* L O C A L * * * * ♦ k * * *i V *♦♦♦♦♦♦—♦♦♦w***^^ i * ‘WHITE WAY THEATRE * ! * - PROGRAM - * ttltrttttttttiM,i,' ”” - VWTlIinfl y Thursday—“The Furry Death" epi- ! node 6, “Thumlorbolt Jack". The Golfer” Sunrhine two reel comedy. ! Paramount Scrrcn Magazine. Friday—“Meld* of the Weal". Foa 1 production with Bilcon Percy. Snub 1 P.llurd. one reel eomedv. , Saturday—’The Muthroum Bullet",1 •pivnilc two “Bing of the Cireu»".: "Playmalea", two reel Universal com edy. Latest Select New*. < Hi .i 0. Townsend 1* In Raleigh to- ! day on business. *] Julian Broughton, of Detroit, Mich- < iguit, it hero vi.ltiiig relative*. i Nathan Johnson was a buslne** 1 viaitor in Charlotte Monday. 1 John Hodge*, of Isturinburg, spent ' the week end hero writh relative* ! Mack Denning, of Norfolk, Va., i is spending the week h*T* wdh rale- , tivve. Pal June left today for Wake For- j cat, where hr will attend college this | fall. George Grantham and Lewi* Dan- ' mng spent Sunday in Durham with ’ five ltd*. I*aul Eitdl, of Raleigh, spent tho , * ■week end in town with friends and re- ‘ Int.veie < Thad Young, of Smitbleld. spent'' the week end here with relatives and ] friend*. 1 Mi»* Wcalray Battle spent the week end In town with her mother, Mr*. Harvey McKay. t I- T. Prttewuy. of Durham, spent several days last week w[Ui hi* sister, I Mrs. B. 8. Shaw. Mr*. Kettle 8. Nelson, of WiInline- j ton, spent the week end with her aunt, , Mrs. B. S Shaw. Oliver Kamtaur, of Raleigh. wa»| here for the week end wtih hi* moth- : **r* Mr*. Fl*jnirr Ram*aur. R. <». Taylor is in Bftltimor* Ihia ■ wrrk buyinr fall and winter floods < fo. tbr R. G. Taylor Co. Juhll Clifford kn* Mln.nsil •- l Virginia Ruarh, where he spent .ev- I* ei-ol days with friends. i. J. Cook hai returned to Dunn 1 from Rockingham, wherr he hae boen , for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mri. T. J. Mym, of Uur- j inbargv spent tb« week end ho gvieiU of Mr and Mri. B. 6. Sh*w. Rev. J. M Daniel, of Wilmington, I presiding elder of the Wilmington ' District, wu here Monday for a few i hoard. I „ m£* William Jackeon left last week 1 for Paruttevilla where she will spend 1, several days with (Henda and rela tives. I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clifford and • •on. Will, have returned from Win ston-Salem whore they visited rela tives. Roland Williams has returned from a ten days visit to Asheville, where he 1 visited hi* brother, who la 111 in a hos pital there. J Misses Ins Maeaengill and Mam ye Clyde Ross left this week for Piae lnnd School at Salcmbgrg to resume their duties thrie. | Mis* Ethel Daw.on mud Mias Kath leen Holland left Monday for Salem- i burr, where they entered Pincland School for Girla. , Hebert Pearsall spent Sunday and Monday here with bis parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. Jamca Pearsall. Robert wilii be an instructor at State College this aesaion, the college to open next week. Mis. W. M. Moot* and little Mar garet Moore left Saturday for John-! stun, 8. C., where they will upend some time with relatives. While a way they will also visit relatives at Aiken and Bang Night Station, 8 C. j Mrs. Pauline Meyers and