HUNDREDS DIE IN COLORADO FLOOD; LOSS APPALLING Food AmI Water Scarce awl Bob»· Rabonod Amooi Do· ti tu to EIGHTY THREE BODIES RECOVERED IN PUEBLA Hoarioat Lom Of Lifo la For ties Quarter Where Warn· Lao War· Not Hoodod— Moat Sorioni Problem Now U That Of SamiUtiop -Help Wasted. ΡβΛΙβ, Col*» Jane t. At 2^30 o' clock this aftereooα )ust when I'ucb le ni 4>ejr:nBing to recover from the terikl» duaiUr of Friday >khl the akagway reservoir, between rlorenco sad Victor, suddenly gav· way, and wttkta aa boar th· rwollcn torrent of the Arkansas river bad iplii in undated the outlying sections of th· city. At 4:10 o'clock the water· bad rls « to · Mint only a few inekes be low the nlrh mark of Friday nigkt's flood·. J. L. Merehesd, secretary to tke governor, nid tonight h· thought the death list weald aot exceed 160, though resort· to hiai ranged from 200 to «00. The local Bad Créai Mt · mtninrom death list at 100. The new flood did not develop Bo ris usly, although the river toso av etal feet la a short time. At 0 p. at., the rtver waa receding slowly. Tree· and maaaca of dabria wer· coaling down ftoa the eoentry afcove faeblo oa the crest of the new floods. Troops quickly cleared the business and wholesale districts. Citlseoi were prevented iron conmr wiuiui a block ef the «Μη, while mt eflort ni saads to prevent 1ο· of life from the new dancer. Croat Τmm Uprooted Governor Shoup and Colonel Ham Patrick Hamrock. commander of the state constabulary, trmod today to take pononal charge of the situation, bmidlatab up on their anr+val tt w»« Mod thet Colonel Band'· U and Danr tad Bio Grande Dm to delay» caused by wbi road beds Dm two oBeiali abandoned tkU lomjuu at Bottee, however, pro ceeding to thU city by automobile. Aloof the railroad tracks from Col orado Springs to Pueblo are scenes of disaster, great Wees uprooted, deep gull lee torn tn tl.l fields by the rush % torrenta. pan the arrival of Governor Shoop and Colonel Hamrock, the be lief was expressed by members of the party that Ike reparti of the death toll had been exaggerated. The prop erty damage, it 4s c«needed, however Will be at least *10,000,000. Tw· Now Floods Pueblo really experienced two new floods today. Breaking of a dam on the Fountain river near Colorado gpriags early today sent the flood waters of the Arkansai river op a nb. At 4 a. m., the waters had again reached Third street. By 8 o'clock, the new flood was receding and it was believed all daager from it was ended, lies Skagway reservoir broke and brought the second aew flood. The city was ander military con troL vaamy wim uni, toi. raw r. Newton of th· Colorado national rturd in charge. Th· city ha« baeo wRkMt light·, gaa and water eno· th· flood «*■« Friday night Candle* and keroaone lamp· are at a pr*ro iOM. ▲Π iiru hi tki city are out toiifht rnxfre wWch lighted *hi city iMt nifM did no greet damage. Every railroad line into tin city wmj ont of eoosiiilon, with many ■Qh of roadbed waahed est Within th* eity practically all of th· road hod and ralla la th· yard· havo bean dortroyod. Ntwtftpw mon and military offl ciali bar· kMn the only pertoni per mitted te enter from the outeidc world tine· the flood·. One arteaian well flowing "thla water wa· «ho only Marc· of «·ρ·>7 for drinking water In north PaAlo today. The city water lapply '* jpolh» ted and instruction· hare aeea imacd to am only boiled water. 14ghta were wppliid tonight in the Colorado Fuel and Iron company NSW FLOOO WATERS HAMPER THE WORK Or RESCUE FORCES Pueblo, Colo., Job· 6.