THE DUNN DISPATCH ruauisEo ivur tuzjdat ! \ND FRIDAY. Knt»*p 1 v- »'W< »Îw aitui Aprl If>!l »t tk« pt»j offlca rt >. Ν. 0·. inter the a*t ft X«r-;h I 'Mir. t_ 2osant rorz. rabUek* T*. ja * η' ht. « · « — — ."·»«·»" »a4 Su a >Γ·ϋ<........ ......SUM O:.· jr<»r.· . ... ....... THt KBW ROUTE 0·*>υΓ by lit- Board ai Count] CtiuilvctMt' to conitwt the croi. oua'.y ai.tKujr e'a of Bate'» Créai Man by «/Id met· iron M Êjki- ou :(<· louth aid 9f ih> rivtr, yot+it to be welcome· w :h *m: iaU«faction. ft ara» ta Ui1. Wtfcat (oa:c to 6c cho4«n, an ft· u.a«. rec-aiaenda'.on t have toj icr.J jo by Bui·'» Creek. l.jijr ha· beer, the need of thli de \ !.p«d *rva for icood road·, and e-ci.-vn'.er.t tho:oa«'*«fare. The Buie' C-cafc Acad<«ty, one of the bait prt pirate ·■> whcob !» tic rtate, ha ur<-u h»t .i;:>ppcd by -.he lack οf gaod. . iîmkUi of the iiucitntio: h*j tac Near that Ihi Γνανι wtii be built the already (trel wn;k of Ihr academy will even fa ■'ifnu-ated, arJ »hf county will h (ratified a: :hc- ;ommnt oner'· deci fan The poop'* nr. ûv èouth tide < the ri·. lt· thai ar.· tfft c ted by th.· chang tm \iotiid hjv* tuffi-red if the deeii !ur. had betn maJ» ta run thr roa thr.ï w»y. Τ hi if. cidcn was A wise on*, an the ro.intj. In KMiral, *Ί1 b* ban· titled by '.km tton and tobacco wtll b> r. «;ufril by a number uf well knowi anc eapabir speaker». Th* i-oauaiuv.- arran^Ut* far th ap<.&&et> to com* to Ihinn on thi« da; ai>d talk to the farmer* about mar kctin* ύώ civps ia confidant tha th» crowd bar· win b« on* of the iurit «Trr fathered. No farmer wil r^.i t comicjt to Dunn an Tharada] r.fd i*«rnm(f of th.* marketing pro «ru. 1l may mean mre to you thai y ν ii rjnid po**ibiy imagine, and n< matter what the remit of the meetini you w'l :.nnar a «rreat dtai more a l.··St market,a* than you do now. the meets* It Vat the brginrinj uf a jitf vnmpaxn to wake the farm ft ti UiU (ociion up to the merit: ar r. vr.Iur ht co-op»rati*c marketini il*.-;ir.ç.· uill L» held in diffctcnl piit' ci Il.ric;". and in ihe countiui c-.r: i*o\ii lo H«. net;, more or re.« r. uchuijf. from Thji-^Uy on. and p,'tyoziMi cf co -opotarvo market .**. Pub ic ■ the p/nsipl·» of ronduct which tno»>m«r. ai'j/t >»bar if th»7 want tv xvmaHn within the pair. X. Thou (halt no·, quit. 2. Thau (halt not alibi. ». Thon thall aot κ'ο·ι over win it ηχ. ·'. Thou . Thou · hilt not under animale ;Ko« opt»·**-», nor orar iftimatc thyjo-lf. I·, tl .'«fc.Svr that the ua· It tk« tainj. and a··. I4-: who thlnVj other *;·· i> a Mti .ir jnd i>o tiwr »peru Mn. ι·! Honor the «ran»· .h*rit«it »nl Mix* Itrti al Hakar» » >1» at ■nr.rvinti ter Jtm n«tt'« i«a m- r κλοοί. THmc l»(tmt»i> wa a ap p·. !