daughter, ' Emily, spent the week end In town 1 with relatives. Little Emily visited her I grand mother in Winston-Salem be- i fore coming (n Raleigh and returning i to Dunn with her mother. A large crowd of Dunn people wit-' nriosd the series of baseball in Duke rrlday end Saturday between Duke and Coolwmee. The two teams split even, Dunn winning the first game 1 and Cooteemee winning the second 1 contest. | II. A. Turlington, president of the ! Harnett County Agricultural Fair as cociation, will leave tomorrow for , -twniir, wneiw uw win BVIOCICQ u one of tho judge* ef the live stock exhibit of the Mebane fair which op-' ened today. The Dunn second baseball team played the Linden nisi end team at Linden Saturday, losing by tbs score of #-d. Sam Ferrell started on the mound for the Dana team but gave away tn Bill Newberry • jj the later frames. Linden will play* Doan hers this afternoon. I Poiccs of motor cam carried Dana people to Ulllngton yesterday to par ticipate In the Labor Day celebration, ‘•■‘“red by tbe county wide cemau nltr sing- The Dunn singing class and others had a spread at tbe ware house at neon between the morning and afternen staging events. Gerard Wilson, who has been play ing baU for tho Now Bern chib of tbe Bast Carolina league, returned to Dunn this week to visit bis parents, Mr. and Mrs inn Fraalln Wilson. I Gerard expects to return to Carolina this fall, and will probably play ball at the University again this ysar.! Last season he was captain of the Carolina baseball team. Tbs Benson lobocro market opens tomorrow, September 7th. J. F. Mat, loy has charge of the Fsrmsrs Ware house there and Oeo. L. Cannady will bo the auctioneer. Beth theee men are wall known In thla section of the state, especially to the tobacco grow er*. They promise to toll tobacco at tbe highest market price and will me that the farm ere are ghren • square deal. Try them with a load. Mieses Roth Townsend of Chapel Hill, Roth Branch of LomboHoa. and Julia Graham, of Rowland, who hsve' boon tb* guests of Mioooa Bessie and UUian Ramsaar for the post week left today, last evening lira. N. A. Town lend entertained for the gaeeta of the Misses Ramsaar is bar homd on Want Brand street. Binging and games were enjoyed, and fSRcb, sandwiches, and loo steam and cake were refreshments served. Tbs young men present were Fat Lynch, Jehn Ctiford, Phul Msony, Oliver Eam musr, and Edwin Cooper. E———■——i——|—— Dunn muon* and theii families rn- ' oyad a great.outing Friday afternoon 1 nth o delightful picnic rprand at 1 iurlee pond. About three hundted ' >«opl« attended the b.g dinner and 1 iwhicipated in tha Masonic event. 1 rha Masonic oreheat a waa on hand ^ ind rendered a number of selection* 1 hat added considerably to the oeeaa- j °*t. .many went in swimming and 1 looting, but the real class of the e- ' •nt waa tlie monatrour spread of ail , “t* wWch waa participated 1 n “J preaant. The lunche* had ‘ |een nrepared by the Mexonlc fami- ! laa of the toam and when put tegeth r in ona huge outlay, proved to be ’ dinner groatly relished. J • RING YOUR COTTON TO THE • BIG GIN The "Big Utility Gin," in th« town ' f Dunn, has on band at all t'ntcn f luckey. Cotton