RIDDLE ASKS FOR LOWER RATE ON DUNN SHIPMENTS Secretary of Chamber of Com merce Seek» Aid For Melon Grower· SIMMONS AND LYON HAVE TAKEN UP MATTER Interstate Commerce Commis sion Asked to Decrease The Charge on Minimum Car Loads Between Dunn And Richmond To $78 — Present Rate $160 And Considered Excessive. In an effort In aid Dunn District farmer.:. who this veer will ship »»■ termclona to city market· for the drsl time, T. I., ltiddle. secretary of th· Dunn Chamber of Commerce, has petitioned Senator F. M. Simmon» and Representative Homer L I.yon to nie their influence with the Inter-1 •tale Commerce Commission to «et freight rate* between Dunn and Rich mond materially redaced. Secretary Riddle plead* that the present chant'' of 1B0 s minimum carload to Richmond is esresJve to the degree that »h;p|>ers will b« on-| able to mske s profit on their pro-1 duct. Memr». Simmons and Lyon Have' siuured Mr. Riddle that they will five hirt> all the assistance possible. Kdward E. Britton, Washington corri'^porideat of the News-and Ob-, server, has wt-ttcn as follows eon ceminK the matter: "That the watermelon crop of North Carolina will be a waited pro duct *o far at outride shipment» are! concerned with the present CXorbi uni τ relient raies 11 tnc v.«w os tac Chamber of Commercr of Dunn. Thai1 body ha» tent letters to Senator Sim mom and r«i)Kr«tf>inan Lyon calling their attention to the fact that it! coata approximately II SO per car load to th:p watermelons from Dunn to Richmond, and It aaka aid to aecur· a rate of at kaat S75 a rarload. Im-| preaaed with tbc aeriouancM of the situation, both have taken up th< matter with the Inwrata'e Commerce Commission, acttioc forth the eo«: ia Enable to »hip hi» product». Cer tainly It would pay railtoad* to move at |76 per car load rather than to charge 1100 and allow the cart to i« main idle on side tracks a« they ar« now doltf," In the letter from uonn the itau"7i* aHlcted with nil the ill· that any imateat orgin'.iation can hav·. Stone pitched li«T»on'i flr*t four mnlngr. He »>« a bit wabbly, but would have xhowed up well had he been given better lupport. He waa •ucce«ded by Dixon, who did well for one inning, bat hit three men In eucceuwjn In the mceeedinff frame. Jernigan relieved him and held Uw> vliltor· to only one real hit for the balance of tbc game. Lamb relieved the yoangjttr who had pitched for Four Oak· until the deluge rame In the ilxth. He yielded only two Hit* and waa not abllged to exf-nd trcruelf two men on bn and an error plnccd Iwo men on bit **r in U»e η nth. Πβ then fanned two ■»eo In a row. FLYING PARSON WILL SPEAK IN STATE AGAIN NEXT WEEK Lleat. Belvin W. Maynard, the fa moa« "flying par*<>n," will vUit ill or eight North Carolina t«wai nox! week, according to W. B. Stuart, ol Charlotte, who it in the c'.ty attend ing th* Pythian·' golden jubiler· con· ventlon. Lieutenant Maynard and Mr Stuart will vlait the»e town· In tta« interest of the fraternal urder ol Mactabeea. I.'enrenant Maynard will apeak a' the Hamlrt Y. M. C. A. Sunday »f -emacn. Monday he w'.ll he at Wade» boro, Toe«day at Albemarle, and lat rr in the weak at Monroe. Llncolnton Concord and other place·.