Volume VIII. Ιλιηη, North Carolina, Jyly, 19, 1921 «MMOi m :·· Number 30 FURDNEY BILL IS IN CONSIDERATION OF CONGRESS NOW Tlij Most Controversial Of All Paragraphs 1» Duty On Oil cotton QUESTION IS A PROBLEM BEFORE HOUSE Democratic Member· Will Cast An Almost Solid Vite Against Republican Amend ment Providing A Duty Of 10 Per Cent Ad Valorem On Raw Cotton. Washington, July 11- — After s Sunday'· rut. the honte will ml»r tomorrow the U»l week uf consider ation of the Fonlnry tariff bill with what ha« come to be regarded s» thai mo*t highly controversial of sll para graphs in thr mr.i-.ure—the duty on oil—i volet on >sw cotton a>ul as phalt. Whether cotton «houtrt be tran»fcrri>d to the dutiable list pre sents another problem likely to bring a stormy iteuiun and l*ad raw cotlun. Outlining the position of the min ority, Rrprurniativ» Garrett, of Ten neeff. acting Denwritif leader, de c'.»r. d the "Iniquity" of the proposal "was s'aringly apparent" in view of the statement .of Representative Green, of lows. ranking Republican membcv of the way· and mean· com·, mlttee, that it woald not iaenase tka Srito paid U>o faimer for his prodact. Ir. (Ian ett added that "the only ax (Urf for the tax waa to enable Repub lican* to increase the doty nn cotton goods." to aay which l> the superlative one, but certainly the proposition to put a duty on all raw cotton—when none Is lmpo'ted and the treasury can de rive no duty thereby—■« at least as great as any. "To bring it immediately home to thr cotton farmer, a duty on raw cot ton will give nothing by way of in crease in pr.ee, but It will be made the cxruar for laisinit the duty and therefore the price upon everything made of cotlun which he has to buy." In /taming the tariff bills the ways and means commtitei1 kept raw cotton on the fiee list—where it waa In the old Fayne-AIdrich bill. When the Re publican caucus took the bill In band, however, a fight led by Southern Be putlicana was made to tax cotton, some of the advocator of this move, asserting it »oul9 help break the "sol Id 8outh." Declaring that the bulk of the American ciup of cotton was export ed, and that not more than 200,000 bales ο I long staple, or Egyptian cot ton, wit Import··) in any year, Mr'. Garrett assei ted that on short staple eottoii the sooth had ftbuolately no competition, for scarcely a bale of it *t< imported. "And now It « pi^.osed, in view of production end import recn ds," he «aid. "to impose a duty of 10 per cent an all cotton. Wbyt Thu Fordney jo ke* lies in the fact that when the hoo-f votes :n the 10 per cent ad valorem on raw cotton, the commit*ce on way, and means will immediately follow it with amendments upnn the eotlon mnnufatiurc* schedule, rals î* A* **"*''·'» " fl*od upon them In the bill fiom 12 per cent up—in other word;, thny will (f've the coaipenna titnf dirti·^ « 1 « - · * ... inktVMV *MV we uvery «initio article manufactured from cotton." The cotton tax amendment, under the *ρ·Ί·· nil· by which the bill il being contidered in tkr houec, will be Uk*n op far a vol. Tnaaday. Re ■njrdlti* th· *»tee»· then. there will hi' another vol· on the propoaa prior to the pa»f»*e ul the manuri Thursday Ten Thousand Have Heard Preacher Ham Evaa(ell.< C~d·' Ma lataraU ColdAoro, J>lf 17.