Seed Mea! to ra- 1 hange for toed. Thu concern also ' ays the highest rash mar'ti*'*. prjr** 1 or toed every day. If they gin your ' ottnn your products will all bo r'i'bt 1 l the bc»l market:* jn tin- enunliy ‘ ml you hove no hauling owWy to he markets to do. They save you , las and money and render you the 1 try best all ronnd aerv'n* that f-nn 1 '« found any wherr ti th» wurtii m'. heir Una of bu*inrw If Dunn b your 1 narkot, It maker no difference hnw ' ar you come. It will pay you to bring ; our cation la the big plant to got It j psnod. Thia company never gel« j hrough mailing improvement* for . letter service to its customers and ' hey are as near to perfection lb in 'ear at a gin baa ever been known i o be. Dunn ia the bent market in the ! tale so if you deal with this big Dunn |l ompany yoo will have the beat of'I iverything that la to he found —Adv. MORRISON SAYS THERE i‘ MUST BE LAW AND ORDER eeverwor Telia Ceaewl Dolegatlow ' Law Enforcement Man Should Bo Fired Charlotte, Sept. S.—The Stab of forth. Carolina will see that pearc I,.’ >jtablished and order mlinlainrj Hi "abatrus county. Governor Cameron dorhxon told a Concord d>)opiti*>n rbirh vinited him at hi* room, in l'ftv Southern MRnufucIuror-’ Club hrfi*.. it aiao io.a tn» delegation mai.thc ihtriff of the county and the police' hitf of Concord ahould ba ‘fired out' or what he termed their failure to xrferm sworn duties. Ha deplored he lack of executive authority so that ha preservation of peace could be! nsurrd. ‘‘There lx no gnvemnt*nl in Cab- t rrux county." the Governor eonsid rod under cirrumstaner« now exiti ng. A serious stale has been reached, io thought, when It becomes neces sary for the chief exocutiw to make i personal investigation ax to the ad liability of tending troops into a ounty when ordinarily a call from • h» sheriff should bo Justifiable for' ha dispatch. i Governor Morrison will return to; taleigh Sunday. lie It datamrd here >y the strike situation in Conroid. I HUES HEW PROFESSORS ARE ,i SECURED FOR WAKE FOREST Wake Forawt, Sept. 2 - Wake For- i ft college begins ft* Mill term next i uesday, September fl, with the otoe aeta for a moat successful ws/mt. • ill plans for the oponing have been,; onsgdeted and the -U>od.1 facallymen i re returning to the Hill after spend-'i ng the summer at olhar colleger and': inivarsitiax aithar sperialiring in'm ( earth work or holding summrr pro-!I rsaorabips. Three new prof errors will appear', mong th* faculty of Wake Forest’) his year. These are: Dr. D B. Bry-’i •n, Ph. D„ of tha University of New i rork, who will occupy the chair of ] duration of tha college during tho ( bsence of Prof. H. T. Hunter, who 1 raa granted a leave of absence lari i omaenttmcnL Aa associate profe*.; or of modem languages. Irvin S. i ioodmsn for the past several years 1 irofossor of modern languages at Ihu < tforthweatern Military and Naval ara 1 lemy at Lake Geneva, Wit., will take i ip the work at Wake Fore id. Succoedlng Prof. C. G Gorr.cl],1 rho has accrptod a position in Beiaie rift Collage. Georgia, Edward La wit I fewmarker. and M. A. Yale univer :Ky, will breoma asaorlata professor', if political oconomy. MONEY FOR FARM