—Hew flood water* from th· Arkaaaa* ri<rer crept back late mala itraet thU morning, •«rioujly haod»cpv)tng reacae work on. The water, whielt had receded Uat night, roe· agala thla morning noon bad one· more aterted te renia. At noon today M bod 1m had Wen taken from th· flowed aria, the hearte* U« of ufi being in the for aiga dMrlet, where the lahaMtaata tabid to hoed the warning rignal·. Both food aad water ara bolng fa ttened and ara vary icarea, bat th« ■Ml aartaaa problem facia* th· city, according to Robert Ο alt, chief of th» muRatlM iiwlnlua ef the B«d Oram, la that of aaakhttoa. Dliinfee toata art argoatly needed. Mr. Oaat doeiarod. la aa appeal mot te the ■t Loaia chapter of the Red Crom the aeod far ΙίΙ,ΟΜ 1er Immediate Ma ta réclama tien work. la Pueblo'i cearthodee hoadreda of re hoaeod. The «cheek. TONSIL-ADENOID CLINIC IN DUKE Will Be Conducted Under Slat* Board Of Health. Mtu Buck am In Chare· Beginning Tuesday rooming, J<"»« 14th, 1921, end continuing for u many day» it* nmaary up to four, the State Board of Health will con duct a tonsil and udrnoid clinic for school children between the age· of β and 12 yrar» Inclusive, needing the opération <fot removal of diseased tonsils and adenoid* at an improvised emergency hospital a* 'Duke., This hospital trill be hits ne od in the grad ed M-hool building, and the nursing facilities will be andcr the dirxctlon of Mis· Idell Buchsn, the State BfiArd of Health School Nurse, who is well known In Harnett county, having re cently examined irverel hundred children hi this county. An experienced ipcclalist will do the operating on these children. No child will be operated on until after first being rxamincd by the specialist and found not only needing the op eration, but in condition to have the operatloa safely and successfully done. As many as 20 children per day <wil] be operated on jf requesting operation. Kerry precaution is taken to take thoroughly good ear* of the children during the operation and af terwards. A full force of experienc ed trained nnrro* will be present, and every child operated on will be put IB a comfortable cot and watched closely until the isurmng afb-r the [operation. Th- anesthetic will be ad ministered by a capable and exper ienced physician and every attention possible to assure the safety of the child will be available. An* oarert or rainli·» child of At ifii above who need· th>« opération mar immediately fil» Application with Mlat Ideil Buchan, Duke. N. C. Mora than 20 of the beat apeelallHa in the State of North Carolina have volunteered their aervieoa to the Stale Board of Health for the future conduct of theix cllaica. Clinic» have already bevn held In 8S countlea. Mora than 4.500 children h^ve been operated on during the p*at two year» The North Carolina State Me dical Society la it» rwcent meeting in l*ine Hurat, N. C., endoraad by an ovei-wlielinlag vote the condoct of thia work, and the beat phytic.aria of the ■tat· heartily endort» and commend the cllak. Bveiv phydctaa la Harnett Cpomtf ^WWRJ^WWH^rSpeSJoTT^f School· for Bute Board of Healtb. RAWL3 CREEL The following invitation has been Uaued. Mr. and Mra. Joaoph Nieholaon Creel. Sr., requert the honor of your pro ence at the marriage of their daugh ter, Nancy* Kathleen in Mr. Riehard Wright Rawla on Wedneaday, June the twraty-aecond at high noon. Di vin· Street Methodiit Church. Dunn, North Carolina ehurehra, public building* and tion drerta of private heanea arc earing for countlcm other» left deatitute by the flood of Friday night and Saturday. The homeleaa are being fed at the rate of <00 an hour by the Red Crow, but daapite the well orgnniaed effort· to take care of lta unfortunate» the city moat have outaide aid and at once. "We are terribly hort," declared Caat in the 8'- Louia meaiage. "Our poor arc destitute. Our rich men are now poor and we appeal for a*tlit alic» "Wc muat have 000 tenta and bed ding for the 2.