Condition la tho cd in tV month ef A mtH extent that now A# _ of tho , «aal prod action to 1.104,000 Man lam Asa the forecast of lost one month ago. Thin U accerdtog to a. statement issued by the Department of AeTkeltBTt at washtagtaa jeeter dayln ita latest forecast, which do clartil that •▼arythin* mrnmmmd ia m wroag with the crop aad that it amo, took* at tf the crop will ho tho small-1 est in 18 yean. Production this year was f arsis*' yesterday at 7,087.000 halos of MO, pound* gram, based oa An aaadittaa' of the nop oa A aglet *». which eras 494 per cent of a aarma), forecast ing a yield of 1*7.0 pounds pay aoiu. The eoaditieo o/du crop oa Aog <U U oad Ac forecast of production based on tho eoadiUoa. by states, Virginia, condition, 63 sad produc tion 11.000 bales. | North Carolina. «S and 6*9.000. South Carolina. M aad 644,000. Oconto. 41 aad 4*7400. FloridaT 69 and 14,060. Alabama. 66 aad 472.000. Mississippi, >7 sad 070400. Louisiana. 46 aad *44.000. Texas, 42 aad 1.MO.OO0 Arkansas, <3 sad 729.000. I Tsnnssaeo. 74 aad 8*5.000. MUsoari. 70 and 60.000. ! Oklahoma. 46 aad 474,000. , California. *3 and 76.000. Arisons, *6 aad 47,000. All other states, 66 and blank. Lower California’s production forecast Is 34,000 bales, which is ia eluded tn California figures hat ex cluded from C. 8 Total According to the records of A* Department sf Agriculture, this was the lowest forecast for As month of Angurt to history. With reference U this the Depart ment tamed the following statement: Tb* doife h*1 b#M tXt nntMt1 in A* arm from Cenrtal Oklahoma to j Nor A Ceatrm] Texas, the fall la con dition amounting to from 86 to 60. points. Declines of frogs An to twen ty point* am shewn for Southern ■aJL f».aalX.. 4_ <4-«_ U._*l. rrp Alabama, tta delta Met Ion af MifaUflnpl and throughout the halt wait af Ike Miaaimlppl Rhror except in the nartkam edge, where eame .light im pro remen t otenrrod. MISS MAftTHA SMITH DIES AT HOME IM SMITtaflEUI On TWdar morning, Angnst 30th at bn home In SrarthAcld. Mian Mar tha Temperance Smith dlad. agad St yearn. May 1, 1P2I. Bon in Jebadon county near Smithfteld, altar a few r*an tha moeod to Tmkaagaa. Ala bama. whence aha retemed to Smith Said in IMS. Bar father waa Janaa Hinton Smith, her mother. Nancy Bryan, and her fitter. Mil Annie Ma ria Pou. who died December M, ISIS. Them cider* warn tnaapnrnkla in Ufa r-d they made tba heme hi wMek Memm Jama. H. Pan. and Ed W. Poo. the Con gr ataman of tha Ponrth North Carolina dUtriet. and Mha Mat t* E- Pou, af tetthfiaid, ware bom sod reared. Xin Smith’a long life ombraead tha period or four American ware. She wat not unacquainted with tka Tirieritodoa of tim*. But throaghont bar da ye the maintained a foreae eoarao, alwaya ekoorfnl, alwayi aerr Ing thoae about bar, alwaya doing bar1 fan thare and bearing la good tpiriU tka burden u they came, ft waa wtda I" noted that daring tka world war ahe not only manifoatad tka greeted Inter ret hi tka allied cnoaa bat buried bentlf with knitting for tbo (oldiora Of a modeet and retiring natare the chela of bar acrooonl aeqoaJnt. usee waa limit ad. Kit tha kapt wall •bread af bar thaaa throughout the great period of bar Ufa, and all wba wnf la contact with bar recogaiaod tim nnofnat force of her ebametor and the cere no beauty of bor dally walk. Until recent waaka aka enjoyed rood health and bar Intend In all that waa goad waa anjmpairod by tka weight af yearn Ska diedln tba Chrln • jan*a faith, a member of the Motbo rild Ep'-copal church, and M the put «« «« woo anew ncr roaJiaea that •arth had lost not only an all tea nr* example of an elder and aabiar KM lisation bat also ana hi wham tta Christian faith tad flowered with on* uaaal perfection. ISAM FATALITIES FROM AUTO WRECKS IN TWELVE MONTHS Xcw York, Aag. Me—Aa aaU—M that $4,300,*00 waa paid by life th ru re Bee companies in death claims I from natnmabfla faUlitias daring IMO U published today by the Ine*r anre Frees. Autistic• an qaetod to rhow that daring tta rear tha aotama bO- nosed it.000 fatalities and 1. AW.rtM nan-fatal injerles. i.ife insarene* distributions fee tha year by aampnaia* operating in tha tfniud States and Canada aggngnt* M H.PW.044.4P4, iaclodlng death «In. am of all aorta, matorad ertdow me It#, dividends and the Ilk*. Largest. amaoe the death claims of all sorts matvred endowments, di vidends and the Ilka. Unset among the death etataa settled daring the year srulHI,H4r ooo paid to tha hairs *f Wallace L. Flerf a Soalan oncer. The heir* #f Taka L Hamemad. of Ardmore. Oklahoma, received OM. Olive Thomas Plekferd. aaetiee pla ter# atay. who died suddenly hi Faria, eras Itieared for I1SIM0. * sPErfCEjTrxRrviaED py TRAIN LOAD OF UQUM Spencer. A eg. M.