THE DUNN DISPATCH1 PUBLISHED EVEJtY TUESDAY I1 AND nUDAY. 1*14. ■( th* pat *«tr! It Do*.. K. C.. win the er! • i flank *. ISTS. L BUSSES POPE. PaUhW -:-j An* nson'hi___ .0# MX month*_...___ll-**] ■•* rear .. .........r.It»l BUSINESS OPINION “CoWa*'* beUeeee than la MaB • - dorr* that bumSncm hat Halted on He ipaud trend. The Halt nan r ti logical hatte at on mala to area '•"-ice He re. The outlook now It that *V> winter wheat crop wiU he tear Voted at a price that wtU inoare a -nail snarxin of profit. This will give ’Ho ft'iaer mo»»* with which to pay debt* and buy good*. The farmer has M -awed honrfly in the past year. >-* it it aft to steam* that first of ol he will sse his cash In hand to •~daec bio notes at tha' hank. When fanner has met hi* obligations ho wilt look around to so* whether th* -eVri of the things he wants hare reached a fair Wool. The cat In price* ■wh by mane retailer* daring the •tiring and early summer hat created *> fsTo'sbl* ’moressiop. and It is qalte Httlsr that when th* fanner goto his new income ha will reapond to the r» t'rior's aWa’-ing*. Thn farmer sritih f*«h and hi a mood to hoy will enable the retailer to branch out mere freely. A»d thn* bufinest imootus from th* bottom np et It must be.1*—CoJlier**. AngnH «. TW KM. h tW Dark u4 the Ume 'From the Charlotte Observer) The concern for the sanctity of (he heme and its protection which has Mo crowing throoghoat the eoun trv since the birth ef what is geaer i% referred to as **tbe aftermath of war,” mast have bean Intensified la IV jn'nd* of those who had followed • V disclosure* la the courtroom at *»nroe as tha trial of the young man Kerman, charged with criminal as rautt uoon a vmsag woman «f good t'•notation and of esedltat family coBPection, progressed. Bat the con *•to was relieved fa measure by the •"income of -the trial. The presiding Judge mast have been feerfat that the moral carried in the verdict ef the jujy might have loot some of Ma force on that element of society It wa« desirable should he the mate d'rectly impressed hr it, hecauae of the significant fact that ha felt call ed upon to clear away tha ciieum -'*nee that th* jury had hold tha mot or In Its hands far a period of alaa hour*. Judge Finlay Ms name is warthy to he written in tha earn and Its disposition—when Importuned for mercy toward the convicted assn, countered to the extent of reminding ♦V rose**) and the public that tha defendant had cause far giving f mice that tha verdict was not ef a rterner sort. bee seas the Jan had -•* M-* b-tflur in Its opinion. It had ww^votsl Mae to diseuwtoa^ of . that it mlgfivwaBkm rssdiind a * ■"(* “aceordiog ta tha evidence," which ie to any, that la the mind of ,st presiding Judge, the evidence pro duc'd was of a nature that weald h»*e prevented a verdict of guilty of assault, which Is punishable, under the laws of this State, hr death. Tt bad been ramashed la tha papers d tr'ng tha program of the trial that ■nioftte evidence was of a revolt tag character,, the Observer is remind ed hare to ostsfcllsh a distinction v Veil is due the unfortunate woman who was involved in the ease. Bar sdv was clear and clean. The re v-Iting details brought oat worn In revelation ef some conditions — a ' nett them tha plotting of tha evil minded — existing among the now rcasrattgr of libertines that prevoo the menace of the day to oar jniwg people. It was rather a hard fata root a young woman, reared la menu table surrounding*, of excellent fam ily connect'one and who had ever as sociated with aay but people ef an r-callable character, and who waa herself above suspicion, should have bsen mad* the agsaey for tha dsvol eovent of details having to do with the evil conditions that seam abroad In tha land. tm auKariDiac thought aiajr have I’toon In the minds of Um people who Kara followed tbs (totalis as to who the young woman of today may t out? How may abo idcetlfy the yoon* man who Is yot trso to tbo rHlraIrons traditions of tho pant and who could ho dopondod upon to pro tect her. instead af plotting for bat destruction’ At