Α0Φ deatitute epmona. A big lupply of chemical» and diaiiv leeiamK nr» orgenuy necam. liuso llnc, candie», 1 an terni and eamping equipment are «orely needed. We also ixjutre Dm service* of trained Kcd Crow personnel." StTOM ia feeing laid on the nceeaaity at equipping local atllltiea no that operations may he roomed. It WM also pointed oat that the stricken city if at the mercy of the dement». Rain continued to fall though not ao heav ily as Friday. The biff I've· which formerly protected the city from the watara of the Arkansas river «rant out Friday night and aay of the swelling of the river's terrent by rain add* to the flood hasard». Nssmmu Msrmlevs Eeaapae Reporta arc η omet ο m of mirscu ioma escape « from the water·. Many prominent business men and women who waited till the hut moment to fleo narrowly escaped with their live·. Rtill others are reported miss ing There ha* been no attempt te com Jile liats of known dead. Scarce of oreigners living in the bottoms who failed to head the warning «Iran war· seen to vaniab ht the rsging waters. The railroad yards ara a sight bag garing daaeriptioa. Freight cars and rail eooipaneat of all daacriptlan ara piled ia a hideous, fo«l-«melling maaa. River debris ravers the wreckage The turbid waters awtrl and race through the rails and Ilea. The flood ad section of Paebla is carpeted with a thick, slimy layer af mad and debris Water rose to the levai af the «treet light· la many place*. Maeehaala Sufi., Heavily Merchants face serioos osabarass m sat brcaoaa of the tremeadotu ste*V Ion, oaa big department store fac ing a lorn of stocKaleii· af |2M,0M. The Nulkol· Paekiag company lost vlrtoally everything its total axcaad Ϊ·Κ · million dollars. Oaat said fhe plupart» damage woald total more than 110,000,noo white others an his committee said he waa far to coaservstive. Bot. d*> Splte the terrible disaster, Puehlo la gfcting to régala IU feet. A spirit of eptiaatem prevail· and with the arrival here of ouUiJe aasistanea. a graatar degree af eenflAer.ce ie fait UMPIRATE HELPS BENSON DEFEAT DUNN iN OPENER Locals Dro Fir»t Oim> Of 5m· ton By Seer· Of • To 8 PARSON WEEKS UNABLE CALL ΈΜ AGREEABLY Dunn Fallow· Show Sotne Bril liance, Bat Becom» Ptaiejr I· Pinch·· — Jtcluon Make· Several Bobbl·· Bet Retrier u By Starting Batting Rally For Five CENTRAL LEAGUE Cleb W. L P. C. Ucnton .. ..... ..I 0 1,000 Four 0*ks .1 0 1,000 l»unn .. 0 1 .000 Solma 0 1 .000 YESTERDAY'S RESULT· Btnwn, 9; Dunn, 6. Four Oak·, 8; 3elma, p. WHERE THEY FLAY TkanAjr Four Oaks at 8sliaa. Friday Ben ion at Dona. Ια a sun· featured bjr tki mast r.dlcu'oas ajaplriag ever aee· in this psrt of the country, Bens·· yesterday drfeaUd the Doua tsasn id tha first game of the Eastcra Central Lsagee at Beoson. The score «as I te i. While this was being done, Laaifc, of the ?our Oaks team, was holding Bal ms feitlcas and his fellows won the ~aaa Ο t. A Dans'* boys did net thow op so Wly in the Benson contest. They were really brilliant in their fielding at times. bat mer· often |1>< W1J to panic. Shorty Jackson «U the prime {«■tor in giving Benson it· first three raiduk. He mad* tfar·· e«SMCBtln bobble*. Preview to that, bomver, be nade a ue-kud itab of a tare bit, and subsequently be rtaiMd the rally tkt|>|are Dunn a tn m lead over the ItiMC fellow». Bam FarraB and Midget Newberry made aena beautiful catches ia th· outer gard en*. IJiruen was tho batting *tar for Da^peMnc omt two Uib^i. 