THE DUNN? I _ i - __ ^ • Volume VIII. Dunn, North Carolina, ^ - 1,1 I II III I III BIG INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION PLANNED FOR DUNN Will Eclipse All Fortner Effort* Of This Kind, Promoters Soy WAR VETERANS ARE TO TAKE LARGE PART Fair Association, Chamber Of Commerce, Woman’s Club American Legion Aod Other Agencies Of Town To Com bine In Work For Occasion —Fire Works At Night. Dunn’t Independence Day celebra tion tbit year will eclipse all former effort along this line, if the plort of the Harnett County Fair Association, the Chamber of Commerce, tiic Wo man's Club, the American Legion, the choral societies and other agencies of Dunn are earned out on Monday, July 4. A tentative program arranged in - week by h'lliv Goldstein ami T I.. Rid dle includes a reunion of World War. Spanish War and War Between ;he States Veterane; patriotic speeches by popular oialors, parade* of snldieit. civilian*. Industrial woikers and floats; band concert*, ethlctie events, baseball game*, horse racing, motor cycle racing, singing eonli vu and other event* for the day, and a glor ious fire work* display at night. Sup plementing the fire works at night wilt be a concert'by the rboval socie ties of Dunn and at least one band. B.g Priaee OHered Several hundrud dollars will be of fered as pruts, punu-s and premiums. The winning base ball team, for iu xtanee, will be given $50. Large por tae will be given winning hone own ers and motor cycle riders, and big premium list is being compiled for those who bring farm products and other exhibits. Other details ara to be worked out and will be placed on the program which soon wfil be ready for distribu tion. Arrangements are being made for the printing of a large number of display postern, window* lithographs, automobile eigns and other adver tising manor and for the staging of Staged at Fair Grounds T%t Harnett County Fair Grounds will be the acme of the big celebra tion. The stage In front of the grand stand will be reconstructed for the use of the singrra and will bo rejnip ped with spot lights to show the n -.M stage attractions. An admission Jc* of fifty cents for grown people and twenty fivo cents for children will probably be charged to hrlp pay the expense of the spectacle, although the event is not being promoted to makt money. In view of the fact that this is to fca a reunion of former service men it is expected that the war and navy departments of the nation will crep trots to the extent that Mvcval aero planes, a detachment of soldiers and sailors and a military bund will he sent here for the day. There has born no definite promise made but the com mittea in charge i* hopeful that the departments will aid to this extent, Surrounding towns, schools and comm it tee* will be invited to ei>*op vrate with Dunn In this celebration. Committed! will soon be tent to the towns in Sampson, Johnston, Harnett and Cumberland and to invite them to take part in the celebration and to stage any exhibit in keeping with the spirit of the occasion they may taic vv uisnv. Stars And Bars Wave Again In The South Font Thinning Ranlu nf Ln'i V*l*c nn* Monk in Annul Review In SeelUra Stains Atlanta, On., April 8.—The etnri and ban of the Confederacy waved ■gain today over the fast thin Ding rank* of Lee’s veterans as thsy mar ched In annual review and over thou made of graves in AJshams, Florida Georgia aad Mississippi, where April >8 is observed as Memorial day. American legion posts and Spaniel war veterans turned oat to do honoi to the soldiers of the Confederacy and wore Joined by thousands ef cadet; and school children united sons ol o oaf (derate veterans, daughters ol the confederacy and various mecnor lal organisations. The exercise* gen orally consisted of parades throng! downtown streets and decoration ol graves after patriotic addressee at th< cemeteries Rain marred the prog ran In Mlaslmtppi, but la few Instance; prevented some form of memorial ex ere Lace. The day was a legal hollds; In the four states. Other souther states pay tribute to their veteran later in the spring. FRANCE HOLDS OPFER TO M ABgOLUTELY UNACCEPTABU Paris, April 27.