•LOCAL* ♦ WHITE WAY THEATRE. * » PROCRAM ¥ ? » Monday "Two M oo η'"''fox 'pro· d action. Tueiday—"Adventure In Heart·" —Paramount Plrluin with Robert Warwick. Huit and J»(T Cu ι loon— LaKvt Path» New*. Wedneidaj*—"Trxati"—ï\)r pro duction with Tom Mix. D. C. Fuiicll was here frum Ra leigh on buaine»* Wednrtday. Mm Thclma Hordvn of Marion, South Carolina, it vialling Mlar Ma mie Johnaun. Alfred Schmidt, Editor of tht But· un Review, «11 in town Wednesday on bualneaa. Mi» Lueile Collin» of Clinton, la viiitilli Mr. und Mrj. P. K. Honey cult thli week. Mr. and Mr*. G. C Womble and family have relumed to their home in Dtron after a vuit to relative* In Ra leigh. Ctrclc 3 of the Pretbytei i»n church met Thuratlay afternoon at "Leban on." the country home of Mr». E. W. Smith. Mr. and Mr». 0. M. Tilghmon will leave thU week for Norfolk, Va., and Virginia Reach, where they will apend several day·. E. Hill and tUrera Johnaon, of, Warmaw, were in town yc»ttrduy. Mr. | Hill ia the rcpreicntative In the Vs ialature from Huplir. Mi»* Ora Lit Greene of Beie'al Creek, after apending a few day* hare with her (liter. Mn. G. M. I.org,! returned today to her home in Buic'i t'.rvek. I Mina Verne Lenett leave» thial week for Scotland Neck where ahe wiU vlalt relative». While m>ny «he will aUo apend some time at Korfolk ι and Virginia Beach. ι αν vnoj «τηιια οι ne», ·ππ un. , J. 4. Langatnn had a sciiou» atlnck of roughing Thur«l*y morning which nearly choked the child. Pbyvciane were «nramoned and after some lltUr time the little one wu over the at tark. J. R. Boyd of Fayctt^vllle, i* ho re thU week aaaiiUng in th* Improve ment* tx-inr made in Dunn by the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co. Mr. Boyd is district manacer of thia company. The American Lrgton Band held 'U flm practice Wednesday night in th» Band llall over E. L. Parker's store The new band will pr>cticc regularly twice a work now. A'l the instru ments and mufic has arrived and mcmbeia of the organisation have started to work in earnest Mia* K.rby. of Ken'.v, it, visiting Ml s }. eanor Hatch·.', tla ij,h ttr of Mr. odJ Mrs. J. L. Ha La.t evening Mb. Hatcher gave a 110 lurh'ful little Mrtv at her in honor of her pest. A numb»·· of the young people in town wore presc.it who thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. The new Clinton-Dunn Jitney ha* started to running, and work on a re gular arhedulv. lite Jitney makes one trip a day from Clinton to Dunn and return. The Jitney (ι ο big bues and can accommodate a number of pas-! sengerv Clinton I* such a difficult place to get to <w the train that the fcus will he a convenient mode of transportais. The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist church enjoyed a delightful flsh fry at Rhode's pond Thu^May afternoon. Member* and a number of guest» drove out to the pond in automobile] and wore served a big supper of fresh Rhode's fish. The party remained till nearly dark before returning to town. Mr*. P. A. Stewart has returned from a visit to relatives In Western North Carolina. Rev. John J. Lsngrton, panto,- of th« Christian church, will leave Sun· day for Kentucky where hr will be engaged In evangelistic work for Uic next two month*. He will conduct the mom in j service at hi* church bure Sunday morninir, at which servie* he desire* to have a Imge aUemlmice, especially of hi· members. Mr*. Lang-1 Hon and the cl^rrn will not iro with : him, but will remain in Dunn during hia absence. "The Haunting Stain and Stripes'," written and directed bv Mr*. Annyc H. Younir, and given under the aus pices of the local chapter of the Am- ! erlean Legion, wi< presented a: the | Oporm Ho lue Wednesday night. Many) difficulties had