THE DUNN Volume Vlll. _ Dunn, North Carolina ^pril 2f>, 1921. WANT VERMONT TO GET EXTRA MEMBER FROM THIS STATE Schema To K««p South From Increasing Representation Discussed by G. (X P. AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL PLAN, LAWYERS HOLD Plan To Base Increased Repre sentation On Increase In Per centage Instead Of Gain In Population, As Constitution Requires; Judge Boyd Uses Ssnoka Screen On Visit. Washington, April 23.—'There U talk among some of the North Caro lina members otf Congress of a plan that it understood to be in the minds of Republicans to keep North Caro tins from securing an sxtra member of Congress based upon Its .standing . under the 1220 census, it tho member ship of the Bouse is held at the pres ent number, 435. With the contin ental population of the United Stale being 106,567,000 and the 435 mem * bershlp being continued the basis for each member would be 2:12,913, and -a »__■ J : U SL r I: 1 1 inonbrn, U iu per (junta excess over the bssle number would be nearly ■140,000. The Republican proposition Is un derstood to be that Vermont ihould have the extra*member, that thr ex csss In that Stale while but &5.000, la a larger per cent of the total popu lation of Vermont than ia the North Carolina excels to its total popula tion. This was the trend of testimony gives recently in a hearing »n this matter, but it ia clearly an unconsti tutional position, for the constitution eta toe explicily that the representa tion In the Houac la to be baaed on population. North Carolinians are a wake to the situation and if it *v*i develops any strength they will resist R to the Uttermost, and they will have the support of every representative who is guided by the constitution. Beyd Usee Smoke Screes "Smoke screen" that hat been very effective has been thrown about the visit here af Judge James E. Boyd ewer erf the bwo to nsnnpuper moo rooking information, but then there became talk that the purpose was to me to It that Blaylock kept tight hold on hia present clerkship to so shape things that Judge Webb would find that Blaylock had a cinch on It. Than there is talk also that Judge Boyd and Mr. Blalock were taking soundings to see what chance Blaylock would have to land as United States Mnisbal of the Western North Carolina dis trict. But the Morehead-Linney slate has Brownlow Jackion, of Henderson vills, written on it for that job. But the Republicans find that fodder pulliag time comes mighty Now, and that Democrats are still browsing a round In the fertile pasturage afford ed by the government pay roll. Where at tbs Republican office chasers are not pleased, for President Harding has been in power for seven weeks now and time flies. A. D. Wntts, the State revenue com miss!oner for North Carolina, Is still a visitor here. Since his arrival he ha* boon pajring-'visit* to Senator Sim mons, to whom h* was secretary here for quite a while, to A. W. Melyan, of the War Finance Corporation, De mocratic National committeeman for North Carolina, talking with tho for mer Director of the Census 8nm L Rogers and various member< of con gress, newspaper men and others- It la Just a personal visit, »*/> Mr. Watts, and he will be kept busy when __a _ k_.L 1st DulaisvW tsinlriiias IKf appointments that are to be made for his now office. Still Asking "How Como” Despite the fact that the announ cement of the selection of David H. Blair, of Winston-Salem, for commit stoner of internal revenue Is now many days old, there is still talk here among Republicans about “how corns”! Tbs latest Is the big cotton, tobacco and manufacturing interest were behind him so strong that this was the ftnai factor in turning the trick, that the support of 8tuart W. Cramer, af Chart otic influential in big cotton manufacturing circles and n •letter from Him to the President was tbs winning card and that the fact that bis fatber-in-law is one of the moat iureeaeful and wealthiest cotton manufacturer! la the country helped wonderfully. All these no doubt con tributed, bat the big things In his favor was the light among the sup porters of other candidates, their II nsl position being that they preferred Blair to win then any of the men sup ported by any of the special groups. And then the Democratic support that Mr. Blair received was given a warm ws Icons by the President and Secre tary Msilos, among those who had good words ler tbs Winston-Salem asea being Senators Simmons and Overmen, BepresoutaUvo Stedmen, A. W, McLean and Clement Manly, ef Winston-Salem. These wots asked by the administration officials, some of them by the President bimwlf, about Mr. Blair end their good word* be hind Mm to win. » Would Lena Farms* • SSOO,000,000 Washington, April ft.