EXPORTS 'I ha War Finance Corporation has wan empowered by Congress to issue •onds for 11,600,000,000, and uee a I dlllon dollars of the money to aid he fanners in exporting their prod icts. Thara was a lot of t :1k in Con tests abaut this legislation, and all lopad that It would be helpful to the iirmcri in ineir present o.lllcuiue*. < I'll* movement of agricultural erupt , n tha domoatlc market* and overran lo foreign consumer* hue been very < icavy la recent month*, and thin ii , Ikaly Lo be still furthar accelerated , >y the opening of the Government ■] jurse rtrlnga for the purpose of fin- |. incing the .farmer*. The heavy crop > movement* at the greatly depressed ; price* indicate that the farmer* of i tha eoantry who have been holding their grain and prodace are unload ing, natarithetaadlng the deproiaed market*. The Chicago »loek yard* have recently hoett receiving more cattle than they could handle, and. they have ham aaklng producer* not to continue the heavy shipments. Thu I whole proe#M of farm businem indf catea that the farmer* haw their back* to the wall, and moat grt men-1 ay, n# matter how great may bo their sacrifice*. It and >4# JJ *ri!^|.i]»hiy ii Ihi* -m* nuiil > than .ii my olh.. oi* 1 i.e *1*0 n the Slat®. Mon of ih*. pf,r, c.,i inv.rfAticr. ii f«i *u-d in bv i»e*')il< rum o1hc*r^ *u*vi!nir« who line** ;hv? «ve to tn*\ politicr VSit.- he..*. **hv Veittjlfc R.*:1oi^.m r. iU 10 of !».** time hi ihw L»boy of ib* ■rho.ojxa HuUd; t v- c air *bu.» Mftk Hero wi*,» ■ .nji* thee* «i»tk•(*•»* ton who '4 Guvorn.tr. It rir. i't the tmhtnvi: a i/m •I Ju mn.cei of |:oioc ;« the* b'Ua.n * the rorlt qaany. .ir/i if a <«d hud II.. way. r;i fa»ov t n* *c6 ► ould Nun* It.id vu t Jo’i.* by priv.it** nbecripthir.. Rat it v.oiil,; h\/- Iw » Ivite, and v%« ibul* if Mn>»»:d> ui. ltd uivi «iumb,,' o • n| .* »*• ben •• a tha tow o a■>♦■/.* r\ four’’Prh cli|. I mi rc uiuni|»i y tha ; in h** IcA^tli sunt hivo hh of ,* *»nt del#-..* ini* i‘ i-iuiii tic \oti*> f»»r im when ln*V o*i t*i.• (\*m, eintk Me* et, a town lhj‘. n/Ji*»i if* ni.'p tuod ho* iu *» uf ri^ fr.%, *\i:.. an.! olor-*i!i '• l‘ui nvn a* to Th* Nr a ’ qur* «»: tl'l anyth’ ;>* ro»ip rc;l of *t.*» citfh cxr^p; •niliiu*? V*.. , t.*UOi. >> wnr'Ity *it **uvn • ih • n Aitftni* It ' r*«?d 11 u -.r r irOf| luM at on>y an ••Jn'li oif i* ,**r" >md loo-* it ho and attrrr’ivi* that it a »i Mill plow Uro t.* «;9trti V»r .-.*il li* l» if w.eNi|li*> tvnrV Kf dor<*‘ not ot lib* i u*1»n»« r4 ir**l tir.**!l r «it 'vah.ing ind ho id ro oPurt*,uu* ri-*l al* naTni! hat lhay nn* nlwav-* rkd la o.irrc ar.. nu. . .. . • rrtibfy (• ii14 ;il lli'.nu," ;i:»d tii hi crurderful power o*«! font ol iva narhlrery tnl*4 hi;* phan*. doinp h* ’*r the mo.4 wo :>l;-i ha! wt»rk th<*w it »a* i*v**i itono. Mr. Alb*. l i« ■ nan «*Vo work'. Ill >bai*t •vorybedy *«d be de«« ll— kdr. HIGH SCHOOL TO OPFN TUKS. The Lllinul*vi School' will Hrpln heir p at'i jh^ oi. To./.Say of n; *ct ireik, Ss*|«l<.mlt3T filh *n»l jj.lriet; r ear the number whr kv. p n.nih’ •oplietllor. for —»»**rw ‘be ftt^iiiriwi •*!l be m*«irh !•»»•*»: h.