*1*4 fry »t Λ Κ·Ι|Ιηι· ®f the aUU <ît;r.r»«itat af rde-atlr*, wfc# ' Uir«« t·.; ,poor »nd . ι ·,·. ( ·. . < .· ι dut ap tk· M.-C'ii xt'.i ■ ! I · i. Ion*.··: bfim.'. tu.· .;—.n > · ·'..·· ι . Du'iu Mui . - ·..·. · -.· 'body· contrti jf. v> λ m HCOTt ΛΓ.ιν.'.ΐ·. L' II . .I ll 1 .'nicu tt»t th_ jxh 'ti't. π t . ' I AXlrr B»a«c.n Y.%.. ?·»;.· . *··.\ Uur. I«»d in ;h· Vï.t *.'· V". ·. .ν «ni hid drive."! "rr>v\·.' 'ι , !i .,· (ihv RHJiÎldi .{oil ΐ. -v.·. ν i'Plajred an uptih fl;*>f *ι ·,! » J j jjmiâk*.» »»'·:' ' its. '·{■■'i .\. '.-v . · . jî^S thi· «core. In :l> cV.'t'i "" ·· · i«orcd mtbH η - λ lu* r. · ·." " libot B*nior cjm act ■> :* - '< ' iJpuJifil ;ο»α.·Λ.ι, t '„ —υ·.. 1 ·...' on* run hlC. i·· η ·ι T>. ihi-. and t:> ·'■ ■>.·. «> 1 limit) *ml*ti ttiv 4 ' π " r,.■ ' other »t»m »f I v. .· .1 Third 8«)l W«*. I Hii· Oi»k f;>· i . ii ·' . · . .· ι 'ι»»» uadoubtc ly l?·.'. ·.'"· . ι '[which »»ι· th<· \rr.'tn')\ κκ,γλ .ι·<>1 - pi* to: Wcinïr-* ,'ι r.i *5. , ivnnin? :» Til. «"iû .·ι .s. . Dlek Bjnr.1, -xt«»►,· ."t. . J to ιτ>*Γ<1 th* Hnt -JI.I.·.· '· r ·>. " . y. • clab. suffi-rcl o'rto u. '.h- v>:»t Jr.; f In Iti* îm-vb*î} «\.τ. e.·. Γ» ί ν: ι ·;· nv··'· "·'■ · " ir-, i. • v-ojpi. w neve r.cww ai un . Vbeîî» that woix »i-· »ι-\·! '.. f —*>· Moat jt-or* bcik s.' h't>. TS»r ··· ·: t> » miieu.i wtrc . · "i'-.L .*■ ·:· e|thi*r η; Β»η«ιΓ« - «· : > :«■ ν;.· ■ uïadt- aftor hr ji'i' ι ι. «η!».·Γ3··Κ "|hae*hi*aâ in tf. · t· nth ί.·.ι»ν ii' i. ·. ι lin the Ana'. and amn'tu ru·. fj Byrd could r.>>; h».u.i· · tin . · »i-r.· j'f cm tbc very f:n: fi-.rv·.· At : 'pciy ·ηοηο···η« a» »j< at to t.: ·/· ι *■* r hand on the bnK. ar.i .»λ, ν·β 1 able to too·'!: ·« ··■' .· .·* ·.'■· ■ *'.·. ·... •".t·'·! 1 lit cleanly. In th. ····>· t · j j'<>« hU Κ*βΊ. »· tl ",-ltb Icrowded end -r.o κ ι ·ί ·.·· rj ··«»«· ' than toecii the îlt'lU /-s· r. ί · in1 • w'ldl" to fir/t η··:·Ι th · ; · ' ! · -.«· » we* Uro.iirV. oc-iv lh. h cv ι tiy»· ι by Wiv'.r.ncf ίο.· Hex·■■■. Eatirt CSf V"!rh h" «.tvitt'ui·. »f HoiLuite tit ■ flu:, th·· flr»t ι"·-»' Ι'ϊ 1> · 'Kuwi ί .hjj • oitirc I'ann ii.ik. ° :» V ·ι ·|ΙΙ.« on ! I ably off. Smih. γϊ.·· ('»> 1ι.ιΐ..' ι tva* hit iimly Λ\· !;· !>·α* .■·. · ;>;>«· •./a* ra?L-««l and tr.; · " · . i · j' Γ " : blv for hl< iittov.J ft0m th.- nisaj·! η th ■ foor:h, v^· ·»> i'i.r·»· 1.1;. ,?·. him. The «tCMMl. tVrt atil ·'!■>?; ·»■·;.■ ! «it credited wi'.h ·τ or· η .h.· fir/t ' r 1 ihrov fmim·» vhon ·'··.*·.-:uil "1. .uai. Bci-.son fca cc t. ;b fit «r «n .or:·? •!raih«r meanly *>;" Jol.r· ;·ϊ ,r!l «>«! Djnn >ta· *co.oi was tird, a;iU ;»!U*Hs*.< r 31 ·: ·; l.-.ard . or baU. Dunn This Scar· Walkfr. th·· TW.won iio!· h<· t the: Ucal club 00; οΓ t.· !ι:· ··»· 1 :.'l th« urvrath v.'aî- I.: .