to sows tm, too dovslopwsnte carry a ham: uh eh all yoseg woman uaj tbs mother* af voutg town may take wall to hand h li tbo exorcise of casties In chose h*a ana’s associates. Tho reenact which young women worn taught to maintain far the chaperon sboald ha roaternd, and Um going on a lonely a atom ah (to ride shoald bo raoegnlaod os aa art which the people fcaru cacao •o regard as a risky adventure and one which, under tho aaw generally rsragxlasd condition s msnislag 'oang womanhood, will hsstanlly da harm to bar ropatellon. The victim of dm affair far which a young man rpw find* hhneotf wider a paaHon tlary santcaca. eras af a trusting, can ddiiw nature com neon to young pea rls brought up under the tofteonro of a rugxad he nasty to sWsk tuo o'rien and dtotnmt are struagors, and ’hat harm wan to ramo to bar at tbs f so 041 ppOMVdfl friend, was a thought that hod' novae ooarrsd to her until farced with a ] tr-rer af a taddaa rseltoaHsa. The 3 lory of dm trthalatlaao brio which < thU yoang mhaal taashdr found bar- 3 ppesfpMatad anatetoe a moral which Urn mothsshood of the country might wad burn lata the rated, theaght and heart af lbs roaag rbotgns far whose saaeritlty end hap si eras mathsohosd to resuaaitolo add toe often aegis rtf at. The hawk to nrr >. -• 4 a* scat .iwuep octet 13 print Mad/ to pounce dswa m dm I 1 I ttpl he* ttrsv-rd ewer from tee 4 m rt *w» nmtbvr whgc WEEKLY CPI rUW LETTER ^ the^week*wwath^'f^po^ ww *l«bUjr better and dimatehe.! hraai abroad tad I cat ad anaaUtfactory, tmda condition*. The stock market BXfortiggJSgMfti beerith offset as cotton and the mar 5* !"* • ,mw °* Thursday, tha cotton market Readied and *d *aa«*d on rsporu of farther deterio ration, aad batter trade condition*. The cotton market continue* qaiet.' bat scarcely enough cotton Is being Wtosd to supply tha demand, and tha hasb has hwisasd. It U a wan known fact that many buyer* who have vfe jW Kaatom market* recently Kara hoaa compelled to return with only a aaaall portion of the good* they •syaetod to punkas*. Manufactared stock* are depleted aad will bar* to ho replenished Immodiatty. This should create a mash hatter demand for raw cotton. The INI crop will prove to be of several million bales lass than that sc Ittt; trad# conditions arc impro ving slowly, aad if the prceeat crop is sot marketed too rapidly, no doubt higher prices will prevail before the new yoar. Every farmer and buyer sbostld hold a portion of hi* cotton, tren If he ku to borrow money to do so. Very little can ha lost In doing this, and mack can ha gained, no: only from an advance In the market but also from narrowing of price dif ereneaa between grades. Before the war, priee differences between grade* Were usually 1-ge to 1 -4c. On account iof unusual demand for high grads* during and after the war, difference* widened ta 2c to le per pound be tween grades. However, these differ ences have narrowed to l-2c to ic. and Will probably continue to narrow frem time to time, making the grades below middling worth more even though middling remains unchanged. \ A* stated above, little can be lost hy holding cotton ea this low market, •■tl. there is a chance to make a great deaL PINAL WORK BEING DONE ON ULLINGTOrrS HOTEL LUUagto*. A«. 10.—The finishing touch** being pat on Lillington'* big now hotel, and it is planned to spaa ths doors to th* public soon af ter tks first of September. Furniture end house fixtures are arriving now end are being Installed. The hostelry will be operated by Wad* Hampton Jones, who has best) connected with the Yarborongh House, Baletgb, for ■eretal years. Mr. Jon** 1* very en thusiastic orer the prospects for suc cess of ths betel, declaring It ths equal of any In Utia section, even •'hough k is not as lane. The hotel la a handsome structure costing $t8,000 and was erected by 1. C. Byrd and Bro. of BannleveL |t is modem throughout and th* fur nishings wiU be la keeping with ks niaefty and comfort. The name of the hotel was selected after th* name ol Flora McDonald's home, The Kiltie r»ay. she once being a resident