—Gr*ena koro Daily New». Renean lui unccrvjred ita be«t be ia thia boy Jernigan who «temmed th< roar Oak· tide ycftorday. If he goo tha whole rout* a* well aa he dh four Inning· yetlerdiy. It will havi ta be a good bauing team that beat hlaa. *·£β>"Α!«£Λί LEGAL ADVERTISING jNOKTII CAROLINA. Harnett Coun ty—In the Superior CourL '<·. T. Johri'on, J. P. Johnxon. and N. IM. Johnton, Trading a« Johnson Brother*. ν» Jo*iah B. Pop*. By virtu· of .in execution directed 1 *.0 thi· underlined fiom th* Super ior Court of Harnett County in the above entitled action. I will on Mon day, the 4th duy of July, 1921, at 12 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door in Harnett county, noil to the highest bidder, for cash, to latiaTy •aid execution, all the right, title and I InUrest which the Mid JoViah B. T'ope, the defendant, ha.» in the fol lowing dc*ciibrd real e»tate, to-w:t: I Beginning at a «take in a ditch near the old Smith mill and run· thence with Barne·' line North 77 B. 74.00 chain· to a itukt on the East tide of Black River; thence up the Ea>t run of Black Biver ·.« il mca» di ra to a J take nuar a po»t oak, Bra dy Pope'· comer; thence with h«r line North 80 1-2 Went 82.60 chain·! to a atake in the old ditch or canal In John II. Pop·'· line, and where' the public road croraei aid ditch;! thence with the ditch to the begin ning, containing one hundred, and ·'* acrea*. more or les·. . Τ hi· the 31 dnv of May, 1921. J. W. McARTAN, Sheriff. By R. F. JERN1GAN. June 3 10 17 24 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR I SPECIAL BOND ELECTION IN1 DUNN GRADED SCHOOL DIS·. TRICT. Having bren duly appointed by or-| ■1er of the Board of Comratnlonvr· a · Registrar and having duly quail- i Aid a· such for a special election to I be held in Dunn Graded School Die-1 trict on July 12th, 1921, upon the ι qutation of isralng not exceeding I Two Handled Thousand (200,000) Dollar* of ·*η·1 bond· of (aid Di·-1 tr.ct and levying a aufltcient annual! tax to. pay the .00 annual 1 W 1024 to 1944, and *3.000 annnally 1945 to lOSO, all inclaalTO. Principal and atmi-annual intcreet <«ix per cent per annum) payablu In New Yo*k In g:>ld regi»trnbie o· to p in c'.pal. Th· bortli w;ll be prepared nnder tb« «uprTv «on of th? United fltatr» IMortgnjr · and Trait Company, Now York City, which wilt certify the gcnulnoneu of the >·*■ atUM and the , >-*·! .'mpre'^d there a. Legality will 'b.· «;>;> . ο red bjr Cheitcr B. Maaalich, £»q.. who·» . pproT.nc opinion will be f'j niihcd to th* purchaser wt* Κ Ι out eharge. I All buLiLj are direct and gene.al I obligation» of the Town of Dunn, and Ja lufltelcnt tax wiihoat limit ha* Wen prorlricH by law and ordinance. Pro· poanlx are raqalred on blank fo-i.m which will be furnUhed by the lln dereigncd Treaauier or «aid Treat (!