--Jean Juice J* ■onkd. French ansbersador to tb United States, has been informed b the French government that the G*i man reparations proposals, aa tram mitted to the Washington govern meet, are abeolatcly. The Krone point of view is that that* propose); * instead of making any advance U ward a satisfactory settlement of ih reps rations oueelsoii. are rather step backward. LUCKNOW PARK i MASTER GO;* TO JURY IN HAJKNETT R«i . Lino1 It* i I way company, ciiinut!. ami I commited the mutter lo ihe Septem ber term of Harriett Superior Court for the trir.l of civil ca»e*. Tho umi'.oiu.y rratia :nng order is suer! lever*, week* ago by Judge Con-; nor wi’.: erma'n lit 'nice until a Har j I nett jury decider rvl. ca oT tire two I cnepomt-one la rigstiv entitled to the I property. Ttie : wviruini.i|; order v.'a*i ianted at Uie instance of the iwiiwuy eompany to prevent the property be ins turned over to tin- Woman'* Cloo of Dunn for improvement* and beau tification. Dedicated Id Public U«e Thu luiiway company claim* the property by right of deed inued be-1 fore thr town ssak platted. This deed j was offered in evidence when tire • le.uisining order vu granted. The town, however, claim.* that tho prop evty vrai dudicutrd to thu pub! r for uto a* community square at the tiro, the fliet lota were sold under the aus pice! of :h* railway company'* o81 einla. tiodw n * William*, attoloiy for the municipality i.-i lh;* instance have ptoenred affidavit* from; cititena that aeem to ueor out ihii eo-iUrntioii. niund auvi orrn miac m the laU ten yean to have the square converted .ru* u public park, bat it! was nut until early in this year that | any real iqroRTvea war made. 'Ike matter eat first b nugljt to the atten tion of the Chamber of Coantieree by the Woman's Club. The C •lumber could not vrry well take any part in the mailer for the reason (hat aom« of its leadlns; mciau n were uppo ied t* the of ihc- col.n.i yard j frem the square. Ulcr tile Boaitl of Town CommLiein.-iers granted the wo I met. permission to take eharge of the p- operty. Cam* Rack With Order B-'fore the women could get to work with their contemplated Im provement* Coast Line of.etaia ap pealed to th* Board for a etay of ixe cutlon. They said they wanted tint* m which to obtain and prepare an other aide for the cotton yard. This ■lay was granted. Before it* expire-, lion the .oOici'uia. of the road came fcnuj^vh^ayast™!nJur which nKwStSnS^^I^^wUldo^rith property veined at about 11*0.000 and very vigorously claimed by the Town of Runn. ANOTHER MEETING ON WAGE MATTER; Final Break Bet wean Ship-, Owners and Marina Work ers Narrowly Averted Washington, April 27.—-A linal; break between the shipowners and marine worker: was narrowly avert ed at the conference called help to day by Chairman Hinton of the Ship ping ItosiJ, in an erf«rt to prevent a i threatened strike on May 1, when e » listing wage agreement* expire. A last | moment appro I by Andrew Furusoth, t president of the International* Sea tbon’s Union, (•suited lit a postpone ment Admiral Benson told the confer ences Friday. The delay was sought in order that proposals of Cha rman Benson for a 1 o per cent wsgv reduction and changes in working condition* afloat miyht be laid before the unions, bat admittedly the outlook for an agree ment Friday was not bright. Admiral llunson told the eonfer oncc he would not recede from the outline of redactions ho had present mil id napitia -v *a t Kp mprfH'i nf mn. rinc. Reject Wage Reduction W. 5. Brown (or Uic Marine Engi neer* Konefirinl >.