THE DUNN DISPATCH Kmt Tin boat nUDAY. ftprfl la». 1(14, Μ « Dm, M. C., u ■ urh t. II». L. BUMS· POTS. Tfcree l*'a BMtki ......—....II.* On· year—............. It») Have you ntiitmd for that school bnn<t election. S In all 0m town* ta wfckh school Vmd election* kan bHn held Ob year. then is do record oa Ma k*« isg failed to provide fu6 uktd far •rhool IXtMlioi. If |M ara far school 1·μ»οτ«—at you will vat* far the bond.». (f yon ara tira in ft school improvement, yea will probably not hare th* narra ta vote al al). The Dispatch pause· lu '.ta wild rash toward fivin* yoa the news t< remark that Superintendent Bass ip peart to be dois κ his daradast to (in Dunn clean streets and alleys. If k) wDl kaap op kit present U*k aad il all of you srfll jrive him the corpora tion hie effort deserves, it Is certain that we w£l have a clean loan. "I has* register·* aad ua fotai to rota for the school bonds." Ham many of yoa can say that? The hooki are now open. If yo« an Botes k vote for the bonds, go down to Alley rancer· orne· «ad ragiatar. Bot. u rn tn net iMtoubly certain thaï y>o ara piaf to vota, pleaae «tajr away. Every voter regiaterod eomati ajcalrrt th« aehoola U that voter doei not vota. Get a fia» and nn« buntlnf for your ear If ran expect to Hde hi that b'C Fourth of Jaijr parada. If you and your car are not aU dolled op. yooU not to permitted to el attar up the line. HUP WANTED The Dfapatch waa favor friend a* Boute One latter, telling of aelefcharfceod. « «tory of U.'a lawn "Item." There in ao lurid tcetnti of mord era, ao Meouti of society dirait· proceedings, no acaadal. MMt of tteas tall a plain Utda atery of fumr OraaB'· new barn, or BUI Jiarf tUI te— from tte city, or «te growth af tte om. They ara •11 «telanaa. Subjects far laughter ■mon ι tte .big city foft. perhaps, but latereetlag to thoaa ute rend tte country paper's territory. ι Tte Diapetch would UVa to carry taaay lach lattars at Utua is ovary ou e< Its Imn. It traaU that other· •bouc IU frira*· will favor it Ta Mr. Lea and ttet other friend, who did not lb a a erne to hi· letter, we ertead than La. SHADOW-BOXING THE IDOLS Greenatero Dally News. Former Naval Secretary Daniel· doing tte a oawatNaeat oratory at tte aaivaraity yesterday, called "you roung «eotla· en, ta the heights end lata the rnaks of tte lcoaecUat· af yoar <*j, and to the solemn aad much-needed daty of d*«trcyinjr "Im positions and item· of any kind." "It U a glorious daty of radical· who follow tho Christ ia His denu dation of pterleeelsm, Hie expo toi aa of moneychanger· from Gods tem ple, and tho b I ait ία* of sham» and idols, wherever their heads are lifted up. Let the guillaUae of righteous wrath translated into statute law be yoar weapon, and let Coavontioa and Regularity and Conformity be your drat victim·." Considering this "florious com Ipany- In which Mr. Daniel» places 'Jans, Paul. Luther, Calvin, Baayaa. lefahen, Gobdea, Bright, President Wilson, Chief Justice Clark and in fèrent! ally tte speaker him ad f, Uteee "younr men" sboald feel the arte to break looee at any and aH tin as, for tte secretary assure· them ttet "theoe Iconoclasts (always he writes tte moath-βΐΐin* word with Cap·) Uve In tte splendor of the world's Brmuiuoe. ΤΗ minions of Um» tlon In their