been attached to Mt-; ting up the play, »oin« of tho men) < be re dropping oui at the lut minute.. but lu niei-eniatlon was very foeeoia-. fui, and the play pleated a mall au dience. Dunn will tend a large crowd of fan· over to Benson thin afternoon to ι witnexa the baseball game between Dunn and Benson The gam* ha* at important bearing on the leagae standing, tlncc Dunn la now tird for flrat place with Brians, and Pour Oaks la only a game behind. Benson It the only team in the league that is really oat of the running. Thrrr are two more playing days after to day before the first half of the leagu* race elneea, and Dunn has two more games to |May next week. If Dunn win* today the local élut» will haye an unusually good chance of winning the pennant for the first half. J. J. Wade has accepted a position with The Dispatch for the «imwrr months. He succeeds Byron Ford who bas been wtth the paper for the past two ye«rs and who has «'.'red tem porarily from the newspaper burine». Mr. Wade has had right Btaeh cgper Icnea in newspaper work. Ho ha« been connected with the college publica tion* at Chapel Hill where he has been a student la the tlrrtveraiyt the part two years, and at the close of school In June was elected nurturing editor of the "Tar Heel" for The school year beginning next September. Ho Is a native of Dann and. Ms personal knowledge of the territory In which The DlapMteh circulates will aetial him a great deal In hi* work. Rash Wsrti Ob Csart Mouse taiHhrtoM, July β.—In spite of I hi sultry weather, the work on the John, aton county court house continue» U progree* rapidly, and the people a· JhaltMleld are dally wgtcMag tki structure grow Into artistic beauty Wken tki· building la completed l· will class with any piablic building li Ike Stat·. PALMYRA LODGE INSTALLS ! OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR l'atmyr· l.odg* No. 147 Λ. V. ft At [ M. in»f«Ued ofllcrr» for ihc coming Îcar at their (titular meeting lui ut-tday evening. J. Lloyd Wade, who in the District Deputy G.asd Mutter for thin duir.ct, w*.« the muter df icrcmonïw (or the oecmiun. Hn In· .-lallcd Ole following nlRc«ra: Dr. John A. Jcinigan. Worshipful Mmi«r; Ζ. V, Snipe·, Senior Warden; Jo.. 11. O'Neal, Junior Waiden; Jan. Hear-all, Tnuurn; Eu*™» Lee, Secretary: Wm. C. Kanoy. 8cni«r Di-:«-oi>; Wm E. CKfton, Junior Dea con; Ralph R. Koon», Steward; I». Craven Etxoll, Stc.va i d ; S. Cod win, Tiler; llev. J. J. IJtntfidiin, Chair Iain ; Hubert Α. -lût du··, D'nrlur of Oivbeitra; J. W. Draugnun, Tru«t<n; Geo. K. Prince, Trustee; N. A. "town «end. Trustee. Otplian Anyluin (Vmmiltei·: Dr. R !.. Warren, ehairm.m, (!η·. M. Floyd, R. L. Crumartii·. finance Committer: Herbert B. Taylor, chairman, Guy M. Iluoki., W C. Butler. Reference C»mmitU-v: Junun A Tavlor. chairman, Kldiedgc Lee, J. U. Colo. Relief Committer^Ceo. W. Caul, ner, chairman, T. v. Smith. 0. C. Warren. The anneal report of the Secretary thiiWH Ibe I odge Co be in a healthy condition In every plu»*? of fraternal work. The lodge l> in good ahapo fi nancially—owning valuable real ea ta>, war «avlnga stump· and bond·. Two handled and one M awns l>oa/t of their membership with thin lodge and undir the leadership of the above ofllcrr* and committee* they confid ently expect an active and tote extol y«nr. No degrve* will be conferred dui ,ng the month» of July and Aue BjI. and it will pouibly he the middle of September hrfoie work ill again resumed. Thw i* necvaaaiy on account of th< hot weatber anil the discom fort of working in a çkued inom dur ing the hot «uramer months? rmsT baptist church Β Y. P. U. Progru. For July 100· ltll Do\olai:y. l'ilroduc'.icn Eva Strickland. Scr.p'.urr reading* Ina Mautn