'fie hti lite rent of ·Λβ game the*gV. centered around Umplrate Preacher W»k«, wfeo wa« also offi cial announcer for tbe Benson talk. None, of course, would accuse the parson of eonaciously working a wrong upon the head· of our Inno cent young men; waa evident that the lensee of hie specs were out of focus. He Just couldn't see straight when it came to arbiting the play·. It wa* not unnatural that Dunn aJ way· suffered through thia inability. An an umpire the parson Is a first claat pr»*chrr. Button twirled the wbolé roule, holding the Bensooitcs well within bounds until the multitude of errors behind him weakened his morale. Then came three long bite to the tun 6eld where Wiley H moon was unablr to And them in the sun'· glare. It was thsse that lost the game far Dunn. It was hardluek. Our boys de served better. Will Newberry played Wa usual steady dependable game behind the bat. Holme· and Johnson pitched for Benson. Holmes was driven from the mound when Dunn started Its batting nUy. The next game will fee played here Friday between Benton and Dunn. RESPONDING TO THB EMERGEN CY TARIFF New York world. Canada's response to the Emergen cy Tariff Bill juat signed by Presi dent Harding is qoick in coming. Cor responding duties bave already taken effect on import* ef wheat, flour and potatoes from tbe United States, and the agitation spread· through all tbe province* for UM people to patronise Borne production· and aartiealailv aa agaiut importe from thia country. IVr· are reaponaea from other quarter* of the woi+d. Tit Ma· day'a new record· that United 8Lete· n oorter* are comylalaiag ef Aaatrai tan raatiicUona again** then which "threaten to have aerloM effect apoo trade relatione between thia country and tile Common wealth." Spain hae Itrplr ahollehed Ita minim an Ota· of daty aa affecting especially im portant exportable Una· of United State· awnufaeture and auhetiteted rate· three, four and ft*· timaa hiab er. LaUM advice· report the feeling of anugoniam toward the United State· to ho (rowing among Argen tine fcaalnaaa men. That it will find practical «xpreuioa la retalltocy tra it legislation doe* net *eem ta be de·*)led there or wherever alee Hie higher tariff lrgUlatioa of congnaa ie finding hoetile affect. Meantime the export trade tpeclal· lata of the United State· are running hither and thither, le hare and I· there, with a err af larger f redite or other device· to are the cnntor'i foreign marfcete from Ike leaa which threaten·, What do they expect to aecompliah along that lino and by aach meaaa when Congrem «II the while le deiag Ita haat to crimie the hnyiag power of thorn market· la the merit eta af the United Mataaf MAIUUACSf The fallowing marriage Hcoaeea ware taeaed fajr t agi Iter of Deed· Faacette doriagUe week. Johnnie Parriah ta Nary *· Joka· '""'oh· O. MeLood to Sarah C Ma. Kay. Ward Straaaa to LmO· Klzoa. TWaa CukerUW Λ·Ι·1ιΜ i| 1> F. fajrtuvllle, J( | out Λ hoar·, tb« J affainst frre e< Crert Law Mid i. •aultine Earl He kill, reported to aftaraaoa that ■ad were diach declared and l-til th· next 1 _ Aafuri. Trial of I dev. Th· Jat7 a quittai, it is and Jm a ad Ja ted af a diai der tor tim Κ ■•serai covtaottoa of Last November. Min •ad Luthci noon acquit OariM W« •f Tka Was lost r**ar< for the bast ksown ^id,«yskUUdl afteratt Mb· altitude lost » beat to flihw it das Miss SO miaou*, ι piloted her THE OF ■«ardiaa. h«r ItttWibm *■ a coe of kit or β«her. «ad a ■aid placard ' •d due· tha * or notil the ι quarantine RuU S. householder, ta who·· honae ' •paanodle co any cMld or I Milt, or ■ merer had any publie or : eehool, charck tf, picnic, or ι or go soar a hoo·· U plaçai . _ Rote a. No ruardian, or householder. In M «rïir named, •kail paraît aay <kld or minor who kae nerer had «Μφίη* uart, hot who haf keen «ipnotrt to whooplne cou*ti, to attasd aay public or prorata •ehool. Bandar aefceoT or other charck maetina, theater, party, ρ leak, or oth er-public a·! léW'i «r go near a public park, wHhta 1« days of the time of «raooor·. Sale 4. No uuwn «ko hae whoop iar couch ihaU attend any saMIc or pmrate achool, Baa day ackool, church mcetlnx, theatre, party, picnic or oth er aueoAlace, or 1· Mar · public -I _UWU - nM A m Λ * the beginning «f À· diataie, unie·· •oontr raleamd kf ·· vrittu per mliiloD of th· quarantine oOcir. Bale 5. No wmltme apparel. bed clothe·, curtain·, carpet», or other fabric with which a-Poraon raff «ring from whooping N«k ton· ia corn tact ahaii be aant IW from th· fam ily or boamhold, ^fla th« hoaae u placarded, without flht being ho4M or aptMdf to tit· nn of th· ni for at least I hour*. Sal· 6. Upon lb· termination of qaaraatln·. and at th· time of the nwnil of th· plaeard, the nom or room· occupied »r th· M ah all be thoroughly clean··' ,h) accordance with th· direction· prepared b* the North CaroUaa State Board of Health. (Chapter 2β\ Pahllc Law» 1BIT.) Srrtioa 11. Aaf Prt m wlltfally ▼iolaUng aay of th· ml·» aad rtn lationt adopted br th· North Carolina State Board of Health fér the ooatrol of the dlmae·· m rationed 4a thla act . . (hall b· gailtr of a alalia»· aaor aad iued not «um4Ii| fifty (Mian (150,) or imprtowMd not torn aer more than thirty teya, at the dl» cretiaa of the coort la caaa th· offea d»r be atleken wfth the diMaaa for wfckh h· I· %aaaia«a«Vû, h« «hall be iA)Kt to th· peaahy en recurery.un ie»· ia the opinion of th· hcilUt; of th· North Carolina State Board of llMltb the penalty Aoald he emIV tad. MISS MARIAN SWAIN QOKS TO NASH COUNTY Beginning Wedn««day, in· lat, NI·» Harlan Swain, »k· haa be «η eoanty home demonstration agent In Harnett for the paat year, UhM «ρ potltion la Nan county. HI»» Swain ha· Wn »n tiring ia her wort here aad ha· m»<W a boat ai friand· peopl· ail «Ter the ntf who war regret u «We her op. Svcryene wiehm for her th· greatest laccem la har now Said. Him Bridg· of B····, W au ta age reanty, wh· haa beea head of Im domeitle Mimic· d*aartm«at af Ap palaahlaa Traialng School far tan year·, aomm to taka «s the «*tk ai homo dofaonftratloa Meat la Har pett. Nam «H Petty Nenra. BOND ELECTION CALLED BY BOARD FOR CTTY SCHOOL «Vodnoa4*7. Mf 13, I· Dote Sot For Vote Of Project 1200,000 NEEDED FOR BUILDING PROGRAM Now Registration CtllW For District and AU Wko Doaéra To Vote Mmt RoglUr Books WUI Opon Ια Fow Dojra In H. A. Porkor*a Of. fie·. A special election to authorise tha issuance of MOO.900 school boads by Ik· Dana Graded School Dlttrlcl «u called yeate rdsy by the Board of County Comiaisilonars far Wednea day, July 18. All «ho desire ta poftl ctpai* in thta election moat rajldn between saw and the data at ateefcen. Registration books will ba oaaaad al the ο flirt of H. A. Parker, city cleric, who will aanrc aa registrar far thia election. The foregoing waa tha Meat te· portant action of the Board ia tu ■mHh| yesterday. Moat af Ma other deliberations war* confined ο rou tine matter· that coma before every aiitlat. The matter of "Lli oper ative tile Town tend Road law, sub mitted to the Bosid by tba laat sea son uf th« State Legialature, waa de ferred for ana year. In tha a»Mit that the aehool bead election il «arried, 9100.000 for tha pnroaa of coniLructing a now achool building for white children la tha •astern part of town and for aiding la tha eoaetrocttea of a new baUd isf for colored people «a tha itte of the proposed teacher training aad tat Λ 1—i.t 1 · »· · · edge of town. The other flM.OM wlH be iseued sect jrnr te provide .for additions to the present white graded school building and lis* «traction of a twtlnmt to * the fecolty. • brfk· election Η will be •inconvenienced through claaa room space. Btadenta lltereBy have kere sitting in each other* lapa In moat of tha claaa rname. Before leaving Dean laet month Prcfiuor J. B. Martin, aeperintendent, atatad that aavaral of the gradea would bava to be given a ball time schedule next tern unless a new bull dine wa· cam atrastod. ' Ne lite for the new white baiMiag baa beea choaen. It la understood that Ino e oh ice will be made until after the election. Then it ie probable that the citizens of town will ba called upon to chooee the rite desired. LOWE* REDISCOUNT KATE I» FAVORED BY SENATORS Washington, June 4.