ns DUNN DISPATCH PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY , AND FRIDAY. | |___< Batons m MNttolw Mtat fiprO let. ISIS, ak the ptot office a* Duau, M. &, wte Ut ia d ManB S. 1ST*. L BUSMS POPS, NMhlw MEMORIAL DAY Today In every co.ialy of North Cantina men e<-d women are gatb end U pay homage to tho Immortals who followed Lee and Jackson end Johnatoo through the bottles of that most terrible et all conflicts, the War Betweea the States. It U fitting that they do this, for ia the aaaale of his tory there ta not to he found a record so Tilled with heroism, devotion to doty and lev# of country. Those lads who trekked through desolated fields of the Southland and carried their tattered burners to borders of Pannaytvaala—those bays, hungry aad ragged through fear yean of war—fought for a principal that still lives ia the heart of ovary true American. Though vanquished they were victors. Today every Am erican youth Is proud to foal that the blood of each men flows through his veins. It U on th!* day that the mind* of thorn of aa to whoa they hare handed down a priceless heritage turn* to their deeds. Wo hoaer tho dead. We an proud of their achievement. In our pride we an prone to forget that many of thoir brother* an (till with us; that many of them an trailing through tho evening of life In need and an gtvea too little attention. In the more Impoverished days of our Stan the man who were our do feeders in that great war could not be given much. They then were strong nad vigorous—moot of thorn were. Now the decrepitude ef age is upon them. Fortunate meet an In com fortable circumstances. hut we per pet rat* a crime so long as w* allow one of them suffer want. The State should provide a home and comfort Tor ovary maa who won the gray and is unable to provide it for him self. THE MEW BOAKO Dunn is peculiarly fortunate in the choice of its Mayer and Board of Commissioner* by th* electorate last wueh. It woald be hard to find a more evenly balanced set of ace than th ' dv# who are to guide th* mankipal tty through tho next twelvemonths. It is true that each of tha defeat. VKk Di.k. —I Vf nr__a rt a I I •• aa member* of the board wo fcmro an excellent balance wheel for the energy of EUU Goldstein and the progressivencas of William H. Newberry. In Mayor J. Lloyd Wade w have a man who can t* treated to do the wise thing at all timea. Nalther of these men can be rashed off hi' foot by tha fool notions of fanatics; would take a step calculated to dam »*» the welfare ef the community The Dispatch ia certain that the ad ministration ef this beard win be one of the moot popular ia the history of tbo town. It 1* confident that the hoard will strive to make tha town move forward ia every helpful way And that, too, economically and ef ficiently. A COMMUNITY CENTER That la aa exeelleat suggestion ••do by Secretary T. L. Kiddle to the effect that Lucknow Square be made the site ef a community build la# to eoatain rest rooms for our vlotters, oMce* for tho Chamber of Commerce, Woman's Club. American Legion and other organisation, ef tho town, and a public auditorium. No bettor am for the squar. could ho found, aad Tbe Dispatch la eca ■deat that oAeials of the Atlantic Coaet Una Railroad could be Indue ted to cooperate with tbe eeatasuai-.y in this d'rest ion at least to tbe extent ef abandoning its effort to acqalro title to the property. Dune needs such a building as th i. h would provide aa assembly place for lb ye sag aad eld folks and would • eendentrate tbe effort of all ft c.vic ageaclet la way that a grea.tr good weald bo ac.ouapllshed. At prvoeut oar yeuag folk aro withoat a meet ag ptoeo that appaals. They are obliged »• froqurut tho rtrs.tr, tbo rmteo va**ts. drug storm and oihor '.act it* ohlo place* where they ore rare bases unwelcome. la a romarualty bulld<as prepw supervision could ho gi.rn the towa’t |Wtk and the yeuthfel mtod «oulJ ho to rued late helpful channels. •y an mesas, let ue work far Rid dle'* Idea. Ciff Ufiwitlia Paw Fum A farmer naked ea employee of the forth Carolina Department of Agri :uRur* today thla qaeatioo: "Why ia t that tha farmer* are not Vetter Mated an agricultural coaditione and [alt ta make a baetaaae tuccea* of it?" Tha eoeeoeefol farmer, ea wall