THE DUNN DISPATCH TVKXPAY AMD FRIDAY. «a Mcand-elaaa ifrtl M, 1V14, at Ik P—* m Dn>, N. C„ «4M fee act e« J t i". .1. 1«T3. l. iuuu ron. IkntC mn:)u ...— (x >a«aUu Il·1»» Oo# year.— DAM HUGH Met KAN Cut. Dan Hurt MrLoan !» dead.j *-TT>»· »3v»r tongacd orator of Cap· Γ»·γ,'· u ho Ma td*lnk1; lrr«wn u> hia iboauaada . of friend* r>uft Huo* the State of North Caro |)λ. died at Hw hom* in l.i1llncion Parly Sunday morning Bit death ta».i unexpected, and new· of hi* doth wa* aearii hj thousand» of hie ft ·»■!< w'th «adnest and torrew. 1>«.» ilagh McLean «a* a leadin* lawyer, a leading etateonan. a load it-· cr.Uca. a fighter for the princi μΐ » fer which he «tood. a Democrat. In Harnett eoanty Col Dan Rush ht ">eci «nowη 'and lovtd and ad' m -ml ai 10 other ttat<*aian and po lit rial'. Wherever ha went hii influ er»* «a· folt. wherever ht worked tfe.« ?3*er »ϋ manifest, wherever ho a> «.-iatki. h'e personality made fticrdj. it ha* not been long tinea he ·νι> the "war horee" of the Demo· es; v> fiilj 'a Harnett. In Democra cy >τ hia life work, in the principle» (». 'With h:i political party rtood lay th.·* :irebU!on. the '.dea>. of C>L Dan Hueh Mr Lean. • r* "«hool(nf political Inde ru to Wt'ch Dae Kill!h SIcLean belonged i» pa t. When bo livwd and wu in hU Kjjr an a (licblrr for the principle» of Λ ο D'-aiocratic party. the power of the par', y rented in iilver trained •, vivfdoe*» of 'anguaec, f'ory , of itwd and act. It «ru in I hi* typo of Jiatory that Col. McLean excelled. Mr. y Oery and brilliant <pe*chet did t'e:s Don erratic War hone d«!>cr in hdiy. and the influence of hi* work it Vvit eves yet. In bât day the pow er ·( a beautiful language and bril liir.t oratory wit at it» height, and Dr. : 11 ugh McLean wat a ■•ado: of hi. f-Jtool. with all itt glory. The n»w whw^ a* the New· and"Observer di pt it, "natter of fart, bo*i»<r<a Uko, coldly lofiui, conversation of The at «η who relic· on fact* and the talc of Ntwn for carrying hi* point," cxirw after Mr. McLean had retired ft.» the firing Un*. Perkapt If h« hao lived in thi* aye he would not hav« beca the greet awn that be waa. P. hap·! Crrtaialy ho wm* of differ ed calibre, of different ideal· and rea-onufe, bet Col." McLean would - bar· b*n gnat la >ay period. He ■ »m .'lyinflr Λ th^lfv bowed waa right, aad m a fighter be wa* unconquerable. The vlcterie* and achievement· won by HinitU'i famous citizen were nmrroo· and va-iooi. The majority of hi· life he apent ia working for otha>*, ia put tin ii other men arrow with the »a«cr Idea?» for which he Kuti In work of thU nature be wat fearley» and powerful Ha never be lieved there wa* *ueh a word >· de feat, and if defeat did root, he vu of the calibre to take it a· it thould b.- taken. That wa* Dan Hagh, and • ftat wa» how he lived. Γ:ι Darn he wa* widely known, lov h?nor?<·. aim red. Sunday when κ») c*b· to the city that Har nett*» pu' citizen had paMed away :kr doom tuai nul have enveloped •ve home town of Llllington wa· felt ••η-xatly hire. Hundred· of people he o. ai thoa»an(<( of people oat over the state, » ι r<· made *afl by the an • xprcted net. THE STATE HIGHWAY Λ ρ» til ion ha* bran going tha . ·η.