WE WWi PBPATCH -i jJSTm! a***1 d Dm, It C, dhr tha art «f Kaacb ■. in. | Oaa nar..It U WaO. Uaaay la aoaftnwat | • 4 - Wa «dU aaaka aa aotcnr that awfal callraad araaalaw aaar tha paat ahaa, bat wa aia afraid tha raUtaad ttauaur wU pot a facta ta wach acala aa R. aad if aaythiac alaa la «aaa ta lb wa faar that It win ba la|iMilh Haacatiy, tha creasing m lets wan* Una it wh befern tha rad fare* weeks* aavanl top aa it aii^’uatf it with wardsrin* Us wife, laiintt gainst' trial af his cats ba for* tha Jniy af aaathcr sswtj. Bat aa-what Jan this eaaa la triad bafor*. tha war* af Us dylag wit* wiB Hha trma: “Ns, h* hasn't" Mrs. Vanderbilt wilt introdae* Herbert Hoover at tha Harnett fair. Wha san Dos* aad Harnett amt tha start i itot sf the fair la oat aad __-_l her* airaady btan n*D ad hy Mr. Biddle to thaa* who might to is Ur sited. Brarybody fat a praaa law booklet, sad read It throagk. Than prayer* year exhibit, aad saa that yoo do yoor part to show up the leaaaten of Haraatt aa they ought . ha shown ay. Dana aUIl has a hall elab. and a pood sst. too. Today tho teen notora to Bassos to ssoot tho Johnson eouaty least Moat all af Daaa's teas win yo tear with tha teen. aad help kill tha Jfe* that has bean eanplnc ®n the trail of the Daaa ehah all season. A woosoyartn «piiit - Often It imhi to a Baaday school tha aad sons sack fraettoeal port af the .itinah to prseida a waadarfal spirit, add an inesntirs to higher oad la Dusk gaaarsl, la the Metho dist chwrsh la partieator, that spirit has hoan provtdad by the Wodey Bto his slaaa. of which Mr. D. H. Hood Is the taarhar. Tho Haas haa aa aa La* aipbt Mr. Im4 antartainad Mi * I rail I MUr dam wttb a law* party aad waiarmdaa dldnp %t Ma taw an Wart Brand straat. Xa pra parad an laiarmtlap proprua for hU larpa lanfcir af paaata. aad arary Mlfiata af tba mat was thoroughly aajapad by alL Tba way that prepraaa was aarrild art tba faattap ■aatfmt ad by tbam an prmeat wba had-pa tbarad tapatbar ta aajay tba daUpfct fal antartafamant, abawad that a wandarfal pUt bad baaa craatad by Mr. Haad aad bla Baaday aabaal work aad Ibat tba Waday Mb elaaa Is da lap Ha abara and non than its shara la Ma atndy af iaana Christ aad tba Tiaibli*! af tba' IMi Tba Waday Mbit CUa U dolap a prart watfc. aad Ms cnam bora, Ha to* •bar. aad Ma daanailBatlaa. daaama ta ba aanpirtulrtad far its praat TMX MAOC m CMO^IA'S • Op In Chari art a Ma ptopla ara am Map plana ta boM Ma Madmia CaraMna'a Tapaaltlia, and airaady a bjp display banaa and atbar arraapfr aaant^ bars baaa eaaapiatad far th* fair, arbkb wf taka plica that* fra* Baptmibw It * Mr Banda bam baaa aapwad, and atbar mWrtaia awnts plaaapd. M aaaka Ma raped Usn tHoraa^b la amry impact aad attrnattw ta arary riaBar. TMbaaands wfll Bask ta Cbarletta ta wMtam tba dbplajr af tba Waft in ' zz tmr tfw •gay month* of llqpKdalioa, with a tacks af (roads Uiul< rgoing depletion. 1 bo nocd af (law supplies U becoming ,i sore manifest, and purehaalng far I ha fatars is. on tha whi te, charao-.l crimed by less hesitation. Thee* ar*;< alisnt feature* at • situation which, 'i rh'le leaving much to be desired, dta-l :loses clear evidence of a change far, ha batter. The fart that pregrace la , .till highly irrrgalar, with non* at!, ill yet risible in various places, Is nut , urprisinc. considering the faoraaab- , ng readjustment that followed the , ear’s ceding aad tha dilhcultiea ax- - serlenced during the trsnaitioa. In- • iustriec and trades In which dedatlan res delayed are laggards in tha preo mt movement t-wsrd recovery, bat andcrlying condition* arc unmistak-' ihl^strengar