—A rosolo Uoa to sathorlso a government loan ef 1100,000,000 to farmer* was in troduced today by Bepreseatatlvc Vpshaw. Democrat, Gcorgi*. . MB r l MOTHER AND SON INJURED IN AUTO COLLISION HERE William HunJrrbaeh and Mr-.. Will ■aai J. Ths>.'.p*nn Hurt > t Cor ner of Wiit-w Street I Willi*. «• M.ndi .barit u suffering ftom acvcr.d *•* Tj al» ul hit head and ;>n injuiy to h < Uj;, hit mothsr. M»r. VVil! ar.i J 1 lion*print, i* tHlffcr inj from mlrj:' bruiae- V ihr remit uf a cull ion b arc*. n a ear whvli Mia. TfctaijiMn* war Jiivim; and a Irn* u* the corner ci ’Vraon Avenue and Cumberland Si M Saturday morning. Mra. Thorny on wna coming west on Cumberland Slntt inter dug .0 turn north inti* W|l»on Avi-nu* A-, the interred ion ahr mat one of the big piano tiutk* owned by The Bar no A Holi day Company driven by Mar'wr, Baggett. In attomptlnir to dodgv the truck it appear* that ahe lost control of her rar. It tweived aouth into Wilaon Avenue, ran over tho curb and (truck tho live with auch force that the bumper war bent apainal the radiator and tha car It* aolf war thrown aevcral feet back by the rebound of the Irec. fdttle William wag thrown a;ainvt the windahield whin the ear rtrurk the tree. The glaga wan broken hy the blow and hit head was badly cut. The injuriet of noithor ha nor hia rious. Two Officer* Shot By Negro At Lumberton Vane* McGill Dangerously WnwJii and J. B. Boyle la Shot Through Arm Lumberton, April 23.—Vance Me Gill, of the Lumberton police forro, was shot and dangerously wounded and 3. B. Boric, another member of the fiutieu force, was shot through the left a* an by u negro about 5 o'clock this morning. One bullrt struck Oft-1 ccr McGill in the abdomen and pene trated his small Intestines in three places. A second bullet pawed through his -left arm but missed the bong. The negro war in a Veil* automo bile with thrse other negroes, and there was abotal four gallons'of liqu or in the ear. The offlrers were in the act of removing the whiskey from the car, which was stopped on Main street in front of the municipal hitild ing. when the negro began firing. Po-| liceman McGill returned the fire, and, one bullet from his pistol struck Urn negro who did die shooting lo the hip. Thg negroes left the ear Inns The negroes were arrested ia Fayette vHle at *:.1« a. m They said their borne was in Florence. S. C. The ne groes have been brought here, and It D reported that they will be carried to Raleigh. While several hundred people gathered about the jail here to await the arrival of the negroes, thrre was no evidence of mob vio lence. The wounded officers were rushed to the Thompson hospital, where me dical attention is being given. Mc Gill's chances for racovery am doubt ful, it It said, while it is r.ot thought Boyle was seriously injured. Policeman is a young man, unmarried, and has been on the local police force for several months. Po liceman Boyle Is probably CO years old but is unmarried. He is a native of Ireland but has been in this codn tiy for many years. Ha wsss employed on the police force at Maxton before: coming to Lumberton nevural years ago. Both arc fearless and valued of ficers. Fayetteville, April 23.—Four ne groes, charg'd with shooting two po licemen In Lumberton early this a. m xrr-TP f*r111 r Knit f nnr hi an re after the shooting toy a posse of po lice and sheriff's officer*. They were token back to Lumborton by Robeson officers, leaving here in automobile* about 10:30. * The negroos captured arc James Williams, shot In the thigh: James Grice, Spencer James and Bennie Rogers. They all claimed that they worked at Korea**, and were en their way there when they go*. last and went to Lumborton through mistake. The itoty told toy the nagroca la that I they were ht)d up by the Lumborton policemen. MISS PEARL REBECCA ADAMS BRIDE OP ROBT. A. MICH IE Linden, April 23.