«\ι h«n. rxiucstior that <h* Siaic lTipll*caj b« run from l.illinglon. rie Bm'<m Crrak. Uimre to Duk« and Dtt ir, to Clinton. Man deeply iatar i-Ktcd ta cH» ρ;ο]tel have b#va hardj ·: f«i tW* pa/t work In an af ter'. tn ail tlx aupport poMÎfcl» j l> led w J. S prone Hill. Comraiaaian «- of tbl* liiatrlct. and the HaraalV Cnomy Roar.I of CuBimitaionar*,' with Th'>ni J··* d*eiain«i raats, !o baiW lc«- load (hit nay. I Far tha li.M-. inUr<iU of tha maj-j orityi It <«♦»· to ua that tkia la tha. Iri/'cal «t tha road afeoatd raa. Thia| fueti w"i'i carry tha ιοκί by Cv« .WJ'my, on* of tha rtratert j :a'«:tu'lot< (o te·.· co«nty, a fact war-' toy ®' t** rtroprat run# nitration of| a <jr lloaad ·>Γ Cnaiali«oom. >or Π nan '-bar*· la ao .lombt bat '.bii .He obw propcard ruat»· »mald ti nair banrf.a al and would help m>rf tban un y υ char po^rb!· way. Trtrri· '> «Irani* a voud road on tha utV' >i<la of the and what la tdid now .<· a dirort rnste fmaa U Ihilc'i Creak, a* ra aalud for o, tha petition. HOw"w»lX~THEr VOTE Τ ' Today voter* of <b« Dean DMrtot. . /rlrtarrd far tha «rfcooi hoed laaaa. •fit 4<rMc wkithn they think tha l»dr»l /rboc't of tkv dUtrial at-» ado· r ial# f>r tha laatι action a ad adora· tio.· of tha;/ cblrdrtn. Aa I ha Db r»Uh |« b*«H( awdc up ibara ara ikart taAine ibair vota far both the aJtiMat'aa r~d tha naratWa of tW taoor. Some «η wtli:n* la par a Itttla ■ara tax. ·.« *111 n* ta aaarifkav · H»l> of '«a r worldly *aada, (rt tha toad af tSa rfclldraa. and far tha W< of tha «aaïaaanHy, whrta ouu « *·4 annaaoaabla. aotflah, and tia'aHa* mir af ikainbit. Wa had aacaito· ta M over tha took ·4 tbc wan of tkMr refute. - •J ς ·«·(· la the school bond Imik. Wr were ιβηκΜ at lk» littrwt icmp ha<f taken, inter*» eaoilffh tii i«v'«tar when thtjr ImmI aa ehild**n »nd kaew that tie jM< would not llrnU; affflet Oitm. We «en· »ut-| p:i<«d aI«o ta Me that many of Dunn'* leading cMswi kail not r*ir Uteted, «or* indifferent and appar» ••nlly ajramtt the school bond l<au*. ohaa they had children And fttand children Id the Khaolt Thon there wcte tk»*e n*ai«J not on tier» that itid not wryrtM as at all lor not be hgt the is. Those citlsone who nrr a jrainst <~vc. jtbtng for which they have to pay a I'.ttla money and make for ? logic·*, the·» citiiou who, when It rokw to a show down, aI* after the Aatr.t» dollar and nothing *l»c. Bnt we «hall *m how the Majority το·.»· We belie*· tha: the voure of ι «m- district. in rentrai, are not bliad to the o»i» uf tha school». W« be lieve that the fart that wr are <o far h-hiad 1h ear «durational inrtitutionj a.»d educational work, la too haaiili attng· to even doubt th* outcome of the Mbool bond ltia*. Already wr sea ouitrivr» maki» g plan to «rect the new bailding hi Dunn. th* new rqoipmcnt. addition», and alteration* j to the old building. And we already] «ce the happy children at work in the lew surrounding?, proud of theiri own and their school, and making' >f thetaaeieca men and women that he Dann district will be proud of on* day. THE HAM) TIMES We walked up the atreet ywteiday I arttl met s Ban in downcast spirit». b!