office, a* ■ said be had expected it every dav vines the Republicans went Into ol Aee. The reel cause of the removal it is understood, is the charge by Koens that Gudger printed the offi cial correspondence In the ease of Mim Katherine Rollins, who was die mimed from office on charges of al leged irregularity. Mr. Gadget has had the office for eight years, having bean appointed by President Wilson on the recom mendation of the late Congressman Godger. Mej. W. W. Rollins, Repub lican, held effiee one year in the first Wilson administration, or until the commission be had expired and the Democrats made do attempt to oast him. It is understood that Bill was rec ommended by Linney and Morcbead. Only eaa other applicant appeared In tbe race—Ollle Pltogersld—but It is net known tf be west so far as te send in petitions be circulated. Advertising will get people to do •boost anything—judging by ths "daring and after*’ odor of seme of these new eigareta ea the market A confirmed crook in a man whs cheats whan he’s playing solitaire Men are willing to divlda srhci Umsh mere than enough to g< I ’ t * Form Ball Club In Meeting Here Wednesday Nighl EallnnltiU Will DIkuu Plans U Room* of Chamber of CmoarH Those business men end other* ol Dunn who are interested in the re vival af baseball here have been call ed to meet in the room of the Cham ber of Comma ret Wednesday nighl tv discuss plane for the coming sea son. It i* planned to attempt to cre ate a four or six-club league with teems herr and in Benson, Selma, Smithfield, Clayton and Four Oaks, or to apply for cwMnct to the league recently iormi-dFamong towns south of Fayetteville# This meeting follows one held last Wednesday niBit when a tentative organisation perfected with Her bert Taylor at Manager, Sam Ferrell as captain, Wingoa as head coach and Q#^cr UcD, Holliday as »ccrotary adH treasurer. Mr. Taylor, however, rf used to consider himself s permanent holder of the jut of manager, fearing that the work en tailed might interfere with hla duties as cashier of the Find National Bank. Perfection vf a permanent organi sation and discussion of finances wars deferred until tomorrow night's meeting when it Is hoped that a more representative gathering may be got ten together. In Che initial meeting more than two dosen prospective player* wore present. Few of the buaineae houses were represented, and there were no more than five ef the town's most ardent fane present It U plannwd to use the diamond at the Fair Grounds this year. Coat of equipping the race track infield with bleachers, rolling the ground* and other necessary work will not, it it believed, exceed IUIU. This, it is understood will be home by the Har nett County Fair association. It wrill be reimbursed fiom a percentage of the gate receipts. FERTILIZER HAN HAS TROUBLE TOO laming On Material Just Lika The Farmer And Also Carrying Farmer ,!??»0» of the Grand Old Party and, like Mr. Holland, once attached to the revenue department where he rendered eerviee that (till live* in the history of Eastern Carolina, and Jo seph W. Wilton, young Republican lawyer, ton of the late A. R. Wilson who was Dunn’a only Republican Mayor and for many year* an emi nently satisfactory holder of th* job for which Mr. West has been endor Md. ,,TK*r* ,r* “any other* who do not! like the endorsement Captain Bill! Holland, who gave up hi* business here and went to war for his country at the bead of Dunn's company of Nations! Guardsmen, is a candidal* for th« job. He is not much in love with th. endorsement J. R. Crockett a line fellow, a good citiaoa. a wide-, e**^c^tr*r*Hnr aainamaa, alsoJ*w mg any (its of elation over th* action. I. E. Jordan, one of th* town’s pio neer citlaans, a merchant, a rood man -he. too. is a candidate. AU of thoee fellows and their friends and rela tives ar* after scalps of Edgar Car lyle and the fellows who put ovsr the endorsement. Meantime, however. Edgar Cariylo has gotten the first fall — even if some say it* a "dog fall.” He 1* aa tiuppy over it as a kitten with a rub ber ball. It would be an awful thing for the faithful, though, if Mr. Harding would deride that the withe* of the office patrons should have more weight than any alleged party service in a part of the country where there ha* been little evidence of more than nominal Republican work. It may be that th* *plit of the Re publicans may serve an excellent pur pose. Nobody in Dunn who cares for real