«n rvir h*fu •• •t tv«» bryi-tn.r^ of 5h. vur. W« «r>' old th*i !a- >eor a* t'lU lime lm* '*ve hu. aT)-»i;ni for jt om<. wiaib* now no o thrr lli it> hax’v applied, and »H*t ** Mlh**! t> n»o*knblc. a? h»»**y or nor** b**y* than adrK have aAod for ooau. Ni l murk -dioo! wo-If v II Im> lore n* \t Ttlr.-daY exci pt t*> ir •» ir»d mil." <*om« *fir*'mrnt a* to ro^’;. Tlionrrh in 1h.» ,*fi.n.;«r *o rho dol r t*1 lU**ir p*.i I • • *1 'in*, will tv ft. *i r'.in it-, to c.*’.e ip wbal tfc«y m.•«*«!. /• *>o . i m horn he* rural >rV.cV r. o i»inp to • 'I ■* r;*r am irradew Will V* h*Vp•• 0 j*»t raid tc- •*» hey wieW to enter. F**r the T **» ..»■ • i :,f. r(.*T; ,i» jcr-.ri^a- Jnd^.- r ii r ; of the *»per:or 'Couii li: H.— » . * • \ to ►o#t:*oee the n» of fha ?ac\ that the ycaanl* ire lwginii!ni# the wovfc of a >.r.r it >a* oecui r*.l lo (he *ww i»ite:id«*i»i hat w»o ‘•latrmrnt a* to who hall i<» *i rharjTc of the vta'oa* ie«m< it»«J ' i* toou'd be of liter al to the p' run., for tho pr • f ca The firrt i^rad^ work w W He In ?Hn*t*o pf Him LikHIc a *s who ri 1 tmulAMo of no* milj the hijrh school Here hut aUo m srradrmU ot &«lem Cnllrxr. whieh ’* an “A” col lp|:c, whrro «h« took a four yrai> rourw* SH,. hwn «l.«i hod fou or ttn yoara* •x»critncc* in th? irM ioo« Tho rpro^d fr/adr w'H l>o J» rharj»r of Mir» M:irp.tr»t '-f.'idriY. a rrnduatc of ro'.lejro. Mbu Maddrey wan a cla<*. mat-.* of IIIn """ mip ivtnuvi ■ »* ni" i i Jw-matlc/ her* U-t yenr And lad aatica to Mum Sji< it cb< old be , •id that chf 1- avv- here to *» where | he work wii| ho in line sri :h hcv I' duHu-,- hi i>»trinr'i’|« for her fulcicn »oik in fr.reijtii Units. Mien I.I'cp 'fuylor !* lh~ tenr'nrrj if the third and It fourth xiudcs. nttil < from I 't;'ci»., F navle Co'-cfc. Ta better pn-pure herself for her work I mil ta •-..Tie up .1 Vie utnnelard v,» by | Ihe oho >l» tom'- year* age, Mia/ Tay-: lor attcniUil I he summer school nl itatoigh lari .umravr. Mis* Gladys Pierce, who ha/ keen here some years w'll mmin have tho K fourth und fifth grades. She Is a graduate of Che. win follcec and liar; year* of ixporirnca in tne rrhnol ■ nom maker her i most competent teacher for the work of those yrndoe. Mrs. 'Margaret Powon in or., of the rarly graduates of No th Carolina Collcuc for Women, who with Vr yearn of exi/v/ionri- in the ..'hnol i do in uhil niUTiliince uf Mmwer sehnolr il a most c-iiii iclv.t teacher for the 1 grodi- ah.i »H havr (hr. sixth and seventh. The above am Ihc I inch or' In the elementary and primary dopa-tmentn and will do the work or tliaee .irrudej if tho attendance Is not so meat ae to make anclbcr teacher absolutely nccQiury. Tho lllgh School l»c(Mt tr.er.t will ha pi ended over ar. pinrpal by Nisei Vivian Draper, who In nl-.o a trradn ate of the Norik (Volina College for Women. In her rollags work Mian Draper majored In anuthemntics so aho kt well prepared In tsk0 charge of that drpnrtmcot in the rchool* Here, which aha will do. M*ae Mabel Cruoaplor, a graduate of the well known and ramona Trin ity College, will teaek tho Latin and French this year, if indeed she hi able to do that much work. Of course If the rla>w» shnald he too maay pad large for en0 teacher, help twill have to eo provided. iV'.VN DISPATCH. SEPT. 6, 1921 ?.e> <‘i-ank uf Loulca. *-*•.. ■aill hnvo chnry.