day in foifottai or 1n)M. DmUw of Convention bore stoned fro· Rome to Salelgfc ' «Tory iconoclast who loaght to Uu down the Molt of Conformity." Yea, air, all the way from "Bono to Raleigh" the tzmil of iconoclaam It stained tn ■martyr'j blood, particu larly rod art the street· of Uilfk. Bot what if Hum young backs and ! backer* of "Coavention and Bagular atod Conformity" η home and their daddies what they hesrdî Wont there be aome paternal ancoe tor who wlQ recall that when Joseph Penison Caldwell, a rival editor W the iconoclastic apoiUe of yertcrday broke with "Convention.·* yea, th< greet National Democratic conveo tloa, planting himself oo the very word* of Luther, "Here I stand, God help ne, I can do no otherwise," he begian a systematic obese af that mighty non-conformist aatd the tiu ' edy of folded hand* moved Caldwell from his editorial duties? And what was Caldwell's sin? He did not believe in Bryan and free silver, in ths initiative, the raff and —J the Demeentie Kbiley. Then let as (oppose that there may ha a eon, a nephew, a cousin, or an acqnaintaaco of John Spencer Bassett another non-coxfonaist, at the uni versity yesterday. If Ik· boy should k* ■»«!* off kia fe«t by the Jtu of th· boor, wouldn't somebody Ult the yoaiifiUr that when Basartt risked tbo foolish opiates In North Caroliaa that Booker Washington. opportunity wuMtR^, vu the (Ktlut roan in tbo south dicc Lee, the blood-stained iconoclast of Raleigh not only "lot th· guillotine of right·**· wrath" loooc ity'i "icuiliotine" bo applied in ehop •a Buwlt but demanded that Trin plag off the prof»—or*» h lad. Tbo proteeaor it all right now—he voted and worked for Jimmy Co* Last year. Then suppose there U a He, « cou· rtn a nephew or evea · carnal ac quaintance of the lato and lamentable candidate Charles Laben Abernothy. Surety, the boy will bo plea ted to hear from Raleigh'* most advertised mar tyr, thexa noble words: "And let Con vention and Regularity and Confor mity be your first victims," even though Abbie might Inform him that the perennial runner was the "firs* victim" of "Convention and Regular ity and Conformity." It wai th* same Raleigh Amos, wrecker of Idols, who pouaced upon the unconventional Ir regular and noa-c on forming Abble who refused to Aid· a stole· primary and, bless Paddy, the Iconoclast made it so hot for the man who had as saulted th· citadels of "Convention and Regularity and Conformity" that AMI· had te iurrmdtr "It is an inglorious company of radieala," this bunch of irregulars, non-conformists, unconventional vic tims of the Daniels editorial assaults —Jupcr C. Haute, banished by preaching to the brother in black and allowing a prayer meeting talk to a few faithful to get into th· Old Re liable's columns; Kllgo pilloried for kla friendship for the Dakes; Kitchia for his greater wisdoaoas administra tive than h· showed as candidat·; R.n._ r«, J.· j:.