and a nota of cheerful ness now mark* most reports. Th* trend toward reduction in fail oral that has been '.n ocularly in pro-, grata this year received a check last month. Exclusive of banking and oth-, er judiciary suspensions, which are! separated from commercial defaults! In Dua’s compilation, tha July iatol-{ vencies number 1,444, supplying 942, 776,000 of Indabtsniaass. Comparison with the June returns discloses a lar ger increase jn liabilities than In num ber of failure*, the tatter rising 9.4 par cent, and the aggregate amoqat involved lit par cent. While tha number uf defaults of unusual site— those for 9100.000 or more in each instance—was Iho urns in both months, being 66 .the Indebtedness ef these insolvencies increased 29,4 per cant, in July. All failures considered, last' month’s average ef liab!llt*aj V» about 629,200, or some 93.400 more ule ike. lea Isinn WifW fmn exception*, however—Apr!' ard Juno —lU July total liukHiclii'iii l* th* ml lost of the protest year, and 88.5 per cant, below the high record of Me* cfc The Jaly returns of pig Iron output make a dismal ihoering. but no other result had been expected. and the ex hibit. has "«t prevented some fartfe ar strengthening of sentiment. Read just inenr in this industry developed later than in most other quarters, and recovery will be delayed because of this fact The Indication*, however, are now more encouraging, and some interest* believe that the tare baa eome In railroad purchasing. While nothing more than a gradual increase In orders ia looked for repair* on ears now in program will require eonld ■ arable sure), and more of thi* work ia being planned. Willingness to ret g price that will secure the butinem. where the tonnage ia larger than ure al. I* still the policy «f leading con cerns. The Iron Agt state*, and addi tional decline* in quotation* appear here apd there. The July make of pig Iren, according to thi, Mum* authority, was the smallest of any month In nearly two decades, being only 844, 555 tons. ThU era* at tho rate of same 19.000.0110 tpnj annually, or about 20 pc- cent of the country’s capacity. Each succeeding weak’s advicaa from dry good* channels reflect some gain bi both business and sentiment. Trudlng in primary center* is steadily dev sloping more breadth, with firm ness mere general, and a substantial . export demand it noted In certain de partments. While operations are atfll conservative, liquidation a f stocks had ' {«Cti of prolonged cnrtahadeat* *f oatppt ara being non clearly aaan. , Internet U reviving and merchandise b being taken with greater freedom far Spring. 131* most chsecfal re porta of foreign commerce cema from the cotton good* division. in which take to Iho near Boat and far Bast have been relatively large and coun tries which -have pare hared tittle here for several monC are again aomla* into the markets. 8ome Fall Rlvr Mttb that had bean Idle have-resum ,cd work on a four-day ichcdnla. While recent activity In hide mar keb baa not bean folly miEltatned. stocks of dsairable lines arc small and the statistical position b strong. Sellers of packer hide*, however, era not so insbtent upon«some advanea* previously asked, although additional trananrtion* have bean affected at uteady price*. Tnnoera seem inclined to po'chasc good quality summer hideiiprovkied no increase* are nam ed. with n larger business in certain quarter*, more confidence *» being expressed la leather circles, and ex port demand Is encouraging. Reports regarding footwear conditions arc also more favorable, manufacturer* in many section* having booked a [rood aggregate of orders for narty Fall daTiwry. and production of all leather shoes b,-.