—Tee, thou «am people have heard Ivan*«ll« * ' Hani preach in hit hic ««Λ Mati«| •i* thousand daring aervlce* b>r* ta day and tonight. They came fro· *1 the «griuundlng country · roand, and the rlty people tomei oat an mauo. Not ui year» hai thl city been to moved by a rclifto·· re vivaU One of the feature* of the rorlv* ha· been the prayer meetinge eac', day allaadrd by 4 or 8 thou·*»* butin··» men of the «ity. Thee· bav been an Influential factor ai well · the atron* aement by the evangelic Kv«n»rell»t Ham tonight read a M M frem Supreme Court JTaetiee W Jt Allen who IW«, |n e*. I which Judge Allen «ay>: 'ifoel foi tarât.· In having tbe opportunity t bear you preach daring tbe laat fou weekr and regret that T tiare to I ear to fill an engageaent with the lei rit» at the UnivemUy mad· «I aieatb· «I* " * ' PaVmJUU Ve *R£RZ ** * * Thursday «ftarnoon ui 3 o'clock It ibc limi wt for the bis mil* meeting uf Harnett, Joanrton, Sampnon, and Cum berland firmer·, Co be held her* in (be Metropolitan Thea ter. At thin meeting I» 8. Tom liiuon, president of the Stulu Cotton Grower'» Co-operative Aworiation, Dr. R. W. Kilgure, of the State agricultural extcu non bureau, and A. W. Swain, campaign msnaicer of the Cot ton anu ToiaKco (irowei'a Crv Xrelive Association. will ca _ _ in thoroughly the »y*ti-m of co-op«rativc marketing of rot ton and tobacco. "The interest of every farm er In this section it at rtakr," > ΐΛtod B. O. Iownatnii, rhair msn of the committee promot ing the movement and one of Dunn'* laijfCit fanners. U« b« livvrs that the farmers will !f~ aliu til· value of thi» important meeting and will assemble here * Thursday. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ;· DR. HALL BURIED IN FAYETTEV1LLE I'rominent Baptist Divin· Die» After Long Life at Home In Georgia FayettcviUe. July 12.—Funeral »,e· vice» for Dr J. J. Hall whu d <-d at hie hone in Harlem, Ga , Saturday was held here today, llr. Hall, who wm t\>r many ycaie ono of the fern-must, Baptist ef this State, for·' rncrly liv<>d in Fayattwllle, and the body kaa been brought to the home of his «on, James 3. Hall. For the put nine y tart Dr. Hall had been engaged In work for the American and RouLh-ir. Peace Socio· tiea briny the South Atlantic dliecteir for the former and the executive officer in chare* of the affair» of th· latter organisation, with heailquartce j in Atlanta. He served a» pastor of the First Baptist church In this city, and the Tabernacle church in Raleigh' and has held other ch/irgea in North Carolina and Virginia. Dr. Hall was bom in England 71 years an, coming to the New World, •n hla bridal trip, at tho age of SO.1 He was a atadsnt of the grew* Spur ι geon. kelag prepared fer the ralniatry at the Spurgcon Theological Hskiin { ary. His first pastorate· weie In Can ada. Cominp Jater U> .the United NertfT Carolina. Ckertn county was the scene ot hi·.first labors in this State. F torn Chowaa he went to Ro· eigh and tbance to Norfolk. lie came to Fay etter ills in 1WI. Through hi» unflagging taal and devotion extend ed to every phase of a minister's work, ae a pastor he vai primarily a builder, and handaome church edi fices in many cities of two conn trier a· monument· to hla constructive ser vie*. Churches, in Fayettevilt· and Norfolk were built by him. It was while .serving a» pastor in this city that the post of director of the peace society wt> offered him. Ur. Hall kad long been enlisted il) the cause of international comity and had preached the doe.tilne of pose."· op three continents. Dr. Hall >a survived by hii wife, hi* ion, J. S. Hall, and two daughters, Mrs. John R. Highsraith. of Atlanta, and Ml*· F.dith Hall, instructor of mmic in Andruun College, Andcraun. 