«c and despondent. We talked with h'm a lone time about th· whole ilt I iat:on, and we hit upon the discovery I -j>at he was broke, in debt, and todng money eveiy day. It wan pretty bard I to (tali*· that tkll man wan telling |thc truth for w* had known him a It.og time, and he had always been vgarded in th· commonity us being ο oidcuki, and «veo wealthy. But 'w hi'' m*« a come down, · «et back, | inri he waa taking Il as tvrrowly at if rouid. He was just on the verge of <jultti*g, and letting the wholt works go to th· devil. There arc a number of men in jutt such conditions in Dunn today. I Low cotton prices and the great bos ι I jets depression hat played havoc with Ioar wealth, our credit, our worldly I pc.'mrssions. Money It not denivd to be tight and almost unobtainable, and who of oa ta not in debt and unable to pay out? Jobs and work are scarce and thote which *■ are able to ob tain pay little. We get J oat on· half as much to writ* this stuff a< we ••aid hav% keen paid two year· ago. Bot what1! tto·. an of grumbling. or grewU]^k^*nd^olMytng^teTrn? The open, take advantage of every avail able opportunity, and something it bound to U/n up that will put <u On oar foet again. The quitter never gett anywhere, and the grumbler and growler hu a hard, hard road, f After all, th* extent of our bank loll is only material, and happlneas coming from our worldly wealth a only material happioeta. Franklin K. Lane, one of th· gt«alaet men the country has produced in rccant years died a few days ago and left an «» late of just ten thousand dollar*. He mad* a groat deal of money in hi* time, but the majority of hla life wai rpent In serving the public, in help ing other pooplet, and ω a «one· ijucnce his wealth did not accumulate. Why can't we learn to liv· more as franklin K. Lane lived, rather than thinking only of our own wealth, and losing our balança when wc do not V«t quite ai tnach as we arv accus tomed to. According ce the -Harnett Coanty New4 lightning placed name pccaliar rtenU on Joel C. Layton'» fare la»tj Thursday. A bolt «track a tree near, the barn, Uicn entered the barn, ig nited · bale of cotten, and the α iet| fir· to four otfect bale·, all five of· which were, oddly enough, on the bot-1 torn of the pile. The lightning then ι paaetd on to other trerj near the| Him, badly riddling the·. I.ighuiing (I'd eome peculiar prank»I •round here too, »uih a* the bringing! down of the flax on tup of the fair ground» graadeUnd, which hod gfr«n | to much trouble. It h*> been reported (hat a number of other placet in ihlal wetion wa» ei»:ted by bolt· of llcht-1 ni.ig daring the terrifk ttorm lo»l week. Bat the electric Mm with tho rain I 't accompanied wo* welcome onoagh.I Pu,p.θ waro becoming despondent veer the prolonged dry and hot «peril,| •iid the rain* coming daring the week end bore done world· of good. The' rropa have come wot wonderfully end ι atu now in flao «hop·, according to! • or own obocrvaltoa and the report»| of the farmer». With good weather fro· now on, Ihoro i» no reooon why 1 It »houidn't be an ahOfually good ondl well balanced trip year. Only optim >· ehoald prevail ia the campe of I ;be (armera. ' ■ABACA-PHI LATH Κ A PICNIC I I The FIHlwboi Clxe of the Fin* Baptfat Charch will entertain tho Be aca clam hi tV· form of a picnic rhkh wlO bo given at Stewart'· pond ffcaraday afternoon July 14th. All eemben of the Baraga rlaaa aad their •ive· ara