«·. and mu*t be eneleaed in a acakd in relop marked "Propoaal for lload." and addreeted to tho andertigned Treaauier and mort be accompanied by a certified cheek for 91.100 or eaah of tike amoant, inch check pay able to the order of the Town Trcae urcr and be In* drawn opon a nation al bank or upon a bank or truit com pany doing DOflaeia In North Caro lina, to aecoro the Town agalnit any 1 lot» resulting from tho fallare of the 1 hi drier to comply with tho term· of hll ' hid. I- Bond* will bo delivered eithi r It ! New York City or the Town of T>aan > North Carolina, or or aboi*, the JOtl jday of Jane, INI. The right to reject I any or all hide ii referred. No ht< ι of leu thaa par will be considered. I H B TATLOR, Town Traaaerer. PROGRAM READY FOR JULY F0U8TB OBSERVANCE ERE Riddl· And Goldstein Prepare Most Ambitious Cele bration MOTOR RACES EXPECTED TO PROVIDE THRILLS Racer», However, Enter Event At Own Ri»k—Free For All —-Any Owner of Motorcycle May Compete For Purse— Only White Choir· May Sing In Con te· t. With Dunn'i preat hViOilh of July Crlfbmtion (till nutecii dnyt aw·/, Si-crctarv R ild'i· and Manager Gold-: »ti*in an· well on iheli w*> tiwaid complet'.»? wn In obMMvanct- of thr amiivcrmtry of the birth of freedom in America. Th'< μ·Ό|τ··Β< wit lir.ilud « long] Ii*l of athUtir cvoit>; hot··, motnr.l cycle, bicycle, fi>ol nn Jinfiup cor. '«•ft» band con»·' ru ( rrν»( Γ-, dl« play .and hurid ■ rti event* uf \uric-l nature. One of tlir mo·! intomtinir nvent· will be that in whirl* (iennuth Ki'.ton Howairi the demon BioiurcycIi«t who, hold» lh·- rccoitl for broken bone» In' motor acc denu riuriiir the War will! do a hair raiaini; HK nirainit time I in hi» racing Buick. liownVd will ear-1 ΓΥ ont» nmaewii· ' "" two mile» on a circular 1ι·(κ in !c«>| ihM two mioutc*. The motur rjclc ran t are expected ! to add more thrilU 11».·η any oilier f**utorv- Thix will be u free for ail event. No type oi motor cycle will h<· barred. Kvciy cnl·>, however, tnt;es the trarV at h'.< own ri.lt. Πι·· Fotrj Ai«oriutioii will not b·· ri'puuliltJ for any injuru k sUJtn.rn.-rt in the rar·. | Several ruml church choir* hav»1 entered for Ihc »ιηκ nc foutcMt. It ;< enpecteil that U>«>« will be » larger number her» ihj year than at any former calibration. Some huw the misinformation that colored choir, will be iierm tted 10 iompcte in thi· content hat been >prca<1 by enemies af Dans. Wont bat white amgct» will tKi^permiiUd *.a — .w;. A complete p.-cgram of thn events m being compiled by Secret*ι y Riddlr. It will h» dutribuled through the il t trlct within a few day*. LLOYD GEORGE S YEARS OF ι WORK 1 The new* lhat Lloyd CioJy who ha* watcbeii thin human ilynu mo spend h!> energy year after year. The nmrvel of it in not that the Ri!t-j iih Premier j> ill bui thai he did not | brr-.ik down lone ago. The Prime M:n«ter is not an old man; he i* nearly two year· thort of 60. But bt ha: worked hard all SU life. More than that, hi* work, Instead of tapeT'.ng dawn after.mid dle life, he* brrome more severe. He has had tittle rrsl from the great care* of government m nee he enter ed the A»quith Cabinet eleven yearn ago. True, there have been week end excursion» to Wale* hat when ft Premier lake* three or four secretar ies with him and ho* all the mail of Downing SiMt follow him to the country there is rot much holidny for the mind. Lloyd George ha* been a pan of the British (javeromrnt for thiriy-one yean. Hi» parliamentary »cr*ice br nan on top 01 hi* ruriou» c urly »t'up· ifl* for éducation, admiwon to the bar and a liv!ng practice. Hn history in the Ό0> wai on· of constant Hifht ing. When at la.