THE DUNN I Volume VIII. Dunn, North Carolina, MtMUKlAL FUND IS RAISED FOR LATE F. K. LANE Frieod· Of Lata Secretary Of Interior Raise Fund of 4100.000 PICRIC ACID OFFERED CHEAP TO FARMERS Surplus War Explosive I· Ob tainable bjr North Carolina Farmer· At An Unusually Reasonable Figure — Good For Clearing Stumps—Pro· tests Against Fort Removal. Washington, July 12.—Friends of tii· 1st· Franklin K. Lan·, have raised a memorial fund of <100,000 which will. eventually bo oiçd In th· er*rtkm of monument· ig. memory of th· late Secrvtsry of the Interior In all the National parks which were under hit jurisdiction and in the development of which he took the greatest interest. Pending this, the intereit from the fond will bo psld hla widow for her life. Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover is credited with a&ainaUng the movement. Adolph C Miller, s Californien and member of the Féd éral Reserve Board, who served as assistant to th* Secretary 0/ the In terior daring the first two ysars of Mr. I.ane'a term of oAee, Is treasurer for the fund. Fieri. Acid Fee Fsraes North Carolina farmers can obtain 672,000 pounds of picric acid If tHoy want this high explosive fur clearing lands, making <1 itches and blasting | rock·, which the government U ready to send to them at the cost of pr»-| parinr and shipping. a figure far leasi than the cost of dynsmlte or commer cial powders. The Department of Ag ricultor· announces that It I· making* the offer of the picric acid, a surplus I wsr explosive, to stimulate land clear ing, the offer to hold (fond to Mayl 1922. Hie has to be capped I and prepared and shipped each earl rid·· wclrhinu ils ounces und using a "No. 8* rap, the ρ ewer about equal to eight ounce* of dyaamttf· the de tonstion to be by s slow fuse or by electricity as desired for the kind of blasting Urn is to be doss, there .be ing ae toxic afleet* pound th« freight tirée ccnt» a pound ι with on· c»nt ■ pound for diitrfbut tag and handling, making the tetal coat about tm c§-ni$ a pound. The dilcaltf it In Arranging for carload shipments, th«- department saying that this can be don· through the Slate Agricultural college, the state De partment of Art1 culture or nnr a gency agreed upon an the shipment in individual loU would make the coat «quai la commercial exploiter·. Con gieismsn Ward I.» taking the matter up with the United Slate! Department of Agriculture, and jritVtac Stat· Deparment of Agriculture in order to see If it M not possible far North Carolina farmers το get th· benefit of the distribution. Th· Cental Berean in « prelimin ary statement of the. return» of the fouiteenth census. lava that occupa tional statistics for WJlmlngton «how that with a population of 11,372 there war· 16,308 person· 10 years of age and over in Williamston engaged In gainful occupation In 1911) consti tuting 46.9 per cert of tha total population of the city and 57.7 per cent of tha years of ag· and over. In 1910 the 12,483 gainful workers ware 4Î.4 par cent of tha to tal population of th· city and U.t par cent of the population 10 years of age and over. Its gainful workers la 1920 wcra 10,β6β or 70.· per cent males and 4,462 or 29.1 per eent fa males. Pretest Against Reateval At the rw)oe«t of the Chamber of Commerce of Wilmington, Senator Simmons took up with the War De partment today the matter of the re port that Vo-rt Caowrll near Wilming ton, would bo abandoned except for a number of caretakers which would be left in chargc. General Jarvay, chief of the division of operations, War Department, advised Ike Senator iaat m· ηροη vu crTflnooaj, imi no order had bm ijutued te that ef fect bot in a conference arlth General Cm, chief of the division of tho (Mit artillery, tho Su·ter wa« adriml tkat it had Wn decided le iaeue an order at oner to laaea Tart Caswell far Οιο preaent in charge of untlk· ara. The department