at >th*r buaineee men of North Coro lla* baa bean aad will he the mam wh« rtadlei hit buataaa* aad Ha relation ta other hraaehaa bearing directly or indirectly upon It. Tha* playing tha tame from *tart ta finish and watch ing far ovary break. For future oper auoaa can only be bated ea peat and protect tendencies. The farmers of North Carolina hare at their service a medium through which they can get a more compre hensive view of the baaic indaal.y of agricultare la the Slate. Thla median it the Crop Reporting Service of North Carolina. From thonmade of voluntary reporter* aver the atate, thla allet diaaeminatea to many farm ers and buaiaeaa concern* euhntantinl sad dependable statistics on agricul ture, showing condition, tendencies, and future prospective*. These mon thly conditions and prices, yearly acreages, yields and total productions of major and minor crops; also re ports on livestock. Thus aiding the farmers to understand more concisely the tendencies along agricultural lines. All reporters get the benefit* -of the consolidated results showing present conditions and averages for periods of fiee and ten years. Of course it's an oM adage that Agures are cold'and an In to resting, but claim unsupported by facts are valueless, while substantial facta are valuable and are fundamental to success in the business world. The Crop Reporting Service is ever ready to aid the farmers who want to aid themselves and suggests that lhay investigate and secure the ad rentagea of thii Service. To produce the body of a murder rd man in court aa evidence, a Cana dian Northwest Mounted Police offi cer “mushed" by dog team four hun dred asiWa south to the nee re st jue liee*a court ou the Slave Elver pro ducing the body ut the trial of the murderer who was captured deep in the northwest wilderness. Aa engineer and fireman on a transcontinental train left their en gine recently to reacee from a burn ing farmhouse near Cochrane, Oat., an invalid mother and her eon. Thu hoy jumped from the second story Into their arm*. Chicago police will use wireless telephones In their war on crime. A wireless la being Installed an the roof of the city hell for constant commu nication with flreboats, rifle squads. Are engine houses, patrol wagons and police stations. Officials bepa ulti mately to have every policemen [equipped with receiving apparatus. Wf ’vninif hut ■ fsag nnnas a The Main# bluv-tky law u ao itriet ^ .fVfrc<d tomi many conpanki which have no dlftcoHy in wcviring license* to offer their securities in other bluc-aky states hart to resort to the medium of the mails ta trans act business in that stats. Pythian* Plan Bia Time Here Thursday Grand lodge oOclals of North Car olina Kntghta/of Pythias and scores of other mtmber* of the ordrr art expected h'.-r Thursday to attend Ike district meeting to b« held with the lo.-nl lodge. i*rator R. S. McCo n, of Itcmlcr.'on, Grand Chancell ir of the ordsr will be among the Vtei’ars. An elaboixt* program of et.tertaja ment is being arranged by Ellis Gold ———— *Uln. chairman, X. T. Laa, Track Dranyhon, B.i 8. Frvcmer., Jam,. Beat and O. L> Canned?. who coat arlaa tha entertainment eommltlev This preyram Include* n h'y fi«h fr at Rhode. Pond at I o'clock In th afternoon. After the tut try the cow pan7 will return la Dunn and boyi at T :80 o’clock to initiate twelve can didataa into the mysteries of Pythian t**Tho decree week will bo done by ] on oapaetally picked team of laitiaton and a full complement of fuU-bJood ed Anyore*. The praemm opea at t o’clock la tho afternoon when tha ledye roouu will be opened ter reception of the visitors and fur the Invvetiyation ol application*. Report of tho Condition of THE BANK OP HARNETT At Duke, in tho State of North Carolina, at tha else* of buainaa, April M, 1811. RESOURCES Loan* end Dioeousts_IMO.790.0t Overdrafts, *ecurod, 13 11; uaaoearod. yst.lt 92.16 United State* Bead* and Lfcerty Bond*. 88,800.00 Furniture end Fhtaree.. 2,44AM Cash la vault and not dm from aad _ 83,989.70 14 ... 7.720.03 V T* Total.—.1478,784.01 UABtUTOCS Capital Stock paid la...$ 20,000.00 Sonia* Paad _ 20,000.00 Uadividod Profit*, ton current expense* and tax** paid. 24,916.27 Deposits aabject to check 110.672.17 Tine Certificate* *f De posit __ 66,688.01 Saving* DopoeiU. 