-t tin* Liberals cam·' into power h« found h ra-rlf Pmi· dent of the Roard of Trade, m port which in England requires the ν y or that oar American captain* of !ndu* try throw into thoir own butincaa ea. Throa yea.» later in JSOH. Lloyd Groig« tucceednv A«quit« a* Chancellor of the Exchequer when hu talented chief bifam* Premier, planned into thai i«rw« of reforms wh ir h mad ι· him the h«»t hated man in the Empire. Il alau mad·.· him lb· bardent working atnleaman in the world. It wan a cou.: h job net only to heat tho Lo d« bol to make Enif ia,.d take hie »oc.ai lerWIu'.ion. All there labor· worn cf courue trif!'. R wh. r. compuivd with l.loyd Uaarfto'e v.or* in the war. In IWI5 'a* Mimater of Munition·, he took up '· taik in wh'-h the War UMce bail [tailed. lie ma J· tabor uudeittnnd tnj natie.i'· nerd.·. The urmive in fiance nr..did g-yoa anu *bt'IU, aim! Lloyd George raw to it that Ik· y got | Live m. Any man rouid nave mud 'tor life alter that arcompli«kmrnt ■ It wai Lloyd (ivoryc'* fnawrt and hardest work. It «·· made evi η hard er in June ΙΙιΙβ, when Ikitrhenet'i iJeatk forced Lloyd (.*or*e to ke 'eomt See ι rtary of War,· and *i* 1 month* later ike labor—and the huit • or»—reached tbeir climax whni th« Walehtnan beram* rremier. I For nearly fivu year» Uoyd G'orm ha* been th· bo·* οΓ Urvat Rritam 'No eooner waa the war ended througl proceeding* In wbkh Lloyd Ooorjfi Ik ad an ardoua and creditable μ*' than he ira* occupied once more wltl the problem· of peare. Labor Woe ble· In hi» own Hand*, b!nod BÀSEBALL * t 'four 0»fc· L. .. .. . - -. "1 u 1.<υ« •Sel»· .. 1 1 .6uu Dumi I ...I 1 .HUI Hrniton .. ... I Λ „2ΰ0 wL Tl·,y Γ'·/ Mumia), φι.u C'.i1 - . I rr-a nt Br-i. ,-A S.I ■·η. η >,ν I>αηη funfair fr«·.· iKy :■» 1 Thif wa« ahoFH 1> 14·· ·' ·.·· VM than Oily β**·· le 4.1 · bu'ing tu·»··· end ml· il "CoUst Ij make tho pie.' U!t·· i'rj- 0;Λ« m.inuro. Oiiail·. She I, !h- u'ri ·-0α>" »Γ the -luy -whin jhr λι j. Wilt Wjntf, flo> AXiruball and oth.-'» of thr ..Idt m. r^w re ihv bin k.Vfbu ! !»U ill !h· Sfoth. <·■».· Γ«Μ· hï'lîne hi* shirt wkta tin· Uci «jr. fellow.· iUrtcd theirially in the rrt»rd»}· >d twii 1 uiih had bc<-n mA it. If Dunn c» ΓΡ<·^· »ηΙ, It mi u takr l*jmb the y;'.r o^d iVam oa», ho.· alw..y* l>unn. but tSni hiircn'l Jt b:m. TH·· mwn w ." ifcl.'aw '11 ibis pmc > youi !>i-4. tll. r.· iviil Itowiii.^. Walrh >.iuv IHJNN FJ ΓΙγ ''«th* ι-ν.-.al plajn. tot liwn aMi line up, the i t'on will Field thi· af(| rtu and do 'a loblo d«f 4E Γ.ΑΜΓ, TODAYi Iky 'ic Bcqutjilion pf! *Nu nntil no*· !i*\v, 1 apfXM- in the Don* \ ll.hH^brH v.'Zu 1 Hma un Kiinr'oundi 00 ftf *XL%%-1 to atone for the. ferrd in Sf'ma la 11 viomtay. il ver Tle.-bcitl en "Jim L-artlr», to „ to adminUter lia·. Ne!U 8. tnaîn in th rtu iap the the th'.rd t'd over by been rrtcK·! irar^rtu by 'ht aged imc »v«ra« unimt the Shorty Jj ■short, _ ΊΛΙΓ^ Vil ι ^!