- »w- >-— and the corporation coraminion for doing It* «worn doty. But the secretary vuit really *m*/hmg Idol· yeeterday. Ho ««I merely fbadow->boxlng thorn, and when >11 of thorn reappear, D·πνο cr» tic "conrention and nfiltritgr and conformity," h« will be laying ■> in· il that "the wont Democrat ia hotter then the host Rcpoblkhn," that the ibolter of the ticket la a traitor, and that the Bepofatlcaa party ia atill the nintr party. Τ tjrUr-CktW In a ceremony, marked by beaatl· ful ilmplicily, the marriage of R. Durham Taylor of Dann and Mice Et frida Carter of Lao. 8. C„ wae w>ion aimed Wedneiday afternoon at 4 o' clock at the magnificent country homo of Mr. Leo Caitar, the bride'· brother, about tea mile* from Lake City, 8. C. W. A. Maaeerbeau. the paa tor of the bride, performed the ccrr aony, using the beaatifal ring eere mcoy. The groom ha* many rcletiTO· and friend* In thli city ana the mar riage la of much interest here. The bride and groom were attend ed only by the maid of hoaor, Mist Adelaide Pro mer of Hamlet, and the beit man, Carey B. Taylor of Fay ette* tile, the groom'· brother. The home of Mr. and Mr*. Leo Carter we* augnifleeatly fumlahed (or the eccadon, the ceremony be ing performed in the parlor. An Im proviced altar ««a bailt, orer which haag^a^arch of,yoeeo and^emWjW^ I The MttM' **a transformed 1ιΜ«> aa arch of flower· ander which ^ow ed the lights of eight tiny caadle*. Flower* and potted planta were bank ed againit the walla, gtrtng the room the effect of a pretty flower garden. 99==a9S=a9B M'»i Kl!· Iicok< of Johnto.i play- | ►d the wedding tmircH. Manters John ι Davit C· ι ter and Spr*n»r Carter, lit- ι tie nephew» of tK· bride, were' the I laatarn Iximi, «fall· t ttir Mtai C«- ι therine Carter, a n'.ecc of Mi· brldo. •u rim baarvr. Junt before Mm bridal patty en tered tli· room Mit* Jon·· nr.; "Be- ι eau·· I Lore Υ·α," with Mitt Jtcubi iccorapani>t on the plana. Mendtlis oVi'i Wtdd'ng Ka ch «ras us«d ai th« ·; party enured th· mon. Tbc two little lantrrn bearer* »n- ' tered firtt, followed by the maid of bo DOT. tarrying » .shower jbouquit of roMs; the gr—m and bit belt man; the brid·, dreaMd in a bin· roatiult with hat and aecas tories to match and carry in* · boquet of bride'· ro Mt and lilli·· of tho valley tied with white tail·, on th· arm af fair father who gave h«r ««ay. Tb· little Hag •bearer followed carrying tb· ring in a beautiful white rot·. The minu ter mat the bride *nd *room at the altar and administered to them tbc Torw·. Th· ceremony was witnetnd by large number of friends and neigh bor» of tha brid·, who bar· known ι and loved bar inc« childhood, while the (room's father, J. A. Tayiur; ma ter. Mia Ruth.Taylor; brother, H. B. Tayor, coetin, Richard Tayor, and Mr. and Mr·. Lonlt Stephen·, ware pr*tent from bit home in Duns, At the conclusion of the ceremony punch was t«rved from a bowl hidden beneath a bawtr of flower· in the hallway. Shortly after tbc ccrcmony the brid· and (room left for Π ol eic· where tbey took tb« train for Charleston, Savannah and other pla ças. Th« brida la the diuflitsr of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carter of Leo, S. ,C.. and was a member of the faculty of tht graded school in Dunn the pa»t year when At made a lanro number of friends. One of hrr little pupil·. Mist Mary Levi· Floyd, want to tee the marriage of her taachor. The ■ ■ rroom h the youngwt ton and Mr.) ird Mr*. Jamet A. Taylor of Dunn I ind it ataociatMi with hit rather !n|< he inturaifci basincii there.