explained that under tha army btll rocontly paaeed. foreing ihr redaction of th« army to ISO,000 men it wan necetaary ta reduce the number of men at almeat all the farte and that many of the •malle» forte would e^enlaatly be abandoned. Oneral Coe ttaUd that the matter of Fart Caawetl wap im mediately In charge of OeaeraL Mor rtaon at Allant·. Senator Simmon· late thia afternoon wired General Korrieon In earnest protest aninit Fort Caiwoll and tomorrow tha Sana tar will take tha matter up direct with the Secretary of War. Tha Poatnlkee Department aanevn eaa that Raohon H 8tatoo had been appointed acting poetraaatar at Hen denonvllle, and La ara Mae re actlnj poatmaatcr at Konansville and thai an anamination to fill a procidentia] vacancy at Richland· will he held by tba Chrtl Serelee Commltaioa al a data ta be later annooneed. It b also announced that exchange al mall· will be permit ted between Bo goe Ranks and Morehead City af oth er than aehedule day* In iteam 01 ntber power boat· mall to be bi lack ad poachea and in · a «tody af a twen carrier. j* ~ * » IMPORTANT « * % a You arv invited tu attend 1 » meeting to be Ki*ld in Metro- 4 * politan Theutie, Dunn, next 1 j* Thursday, July 21. at 3 H * u'clock in the afternoon. The 1 ¥ marketing problem of our 1 ι ¥ cotton and tobacco will be· 4 {¥ dlMUMwd in thia meeting by 1 * Dr. B. W. Kilgore. of the Ύ ¥ State Agricultural Extension * ¥ Huresu; Ik S. Tomlimon, ·¥ ¥ President of the State Cotton 4 ¥ Grower· Association; Λ. W Η ¥ Swain, campaign manager of * ¥ th· Cotton and Tobacco * I* Grower» Co-operative n«r*>- ·* ι ¥ elation, and other ablr apeak- V ¥ era. * |¥ This I* to be one of the ¥ . ¥ moat, important meetings ever ¥ ¥ hold In Harnett Sampson, ¥ ¥ Johnston or Cumberland ¥ ¥ counties. You eannot afford ¥ ¥ to miaa It. Your personal in- ¥ ¥ tercat la it (Uke. What in ¥ ¥ done In this matting will' dc- ¥ ¥ termina in a lange measure ¥ ¥ our fatura welfare. ¥ ¥ You arv asked to tall your ¥ |¥ neighbor» of this çacctinr and ¥ ¥ urge them to attand. Bring ¥ ; ¥ a* many aa you can. Make ¥ ¥ this lata a holiday in the four ¥ |¥ counties. Forget your work ¥ .¥ and think about how to get ¥ ¥ pay for the work you have ¥ |¥ allow anything lo keen you ¥ ¥ away. * ¥ ¥ h ι The above U the copy of a circuler letter being mailed out thi* work by the Publicity of the org aniaation heading the co-operative marketing movement here, in an ef Ifort to Imve the hundred* of farmer*, in Harnett. Cumberland, juhnaon and Sampson counties, present here on .Thursday, July 21 »t, fora ι»ι» meet ing in tho interest of the co-opvrativc move merit. j B. O. Townsend, chairman of th·-·. I committee heading the mus meeting1 land promoting the intareat of farm I era la this section in cooperative marketing, believes that farmer· will flock to Dunn on that day, realizing ι that their interest ts at stake. In connection with the interest now being manifested In cooperative mar keting by farmer* ia Haraett, the following is clipped from Thursday's Nawa and Obaerver: "Frank M. Harper, after a two weeks' canvass of Harnett County In th· interest of. co-operative mar keting of cation hnd tobacco, coma* hack with the conviction that this U 1 an new, he My·, U ntnljr Tô 'ihtui As Ctlifami· ha* prospered under thm system ·( marketing. so will North Carotins prosper if the iyM«n la adopted," ujn Mr. Harper. "Hut If we are to succced in OTu> treat talk, much work will be necewary. I Rod th· farmer* not opposed to (t but in many cum they hesitate to sign the contracta becauac they do not fully understand just what it moan». They need sneaker* and local men who can corral à crowd at the school house· in every district to hear the/· speakers. Some have made up their minds to sign at once but the Majority have to be persuaded. "At least 76 per cent of the to bacco J lowers are witling to go into this system of