* oi the Er.sfiiii'i I. ; Uracil c/ IS1 Vch trhe >1 »wt,' y l) i.l n ..•> t.u '.»•>. k .n LC/. UTiVfioI). M'.v *'rs.nk i» a gr.ilxiut. vt Lfce Cnrr> Srhooi of Expiciinlo'.. Do-.oi!, Mnu... ii .<| haj been a of :hc Mtiry Baiiia-iri Seminary, *1. j the tiniveralif of Virjrfela. Su.e'.v »Jij ’ fua.** tfr!l ikc'W'H to do po«>J Vhv S* c:icv \\*!ll hr in ch ,Ki of Mr. 8. tfrurfov.l Blyibwaoti, S. •Hy ir. 3 r/mhiKi .• of r»»IV*v*. the A. u >#. cf Kouui Carolina. (pc larer-t pfbu.'l o»" ill kind 0 th South. Hi** four »«#:> wror fforp, aotrefhc/ with th.' tr.MHar; ;rninir.fr ha hr;l the**, wiM innkv him M vataabto addition to tbo tvicv.iuv: «»*d *•: .mariner f»» cj lure. Rttftuvi Whitt pr*fcritil to . po tc hT;*< lion Martin. *Ah* «:M iwh work !n the Selene# de partment fa-i year, will >flvo choru of iH? Jkncit'c Se>ae# dcparlm**?.! th*« rotninir year. Ml#a Martin :* r. "radvat# i»f tht Slat# Honr.:*' r.J ttrorr.'a. in \ehich A. ter* b~ • iTptnma In lU'nuvtfc primc# work. 1. vr.'i b- th# »i;r.i 01“ MU- Mtitf.i t*. m**kt tU** 'hi«u«. |c qcIvrcc d.- v.flMr. r-tl the. pl:i.*c cMfjircd ©f it In* Hate uiul Nuncnal rorrmm'* *i . ,*i: J. KlrrinT by her rw%#t wo«ic she will t uecrrd. Th* aui'*rnitr»ul«Bt of toe reboot* cn.1 lc.vbtr of th- vocation? ‘cut • nr- u C o. O. MeB/nnoi* * rhu Vf i. rr.pilnnte of Drak? IJniirtr-i.y. n' ti. * !tmjo rWh of Iowa. !»•• '.-IS fre 1»: r. n n fojr >#tir ( uu w of vnrnlin#* wnik i»t lha Suit* Un!v#«dtj ol f* **«n* *i, ^'h’-. S CwUrso h? en » at A. ti E. 1 illojre of t?:.*, PAit niHinirr. Allt.nurll hcwcii tl ;*.» vine* wW#r ppf»«>!r tiaoaliy o«*w ro'i.« i*» «ch©oi# vrt H-* bvlivwr that A • m r**vcr :i>o old to learn. ^ h*- ho- •#- 4 on '.v com 't'.vU <1 ni* aarond c,»llo#*j.,j ,(03 W. • I • j»? It j*if* iin*nt w*i| oj< ?r. • ho cn l two yeorp he in chi; of i M» * Pu»h Co po*iif.)t. Ilia* f'o.p^n In;: U n »MY.duaV in bar lino of w*»rl r.^d ■* a coiiM*ivntio«9# hard wnti-i i.i \-vpiy»b*n^ Mh»* undertake-. .Net#:-1 ——r_-< V. ': ./ i-: _ • • .*•• '-z v* - •» • l .. .. .. ..** .\ Jx *. .^«p k?jr. . • * • *• •» • . * • •» - . #. • *j»| • • •* ,_-•-•i *«-| <* ;r..p i/.y _ 'y coou.,' •*•• * <•• I • • . ..‘ic.iii.,! ... . . fct*» I i> A *■» > .■• ;pi a y.J or ib't! “ •••. ! • . . 'ti d‘*.j '•11 j: •. , ".It ill; -.ri/-;! ' •• »• ..• * 1 f * *»r »i i'. **. •• Vdi:, V. ( . lie. • OST—GOLD WALTHAM WA*CH M«h gold chain add kiifa attached. A "ivnil black enameled eharni with a cua o.' Man wan on chain. Find er will pleaae return :• Jake Wadfr tta P.spa'.ch oMca'and tacalaa ' -* card. HEMSTI7CHINC-FICOTING ! • »e l"-r yard for atralgM way work. Cotto.. thiaad furnialwd. walk fir.ranteed. Special attention firm • o ma.l oidarj. l*i«mpt dellVerr. V.'vlla or phono Ui.-. Geo. Holland, :-huna 23, Lento a. N. C. Sd tf. ?IM LUCS. WEDGES AND NUTS for all can at Qaiaay’a Garage. ^SKJSiftW? fa«»r aarviaa than mr at te fete chz?**" ^jEnt «OC» WANTED.—I WANT |S R*i.rtL*2"t:rjests my fnna. J. 0. Layton, Dwl t tty ———^—— ■*■■■ 'a—^ REPLACEMENT COILS FOtt ALL car* at Oaiaay'i Garaga. SLVLRAL (JSCD CABS OP VAU »u< a>o4«U in drat (law camdltiaa | f»r aaah ac aa tang tea. (kla^l R2 i&gsda Reduces Price •I'• 4 UliDgl"'! V »»• | Ci'C'.