8. C. FEDERAL BANKS CAN LOAN MONEY Have Authority t· Loan 4100.000,000 Or M*r· Cevarsar HarJlag States Washington, July 25.- Federal re scrva banks situated in cotton eodur mg section* already hav. authority to advance (100,000,000 "or more, if necessary," upon canvner paper secured by warehouse recripea for cotton, Governor W. P. G. Hardiug, tba federal reserve hoard today wroy. Représentative Fuira» r, *f Srjth Cat olina. The directors in caeh take, ,however, must be the sole judges of 'the aoandneaa and desirability of me paper offered, he added. Mr. Fu>raei had inquired why such loans could nnt be authorised through southern banks of Rithmond and Dallas would be coRiiderabdly below their required ceserves today if put upon their own footing," Governor Harding said, tney are maintaining m»m oy reui» νou ruin* with other bank· and will ,h«v* bo difficulty In radifcoantlng laueh additional amount» a* will bi needed. The fadaral reteivc bank ol 'Atlanta hu for «Am* limr malBta.nnl : Ito repaired renerve without icdla counting with other rr^rrrr bank· although It I* quite likely thai It wll ®* »*4i»«ounting In a ihort tlmo." .5 - ^ou'* bank, the IftUr «aid t . ? atrongoat reierre of any ol the Γι-dcral reiorve bank* In the rat Ie" JÎ*ÎM,n*· would ha*· no dif I Acuity "In Meeting any legitiirfaU do mrtn'U out of It* own fond»** , PEACHES IIING BIG ΪΟΜ TO SAND HILL COUNTIEl I H*ml»-«. July Ιβ.—ΤΙμ reeent riot , Ing of a contract for *00 ear load* ο I North <>vU"a pa*ek»« >»wi, in th i'«andhills of Richmond, Moor* am , Montgomery coantiva, at appro*··· tely *450,000 K*« eau*cd many a col I to· firmer u> think twleo and reel ι» that hu egg» ahoald be carried li ι mare than ana haAat. Peache* ar . now being hareaetcd and »hippe > from Baa·*>t, Hoffman, Mariton. At r eidken, Southern Pin·». Pinahor* ι We«t Bad Candor and Jaekao· r Spring* in « t money It In circulation at a wane whan It la vary badly Beaded. FOUND GUILTY BY JURY BUT MERCY SAVES HER LIFE Mr*. KaUr, Charged With Planning Murder Of Huv band Receive· Verdict JURY HAS MERCY ON HER A· Result She I· Sentenced To Life Imprisonment In Reformatory Cleveland July Id. —Through mtr ty tvn-mmrudU'd by a ju y of nun. Hii lCva Catherine Kaber today c»· cam cl the »-ln·Irk chair, th'ouirk found irullty of firm. degree murder for (.letting the anamination of her ho» bjiiil, Daniel 7. Kaber, It wax the hop· lhat mercy would br *xirnn the Jury, they were d im'i'iil by the defenae on peremp tory challenge. Ai a nault of the recommendation ι«ι mcrcy, Un jtaber wis sentenced lu life impr'wiiinient in the Ohio Re 'oirstor» fui Women at Merjmyillc bv Ju«l»« Maurice Hérnon. Had the lk·· jury nul rixommendcd mercy, thu court would have been compelled ta sentence M ru Ksbrr tu dit in «hc fleet tic chair. First Ckaptsr af C«N The pro·»· term- for M ru. Kaber **> th<· 'irai final result of the Mate's effort Un bring t« Justice thoM rf.pon- b'e fui murder of the Lako wooU pjbluhir, as h· lay an invalid ■f hi.« borne on the night of July 18. 1919. There remain five other» te be '.lied un first decree murder charges !