-h , «t on !i!tir λ ..!iu· Jiiv· J r.îC. > 3tir cou ~ >'..i'v ·.· ai. . |-à ·.· [thrown in. nr.l ώ η '. 't. : ·· r r·.»?· i'irjvci. ΐκ-tt'.d ho Γ·ν. ly!f » wu ' Jacxsro «lart'.u ••■'ί '".V <■··.· ■>.··· !"· ni J dr;\i:t|t unt aasl?*>!- -in·,·!. ·λι·ι; tfollu«td dcii-lv H: · :* i *v j «.* ; I ί·« τι·|], H:r fit η: ·ί >" <·.·. C'y h! · ,*»' η ·«·..· ».►· !··ϋ x-<. horry thi» it-ivtlv.t. u.i.' . ·..· itvi .«■u!·» ha I U'iii ;.·.··ΐι··' u·· ·ΐΛν. ilav·· wh».i W.\i!.»r C t-ci. . l .j··· «•'Γ «·· rp'.lr< ) i«i «Hir i:; η·.·ι· h»tf of Ik.: e" »vr.; ... .» -r „ri«i Oijjjf. had jcorc-d ana:·»,.- .1 ti·■> ·■■ .; ·· vins « ·ι:ι·- rui : .·» . 15nu«i c?n*.v '.tri··L in !»/ » ί···' " * * ' 1 »htn Xy-rJ I h ν i nu'c. Thf plfcl';?! Λ, <1 '.v.r.ii · ■ oinitr »·· π lh«' r . ■( \.h.· etiitr. Tb*r oii.c-n.c 7:1· s'-.vv· ' 'doubt both lu·! .·.· j :'h'tnrri tu cl·*'? it;) nvgi/ltci f>TH 'ot j»h«i 'lay. jiiiJ hiith tfc.1%1' !··' ··.; i in nun ni <:h'.; >><ι i .-· ·· fil the eiar/itli '".ΐΊ u.L»<· ihrou.-Ji w'c's » :» " ν t ι·' "r which in |>or; ;■»»·.-i wn vlttory. Ια Ίι· ί·ι it. " ι. ' run C«rrt" -bum '.n t\i ··.»·■. I rr.iaa.-t. flr,l jp. iVeil rju i< on hit /h'oIj·. ami rca«· ·<·ί th» th:.·ï j «latlo'i a favr -.ivi.tut— I-. > r yï?\-,-jr I got on whir he hi t.> S ·..' u If·.·» ν Vi :· tlu- latlo ' tr t «i !ι· Λ-ftit Wu'i;cr {·■· r«u«;..· -h. .J·.. ' then hit lo Ryrd, »hh lh<· r.x'i·'· J eTor. i >! en th Τ1»? out would h* Λ Button. Λ μ - - ί 1 ί! I :» » Byrd, *b 4 1 1 <» S 0' Bethon*. 1b'.. ..ô ? 2 'J «ι 7. W » R » η « 1 Rewrll. »«. Xh ...» >< h l i 'j W lion, ef ... 9 t u f» 0 0 ^o Monl, lb 1 1 f, 3 0 I Smith, ρ I It 1 0 J η faefenti, e« 4 1 1 1 ύ 1 Farrell, cf .. ...» 0 2 2 0 0 4; 7 r ii i7 ιιί Uraior. : . . „ ilk ι h pi IMMhhi. 2b Λ ι « ·ι *·»!/... îf .. .. η Γ» ν ο η 0 1 t*· ι* -ι. I Λ 7 1 η| iuntr,, îb .. ..ft » t ί» ι η 11 »«rrU. w. I .. -, J « j ο * WKkit, rf .. 0 « j ο t >}«··. «. .. « : ι ι « . , Wmtpge,. rt . ι I r> ν η Ο ι VaJfcrr. ρ .4 J J 2 ι 0 I _ . . Mil (t 1 ι » 1. II»t*— Κ tlj. ,».· . 'y**>. Weft,' t ^ K- Mniv, .ul by 1 ««·«. «. fcy WnHrrr. 7. I:·.. «S , »!!« »/T Afiior· e,7 »»,·^. 4 ..f- I a Ή·» JïffwV'T·, rifv! m · m,1 β « (I). !>...(«■ i-WA-iftrr I Λ- Ο—Ο -Ο—Ο : ·υ ,, Λ» OIAMOND HIPPLES Ο—Ο —' ; Ο 011 3—C—Ο—Ο—ο-ο Ο ο—-ο—ο, Γ! i-r* · l" κ bo at the .•«η..' -«·-:· ;;la;/ The InArM went βρ Β ^rîf auu **-il ui> badly. Certain pu·-, '-•j* < Γ ik \v· ·.« nut able tu adjart Usiw.vti tnro.i»rhvpl the entire ' F ι .· > one c'inw allon, that it r.«iif> inc. :o L The old I mi- (iv!j arcaajted the pfll when It) ! ·! iturt 'i-U n* Λ loto) af thirteen _ ■u V >■· λ «κ. nurnered off th* d^iiv- j 1 î.y οΐ B i Mul. I I·. va» n h.-* •Uitcakln» defeat, th* *■·.