of Ibm county. , The building Is of three stories, the lower floor beine rsierved far o«cee »“d storerooms The Harnett County Trwsteamony occupying the cor which Ip said to be the handeom aet banking rooms In this section. A gg-J*»rwuom hM been leased to vQs, who wiB open a branch Sousa hatw as aoaa a* fixture, esa be put la. PHILADELPHIA MINT IS CUTTING DOWN OUR DEBT Owt Five MflUoa Ml*n tw. Meath Hew Philadelphia, Ana. 34—The Fhtla de^hia mint, wMcb today has reach ed the create* production la bietory .» eirttlnc down the intereet bearing debt of the United State. $6,000,000 a month, according to oflciaU of the '•mutation. lacidentally, a new record b** bit! Nt la thi coining of iilvtr dollar!, upon which tbo energise of the plant have been concentrated in ovdor to replace tbo 3iH>,000,000 coin* of that denomination malted down daring the war and sold to the Eng 'Uh •• bullion. Th« inrifa prodoe ■'on for but month. It wu declared kaa been 3*0,000 silver dollar* a day. After Meltin'* th* eeiiu *,i:0 „ ho! I on, the eovevninen- was obliged ta cell in all silver fc.UhuWi tjnrrt, by them, m under ih* !?:t Ih* Treas - ury eut hold * .-‘h *. do'l- for each certificate issued. To fov*r thy ‘ec* 11 cuironey. sbe e tetn eertifirn:** of indebted uses beer in* '£. per Cent intei etl were Ustei. The -iow be in* coined permitted -.he ‘ wince nl new stiver certtAcares which a n l>*-; ni* used in celliup in the caitlficatex' of indebtednesa. • The Philadelphia plaot U turn in* oot aa mncli ns the *o?«rnmer.('t two other mint'. »t Sai: Frncclsco and Di nvar, rnmbiiicd. but ucrcrthclcii it probably will take two year* to re place the coint melted. Buna Principal Oun School 1 Tabor, A up. 20.—Bonnie D. Bunn |hta been principal of the Dunn hi*h achool and wiU lceve for that place in the near future. Mr.: Barm es superintendent ot the Tabor: iu*h icbool made n splendid record for efficiency and executive ability,' and it is with rc*i«t that he leaven, the Tabor school ayttrm. He ii hi*h-1 yr recoramei tied for hi* uew work.j i Ho pradnaU'd fiotn the teacher*’ dan at Wake Fore*; Colic** in 1020 and' in educational work he hns already , mads a surest*. — News and Ob server. -I ; ■— I j I 1 »♦♦»♦»»« I IMS v* r»*uv >*** IT |* ¥ '¥ GODWIN AND JERNICAN ¥ ¥ Attorneys tad Cnnallm ¥ ¥ At Lew ¥ V DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA ¥ . ¥ Office Over State Beak end ¥ •¥ Trust Company Building ¥ ¥ ¥ AA*»*Aweeeea»e«. !.«..>■. ». TT¥TfVTTftttt'>VTTTYf¥tt^f> THE WHISKEY TRAFFIC (lly E. .1. Ondwih.) L»«; week we hrnl an article in this paper on this tame subject, but for ;lack or *parc «-•.■ ! to moke a abort m«tei o.’ it. Iii fact, if wo weie to . give this subject jurt'eo we could fur nish this paper with an article for ■ i-utvetal month* on ihe same subject. We hear a lot said about non-nvirn tinl thing* thnl is damn’i.u- and de 'moialiatng our people in general, and we could mon;>n lots of things that is having its awful effect, but among thmn all *he o'd corn liquor, or the Devil* soothing syrup, li:!tes th« lead. Frcns boyhood vsc have been noticing ho*, this stuff lie* bee» wrecking the ; live* of some Ilf our mot: brilliant, and vhrowdect m»n. and they stand ns a monument todae. n type ruined iurn. when oth- ,:.m; ia»y :n trb1 have been a blear:! g to the world. We hear lots raid ab ut privilege being tuk [ea away h r- a J «< outfit not |to be diip' ■ c T'i tf our rights. L'su auy wn- 7: ■» rear a ran" talking tof» kind fi at- 1 If you will put th* hound. ,:u hit track* and trail him up, 7*'u '.-ill And hi* down at th? hog pen ; Ufa, ahnut the lowest place a ■an ti i get. Hark the m>.o yon I hear talking thV kind of stuff, and urealty at tha let* hour* of night I when he ought to he home with hie family, you tv'II (ind hire at i block-i ade whiskey gtPl o- fomswbtre el**' whan- he outfit not to be. Seldom j | you ever to* thi* mar. at church or! Sundiy school, hut ho spends hi*I church hours on gome back street cor-! 