efficient service cares a hang a boul Gtme Lee's politics. Th* Repub-' beans may not be able to decide whom they want. In the long run there may be no change at alL Women Need Funds For Cemetery Keep Will Begin Drive For Manny Ta Fny Expenses Of Up Keep This Ynnr The Woman's Club, working in co operation with thf Chamber of Com merce, will soon start a drive to ac quire funds for the continued upkeep of Greenwood Cemetery. They ask aU owners of lots to contribute small sums to help pay tha caretaker and Use expenses of beautification. last year, according to a statement ^it submitted by Mrs. William J. t.tnpson, the women spent 8*91.81 *t the cemetery. Of this amount 8418.6* was paid sr is to ho paid by U^MIpqr Dunn. Lot owners con tributed 8*84.89. The financial statement follows: RECEIPTS Contribution from lot own . •". 8854.80 Amount on appropriation /vom the town of Dunn_ 480.00 Total.$704.80 DISBURSEMENTS Amount paid keepers.8586.00 S. F. Dorter, Patting ia pump. 86.90 J. A. Byrd, work on summer house A tool house 40.90 Butler Brea shovel.. 8.00 N A. Bell C-» *'.»te rmt*i below :nKir«UJ6« influences wert tztried i»4 irooght to bear upon tha Jary, which effected their verdict against the tlaiaUff, and for that thevsrtJet aa readered did not excreta tho rial Kntiment of all tha jurora S. For that since tha trial of said • ■am ntwly discovered evidenee baa' !oom to the knowledge of tha plaia-l M which 1. material i[a her baWtJ 104 WB* available to her •pop the former trial. Robert n (Urns aan-tut —— I PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY tCHOOC ELECTS OFFICERS ^.T ••action of offlocr. of w* Prayfcytcrian Sunday ackool for ~tigg&Trals& ■? . ■ COUNTY BOARD TO HEAR ROAD BILL VIEWS IN MEEIWG Will Of Tas Payors April S. REVALUATION MATTERS COME UP AT SAME TIME u Land la VaM Top High For TrndoB Purpoaoe. Mombor. Wat To Lor So Tlmt Thop May Provide IU Hof. Everybody la Invlt Chlaetu of Harnett wUl by given as opportunity to vale# their apprv val or dieapproval of tba saw Town HantaH Ceuntv read Mil before I* 4Mcial meeting or Board of Coos ty Commluianen lo ba baM Tuesday, April 5. at LiUingten. ' I. At the same time ramala lata will be hoard oa tbs revaluation aaaaaa mant ef real estate la tba eeaaty. Under tba provalone af tba Town ••“d law tba measure dose not be come active until tba teaoWmm put it lato effort. Tbia praaaatioa wna taken by V A. Tawnmeed. rep KMntatKe to tha Ler'slatura flea this county, in order to give aU of the Beanie of the teoet. mm taatar to bo hoard ia th* matter. The hill wai rotten throark tho Lw ■slater* to late in tho unin Ur. Townsend oat fearful that tt might not have com* to the attention of ■mac las payer, who would oppose it* enectmoB’ into law. Toe hill provide, for the levying of a rpectaf tax of twenty cents on the tlM of taxable property la the coonty fee road building aad main tenamee purpose, and It deigned aa a part of the Statewide road building* protect through which all at the uu highway* at the State will be built |at State ezpeeac The money derived from tbta tax will bo devoted exclu sively to those highway* which are met ■ ncludrd In the State highway ithimi TV bill provide, for the omattea of a coonty road commission. Hu eommimteo 1* to be farmed of ewe member from each voting precinct at the coonty and is to tevi Upcrvtaion over all read building aetMtte* ua dertahon by th* ceunty, bnt ie act to Inge content** to th* -*U eloa. The eommlmioo Is to mke charge of convict read force* now hi existence. On the aucMmcat matter tho eoae mimioncr. feel that many lead own er. of th* county have last cause for complaint. There is little nqu.lix.tion about Lb* present .aunt In Avers .boro ere em.med at very much shove their premit value, if arsesomento in other towoteip* are not too low. J. W. Jordan, member of the board from thi. end of the county, desires that all who feel they have canoe for complaint attend the mectipg aad f>'aWr. M O. WOaos af KayariUa, Va^ otaaaoor of tha Viryiala — matin «at4 af al tha fraan bad tha aootraat yr-aaotad to them have dfaad. Sooth Carolina hat aat doo* such *P to tha praaant tha* ia >i*ala« ia* aurhada* contract aa they tvar* try - l»« tai eoBylrt* thalr cotton camttalrn "rat, hut bey* t* h**i> aa th* tahaa IS?Klars« Hftsaasa tb* prodaavr aad th* Moaoiito !£!..,b4Bath aa* dlaaat i«fir4 aad hay* jaat loan for thatr mmp^hinta Th* yr adsaartaptorBi cotnaar byViulaf^WaStMr ta WSSSSm I 3