« risen Retailers show more disposition to hay regalany, and a better situation ha* developed In staple* ■aleigiTto enjoy cheat AUAY OF MUSICAL SHOWS With an anay of masieal talent that music lovers of urth Carolina have seldom been offered in one comprehensive coarse of unusual at tractions, aanouqeementa U mads by John A. Folk of hi* program of events at the city auditor!oat next Starting with two attractions due S_abac smamk aw# ikm Q»a»A VhU !■ 1 October and continuing until ipring. the teruM will Include rente of the moot eotMuieiena artist* Ip the wade tret Id and a vwmtilRy af talanVaalr, culated to tutorjr the moat osaettag tlfltf There will bt six attractions ar* ranged in o«e rerlrr of eveute at pep. alar price*. Tickete far all *1* event* will he told at an* time and reterva tioa* map be mad* at the beginning af the awn far the entire rcarte. I The caarve attraction* laclnd* Rte ear do Martin, Metropolitan- Opera Hone* toner, on November * ■ ReinaM , Warrenrath. baritone, ea Dec eat be* IS; RacKmanMf Ruulan pianlrt, an ' Janaarp <| Anna Oa*e, Metropolitan Oxers Caospany mstsbo, on T#ws* arp It; Joan Philip Roam and hi* America* band, an Pebmnrp *7; and A*n« Per lawn, dearer, with her R Ba it* a Ballet and Bpmpboap Orchestra •n March 4. Attraction* for Wednesday aad Thuredap af Fair Wseb will be a» avunead later. Tentative Bantr**te, far • recital at that time bp lb* late Katie* Ceram bed been *j reefed.' ■object to the Umeue te**r** abmtp I* vi# t Raleigh an hie rantemplated leutherw tear I* the fall Thera era* ■tverai aaaaorte for the mrlag eau ■Mtabc aapaoeecd after me Mate**) |lM*a* Opera Company complete* tte paraannel af artiate far fall and win* i*a concert* I* Mew Tort. I' •tertian cytth Mrtha and KabeUk a ISIS. Mr. Park kae been identMed I that W*"apwmr*d*rt«te ! mdMartma. For mmmrS mnaan* b* I ra* fa* charge af the Mg aaurm* and ( ingle attractions proaenUd by U« Man Cleb. Hr has Wen Identified 1 rith the eppeerenter pf other artistm, * uch as Pedereerdki. Ferrer, MrCor- ( ark, QelH Caret. Linerl, Hebei 1 ;»rnion, Even W tills no. Kreleler, A- t ante, Qedelri, hfelleea, Metrepolig a | kpera House Orrimtre ted otberr i Amociated with Mr. Perk In tho \ ireeaeteUoo of mumical create nent ‘ cam will be Mn Perk, who kes i i eel it ed with the tone kind of work lineo the Mefea-Kabelik concert ed ween rearm ago. Her tin will he ia he new Timas bonding where aha rill handle the ante of tkkta. n*M Mm KflkdBy Lightning In Wayne And Crumplwr Took Kodugo Under Tobacco Bam Goldsboro, Aug. 8. -According to reporta recolred here today Qeorga and Robert Herring, brothers and a juuu awn nun urawawr, wara atamtljr killed by lightning near Pike villa. Uiia county, yeaUrdty afternoon during a terrific electrical Kona which swept over (hat action of the county about 5 o'clock, and which la •aid to >nvc eorioualy damaged crop*. The young men It if mid had takoo ■halter under a tobacco hem with a party of fix other*, including two young women, all of whom were knocked senaeUa* by ik* atrokc but war* not rerioualy injured with the exception of ono of tho man tu the party §'io, It Is said, had gl hi* tooth knocked eut just as h* was in the act ef placing his hand ovor his mouth to still* a gap. Tha. same stroke killed two dogs, a valuable mule and uprooted eererul big tree* nearby. , Interesting Case In Wayne Gets Verdict FATHER OF FEES WENT HARDING WEDS AGAIN Monroe. Mich., Aug. 11.—J>r. Oeo. T. Harding. 