—Key-1 tUvill· Obeerver, 18th. | GODWIN ITEMS Milt Etla Mae Starling entertain-j m! a number of her friend» Thursday] tight front eight thirty to Uu-thlrly ι, n honor of her guett, Mian Winifredi, Lli union. Mrt C. W. Spell and «on. Cbn j ^nnelly and Miu Spella' titlor, Mias | Eloite Connelly, left Friday after-1 toon for Charlotte and Staterrillc, to riiit relative· for aaveral day*. Dr. and Mrt. J. W. McLean tpent ruiadajr and Wcdnetdny in Charlotte. Mrt. Cart Boyer, of Woodstock. K'a., and Mint Rehecea Abernrthy, of kthevill·, «pent a few daya la God win the gueaU of Mr. and Mr*. C. IV. SpaU. W. R. Graham, af Piratant HUI, tpont Sunday is Godwin with hit pa· ■entt, Mr. and Mrt. D. A. Graham. Mlat Kala William* hat return rd .0 her home for the rammer vacation ifter attending the Kayettevillc C.<m tetvatory of Mutic the past tetsion. W. C. William a, of R»loÎ*fc. tpent a Tew huurt in Godwin Sunday with Friend*. Mrt. J. M. Starling and tun. Hom er, and Mrt. EztcU. of Rotaboro, tpent Sunday in Godwin with their brother, C. W. SpclL M fli Sadii' Markham left Wednr·) day for Cherry Dale, Va., to vitit hor aunt, Mrt. Minnie Markham. Mr. mnd Mrt. C. T*. Ward, of Dunn, tpent Friday in Godwin with Mrt. C. W. 8pell. Mrt. W. M. Pope and daughter, Mrt. J. D. Hemingway, of Butler, arc •pending a few daya with Mrt. Let ter McPhtil ntar AutryviUe. Mit. Μ. Ε. Starling and family «.pent the week end in Aatnmlie with Mrt. Starling»' brother, Mr. Kobort 11-it M>*. J. 11. Jonu* Κ·κ returned lo 1er homo after spending nereral days vicia her p*opl* la Dariinxion, 8. C. Ε. C Markham wv called to Kote >opu Tuesday uflrmouM to assist in \ ι nine of ba'fball hotvrorn Koirboro Hid \Vui>aw in which can ho wm enderlv led to :be mound and al- ' hough hia -'ΓΙ'η.ι^ in a de tat h« held the v.iitor» to -the mer :ka oi bin ;o;<lh puv>. Ho wu aorom >anied by C. W. Spell. Miij Cli va Godtr.n left Tuofday nomin^ on tbo early t-ain for Ash« riile to alt.'inl she summer «-html. Mix Amy <!rah*m, baa riinrntil ο her heme for the *ummor. Mii« i nhiim graduated th » y<ar from 4. C. C. W., Grvvtidboro. il s» Ladle Melntyre. of Dunn, ■pent the we*l> end in Godwin with i*r ikirmtt, Mr. and Mr». H. M. Mc Intyre. Rev. and Mr*. E. B. Carr. of Wal ace, are spending c few day* with tfr·. Carr'» mother. tint. Jane Mcln ■yre. Mi.*> Winifred WJIiamfon, of >'oy rlUville. ta tpend:r.£ a few day* In Godwin the guest of Mm Eula Mae 5Urlil|(, It I'M· '-11 THE BLIGHT OF ILI.ITFRACY ι Iirio.*nce l> Rlf-p.-i-prtaet'ne. Pool xhouU may bn-cm·· trnlcm e in ι re^ioi». Nmrkriciv, :hc Intelligent ;onmunities nail iubmt. Ό b eiiv amcd In part by ihr rrpu«»nta;iv*< οΓ the dn'liai.i drd dirtriet». No wonder they rr»u-i to sLtlr tompuluun ο *t:te liu'Hltl a d to lr*'el up eduentiiinal opportun':· ias n-ithin tnc «tat* hk> »<jvov*'.e F< :V ai (/Dinpo'.MOn or Federal financial u d to lrv* I up within t.w nation. Ner :« ihu t»n4«"fy to nation allxo *·ΐj:n tion peculiarly Americun; it i·. in Tart, »ur'»l Witr. All pri.-χιi.m· ive μ· op! .· an· cominu to fee! that the child's vhooliiUT m U>o tnurh a eooial concern to be loft entirely I ο the di»cr.'t:«r of the . v cnta οι· even of the Ιο a! connu ' y. —Edward A. Ro·.· in % he Print i>»:v« of Sociology· BRINGS RESULTS "Having had twenty y«mr* espiri *n«c in <o«v feeding I k.'.ov. tha· i'u vina Cow C'aovr c: l, .