ISiU. Sam Per .ell. Polka William». Talk—Importune· of PrtlMR£ God —Mr». Mai> Huit». Talk Our Obligation In God — Mr·. Durham Taylor. ' Tain—Pral»·· God l'or Hi» Dealing* with l*rael—Jroammt Sta ling. Talk—Πι* World Should Pi···* Cod Will» Gliilrifjm—Hubert Unnw. Talk—iVniw (!»d Rvnute of Hi· Woid, Amanda Colp. Talk—PreU* a Duly ·· Well a· a Privilege—Perry Godwin. ?r»iw G.xi KecaOMi of What Ho I· —Robert Denning. Song. SPRING BRANCH July 3rd btiing the flrrt Sunday, wa. the time for rcgalar pi «aching M-rvice. A· tho paAtor, Bar. J. A. Campbell wa> eniiuged In rvvlval tor viecj at Angler, he very fortunately •ecur*d Uir Rfi. P. D. Back to fill the morning appointment at Spring Branch; *· a rmult we wirv much edified by · wonderful doeour** founded on the text "no man cared for tn> »ο·1;*· Ρκ. I12;t. Μ·. Buck it a young m*M of great promit*. We •hall watch hi* courue with Interest. Mr·. A. E. Alderman who i* tak inï the learher» training coarrr at Salenrhurg, «pent lb* week end at heme. onmt) people xnow, otncn win nav* to Irani that Sunday bathing at the old Giles mill ia forbidden by the own er ami m< η anil boys «re requested to u«r ni.uitli cover'ng for their— pcrniu at all timti when balking tberv. Other* will And their regular eliithing very convenient. We have become io aretutoined to «ciw them dtessid in a Cuat nf paint with ahirt tn mutch that hardly any mode ex citn« more than passing interest new. When the name of « religion* or ganixat'on Ir UMd ai Λ bally-huo for as entertainment of questionable ohainct'.r for individual pain, wr art r.ut jurpriinl at its falling flat. The animal reunion and roll call of Sprinte Βι-anrh church will be hold Friduy, July 22. Cone and brine yoar dinner and hear * good sermon. I This i» a regular ar.nuai event and lia Ihr initial «rvtce in the numnci revtvwl aarviees which will Ik conduc ted this year by the presetting Gold· smith. Fred Χ. Γ>»>·. H* I» a preachet nf more thun ordinary eloquence -mil power. ι The Β. Y. P. V. ί» lnylng claim ·υ • ri-cognilion ai a powv: Tnr good in 'the community; may it» name br ni· ! way* held above reproach and it/ in ' fluerce '.never piiaumed. 1 Ρ R. LEE I Ο—Ο Ο—c Ο—Ο DIAMOND KIPPLP.S Ο—C Ο—Ο Ο—C j Ο—Ο- Ο—Ο—Ο-Ο—Ο-Ο—Ο—0 Ar<ilher cjikc of tie "kicking" club 'and the mult w*« the low of a per |fj»e;ly gocd ball gnmr. or rather thi ' prto n'.y on of the contest on a silv·; ι pla'.tur iiy Se.'ma !o Kotrr Onh*. Bu It ι! η n't m.iXe us tmul. Η'ΊΚ Dunr t|< if if; fis it (ila«c und ,'.ιι xuu4< aha..α ti *ι.ι· <h« λ nun! for •hr ir/l ! *' vfc/'. vV<· rant ter». If [Dwii can only cop to-day. And ran I rur I» · ι. lh·· I wo roiMcfU n»xt we«k, everything will I*· piu-ha*. Tin' < '■* no ■ ·ι *h* Donn (houiil ·' ·■ toil*/. Th. lub ha* a irrn. ! ; ami oujfht i,· bp m fink' »h«iw to farkio JSrMni. Wi· cant af ford to l«t the toil rndcr of Uif Iratrac knock ■> Ant Of thl« rhum » for f orp in* ahead and jrcttin* on top "Λοί if Ikn«on ■«»» Walk*»· on tho BOMd Taylor'· proto*co« havr *nt to keep "hoad· uar" and «ark likt Λ* Mona. Walker ain't no oaty plekine jky a lea* «hot. It I» a pity that nr'iihor Hin.on nor Fnrrtll will bo in tke lint op today. iThcrv aro not two brttor kltttm on tba club and hlUora arr what wr naed agaiait Walker. "Wilrv" It oal '.'of town on "baalncoa" and old "8a«%" lia Ukin* hi« xiMmnrr vacation CnaU rama down kor« In rcadlaee . for an bovoat to food noon kali nun« , and went out and got Tom and tan f do man Vd everybody to kelp boat ι tko Dunn lM|M boll cJuk. i Too bad Dma MïMit ut· I ι a»or»· tntorMtinr for Coat». Bet IT •rybody mmim to toko tha axhtbi tion λλ a Jok« from the beginning, i * r d the tccood atringen who played milli· little real effort. ι By lit· way, non» of the tcruka looked mlgbty well oat there, and jurt IM If. after «II, they wort out for buainaat. For instance, Babe Ruth ijudaon Jon™, the Idol of the Coal» tan». I "Shorty" Sullivan wu pounded ·· [way after hr bad made a rather good start. But itmtts were nwoonaible Ito no small Heure» for the walk away of the Coati Item, ι , Fi r all of tha'.. the yimc war a| tame and farniihrd a pretty gwod, rin.