7* yean eld, father of PraKdent Harding, waa married here today to Hlaa AD«* Severn*, by the Her. Frank T. Knewlea, paster ef the Monroe Preehyterien church. Mies Sevems has been a nor** in tha ef Sce of Dr. Harding at Marion for away "yaora. Tha csupla drove here in an automobile, obtained a marriage Ucenae and went t* the heme ef Rev. nowise, where the seremeay w*a performed. ME. AND MR5- SCOTTON TO CLINTON Mr. end Mr*. J. L Scotton mov ed from Smithflold to Cllgjen yes terday. Mr. Scotton ha* bought the ; Clinton. Warsaw and Baybore tale phene e»rimag*s and the toll Imps connected with tbeee riebaoge* pad has gone there to take thaigc. He is n practical telephone man and will no doubt eaocood In hit work there. Sly. pad Mrs. Seotte* have lived In fimittriiald for pevertl pppyi and have nude many friends wfce regret to tec them more from here. — Smith***4 Observer. , , ■ Sanford. Aug. f.—J. C. Imnlus, proponent Pitteboro merohant who about **40, within | fgw yard* of hi* borne lute Saturday sight and who vii brought immediately to the bob I pita) at this plaea, died tali afternoon land hi* body »M canted back to hie boms to FitUboro. It waa ro parted la Pttteboro y*» tenUy that Hr. U»m* waa dead and |it aoan baaama ppparant to tb* oA carr that th* nogrs, Pater Regan, whom tb* blood bound* bayad at HI* ho** early Sunday Morning, wRs nat mfa la the PHteboro J*H, and ba am* carried, to the peoitontiary In Raleigh for mfa keeping Mr. Lwnlaa* wife at* waa Ml*a Rg ollne befere marrtega, foar sons, J. C. Jr.. Laura a*. B.C., RadclUT, B. W. Army, Jim Laniue and two daugh ter*. Mrs. WUHam Tatum and Mtea Mania Lanin* •urrhr*. Water And-Ga* Rates Soon To Be Lowered Roahy Mb.nl CUtem* WR Raaadt by Cat* V 1* <* *|N Cato Far Caa, a»*r( Pawar, Lights Rocky Mount, Aug. I.—"Back to normal” in tbo rata* tkargad far pob II* utilltiaa win baee.c affaatia# Oa tobar 1. acaardlng U action tekau at a special moating of tb* board of aldermen bald laat Bight Tb* reduced rate* will op*rat* practically upon a pra-war bad* aa th* board ml water rata* IS par cant, gac rat** IS par cant, light rata* *• par eant and pow er rata* 16 p-S par eant. Thai* substantial radnetlaaa warn ordered by th* aldaiman upan rocom pcndatlun *f Superintendent of Fob lie Wirt) A- Lyra pad 1* M. Jor dan. band rfUto |W d*p*rt»*ui. Pnor to making th* redoatte*. tb* board went carafaHy Into tb* redused caata of ooaL a aha, *R, labar, etc., and raeciead dednlte aaarmaiee* that tb* municipal plant* would make a sah •tanttel act profit of approximately <70-044 under tb* radumd rate. .. thi* year* budget, bad |ill1mlj b**« Made oat and baaed apoe the yr*y»**d reduction*. ROCK QUARRY IS EMPTY ARP BARE Work mt Draining Cwplgfl And lUWfh I* kiMUd BHmB BCaBMHaBBHBe=99 Interest la the rajrste 7, f' 5* try It be* been during tu. hr< |« reeks nine# the police first 1 »C V !> be Up that stolen cars wars a- lv ’< letteaa of the peel, shifted tod j he solicitor's offk-e and :b.‘ >!. ml authorities with jurisd- ■. he private quarry po»l lera. ; relow the one drat-cii civ* ■ ' rha solicitor % bantlV.pi; :i».- - ration into tho “dhapuenra • be cars that wore pulled not 1 | rater before ths pres*urj fo r.v ■ ng became great enough f *»o. { date officials to take a ha ul 1 - h I 1 Hudson aad King car, o iW, hurt inseraneo has boon colli' r , nddenrs. He has nothing ngui.ixt th.