·» connection with the erime. T»« of Ihese are Mrs. Mary Brick· rl, cnuthrr, and Mis» Marian McArdle, daughter uf Mr». Kaber. If 1m MeAr ill* was with her m nth or, who was l.'lng in a lemHcenvinoi state in her cell in the county Jail whan lew· of the ver.)' t was brought to them by Auoi-i,/ F rare is W. Poulson, Un. Kabt r*. pe: serial counsel. The mother,· GO Wat; of agi, was -at Sterling llouv, a détention home for women. awM|iiHea> are Mie. Ermmie Colavilo, midwife nurse, who in alleged to have Keen a po brtween tr. Mr> Kaber and tialva· tor Cain anil VHtorio IliarKI. who are alleged to hut nr'.ti'tliy killed Mr. Knlk-r. Mrk. Kaber showed no signs of in terest in the verdict or the sentence imi t* ' : the coert, if, in fact, she geti :»> know what was happening, Inr «)· ■ was Hpparentiy oblivious to sit things. She merely nodded her hi-ad when pTenM-d for answers m to whether she understood. She was ai Ι'ημ a: a iifl'lres person and had te 0: can led to and from the court room. Her nwu fat. sealed, what little InUrwl Mr». Κ jber did show was «il lo b;· in the lutnre of her daughter .Vaiian, whom Leant y Pro«-euU>r E.iward C. 8t.v'.„a says be will ask tn*· »h« be· (fiver, the. dci th penalty. Us'l fo Hiss McArdl* vsj refused today l.y Judge Bernon on the ground thnt lu the I'ght of testimony In Mn. Xsbtr'* cate, which tended to impli cate her al>o in the crime, ho could r.ol piant her temporary freedom. Ms t!»n Is alleged to have furthered her mother's murder designs and to Have [ployed the p-ann to drown noise while |lh.· alleged aanasins were shown their virthn by Mrs. Kabvr. W or.· an Smi Cs^sdss· M»v. Kab.-r's semi conscious state continued after she raturned te her ei II Ht-d the Jail physician said she aftivently did net know when que· |t;oi>s wire nsked her. He said he did net believe there was any paralysis of 'tb<- nrtieulatory ortrans, thourh Mrs. K.-ibrr uttered /sthlng audible, or even attempted to do so. Because of her physical condition, she will not he taken to prison foi 'tin days or more, it was said, In or idrr to permit her to regain hei j/tiength. The i»J physician said h« I thought Mrs. Kaber » condition is da« ι» overstrain dating the trial. Verdict Λ "J»M Ο··" Both counael for dtftnH «ad iUU »a d they were writ pteawd with th< v.-tdlct, "It ί· a Jaat vu diet," AMor »ev William J. Corrigan. Mr# Kab « « rouiiel, told meml>er* of Um Jmy aa h» elaeped th< ir handi ant lexprenard hi* «ratiriealkjn at the out 'tome. He had repeatedly told newa psjicr tnm that hit only hop· «ai ι recommendation for mercy. "Th< ■ verdict i* » lurt on·," State'· attor 'lit·)λ al'o toUf the jury. Defense eoun vpI announced their will ha no apyoal Thv itiry considered tha cut fo If oar honri before rating » vt-rdie ! which 'a umlerrtoed to have Wi don ι- on the third ballot. It I· sak :f· bo the flr*t tiWi in Ike crimina .court biatory of Uuyboga county tha η mother. daughter and trend moth* |»er«i Inrolvfd i« an» mtder trial that a woman waa found guilty of «i«n, according lu ^formation which reached the Daily New* yo»terday. It II undentood (hat *ev«rml of the local tnilU ara intcinftcd in the moot ing and will have repreeentativi·* pre eenl. nmonr thee th« Cone group. Some of the moat powerful laxtile gvoaiM in the «tale «ill take part in the dUcuiiion and the eajohty opin ion at the Monday meeting will prob ab'« carry with it the futur· policy of viiuially all the aim u«:ng Southern Power company current. In the ι eeiTit light before the ren trai auembly avj (be corponitlon communion not all the textile lr.trr mU were agalnat the increa** In rate/. One group took the portion that contracta entered into brweea the 8ouh«m Po*„ Co., and the mllli thould nut be changed and that the propoi-rd change constituted a m.'