—Reduction af federal reserve rediacouat rate* and tiaic estenxlon of leans oa agri cultural paers ware favored at a meeting today of It senator» of the aew agricultural "block." A bill by Senator Capper, Republican, Eanaas, to add the secrctariee of agriculture and commerce to the federal ι enure board also waa indoraed. Senator SmHb. of South Carolina, ha· diaeuxsed with Praaidaat Harding the queitlon, of reducing the r*dia conat rate on agricultural paper to •ve par cent, aa well as obtaining U1VI* vivuii tel B|iiHUini» iwm. «aw iw rehred a httn today fro» tk· Pise Mnt la reply to re«ohrtiea« adopted! by the cotton «onmlution confer ence In New York lilt month. The (•iftrmi nctaanJid redaction of the n4lWMit rate of five ner cant, and also Increased crédita through the federal reserve ifiUn. President Harding la response to the resolutions, wrote Senator Smith an expremion of "appreciation of the expression made by the conference." The President added that "away of the niftiUoni an receiving the at tention of the adaialstratiea. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE The following trasafer· «( real ee UU hare been recorded la the ο flic· of Sari «ter of Deed· FanccUe daring the last/week : Gee. P. Pope and wife to Margaret Pop· McKay et al, lot h» Dunn, for leva and affection. P. L. Gardner and wif« to J. W. Hockaday, 50 acre* la Black Bhrer, μίΜ. W R. King and wife te B. C. Hon eycvU, lei In Angler, 11,0·· liant â Lowderaiiik to Martin Mor rison, t lota <· Maiaera, IS·. Erwta Cotton Mill· Oo., to A. B. Lxai, S lota In Averasbero, ft,OS·. P. T. Dupree. eomialeeioner, ta D. B. Cook. SO aerea la Black Bhrer, for «4.41T.50. M. J. Holder and wife «t MnleeM Holder, >· acre· la Upper Little Riv er. |7 6 CARTBR-TATLO* The following invitation» hare been received by friend· In Dana and vi cinity! Mr. aad Mrs. Jefferson Davie Car· r wpw I. ee at the niarrlag* ef their daagh tor Mary Elfredi to Mr. RamSfn Darfcan» Taylor on Wednesday the 15th ef Jane at 4 o'clock In the af ternoon, Leo, loath Carolina. Under the boa «Ac eat rale of salf tnatlon.'a anal) aatioa caa do it iYOUNC SOMA LADY I DROWNED «LAKE Selma, Jim β—ΗΙμ Hdln dy, mm *0, daafhter ·( J. & di, «I blw, wm Irawtéd h _ iKin»en la Holt** Lake, · few mile· from &atthfleM, «km the boat ta which ah· vat ridiaf with a friend orerturaed. Th· taMÉi weiiwd » boot I.H o'clock, and althoafh tbo body vaa wetww< from tk «MM leu thaa thirty atnti ifumrda, erery effort to ratio*· bar ta life failed. O. W. Bauer and M<n Bendy ware la eaa beat aad Lather O'Neal and Miu Kaea lamr, of Raleigh, Meter of Mla· Baady'a companion, were to aaotber at the time af the accident, ft) mm aiiaaor the boat ecn^ai |by Mr. Bamer aad Miu Buady Ve7 turaed Id SO faai of water jaat a few feet fro· the beat carrytaf Ms. O' Neal and Mte lamr. MUTiaaaar ba turning the other boat. It wai •ary far Mr. O'Neal te carry bar U lead aad thaa nnh bade la am of fer ta an Mr. tor aad Mim Ban dy, who were «tmrrtiac la the wa ■ Mr. Bauer feaabt daaperataly t· fcrto* the yoanc ladr to eefety. bat before land eaald be raattod aba looted bar baM aad aaak. Other* δίΤίϊΛ^ΓΪ,ΙΒΛΓΒ bafan ta tara Mack ftoa» atraacala tion aad hfc eoaditlaa today waa nab that he *u anabl* to attend the fto aaral auikii far the yoaag lady. The body af MLm Bandy waa recovered a abort «bile later, bat etffert» to briac bar ta Ufa faQad. The re Kline of Mia· Boady were broaftht to bar boeae here aad the fa nerai Mrricee ware bald freea toe re-i Amc thi» mernlfl*. M>| eeadact Bnndy. w ίη5»Τ"·>»Γ^·!