< he had in mind, "let th* r 3** and working condition*. Mr - Brown read a resolution adopted bj . th* angiaoert’ srago committor, whkt . declaied that Ihr propooil wage «c«l< i and to-classification of ships was no' i, acceptable, although < hanger in work - Ing condition* wet*. Later ho said th< o engineer* woold not teredo from * the at and n-.v had token am would not accept a stag* reduction. General Roundup Of Players Has Started SLL official. With Federal Aid WUI Place Under Bend Men La reived in tfan 1919 Scandal Chicago, April 20.-—A general round-up of men indicted In connec tion with Lit* 1919 world aerie, base VaU sandal use been ataHed by alate official.', and federal aid will be sought in apprehending several persona who bava not >ct given bond, It was an nounced today at the state's attorneys office after receipt of repoita that some of the alleged conspirators bad iled lo foroign countries. Geo. K. Gorman, assistant state's attorney, tonight raid he had infor mation that Abe Attell, former world's champion featherweight, and Joseph J. (Sport) Sullivan, known in the cast a* a gambler, had fled to Ca.tadu. Others in the case' wore re ported to state officials to have made plans to go to Mexico or to be there new, Mr. Gorman said. Ur. Gorman said that tinea there were no inatici with Canada under which a man could be extradited for a Misdemeanor, federal officials would be asked to request the Canadian K-ovcrnment to depott Attsli and bol iivan as undesirable* if they aic lound in that country. President ttan lohnson, ol thv American league, la it route lo Washington to make this Detective* will be lent tomorrow to son Jose, CaL, to bring bar., ... I'bate, urrsstcd there yesterday. Eddie Cicotte, once the American eague’. hading pitcher, Mat word r um his Dclioie home lots today that would come to Chicago within a few days to give bond. Similar news received from Louis Levi and Bun Levi, alleged gamblers. diaries Kisburg, Georae Weaver, fired McMullia, Joe Jackson, Oscar t\lsch and Claude Williams, White do* players and Carl Zorfc and Ben I'ranklin, of St. Louis, have given ■ond. Mr. Gorman said. Local attorney* (or Rachel Brown, Sullivan and Attoll, said that if these ■eh had fled from this country, “It »»» news to them,” Chick Candil, an itner player, it reported hi Texas, n'd has sent word that he will come jo Chicago to give bond. REFUSED D. S. C. MEDAL FROM GENERAL PERSHING Scotland Neck. April 27.—Associa ted I'rosa L)i*pauties today carried a ttory at th* escape of Lieutenant Ma riam Cooper, of the Polish Koscutike Sir squadron, from Russians by whom '• 'waa shot down some months ago, tad bis safe return to the Polish loaees. - f ^Ot.iui.nii pi r ~T n ta-r-WL Wr ■»« «G3o hWTsE^fRtraefgHi Lituenaat Cooper waa in service apth he A. E. P„ being a close friend of many from this section and a special 'riend of Lieutenant Norfleet Smith, ahn was in a base hospital at the tame time. Lieutenant Smith states that the aviator was offered the dis I nguiehid service medal by General t’eishlng himsa’lf fur bravery under ire but would nnt accept, due to the Pact that this ubvcrvur, who was with 'in on this special occasion, was not liso offered the medal. Lieutenant Hooper joined the Polish forces after procuiing his honorable discharge tome days after the armistice was •igued and until shot down some months ego bat been teeing active service with the Poles. ■ a»*t*r UaMlit Cold in, present board members who d l rrnomir.a- 1 ted in the DraocntU • nary of ln..t 1 Monday. J. Lloyd Wade, for nyot, R. M. 1 Warren, for coaunbsii ir from the' Qrxt ward, both of wl| i err Demo cracy between Messrs. te and Tart, are endorsed by thc-cR in*’ commit- 1 toe. -i i Mr. Green la a ’ Republican ! and represents the hij M typo of those of Dunn’s cittaci who «ub ,1 Kribo to Republican sores. Mi l1 Loe la an indep dent. They 1 ■tala, however, that OS question of 1 their national political does not enter in Use preeel They antra chosen by the commit-j1 tee in order that might not! enter into the lacal i, jt l* said. 1 Dissatisfaction board ' ■* ile for 1 ar and R. M. ! L. A. Tart, Naill Great) 1 Lot as commiuionesb, |_ 1 have an efficient and oObno ‘ ministration. 