THE DUNN DISPATCH PUBUSMED EVUY TUESDAY ! AND PMDAY. ij m "mttd rlnM m^tgg * Iggil 1M. 1*14. at th# pm Ota I M Dun. N. C.. ute tW act at i lUrcb-a. mr ' 7- ! U EU3BXE POPE. PoMMhae Ain noatlw_t.._ .04 SU monO*-...11.00 On pur.,-M.uJ John T»*ei. characterised ill' “Bad Nigger,” was this woroiqg.MnUnccd la *er»« six months on the reads when ha appeared before Judge Smith oader'charge of haring toted a wightd.gua. John war pinched la a at|if mWuniit bat bight following complaint that ha had appeared to be on IN mr path.for th* chief pf I»| lice. Us made a grab for kit goa whan thaeaUd. bat th# cop* wofw.tae quick, forjlim. U it. thought that he la a pniWcT'Sfr AtWla XtAItVtvn the Nig who was shot oarliar la; th* day while fleeing frotn the pt> lte*.r*»i« tv- ' »‘l 1 Wc ifr thr Uu 3hn' Antonio pstpaH that our William C. Lee is command ing on* of the root ponies in the. bat talion‘of Um record division that uro* an honor* jam neut contest to -de termine *jh!«S woe the boat bottalloa in tha American airmy. -BilL” os-aaost of any folk know Mm. is a son at Bqoifo Eldfydir* Loo and n brothqg to oat-feoil postmaster. He Kan boon in the army aura the outbreak.of the M( maiujp eoVeererol months in'.Gcr many.oifUr. the fight eras wert; and. Wt||i mj last yyar-Since last, fa’l bo ba%,baon dogra in Texas showing, the rout of the army bow to make, a crack outfit out pf the doughboy* he found-la Bis ro'mpqny. In another Dart of this issue wo reprint what a leeifyjyr said about Bill’s out **■ ..vsvtjis f , Wftb..(i1nord, Wilson home, from the university and .playing first base aad Doyle Stewart of Raleigh pitch lag. Pus boat the BumloerqL ;hslL »&,&tefKis£'$3s Girau) eCAtJJe c^i fir^ threo courv tora Scrum with a.’clenn*clpitt ta deep' eonuSfttrjjsru base*. . .7 , i **>?#.: • 1 •. •• The:, loyal i bay* looked hotter .1*. Saturday*' poafoxmaace than, .limy have eon any ^previous occasion te» year. They probable would hare held the visitor*. scoreless had.they.not gotten** tonuidublr lead in the be riauhs*. Stowwrt- held the rivitor* to flvo hits ir the sexes in plays ha p.tch od. Thr'o of those gam* in the ar» owtk.etow, wmcj reapoarftia for tiyay of the con il^n. .A Jittle faster Sold 5Lftss'aggjj$gr?* "The Bant bora Cindvrina” ta Up title «f a play ta be prevented la Ms tropolftaa Theatre Wednesday night by the Dunn OqUed Scbeal Faculty. Proceed* art mk tamed into the fund .briny raised for further bean tiftcation. of the public school puunda. Mimes Turboyillv, Thomas. Perkins, Carroll. Ipock. Ellis aad Bal lard are Included In the east of char acter*. . • 1 Dr. j. R. Butler has been oppolated dentist to all ex-servicemen. Any mao *1*0 was-la the armed serviov of the natlerntdouia* Um war is sotiUod to frii MMil nitla aad will be served by Qa'Buar whenever such service is needed: Br.-Butler requests as to invitq sit Sod* to visit hia oAeo when ever their teeth aeed attention. •JKKgfc&S'u: recdjMI fratn Alabama Area "Vpl-Hr lattrtay* *£». properly 'p have aroent ire placed at -S. Hoaaae and -by the hundred. khr plowed farm land •..flat \lqr oversowed hfomaCaa ifceclverf in Binning-; toMgM «mt Waporiy eayo the I damagp-m chaP'eteiiWtr w* total a waartar'of a miUton'dallaM."IVe*tr *"• «Mooo therm''d’eitr'deatolubrd a Argo naaobar of othert 'badly liamagdp. • Berend peraond ware lb jared. Telegraph and telephone line. •Wfb wear-blown dew* are being re paired bad the- debate la the earioue -1*" M M g lined A *“ dlewiwgtim Ac etrret sad elec-' trie