I *• \. • . !•' EV^.VjarBHaEn L* if. • *V r' isPAfim j2- ,921- ' ' Number2 S ues after EVENTFUL LIFE 'J«Ma, Who Sorswd i*-A* M^Curd Far Davit , 1 » Ihfd m ftaieigh . .1. ByEdteird E. Britton, In N«m and •rt Observer . .Wsahjngton, April S.—There .died ses*|»osy Jirpee H. donee, a negro, hrhcse pfe brdmght It la In contact |R$pcjpr*at affairs, for he waa carrt WWw«r»»d body servant to PrpiJ Moot Jttfsraoo Daela of the Confcd-1 orate State* and lived to bo SO ysari* ■of-*•*-" Ho waa a native of Warrda WkSty'a'coaalag to Rateigh after the ■tana-of ^President Davo. and doing SPhtt-wd. He waa prominent tn ■boblteM politics and #tfer in tW *•*<7 acvsnttua was. an • Udcxsasa of Ealaigb. Ha waa wall UkfA auMTvdna devoted to the service of Genaral WU liaw It Cos. who in IMS white See the United Eta lot fl toils 1 tor foies |a tie Bop- j •tfaftjisnsl Ibo I«bvan here ora bollovod to have been discovered la the. Kan desert, couth of the groat crater, by Prof. T. A. fitter. Jr., in charge of ths volcano observatory. Dr. JaggtT aad his party was ex ploring a region far removed from any of tbo known, modern trails when they cam* upon sn area thickly cov ered with th* imprint of naked fact, all pointing in the one direction, all deep at tha loot and light at th* heels, ‘adgating that tha makers of th* tracks had bean running at top speed. Th* tracky originally had been made in volcanic ash, which la strong ly impregnated into a hard concrete, thaa explaining tha preservation of th* imprints for a period behoved to have stretched over more than a century and a quarter. Hawaiian legend and history pro vide th* other ads af th* atory, th* connection between the Kan desert tracks and the flight of th* army of Kaoan. King af Kao, from Pal*** wrath. Kaoaa lad an army of three dlvio loaa against King Kamahamaha. who later anitad all th*'Hawaiian Islands under hi* away, la tha year IT##. This year alto recorded th* last eaploeire emotion of Kilaaea volcano. Hawaii-, an logon! record* th* fact that some of Kaoaa* warriors rolled stones Into Kilaaea crater to amrk their dieras Ed for the goddom of th* moltoa *. Whatever tha reason for th* out rat, Palb roe# la her wrath, and, with a terrific explalhr* araptloa, to tally arlped out the second division of Kiotti'i imy * The footprints found in th* Kso desart ars believed to ha those of men of th* find division, who, seeing the destruction af their comrade* In th* rear, find from th* locality. Th* third division coming up, anw th* had!** of tha annihilated aacand aad halted \ • I of A. L. McGaakil], 1M ’ Everybody la raysttovlUe,’' Mid Mr. MeCaaklli, 'knows that I hart 1 Jaljr oca son and that h» is not living \ jn Fayetteville nod haa not boon 4a Cumberland county atneo Mia war aad , my boyis not connected with any BBd nev*r *“» Mr. McCoMall arpraMod in r “a Indignation at tha umrax- ' !rt1h**ti?*ihiVfa BBB,**1n connection ^ l ^ doelaring that 1 It is hit belief that it waa dona with *• ?•»>"««• purporn of 1 biin at tiiia tuna ‘That article has 1 einspdy dona me more harm tha. can ! bo imagined, ha assarted, adding “If 1 there la any law In this county?that ! ST^!U,et ? ,rom “Ok Hboloue 1 •tatomenu 1 thdU eartgjnly invoke ( The dispatch referred to waa not eradi^d Ule Nrw* “d Ohaervar’a ac- ! ^ ^o^0.rT“P!0<1*Bl ta Kmtevilla 1 kJ2»Jtv »JL^* IT* 10 l99r* tha , W0“Uty of the tender have ao far been uneoeeemfol. Mr. McGaakiU’s only son la Unn 1 berry McCaakiU, who ia noev |m» 1 In Toledo. Ohio, where be haa rami'? 1 Tolldo i" of the Toledo Seales company. He ia a £«ng man of excailnw character aad h*» never been in any trouble ao far 5S£ tfBOWI’ 10 “• V1®™* in hyatla MoiconAa. mentioned in tha or" * mf 0,9 "ronnty Board of commissioner!” la not n county commissioner, and has not is." tsr. Umtne McMom ?V*»FS& CM* »re Calvin ■cNftjlJ, J. B. McDonald, Arthur Shu *nd »herill. .re mem. °. ft*1* k* and order leag^a, formed in FreTe Cmok towtXiZ Jknjr nre chained with boa tine J. ?• WM lato custody by tbs cart*™*" ■WBJr ,ro* kla 2*?? k,iBLC‘rr,'*d ®". when 2® retaken,and, it la alleged ae »w«ly haaten. His Mr wna Udlv IT* when ho was brought to Fsyeuirnu nff Gtachy, hot after tha InaUtution ®*th* nolt against the leagne men? kora wm placed under a fwWrai ha*2* *f *¥kl2LwWi,‘*y' ®"d wfll h» given a hearing before United StatM Commimiener W. B. Cook. & Vnv. The diepetch to which A. L. Me CaNtUI object* clco mode U appear that the whioboy making charge wac brought again* his con.’ CATLETT APPOIMTKD SANITARY ENGINEER Raleigh, April 7.—The Bute Board of Health todhr announced tha ap pelatmeat of Mr. George T. Catlett of Wilmington, ac aaMataat eanitary **r* Catlett ram co to tha work with tha atata after a number af yuan of luceamfol experience and a cplen r jnore. Although tobacco and cotton co 'Psrattve maiketing associations are ondacting a joint campaign, the to taeco asaociatioa is a tri-state org inlsaUon while the cotton growers ire organising as a State asaociatioa. In Virginia the president of tho ™e Bankers’ Association and maay 1 sading merchants am actively help Bg la the canvass, and the tobacco (rowers have aver 40 par eantmf the *"*»• tirned up la some coXtiaa. The OkUbsms cotton growers have 4«a*d up *000,800 bales sad an ireparing to *mnrket this year’s Top. WHO looturo or Wo co-operative ■o^rmcte which »nw of tho lradon ntkipotod would maleo growers haoU ' Lnuoir county begin» its campaign ■ •day with a moor mooting in .Kin ton at which Dr. a W. Kilgore, dl ■actor pf the N. C. Agricultural Ba anal on Service, will explain tho co pe ratlv« marketing contracts. Lenoir aahaa the 3«th county in North Car >Um to itart tho sign ap and local onnnhtees aspect to romp late tho lanvaes there by April IS. Hwnett County Schools Held Excrdses Friday Uaul County Cmomoaml At I IHtegtoa Friday Attended By Big Crowd Lillrngtoo. April 8.—Students, tea *•“, Patroaa from %boat 40 »o«nty gathered a LiUiagton Friday to teka part hi be couaty rommencecaent program oWch has boot, going oa for thTpaat south. Thteaoreiaoo war. hold ip Ulliag “• high school audltoriom and began it 1* p’clock am) looted Ull noon. The promm waa made up of racItaUoaa, fcclamatloaa, ehoruara, otorioo and Irllla. The high parpoao of the conn •7 eommrnceracnt waa not only to furotah this entertainment bwt m«a to decide upon the relative merits of Ar various achoola of the county In A air year’s work. Announcement of the winnert in -T*£*ou* •*■*■■** ware made by Prof- 1 C. Fitsgerald, county sup erintendent, immediately following At Okerclaea. An addraaa waa deliver id by Supt. 8. B. Underwood, of Pitt •aunty achoola Presentation of nr •nth grade diploawa thou took place. la the afternoon athletic conteote wore participated In by tho variew Bchoola of tho county. An aggregate number of 4,640 people hare attended the group com ■ encemenu. Twelve huadrad were prooout at Duke's group eommence meat thus numbering people from out of team alone. At least throe thou-1 mod peoplu ware hare today. DR HUBERT POT P. AT TO LECTURE IK LiLLl NOTON Ob Naliy, April 17.—Dr. Haberl McNeill Pataat ef Wake Fpreat Cal lage ia expected la Lilliaften aad will addreaa tka people af Lillington and vicinity as tka (abject ef "Cbarck lfaeic.H PTrhapa no man la tka atata haa given mere thought and etodp ta tkU aubjeet than Dr. Fataat and everyone in ta reeled la tka arnttere af Sunday achaet, young people'• aaclatiea and eburch made win hear bla with pleasure aad lli* Da. Potogt eamca a director af the Wake Parcel Glee Club whieb give* a camaart la Lillingtm an Saturday evening, the 16 th. The lea tare an Sunday will be givaa at the Baptlet tbarah at 11 a clerk everybody la lavtted and will he welromed. Spe cial made will be rendered—-Mar nett Coeaty Now*. [urge conference I TO 5BCUS5 RCADS Ownri mt Rrvlrwad lactrltiM Jobs With Plow Railroad Labor Uni—« Washington, ApHl t.—The Nation »l Asset labor) of owners of Railroad sncurilltH joined today with five rail road labor Unions la proposing that Piaaidrat Harding call a conference of reprcocntat'ves of both owners bad employes to discuss tbs Railroad pro blsm, particularly ns it affects ssagos and working conditions now In din ETh ^befoie Ure Railroad Labor £ Danes Warfield, prealdent of the association aad Darwin P. Kings ley. president of the New York Ufa Inauianco Company, conferred for aa boor with the President on the gen eral transportation situation aad sag gested the confers ace as. ana of the raanns for adjusting the dfScuhiaa tba roads fact. The request from the onions was la the form of a talogram from a M. Jewell, head af the Rail way employe* department of the Am erican Federation of Labor. .. C®J**idou* with the coafcrsaea at Ibe Whit* House and the receipt of the telegram. Chairman Cummins of the Sonata Interstate Commerce Com mittee aanoaneed ba bad drafted a resolution far Introduction not week authorising a general and exhaustive investigation of railroad affairs. Ba ptens to begin the inquiry about April 15. Mpiru for brjn|ii| iboat § re faction ia rates, operating costs gad *c question of affleitney under pri vate ownership will ba tba principal ingles to ba gone into. *v“'1 mnwn wui P» Hoard and *b»r repremntatives wUI fallow. Ma sommc-nt ea tha conference today ?