'tier vhs-n whiskey i< being sold, with the ciar» that fights the Sunday Blue, ilaw», *od who thin!; m«'i ought to hare the privilege to do what they please on the Sabbath day. Co into every town and city and you will find a great number of men and women in »mc liltle jam or dark comer rolling liquor, trying to tear down tf-i Kingdom of God and estab lish a hell on earth in it* place. We its wlint »» ■ ,•■•• s-'d eoan’.e*. • kUH '•’a "2. oj.- twxjy more ba d - 1 .* s man robs a ban; hr .* br \ i .i'-bcr, *.-(! thj riai - . 11*,-\z •■* jpmt'n; b •-S ad • • sr ;1 ; r..i! l!qr: 'n d A. !* tc in- Sla * l"»'s obb or.' i : .ret or !:»■• ic*v..u« , t. ■ : iiv! . .• ’S , .••• ..-ty tVj.f*. f ***)• • :li\ li'. tf Cit'd . jH>c •, and i t th' • - o' *•- la" . i b* br'.d as n!i •. or. :* ;/'! I-' 'l l he mao who is ie> q» ih,. q a*. V’c loog te AV> th« day Ukct ■■ t '“ it h tv* a law in No’ih Caro i .t that v*,: crtthil-a r’.' i b.av'; udt .• a:: CJthg, and cur OJ?' o * ’rill Aave n rghi to shro: b'm of t»r*; tight at n still. And when a Titan ut woman is round with liquor : tho'.r possession, or on their breath, they wit; be arrested st once and pot in, j.v: and kept there until they tell who they got their liquor from. At i pun. vhment ' affeetionatc except j waen Kincaid was drinking. The 10 mlt: Lillie Kipcwid, the beloved wife .of Sidney Kincaid, lies x'lent in her 'gravo an act by the hands of h,r „w,i ! drankon hoabend.. In almost every graveyard there i* a mound that marks the last resting place of aomoona that ha« fallen aa the result of strong drink. We mien see some poor wife whose head la silvered or th« grave who has beeu deprived of any happinvra a f the house has been overshadowed by the cruel acts of a poor drunken hushnr d. v/o ■out tor u» the day when whiskey will be w ppd out and our church members will abstain from the use Of it, and •<-.» can have peace and happiceae In the home, no more crime In the land, and heaven may bend low, so we may he vsTrhad owed with the good thing* :.h. i i* in cume to those of ua that ,b-iUle against the wrong. May ou.' people gel disgusted with tVekey. and never atoop In the fu ture to what the* have in the past, a id get on a higher plane of living, «o we may have stronger churches, better Sundry schools, happier homej KQ our chlldicn may grow up strong and steadfast in the admonition of tha Lord, and wc may dwell on tile moon lel« lopi and iu the secret placet of the most High. Again Reduces Price £xtra Si^e 30x3 A *1622 niW+7|Q95 ! #a“ nru*««« flm mad* tha low price of 111U oa tha Standard Non-Skid, May 2. Unusual purchasing power through Mg volume of business, and the grant efficiency of ita <7,MO,OH Plant No. 2, manufacturing exclu sively Mx3H «l*e, mad* this poseIMe. Now, tha production of the Extra Si** Ndn tire haa been transferred to Plant No. 2. T1U permits the price reduction on this tire from 116.65 to $13.95. No such value has ever before been oll.rjd Hre users. If your dealer hasn't the Extra Size in stock a*!; for our Stand ard Non-Skid type at the earn* price. Yon will still be getting an unusual tire value. N i Cords That Don’t Blow Out Yoofeeleecure on ftrartooe Comte. year—10.SM, 15 MS and 3S.0M Because Firestone Cords don’t blow miles, or.d the tires still going pot. Your repair man will tsll you strong. See your Firm tune deal* ■o mmam't assn a blowout this past today. Name below. Flrorfon* Cord Tlra w- 5Mea hM at Iihtmi prtcci in cord * I ' ‘ dr» bit coo 1 JSUjr ' a .'titjj—»v*w PURD1E BROTHERS DUNN- N. C.~ ——-— — ~ . ~ — ',n " """",l. ——^ a—mmm— ———p • . ’ ^ . OUR AUGUST WIND-UP SALE Now Going On And Will Continue Until September 1st Hundreds of Bargains are being offered and this is your Opportunity to buy the Season’s Best Goods at Prices that will Surprise you. Mr. Goldstein is now in New York buying Fall Goods and we must clean our shelves before they arrive. ________ COME IN TODAY and SEE THE ATTRACTIVE ARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. You don't have to buy, but we feel that you will buy if you will only look at what we have to offer. The Goldstein Compan Dunn’s Best Cash Store t #