1 BION H. BUTLER ON WASHINGTON TRIP Soon Things Ho Saw and What They Suggested To Him Aa Touching The Farm By BTCON B. Htm.irw Last week I bad occasion to go to Washington, and When a man get* oat that way where ha toe* things he naturally falla to thinking about what be toe*. Cuming from the coun try a man U impressed by the condi tion* he meets with the town and at thuagh much of my Kfe has tsocn passed in the big cities it it always In teresting to me to observe the differ ence between tows and Conn try when I get into town. I live a little over two miles from the village. Oar habit*' are simple and our way* are some-! what plain. The different condition* in lbe city are therefore marked, and they are always Interesting to me. Itut tbe matter that hnprsssod ms most on this trip was the striking dif ference between the man of the farm pnd tbe man of town. I wondered why a difference should be in evidence. I had occasion to go to sea a man at an expensive hotel. He told me that hit room cot* him «ve dollars a day and I wondered! bow that would strike a fanner. It1 was a little coffin of a room about half aa big as tbe ons 1 have at my own homo, and with 4m window where mine baa three, with no venti lation, with a brick mil tea feet a way aa the ons thing that can be aean from the window, and no birds chattering in tbe treat outside of the window, and no sunlight aeeesxiblc at anytime of the day, and no trees be seen and no dog barking down on tbs porch, and not a Iking that goes for comfort. But the charge was five Wh«i tha Farmer now U WatUaftea How many men from the ceantry coaid pay that bill foe that kind of ■ P|M*. and than pay for their ratine heatdeit Then I wondered why If aonte man can pay aneh biU. far aach thin** why do we aot tad the farm tn- hunting np the private rooming houee that girca him a place to aloep for a dollar and why doaa he go to the market houao reotaarant for his dinner where be tan yet what he ran Ml for ifty conta Inotaad of to one of three big hotel ys where coffee eoeti twonty-dVe coata a cup, and » beef, atcak two dollar* and a half? Wr hear moeh talk .boot the American standard of living, and not much talk of the farmer** char* In that etaad : ard. ft TV "*!•* u tn ta 4nd man) ■ men In Weablngton before nine o* clock. Oat oh tha farm we erpecl U ! find ear neighbor* bn* at aevea. a at f nefeody to ombarmetad If a eaUai 1 drape m before that pma. At tk< • (Continued aa p^gt 4.) New Paper Started la Wilmington For South Ktfi edlcl MkiiV- Will Edit Fecied Ual For South.™ M.thodirt Club* Wlimlaginn, April 27.—“The Me '.hnj m Clubman" In th* name or aj very handiaimr new mayai m ublch ha> ju»t bi-On iasued from the perns and will be published monthly in this city a* tb« official magazine of the M> thuuUt Men's Club, of the 8oulh ••rn Methodic Church, the Rev. Geo. Stanley Prawr br ing the editor. Tho May edhiur, which .» now be ny mailed In a isryc numb.-r of pro minent mnioten and laymen through out the South and Middle West, pro wnt. i striking appearance. Practi cally from the onUct thu new period ieal for laymen will have o circulation of from 8,000 to 10,000 copies, cov ering a territory of 24 states. The muyaxinr ia designed nut only for men of the ehurch, hot carries a memayr of interest to men In all de partment* of life. It is alio the ofl- . rial magaziac of the Methodist Mas'* iflub, an oigvniaatioa that has grown rapidly daring the past foar years ■o more than two hundred clubs, and j i membership In every state la the fouth. Tbr plan of the publishers Is o make It a representative magazine ! 