î 'η·"·»Ιι1 »f< η Τ01J·Π. Pénir nlac-d m^r.y >a-t*balt biow.l un k* 'y thu*. Mao ilor will }tnf< l'th, hors ai many ■nil in his oitirt iy-o to th· Hrlma . »ho hoped to n •''on of hi» rarafre Îtenaon. vrtii tak· h ha· be-ixJfrrsid Sod> Unlay. He aurrvrd''. Kllil L. Garrrtlun, of Ta coma, V.Hfh ngti.n Tom llouaten, Chicnjrc. *ai elcelrd l m ourlai Outer Guard on the wconrl ballot. Τ hi» wan thr only offlc* on which then· was » eonUmt. San Francirto was selected for tiao n'xt Imperial conclave. Mr. and Mra. Jame» A. Ta>)or. R. C. Taylor, M!iiJ!utli and Herbert B. Taylor, Mr. and Mr», l.rw;* SVphen» and M'*a Mary Levic Floyd have ίο* turned from Lake City. 8. C., whrre they attended the Taylor-Carter vrid· din*. "SIGN UP" CAMPAIGN GOING WELL IN SAMPSON COUNTY Clinton New# IXVpitrh. The sipn up campaign Tor the mnr krtlr.K branch of the American Cot ton n»<*>h«1| ha va nut (he rampaiirn over before the clock atrikc» oui th» :tftS .1, „ „ i«»i TK- — ι ,or.« week ΐ'κο with the arrivé ο! the iouU! y not ihcm l>y mear» of a p'-r-oo r,m*a*s on the fo"owiAK day. Mr. IL T. Ur}vln h real active in "Λι· r irapa'K". Under hln » l'cuti-n anla :h<- "then a.<■ ι»ηΛ·ηκ· And Mr. Melvin i» «enfilant a» tn Uie τ» .«ill* of the rampn'gn. Π«» ha» a rlishl 'o b«, Wcaote h# can produce the Agrurra to know that f«11 y ·0 per n ul a! lho«e 'olirtted haw «'Rued up ami paid the frc. Hut the county Ml tint beft thoroucrMy c^nraurd. Iluidiar tw< meeting· per day will not rower ι la nml thci ι'η ;h an far |a jtivi only a· nat'mate. II'« torevn h»v»· bcri rnirrg. il tu iwiitinualy η the wnr| Huit they have not tniin ncra« a allowed the Carolina l.idu »rd Tower Company to accept or rt'jt-rt Un- ruenter proposal made by the town w31 eitpire. In the cveiu the Carolina company feil» to com, to the term# propo»r· .11 i!.·.· town. The company «·.*· f f-u.inm sur ιπϋ i> a i mud and operated by ih« u>v. ii. Du; >.«lodinjr the been a*kcd to pay ihit rfuro. In the event cither tAe Carolina or MrQurvn proposât tj accepted by the luv.n. it w!U be necraiary to loan the xutcert*-' company approximately $IOOJNnrfThf Carolina COB pa η y wil! require about (hat lum to extend it* 1 lina from Uenaoa and rebuild the iincj here. The McQuecn company ν»!* need that maeh help to bnlM ite ,'lanl and brin* ft* line· to Dona, «.'[her concern would retire the loan in lap can Id annual payaeeata. Tte loan baar 4 iiltftil VSStJSm rent; if the Carolina, the town will V.t out of tHe power and light bn«l Πι·«. Revaluation Problem U Left For Counties Themselves to Solve KF.VA. It Tins _.N - -Ν . Κ ..S Horitent»! Cot· R«n|iit| Froaa IS To 60 Fer Oui la ββ Coenilu Approved (My W. T. Bott in Grrmehoro Newi.) Rati l/h, June li—Approval of hcr 'nonltil cum in ββ counUaa of the «laie, redaction In the revaluation we s it ranging all the way from 10 lu Λ0 pi r reel, today ernt the tas i» iuc> bark ίο the lountiee and left them 10 *t rl; ool their own rxlvation with f"«r and tnrnbling. Th«· -tute boaril of equalisation culn|H>/-''il uf Kevcnne Conm«loner A. 1). Will·, Chairman W. T. Lee of he rnninmtion commirtion, and At Inrmy Ginettl Jnmen 8. Manning «at on ttr Urgi-a. The eommietion rracfe .