·· mere t h τη (iv t- -mi. t* fi·· d tut that it rn-,» than œitkv.i up the difference i-olti." So »ayr. tî:»..ti- 't. Hod*·.·». Cow Chow ·► ool-j in I la.m .'xclc» νι> ly by Ik Γ. Sur'vu. Adv. IS YOUR HEALTH GRAOUALLY SUPPIHB? fatarwtiarEaparhac· «f t Ten· Lady WW DkWm Thai S Mora W^mb bit AWat CmM They W«U 1· Ipml Ink Swlwm mi W«ry. I cookU'l rect we* at ·%Μ tad waa . .. jnctlUakM. Mt heard of Cartel and after radlag I MM 1 had aome icmala trouble that was puSng ca down. 1M lor Cardui "In amy «hort «ta· after 1 began fh· GMi H otr.i Treatment I n* an im· provenant aad it wasnl Jong until I waa «I right good appetite, tpfcndld ret, ud nKk atroager to that I eatiy dU my hooea work. "Laiar I took a botta ot Cardai m a toeÉT. Icaa roooaMcad Cardui aod glad ly do as, tor V m woman knew. H " acr« a pat deal of har wo ne η who have load Cardai | helpful thotdd toortaca you that H le | ■ ' All druggkti «11 tt. M Good Biscuits?"—Easy ALL the magic of good . biscuit-baking is in Occo-nee-chee Flour. Bis cuits of light, fluffy deli ciousness that make the simplest meal a treat, are merely a matter of the right proportions of flour, baking powder, salt, and soda. And they're mixed to perfection in those fat sacks of Occo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flour. You do take the guess out of baking with Occo-nee-chee. And most of the bother too. By adding milk or water and shortening you get a batter for the light est and best waffles or hot cakes you ever made. It is amazing how easy successful baking becomes. And you save on the cost of ingredients. Make Occo-nee-chee Flour your stand by for good baking. Get a trial bag from your grocer and find how it saves worry and expense. Yrnm'O AtΛ PmûH+m m uwa· dmr4xdly In·, pi mi m Êmar AUSTIN-HEATON COMPANY Durham, North Carolina OCCO-NEE-CHEE SblfrJUsitq/JB/Rup ,Λ Tah* th» G«—* otf of BakingwI^wymMaiMr U BE ONE AMONG THE THOUSANDS WHO WILL ATTEND. [ I Hundreds of DtDan in Prizes Offered || By Fair Association C—tuU: M acta*—rim Hi, mt oo4 fil; tkM #107 FUUlm' 910, nmM M, IM h.. ■aaj»—Firat «1·, M«i M, tfclré ILM. cut 4Mcta«-rti*t M, mhM H, third tt-OO. Aautnr _cl»wu—Fbt· $·. ^ — Art—Mi flO Tntek «7.M m4 M OO. *•*1 v.·*: (VK..I 110 ""Wlf «M II» «4 m «w^rM·» m4 τ ■eyde#· mmd ft.·#. fr·· far aU Cantapad* |5 ι·4 |>. Πnt Eviat—10· jrarda ΛβΛ free far all. Smo«4 Evrat— Pale Va alt, kJct Jmmf, ruaiac tmd J amp —fraafor all. Tkiri Bfnl—Tur-af-war—10 ataa Ira· Duka, 1· mi Iimi Du». Faartfc E-raat—half all· raaa, free, 1er ·!). Ftfli Carat—71 jrirt* <**, fraa far all lallM. lixtk Kraal—Half Mita ralajr rata, 4 Udiaa ira· Dak., 4 ladle. free Daaa. •ereatfc Krrni—Oaa MUa relay ma, 4 mi fraai Dafce, 4 aaam fra« CliMk luit—Half alia raca, 4 kara aader 1· year* af a«a •to I «f lit ta yartlat pata la aaj af Ito afcere MtM areata awt iaa4 ' to their at Ym Mut Net Was This Evcat—Dum Waits Tom Here. Racing Base Ball Singing Contest Band Concerts Parade Fireworks Athletic Events Scores Of Other Prizes To Be Offered By the Merchants Of Dunn Many valuable premiums will be given by business men inde pendent of the big list of cash prizes given by fair association. You May Get One The Harnett County Agricultural Fair Association atkm^J

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