oarekeo haey-boaa aemored. ta aoia* Mctlono af.tha eKr atreet pae Jag wy era A ad away, £ lug. mum. •" •* Ieea4«taiapba»aa an atilt oot <* cn—Mmiaweakhaogk lewg dlolance Iteaa an again ia operation Ntuaer mm betlldiage were wracked er dam X x rvsa: „ >Mo p« At tawae .nd-'OttMO A ^ti^g rntran! or ha5rfinf n*li Hilsf r8jd£%asr&1sl£ A* ptw brain a twadni. the rte in. Foe the first time this year the wo rn will take part in mleeUag city Ann Attar all. govsrueeeot, par;. nlarly Municipal goverafceot. la I argaly a matter of housekeeping, low shall city b^srekveplng be nude pood? TVat is a question woman art taking themselves all aver the eoun ry. A few days' ago Wading women n Now Turk, including rack loaders is krt Oatt and Hies Hay, gather*) » talk aboat tbis matter la th* great | necropolis. Sflae «»y said what tin | roman wanted—(am* good men wi.ihj A* same everywhere) la a mayor are As Qualities which she enumerated! a follows. • 1 * First, I ahould say, wanes want a fearless man. When I my fcartaaa ! ie not moan pagaaeioua and tactless. A fearless man ia one who is not cowed by hia party or IU bosses, or by tha big iatereeta, not detenad from doing hit duty becauae it may have possible unpleasant consequen ces aa regards hia own political ca reer.' - I Second.,women want a man fitted; to perform the duties of hia office. We do not believe In putting a plum bar -to a -(Sinister? place, nor do we expect an editor to function well a* n carpenter, A man who in elevated to the mayoralty should have had experience in public life should un dc rimed she problneaoof our big me tropolis, have an Insight Into its needa and should be desirous of promoting ha beet interests. Third, whmta want an honest man. No matter how intelligent a man may be. If ho lacks common, ordinary hon esty, ha U a menace to our govern ment*.* Foofib, yromrn want a dignified man. onv Who, wifi stand before the world as a fitting representative of the biggest city ia the country. . rifllh women want a progressive man. ona who can look ahead, who has vision to see what the growth of the city ts-to ha, who plana for poster ity aa well aa for die present. . Sixth, women .want a man who re spects the opintons-of. others, who is Tilling ta consult others better la tohned than himself, and works well choose arise tf the hdadf of city departments, he must be a man who recognises ahail ity when he sees. it. . oevenui, ana tail a nave all. women wqnt a man who U devo'ed to the city «1jo place* Ita lnterert* above those or his party and above bi* personal ambitions. . . Where will you fled a better num mary of the qualifications for a city chief executive? The proper emphe «!* »hr place* on honesty. “Mo mat ter how Intelligent a man may be." »b* «ey«, “if ha lack* common, ordi nary honesty be ia a menace to our gaventeent-'’ ~Yoa cannot gather grapes from thorns of figs from thistles. You ceanot secure clean and honest ad ministration except from clean and honest men. Given a man of andean Ufe, and. no matter what, hi* prom isee. h* will fall down pt the very time when be most atand erect A ■Baa with a shady Ufe earrves with Mm the nubility to serve with dran naan aad courage. j r ANDY COLLINS. VETERAN OF WORLD WAR, LAID TO REST IN HIS NATIVE SOIL SUNDAY Probably the Unrest attendance at any faneral ;n rvceiif times in Har nett county ’was that which paid lest respect to'the remains uf Andy Col lin* at Olive Branch Sunday. Soldier Collin* Vu killed in Fiance on X'ov ember 8. 