τ1 one hAlf-tutrr, Mn. rUiabvth Wl*-| •lew, *f ÇmpMkt, ni Ibtt h»lf bratboa, W01 A. Bundy. «f Gonbar y i C. A. Bob <jr. tt Mwfolk, u< O. 3. Bniwfr. mf Xmt 0«τ». call far tho certificate ιΛη parchaa ' liTJSz. ted to attoad. Tha riH poopU of Charlotte havo aado olaharato ρrep araOaaa to aaterteia ikdr vialtora. WHAT CAUSES BACKACHE It IIWM only a tot mn aft that we Mad to aaa la alt tho intMtn • woudaat af * mm with Um mm·. talalav 14 par Mat aM That waa ia tha day· when (ttll Imaciaed tbar cauld eara aeha with «odlelaM, patent ar othar 3 .to; !ΟΧ^25ΤΆ tha Bran hnyhtU recalled thoao ad fl_ __ I vertUewertta ta hi* aodtonco la tha. course of a lactara aa backache afraa before tha *w Tart phjrtaiaaa* aa aeclatloa and inttUi Lb tha Medical RroaH Dr. (patela Mda it alaar that all, ar alaaet an, tha léw Md; pafea la tha larwer pen of tha hack «an dM to aa toflaaanation of the W>lnt«, either thaaa between tha towar loaabar Ttrtebrae ar thaaa >itetia tha aaaral aad Dial baaaa. No MadtotM· will da thaaa my good Tha Or* fhlac to da li to have aa X-ray takaa to ardar to Make •are which joint la tha offoador Than tha «mow «β kaaw which e*e to treat. lia aoaal UtahiWl ia · light, ventilated yUiter-of-Porit Jacket ar to gtva tha eaat, Joot |«Mflto I M τ*000 troaHoo of tha Jatoto _ Ifajartfhr daa to a Mrala. a Wow ar fan, which aood Md loaaaaaHly hai EXPECT PROGRAM TO ATTRACT MANY ON JULY FOURTH RIDDLE ADVERTISING EVENT OVKftDISTOCT T.PUr T. I· Am* ImI Motor Cr PMlMdOtlNT τ· I· With Wv iwb Dartaa ui Cam B»n. kw Ml (Urn, in»* ftra wotfcs m< a «al. titadc of «tear feature· aiian I tot Duma |Mt Tour* of July Calabra tion It Wok* ι·* aa tf tkit mat ia gay to bo ooa^ofjaor» than ajaal rWten «nn>«>^KtadttoBSûw «a that day. Bocrotaiy T. L. JUddla. of tlM Har natt CauMy Acrkultur^Fair An»· tfaOal^aal^»' ^ n*^ Ôuriet*ιϋΐΓιΐ ory town and τϊΙμο · ftbc nni< T^Haca ο ftha inm eoaaty there ara baaae— .. ... lad acroja tha Ara·ta irritins arary hody ta "Meat Ma hi DunaJafr «Btarad far tha mat aad the (Mtaft card f«aaûaaa ta te one of MM Wit 'ever aaaa at a alugit day acat in North Carolina. la addition to tha bona racaa tbara will be aiala, aeter eyria, Mcyda, foot aad caatcyod* ra _ M»d Dana aad Daka «ad Duaa wfl] play Ml at tke Tub (Muda «a tha Fourth. The conte* between Ban «an and Dtun wfTI ka third I&.M. Awttu elm tt.oo. a turn 4*nf nilliMAfi ivwtTtr, "wncn OHÇ ■ MMlIf ftrwiri ar llftrac NMlMif tba pal· «addtnly winwn >n4 m will MnU h»f «aa be I«h4. Bm we ham a MfUnlng of a fart af a wrtéiM, 4m to UM oririnal ialary, ar parbape a fraetur» af on· »f Um Inmnm prt A plaatar «art ar a<nl; ■trapping and raat will gaaeaaDy «T fKt a ear*. Tb*a (bar· af* eaaaa aWeh «tan Ut» chroaic loaAafo, wltb a (harp C la low la tba back aa4 4«wb tba ek at aa* ar tka atkar «kick. f*· amtnaUaa attarw* that ana ltd· af tba ••hrto to lariat thaa tto atbar, Am fart baiac that the troik baa toatfte* liataraUy ««as tba lart la—bat aarte bra. la ethar* tbara la aa In/aatia*· artbritto ar Milan af tba Jala*. Ik* fenw «WMa rmiHHf ta a plaeter Jacket Older patient* aft·a btr* a baat m tka «ha vbieb to a taiiwk| 4 tka ί«·ηΠ»(τίοη·β coTrrtn^t and «·*■ law* of th« jointe, naMrtfany a> a «*· kawera», traeaaMa ta kfiHlw «* tb« blood—tt «ar be auar yeare af*. Thar «ay alw ba tabaraalar. waan «ka bava kam Mkn oftaa cMaptala af pataa hi 4m MM ' batwaiatb» anw aaf UNm. A plaatar Jacket to all tlMy »ni B«v ifttiomi iff Uiie Joint irt μμΑΙ· nt «7 rat*. Dr Eptuta btaliu IM tba 4M· eaaaa «C tka Miabla aaa b* artab llAed aaly by mm X-ray ptrtara, N» tka Jabrte la tba lata» at* aa aaaffcB tbat vttkavt H tka aatgaaa «mat ^biîbXi LiSt'Ats «Met W tka J*t*l> · -Hail If Maat a «aaaar ar aaa dtoaaae ml mm baa*.—New Tm* WmM.

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