'or laymen of the church generally. The editor, the Rev. Georg* Sten ey Prater, b well known throughout I Jouthim Methodism ** a pulpit ora :or nod as a graceful and foieefu' niter, la addition to two widely read looks, 'The Facta of Faith** and ‘Christianity and the Man of Today,” re»iuent contribution* from Us psa lave appeared in the church papers md in the secular press. In asioeintioa wtth th* editor will ic Lamont Smith, advertising mana !*r, and 811a* Sheets, circulation nansgor. Thr ofUco of the ‘‘Metho list Clahman’’ have been established n the Murchiaon building, this city. :OTTOH CONFERENCE CALLED TO CONSIDER FINK BOLLWORM | Vhsc (Tn:fkr4 fila‘.s . # Viniculture bat issued a rail lot a i o-ifeivoce of persons and interests ■elslsd to the cotton industry, to bo u ld ir. Washington May IS. The pur iom of, the conference it to consider lour best to protect the cotton Indus- < ry Ujrainit tbc pink bolhrorai. Ovo nort dangerous of cotton Mats. This pest enured the United States om birsico in the fall of 1817, sp- . rearing first In Texas. Prompt mcas- ! ire* won taken to boat It back, and 1 Ibout $2,000,000 hare already bean j xpended by the Federal Govern aaaet Unfortunsuly. Urn Bute of . Pexai has failed to provide far each idrquate quarantine and eontrol work i it is regarded absolutely neeeaeary I >y tbc scientists of the Department 1 >r Agriculture, and because of this sek of full cooperation there ie sew 1 ■ met dinger that the peat win be ] tijrrmineUd throughout Texas, which neans in course of time throughout ho cotton belt. Thu department Is now considering luarantiue measures which will check < lie Invasion from Texas to the great 's* possible extent, and tbc purpose if the conference Is to consult with lolcgau* from other State* interest 'd befoic taking definite action. IOTK.HII DILLIUna UWKU TO u. S. BY ALL NATIONS Washington, April 24.— The ' World’s debt to the United Stales is ! now approaching the gigantic total ' »f 120,000,090,000, a sum sufficient la pay ail the running expense* of 1 iho government for five years, ro po.ta of ths commerce and treasary departments dhow. The world 1> Increasing Its debt monthly through an increase ia the foreign trade balance. Part of the money it due the United States gov ernment, while the remainder is on the credit fids of American citiaens— exporters, minufactarers shut bur ns se men. Foreign governments now owe this government nearly fULMte 000,000. The interest on the world’s debt, at 3 per cent per year, amount* 1e nearly $1,000,000,000. This is the amount which the government ie now paying out each year la internet to holder* of Liberty Baade and Vic tory notes. Despite this large credit la favor of the United States, mostly a paper eredit so far, this country now hi* within its borders slightly more than $$,001),000,00* ia gold. This is appro ximately nne-third of all the gola in the world. Hug* Rom Hill Stsawhocrlos Nature faking ia again rt the- tew. | Therefore, this w a true story. One of then win asakc a pie—two will cause nothing lest than a dis turbance In one's dining room, pro vided. the two am enton. Talking about Rom Hill strawber ries What 8teril»g mean* to (liver, and what Kentucky used to mean to 10 certain red contraband, Rom Hill means to strawberries, i H. R. Rome, of Roto Hill, wRh n Arc aerr Arid of tbe luaelona berries ‘has mi a mark at which all other |m«**r« may shoot. Samples taken I from the Reuse patch, disclose one i rigunUc berry that measured Are inches in