«» XÏU.K mulct* οην ur^p. The Ben-.) •·: . ii -.'Λ/ ύ· of tac opinion that we 1 •"'•J "ha-ι,τ a-ar head» in disgrace." ! ft·· :ica».n TievV* if almoat light. *Vr f.-.l light humiliated. ( . I; at V»jr Oak* nûJ trimmed , ι· : .";it . >αο·κ·Μοτ. it wouldn't ( Vnt·· Si ·> «.< b.tii. Bu'. ! * φ 1, J." \'ι·»Ι· -try enucht a aicv gam< ' al il . hi- >:W» with the willow. Bill 1 '· · .an. tit i.iipH th» guadi· In. ι 'n^t tr* ^umc.·. !<·-· ziiav .· naxr>nfttL'on need» * 3J., f it .'T(iieti lu do any .. . " ..,·ι··ϋιΧ ο.' a.imug.- in the ttt· Γ. ••ni". Thitv nt* «·>τγβ1 that have.] ·:> V.I j. ■ unf .'.aouj e'.ump both at; it J nu the lUW. and there i» bet- | .·■? i:·. th'·. rei;;tii'>rh.if>d and even , tla* bvi'.~Y ! . .· rîr.-t :;.'.mi «f the ««cpnd half' .··<· Vayvà ;n.l..y a "proteal." Th*· ; ■ι mi. ·.«'" 1 Si.· 1··λ^ιι<ϊ.oilght to tend .. ή,ίιη J Aie» anil regulations ; ·.··...·..· ikriuifi'ly juit what ■> rcqulr-j ■' ··■··<. oa'.J h*v·· little patient· with ',·.· cluh continually protecting. ! t riva1 y bi-lw*»n Dunn and > P< ·· ■·. a "» mα.-t '.ntcnn: now. An-1 :Λ: . s:·'!»' w'th Krn»on Friday ought ! ! « · a b^ crowd of fui. Tho'j ,;Λ .-.->11 Kr played here. "Ski" Wil-oo did hw share ' in an effort to make ·! :.»·..-> .wi'o·*, ho ι «d two rup.», and utole; .!·.·- K»-·Jt. 'ϊ'.Λν oir.f.ckl U on good a< needed.! . ·.' raiata-KR uiighi to be done with ( ' 1 ί-1.11 Κ ir.o.<«Lru< tion Dllrt be \ ri^-: ii dub U after winning j ' · ■- ■·» * - . Jv'i !;:trhe»i a n ee (rami after | . j;· »v Sfn'th ycitirday. He had a^ ··' · ut ·>[ curves. a good.; '··»·.· ïr'l *ni' «n» *t*edy in the pin-j ι'η "Sat" Jjsorvcd to win. ··''ira Seyrll routinued in h'* «lump . yr<'.rT(lay. He vu unable to touch t hV> niTering*, a'id bU playing, wr » r.2S«d. · The jrioc tomorrow with Four I Λ»ϊτ. 6u rht to be· of ejpecial intereet. Π.,.ιο .till bar a chance to cop the tV t half, according to aa near o®eial itntisttca a· tan bo gathered. The < inter tomorrow ha* a- dtmhly Impart- * Kit·. Ivi.inir ©n that. j If Dunn can win tomorrow, and ! tV„. cor win t.h» tie same that will 1 -<· iîl:*rod off with Four Oak*, the li>-[« eel cli.b will b· tii.d for firat place. ι I.. (J'ria i.·· ►ponding icveral ι Sny in Washington, D. C., with 1 friend.i and rotative". t »*»*·»* f ! » BUSINESS LOCAL · 1 ******* « ; IR1CK FOR 3 A LI 1— SEE J W. Thorition, Dunn, N. C. IS Rt pd. "Oft SALE —ONE CIRCULAR SAW aili, 40 horr· bailer, 30 horse en gin». ruble feed enrrÎHpe, <ηι oC j .