177,078.04 Cashier's Cheek* ouV rtaodiag. 822.47 Do* to Natloaal Banks.. 8.182.22 Doe to Stato Banka, Banker*. sad Treat Companies .. ....... 4,287.19 Bond DepoMta. 48.800.00 Reserved for taxa*_ 621.46 Total.1478.784.01 State of North C*roUaa—Coanty of Haraott. May S, 1821. I. S. J. dark. Jr.. Cashier of the above naatod Beak, do ——«y anear that tbs above atataaioat is tree to the boat of my knowledge and belief. S. J. CLARK, Jr., Cashier. 8An*ribed sad new to before W <M~im C. 8. RlCKS, Wat P. HOLT, W. A. ERWDi. J. Directors. Report of the Conditien of THE ANCIER BANK AND TRUST COMPANY At Aagicr. in Ibo StaU of North ** On close of business, April 28. 1821._ _d122,946.1! 2,921.42 67.11 Undivided lwS»T loss currant expanse* «■<* taxes paid . 4.4*7.77 Notes sad Bills Br1^ coanted ___ I Mo 00 Bills Parable.1*»,*00.00 tsr&sg&vc oJS&r cssff-vs 7M*M* ••“**«. l»*.l* Total .. .jUiimi as aUtain2ttTtM^riU«^iC#0,,t3r of hj. E^fcrmSiJ' Cashier of the 2s ssvafe. i*af° ** •* «y kaowledr* and J._B. WOUAM8. Cashier. ,,55f *PH~ ■** llth, “■Tia W. H. STRwkNBON. J. A. HOCtAJXATQ Directors. Report of th* Coadltlon of THE COMMERCIAL BANK At Dunn. N. C. in the State of North Caro lima, at the cloie of buai neea, April 18th, 1R1. RESOURCES Loan* and Discounts_f 109,361.25 Overdrafts .. ......... 26.13 Furniture and Fixture*.. 5,165.76 Cnah in vault and mat amount* due Iran Revenue Stamps .1_ Mt Total. 1136,286.60 LIABILITIES Capital Block paid in...| 30,000.00 Undivided Profits, leu current ripens** and taxes paid. 461.44 Deposit* (Object to check 76,451.60 Time Certificate* of De posit -- 11,025.49 Savins# Deposits .. __ 15,677.06 Cashier's Check* out standing .. -- 2,671.02 Total__*136,28#.69 State of North Carolina—County of Btnitt: I, J. D. Darla, Caahier of tha above named Bank, do aolemoly (wear that tbo above ita tern rat ia troo to the hoot of my knowledge and belief. J. D. DAVIS, Caahier. Subecrfbed and oworn to before bo, thla 7th day of May. 1921. W. B. BALDWIN, Notary Public. ^My Coauniation expire* Pah. 12, CORRECT—ATTEST: J. W. PURDIB, P. W. McKAY, E. P. DAVIS, Director*. [- - CARD OP THANKS We wUh to thank oar good friend* for their many acta of Uad ■eaa In the boon to and by the death >f him who waa the moat faithful of father* and trueat of buhbanda. May God’a richest blessing* be yours. MRS. ARCHIE BAREFOOT AND CHII/DKKN. CARD OF THAMU We take this method to retani thanks to these good friends who wore so true to us in the hours of that deep grief occasioned by the passing af our llttia girl. You were more than kind. Wa will never forget an4__wBl ahyrayj^ra^^^^’a * BUSINESS LOCAL • • •••••• « FOR SALK— A FORD SEDAN, practically now. See me nt once for • hjjrgnin. Carl Barefoot, Dana, April zv a. THOSE WHO BUY k SUGAR, 10« coffee 4c rice 16c Urd. 10c gin» baau, 7 l-2e homerpun end what ^ V**v “l *nd wear likeeriaa at the Yellow Front Store don’t know hardUmra. ». G. Taylor Coro P«°y._ REAL COWS' MILK FOR SALE AT tioliL 7k.U P*T <,u*rt’ itUwed. Not lea. Uan one qt. driWered. Re K«lar ciurtomen wanted. Batter «• re*5S custom*™ Butter 60 cunts, but a]] SSSTr*. p~“t “• REPLACEMENT coils FOB ALL ear. at Oalney’a Oara*.. Jn*ET MU cow rot »»■ - »i» per day. Anyone wvAtaf (Mi c<r* aee J. t. Butler. A Bt 4tpd HVIBAL mo CABS Or ya»|. oua model* la flnt clam en^tm^ Gen^ *' U“* “**• FOtl BALE—COTTON urn M»4« forI»S5*l!im\f*S2»y^*S»ilUirB DO TOU HAVE HEAD TROUBLE. M 7oar own fault ^ Fallaw Front Stare i* ready to •olre all for you with the nnrtet and prettiest hat* for lee* money Qalek attention feta remit* R. ft Taylor Company. LOST IN DUNN—THREE W* ere *n If 192 in a nine WeS two 110 hill, and 5«*» *iH £? for return to T. B. Godwin. E «■ F<X-*ehtTh,ce SEVEN-BOOM tewsr-iai'Ti-ji: from Dunn. Br* >. J. Jeffrie* * n pa. FOUND—AUTOMOBILE TIKE And demountable rim, fosad on Now toa Grove kiibn; Sunday, near David Godwin atom. Owner eaa p* am by anptyin* to Chatham , Wait, Dunn. No. 6.M 10 St p*. foiT WEDDING GIFTS SEE HU John C. Clifford'* hand^paiated China at Hoad and Grantham’* St * Severe inn M. F. William* mono m*nt will be unveiied on Sunday May IS. mi at S P. M„ at thefemoj »meUn and all Woodmen of the World in roodetMidin* am iaoitod. KADCOLM WAJUtEN, CloHt of Borin RID Camp No. S4S. wrwtT OF THK CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Dunn, la Ik State tl Nartk Carolina, at tka dtn ml knalnaaa an April «*»k. ltll. RE.9()UKCF,S Loan* and diseeaaU, including rtditcoante.1672,665.64 Total loans...672.065.04 Notea and bill, rod!toounted with Fadtral Rreerve Bank (otkar than bank acceptances sold -- _--$216,190.06 botes and bills rediscounted othor than with Fcd ••*1 Rssarra Bank (other than bank acceptance* *•“).. 