eirruenfereuoe and which be. ■ length of just two inches. This was the best berry of the spec town* rtsbmitnd, but otheis ia tho small lot were so near the saute site that it was bard to distinguish between the champ and the aear ones. The variety grown by Mr. Rouse has been developed after years el study. It ie known at "Reuse’s Zerty . Strawberry" and not one element si .that ftrewbetry (lover la lost ha i cause of the hum siae of tho eurileu —Wilmington star. CARPENTIER WILL BE SEEN IN FILM AT WHITE WAY Gifts *f Striking World Fl»utw I irtatUed la Mniaa l» Drama. “The W«br Mu." The elite of Washington wcMjr forau the bock*round for "TVc Wan der Man,*' the HoherUon-Cole super-! ipeeltl picture, starring Georges Car penlivr, Idol of France aad Euiopean' keavywreight champion, which will | conui to the White Way Then try Wad-' aaaday. ThU unusual drama of American' Moiety, directed by John O. Adalfi, ror Kobertaon-Cole, prooiees a revs ation ia motien pictarea of the new w and better sort. The versatility of Jar pen tier, according to eminent eri ice who attended a recent pm-rc riew, will prove a treat surprise to oven of the ciaame art. Baaed an aa intriguing story of <*vc and ay etory, ia which Oaqaa ier I* gives opportunity to dUylayl lit capacity as a baser, a sportsman! ad aa a gentleman of the float order. The Wonder Man,” should prove to m oaa of the moat commendable pro tection* that the White Way theatre ms ever p rescaled. Included la the picture ia a bosingl ■eat. with man of eat tana! aad la-; ernetioaa) prominence farming the ludieace. At the tone the basin* I ceae waa taken more than 2,0*0 par-1 ona parked the atadio. Thia realistic' eea*. said to be the moat nerfaet of ts Mad ever filmed ia Um Watery ad he screen, show* Oarpeatier ia the log for the first time on this aids of he Atlantic. Be fight* four fast oand* with a worthy opponent. okhet commendable report* !* Wonder Mas," received ram critics who witnessed the pre wview, ia the sensation created by the ■pcib acting of Carpaatier. Hla ahii ty aa aa actor of the Brat -»*-**..-v* remise* to be a reveUtion to the lav ra of the cinema art. CINSTON POLICE TRYING POLITENESS ON AUTOUTS Kin*ton( April 27.—"How d'y, got hat way?’ jins been replaced ia the Ncial *~J*uJnry af the Klnetem po leo with “Thaak no; came agate.” •1frVlk »• «htef. m respon ds* for the language oo traffic sign* laced at tha municipal limits today, lie signs infant tha incoming so to rt that the speed UmH ia 1» mfics and CILhafbTS kul ^oUca?tad~p^ iteaaaa first kas boon adapted as a •Bey. EIGHT COUNTIES BUILD OWN ROADS ^Ul Eight counties came to tha High er Commission yesterday with pro >oaa>i to go ahead aad build their art of the State Highway system and et the State ro-imbnrse thorn whew t was able. The Commission accepted he proposals, aad ordorod tha roads >udt as soon as tha formalities of ad 'trtisiag for contracts can bo cosi Jlisd with. Guilford, Granrills, Pasquotank, Beaufort. Doplla, Pamlico, and CoW ■ rob US counties had delegations hero srtth such proposals, aad othor coun ties have delegations in the city wait ing their turn with similar proposal*. Ln ef the arrangements arc made un der Section 14 of the Ros4 Law whichI enables the counties to build the road I under the smertrUon of the Commis sion, with reimbursement to the ooun tloa at such time as the Comaiatien deems proper. Hearing the various delegations concerned considerable time, and little flee was accomplished at yesterday's session. Out delegation was before tha Commission from Caldwell county asking that that eomnty ho transfer red from tha Eighth to the Sixth road district. Ns definite action was taken, end the mutter will go ever until a later meeting. This is the first endec or to shift from one district to an other. Nothing