-sla;'* woik, and little need be. wild in her favor, for uH w*V> fcnm* I her know *!*• It a rn *^U'r H her I frurion. Mi*. Mil'mom. who for lh« **/* v*a;' hi.* boon lookiaj? nflc» Iho »i(i Testa of girls In dor»n‘.tor:e», wHI .hi* year Have elwv cf th«* irlrl** dutmitn>*y here. TtioW i, no school too: w« kr.ow of fo* maxr-*n«. but Mr*. McJJroom is » graduate r.av vitbrlo**. Ami it might hi in .here to say thut Mr. Langford will , provide vver the bovs* dor»ni*.«ry. | Th* LilUnu.oo School*, we bclurc Jr re Jio'.im’il to 4. Ihv? flrtt mrn at the doim a»vjr will j b«* s%-rv«*«| Momlsy ©vm;p»r. £*%p1»m-j 'dk—v,i|Ha). --- Bm.oti (%*,iniy: |N*»ws. , * M * * * » iT P.US1NW. LOC.M « m v r * Wf. UISIRF. TO ANNOUNCE TO w' fartnov f iernU that uv have a ■ • ik. apply cf Ho- f.'.luu .bki-U, uhVli »vi* art- di.po.inj* of at 3ne I | racb. Prv.manV Ca»h Cro^.iy. W "iNTF.D.—TWO GOOD FAMILIES t« fatm in 1522, cbtatr no sht.ro or ^*i>U rent. J. G. tc>ton, Dvna, ti C. 2 3t |:d &x$m Si^e 30 x3% *16 25 I I Flrestec.e Sr.’v t’.-tde tho low price of S13.?.“> c-> the Standard Non-field. May 2. L.. vaual yirchaeinj power tlsrrnji. cl.^ Ttlumc cf business, and tho iircrit itjf-i: r,cy of its S7.0M.M* Plane No. 2. lartufecturing exclu sively 2C. V i ■dz- , made this possible. Now. tat production of tho Extra Size 3Cx»r* tire has boon transferred to Plant No. 2. Thta peraaKe the price reduction on thto tiro Arana flt.tf to SI2.H. No ouch rataa hne arat before been oflerad tin aeara. II your dealer haeu’t the Bitre Stee in acock aak for onr Stand ard Non-Skid type at the anno price. You win atlll be gettfc* an unuroal tire value. Cords That Don't Blow Out You feet secure on Firestone Cord*. Because Firestone Cords don’t blow out. Your repair man will tell you he hasn't sseu a blowout this past yaar-IMM, 1MM ami *,Mt mttm, and the dm «tfll atad •trout. See yam Ftftiai fali P!:<-»;«rf Got4 Tire* at !*la| **M *t l*v«*t prllT* tm a*f< ' tlx* hLwsjri MJU. * IM-MJt Ka*)l Wt-W i THE BIG UTILITY G® ,ad BUCKEYE COTTON SEED j MfcA =_ go i 2>q:« •: w-issitc’, to sujcainend the “Big Gin” this season and it is some • v f.c. ?!.cSi t.i>r. ts.*.nt 'uin as the. wizard carries your bale of fleecy «.•!>!* Li.r.v gh :«Achir.fA Mr. Alb-a has attained to an expert knowl* Cjj'-L V r"' or> 5’1 in^iy nnd its operation that few men have ever reach* cu -'-liti i. - ^•.iaraii;»scc ;i.<.clion to his customers. Let tfo> Wizard and ike big Utility Plant Gin Your Cotton Jjj Thia Year. II £ to fc.sw •' eifiier caifi or toll, to suit the customer. We pay 2’ t- “Ml"- PJ*«; *Vv ’rV ify J^y «r*d exchange meal—Famous Buckeye I h.-et'J on >: *:d nl. r..» U*.ns. ad round service is the last word m efficiency i fno <*’ V t* o *r You simply drive in and drive out. Mr. At I ,7rv **« • * k^f and you have your whole products right on S ***• r‘ y ™ *4toK7-u:r.: S’ cl hauling away to a market, no extra work for y | . yw, but right Um? office and get your check or meal, whichever ‘ p! ^ca ufey want. ^7 ' til ‘ Zi vr i me: in with the wiz ; T! AT F1E5T AND YOU WILL •V. r,. SB WITH HIM TO THE ‘AST WORKS ALL THE 1 ? W TO r STIVE AND TO PLEASE 7 <3 CUSTOMERS -- ; fe fj i • ; The “Big ||1 .. .. _ _ ..._R