ΌaliAn r*f rr*»»♦ -« —» . * —~*u — — —-— h id that Ik': proponed iMrtuc wu jut and fc»;d Co quote the d«.ci«ion of the corporation, that "they were nor* Interested ία bavin* the peti tioner (the Southern Power Co.) proceed »'th 'ta ρ Lam for further de velopment. «ο thai they could grt mar* power for additional enuirprut» than they were in (.be difference in rule* for power tio^r being uaed by there.". ; . Althuoih nothing I· known at to the attitude which the cotton milt men will take at the ateting Monday, :t la uaderttoqd that aomc of the rallia wh'ck f oaf ht the rate increase are now prepared tu accept the corpora tion coiaMlaaion'» dociiion.—Greens boro Daily Newa PRICE CHANGES IN NARROW UMTS Much £**«»«· Nrw Orleanx, July 17.—Price chan ge* we> r held within narrow limita in the cotton market (bia Uni week. Sen timent wai buil'fh and epot ncri and c op ireount· were in favor cf value* but liquidation from the Ions aide wax much in evidence »nd it prevent ed the market fruB rc»pundin*. At It··· h'ghent level* price* wer« 20 to 32 point* over the c]om> of the pr· certiar week; at the lowrjt they were eight to 10 pointa ondrr. The clone thowcii net galna of five to 16 point». ~ " fen of 0.*t «m on of the week while the low p.:cet «ere mnde »ft>r the middle of the week. A feature of ourtnatiom waj tac way 0n Friday that July fall a dollar a bale under ipou. middling eloiing that day at 11.88 airainst 11. 08 for July. Qn the elose middling (till *tnod at 11.88. « net grain foi the week of 38 poi*t«, July cloned al 11.80? Λ year ago July closed at 27.· |(»0 and middling at 30.60. The main oventt of the week wer» connected with the tpot department .and the demand (hapvd up In a wa) that wa* mo»t encouraging to traded on the long side Sale» fer the weet in the Liverpool *>»rk»t ware th« lia. goal in y»ar», the total being 08, (000 bale* arainat 10,000 thin weel la*t year and 18,000 U»U week twt year* ajto. On Thnriday alone *alei ef 20,080 hale* Were reported in th< Liverpool market or at much a* wai •old during the wholo of thle weoi laat year. A better demand wa* fel in the New Orleana ma.ket but offer ins* wer* not liberal and cotton own ed here wa* tightly held. Τex a* mar ket« rrpoitcd mer* buyer» than *ell Itra and poinU in tb4,Ka(t«rn bell toll ifor more demand and «mailer offer ! in the way of weather the main d« velopmcDt wa» the complaint of to· mue η ποιίΜΐη ι»» »··« cawi«ra wn which tone tin* air· »·« complaînmi of drouth. Dally 'howcrt lull rurtwl the point wber» damage wa j complained of, mainly through tb Upri'ad of the we·*'! and telegram from 8euth Carollaa were acaaatior al In their claim· retarding th . spread of the inaect, which the me ι ,'«ί« uld were working Ita way nr ''into the hill région·- ft th* WMtai < bolt chor· wa« too much rain la mm ι aection* the first of the week, b· ι later on dry weather prevailed. Soul IiTmm, however, continued to eow t pi·in of thr> effee^ of too moeh aoh r îorv, which delayed the maturing an ; open in* of holla and increased were i damage ; COTTON cuor IMPROVING t| (N NORTH CAftOLIN I i — Waihlngttin, July 14^—0biV>4· ) able rain fell during the paat w»< .lia merit irrUena ef the rot Ion b« all hough it eontinurri dry in >on | lor all tie·, particularly ««at of tl Κ iitiaaippi Bhrtr Um weekly c op bu ■ let:* of the Department ef Africa . tor* mid today. TaMporaluir a*e J aged near the normal. « ' Cotlfl* continue* to improve 1 North Carolina, the ballet·* not κ and te