-' owners of ths c*n who cUixn«*U th**, The elty admitted its aoth irlty !n j ths matter of tho second pool but th: disappointment in the first d1 count: j any effort that may be made to have ths private pool drained. Ttx-r will bo, however, some pressure brought to boor by n curious populace to have i this second peel drained. There were hundreds nf goldfish In the pool and a aaory scramble for them all day. One farmer who drove from the far edge of Franklin ap pealed to Solicitor Norris for two of the little goBffah far his grandchil dren and the solicitor ordered them given to the Franklin man. Terrapins, not the least belligerent and piles of junk constituted tho holding of the r tool in addilion to the Aril. The ''Cole eight," which grappling nooks have touched so many I nn, proved to be an old wa gon axle and with this pusxle solved. lu crowd, wiser but well cnienar-.mi, wended its way homeward. TO THE BAPTISTS OF LITTLE RIVER ASSOCIATION The North Carolina Baptists Mis sion Board has requested the un dersigned ta act as manager of 'hr Eeanralirtle campaign for the Little Meetings bate already been held aad repotted hi six churche*. report lag ninety one far Baptism. The>o axi churches reported (set year for ty baptisms. Meeting* are thla wash In progress at Antioch, Bethel, Holly Springs, Juniper Springs and Piney Giovt. I Om Tuesday night of |hi- week I seas present at Antioch where Evan jgelist Fred N. Day it assisting l*ailor Edgerton In a meeting. Mora than I thirty already await baptism from ithia meeting aad a meeting held hy 'Pastor Edgerton at Luatt School boueo. Gracious revivals ere sweeping lover our churche*. Forty nine year* ago there were fewer than five hun dred Baptists In Harnett county. T.o day there are more than thlity-fh* Kund*rd. and atlll nearly fifty per •eat of tin popotatipn ten year.* old or over are not member* of any church. Tha command to to preach the gc*pel to "evury creature." Let ov ary follower gt Christ press the bat tle everywhere. Evangelist Bermao T. Su-eer.a and Singer A. E. lynch, will asmst the pastor In meetings at Coats, begin ning August nth. We ask the pray I 1C. rr^yer, unnni PHyer. at blessings, will win the doff f tl>« Loid Jesus. I. A. CAMPBELL,. Bragg’ Hospital—Warrant I sawed F«r Moonshiner h . _ FnysttevjUe, Aug. 9.—Private Wil liam M. Otaris, Battery C. 21st field artillery, is Ip the station hospital at Camp Bra** as a'reeaU of an. auto mobile strident that occurred on the road between .FeyettsvIlW and the camp who® an onto livery ear owned and driven by Floyd Person eideswin •d Miss Kate MeFberoon’s automobile and overturned. pinning, the Mldlerr passenger under it The accident took place in front of Mias McPlieranu « noma as she was backing her ear into tiM road- Both drivers. It U md, en deavored to avoid the collision. It was said at tha camp hospital to day that Lewis was nuking is good progress as could be expected. He sustained a severe Mow on-thr heed, ;among other injuriae. Warrant has been Issued for Ihe arrest of a man believed to be the operator of a large copper still sr'ied by 8herlff N. II. McGeschy and bis deputise In Ulack Biver town skis, a mile and half from the town of God win. The operator fled from the etill aa the ollcers charged but he wai rpepgnlbed. The warrant will bo serv ed en him pa ebon at poteible. The tenure w»e made in tl.c tame vicinity in which Deputy Sheriff A. i. Pate was recant)/ killed by Mar shall Williams in a raid en a distil ls y. Tbs still was one of the fines; ever taken by the sheriff, being an all copper affair of lane capacity. Home of the Merest end most .laboratv stills sshloo In roeoat yean have been found In this locality among them being o copper outfit, completely en cased la eenerete en the erdsr of the Berman pill boxu This etill, which was broken up acvtroi months ago, eras thought