<« and vdgvr, Kow in op»...lnin | ■! Huujes'i pond. TUrfman· , bn· Co., Dunn. N. C. l»8tc | TOBACCO FLUES IN ALL 517. "".S ! and pattern* now ready fo: deliv ery. M. L. Jackion. if. YES SIR REE I THE COOOS ARE : coming lhi« week to the Yellow1 Front Store, bought in keeping with thl· like nil fltein» io eor More, chcapor. l>o you went your dollar to to farther? If no, you know how. R. a. Toylor Co. It. RIM LUC3. WEDGES AND NUTS for nil ear* at Gainey'e Girtf». QUANTITY BRICK FOR SALE IN car lots. Ideal Bilck Co., Sloeomh. N. G 12 8t pd. SEVERAL USED CARS OF VARI. •ο' modal* in firtt claaa condition' for eaah or on long Une Gainey't | Garage. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS made to order. 1 am prepared to ifivc yoo prompt aervice. Gas New berry. KtrtA^MSNT COILS FOU ALL can at Oaincy'i Garnie FOR RENT—ONE FOUR ROOM TE. liant houie for colored UnnnU. Ap ply at on?* to I. J. Best. 15 tf. WANTED — »1.M0 TO *>.000 worth of Liberty Bonds in ex change Tor finit mortgage on real estât·, due January 1st- Wil'. make a vary itMctK* proposition. Ap ply at Dispatch Cfllce IS 4t. Benton is to he congratulated on the new bank building that is now being constructed Iherr. The building is thoroughly modem and up to date In every way, and has a beautiful in terior. It compares favorably with the banks in the larger cities, and should bo a sourer of graat prid· to oar Johnson county neighbor. Raymond Wertbrook, an employ.·* of the Westarn tJnlon Telegraph Co. at Raleigh, spent the week end in town with b:» mother, Mr*. C. K. Vin. I ion. I Little Headway In The Peace Treaty Meeting ! S^iy^^^r^t W hs Berjin, July 17-Little headway has been made In tkeptsce treaty discos cions between Loirn* Dre Mil, the Am erican commissioaer, and Hcrr Ko ■tn, the German .minister of foreign if fairs, in the laist week. That Is due to the extremely delicate nature of the negotiations aad the desire on the ( -= Τ » ,111 -1_1 . ! |>»»t of the Garnir.* to further en-. ':rht»om«nt regarding the communi cation Mr. Dr* we I convey»*! to Herr ?.···.«··» eight day» ago. T* Gtman pre*i an J public aro -•.■'rely Ignorant of the negotiation» :nvr beln* carried on and the strictest •;trîty u being maintained. It la earned. however, th: German gov .■umir.t [< advanç'ug vary cautiously ' t'd ha* not irivnn an anawer to the IVa hlngrton juggestion, eomaaunlcat Lil thiough Kr. Drctal in giving Infor naiiy the idea· of the American ad nitiiitrntion regarding the couraa the u-gotialionf should take, what mat ;cn should in peneral be embraced » a future treaty and tearing the way ι >pon fpr the German answer. Instead ■f replying, Ilerr Rouen relocated a r-jrlhei explanation u to ju«t what, he original communication meant' tnd diaeuslfd the question with Mr.! Jrci-rl at lent once the lattar part* >Γ the week. Other conversation» may uvi taken place, but while the infor aant was reluctant