—In n quiet cere mony of exceptional beauty and ele gance, Mice Pearl Rebecca Adam* •nd Rotoc.i Alston Michtc were wad ded today at 10:30 o'clock in tkn pre sence of lh* immediate family *nd a few intimate friend* of Us* young couple. For the event the Adams home sea* tastefully decorated with ferns and exquisite rase*. Immense baskets of the handsome flowers were need ef fectively in the purhir, where the vow* were spoken. The impressive ring ceremony waa used, Hr*. J. H. Frisrllo, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Thu br do's gofng-away suit was a modHffi costume I! it trlcotinc. her hln# hat to match was most becoming and with this costume oho used the grey accessories. Her corsage sea* of oiehld* and Palmer violet*. Mrs. Mirhle, who I* the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. John C. Adams, is a charming young woman of attractive and winning pononality. She attend ed Trinity college and is admired for her distinctly* charm of manner. Mr. Mlehie le a young man of many sterling qualities. He attended Trin ity college and i* now n traveling salesman of the American Tobacco company. After a short honeymoon they will reside in Durham at the homo of th* bridegroom’* parent*. D. C. ALBERT MAY BE DUNN’S NEXT CHIEF OF POLICE Korm-' Atleate Cep Files Applies Far Office Here—Prescat Chief May Nat Apply I). C. Albert ami Ove others hare pit pared to file application, with the town clerk for the office of Chicr of Police which ia to br filled Immedia tely after the Hoard of CoramlMion ers to be elected next Tuesday a* x a ini'* office. The name, of the fivo Others have not been divulged. Mr. Auert himself has made a public an nouncement of hia candidstcy. So far as is known the present chicr of police has made ue declara tion of hia intentions. It has been stated by members of lb* present •board that ho will not submit to a decrease in the present salary. It has also been stated by the board that each member ia determined to make a gtneial cut in salaries of men attached to the police, street clcaaing and fire departments, which are in terlocking in their dutiea. Under the present arrangement the chief of police drawa a salary of |2, 700 a year—more than that paid anir other pollctman in North CaraUaa, It is seid. In addition to this salary thr policeman ia allowed free electric current for cooking, lighting and oth er household purposes; the feed and keep of hia home; uniforms, and wit ness fees when he appears as a pro secuting witness. It is estimated thaL .nr jOU na* paid him at least *3,500 a year. Mv. Albert is a resident of Dunn, which has been hia headquarters for several months. Until rocestly he was a travelling salesman for a ni chinrry rastrii. A month ago ha and his brother decided to open a shop hero for the rebuilding and sale of used mill machinery. He has not. It is understood, given up this project, in the event he (a chosen head or the police department hia brother is like ly to take charge of tbs machine shops. Mr. Albert was several years a1 member of the vice squad of the At lanta police department, and for sev eral months hv did police work in Mesieo. Besides this service he was for several seasons on umpire in the Hnulhrrn l eague. Hit candidacy here has the support of some of the towns best ctiaens and business men and it la said that the prasont board looks with much favor upon him. DUNN OFFICIALS ACT ON POWER LINE PROPOSITION r-vvMfj • - i ■ - ' f—m *eeeh ToatOSlve Agreement Wish Beaeaa ItopraoewtaMva At Conference Hoeo Benson Review. Representatives of the city of Dunn waited on Renson city officials Mon day evening. The meeting was in connoeUon with the power line from Benson to Smithfield, which is own ed by Benton Before Dunn can be served with hydro current, it will be necessary for either .that city of the Carolina Power company to purchase the Ben son Smithfield tins. The matter was discussed from all angle* by the irpresrutativo* af the two titles and a tentative agreement was reached. It it thought that a more definite agreement wUl be consum mated in the near future. Historic Dining Car A Relic Of World War Car (a Which ArmUticn Wee Si good Will Bo Placed ia the Invalid** At Paris The Invalid**, Parti, which con tain* Napoleon's tomb and a groat museum of war rolic* dating from Charlemagne, will has* a novel addi tion to toe collection in the shape of a modem do lax* railway dining car—tho coach in which the armistice was signed. Thu* if the inhabitants of Paris u« rudely awakened from their slumber next week It will be the passing of the big railway ear, dragged through the streets ef the court ef honor in the Invalidcs. The car was donated fay the “Compagnle Internationale del Wagons Licts’* to the French government. It wna n new special dining car when ia ISIS M made the trip to the point near Com peigne. where the KrSbcrger delega tion bearded H and met Marsha] Poch. Th* car Is still labeled in brass let ters, “dining car." and has three compartments. H first was offered to Presides! Millerand aa a private car, but he txpreesed the wish that it be left intact a* a relic of victory. The only change is a bram plats la tho side deecribiag th* historic event with the date* of five great battles and tho signers of the armistice. The cura tor of the Invalidcs has ashed that the ear he placed May 4 for Nspol eoa'a centenary ia th* fallowing day. BROTHER OP BICKRTT DISAPPEARS FROM HOME Nvwton, N. C., April X*.—John T. Yount, appointed yesterday by Judge Finley as receiver of L. P. fttcheU, whole**)* grocer, today leek charge ef th* buaiaese in th« absence ef the owner who left his home here *n Than day, -April 14, has sot been beard from sinen. Bickett l« a brother of former Oorernor Thomas W. Ble kett. The former governor has been ia Nrwton this week in aa effort to locate hit brother, whose wife 1* said to ha almost prostrated. According to the receiver Rkkett's liabilities are estimated at between thirty and forty the steed denars and the assets of the store are about tit, *°* •»* '** h»» ■ hem# raised at * bout 110,0*4. r ■ i— MISS 14 of Coluin Who is co KEWAL » . in th Free Will Ch her 1 . . —TT Thomas L Raleigh Brother •< Pint National Bmm t af Suit Thecoa* E._ ealdent of Ux Am men Bank Company, Wilmington, “ 1* year*, will coma to I to unmc the vien Merchant* National_, to announ cement made ie. jwe*i dent of the it. Mr. Coop er ha* aev icctlon with tha Wei tailing hi* hoHiaga to J.iauUnant Governor W. The new ai to Ral eigh one of 1 banker* of North Ci no little strength to tk 1 of the al ready loflsi , ta National. Mr. Cooper an :e have been clone personal for many years, dating time Mr Drake wae the bank which Mr. .. Both are -eco gained the flnaac.a' Ufa of the As viet Cooper will devote his the affairi of the bank) tr the future Raleigh The busincit it. ..aiam k ta a grown largely . die part few years, and tha sable aaeocia tlon was fait Drake. TV change has r for some time, and mill of iarpr,te i la banh*— 1 Mr. Carolina. Una for l and of the pndfMHf tha bank at Duob. Many woalUn’haahj through eat tha eastern n ad oh Of tha state are contrallad by tha Oooper faraly.'Mi. Goa per wma president of the State Bankers* assaelation in l*t4. Much Damage Done By Fire At Fayetteville Fhre Cnassrns Heavy Lwcn In Blaae' Originating la WbalesnU Meta FayatteaiUe, April 24.