ruacilad lo meet at (ho rburrh promptly at · e'oloek T. M. I rem which pioee the party win pto teed M the iroae of the ptcaïa. An rajeyabie affair le aatietpatad Report of tkr ΓιιΛιΙί/οιι ιΓ THE BANK. Ot Κ A RM Κ Τ I" Ac Duke and Coat», in the fc'.a".' at North Carolina. at the rloM· ui bu nnr*., Jan* SOth. IftKl. RESOt'KCK.S Loan· sad l>iicoui.t« (W4S,1CS 7ϊ Overdraft», skiitmI, II βη.80; unaacpitd, ♦207.4 Η *08.32 UniUrd State· Bond» and Liberty Bn.A. 89 039.00 Vuiniterc and FLrtu·»».. 2,411.26 Ca/h in vault and net amoanu due from Ht.nka. Banker*, and Trent Companies 52.S51.51 U. 8. Revenue Stanti».. 18 SX Total ..... >1470,001.42 LIABILITIES Capital Slock paid in .$ 3ô.O(N>.00 Sin plu· Ku'id ... 20,000.00 Undivided I'm fit», lea» eumni vxpen«e» and tax·· paid -. 8.ΓΙ-14.14 BUU Payable 40.000.00 DtoesiU l)u« Banks Ranker*. and Trcusi Companiet .... .. 4.5M.Î7 Dapofit* «objcci to check 108,271.0* Tinte Ccitifiratcs of P<s posit. Dur in L«i* Than !M) Day* . 51,268.01 Carhicr'a ChnrV· oui it \ndine . 1,569.43 Time Certifient·» of Γ>* po*:t, Dun ο a or After SO Day» 15.600.00 Savin*» Dcpca:» . .... 167.678.6C Bond* .. ..... 48,250.00 Reaorved for taxe» ... 347.64 Total .. .. ..«470.001.42 oui* οι aorth Laroiimi -County of Parnect. July 7 1921. I, S. J. Clark. Jr., Caihicr of the abovr mmfd Bark, da solemnly «w«». ih»t tir above atnUncnt is u-ue to the belt of my knowicde* and be lief. S. J. CLAItK, St.. Cajhier. Subscribed and «worn to befor* m«. this 8th day it July. 1921. • R. S. K»lly, Notary I'ubjie. Mr Commiuion rxpiTft Λ acu«t 16, 1021. Corirct—At l»»t: C. 9. Η ICRS. J. M. llODGES, Κ. Ρ DAVIS. ... Diltrlon ror Real Beauty —The kinr* that U mur* that. "<kin deep" — oifrriM a>id use. NYAL ^Face Cream . with ptroxirie Two 8)tct. for iU p. oUctlon *if»tn>t and cor· .ccl'on of Ihr injurinu* of wind, cold, <un, and duat larlcn air. Get a jar of the cream today. WILSON Λ LEE. DRUGGISTS Dnnn, N. C. "Oaca a Trial Aiwa?· NfaT • . " '·»·.. y f 'ι · Itiï'.t mar s k't.i >'■ · <'; -fr«i .· ι ν· 4u:tn* t'« ÏUi't. P.'tt (ÎCÎ'h ·■: « ·»« itr ï.tbv; Cht!(t'tnr >îav Go.lA ι-lc » e»t hic**:»** ebidc with «·»<->< aaH «v <tey en» U ut ainci-rv pr»y«r. Mr. im Mr». Anhic F. Lie. f ·*·****· t\ ; BUSINESS LOCAL * ^ ^ ^ ^ 41 > LOST IN SELMA near rail , loart «itur., ft ilixmond wnldinr ; ling ret m plutinum Ftmlvr plc«»e nîtify Dunn n spuch for rcvr»rd. !»* SU·. WANTED.—SEVERAL NEAT AP I ixntilnjr yoane mxi *1 «κι-·· (or · live wire jxrtijoftltni 1. Don't <t ><w«i unit» you Bt*.< tu .work. Anrwrr bz Inttor aivinn ad<1r<-.> unci phonr .tomber. A. L. IVI/oach, Box tu, Ουαη, S. C 12 it p»l. 1 BRICK l-Ô* 5ALE. — SEE J. W. I Thorulou. Dunn, Ν. i\ 12 Kt pd. Î1T IS VERY NrritetABV ΓΛΟ Al I Ι pereoo#· who r*ia« chickens succea* fully to Have Mtmt oyitri· shell.». I Just a few h un dri.1 pounds left. Se» me «t once. L. V Satlct. It TOBACCO FLUES IN ALL SIZES— and italtcrns now ruidy ίο. deli* I e:y. M L. Jackson. tf. QUANTITY Ίί RICK SaZkIn car loU. If)"·! Brick Co.. Sloeumii, , N. C. 1S Hi pd. ' RIM LUGS, WfcDGES ANO NUTS Tor ail cat it Gain·;'· <ï>r»rc iQUantitv Mick'for sale in Car lots. Idea'. IS ir'< Co., Slocumb, N. C. 1J Hi pd. ITHE TALK OF THE TOWN.—"NO Hub" eilver clean.-* pi* f*. Tnoy arr wonderful. Guaranteed fiv« year*. Will aot Injure iilvcr. tile at Godwin and Maxwell, Godwin and Falcon. κ 2tpd. SEVERAL USED CARS OF VARI OUS raodsis in fr.H oliu c?nd:tioa (or cash or on lo.>e lira» Ga'.ncyV Ganft. i "OLLOW THE CROWD AND GET I a "No Hub" «liver cleaner plate-. I M>e,aî G. W. Putter's ma kei. 82tp REPLACEMENT CC.'LS FOR ALL I carf at Oain«v'.« Cr.atre. NOTICE;—FOR îo OAYS I WILL ' recover yoe' Vord tup complete I for 110.0(1. J. W. ihurnton. 7-6 It. ! SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS nude to orijfr I «m pi.spared to I irivi· you prompt service. Gua N«w I berry. WtEIU-Y FARM NOTES Ralaigh, July 9th.- County farm KffrnU l**ort unurfuaTiy hot vr* tthcr for the pAit wock for practically all of No: th Carolina with local ahow«r» ar heavy ralnâ in all «retient «xevpt in p«»| dWît. fui? te nié Bur au. u>« l*m jtxraturca avMnd abuft. no, mal, and and although , thers wa* m:» rain ove.· the atatc khan for i»rc·«1 w*ok<, the rain » wan· local in c'jatictcr and unevenly rt'atrihuted. ; The wheat crop, wh't'h U abooi bar vcoleil now, 1· lijtht, nm o.'Cr fn> per 'eftit of a naimal yield. Ru.< h->« Ixrtn ba,l in the mountaia district. Corn la improving; in «eitioni wheic the riroughl ha* been broken, And the :* ι v&l cn:idil»rv.i ·κ fair *o good. >o*ii lUniajtc tiom ih*· bed worn» < rr)M*i;rd in Runcombe. Cotton eon·« to train n)t(ioa«h jomcwhet lowly. nr.<t has bvroa to bloom in Ca it^u. Th> noicarance of the >*J >i»iHi>i [.■ rvpoïinl in Rowan. Τohncc ο Jill * hft< bi-c.i bteun in Ui<> coaatal I strict ami ,Bf i ron i, Impr-iving, mu mor» rain i« iicsxi'it· Tbe itutleik ior h»·· and *a*»"·» :» provient .h»r«· !> tnu:·* ra.»fa!l. The famr <un £1..<k; uppl:>·» to pa/tur*». Truck la ;wl i-xccpl in pa:t* of U>t· P-.tfdm'iiu fi.on where it ha·· b»«n very dry. Vo rNaogi ind.ruled for the fruit i-,cp. which if Mna!l and poo:. L. vim lock i> plentiful and in Rood .'«r.dUion. but in «οηκ' places the pao Ir Ιυι-Μ am too dry and the cattle arc 1 mlTering. A scarcity of hugs ia re ported in Tratuyhrania. The intere»t 1 in uetv-brtd I* growm*. Pc»» and Koi (rhum «ri being plant I hi for hay, but · «hortafr uf pa ma • hinders progreo. The drought has "iu)>i*4 work «oraewhat, bat farmer» lui irencrml arc wçll up with cultiva tion. somewhat, hut farmer* in je»· uraj are well up with cultivation, etc. Ί He juccetfi of eooperaltvr marketing ΐ'αιημκίκα* continue* and the great 'majority »f the farmers are ilgnlng up. '· Them .a »till a »urptu* of labor, but the quality remain* Wow per. Wage· are about (2.00 a day. A little raorv fertiUner I» being und dow bat muck 1cm than a year ago. ITh· recent drought and hot weath er hare tedurrd crop proepoeta ever ι the United States Cora generally I thaw· food cultivation and il haing I "laid by," but need· rain In «oca* ■ ftala*. Wheat yields ara variable, from very good to poor. Oats 'have been Injured by the drought, ι hfat. and rait In northern ataUs and pronuturrly rlp»t>»d la thr crnlxal Mctiao. F.xccaalve rain* kin caused Kmc damage In Oklahoma. Cotton «hoar· a general improvement owing I to thr recent hoi woalhcr, but rrperU ι >ho« the increasing activity of the boll weevil. All Indication* ooint to ! a still further reduction in tn* fruit «crop over the country. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STATION HA LEIGH, N. C. Τ·Ήμ·Ι·* il MNti ma ϋ» «'jrivrd In tbwlr Νΐηββι. vin-fculon* *«< τ μ-»Μ'«μ» b'tt« t ·4Λ·κ«ΐ «ir.«»hïafri* ere j<rt|*ri«*i fct *u*<«w aim! tor fcitl*r«hl|» 111 Itxlmiutil Mn*»1-»· Thi «4Κ·ς* rOUR y CAR eountct I*: AfrtotHere—Hrierfn* f.u«n«f A^rVjburv un J f^utw In W*rm Cr^·. AgiVillCMIuâ*rcri«U(. AiiIumI Util'·· mIiy a ,.l D»|r>ÎM/ Μ'··»Ι·ν>. UeiUOÉt·*·» Itj Mr4cr<<>, H»hU. V«*f«TtOiirr Ww-n :*.!«*'. &tMr*t:nn. CfttaMrtry. A*rliiiltttrj( « '>«*niUU>. Tc*»:i« «a<1 byruiff. CfvU Ililmrfat. AtrMkctuw, *υή "ïtiiri} fduclnacrtJ* ESiii.fttfSL'iaL Ttfltfl» T«jf»«c JCniiic4vrint. Tnlil» W..n«f4rfur!uii. T**ilk CU^Utry awl Dro(l|. TV· VCA* couvre IM: srkruirmc. -Atl#. TckSIk U«**tarturtji3. One Tear II· \>*n .Mi dunt«i WlfHrt C'onr»# in Asr)<«fli«"· Fefi»fre. HnoMor **·»·«·< f*t Twi-ta···*. f»r «Vlhfi* Euttiue· «M fer CofVc· CYMIl. t <«i;;'iwnr II» nil <fr-|une«tN1t. )<tfvAt<>n 1*21-13 le*eli « Ηο^γλ'·· i î K.i*n-M-v J· ·)π·γf***·*1 · for ΓΙ·Μ. 13 wult»—MagJirfi. 3: H!«torv. f ' .Ifnlu-WMfU·*. I I'll UdMK fj 4 Ι·ί · Ψ'Χ oi. Un.. ÀlMVaH Durularr. .wl«pimnts· b'r.nks. write f. ·. OWCM. Ra«i«trar. NORTH CAROLINA BONOS FOR SAl£ ] BUY A BOND I Bids open in my office in Raleigh : j] at 12 oclock, Friday, July 15th ijj For uuiiciing good road* and educational nnct charitable innti. étions North Carolina is < issuing bonus in denomination· of $100, ; |i $5C0 and $ 1,000. You can buy a $ 100 non- < ') taxable 5 per cent bond fot $100.00 and ac c.-ced into ι cet, which amount· to $100.21. D ie bcatc a 6 1-2 per cent tax-paying in yt.ment. Bide for $500 and $1,000 bond· will require a check for 2 per cent of the < r.touni. bid. With "a $ ! 00 bond no check i* rt quired. TV ere is no better way to invest your eavtngs Apply la me for further information. B. R. LACY, Stat· Tnmumt Here's why CAMELS are the quality cigarette BECAUSE we put the utmost quality into thia one brand. Camels are as good as it's pos sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind) Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done rimply for show. Take the Camel package for instance. It's the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper —secure foil wrapping—revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight But there's nothing flashy about it. You'll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember—you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine—and one entirely free from cigaretty after us te, It*· Camels for yon. ANYTHING FARMERS WANT Price* That Please - Results That Encourage No matter what the farmer may desire, if it is in the farm machinery or implement line we can supply it. Our commercial connections enable us to secure those tplendid inventions and grades of implements, and - ma chinery that literacy "put money into your pocket" at a material reduction in time, labor and operating expense. We can not toll you the whole «tory in this ad, but we will be glad to demonstrate it face to face with you. . » BARNES & HOLUDAY CO. » DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA

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