• ■»<*« at tho White Hotue bat tfter the meeting n mem .random loft *r™ the Prv.ident by the Kepresen auree af the sacuritiea owner* waa aade public by thorn laying tho con ference. "covered a wide field.” Adtae euggrat.ng that "properly called mooting* betwe en tho men aad ihe.e representing the railroad bo laid under the aoapice. of the esUt »g governmental agvnclrs—the La >or Board aad tho Interstate Com ■ore* ComteUhon," the memoran ium mid: . “We are on record that wage ad instaicot U'oniy part of tho grab s'"” «ad txpreeeed the view that Ilia “ehoald be attaiaad aadar cir to !!*CaTi?T' •/ *helr differ*aces by rs rtoaal boards, squally divided, farm d by each af the four groups of ruU ray* aa now arranged by the coer ■*rc* commieaion Per retd w.Vim luraoBca l\c telegrem to tho Proaldont frdha he labor uniona proposed that ah. oagt disputes be held In abeyanoa tending the conference aad rnttlo aent of the qugetioa of rules. It la, twelve pointe which wore de •eribed as "labor', wlf-eridcat and aalieaublo rights" which would have f bf «*“•«■ ■* «»• suggested eon tereneo. It farther specified that the National agreement should not he naeecnted .in any way pending (ho iutcoae of the conference. The hrelae pointe included the ^ht boor lay. collective bargainlngKnd pay for over-time work. 7 City Settle* With Man Who Didn’t Take Office Vlgorm* Pretest* Prevented t. W. Martla Pram Cmtay to Wilree aa Chief I Wilaoa, April ■—Several month* ago th* board of city aldermen, with out any complaint being preferred a garnet Polic* Chief H. A. Warren or without notifying him that h* would b* dopeaed, employed Mr. J. W. Mar tin now, of Suffolk, Va., at a talar? of M.000 a year. SI,200 In tactm of what lo being paid Chief Ware** to act ai chief and superintend other depart menu of the city. Th* taxpayer* protected agaialt th* action of th* hoard, and potlttom •or* circulated and freely signed far Chierf Warren** retention la otter Th* hoard, against th* ovorwhelming majority, carry out their intention, dropped th* matter for th* time bo %. blame attachat t* Mr. Martin aa he aocaptV what he thought was a good position. Hr sprung a rerprise on th* city £gd* a short while me* by presenting a bill fa* 91.000 far four month* pay. At th* regalar monthly maotgg hold Thursday evening the bawd a greed to "apllt fifty fifty" with Mr. Marti*. SO# Norm CAROLINIANS DIED FKOM PIKES IN 1M« Nearly thro* hundred poop)* la North Carolina met their death last Car by fir*, th* total being barely law tb* record far th* prevfaai y**r. la IMS there w*r« eighteen live* >**t. ia conflagration*, while 270 died from other bora*. Th* total wat 2»7. Por 1*1» there were 24 liva* loot la conflagrations, and 270 from other bum* Th* total was SOI, jart fear mare than far the last year. Th* it* ttotler were anaoancad by the (tat* board af haalth today. Pl*n*«n af th* Klondike wba hr.iv •d the Hgar* af the North mare that twenty year* age are founding ,t »r gaaiaation ta ho known aa th* Yakci Order af PUnaara. , POWER CONCERNS SUBMIT PROPOSAL FOR SERVICE E f McQueen offers * juice* AT WHOLESALE PRICES The Carolina light and hear C*., •tfan Dana a fair pin Vnri aa Mpnt appraiaal—for HU lino Ilia plant mad Amendable hyArq geacrat •A «*to*wt within throe month* after It It gircii a franehiae hart. Me re tee to oaert will bo tboae allowed by the Corporation Cetamimlen or aboar one-half them charged by tha tow. , The McQaoea Company, whoaa hy dro-electric pleat io being eoaetroeted abend twelve mile* fra* town aa I-owvr little Blear, affore to aepply * 4 town with ranant at t caaU par .0 kilowatt. In tbie iintance, however, " he town would otm he compelled to . run current. malntais Hi meat and ■ . * celled from its eaetemara ahead tha ame rate tt la aaw charging aatil •h* conaumptioa grow t* abaat daw- t • ble iti present Agar*.