1818. He was a member of die 81st division. 'The remains were escorted to Lll lington by Private Joe Reese. Co. H. 54Wi Infantry, Camp Meade, Md. Tha comrade aad fallen hero arrived Saturday morning. Members of tha local port American legion made ar rangements for a military funeral to be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock and mgpben of tha Legion were seep once mar* to dgn the khaki to pay tribnte to the Couae, the Flag, the Soldier. Gun* wan secured from Camp Bragg for firing the salute at the grityo. -■ ; K ir estimated that fully twelve hundred people witnessed the funeral ceremony and interment at Olive Branch radsetcrVl Although the wea ther Vfii*- threatening, the people did net Mfltatg to honor the soldier who fell hi the discharge of his date to hie country.—Harnett County New*. Prepared to taaneh a terrific attack upon profiteering landlord i, flvr car load* df militant tenant* from Chi cago arrived In EpriagArld recently. Upon their arrival thry formed in Ha* and paraded to the capital wav ing banners and placard* dci'cned to prodnea the proper effect upaj I he member* of th*' ICflSlaMve. • i i rr i~~~■ - i' ' i i . ' -r lAMPSON'S HUCKLEBERRY • CROP RUINED BY RECENT SPELL OF COLO WEATHER Clinton. April IS.—Calamity ha. >c fallen old Sumpiou. Tht:v wj> .H noet promising crop of huckiebcrtita ieen in a quarter of a ce.iUr; act :bey were wondti fully adv.enet-U fo ; -he ieaion It it probable that the rrop would have breugnl into the ' ;ounty marly a quar.rr of a milllur. • iollara. but thb hope of an influx of i and rummer money o. blighted fhe froat of Monday night laet * tri ply wiped out the whole pro.peet and lead berriiw could be mine red by the handful oa Tweed ay 'and Wednesday. The peach crop mai no: la have lufftred *o complete a. loai. yet it if piobabln that a great part of the*' that appear to aurvivc the ordeal will , fall off before maturity. Likewise the i crape: have suffered irreparable dis aster. ihe vines in many ease* ap pearing at if ieorcht-d by /L'r. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix at tha estate of W. A. Hedge.*, late of Harnatt County, this is to notify ail person* hold'no claims against the deceased to present them to thr un det signer! duly proven according to law on nr before the 9 day of March 1922. or th x notire will be plead in bar or their recovery. Alt persons indebted to said estate wi'l plcaea make settlement at This the 9 dav of Ma ch 1921. SABAH T. HODGES. Admin: strut-it JESSE F WILSON. Atty. Mar 15 22 29 Apri! 5 12 19. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE DEED Unde' and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by Ann-0 l<cc, Allea Loo. Thomas Oliin Lee, l.ula Gertrude Lea. to R. W. Kinlaw dated July Iflth, 1919, and recorded in Book 122. at Pago 84, Office of R*gi»ler of Deods of fla' net: County, North Carolina, and de fault having been made in the pay ment thereof ax therein provided; the undersigned mortcragee will offer for tala at public auction for cash. to tha highest bidder, at the courthouse j door of Harnett County, in the town I of Lillington, N. C., on Monday, th< | 23rd day of May 1921, a* 12 o’clock noon, thr following described prop erty: llrxerlption: Lying near the town of Dunn on the South tide of Earl Broad Street extended. Beginning at a xtake Brlxie BareTont’a eorr.C’.' run-, ning with Broad Street Hoad 87 1-2 i feet to a ttakc J. D. Barnet, corn-! with J. D. Barnes, line