to give -oat any ,nform&tiun he conceited that one ih-e'.ing had been held aincc the sug rvvtlona originally wore mado. Re·, >lyi.ig to the question a* to what the •etman attitude would he, the high official dlscu-Niing it aaKerted If the krada of the AÂerican government >ie not agreed upon the exact form the treaty should take and what iti ■ontenU should be the members of hia roveiTuncnt naturally find themselves η the nunc predicament. As yet thia matter haa not gone beyond the caib nct member*, but it is not unlikely that the foreign affair* committee of the reichilag will receive a. aummons to commence a discussion of the lub iect durintf the coming week. Japan li Divided On Summons Of Harding wvuniry ι· ·ι4» Up ml Tw» CrMp· With Differ·*· Viw. Tokio, July 17—Japan tuday «ifm» ui cmpiic dividtd on the great >>iuM :reated by IHe lumom of President [ [larding to a conference on diaarma nmt mad far tultrn prebleas. On »nc side. largely in the rank· of tlie >urea«rat*. thci ο arc fear» Chat the ! propoaed conf«r«nc· would be domin- _ itcd by the Anglo-Saxon*. and may esult In utrangimg Japan'* political ι Ind economic development in Aai*. Oi\ the other aide i* a powerful ι ibcral group., which demanda that Ja-j un enter into the deliberation* fear-ι ckJy, iubiaitted her want· raaoluUly, •umbattiiig for them with confidence I tna not oppoting just el* una Ha« [ling and bickering, i&jnat, will uiu the causc of Japan. Both campa agree that Japan is 'acing a crlaia, requiring tact and •rpiin of yiïion. Many member* >f thr privy council, according to the »ell informed newipapcr Chugai Sho rj-o Shimpo, arc pe«iaiatte about the conference; the* C(j*tcnd that th* wopoaal to diMua* problem* ar.d poH io* of the far uul indicate* co-opcra ion between the United State* and ïreat Diiaiii In an attempt to «ettie \ he fntii aational qaealinnj favorably ! or them an Indication of which waa 1 to b< aaen m th· att-'tode of the En*· KUi toward th· Anflo^Japanree alli ance. The invitation to China to join Ui Use conference, it i* further unr*i, is aihlitional evidence in lupport of tht theory of a aaerrt purpose on tke pr.n of th· Anglo-Saxon nation ta calling for the conference. They ar roc that China joubUaai will itrlrj with tit· «rapport of England «ad America, for aj»f u!wneni ai ques tion» in h*r favor, rcfaltiajr la InJ«y to Japanaaa Intemti la China. Th· cuuncillori in qaottd Μ «aylng: "Japan (hoald »»k· participation cordi; onal between Jap·· and the United B'.ataa, Including spacing th« economic door of all tarritortei in the Pacific to Oriental»." HINDERCORNS ~*emori>—corns and csltdnos. Sto|«all pun. EnratM comfort to th· (mU Mikti walking