<) thr view without difficulty that Intumurh an the Mate had taken Hi anaml* off (axee' had levied none laet yror and is U'ryin* none thle year fur λ·.»Ιρ purpo*e« aoleiy, the eoan tlv· run be trusted to make their own va'jj(loiu and fix their rate on them. The**- velar* havr been fearfully and wonderfully made. All through the «nie are reunlici which haven't a k-ck in the woild. Th^rc are 27 which e»«e* >>J »»L-J ·« — — - -11 -m But tii· r» wm* ne rule governing •ho conduct uf Individual cnantie» In Kurti*m. lulturro me! rnpolii of tnel cifl, home of Ike ptrnM tobacco com ipMiijr, · eoonty which it overwhelmed ,ny tin· Uiw-i, the c'tixenAip waxed ι I poor nnd kickcd. It pal 2A per c«it I -.-duct'un. In Forrylh, much the Mme ««••t of ruant? and papulation, with It κ· a-oate*» tub urea bualnree in the cpun.ry. there wen no nqorit fer re du··I ion. In Irrdcl county, Home nf .Colonel Wall*, lb» eommieafoner, the follu didn't aak for a thine; in ICulawha county, very much the MUU 1 Uii-it nf county in «oil and people rn that they »ot«· differently, there •ν,Ίκ a reduction uf SO per rent In Γ-iibnrra» which U much ae Kowan, full uf the i-'mhI I>u'.rV there la a flat Induction uf S3 per ernt, bot Rowan u>V« for only 10. And to it (o( get (h« !r t."xe* from their uw« proper*» and ' !hm> in nothing In Rale''xh which they run ft ml of any nrvice te them I Half BIK.n Un I Ote'll! ;t I» estimated that the I.M>'. > ren vtnt» value» will amount ι .to ».-von,irt»0 000. Hew much pononat II ly wi'l t tmy .-ermite. Mut It II • pot. an'.hnlkabV that the gram real and pcreonal property redaction· «0 W. S. SNIPES WILL SUCCEED MARTIN AS SCHOOL HEAD By School Board la ! Moating Hold Wednesday I NlglU IN FAYETTEVILLE FOR LAST ELEVEN YEARS I· Brother Of Ε. M. Snipe*, Pro siding Elder tad Fc Pastor At Methodist ' Here—Claased Schoolmen of S ta to — Aa Dutioj , W. fl. Snip·', for ·1·*«κ year* head of ib· public ocbooU of Fayotts· Til'.*, bir bwn choMB iap«rint*nd«at of Kkoolt b*r·. Profenor Snip·* was oUeted In l rjitlmi awtiu of dM school board held in th· often of tbo Fir·» Na tional Bank Wodnoodar night. Ho ntcctdi Proftmr J. ». Martin, who rtflfard the lupenntender.cjr at tk« ripira*. ion of die ιρν'ηρ tor· lut month. He will ivmM chary· of the •eboot» here at won u K« can finUb bit budnrot lD Fajr«ttevillc. Profooor Snipri j> a brother of He*. Κ. M. Snip·», who ru pJMtor of the Mtihodivt cburrb her* for («votai >tiar< antil 1008 and who aow i· pro » d np elder «f tbr Warrroton Di» *.'iet of the MtOiudiot 8pUcopaT Con ference. Ho liu bad maay ntri u prrienc· in school week and U clai» •d ·ΐ9α| th* forraoet educational workers of tkr Stat*. Sevrral nrw tnrhem will bo ra iloycd to work under the new >op erintondmt. 8oaie of tboe· trill bo HucccMor· to errerai of loot tan·'» teaching force, bat many of than all lb· employed to tako now claieei • i1.. loiTBco up in uu comply t:on of the nrw ichonl building for Whirh bond» *ro to b· voted em J ml y rhnft Bulletins Rctdy For Carolina School :he rr teach· τ» in the tuame. achnult. I Announe. mi-nt ha* alx> been made thai thrift InilrmcUon i« te be fleam in ctate «uiamcr school* at a part ef ciliaen*h

» not nec&uary,"· Mr. Brook» car* in a foreword to the bulletin. "Tea cher* in the public Khual* of North Carolina have been urged from time to time to be eon*elou* of the need of emphaaixlag thrift in their daily n*!-nction. But in order to give the teacher a chance euoincm'wy EBE teacher a clearer idea ai to how tbirft may be cmpKatitrd while uaing the text already at hand, a raggerted onV line containing a few concrete ex ample* aeemf to l made nrremry a fhang»d policy. Whtn Blikctt «a· fformor a*d Wfora his admiaiitratlon. tli^ro wrra tbr rrotrrti administration», criminal Incqualitira. Tlif wnaan with tl 0,900 Intaraoe· batw»an bar and starvation, paid tax·· aa 110.000. Th· land boo«t«r mopping op to th· tan· of brats band boo··. iMtl«M«r at cetera on 110,000 worth of raal aa latf paid tax·· on probably $4.000. mor· likaly «.1.000, lll.llaat of all M,· 0t»o. Than· Infaml·* set Bkhatt a Ars aad rvaultH in kl« wonderful ri* tory error Boarbotilim an) (tastpat tl«ta. ι Bat ravalkatian bad rta abasaa and at Um cIom of It* aoihor*· admht'ta tratlon tb· party of Biakatt b*eam· frightened at tb· attKad· of tb· Ra paMirnaa and prtx*«d«d to sew thrwi op with Jrricn rtW destroyed lbs I moral iffret of the attempt to make 'tb· tai book» spaak tba tratk, a> ! Blekett sayr. In tba «tate from now on lh»r* will br about SO per rant of tb· eooat*·* speaking tk· tratk, whlrh >a SO mora than arar had da·· so;but ; there will b· Î0 wklrk tan aay any. .thiM tbry pica»·. I *n*rv will b» aa p»f>«T«l erttteljw vf Uit board af e<|ualitatlon for 1·βτ· ins la emmty hand* taiattan whirl tenesmi tb·»· uiiu only. It la b» lirrrd her· that if tb*r· bad not ban •o mar h mid brfore tk· mantis, learned bow hardly they can ne* I lbs step wo aid aov kava boan Ukaa Î500 MACHINE GUNS ON STEAMSHIP FOR POSH PORT SEIZED I All.,ed To Haw* Bm> C» ■ Sftuwwr Ea»t Side, Tied Up At HoboWen GUNS CO TO HOBOKEN POUCE HEADQUARTERS (Police Amd tSSSmà Official· Claab Ortr ot Arm·! Department of Jua Dm hmtl|»tlB| Plan» For Ihjppwg Arm· T· Ireland ; Sa Τ Shipment DltfaL Mew York, J un« IS—Μ or* than 500 modern maebia· gun· with km· dr«d* of van part·, raapectad by governmeat oBcial· le have been de stined fer Ireland, vera Miaed km today by Veiled State· cua'.om· eA eiali. The km, foand aboard the American iteaaaahip Eaei Sid», were •nbtequently taken from vhr cu rum· let·· at thry erere heir.* laruj away from Ibe pier by Hofcnlec polire, acu iDK on a avarrh and aciaare warrant •worn oat by a nan friait ibe ram· of Frank WUliama. No farther ^for mation concerning him vai arai'-abl· al Hobokun poUc· headqearier». He alleged they had been atolen from him June 11. The ami were taker. :· jkjI'c» headquarter* at Hobok«n «.id will be held pending a hcaricf before the recorder to determine who It en titled to their caatody. According to reporta reach In c gov ernment agcnci*·. two ehaagai of errwa, brought about by th» aatioa _ Proaenea of the arm* on b«tid tfa* Eart Side vu not known to ih» own* "Γ ΰ*" "ϊ1»· Λ· United Scam 8h> ?