—A. B. Mc Millan, the McMillan metal work, rs, the Fayetteville Notion company, a wholesale establishment, Evans Fili al torn company and Holland and com pany seer* heavy loners in a fir* which originated in th« wholesale store late last night. Tha lira dama? sd throe stores in one bellding owned by A. R. McMillan. The rear of the roof and the safcead floor of each of the stares were destroyed. The fir* department had six straenu <rf water ea the flames at: one time bat were handicapped by the blowing oat of two sections of! hose, while the pigs oa Dick street which sop pi ied two streams of water to a Seagruve pumping engine was one mob manlier than tho engine**, thus affording poor pressure oh two lines. Despite this handicap, however, the buildings oa either side of tha McMillan building ware wad, though fears war* at out time entertained1 far tha whole block. The estimated lee* suffered by three accusant* of the building «*■ 178,000. Mr. ItaMIUan declared thin morning that tha lorn oa the building Is not Known but Is cavarud by in i«raise*. The McMillan Metal work er*. of which i. A. Barns* la tha pro prietor. lost all th*ir. office foraita.s and a ouantitv ef Conner miarmA in the build In*. Hi* low ii act yrt known bat will too covered toy the inference The Fayetteville Notion company, owned toy Stela torothcra, claim they had a atock valoed between 9«MI00 and 94S.OOO. with 911,400 Inference Holland and Company'! iteek I* tali to have been worth 999,000 with 98,900 lasoranea. The Evana Furni ture company hod a qucntlty of fur niture valoed ot. 98,000 I to red on tho meend floor of tho notion com pany's aaUhtiahmoat, which wai a total lata, there toelnf no laaoranco. Stein brothers dated this morninr that they cancelled an laaoranco pot iey for 19,400 lad weak. Bating too mooh h a hrahe on oar activities. »---. 0 MARRIAGES ♦---.-—■ .. The following warriage Hcirwe wore' I wood toy BogtaUr af Deed* Faocettc daring tho week; Whim hoot B. Oratory to Brvlo Mac Donning. Roger Brboko to Myrtle Thornton Naylor. Waile l. MoLood In Emma M. Batts. There Are Only 7,099 White Foreigners In The Old North State Farsif* Born RmUhIi Bang* From NT Far England Ta On* Far Bulgaria ■ Washington. April 23—In It* total population of more t' 2,000,030, North Carolina ha* but 7,099 whit* foiaign bom roaidmts. Tbla la shown by the-official figure, announced to <-»r by the census bureau ceveriag th« foreign bon population of sever al statin., including the Tar Keel com Lnunwealth. 'lire fleuree also give the country of biith ef the nore-natjvce. North Caro-1 line has DC7 white inhabitant* who I Vert bora in England; 922 in Raasla; Y03 In Germany; fiiO in Canada, *69 in Asia and *51 lit Grave*. Altogether 48 nations are -epic irated ir (he population make-up of Lin- state- The furrlgn bom roaidenu rang* from England 907 to one for Bulgaria sud on* for the Atlantic Is lands. The census figures attest to the ‘native .tuck" composition of th* folks who constitute tho citizenry of; tbc Oid North but*. The Mate Ls true. t>! 8oeth enrolls*. also covered ia to day'* tftistlcr along With North Cara lir.s the total* of foieign bora white ciliaen- sre given as follow*: lUiaoi*. 1,204,103; North Dakota, 111.48/.: Sou ii Dakota, K2.872; Paulk rvul'ai r. sin ■ nkia nvaasv. □klah>rn*. 33.951; Orgon. 10*,149; Henn.j lvanla, 1,397.298; Utah, 55r *23; Te3ae.300.C7I; - 12, *79; VirgtniA 80,784; Washington, Oeer 13.000.000 la C—try Against the few thousand Jarafgn bom in North Carolina, which has' long been noted for its pare American itock. the census finds that tbs re art; mure Uisa 1:1,01)0,000 foreign born, whit* pern.ns In the entire United] Staler Figure* for the whole of the United Stairs hare been prepared by I the bureau for the early ns* of Con st css and are subject to revision, bat tre rrpsidrd as substantially accu rate. In the United States, according to these pitliminury figures, there wars 13,703,987 foreign born white par sons enumerated as of January 1, 1320. as compared with A total of 13. 343.315 in 1910, an increase of 238,442 or 2.0 per cent This small increase i* due to the almost complete cessation of immigration for more than Cve years preceding the tailing ■»f the 1020 ernrus, at well ei to emi gration on account of the war. The presentation of statistic* on country of birth of the foreign ba whr.e population lor 1920 it made oa the basis of the pose war may. Bo esiut- of the many political changes which hove resulted from the war. It is impossible to give comyamthre fig um fur 1919 for this class of the population by individual countries. AM ERSTWHILE SAMPSON IAN ASPIRES TO BIG XI* Mr. C. F. Honeycutt, son of Mr. J. H. Honeycutt, of-Honeycutt