itot feet to M. H. Privett's comer, thence with M. H. Privett's line 67 1-2 feci to Betaey Ban foot’* tine, thenco SCO feet with Bctsio Baicfoot’x l!ne to the beginning, and contain rg (2259) square yard: Time of eale:, May 2Snl. 1*21, | Place of rale: Courthouse door in LUllngtun, N. C. la rmx of lala; Cash. , This 18th day of April 1021. R. W. KINLAW, Mortgagee. • L. *S W_C. Ba^AtUr-ay. ^ __ NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN DER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtu* of power «f sal* conferred upon me. by n certain deed of trust, bcv.Hr* date of Nov ember lit, 1919, duly executed by A. L Overby, to the undersigned Trustee, which deed of trail |p re corded in Book 125, at Pape fill, ef lb* olTle? of Register of Do.-d, of Hi' net; Cott sty, ?r..i default a.ivir.k been ata-L* ir. tht Dayment of the Hncdt scccm1 thereby »nd a* stino'ater! end Iwv'.ng brer, rrqueltcii by the holder of pa.d bonds zn c-xr cut* th» trust deeland in vid deed, thr undersigned tuptee Drill on blon-1 •lay. May 28. IPSt, at 12 o'clock noon. veil nt public auction, for each to th? last and Sir-host Kidder, al thr Court Hoatc Door, in Llil'nitton. N. C , the following lands lying and Vr'n* in Black Rivet Township. Har nett County, described as follow* to wit: Lot No. 11 as described in the map and survey mode hv O. S. Your.*, Surveyor. Nov. ft. 1919, nnd record «d in Bool: of Maps No. 1, Pago 8(1. Registry of Harnett County, and do scribed n* follows to-<rit: Beginning at a stake comet, the Southwest cor ner of Lot No. 10; ther,en i» 1-2 C 51.25 chains to a s'al.a iu the crrler of the Angie? Road: thsnco in o wer Itrn direction with u i.’nc of ?ai«l road 9.50 chains to a stake, tbo Northeast comer of lot No. 12; thence 8 12 t-2j W. 59,11 chains to a stake corner; thence E. 10.88 chains to the begin ning station, containing 55.80 acres, more *r less. For further description reference is hereby msde to map recorded as above set out This 15th day of April, 1921. FRANK UN T. DUPREE. Trustee. April 19 20 May 3 10 IT. . !| . '.‘I'iill if j ... *C? V .C i 1AT: ' -f i . - ■ »- - ,c . ,j..^ ••• ,*• ,, ,..i r» t .. j* rlraa y «*»! hr- bsld rT • • 1 i ■ c^"r for#lhc s*.oiivj .. . i re.le Mayor and ?o-.v *- . [J -ti! r.rt ' or their choice. H IjOblilDA'*. , V J. A TAYLOR. |t u. k grantha.ii, .r < Executive Comar. t 2 FOR MAYOR f Subject to xh» action ct I.V Perao ! >tUt- primary. 1 hereby -nau-.-nc I, h . ! am a candidate for .I'-cIrrt! i. Mayo: of Para. 1. L. -Vi!;":. FOR CCMMISSlOlIF.R rtc' a auarx-d that Hr. V/. :. .T ■ . ► } ■> .**. a candid .tie for .t-c'.vcxio-' fo.-*; janraLaioner Inn the Fire. Wu :rd ji the coi'.cllatioti of r^nii'* IV Vin-ij. 1 hereby announce ray cap-, r fun ('ommluiom.r fiom :'*e'‘ rt Ward. If rndirsed, 1 a*iurv my • luypj l*** the iuitic mercy nil1 be . tut forth ji* rommiiaxio'icr a.x char- ' icteritca my private cffalrs. r. s. sir \ tv. < h;iril l R. 1021. at. ’ - ■ _ ( FOR COMMISSIONER Fcl'orinc the reqncat of ra.viyii Frierdc I have ilst’dnl to V*v?r a:; rand'date for cvnmlv'oncr from the ^ teeot-d war'd. TK* U to announce m, . tanrfidiiry. eebjeet to the Darr."«t&”c ) irltnnry to b« bold on April 23. 