au;. ISMkMllniiliMolynl HISCOX CHIIMICAL WORKS Κ. Y. v^m ρ' Keep The Egg | g® Basket Full! § NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING ■TATS COLLEGE STATION KALE16H. ft. C. f vtonlr.'l teJocnttM) aiuL^rl } nuu DN in ta th*if rktn* prof#eeio»» ajrf \»c ii ·ι». nti>tu C^llrctf Cr dualr* m irMaml fer wermnuJ umm idJ far U*dK«ilp In kftuei. Ul Hi· ci4l*£· efftr# roun via* c«umi in Aer*«Rur»—t»i Iudinf GcMrtt *ηά 8p*cU)tewl 0»vn*« le Vkm Crop·. Arriti;;mr»4 Luernwrrtne. Adme) luAanilo «ad Untr>taV. Μβ·Ρ« Borilwdn*·, ΓμΙ· !'> Me*··*χ. HulK, Vr^.fTruirr Mmlfcttiii· VitmUooal Muratioft. C*c*Utry. Ao'*.iuè|Mi»r«t In All 4«T*r'«oo average ul 224 folk· to 1S4 whit**. Bated on data fr.»m the mm ««ptnnwna, farina formulât produce, (above budily naibMUU) '■>* 'oUowk Parma Hn Ckamr Pnriea CfckJtan 247.4® 142.11 182.08 282.85 msr 4ÏU4 TWv! Purina chow· mm only main · practically equal turn Wi of «rhitci tod ycA» but more of both iban ordinary chow». Nntutat Put iM Olck* η CKow^fr roMtimt lit m ■ —ry wMw •I «MM tolnhiM«af fKf ytMr tufirnlerf.Um. TVu'lw^r l)ha>c« k«e l-f ( Vt k«>> Chawdcr awl·*tVt »>.'!»< i ira ufi'rte Λλ trf· vd ir*f r< i-iWI. I'm» w· cia >W Mhkl/rjmiu IM1 f«-r or J·. IVfrte CMrui ttwfci ii W Par In· M«a Ckmm m *'«"HJ. YnoÛMtM. P. Surles, Dunn, N. CJ| Arctic Ice Cream Is the Best for Cones Ask the kiddies—they know. A crisp cone filled to overflowing with Arctic Ice Cream is indeed a tempting treat. A choicc of several flavors adds to the enjoy ment of this delightful and healthful confec tion. ; ; the children have all they want these hot days—and even if you are grown up try one yourself. Unless you are different from most folks you'll be back for more. We have the most delightful place in town. Plenty of room, too. And our prices are low- ; er: ! ! Ice Cream Cone· 5c Home Made Cone· 10c Fountain Coca Cola 6c MilkShake· 10c Pine Apple S Herbert _ 10c Cream in Sauce'· 10c All Kinds of Sundae· 15c Banana Split 25c Fifteen Years Experience Assures You The Best of Service. We Know How j Dunn Ice Cream Parlor jj and Candy Kitchen Next to Postoffice Phone 268 •îr* « ANYTHING FARMERS WANT Prices That PleaseResults That Encourage No matter what the farmer may desire, if it is in the ' farm machinery or implement line we can supply it. Our commercial connections enable us to secure those splendid inventions and grades of implements, and _ma chinery that literally "put money into your pocket" at a material reduction in time, labor and operating expense. We can not tell you the whole story in this ad, but we will be glad to demonstrate it face to face with you. BARNES & H0LL1DAY CO. ' i DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA