♦LOCAL' • * ♦ ♦ » * * 1 Bill Clifton was a business vlsito in Clinton this weak. . Mrs. Robert Cray of Raleigh. I visiting friend* in Dunn. Mrs. A. D. Wilson oT Angior, vUH ed relatives In Dunn this week. »fli« Iv* Pearson ha* returned fron a visit to friends at l.umberlon. D. C. Faredl of Raliegh, was a bu sir.ets visitor In Dumi Thur*d»y. Norwood Pope spent teverul day this week with friends in Clinton. C. P. Moi ri* of Wade, was a bus} nese visitor in Dunn Wednesday. . V'-* ^!‘lvr •*** Norris of Wade, ii visiting Mu. R. Ilager this week. Dr. J. A. McLean of Godwin, was i business visitor in Dunn Thursday. . Mis- Joe (Jonrad of Durham, is vis fting her sister, Mrs. James Farthing Ralph Wade and Roland William; •r? spending several day* at Ashe ville. v- ?*/-, *nd Mr»- F- J*- Hauser ol Cold boio, }* visiting Mrs. L. H Al phln. Mi*a Kami Toung of Burlington, is vis:ting relatives In Dunn th-i week. Miw Donnie Honeycutt of Buie's i» Visiting her sister, Mrs. Jw se Wilson. H. G. Thompson and son. John, of Gold’Ooro, were visitor* in Dumi Wednesday Misses Msry Smith and Saiah Pur dic are visiting relatives in Smith Arid this week. Miss Ethel Butler is visiting iela lives in Clinton and other towns in Sampson county. Billie Prim:ose and Edward Pope returned Tuetdsy f>um a trio to Wrightsvillc Beach. Miss Agnes Bell ha* returned from a visit to Angler, where she was the guest of Mrs A. D. Wilson. Wesley B. Thompson and Mi»* Christina Thompson arc via* Ittng lelntive* In Goldsboro. Mu Annye Young has returned huent from Raleigh, where she visited her si/ter, Mrs. C. 8. Hicks. Mrs. A L. Newberry left yesterday for Raleigh, where ehe will visit her sister. Mrs G. R. Msssengill. Graham Oliva, whs has been visit ing in Kentucky fo rthc past two week* will arr.ve horns today. Mrs. G. C. Womb!* and children have leliumed home after visiting rel ative* in Mon care and Sanford. Sam Pleishman of Fayetteville, re turned to Fayetteville this morning after a short business trip bore. Mist Hilda Ricks of Rocky Mount, arrived this morning to visit Mis* Ms mis Clyde. Ross, at Young’s Hotel. Robert Young, who took the law course at Wake Forest this summer, has returned to his home in Dunn. Move* F. Martin, one of the own ers of the City Oarage, is spending several days in Washington thi* week. Mist Janie Ipock and Miss Lillian Essell have returned from a two week* trip to White l ake in Bladen county. Mr. and Mr*. r. auric, mri. Fred Jernigan, Mr*. J. W. Driver! and Corbin Wood tpwt Twaedaj la Raleigh. Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Pope returned yesterday to their home in Clayton, after amending eeveral days here with relative*. Mias Aline Colwell ha* returned to her home in Fayetteville after epending *cver«! day* bore the gu#*t of Mr*. A. I,. Nwherry. Mime* Ethel and Lol* Bell and Mil* Merle Owens, have returned home after spending a week with (riead* at Shady Grove. Marsh Mor;o», manager of the Whit* Way Theatre, U .pending scene time in Darlington, S. C-, recuperat ing fiom hi* recent dine**. Mi*ac* Annie Bell and Evelyn Beas ley of Johnston City, Tonn.. are spending acme time in Dunn the guest of Mist Grace Crockett. Mr*. W. F. Greer and daughter, Min Loutae, of Southport, have re turned home after a visit to Mr*. Greer'a brother, J. A. Underwood. Joe Ballanee Wilson has accepted 'a portion with the Fuller Bnuo Co. and will be located in Greenville, 8. C., with the Branch Manager, A. L. Do Loach. C. R. Daniel of Oxford, ha* moved to Dunn and accepted a position with the City Garage. He is an experienced mechanic and I* a valuable addition to the working force of this big gar age The game of ball played yesterday between Four. Oaks and the local team on the Benson diamond, result ed In a score of 17 to 2 In favor of Dunn. The game wa* without features and uninteresting. Mr*. O. M. Adorn* ha* been quit* 111 at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Ma rlon Butler the past few days. She ia recovering near, however. Her sla ter, Mi** Leona North*att of Balti more, ho* been with hor during her Illness. J. W. BoberUon of Tomahawk, w*i a visitor In Uunn this week. Mr KiAwteon is an experienced poultry man and 1* looking for a location aeai Dana. If he can And a tollable plac< he will become a permanent ertiaet of Harnett. Mr*. C. B. Aycock, who wa* opera ted on Friday in a Wileon hoapftel. la rapidly recovering end will be able to rotarn to bar home in Dana within the next two week*. Mr. Aycock Wai with her Wedne day and eaya her con dition I* very eatbractory. The Parrlah- Driver Company hu moved Ha atock of goodi from the! Pope-Tert-Whltehead balldlng on Wileon Avenue into the building on1 Railroad Avenue, aecoctd door northi of The DUpntch oAce. They win con tinue their buftneee at thta place. , Laarrenee Jemigan, who baa been •pending reverml liyi her* with bit parent*, Mr. and Mra. R. K Jarntgan, left Thertdar for Sanford, Florid*, where he will vbiv hie brother, Perry Jemigan, before returning to Pana ma, when ha I* flattened with the U. 8. army. Rev. J. A. Campbell, principal of ■ele'a Creek Academy, win eccapy the pulpit at Urn Firet Baptiat church Sunday, at both morntag aad evening mrvlcea The paMb b cordially invi ted to bar Mr. OampMI, who b one *f the beat known end and beloved men la the county. .fb* bfaltar L. Mata Clrcua will ax hMMt la Dunn nest Tneadny, Aaguat . ‘i 1 30th. This is the first real circus o , the season and tha aacond to show L Dunn for several yaan. Tha proa notices lead ono to beliova that tb . show la the real thing and a larg i crowd is expected hero on that day r II la rather early in the Mason, bn .most folks will go to a circus whethc , they have the money to spare or ao< I A Union nicnie wn* held at Stow .'art's pond, five miles north of Dual . Wednesday afternoon. All tha Son day school* in Dunn wort represent 1 ed, making the crowd present an un usually targe one. Automobiles wsr< • used for transporting the crowd fa ithe pond, furnishod by members nl . 'the var.oue chu.ches of the city. Re ifrcihments wete served during Um •fternoun and eoveral games indulged in. Every minute of the time spent el the |Kind seemed to be thoroughly on joyod and all returnod homo wall i pleased with the outing. A revival service will begin at the ■ Duke Baptist church next Sunday morning. August 29th. The pastor Rnv. A. II. Porter, will be aesirted b> Evangelist H. T. Btevcne, end A. & 'Lynch will have charge of the sing ing. Services will be held each mo nr li-'g s' 8:1ft and at 8:00 o'clock in the ! evening. Mr. Stevens Is well known in - Harnett county and throughout East I cm Carolina, where ha bar establish ed a reputation as an able preacher land sucraaeful evangelist. Mr. Lynch is also well known as a splendid choir l ‘‘"d will bo of groat assistance j in the meeting. Tho public Is cordi |**-y invited to attend the services. I’eiry Morgan, Field Secretory for | Noith Carolina of the B. Y. P. U. moved his family to Raleigh last weak when he has established permanent headquarter*. Mr. Morgan has been seiving his church in this capacity for i more than a year and decidad to move | to Raleigh, a more central point, i whore hr will be able to carry on his ;work mono successfully, and spend j inure of his time witls hie family. Mr. Mo:gan has made Dunn his homo for the past fifteen year* and was ona of the towns' moat active workers in church affairs For a number of yaan ihe was engaged In business hare, but relinquished this work to accept the ; position which ho now holds. The ' oeoplc of Dunn regret to loee Perry Morgan as a eittsen and hope that hr will return again some day and be come a citisen again. Mrs. Herbert Teyter Entertains On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Her bert Taylor charmingly entertained with a rook party In honor of Her at tractive guests, Mr*. F. W. William* and Mi*. Floyd Drew^of Raleigh. The house was artistically decorated with golden glow and clenuti* and the colored light* also added much to the beauty of tho decorations. At the conclusion of the game, a delight ful salad and ice course was served. Thou present wore Mesdaraee L C. Stephens, Butler, Floyd, Paul Hood, Horace Freeman, William Thompaon. Boh Denning, William Pearusll, Herbert McKay. I.. A. Tart, Carpenter, Marvin Wade, Troy God win, Rufus Smith. Coltrans, V. L Stephens, Durham Taylor, F W. Wil liams, Floyd Drew, C. -M. Stanfield of Giennville, Ga.. and Mixers Emma Warren, Lonnie Geiney end Ruth Taylor. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thar* will be services at the Chris- J Uea vhurch Sunday la the morning J and evening, conducted by the pap-1 tor. Rev. John J. Langston. Morning I •object: “If yon do not have the Spir 1 it of Christ. Yob- Are None of Hit." Krcnlng. subject “'The Lord's first Picture of the Church.” The public is cordially invited to attend both servi ces. MR. E. F. MOORE DEAD News was received here yesterday of the death of Mr. E. F. Moore, of Benson, a brother of our townsman, Mr. J. W Moore. The deceased had been in falling health for sometime beinr afflicted with a creeping paralysis snd the end was not a suapnse to his fritnds and relative*. 1 The burinl will take place this af ternoon in Benson at about four o’ clock. A wife and two sons survive him, Mr. William Moore, hit ton, being well known bore, having bald a posi tion with the Atlantic Coast Line at this place for soma time. Besides his immediate family, ha is survived by two brothers and three listen, as follows: Mr. J. W. Moon, iof this city; Mr. T. P. Moon, of Co lumbia, S. C.| Mm H. H. Pickett, of .Chicago, 111.; Mrs. R. H. Taylor, of Chicago; Mr*. J. R. McNeill, of Fay etteville. The family has the sympathy of a large circle trf friends and aeqaant anree in their bereavement. — Smith field Herplri. j MARKETING DRIVE IN HARNETT IS CONTINUED | I.illington, Aug. II.—Through the , campaigning efforts of J. B. Swain, of the Department of Agriculture, prac tically all of the districts in Harnett County have signed ec operative mar keting contracts. All's* the districts have responded la numbers aggrant ling SO per cant of tho growers. Tbs i dgning is continuing saeb day, and I Mr. Swain states that be is conRdent 'jthat Harnett County will make at ■ good showing as any county In the i State whan the final wind up cornea i Same districts have signed N per cant iof the giuwera At a general co-operative mam , meeting hers Sunday afteraeoa at I i o’eloek evidence was shown that the i co operative idea was a solid thought i In the minds of the farmers of Her . sett County. To ate a phrase of tb> street, Mr. Swain has sold Uu wop , erstive marketing idea to tho grow t isn’ of this county, and they are “on’ .1 Wall attended mooting* have boar . i held at Dunn and other points In Uu l. county. Mr. Swain will ha In (hi ,.1 county for at least two weeks pot. THOUGHTS OK CIRCUS DAY Tomorrow ja Sunday and yon'ra a moat on tha edge of a near woe Thera’* church In tha morning, ai ■ dinner and lota of tMnga, hut alei ■ ’round the aalddto of the afterpm , comae • Hum whan yea can draaa Mt aad think a hit, and thinking Mt parhapa you nncanarlcwaly lay a your plana a mtta far tha comli ' That’# right! Vary waO. than, i hag* mouth that tha train or m place hie antlra hand an tha Inatd and tha crowning tact of tha eomplt aohJagaUoa of fltaaa faraclooa baa eomaa whan tha ualnar. with ha handa, faada thaan rara Udhita af n ■ait Oaa wha kaowi af tha aava #• ! W* JOaF P* WhO ROM II I lirketjr-split six day* a waok at Iht ■ office, tod you “ma'% who rooks and i preserve and mends little clothes, you i must pi on for ksii play aa wall aa . some work—and youll work bettai l and happwr for playin’ a bit now f and then. So in making your plaaj . for a bit of play just remember that .'on ’fcmaday August 80th the WsRer i L. Main Shows will give two perfor . maneoe at Dunn. ■ • Known a* “America's Best Shows" >» offers all that is now in circuadom . .There are elowns galore to make you , Much, btrange animals in the mam moth mopagent to marvel at, thrill mg aerial acts, skilled horsemen and women, acrobatic marvels (lying hum* Ian butterffios, and a boat of otba. good things too numerous to mention. At noon the big spectacular street pa rade will pass through the streets. It I is a riot of color* and over thicc hun ■ dred horses take part in tke display, most of them encased In rfleer armor. All that the modern circus has come to be i» included in th« Main Show; while in most mruruts it :s recognised as the leader.—Press Agent. TRAINED WILD ANIMALS j Thai Were Trapped assd Trained I Have Decease Clever Circes Performers More beautiful by far than paint 'ar’a brush could portray are tho plc tnrenaue grouping* of trained wild animal* exhibited end performing for public safety within tho confines of a nnge steal girt srrna at the Walter L. Main circus. In Dunn Anguxt JOth. They form heroic pictures almort be yond the pale of mortal man's con ■ caption. Haro wo sec tho trainer's wond I roue art of subjugation demonstrat ed to the highest state of mental and I physical possibility. The biblical in junction that the lion and the lamb .should lit down together U here ex emplified on a seal* no broad that It paiaes understanding. Great natural, implacable fare of forest, jungle and froien wastes arc seen gathered to gether in amicable unison, their In herent hatred or on# another trans formed iota animal loss by the gen tle touchings and precepts of man. We1 see prevented tho incredible specta cle of the harmonious housing of once ferocious and lordly Ilona, Sores I Bengal tiger*, crafty and euaniug leopard*, masking and snarling pu ma*. gruat rapacious polar boars, and . magnificent and lovable Great Dane dogs. The trainer enter* the enor mous stool eage and the animals an swer his bidding in awueome and sea-1 national stunts Collosml pyramids’ and graceful and boaatlfa) tableaux i are formed, tho jangle terrors, the tigers, playfully engage in a game of i see-saw, with a Gruat Dane dog bal-' aneing the hoard and furnishing the motive power: another tiger ride* a tricycle propelled by the dogs; leop ards ana polar bear* frolic together and do roUlag an balancing stunts on barrels and chairs; lions and tigers convert themselves into a soft and downy couch upon which tho trainer reellites in peaceful repose; the en tire group gather around a fvutal board with the trainer as hast, and a monster lion and lioness in the placoa of honor on either side; the largest tiger presently opens his iaatincta displayed by thaw terribl <•(« when feeding in their nature abate can pain Mat conception of th. wonderful character of this mineral Uled feet. It may well be enid Out though they have not the ptft o •perch that ia the Only thiiw Lacklni tu raaka thaen trained wild beaata ttu nqnel of human thoaplana. — Free Agent. .’•» ***** * t ;* BUSINESS LOCAL « ,¥*«**** a WE ARE READY TO GIN YOU* I cotton. Fetch it along. Beucr nail . faster aervice than uver el the b(| iria. Ilipheat price* paid for seed Meal exchanged. General Util It) ; Company. AES 41 MULE STRAYED —A MOUSE COL nred mule, weigh* about 960 lb*, grayed from colored Methodist cliuich, Dunn, Thursday night. Fin der will ploaeo notify M. X. lfcKny and pvt reward. ite. WE ARE READY TO GIN YOUR cotton. Fetch it along. Better and faster wrviee than ever at the bip L-.n. Ilipheat prices paid for seed. Meal exchanged. Ceneiai Utility Company. AES 4L WANTED. — 10* HOGS. SMALL use preferred. Be per pound on foot. Worth M. Pope, Dunn, N. C WE ARE READY TO CIN YOUR .