· crowd of luyal fana a bunch of fun, [f nothing elu. Ballon tine ought to be ia pood j trim foi a good allowing today. HI·, lait Ram· wa« his boat yd, and he j believe» that hia arm i« in the beat! con Jit ion that it haa l>etn in thtal year. If Ballentinr ran pitch anything lik.· tin· brand of ball that he pitched ajcuinat Brn.on on th· glo-orioui Fourth, then tlicia m nn use cran to «peculate im lu the outcome today. The game ίκ a> good a» won. Dunn fan» have barn watching with interest the playing nf the New Bern aggregation down m the Halt Caro lina league That club haa been act ting the league on fire, and ila a mighty fast league at that Hut of couite the main mmk for, auch interest on thr part of locall fandom u thr p>ide of llamtlt,' Sojlhpaw "Lefty" Wllaon. Lefty hu been going like a hou«c afire, and hi·'· «till going. "Lefty" WiUuti It the hind of ball player that everybody likes to aea t<( rform He hai thr form of a Grr ritn God .whim hr step* out on the field and Ito handle* kintflf like a Brouiiway toe danrar. Hat grace and form are not the only virtue* nf thta veritable jouthpa-w Hi' aland* op atantya fur what i* n^tit, ha· been trained and coaehed Into the v«lue of rood, clean nortman »hlp, and beet of all, he has the good· and r«n deliver Vm. There ought to be a down or fif teen tara going to Buneon today and many more on eighty. It U « mighty important gamr, and there » nothing for a* to ii« but go get and log home the envied boron. FOUR OAKS FORFEITED CAM Ε ι SELMA REFUSES TO Γ LA Τ four Oak*. July 7— Four Oaks «rat forfeited the regularly arhedaled En»! Central League game here to day. when tbe Mm dak NfaMd to teke Ut· floM. TU forfeiture, «kick wa* eonfiiwd tor· by Pwldwt B*r> bear of (h« lean· Unlffht aukil Dun· tide far firm aUa·, and pati Foar Oakj gn< |UM ktkM the le· gu· leader*. Setma claimed tkat Parrtah of tk· local line-up wu an lilac*' player, and it waa on tkb puaM tkat the rlelUag club tat—d ta play. The line waa Immediately daalarwd for feited to Four Oak* by th· umpire, and later wkae Preedeat Jartoiu was I conferred with be (Welded ia favor of Foer Oaka. STANDING OF CLUBS W. L. Pit. Dana · » .M Bc4ma · t .TM Kour Oaka .< 4 .66» Beneon .. .. ..........S T .MS WHERE THEY PLAY Monday.July 11. Dunn at Peur Oaka. Benton at Sctaa. RIGID ECONOMY IK NAVAL SERVICE BEING PRACTICED Waabin|t«a, J aly t.—Ordtr· |«m· •4 two bwiUi ago calling for a pro ma af rigid e*«oomy thronghoat Um uni Mrvic· lurra already mK· id in a mrtac af aararal aiudrad Ifc——4 dollar·, AaalataM Secretary Reotavelt anaouseed today. In tha put few «rvriu. k» ««Id. Ιββ ntvs) rctocU h«v* Intcn declared obwlrt· ud told. In addition, It m «id. tb. word k·» got·· «et te ttU *11 «urpla· «irai euttt and auppUu not ·Γ**ηΟ» ti**d cd, mud t· prepay* Ur*« l»attU*hiM, four cniran and two (mAmx for, •ale aa /oui. Th· Un« old hatUoahlpe1 •chtdtltd for aal« are Uur Main». N» «tari aad WUcoeata. Th» utk»r m» Mb ·» (· to told and brokaa m ai» th« cnalwn ClaelaratL Mt—M »*Ûa. KaWi** aad NaÂUIbU and U» «14 gaabaatt Cutti· and York lowi). ί Β. J. VategM of Imjm. m la town 7Ntirtkr far a fnr kian. PITCHETT DRUG COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT We tn prepared to |ίτ· yea •fbcieet Electrical Ir*··. aU Grills >U P«fiiUlm, all Wi4n, all V! K»IM .all Curlia, Ira·», all Vihratan, Fam·, all Matara, all ~ all η Fact EmytUag Hwlrfail We have a well Quipped Electrical Shop in chare· of an experienced mechanic Brine ua your trouble· and. we will adjust them for you κ * reas onable price. I HUDSON DRAPER " 107 PHONE Ν BBaDDDoanaamMnzaoaHbnft I Colds & HeàdachJ "I "For yesrs we have used Black-DraugftTî'Îjt# Sufjr. Β and I bave never found any medietas (hat tould tat* tu I place - writes Mr. R A. Stacy, el Bradyrllle, Tenn. Mr. Sta- Β çy, who is a Rutherford County farmer, recommend· Mack- Η Draught as a medicine that should be .kept in every Unas- & hold lor use in the prompt treatment of many litfte Urn tape- Γ! vent thetq from developing into sertoua troubles. THEDFOSD'S 8 BLACK-DRAUGHT ! "It touches the Over and doe· (be work," Mr. Stacy declared. "It is one of the best medicines lever eew lor a cold and headache. 1 dont know what w* would do la Mr family if It wasnt lor Blick-DrugM. It has Saved M many dollars . .. I dont see how any family can hardly go wife out it. I know it Isa reliable and splendid medicine tefcMp in the bouse. I recommend Black-Draught highly ant am never without IL* At all drugglata. οία ι Accept No Imitations I.B "Ok, «lal wa ijvrful Irupul to·," U Ik· »··Ι··ί>1·· |M «*11 mk· ■(!« trying · raf a* ujr af «ar h· lapartd bnaAt ', -TW· ·Μ«μ« pWatii «I Ia4la, CUm, JafU Ml Cl|l·» ·Ν Im*4 In Urf· faulltk· m aar iMtm. W» «ai mrf h»wh»H I· Dm» «· Inn IW mIm af Mt I···, aaj Uvil· yam ta try aaa af ikaaa Aaa Wwii. Mo a paaad Ia4ay. I !»>·■ ar >ai»«aa«. V f t WALTER JONES ι PMONt Maw «Τ MOTORISTS are often at the end of their wits to know where they can have their repair work on their car· properly done—how to avoid the absolute butchery that is so often inflicted up on cars by incompetent persons who hang out a sign and call themselves "motor mechanics." This garage offers you the opportunity to have -your repairs made in the proper manner by mechanics who DO KNOW THEIR BUSINESS and who have long since pass ed the experimental stage in motor mechanics. You pay only for the actual time honestly consumed in the work. The CITY GARAGE DUNN, N. C. The largest Garage in Harnett or adjoining counties* THE UNIVERSAL CAft ANNOUNCEMENT l(r. BdMl B. Ford, president of the Ford Motor company, give· out the follow!·* statement: "Another reduction baa been made in the liât price of all type* of Ford can and the Ford truck to take effect immediately. The list pricea, f. o. b. Detroit, «ή now as follows: Touring Car $415.00 Runabout $370.00 Coupe $695.00 Sedan. $760.00 Chassis $345.00 Truck-Chassis - ' $495.00 Tractor $625.00 "The big reduction· but fall were made In anticipation of low ma terial cost· which we an now getting the benefit of and thia fact togeth er with increaael manufacturing efficiency and the unprecedented de mand for Pord can, particularly during the paat 8 month· permitting maximum production, have made another price reduction poeeible im mediately. "Ford busineaa for April and May, 1921, waa greater by (6,688 can and truck· than for the aame two month· In 1920; in fact, the de mand haa been even greater than the aupply, ao that our output hu been limited, not by unfilled order·, but by manufacturing facilities. Can you afford to go without a car any longer when Ford· are «en lag at theee tow price·? There la no reaeon now why you ahould delay purchasing a Ford ear, Ford truck, or Fordaon tractor. W· will gladN advise you concerning the delivery of a Fordaen tractor or the particular type of car in which you are Interested. Jest phoa· us or drop us a card. J. W. THORNTON DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA

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