in fairly good condition go η «rally, while very peer progrr*.. w f made In South Carolina, htpi rarging from pour tefalr waa rcpoi STATE HIGHWAY WILL GO ROUTE BY BUIES CREEK Board of County C—lui» •η Hoar AriiuuwU And Recommend Route COMMISSIONER SIGNS IT • Worker· For Newly Prop—d | lout· Are Highly Elated Over Reeult Polluting ao all day aeaaion of tb· Board of County Commiialoncm la , Lillmsrton l»«t *«k and a decixion reached by thai body to haw tile croaa L'wunty highway, maning (rum LU illngton to Clinton. ta lake the route I by Buies Creak, J. Sprant Hill of Durham, Commielonrr of till· dla trie t, ufiied tha recommendation made by the boa-d. Acrording to thia dreiaion, the pro moted highway will ran from Lilllaf· ton I ο Buie* Creek, thence to Dak* and Dunn, to Clinton. The other root* that waa endar the consideration of jthe board waa over the river, via the I old road from Daka to Lfllfngton. The j argument* of proponent· for botV rout··· wiw laid before the hoard! mcrvnp in ι.ιιιιηκίοη. Dot UI* argu ments to- the Bo'cj Crwk root* la· prcsted th» body as being the strong eut. Cltiscm from the lower part of the county protected against the pro oesed Bules Creek route, bat had to ndmi*. that there «m already a •rood road their war. and that the nor I hern part of the county *u the mod < developed and tho mort needful of ι a gr>od tly> «Ughfare. After a lengthy ' ■ruio· «nd a thorough consideration of all angles of the proposed route», the clerk of the eoonty hoard wae 1 >ruue I.iliin^ion «ad Buioe Creoh." A delation " carried tho reeorn- ' inondation* of ttohoan) for the kin ' Crook route before J gpraat HU1, I Commissioner of thli district, and pro- ι rented thtir argument. The recoin- ι ÉMhi»*«&·£& Creek, and from there to Dak· by tho moat feasible route. The cru»»-coanty highway will come next on the program of the Sut» Highway Cotnm|iaion, and work will be started at or ce in pr«-| p« ration a Τ the new road. Advaeataa| of the route dec.dad apon are highly elated over the sneccts of their work. | and ieei that the county aa a whole will he benefitted by the roote choe-l ra by the eoonty conunleeloners. Architect I· Requested To Make Working Plans Two New School Building· Will Se Practically Ae Plan· Submitted Architect Wilton has been request ed t«. draft (he working plaaf for the ne*r grammar school anil colored school bulldirr·, which are the two. building* coming in the building pn>0 'gram for this year, according to J. C. Clifford, chairman of the rchool! 'hoard. Bund» for the ου η «Une lion ofj 'these baltdlngi will be sold In August, nfter the county board of commis-1 doners has passed upon the recent! 'school bond election. I At a meeting of the school board ι Saturday night α discussion of the new buildings. waa held with! 'a ivpreswitative from the ar [ehitect firm. Some change· were' j!· qun'-*<1 to be made la the plana ori ginally submitted bat the exterior of ; the building will be aa first submitted, and the change· desired are of a ■Α ι'nor nature. When askod concerning the caet of these first two buildings coming en ihr building program, Mr. Clifford . 