«"* '•if4· •r '«J opera tor*. entil thay w«r« informed of thai diKovrrr by Federal iT.veaUgatera. The Ea« Bids clearad today far Mor UMry ara wad·* way by oflciel· e^BveHÉMu mfWe the Department of Jaatico and tfca £alt State· Shipping Board. On· rtpoit u that they wera mf g!«d aboard fro· launch·· which cam·· up to tbe «hip'* sida at night and th· arma, awathed in burlap hag*. *'Tt he!«tad aboard r > "teginc mow 'rappl'M* wh!cb bad been de;!vcred crww cut into on· of the bac· » th hi* knif·, ducioiiny a machine ran. CwimM la SU» When a March was mad· tfci arm· were found concealed in varioua parta of tba mhip. They wcra removed to tk· dock and placed under cue to mi guard and today while being re moved from th· duck to a cuaturat wuthtwe. fall is to th» hand* of the police by virtue of the March ar.d Mi*«rc warrant iworn oat by Wll uamm. Uormunt representative» would make do official «taUtaknta on the matter pending conclusion of th« la vki^gatioaa. Se.turc by carton· mon .· laid to bar· been made on the κ round that a «bipmert of anna wai oeing attempted without compliance with maritime ronlationt which call for manifarti.ig all export*. Th· government tnveJtigatora in formed that after· th· »coad craw had aiturned charge of the ship, «orna as identified panool in a launch hail ed the watchman and naked parmia •ion ta rama»· from th· tmhI ma lappiiaa." A curiou* mambor of the aboard tha Cut Side by miatak·. The ere aboard the ehlp vitkoat aatherity from tk· owner·. A description of the eeimod irai aad part». M Btd· hy William* la h» application for tbo *WMt, lu· (Iii4oi ill hundred Thompma r»V«i» chine (run·; thirty atn thlrty-repo· elt y mifu nri, il ft y f.fiy-eapar ly ira· mwino» ft»« on· hundred capacity drug macaa.nei; oiffb;y u trn thirty rapacity box Bka«aun«i; twenty fifty-capacity dram aau· i.'an; twenty one hjr.dred-cayaciir «ipiiMi and hundred· of fart* of martiina gun*. William» ra»e bit re i.docce aa Hotooken. MARINES OFF» COMMISSION» TO QUAUFIIO COLLEGE MEN Qradaatr* of dlalinga liked miliary arhoot* aad reliefea, whs p*m the re Iqa.red examination, will ha fieea aa eppertonitjr to eecare commuaient a* ncond lieutenant» In Ik* Marino Corp· Roerve, accord inp to an an nouaeement mad· ky Major General ioka A. Lcjeone. the commandant οί ι tk· corpe. While on active doty la the Weoerro at Qaantir·, Va., they will be fhren InatraethHi aad train ing, pending their »*aaiineix»-i for pomanent eemmiaaiefte la the Marine Corp· next December. A boat 1 to ο Ac* η wfll he repaired to All varaacle· exirtln* :« the corpe neat Janaary. Fifty non-ceaialMlM· ed offleen are to reeaire injunction at th· Marin· Cory· Tnrtltate here, and «10 tahe the «aamteation far peraaunt rommiaeion· In the Merino Corp· before the officer*. arrvlr.f temporarily In the Reeerve at Qua*· tiro, are examined. A hoard of medical en m In era will oaaalne cand.dale· fro· the mil wry achooli and mlleg*·, and a certificate of the phyatcal f taira· will fttrnltk credential» for their accopUnc* at Maria· Corpe recruMing etatran· and their aaaifameet ta duty at Quaat.ee.