town ship of tbit county, is about to get la line for a big job from the govern ment under the new administration. For two doeades he has been out of the county ar.d for 18 yean af that timo he has screed as a mall clerk and is aew aa the run from Norfolk to Wilmington. The proficiency which Mr. Honeycutt has shown in the work puts km In aaty lino for promotion. He holds the distinction of making as average of 98 ynr cent an exami nation for the entire 18 year* that ho hat been in the service. The fur uicr Mci mat at na* lecerrca tac endorsement of all Ms eo-laborara from Washington to Atlanta; Ute fact ;hat he hae endorse meat of eongraaa men and senators galore ehould pat him high in the estouan af Will H. liny* for the boat position he hat to ghre. The ehirf position to arhloh. Mr. Honeycutt aspires l« general stipei intandcnl of railroad Bull service. In this capacity he arin haea oversight of oil the enormotu boeincse in the Uni ted States, and would hare a Rao chance to chaw the t oe Sampsonian typo of manhood Ih hie field af en deavor. Wi give Mr. Honeycutt out unqualified < ndonosneat and wiah for him the moat co.-dlal eoaeldera :i*n far whaleer poailion he may see At to aspire to.- -CV.iton News Dis patch YOUNG is NAMED PRESIDENT OP DENVER AND RIO GRANDE Now, April 21 Jeeeph H. Yoarg, prcaideat af lha Norfolk Southera railway, was elected prest dent of the ro-arganined Denver snC Rio Grande Wastern railroad at I directors mooting he. a today. John A. Williams' Body Comes Home Wo, Horn Laid To Bast la Motfoe M Sr Poker Who Waa HU Chaplain Presided over hy tbs pastor who. as chaplain of hi* eoaqway, hold the short ceremony attendant opon his harial aftor be waa killed ia action ia Praace, funeral services were bald at Stony Baa Church aftsrnooa far Joha A. WiHisaos, private. C. coat paay, 120th rsglment, 20th division, whoso body returned from overseas last week. Bov. J. It Turner, pastor of the Baptist church of Crssavifle, waa the prosW'n* preacher. He was hors to conduct services at the Pint Baptist and waa Invited to preside over tha ceremonies Incident to the hero's re turn to his native toil Hundred* of old friends of the martyred young man attended the funeral aad harial sendees. A delegation of the Dunn post of the American Legion accom panied the body /real the Hatcher andertaklng establishment hors, es corted it to the charch to the family burial ground whom they fired a patt ing volley over the grave of their de parted brother In arms. John Williams waa a brave soldier M. ~ M. « ni ik.-—-» AmaaL "Thro eld fleer sack* may heap •oaar little bov or girl from ireealnr to death," atatet the Red Crota la tie appeal to the women ef America to join hi the national movement to make clothing for 76».000 doatitoto and ragged children of Earepe. Wherever work hat We* begun Rod Croat jurisdiction—and that U jntt about terrywhore then are Rod Crota chapter*—every sort of mater ial hat been need te provide gar manta. The oH flour tack* are jwet one Hem. Two ef them, elate the Rod Cram in ft roc Mon* to worker*, will make a child** night draft. One will make a pair of drawer*, bloomer*, roreot waiat, petticoat, romper or ap ron. The Red Croee auggeeta that the floor mekt be tanked la kern tone be fore wing. Tbla will remove the let tering and avoid eatenaamcit to little Cceeho-Uevakiane wW might otheiurlio romp about the etreeta with, “Sonadm'a Flour—Beat Rear," on the mot of their tranter*. The Southern die Irion Vat beta called anon tor 1K.0M garmenta for hoy* and girl* and 17,000 tnyetlaa for liable*. Ever* chapter it expected to fnrniah it* charge of tki* quota, i - a ...-- ... n • • • Transfer* sf Baal Estate • • • O-* ■■ A The following transfer* ef real es tate have been recorded la the office of Register of Deads Faueetto during the past week: R. W. Lee and wife to J. W. Hoek edey and wife, tot in Angler, $1,000 and other consideration, i 8. 