'iJited that over 1100,040 would he . tnent in construction of the two srk/inl knniM. "rtnl» arHnnt λΙΜ ΠΩΑ 1 of tbU. how*v«r, will fall on the . «boulder* of the ta* payer*, "he Ad ded, "much of tki «0*1 of the nt|ro . xheol house cdming from other >t toorre» " [ Methiak* «a do a* fretfal children do, !I 1 owning their fa«ca on the window ι H"· I, Ta iigk the |Hh dim with their ι own breath'* italn .'And *hut the iky and landscape from ► ' their vlrwj— .'Oh, man, my brother, hold thy *ob I < binj breath t And koop thy «oui'a large window » free from wrong. tj —Mrt. jim» ni"fr· kl .jcd for the crop in Tenneaatx and Mia >· 'i!un» can win both her pan. V ¥ uu matter what th· ruoHi of ¥ * Ike other contest*, the local · * club will be tira) for first plac·. * I* Λ t-ta - » -a »w — ¥ The Mcond half οΓ th· Inn· ♦ 5 ep*n»d yexterday. Dura loaing ¥ Ψ to Benson, and Sclma winning * » from Four Oak». All game· to ¥ * decide (he winner of tk* Or it »| > ^1^ wUl Ve^ ykyid ^UiU^ waalL ♦ | HOBO IS GIVEN A ! CHANCE BY JUDGE fohn Stroud. A White Ma#»' Look· HobmI And IU> "Theie waaa't anything to de la Georgia. »o I decided to get Le Petara- j )Urg ion· way and ind work there,"t vai the plea of a wklte Ban, who railed himeeir John Stroud, nabbed »y local police authoritlai for hobetaf rhei tried before Recorder Godwin Saturday morning. . | The man had an honeat face. aran. ό to ix wuiur te worn if gl»en ttM hance. and >piu«ntlv «H willing λ du the right thinp. "Win you work f we Ifri you a job?" inquired ChW 'age." The man'» fact brightened m >e Mifwerod. "That'a what I want— »ork. I rartainly will appreciate H f you will jrrt at work." Reeordrr jodw To Sarfawi May Bo Ma ay There Uncovory of a mote or leaa general practice of driving imured automo biles In the TO feet af water la the old rock quarry a alio raat of the city reporting them lost and collect ing the tnaurancr, got under way yaa erday when Bagwell 4k Bagwell, pro minent firm of Inaaranee broker· hare, inititutod dredging proceeding· In the quarry. The automobihe ware hooked, and brought part of the way ta the »ur faee, but broVr from their mooring· :rd sHoocd back into the 70 feet of water. The «teerlnjr wheel of one ear. thought to be a Badaoa mining far aome weak· paît, waa brought to the surface. rjaemcfU of lb· other nu booked indicate Thtat It «U · Ford < Operations will be continued today and until the quarry has bean thor oughly fi»herl. A crowd of fvrril hundred p«opl< wau-hfd the flihinr jfaslarday after noon, and will likely father to watcV lit airain today. Ne happening** Ir th« city ha· stirred Bore widespread Interejt than th· development of ru no™ that many lo»t aatr>mr>bJlM wen at the bottom of th* hole bloated h an in y ear» pa*t whan considerable qaan tit:·· of atona were quarried. Neither of th« aieaabeia of tbe B* iwefl fir» cn-jld be aaoa laat night but it la anderriood tbat rmaaon haw been cnmliut to tb«m for a week « mort paat that more than om "loaf ear upon which they bad rrrontly pal< lh« o*a«r insurance wa# at th* Vet tern of tbe quarry. New» ef tbe of fort» to jrrt them out aaread and baa dred· of people wore tbtre featerta to witness th« pflpw of the tarsti Irat'ons. !l Tb inflation period, with tbe prie of autœeobllee and the Incllnatio to buy fallen flat, la hollered to hair 11 Impelled owner» in need of moacy t [id:fee the'r ear» into tbe quarry an .report them loat or «toien. What ac ' .crete tba treating will rrentoaRy d< ι eel op are awaited whb tbe Iteene ' aort of intrert. Βίχκη crowd* are «1 ■ peeted out for today'» continuât!» 1 of tb· iBeaaUgatlon.