13tt. ) I*. A. t.EE. j FOR COMMISSIONER ~ | Subject to the action of the *p t.xachiae Democratic primary, f wj|||J »* a cnmlidalo for re-election com- .1 nl-w’oner from the Second Ward ]< UlfTIN A. TAItT. W -- , FOR COMMISSIONER Following the requeue of many Fr'ende I hare decided to became a ] •or.dniatc for commiuioner from tnc ' tei-ond ward. Thi* it to announce my ( tacdidacy. subject lo UlC Democratic | [•rime.y to Imj held on April 2S, 1021. j _W. D. TUKNAC.S FOR COMMISSIONER ! At the . cquo.t of my friend*, I mnounre myaelf a candidate for raamioloner from the ihird ward subject to the Democratic prim-try to he held April 26, 1921 si 3- j. w. ruaniE. FOR COMMISSIONER Thie la to announce my candidacy' to- re-election aa rommleeioner of *’.< third ward, subject to the approa thi-V Dcmoc.alic town primnrv. W. U. NEWBERRY FOR COMMISSIONER Subject to the action of the Demo- I rtat'c town priiaaM, I will t* a can didate for redtctlon aa Commiuiur. ! er of the Fourth SVard of the town j of Dunn. 1 ffBBSssesma ———I—■MHUBB——IHHWMMMBt—H—■BBSWSamBWBMBUWtmSl DOLLARS j " T ARE YOURS DOING I THEIR DUTY? \ -* • ‘.Unless they are in some good bank they •» r .are not I ' /t There are many idle dollars in this com- | r munity—and an idle dollar is a slacker Si dollar! If *11 of them were put to work prosper- 8 ity would return. BANK WITH US! i State Bank & Trust Co |! Is Special —"B : AT - , : GOLDSTEIN’S Dunn’s Best Cash Store Fleishman Bros. Co.l HEEK-W SPECIALS “m- * <- W X.EMn SPECIALS! ----ess^—iJCJ H It 16 the purpose of our New Corporation to be second to none in the way of making low prices, that is in m 3 keeping with good merchandise. Our stores are established on a basis of quality. They handle only reliable f. g . good, that have proven their worth through the test of time, from makers who must safeguard their stand- g O «■»*». But while we maintain highest quality we are not unmindful of the fact that our prices must be con- S I * eistently low. Our buyers are this week visiting the largest mills and manufacturers In the union, baying *’ 3 good* for our whohmele supply house in Baltimore, as well as the different stores and you may rest assured ■v that our Dunn store is now receiving and will at all times receive its share of the well-bought goods to offer O a the buying public of Dunn and surrounding community. While we have great values to offer in every de- f £ parttnent of our stores six days in the week, we are going to offer on Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays L .a e*ch week bPr.ClAlil at prices far below what wecould have bought them prior to the time our buying r 1*2 Power concentrated. These items will hereafter be known as Fleishman’s Week End Specials, and will £ *| ,,e 0D dl*P]»y I* oir window* each Wednesday. Thursday and Friday night. This week we are offering for ^ i Thursday, Friday and Saturday 600 Yards Silk Georgette, all color*. Navy, Black, White, Brown, etc., formerly sold up • to I2.R0. WEEK END SPECIAL j $1.00 1 2,000 jr»fdj White Gouda, con sisting of Voiles, Nainaook, Or gandies and Lawns, 60c values. WEEK END SPECIAL 15C 200 pain good quality Wear Wall Mon'a Khaki Panta, all aJae — ....$1.10 40-inch Printed Voiles and Flaxon's, newest Spring pat terns, value up to 75c. WEEK END SPECIAL 35c 36-inch standard Percales. Fast Colon*. Stripes and Solids. For merly sold up to 40c. week End special t Men’s Khaki Full cut Work Shirts, all sites __78c 36-inch Standard White Mus lin. 85c quality. * WEEK END SPECIAL 12 l-2c Standard Draaa Gingham, Fast colors, Plaids, Stripes. Checks and Solids, 36c value. ' WEEK END SPECIAL I5c AH colon In Mtn't Inter-Wov en Silk Hoaa, boat on earth, havo boon lately reduced to 7So

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