0. Hayes aad wife to f. H. Barnes, 1 acres tat Crove, $10 and {Other consideration. B. T. Bernes to F. H Banes, $ acres In Grove, $10. M. B. Lev and wife to Nebraska B Las, 81 acre* la Averaabars, $7, 08$. N. P. Lucas and wife to J. M. Lev, » lots la Duke township, $1,000. H. MaD. Ray aad wife to V. P. Martin, St aere* In Upper Ltttla Riv er. $»oo. Oso. L Cannady *t al., to Anal* Lee, lot in Dunn, $100 and other consideration. C. t. Smith, trustee, to Smith A McKay, lot la Dunn, $$ti. J. 6. Mrlver *t si. to W. M. Rett nett and Halt. lBt asms to Upper Little River, »«,000. Baggett A Haywood, cammiesion sn, to T. B. Ranalds, $4 scree to Bnrkecue, $•$$. Psrarrtt A Hsvwood to J. B. Barnet, «$$ acres to Barbecue, $4, $4$. NEWBERRY WINS; ANOTHER CONTEST IN SECOND WARD Lm Aad Tart Got No DtcUoa la Thrao Conand PA mary Fiffct goldsteipTand WADE HAVE NO OPPOSITION Wanraa Dafaata Shaw By 110 Vota*—Pardio And Lm PUo Up «f Va*a A«aW Oid *» Pm«« By DUoatUfac Ia th. face of tho fntua ftnaath •*** aaterd bjr thm diaatMM «!• M*at of Daaa, WllUaa B Noafeorry, caadidau for (oanalMomor fro* tin ward, was wiiht 1b TifwiliT1! 140. _ f. U?T* Wade, Mayor, mad Bii* Goldstein, commissioner from the [earth ward, warn not appaaad and warn declared the naatiaaea wtthoat i caant of tha vote*. Hewn. Tart and Newberry were he only member* af tb* present ad nini*ration who war* opposed in the jrinsarjr. The rata* piled ap against them brought rarpriw to morn who u* meat friendly fa tba Wade adain strntien. Tbase wb* are appaaad am * * vjgoroos proto* * tain* the alleged error* to the board, it was not sap* ess d that tha appeal :l*n weald p*U a much larger veto ban It did la* year. whaaT3l*ftha >W board who triad far ranamiaa ton were iwept ia by big margins. Brea yet there Is apparoatly a feeling ef ftraog maaimsal and there is a possfirillty that an indo madeat ticket win be pat in the ft*U *'• *,,k *• wing in tb* Martian to be bald nest Tuesday. Urn Kepwb liaana win bald a moating tonight to tiocarn tha advimhlWw of pottiaf eat ■ wholly BapnhHaaa Uafcae or at aem .o a, si,, „ m . . thorn who triad ta bant them stead as fallows: For Mayor: Wade, til; Turn»g«, 101. For Commlmioaar: ^Second Ward, Tart, US; Batin’, !18kird W,rd* N*"fcerTT' ,0*i Creel, Fourth Ward, Goldstein, 197; brewer, 13d. A* in yesterday's primary, that of *, roor ago bald no canto* with aa ild member in the fir* ward. W. J. fanm and Ur. Thomas E. Darden, contested for tki w* sf L H. Lm, who was than ia a hospital. Mr. Janas Polled >M votes to Dr. Darden's 7*. The malls af yesterday's primary was as follows: For Commissioner: Second Ward, Tart, 189; Lao, 17*; Turns**, It Ward, Newbarry 1*7, Par die, 1S1. Mr. Ta* polled slxty-foar ]*m rates yaatarday than ka did a year sz, ;ii «ressr“ m — Mr. Newberry's strength yaatarday was exactly the same aa that given ‘VL7!^ M* Mr. Pardie was given iifty-flvs more veto* d«» anno ea* for Mr. Creel in 1*1*. P. A. 1**. the draggi* who ran Mr. Tart so dose a race, was oat of Iowa yesterday afteraoea whoa tha vote* were east and eonated. He will net rotarn until tonight. U la a* known wb other or not he trill e*U for a saeond primary betwoon ttmaeif sad Mr- Tart. His friends, however are insisting that ha ask for It ani » pram toafldanc* that they can win for him. Blair Matt 1WfaU On Regulations For Boor ._Wa*bln*ton. April **—An aitU trwy halt af 4 Ta nn«at of boor »*d tbroa ■•Ilona of wioa aa tba a pbjraician mar prcwrib* at any one time boa baon oat la now prohibition rapuUttana wbfeb await tba approval af David B. Blair, tba now comaalmioaer of internal rwva naa. In aaaUnw UK annauaetmaat ta- - day, frakiWlan Cotamltaionar In •aar, aald that wbfl* ondar AUoraay Ganaral Palmar'* raaaat opinion tba amanat at bacr or wlac praacHbcd bp a phyitctan aver a rtvaa parted eoald net bo limited- It wm batieved that tba amoaat of Indivldmal pee •ctfptloa* eoald ba limited to a ream osirels mulBwt It would a at ba practical, be mid, ' to raqolr* a patient f*T wbam two or three bottlee af beer a day mlrbt be pratertbad, ta Obtain a praaeriptUa far aacb dap. laaaaaee of bmr aad wia* ranla Kramer mUidaL wfll <»P—d entirely upon tfc* declaim af tba new internal revaaae nmmlmln rr. Imbtlin ad prepared far bla approval, ba aald, wan merely tea to

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