2,000.00 _ . „ . .. *18,105.06 6464.470.68 PverdraftA secured, 60.299.77 ;nn**eured, 1923.31 7,323.08 V- 1 CnvarnHMOt Securities Oweedi Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. Bond* par ▼aloe) -- 40,000.00 *11 othar United State* Government Securities-- 107,600.00 Total .. ..-... 207,500.00 Otkar bond*, stocks. securities ale.I _ 3,100.00 Rookie* House, 641,226.01; Furniture and Fix bares, *11,911.55;.... 63,130.66 -ash la vault ___... 13,661.36 tauu with Federal Reeervc Bank in process of collection (aot available as reserve) .. 16,365.46 Net amounts due from national banka_ 3,769.63 Net amounts due from banka, bankeri. and bust companies in the United States_ 33,381.09 Check* on other banks in the same city or town a* reporting bank. 3,000.98 Total of I teas*___ 63,466.12 -becks on banka located outside ef city or town of reportiiur bank and other cash items__ 1,106.06 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer ....._ 2,000.00 T*ul.1795,406.78 fiowuwb-v_LIAgllflZaS--- sT mi 11—8 uiShddad »i^t; .::::::::::::::..638.V47:»o Lem eurrunt unease*, interest and tun n*w 1 •* RA* SA it tas ia circulating notes outstanding —___ 40.000 00 Amount due to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred cn-diU) .. .. ............_..._...... 10 114 KB Certified checks outstanding__ M.M Cashlar's checks on own hank outstanding_ 6,34llt9 Tote! of Items. 16,557.42 Doe Federal Reserve__ 2!> 442.21 Demand dspesks (ether them beak deposits) sub ject «• Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days: ■dividual deposits subject to eheck__ 200.8a4.09 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve... 200.834.09 Tima deposits settees t* Rreerre (payable after 60 day*, or abject to 80 days or more notice, end postal saving*): Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed) _... 115,902.8* Other tunc deposits. 65,648.88 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve_1B1.6S0.90 V. S. Government Securities borrowed (Seo note) 9,709.00 Bills payable, other than with Federal Riservc Bank (Including all obligation* rrp.eeenting money borrowed other than rediscounts- 95,000.00 Bin* payable with Federal Reserve Bank. 148,046.00 Total --..._ 8795,492.78 State of North Carolina, County of Harnett, is: I, H .B. Taylor, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beat of my knowledge end belief. a B. TAYLOR, Cash Ur. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 8th day of Key. 1981. JAB. FKAItSALL, Notary Public. Commission expires Janaary 11. 1923. CORRECT—ATTEST: ELU8 GOLDSTEIN, G. M. TI LG HOI AN. J. W. DRAUdHON, Directors. RANGES —Wood and Oil Cook Stove* Ak> REDUCED ... The Range For You! Malleable — Eternal - Copper Clad Your Choice of Either $112.50 THREE of The MOST DEPENDABLE ^———» ! ' ' • 1 1 I Special Values This Week At Goldstein’s Solid color organdies in all shades, also fancy' voiles i real 69c value, this week at ___39c Ladies $2.50 hose in white, brown, and grey this 1 week _ ...$1.48 Fancy sweaters in the new lace front effect real $5 value at___ .$2.95 1 1 White Sea Island, 40-inch wide the new dress mater ial, special this week____7|c I Men s ohirts, valued up to $3.00 this week at-.98c i ; Men’s suits, value up to $35.00, this week at.$12.95 ! Men’s 75c hose this week at 35 a pair, three pair for _$1.00 ! New arrivals of satin and suede, white ox fords and pumps. See the window display of these values, and remember [ | that we are selling for cash and selling for less [ GOLDSTEIN’S Dunn’s Best Cash Store - — 1 "I 1 FULL SET OF ALUMINUM WARE FREE WITH EACH RANGE THESE RANGES HAVE BEEN SELLING FOR $15040 THE NE VPRICE APPLIES TO CASH PURCHASES ONLY ,THE BARN.'S & HOLUDAY CO. D JNN and COATS „ .

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