wns done yesterday to warn uc completion or ta* organisa tion of the working force* or the commiaeJoa, and the employment of engineers, completion of mnintcnanc* plane. etc., will be taken up today or tomorrow, when the loot of the de legation! bay* been hoard and their petition* acted upon Several delega tion wore before the roaualwioa la ■miter* of locatiag road* in their re epoctlvo eommoaitiei, bat thee* mat ter* war* generally referred U the roetdeat commleeioner. All member! of the coiamieeloa won la attendance yeeurday with the exception »f Word H. Wood, of the S(gth dietrict, who ba* given hi* ro | tigaotioa to Oovomor Mortiecn. Hil wccoasor bat aot been appelated ai im _ HRALYHY YLACR "U Loaaevtllc a beoltby plaeot” 'Healthy? Why they'll bov* to kU the popaiedloa on Jltrant Day.— Kxchaagc. Of the two band red lelaade com but FINANCE ACT NOT VALID ACCORDING TO HIGHEST COURT Supretna Body Radas That Law Is Nat ERaetfae WHhaut RaB Call SPECIAL SESSION MAY HAVE TO BE rats an Finances of North Carolina Cil ies Seriously Crippled By Bed.ion—Taxation Aad Pi* oanciaf of Municipal Pro* jects Hold Up. Scctatacy of State Aaka Far Opinion. Th* fallal* of ib* State aanate'a Ioarnal to (how that th* Municipal riaaao# Act waa paaaod on IU third raadiag hy an «jt ami no roll ooll ">u. »•< th* ruling of the Attorney Gonaiml that th* So* rotary of State ■ay not eorroct th* Jotaraal ta oor reapond with cntrl** on tho original MU may cote th* manieiaalltta* of th* State two million* of dollar* and ityjggy?1 »*tT* aaadoa of luthority t* cem*t lho JourmiTof tea tenet*. Th* Bcetwtary of State, la tarn, had acted on r**«Mt of Now foth bond oUornaya interootod In honb Carolina municipal hoada. _ e«*»y laSUo*a* Roll Call Tha entry on th* original bill indi ctee that It pawed on third —odlng ia accordance with th* law. waa rw xaMdamd, amended, and wa* paaaad »n third reading aa amended by vote i? U ®-.Th* Jo«™al, howrrer, *a y duwi that th* bill waa paaaad aa u third reading bat dot* ant Inlirati hat it pawed by roll call. Th* Attar 'XL _°**“*»1 y**J*rday rated that Uric »a» a defect (ufikioatly wrioa* ta ta ilidatt the act. The ia validity of th* lttl Maniti ml fteano* Act woald tea** North ~ar*tiaa munic.paliti** utter tha op nstlon of th* aid maalilpal finance tet which pat* a fifty cent limit on {•nerul taxation, bat allow* mnntei taUtte* to Incroaa* that rate apoo **p almlon of th* Manicteal Board of =^trol. r*r tha^mTl»gT au --T- , -_*£,**»• Oil »d~ ia i era lid, tot only will h erippl* th* wolf power* of title* hot will l*a*« than with no moan* whatsoever »f cany, tag or fanding th* deficit for ran uteg ezp«a*ci which la tho caw of Raltigb assented to Illt.OOO hat woald • object the municipal author!, ti** to the p*na) tew for axaatd ag the lacotn* of th* city. cwarsassjtete.. I*0?4 }» *.e. mnniclpal finance act BBd followed iU jBMiff tkroarh th* mi Cucral A.23& teSSfilS 2! >*•“«• in accordance with the tew end that th* faHor* *f the Senate Joamal to abow the pro Pw .** W clerical error. If tt Jr he ld invalid, Mr. Dowell bo h*v*«. North Carolina title* wlH be •mteatiy crippled |„ finance*. It may coct Kaloigb and every city of ap proximately tho cam* *is« hum_ W • me a. _ _ ™nun|Ltu,t • *"■*/ rhoald bo rati, fed by s majority vote of the Senate, tastejd of tw»-thlrds, sad that Sail be adequate compematioa far the di plomatic and consular service. At the business meeting the fellow* •"l "“^on.was dBopted: “Resolved that the members of the Associated Press, ia convention am saaMsd, leader I heir thanks ta Urn president, board of direstars sad of Been sf the Associated Pram far lhatr oMetom work derim the past year, •kkbbte mmte tbeAaaeeiatad K£ the greatest aaws-gathaatm organine uSJs iiti^ _ President Harding ia the Bret Pree Cb?ich*“ ^ngod »be Baptist