IS DUNN DISPATCH MIHJSRZO EVEBY TUKSOAY AKO nUDAY. B*Uo4 m aacoad-claa* mllu <#ril M, 1*14. at the pact aBaa • l*n», H. C- under tha a at at Marsh «, lit*. I t- BUS BEE KK, BwUieh Thraa aatila- .M Sbt aanki..n.N Owe fear-Mod POWEB These a:* pod prc potilioas that the McQueen casrcr* and the Coro Um Light and rawer Company offer Don*. The Dispatch trusts that tha *ota*e af toai win decide to accept sma or the ether. Tha Carolina company offers ta 1 hay tha prtacat plant at a fait price 1 based apaa export appraisal aad than g?te current ta caasuaurs at a price tsas.thaa half that which tha town to 'bilged ta charge. Its plan would ro llers tha town of the expense of keep iag up tks plant. The KeQoeca plaa would give tha town current at 2 cents per kilowatt. TTnder this plan, however, tha town raid be compelled to maiatain its. "'•ti aad heap almost as large a force ' a it now employs. It could not re does tha pelts of current to the con sumer until the eonsumptloa was practically doable its peasant figure. Bach of tha companies would re quire a loan from tha town. But noth u loan could easily he negotiat ed without Interfering with the towns credit at all. Either company world pay six per cant and retire the loan by tea equal aaaaal payments. Dura must either accept one of plans or entirely rebuild its it pleat. At least $150,000 ha required to rebuild and than there to no assurance that the same program would n»t hava to ho gone through within tea yuan hence. Under the present system no tadus T using electricity has nay assur es* that its power will net ha cut off at any time. With a dependable com pany supplying current many now tadustlfsa could ha induced to coma ► kata and many that are bare could bo I pamuadsd to use slacttidty. >f the town fee new watoa la w*eml instances buainam man knee lecliaad to renew their meatoorohlna lar the man that "timo* an hard" tod toe* cannot “artord it," GranvSU* i IL TUghsan aad A. L Newberry are i >f tha opinion that ne baatmena man i can afford aot to belong to tha Cham-11 I <» of Commerce. U ia thalr Idea that I tl« reator should be printod aad plao- i ►d in the hands of tho haying public i » that those who are latoreatod ia Oaan’a welfare will kaoer who are I Damn's frioada -. The directory win contain a Kory | ■* Daan'a advantages, > reaaaao af I *•1 Chamfcer.hepea to accom- I ptjah, stories af the different ladua- ] trim of the town aad adrertiaementn I of tha various merchants who are i nirmher* of the organisation. This di* , rectory will be ready for the pnn- i »cr in a few Jays. That Lucknow Square injunction 1 ■aattrr has boon given another con- i tinuancc; this time to April 2B when Jadgr Connor will be holding coon •B omlthflrld. The centiauance war granted at tha request of Roes aad Rasa, counsel for the railroad com pany at whose instance a temporary order reotraialng the Town of Dunn from seising the square and convert ing it into a park. A hearing was to hare hocn held Uxfcy in Goldsboro. Godwin and Williams represent the tow* ia this matter. They hare gotten a large number of affidavits with which they hope to prove that the property eras dedicated to public <me whea the town was first platted. They aim hare maps shewing that the pro perty belongs to tho public. They my that their cdse I» exceptionally strong and that the are confidant of con vincing Judge Connor that the re -training order should ho dismissed. Tho meeting at the Christian church i* a great tocceaa. Tea to fete aad * ***** other* era expected to J*f*V ®r- C*thr»n is giving a aeries Iff the inert sermons that yon have lover heard. Hear him at 10 a. m.. and |7s4® P- m. Good fong sorrier. FARM PRICES OF PRODUCTS SHOW SLIGHT DECLINE Farm pricer that were relatively Mgh an December 1, 1920, a* com* Fared to the 5-year pre war average 1909-10 to 1012-14, showed slight decline by March 1. 1921 sad these which were relatively low showed a great decline In that period, accord tag to reports recently compiled by the Burma of Crop Estimates ef the United States Department of Agri culture. Using 100 aa a basis far comparison to indicate the 6-year av erage, the statisticians my that wheat »as 18* o_n December 1,1920; 171 oa January 1, 1920; l«f on February J, and 168 on March 1. Cora, which was 119 aa December 1.1999. as compared to the compara tive figure of 100 of the 8-year pre war pries, was 107 aa March 1, 1*21. Potatoes, which, ware relatively high, being 1SS aa Jcanary 1. 1920. mtopjEnsiHz rand 119 far eons. a_ ATTEMPTED TO KILL BOYS Although bo probdbftr never read the story of the Two little princes In the tower. Grover Bolt, near Walnut BMge. At*., was sea tone ad to serve five years la the Mate penitentiary far a crime that eras almost a parallel to King Richard Ill's, except that il Sid set result In the death »f tne In tended victims. Some time ago Bott, who lived in I the nttfhtorbood of Richweods, e ! small farming settlement not far 'fnem Wnlaut Ridge, was appointed I guardian of two small nephews whose pareats had died. One of the boys 'was 11 vaors old and the ether 4. They baa been left iaauranee amoun ting to about 21,009. The crime to which Bolt pleaded guilty, although saying “I did not do It." was an attempt to hill the two boys, so that hr could obtain the in surance money. Drat by attempting to starve them,. thou by direct assault. The resourcefulness of the older boy blocked the starvation ptaa. Locked la • room with his brother, be found seam cotton rood and they subsisted •u this for a weak. When the starre best thMuJi Bott br"unF A Stockholm pbyieHa Is reported to have discovered by microbe of deeping sickness and to have estab lished the fact that th ■ disrate Is in fectious. Rabbits wore inoculated with brain subssanra from persons who had died of the disease. ED ISON INC THE HEREAFTER By Elmer Willie Seel Mr. Edieoa le reported in the mag nniaee and newspaper* to Be devodlsg ■ach Bata to perfecting n means of remmaa tea ting with the dead. «* is latent aa reassembling the odd trO lions of ao-callad "life units" which, aorceding to him, take to the universe when life leaves the body. It ia a little herd to gather from the prints jest wkat Mr. Edieoa ia dhiag, and srhether this ia due to the reporters or to Mr. Edison is alio hard to determine. I believe that Mr. Edison says that he does not care to he explicit la his description ef his hereafter work at the present time, hecansc he feels that he is only in process of developing a means of commas lea Uoa. and it is the finished machine upon which he stakes hie sci entific rep station and by which he would ha Judged. Moreover, he ia Bmatca that the lay mind could sot the intricacies of the processes Just at present. • £*! itr' w preeeot « We firm belief ia the poaaibUtty ef totting up seme sort of communieu tipn with the mints of th* dead sad his theory of th* reassembling of the scattered units of life is to some how aid th* end in view | FLORE8TON SHAMPOO Ualeoo the newspaper writer* hare it aittg thfca scattered “ilia units" may not, hAravcr, reassemble In the fora of the (Hand are once lost Th,v “J «am* Mat spring in our garden ti a eal«b ea; ar they nay oma b> our bourn ami day, hitched te a Bih wagon, .and flapping long eart 3f patient yltduitog. ' • ’ *?nrp -y, h t» awn- • r " cal of a great icicntlat—ar\d Mr Id;, on haa In Jfce past dona wonderful n ngj with refectrleal energy—hut IP* "»»y a^twa* a regret that Mr. Kdaee Oaa aat Stuck to hit last— which in this case weald have been hit first. . • • If Mr. SdMpa haa grown tired of making elecjflkal machine* and ap pliances, ifWetll may, why dee* he not nfo MNIMVmountain farm, or a seashore•hhngVr'und, and rail from hia labeta. He hag surely earned a rest. Personally, I would ilka to think af Mr. Edison:jti the anna thin ker and acieatiat during the remain der af hia life and aJUEf'efter be. in the course at nature, Iba pa mad on. But he mmf ta hare petered eat Into a fantastic otherworldly quixotism. The recent orgy at blood-letting over the oaAh haa disarranged n number af aMhda Cart off delna n— at part ccntftlaa hare bean retired. Religious prdodlcala spent two years of the war parted demonstrating that thq. second earning af Christ was re ported on tithe and the end of the day* was already in right; they did this even while they Continued ta book new ^ subscribers. Presently, when the world did not seam to show any signs odteeetlng-theirrtMdule, magasine fp&hagan to revive spir ttaaUma dsfy%nd act Tu sight com m a n ic at i o n- m o a era-sty 1 c. I am rot prepared to jay whether the writers of the hereafter copy have been aerious or comic in their pur poj*. But the public hae taken it very aetiouflly, for it wants to hear how it gue* with it* d«&\rt*d lorcd ones. Tbja la a quite human desire, if you dafme "human" in a limited enoujrh tense. But really, considering the meagrr and none toe authentic coznmunics tions from the hereafter received to date, it look* as though laaa Edison. ion endeavor to hear from, or build again, :h* d«ad, and more common *enw- goodwill among the living would be preferable. What is the idea of listening into the hereafter for a-friend'* voice, if you sent him into the hereafter thirty years before Ms time? We do not need hoisting machines to get oat of holes as much a* we I need a disposition to not dig any more holes. Treat man with respect and goodwill and let God attend to *•** hfrt’aflw. Tha tendency to quar* i irll w'th men here, and organise to shrapnelite aorietjr and, then, fraau* cally wigwag back, would b* nb/rd .f it were not idotie. Let society organise for lam-of the “far off divine evjnt" business In world affaire and for more caatunon ienne goodwill among international statesmen. Let’* have lea* sobbing fur “the touch of ft vanished hand f nd the sound of a vorce that la still,” and more aympathetic V>-operation among member* of families.and mem bers of commonitio* and nation*. I $75 ! Bicycle I _ 5-8-inch Clincher Three, Coeeter Brake, Roller Chain, Exten eion Handle Bare for -$48.50 Cash pkaM GunBlatdlJM. BUTLER BROTHERS Dmib and Varioa [ .. * _■ i 0 * <0 • • t- ■• $' *> b I NEW STRAP PUMPS ! In Satin and Kid— I MILITARY and BABY LOUIS HEELS Prettiest Line of Shoes in Dunn at PRINCE’S I • • ^ ^ ^^bbnfidence inspired us to labor, iii 'ounajioratori^r^H^^ ™^ov*r * formula and process by which ^ Superior . Icil'Cream could be made. Our efforts have been reward^EH 'WW^^er^oyou, through your dealer,. in any amount this n3 . .c"?w® are the creators and sole makers (patents applied tori ot*£ process), which insures to you a distinctiveness of quality, flavor »■ Wftb a feeling of absolute faitb in this new Ice Cream and sincerely desiring year confidence, we issue with each purchase of “Tbc Velvet Kind” tbe follda^|||j||| o" *^,r* tcwrf ** * i but to » «*•*' -* ^««-. ~>*“•" r:::^ • • • ♦ -.1 * We do NOT use gelatin, gums, starch, fillers, imitation flavors or foreign substitutes for cream?— '''' U3e pure cream, pure milk, pure cane sugar . and genuine flavors in “The Velvet Kind” of our y creation. ? _’ZJ: '• '* "* A 1 i A The-New;*,,-. - MiS!^ •„ ■ -v ■ TSsfe- - * . • $ &«. --**92a**r?a*A ^ * aumm&mMXim : ' • WILSON, N. C. .1

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