at the time to have been owned by Marshall Williams. cottoninsoCth GENERALLY POOR Pad Wpph Mad* Good SWwtef With Nlco WaatWr J WaaUngton, Au. 10—fay. iratll traatfcar daring Um pad •nattcm erapa. lacladlay tarn., to toaaa. pitaldaa. rUo mpar eana, ctt y trotis aid paaaata Made goad Ja* ^ralf* ta idaal," aaaordtncto ha MaUanal Weather and Crap W •Ua Jacaed today by Um Weather B» whfla UM trap «raa reported goad » a fra aaattona. cotton aanaratty ^‘aSd^toOTtoStto^appIriv n vhe condition reports to the bureau-1 t+iiio' «al temperatures with'“modar-: U to • alhur heavy shower* had bad v Ceet oa the crop, it was stated. i! SS’BSEKI-JWSXgm I For 1§ Torpid p liver |p J| .isssswyu: Hi is saflKMm: ffi i-SS? aide ol Keota, Okla. She ggS t>jx. continues: “I had a patn C]« i ta *-»y chert attar eating— ttES i Vgt: tight, uivcomtortaM* teat* I tog-acd ttria wac very QB], LytBiS dtaareohle led brought BW on headache. I wo coo- SOS fcJWElj stipat.d and knew It was indigcaliun tad Inactive VHm «A- liver. I began the use of nwti fflii Black-Draught, aighl and lSSW j VJW iinnniUK uuu u wav *• Cgf MtixUJ and certainly fiEtt giro* relief' Thadford’s BLACK jAUfiHT *j For avw --vantr yean JfJfJ | t-C this p-itc.y vcgcunle cvgrtf . ? o'»p*rit:on lit* been ftSC.! f au.l Hrudklal by (hon x**1* bi i»crtcms suitor* w3j * >' op sXcla oi n lor- ye t/ ' i (•.•d, ■• rHowactlna Ihrer. jgj"v T-, !«J-;K*;rcn. fcilio.iinvsi, '■ cUic, coaled tongue, die- SwS ■„t ccr.ai;xiUoo, tit- fjfe.-j • ' • ivi Vlreplesenees, Jfc3s? l»r*i cl er.ifgy, pain In ’ b :.k, puHioesa under the ,t e;.—a.:/ cr alt of theac ^ ' . n/raf.loni? oSm indicate K * ■ :l tl'.rrs u somemlng 3V>- ‘ •lie leader with your /jT’y. ' Ynu can't be too jCwt v, o- about the i.tedl- ifflj 'i >r yo;i jut. B* sure KfJ fSwt the impu, "Thed * 'Ji ford « UfccV- Draught," fa jF» on the package. At ail -1 rbus.;5sli. * ' - »> A: ' BUSINESS LOCAL * * * * * * •¥ * * riURY SOAP, THURSDAY, PEI day Bad 8atmrday, 5c at Frac assn's. WANTED—BRIGHT ENERGETIC g'ung women to canvass quick salt ing toilet articles fro® houite-to huusv in home city. Also to work druggists. Can earn four dollar* pev day on commisaiuns. rail parti culars, furnished- Write at once to The Nodor Co., Box 1531, .Rich mond, V a. OUR DELIVERY SERVICE IB AT you/ disposal any time any where iii Dunn. Phone 316. Freeman's Cash Grocery, WANTED. — 100 HOGS. SMALL »'*e preferred. 8c per pound on Toot. Worth M. Pope, Dunn, N. C. DRESSMAKING — MISS dENNIE Smith. drem maker, at residence of 8. R. Holmes, >15 K. Divine St. 1“' i<e« reasonable. satisfaction gurranteed. Call and sea me. 6 4t p FREEMAN’S CASH GROCERY OH F.lgerton street is when your dol lar looks biggest. RIM LUGS, WEDGES AND NUTS for all ra.a at Gainny’s Oarage. WANTED. — 25-HEAD OF BEEP cattle to fatten. Mast he poor. 4«. on foot. Worth M. Pope, Dunn, N Oe ' A IT PAYS TO PAY CASH IN MORE waya than an*. TSSnk it ova*. Freeman's Cash Grocery, . SEVERAL USED CARS OF VARI •’On models In first ties* condition rnr rash er on long time. Gainey's Carage. REPLACEMENT COILS FOR ALL cur* at Gainey’s Garage. UNEEOA BISCUIT AND OTHER Nat'onal Bieealt Co., packaco goods that bar# barn sailing at Its now 2 for 15c at Freeaean'e. FOB SALE.—ONE CIRCULAR SAW . mill, 40 boras boiler, SO bona an ■io>, table feed carriage, eat off tow tad i-dyer, Now in operation ' a. I on o>’e pond. Tllghnan Lttm itior Co., Dunn, N. C. 108u SERVICE AND SATISFACTION our motto. No Iran (action rooaid *»rod eluead untH *ou are latiaflad. Frermaa’i Cosh Grocery. GOOO COFFEE, EOASfkD AND g -aund, two pound# for a quarter ut Fireman'a Various and Band rj Ill«.r article* in proportion. Come let ae »hnw you. FOR EBNT—ONE FOUR ROOM TIL nant bouec for colored ten ante. Ap ply at onca to 1. J. Beet. IS tf. NOV CD.