marketing but canvas sers will have to see them personally It Is too vital a matter to be allowed to drag along. Organisation and sy» tvtaatie work in every county will be noeeaaary. It raqairea one man one week in every township. If a county has nine township·, it will take one man nine weeks in that county to thoroughly canvass the county. Ne lukewarm man ought to be engaged In soeh a eausc·. A good man can sign up 2G a day if h« ha* rood local support. The work, ffnances Mft There are enough young men avuil able now to carry on this work but later these young men will be In col leg· or at wurk. It is % critical time jujt new and if the work is allowed to languish and drag along, failure is certain. Every business man In North Carolina should manifest an Interest In lh« movement and help to put it across. I have been told that the warehouse men are opposed to the movement I am leth to believe thia as prosperity to the farmer means prosperity foi all. Nothing of a eelfi»h nature should stand la the way of the movement sc vital " to North Carolina. Two trlpi te California since the system was » traduced there has convinced me of the wiadom of adopting the plaa Ir our own State. Let's all lend ι jhand." JOHNSTON COUNTY WILL IS BROKEN BY C0UR1 I 8mithJMd, July IS.—The July twc week· Un» of (toil court i« In κ·*ι>ο» with Oeonra W. Connor, of Wl'.ton proaidlnf. Several run hare b<«r dlaaoeaif of, tho principal one ol .which vu the Troy Waahlngton l.e< <«·. Mr. Uo, who livnl in Infrro towntfilp for many yean, while ι bachelor Mad· a will. Hla fine Cam •f ISO acre» wa« to he told at hi' drath and one half of It waa In K< to hla widow if ho had one at tlx itiaa* of kU death. Tho other half wa to pay hi· barial aapenae· and f# [dreoratllic hla (Tara. H» wai afl«r word· marriod, and whon h« died lof I a widen* aad mo. The Will wa* bro ,k«w aad all Ma prevtaiona ware ae aaldo In to art ye·terday 1 StWHT did atataMHOMhip ht al laada reqolre mo re pa time ι and wu dam thaa at prawnt David 1.1 oy 0»«nr», British prrmiar. J Evary Kagllahwan ihoald gJ t Aatrrlca for atonie; evary AmWra ■henId ro ta Inland aa a «edativr —C. 9. RlKiaan, BritIA rarmWr ο parllaaaaat. NUMEROUS CASES TRIED YESTERDAY BEFORE RECORDER Cmci Are Mostly Minor Clu.rge· But Court Enrich·· On Small Fines [SEVERAL ARE CONTINUED Number Are Up For Driving Automobile· Without Nun· bet-· And Pay Co«U Alan W.uvit, charged with using profane lan^auife on a publie road anil trctiiasung, wan found "not guil ty" of trv^pansing, but was fined the co t» for cuising on a public road, <n Recorder's Court yesterday. The J. f.adant wai alleged te bare em-ird Mr*. Lee, who lives near hi· hnme, aftrr soma mi* under (landing had arum over some money thai Mr·. Ikn· owed Wearer. Evident· waa in troduced showing that Weaver called Mr*. Ire a liar, a d liar, and a d blisck liar, and Mm. Lna and hor daughter, Sutanna Lee, when pat on the eland, declared that W«ever «aid hi- would knock h out of bar on oik· occasion, aid later said that if »hr aei· a nan h· would knock li' out of her. The defense showed that Mr*. L*« had called Weaver a liar alto, and that there waa some little argument nn both side*. C. J. Smith, appearing for the defense, declaring that he be lieved it to be nothing mora tbaa a little "family wrangle/' liable to oc cur anywhere, with both aides of blame. E. 7. Young, appeariag for the proaceutlon, «aid that the law covp id and shoald cover nek viola- ' tions of order, and that Weaver ought ' m be found guilty for cursing a helpl.x widow woman in such a man ner, and on a public road. Up For No Ait· Lioease A number of caaes cam ν up before j lircorder Godwin for violator· of the ι slate auto license law. For operating I an automobile without a state license ι The following men were found I guilty und made to pay I the coma of the cases, which a- ι mounted to 