—Moaday*» Nat and Obeerrer. WASH BRYANT Β ACCUSED OF AN ASSAULT ON SON Uidir A SAM BRYANT, HIS SON, SAYS HE WAS BEAT UP Bryant Cltïû HU Pa *U<* m, rfuer a qaarral oceariac Friday. The liqaor and dlaHMa» aatfit ware dia pi· at tiur kotw at tki mi m made, according to the rat dlnri. Λ March far (ha atUI 1 ■tit which rtnttad in the litem _ •f the above anetleaod U^oar. Bry int wa· bmwh to town hK was lalar sat fraa «kta he j>at «y · |Mt hand. L. B. ΒβΚββ, another white ■an, (htrftd with tUUu ia boatlag Λβ boy, wa« aba plaçai uader u> . Friday **·. ·**·«·* ** «h· «athar .aa aaa » aaid »« haea oecuzred Frtdar a* ha aid Tartar lift, ijpil a half alia eaat of Daà«. AceoHtag ta tern, ha hoy. hU father came «nr to hr *r*« houae In an automobile, aad eaH td Ua oet to tha car. wWa ha Ipi ad aa him, kaoekad aha Oat aad wo eoeeeieae with Ma flat ami whan be earn· to, atood war Urn with · ■hat jon drawn over Ha head, car ting and threatening to hill him. fie wai then forced to get Sa tha car, and L B. Bolto^ another am la Bryant'· company, hold the gaa on him till he reached heme, accord ing to jroong Bryaat'· ateteseast There, the hoy tayt, h» waa tied and thrown In a meat hoaac and hi* father declared that be would remain there two woeka. He was clipped a haife later, by which he loeaed hhaaalf aad made kit escape f ram the house. that time be hu «pent tha day· aad nigh ta at nelgWftre, tha boy deelaroe, aad he stated when ho jwora a«t tha warrant at Chief of Police'» ogee Sunday that be wa» afraid hit father would kill him tf be aaw him. •o. Tell· of Still Sam Bryaat told oOcera that the reaaon hie father «ave for baatiag him op waa that he had «tola· hip liquor atill which be denied. Whan aaced If hit father bad a «till, yoa| Bryaat anewered ia tha tflmatho. "He hat a 70-gallon copper atill aad hat had it far M day*. He baa boon running it in the weoda about a half mile frem the old boute," be ttatod. He added that hit father had been engaged in telling the whisker, and claimed tljat ho now_fead fly* barrels of boar, and that tan daft ago he [bad sera him with tee gaUeaa of I whiakey. » It waa doe to the testimony of the boy that oAcori acarehod tha premle e e «f Bryant whaa hit air eat wa* made Sunday aftornoon, which reeaK od in the diaeevarv of th> >b W». .J. *f Occt >M othvr wine·. Among the number gathered Bryant'· hou» Sunday war·"» er„ of negror* in an automahile with llcrnac number, and Γη which a r>— of wh\e and an nptr whtakey battle wai rilneaverod. TW#» driver waa ar retted for driving without Mat· U> ctni·. I Stwilff Jerolgar etated that Bry ant n) drinking whan irrvvtad. aad that thara va· evideaiea of other Vrinkln* aroaad the haaaa. ■•yaafa Othav TrwUa ' Washington Bryaat, «ha U Hi a( the wealthiest li«« In thU aoetiea ha» had troohl· befereJBa waa charg ed about a year age with killing hi» wife, and adwlttca firing tha ahot 4rat claimed It to IT accidental. Af ter aeveral trial* the rêvait au a eat Κ I taken aat hy the rtata la tha tarai af Harnett 8ypcrioc Caait. Bryant ha· had Mia* Uttia trouble with hi· several mm ateee tha trial .'•when ha waa Indicted far ktlltag hi· artfa. H la reported Ha eta tad that ha had ta whtp hla aan to enforce die· ! rirttoi. When Bam .Bryant waa la taw· Sunday there waa evidence af the ail I leged heating an hla My. which waa ' scared noticeably. One era waa half cloned and there war· finger aaHu ' a haut hla face ead neck, r, •(I «lept ead dteamed that lifa • I woke and Vend tlx • Tha Eternal dad it . i underneath are the avi BlhJa. — I* A large erawd af C*ia haH f»aa a motored to Benson yea tarda» la wit· ·* nets tha heaitkreaklag «eataat wMafc the Dana clah loat ta