—THE FRANKLIN FIX Xsi-Uoick Electric Shoe Shop le eow located on Raltrood eeeaoo near Holden’* barber deep. Coll on thorn for quick and aAsient Shoo work. • S 44 pi IF YOU GET IT AT Fe'eEMAIFS it is raararUed. The weather vti idal for harveal “* corn in Tex*i while early com « «•«*•«■ maturity In the extreme southern SUtea. the report mid. Tobacco ahowd tha effect* of dry eaather and harveeUng made laUa Factory pragma. Sugar carte and peannla.alao were levornbly affected by the weather. « :cjit to aome part* of the Matheait. whre it wa> toe wet. Citrtu fruit* ware matted making l favorable ehowing to Florida ax tent In the too wet lowland; peean* loin* well In Georgia, and poach ahtp. ■tent* completed in North Carolina. Frequent ahowera aUghtiy held ap karveetln* of potato** in mu Kc tlona of the routbeatt, but generally tha weather waa favorable. Cotton Preapret* Condition protpect* for cotton by Btato* aa reported in the bulletin fol low; Texaa: Warm dry weaher eaue mg eheddin* and killing aome plant* and fruiting 1* poor. Oklahoma; Although crop deterior ated in nme local!tic* on account of .cant ,mol«ture and hot winda, pro rraa* il generally fair. Arkaiuaa: Rainy weather favored inercaaed w*ovil activity, pragma angin* generally from poor to fair. I-ouuiana: Showing aome improve ment under generally favorable wea (her conditions. Mississippi: Advance most unaatis faatoir. ' Alabama: Progress fairly good In moat 1 odious. Tennessee: Prospects vary good land plants fruiting well. Georgia: Bank growth reported. Blooms and fruit are Iscldag and eroo Is generally in an unaatisiadory con dition. South Carolina: .With plants mak ing good growth, they are fruiting poorly. , * North Carolina:' Crop ranges from fair to dateiioiatloo. cavil wero less active in Taaas, Oklahoma and Louis ans but were increasing in many localities else where, the report stated. POLICEWOMAN SAYS DANCING Oa STREETS HELPS SITUATION New York, Aug. 9. - The Intermi tioncl Dancing Master* Association opening its annual convention ynatar dny was told by a Philadelphia police woman, Miss Marguorite Wnla that block parties with thousand* fox trot ting on the street had improved the reputation of dancing In her eity. Two new steps wore introduced be- • for* the convention—the tango trot and Ih porto-povieh, both heralded ns aesthetic and elevating. "Ok, wbnt wonderful Irupul ton,'1 U the emclama t ion you will *aku after tryiay a aup af aay af our lie imported brand*. Tka cbole**t product* af India, China, Japan and Ceylon nr* fuuad la lary* nuaatitia* on our akolaa*. Wo want aaary kauaakold la Dunn to know tka train* of our ft*1* • ad inrita yon to try on* af tkaa* Una brand*. Order a pound today. Upton or Banquet. To the Ladies: The VANITY - FAIR - BEAUTY I - - - - SHOP .... Fourth Floor ------ - First National Bank Building' ! '_• / Telephone Number 279 Hours 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. ..tmmj 1“ miumiiiiii *.. n nun nun iiiimniM mm miii THERE IS DANGER IN SUDDEN SPURTS THERE IS SAFETY IN STEADY GROWTH Spasmodic plunging in money matters often bring* H financial dlstreaa. Depositing your savlngs in this bank brings ultimate success and comfort—not so spectacular, but safe, sure' and devoid of riak of any kind. Have you a saving! account with uaT ___ ’ 8 ■ The Commercial Bank \ Dunn, N. C. ‘ Lna—w—....iinniiiwiit.

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