111. Η. M. Hawaii, driv- 1 leg J. l> Vance's truck; Walter Me- I Laurie, driving Johnson Brae, truck; ι Swane.e Jones, diiving i. W. Tar- I nam's truck; R. O. Prisnroa», Dua- | ran Mstihows, Ernest Jsrnigaa. ^ Moil men ^had^socurad j oiuma πηι ■ numnr «τ un afo. H wii for thés· num· that Record er Godwin let ih» mad iff with U>* payment of the co«t». Carra) Jacknon, charged with aa »»alt on a four year old child, tufc mittrri incl waa lined th« coatL Mr. Mckaun luat lib temper and ilapped the ell 11,1 before h· realised what ha wai doing, declared hit attorney, Ο Ι. Cay. The caw again at Lillie Smith, col ored girt, charged with curaing on a pufclir highway. wa· _dUtnit*ed. Eel· dence wa< produced ihowing that it wan an ordinary negro quarrel], lia ble to oreiir anywhere. Kvidoi'cc was produced on both xide* in the cane ug»in«t Dewey He Lamb. charged with Ktcallng a bicycle. M. l-ernb claim· he arcured the bicycle from Ernc.t KnnU and paid hi· wife 10. Κηηί*. who la now aerrfng a term on the roarte, wai not pre#eat at the trial, and it waa continued till the n<mi terra of Recorder** Court when Bmii* can be brought to teiUfy. x Harvey Deal wai found yailty of -on ropport jf hi» V* », an i we» ad v!v<( by the court to tee that the ia Well taken caro of and supported, af ter a long trial and the testimony of a number of witneiie* on both aide·. Deal plcadid hi* own eaae, exam ined the w'.tneiae* for the plaintiff, and gtatcd hi* position, but did net take the (tand himself. He introduced evidence showing that hia wife had left him to «Lay at h«r mother*· ne» in it hit will, and that ha had «ap porter! her well fcefure ah* left him. The provocation charged Deal with failure· to provide In any way for hia «!»(#* wtia !■»< aUli Im aritW hope of nwivntmr, at her mother's home. Mr. Weaeer, father of the dek woman, declared on stand that be had no hard footings pnd narsed no malic* against hit son-ia-law, bat I nurcljr wanted him to rassort hli family '"GenUemen," h* «aid, ad drrssing th* court, "Lwant Mr. Owl to hesr the espouses of hi» family ao ihst I can hear the expenses of ml··". Mr. Weaver explained that ho had a larj»* fam'ly of hU own to rapport, and did not fool In a petition to rap port ki* son-in-law's family of three. Mr. Wuaver declared that th* man Had give» his wifo only fg.GO te hli knowledge, since she had bora la hh Some, and had abandoned her. H« "·!«! J»*t IVal W»« always wtlcoat in bis horns, and thnt all he wanted wai for him to look after and take can of hi* wife. THOMAS L. VAUGHN FIRES SHOT THROUGH HIS HAND ι Thomas L. Vaohn ■ traveling sal·· ' man, who resides on North Laftsi street, while [a the «et of loading ι : shot fan to kill a snake «n a ries» . bank nrar town Tuesday, accidental ; ly. discharged th· run and drove I ballet thioagh his hand. Mr.* Vaughn waa carried to the hoe I piul at Duke shortly after the aeei ■ dent, and Is rrported as setting aient I eery well there. Mr. Vaughn eras for red to have his hand removed, ewin( le the serioasneas ef his wooad. • With one other person, Mr. Vasurt· > had been deem on the beak akootta . bull frogs when he accidentally fir· I the «un that came near blowing M entire hsn<t off. |Co-ep»rMhr· Cottea And Bo TOWNSEND~ Marchante WEEK Of WUI Then URMAN L. S. Τοη1·Β»οη,? State CoUon Or Auociatlon, Dr. _ the State urieiKl raau, and A. W. ! manager of the Grower· Co-opt will explain the . tir» marketing Id to be bold here ilet, according U In a f WiM of < chant* In the c> .. oAcc Tueedar night* The merchant· adf pnrpoee of did tr»e marketing , in η latter from — ton and Tobacco thre Association· to B. O. Tom*. wai manifested at Durn rltiaeni, a ad gin t en coming fn t'ir 2*th«ring ç meeting here not officer· of the ai and explain tke wili be advertised farmer» from all ρ adjacent counties af'the process of ι e rati on. ». O. T· B. O. Townarnd, chief promoter of . ι tke I . of the Co-opemtive Xilgorc, of (tension bu csmnatgn nod Tobacco ■· Association, of co-opcra nm meeting jmnday, J air etoon readied *J Dean ι •f Co « explained Sa of là· C< Cat-1 Ce-opora-' oigb, written luck I η t» rctt ettng by »be ; on the nl/ «Ute ο flier, 1 hold the t.g ■ end have tin· Ρ come dawn " The meetin •■eireljr ae_ ' Harnett and I here to hear In co-op· I — been tke inter··! of |oet, and who •ce witk tke ttoUoa at Be of the vnuiging the Dunn citizen* in has bean in ç»r l >λκπ of tke rtate ieigh, wat elected _ executive commttta· _■_» ». big meeting here n«kt wart wh«n the three able speakers-ef Jht eta te aaao ciftion will explain tg îké farmer* of Harnett, Curaberiant fcmpse» coun ties, how |>njis marketing ■orlu. the C«mi>lfMfn|>p»lntod na rollowa: B. O. (MU, dura Marvin Wade, ■. fSbdwic, C Hick·, Felix "" M (tagine the WHWyii a pub licity conalttM twpwd ef C.T. I<m Bjrroe Ford, and If. L. Riddle. Thi« (HuîUm will htTi charge »f thia committee «ΟΙ have char it of thoroughly advertising the event, and already ha»# ittrM work .toward thU end. Four thoeaand letter* will be mailed oat by the publicity com mittee In an effort to have all the farmer* of Harnett jgid adjacent counties preeent on the day of the «peaking. Will En»UJa tyilM TWM(Uf The meeting will,he held la the Metropolitan Theatre at S o'clock on Thursday afVemoea, July tlaL The maker· n^med above, all o^cera of οίο Cotton and Tatatn Grower* Co operative aaaoelationa, who are thor oaghly familiar with the tyitem of eo-eperatlva markc^ag, will deliver the apeechea ta the farmer* praaeat. B. O. Townaend, chairman af the committee, déclarai that theae men will explain thoroughly what la meant by co-operative marketing, and will come right down to what the farmer· want to hear—how to market their cotton and tobacco, how to (at pay for the work they have dene.Tie ex pect* one of the largcei erowdk of farmer* ever gathered here to be pre· aent at the' meeting and hear ro-op ermtlve marketing, explained. Former Harnett Citizen U Killed In Raleigh J. L. O-Quin·, ef lUMfk. FUUm Free Crabtree Creak TrMtU. C»|tl WS.A. L Train KaUigh. Jely It.—J. L. O'Qulnn. florut and banker of Raleigh, wai killed ioataatly on Crabtree Crick trc»tle, about fQnr Mile· from Ra le ifh, this aftarnoon whan caught by Beaboord paaeeiiger train No. It dae I» Raleigh at « o'dMk. Mr. O'Qulnn had been fUhlng in the creek and itarted Mtro-u the bridge which U naar a carra. The trala, making nod time, caught him wk«a he coald neither retreat dot go forward fast enough to e«cape. The ι-nglneer U qaatad m *aykig the Ra leigh «an etood motion lew long enough to have eacapod had he made the beat oao of hi* taw aeeonda. The death of the flortit end· a highly (occaaaful badnoa* life. Only a few yean ago he »ti a laboirr drawing a dollar (tail* wage ai work er in aeotber'i flortit· plant Since then he had acquired large In (areata, had become director In the Merch ant· National bank and · owner «1 much realty In town. He wa· about βυ rear· old and learea a family. Sir. O'Qulnn earn* to Raleigh from Harnett county. SMITHFItLD CHILD DISS. Smith Held, July I».—Durwood He· bar Crwh, Jr, the Utile ion ef Mr and Mr». D H. CreeclL af thi« city died at β o'clock tkie morning at thi home of kia parenta on Nerth See eerth (tree!. The deeeaaed waa tb< r yanagaat child af Mr. and Mr< . Creech, being paly 14 mouth· oil t today. Re wu takea dek lart let» day and gradually grew war·· antl ι hi· death. TV· faaeral will lake pUe [ tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock a I the aid cemetery. H· la «arrived b ι'hi· parent·, two brother·, aad hi grandparent·. SCHOOL BONDS ARE VOTED TO BE TAKEN OUT '$200,000 School frnl ' Pum I» Special EWctioa Br Larft Majority WOMAN VOTE BIG FACTOR iTwo Biildiafi To Bo Croctod Thi· Y ear For Wkkh $125, 000 Will B· Spaat Swiil bond« to the Moint of |liOO,OUU vu voted to be laaued for the puipotL of rrrcting ind eaulp p|»r arnoul building* Τ» the Dunn district la a apacial achool bond alec tie· held hcrt Taeiday. Out of 2 SB voter· of thi* district ratting tbrfr vol*·. 24β voU-d for, and St againat the loo·. On lb· registry book there wore 3H1 names, bat 112 failed to ft· to the poQi Tac id ay, and thoir vote counted againat the lint. Owing to thii fict the majority wu a Uttle over a hundred in favor of the ieeo iKf of the 1200,00· bond*. Λ «id* from the work of Mae af -.he a: oil imergvtie of Uw men advocate· croon for the bi( majority in favar of the iwuance of the achool bond· ahould go to thn" wooK-n of the diatrict. The wetnrn voted almeat solid in favor uf the imic. •1X5,00· laeoad ThU Y«w Although the election aathorlaaa the lasuancc of $200,000 in boa de, only a boot $126,000 of Uda aawul, will be iuaed thii year, according ta J. C. Clifford, chairman of the board of tratteee af the Dana Public School!. Thia it in kceplag with the bailding piogram which permit* the roaatractioo of two bollaingi at the present Urn·. Xoxt summer a teach mga will be ballt nad the pnooat graded ichool bailding will be rmacd eiad for the u*e of the high achool grade*. / The new bailding far the am of grade*, _> bjr Α» and ^which have bean on dUplay in the giammar grades, according to plae* drawn up by Architect WÏÏn·, the J. W. Draaghon window for mu time, will com la the nafrfchaif ud af $100,000, fally equipped. A lit· for thli building luut not been rhnern yet bit A u probable that it will be located oa a site la the eastern edge af town, the property of B. O. ft· bj |^g| On* of th* now buildings to be conrtractsd, which alao will coat ΙΜΓ ly $100,000 ia a modern colored school, to be located on the northeas tern edge of town, "the largest port of thi< coat, however, will foil on the ihouldr·» of independent* end not on the school board and the boed Iiik. Nten school children in thlf see Uoa havr been sadly lacking in the wax of educational facilities for a long time now. I .«it year a email frame structure was used for the col ored school children bere, and it waa hopelessly oyer crowded daring the entire term. A LITTLE POLITICS Henry Lincoln J ah mon was the chairman of the national Republican committer for the eta te of Osergis. He ie the aame darkey who ιιμιο «entrd the protestants of Frank Lin nay's confirmation aa district attor ney. Re pretends to be satisfied with Mr. Linney'e explanation of bis at t'tadc toward the famona circular 1h«t bcoaght about all the tronble. Rnt Georgia does not like Wood row Wilson or his policies, aad elected TTardwkk, a Wilson hater, gorernor, and sent Tom Wataon, a free lanee oolitielan ta the senate. The adminis tration at Washington is aaxioas, of course, to break the solid South, aad Georgia seemed a good Stat ο ta be gin on. Bat Henry Lincoln Johnson stood in the way. The white Oeorgia Republicans chafed wider hi· loader» •hlo and there was no poaafemty of building up the party arfth this in telligent bat offensive negro in the «sddlf. 80 the aanoancement la made that Johnson has bean annotated- Ko· corder of Deed·. · place often held by rtirtinguUhod darkle». The accept ance of thia petition by Johnion re move» him from Um realm of Oeargla oolitic* and «pan· the way far the building af a lfly wblto party In tfcat good »tate. However, there will ba a mighty ftlr in Washington over It A rat many white (Mi ara employed thia oOce, many of wbom will walk oat, with ne otkar Jab Hi view, ra ther than take ordera from a negro. Mr. Hardin· appear· ta ba favorably Inclined ta the Linn rj pa lie y—(bat U to the elimination of tne negro aa a factor to. th· politic· of *· Hit· And thle la indeed the only hope far the party aver to bacome dangarou· to the democracy of I be eouthcrn •tale*. The triumph of Johnion in tkl« matter of the confirmation of Mr. Linnev would have Minded the death knell af toaUirm Republican Um a· Hon. Ua Meckla·, Marlon Better and ether leading Republican* plainly fore«a<w ; and they bava evi dently convinced Waihiagton of tba teundneaa of thair petition. Even M Witter an opponent of a ho at every thing a· Senator Hiram Johnao· woald not e Ham pi» η the caaee af tb« proteatlay nrgroaa, and to their 41» • appointment and chagrin they «am \ lhat their movement waa withool friend· In the Senate, and they wart I glad to drop the Aatter wit· Om ■ atatemcnt that they bad "miaunder I etood" Mr. Unney. — Charity ani ι Chlldten. II r| Round economic li»li|·· ι cornea from tound character, aw from aaimd character aloe·, I ALEXANDER PAYS $50 AND IS FRH H. Vmutkm ud W.I! Am fmm la Hwhl W. 11. Alexander. the mm· .lu r* to ke»« AK Jim PeekJn*. mÏSm Ifiw. « ahootint KnfcMonîii •t U·* Tllthman tump early tender moi-aln* to tri.d before ftoeorda* Codwin Taeedajr on Um duip of ce.ryln* « concealed «mm, «*■). court hariar no iorladietion over tko ectape which occurred ta another eeontjr. Alex Tramoall. the oU-r mt jero arreeted ia the coa^uy of Ala ander a· · poai.ltl ι Accotasliae au Mft·. .ftoiûS Alexander «a» fined «M and >» Recorder God via whea **Dte of tarrying a rnar plead tim ··. Ha fcad tfca pietol whan arraatod hard aa they could aid £mSaTwma " ■Bejw lf »et «or· U W—il. Una Tfcesiaa WUliaau and Arthur k.„. Ku'ss.'sa ts put, λ mm- «mm. <um atatad tàat Ut The two «aid they ait ta Vita* tad were en rvote to their tom ultra boa»» when in Hied bjr local aathar Itiea. Indicted on three dlHL ■*4 "heWnf hi m«MitR, cation and adultery, and oar, coacealcd waanon. J. H. Vaachai. * white man claUtag to ba from Ata bajna, and Maty BaeaeM. % whtto ι WMaan, tadktod aa the charvee at ι praatitetioB and fomlflc.t.or and I Mtaltory. ware triad before Ικ«ΐ» Godwin Wedneeday. j Vaoehn wai fond "Not Guilty"'< »f f*» «here», bat waa chrta'i Wf5hTi?"tV ** the road for aldfav ι M»d «hatting fa nraetltutiu· aad feral- ι cation ud Adiltirv The - - ι α7* "••tha In J*n for! Ρ refutation aad ala memtL ta jail I tor fornication and admliey C L.] 3«y. appearing far the defeadaaU,! raee notice of appeal to hialii I :®"t for hath partie*. Vauka *aa' irftaJaE» ·" <«e< » *»j lew· km, μμι«·| totktl— »f Chi·? of Polie* hit. rd to he forty gmri ·Μ, «ad looked, it, and Mid A* tod .them nwn> rhUdrae·." testified Chief hft. Mu also stated at that tie· that it va· Che second time aha had rafifid t»| uch as act, and that It «U mat harl faalt, bet that Al vu carried Mt Aero, Mid tha chief. Viuha, «ko looked to be era·' »ldar than tha woman, was arrested Wednesday atoralng, tat taitlwany waa brought om la tha trial to the effect that ht waa Mar the ma· af Ac alleged prosUtutiaa Taeaday, nlfkt hat eaeaped whan authorities, approached. A focal Jiiaoy drioar tea-1 tlflad ta havinf carried the two wt,; and that he had been hired by tha man who stated hi* parpoee. la the eaM Of the allowed feraift eation and adaltary evidence waa produced showing tl)»t the tara had registered at a local Wei and had •pent rrvene alpkrta together «t a local rooming hoase. The we··» had admitted ta Chief Paye that Ae waa not married ta the maa, he mid an trial. It eeald not he proved that Ute piatol foaad la Vaagfca'· was the property at Am maa. ANOTHEJt AJtRlST MADE IN PAYBTTtVllJl PavettaviHe. Jaly 11.—Another ar reet in CMlictin With the ié>H| af Mr*. J. A. KIiht'i kwc km tknt mtki ■(· *u ·ι<« Uat nlpht «kâi ■ aan naa«l UpUn was taira· M* etmtoHy ia Durham at the ημιιΙ of Payetterflle pelic#. Uptoe I· the Λ fill oeraoa itrwM ra charge· af complicity la the bargtery. The qaia t»t. wHk otwr tmetmStm ar· IkMfU ta >bhii a gang af prof· ■•ional thieves who ltfrre kim operating in this section. Upton 41p. *»»d ont of the dragnet which took the other foar km bet wu eaaght la the Tobacco eta. OMcm Mt Dnr Ham with Mm this aorm>| at · o' clock. The rwbbery of Mm. King's home, lost beyond Um city limita, *u a Tory hold piece of wwk. A track waa drte η V to the doer al aeveral load· af farnttore and other kwiAiU wood* healed away. The boose waa aneoeepled at the tea. the taaOf be in· In Iowa. The bond repaired of Jttan driven (n thii city, recently placed at fl.M·. wne redoeed to ttO· by the board oi eldoneon at a called BMllac laal night. The bond le la the aatue af ι surety that the driver win Mt eafaci In the trafic af Uqaar ar aertatM drat* ar the transportatiati af aamss for iauaoral perpoaoa, ia aAlch aaaa It will ha ferfeHod ta the eitv. TV forfeit will aleo uko place M Um aianielpality la sned an aoeoant oi any accident caaaad by the driver. Ii addition to the Ι1Μ band a lleeaai af ISO will bo revaltnd. Ta eoatlnae ta coaatraet warship is a waete of money; pad if we aal all agree la thu nryoet. we Aal conferva boon h the jawrld^—Kara* O^a* B'riU*n"nW ' I Women who do aat want to ah 01 t Juries aatfer from ■ lata I hilass^ I Lilian Barker, British Bnffrage watt ar. FARMERS ARE» BAD VAT STATES REP. FROM TEXAS TRIP IS MADE ON HIS OWN RESPONSIBILITY far* That Tew ! •L»d Georgia Hu I Kb SU>4 Ο* ΊΠμ r«r'l 1M Ib Um rimnlM itomu «NriKjNi i?>f2SS*c2^2i; ■oattCoroUn, tad Gmc^Tk^,! ïïTLiTàtawJ? M±Î£Î*Ss ~Λ—' ί»*·~!Γ52Ρ l·*· *·' Λ· bmrw ortoedta* o**r · puM of of Uw •f du Joint toaariorio· on acrfcat fmet, Mg. lintM loft W· Um Au· w IwtlM Prnlk Omiii·, ni wet Into Um •actio·· of tfcooo Ml··. Bo «I «o*oy MW k« ecleetedtfcw S5aSra!!£aLS Tko folks an dote* tho kMt Itn -· wW| IMtto tompJaiaiac; «ο Muw It < Mirait to food Uoir little ίο■ I· m. ut tbroo of tbo * ** ο· hit rotara hee. I tare Ww away for 10 " of Ike attaation 1» tko "I aoioctod I*· Oajrotaua aad Door intoraato, Μ of n« wttn ' AllkuNrt "The tria tu made nan my ι rnwitHllty and primarily to ai— tola «WtWr Um poakioa «kick I here ukaa with regard to the Mt» ritj for Nuffuty relief to agrical toro la oanrect. m4 if aa to gat tint information to WMlH my op m. I have in the cIU«> and th* IkWjcf . ^ (MIV7 „ aalara, etty banket*. cettoa ι •f cotton pik The .. . to about ai I exported to tad It. Tfca people arc doing tkolr kwt With very little complain tag, eaaatd crime their circumatoacet Moot of the coaotry bank* bavo 'practically ~ and marchant· ara telling Tory little, either on credit or far eaak. The poor farmer* are bar in* » hard tea catttor food for their faaaUiaa aal their animate. I mm certain that a large part af the >iwla are anderfod. Ί do aa* he Here wa eaa eeireeti the gravhy af the aiTeanniy a kick will develop when the aew crop cornea en the market, aalem extraordinary effort to «ad* in ad vance of that time to atraagthaa the uaalUa* of arMtaif. If we CM get by thia next marketing parted wfe oat too maaty faUaroa, agricaltaral tara to aarmal world nadKliaa will make aaator the aetata ■olitiaa of ear agri bat if wo permit oar farmer* «ab to fail thia fall * year* af •f kit ·ι·>Β*Ιρ to tW Ml Iwmllirtln mnM· m trying te »*Λ oat "what Η wttfc afi ,ra*t to ■> tfcat ka to, if am efrtaiii ik·» *»er that i|iM· tar· mm be gly»p eawrgaiMy otaiM u to îr»' ÎiSmM ke'leae. Mr. hum ku ilfMttW, ffaat, u 'effert, tkrra*h diplaa»a«t« «ird··, U ι, M m mi to faaΛ toe ftnlN af tinM ·»4 fat iMt MhUm into MtMb, tkb a aw credit to tweaki tke mm* rata UmmM» to aid debW M raaaWwa' eer Uficatee aaatata to fee astatine Mu af a.Nifanttn ill Ik· kcadc at a I !■>>■<. ittkar the orgaoiaatiea at • Mlliac nryirttiia ar the kraclm tag af the ayaration· af the «ar A· 'mm nrywtUa. aa m to Make II · aa a Mara _ ia ι ' t . ιΙ,μΙιμιβΙ a ^ Hnvpnm ·ημ·τ»ι ot iMcmnni I «Sa Milul af Dh fan· bn to*· to |aara far the ajfllratlcac far to aa uni·! af «rilM to fwatk, the arganlsaUoa af a . am* peal, rack aa k fare red kj . tory Hee-rer, to "

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