■niton. Ketch it along. Better end feeler service than ever at the big gin. Highest price* paid for aoed. Meal exchanged. General Utility Company AES 41 KIM LUGS. WEDGES AND NUTS for *1! ran at Galney'e Garage WANTED. — U-MCAD OP BEEF rattle to fatten. Must bo poor. 4c. on foot. Worth M. Pope, Dunn, H. c. SLVERAL USED CARS OF VAKI oa> model* in fliet cl**.* rendition for caih or on long time. Gniic y*. Cange. FOB RENT—ONE FOUR ROOM TK r.an. house for colored tenant* Ap ply at onre to L. J. Rett. Ill tf. REPLACEMENT COILS FOR ALL ear* at Gainey', Garay*. WANTED TO LEASE — FOR A term of yean a pier* rnntaini&g four or fir* arena with a comfort able houae with four *r flv« rooms, near Dunn or Bcneon. Want load suitable for poultry farm. Addraaa J. W. Robertson, Tomahawk, N. C. 2# 2t pd. POUND—Cent* ala*, gold plated watch Owner can gat It by seeing me and paving for advertising. f! G. Fowler, Dunn, No. 4. HEMSTITCH ING-PICOTING j 10c per yard for straight way work.; Cotton thread furnished, work guaranteed. Special attaatlea given to mail orders. Prompt delivery. ’• '• ’** nr phone Mr*. Geo. Holland, 1 hone 26, Benton, N. C. 26 tf. T— -- - - M——————^——‘ ! ' . . •' ' ;-WSP|HH ' » Bed Room Suites *-OF Superior Quality In finish, in design and in workmanship that maintain a wide margin of superiority over the ordinary, yet our prices are very moderate. You will do well to make your selections now while our stocks are complete. If Figures / Count • *Ht«W -- Samgrisi if lint U a*t aim Ulw iata eaaaldaratiaa altt tfca two littla (bb ta tfca »iatara. Altar Valia* m> greaariaa at aar atara far aaa aaatk, natpata year MI* with a prarlaaa aaaatk’a exceed lure aad you will Cad that year C( , area CaaaeUlly bar* yr salty myrarad. Wa Iwrita year patremaye aad r»a intee prrlact eatlalaattoa. Wa aaa raceirlay froafc afclyaaaaU af Corby Cafca aad FMakaiaa'a Yaaat i I WALTER JONES 6 -MI-1MH_L-iW-Li J > It Is Delicious £ Absolutely Pure Cake, Not Paste *! Board, Home Made Cones. FRESH EVERY DAY Filled with Pure, Fresh. Fniit Ice j- Cream. TRY ONE j'j SUNDAY HOURS FROM 12 to 7 «i DUNN ICE CREAM PARLOR & ; CANDY KITCHEN •« F. G. SHKAN to r» Next to Port Office. *c* Phone 268 >w i* l EACH DAY REVEALS NEW COMFORTS IN A HOME FURNISHED BY US The predominating reason for this is, perhaps, because we take a personal interest in helping each customer to so lect the furnishing best fitted to his or her needs. The years of experience of each member of this firm with Home Furnishings has prepared us for this work and enables you to place your Home Outfitting problems in our hands with perfect assurance in their being handled to your satsifaction. BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. . _’ • A auAciont Quantity of nr cot 90 Utoca for home tu cm bo (rows aa dcr a wido reap of condition*, bat »k« tbo crop is to bo prodaood corn mcreially tbo Mil, cbaaale, asd su> Hdsfttegft^iwsiiiwbk rotation of Cam or truck crops, and if improved methods of growing and storing the cron am employed good returns are realiaed Tb* •*«tpcljU U propagated by ptanti or aflpa and by via* cutting*. A*« >U*tt »«» produced by aprowtteg tha saod potato** t* wan* mod. Tb* cutting* an mad# la tb* field after grawing tb* plant* the hotbed 5a be heated with manure, by ft*m, or by atean ar hoi-water pipe*. In the ' South, where no bottom bant ia Mb* • Farmer’s Warehouse Opens September 7 I BENSON, N. C. : TO MY FARMER FRIENDS OF JOHNSTON, SAMP ! SON, CUMBERLAND AND HARNETT COUNTIESi Having le»ied the New Fanners* Warehouse at Hw , ton for a term of years for the sale of loaf tobacco, I will open same on September . 7th, with plenty of good buy m T^th good orders, and with good orders myself. This enables me to guarantee you the— Highest Market Price 9 each and every day I am no stranger, you all know me, and 1 am the farm l trial. I will do the rest. i ■ --;.. ... I AM YOURS TO SERVE FOR HIGHER PRICES AT -ALL TIMES i - i J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor Geo. L. QANNADY, Auctioneer NEW FARMERS' WAREHOUSE BENSON, N. C

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