—An aaoaaal new* In Spenser yards today was a whole train bad of mighty in* Honor ttrtrvta&'KK'tf boon stored 4a T aaaaa City far ppm hap* fifteen year* end Ip new (Met the y grade a# I Men Ip Jjmwrtea. aof tta ^S5ra 'idyTigbi a riaaa gaard sr tta pnsions nappe. It was nsilaw, of eonroa, for gaards arena4 Snswear, as aaae of tta raflway ma ptaraa weald taha any rhaaeaa aa so I non ml Hsg loahs Kimtaoma fleodu I a-- .^Lflkn.v. VT - rJtaf'u «a. tta^vESta nST| l t. iitaa lucno HEAD or WAYNE SCHOOLS f Stoll tu» J5fl toll km today to rnailir a ece ■Jtoto to county Saportatamdant, A. f-IJtotor, whom resignation. effee lw totoibw 15, ttolnud to rt townd pnantmoualo selected Prof. J. r. Jeroena, a teacher of State now. usd^a Sunday school worker of *44* THE SUSY UTTLE MINUTES Tk* nUaolr Committee an Public Utility Information tgwro* that ta Chicago a too# retidoata of tb* city 000.000 minute* daily bmO tin aaa of th* toloybom. MUL MAETHA ANN WATSON POUND DEAD IN HE* BED Lwaborton, Aag. SI—Hn Mar A»a Wataon .aged 08 yasm, was rooad toad la bed at her home, near Lamhofton. Heart trouble is onyyne ed to ton boon the caao* of hr death. Francl* Wataon. of Wart Dum barton, bar *on, died of typhoid ferer erithia 14 boon after th* death of hit mother. Both warn buried at Ten HO# Baptist church. HENBT FOLD HAS ABOUT so MILLION in CASH Laming, Web.. Beet. 1.—Tb* Ford Motor Company baa ia th* neighbor hood Of SS4.o6o.000 to cash in th. beak, according to a report tendered tb* Department of state bare. lb* iwpto* It waa stated by the Secretary of State, baa not boon oAcially ac cepted. because of minor errors, and may be roturasd to tto company for conoctioa. Th* financial statement In ue report win not bo made public until it bee boon o©dally accepted by tbo deportmaat. It waa announced. A aueition of Mr. Ediaon: “In what has that supremo council ibown it self supreme?"—Nnshvfila Banner. LEGAL ADVERTISING FORECLOSURE UNDER MORT GAGE OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of tale contained in n certain mort ni» deed executed by the Harnett Hardware aad Furniture Company to too Bank of Coats, which mortgage daed ia recorded la Book US Page ltd recorda of Harnett oonaty, do fsalt having boon made in the pay monk oftha debt thereby secured, the undersigned will on Monday the ItSk day of giptemhm mi, at 18 o’clock M, at tho court hoeae door in LU Ungtoa, N. C„ eeU to the highest bid dy for cash, tbo lot or parcel of land Wag and being in the term of Lil li ngt on, N. C.. aad fatly described by ■Mae aad bounds la mid mortgage dead as reeeidal In Beak US Page 4SS as above set oat. qJ^jP- YOUNG, Receiver of Bank of Tbia Aogaet 1S81. August 88 80 Bopt « 18. NOTICE OP SALE Uador yd by virtue ef authority WBtataad to a eertain Mortgage Dead J** if of ,M»rdb ISIS to A. L Bkrwtoot, which Mortgage Dead was myW to tha 0«ee of the Bo flttw of Deads of Barnett County ” P—A No. 118, nags 888, default taring boon outdo m the payment of tha nota secured (hereby the „n der rifned- Adminiotrater of the aatata of A. L. Borofoet win soil for onah W tha highest bidder, a public auction «• Mtlafy tho not* socurod hy aid ■*rtpn. at tho courthouse door in Torn of Lmiayto*. Hanott Couacr. North Carolina at 11 </ £•*. a. a. on tho 10th day of Saatmbor. 1*11 tho folio winy do oerihod root oatato, to-wit: Boyinniny at a itaka Was. H. Stow •**> eoraor aad nai N. tt W. U.M chalna to a Mako la tho Chaa. Stow •rt Uh; tbeoee 8. IT W. 1« chains ' to a stoke; thence 8. 88 W. £8.61 -•fa ,o .Vm H. Stewart’s crroar .b the Wh’te line, thence K. *T E t«» the h-ginnine, containing 46 1-8 arr-*. nw"a »,• ]«*. This 16th da/ of A a rust, 1821. A. I.. BAHdftlOT, Mortgage*. By RZllA PARKER. Administrator. Aur 16 £8 30 Sapt 6 Good Groceries < • CLEAN - PURE • WHOLESOME Delivered promply, none better | anywhere. Try U8 or one week j R. E. Snrles & Co. I PHONE -> 276 1 RmmingimmmiiniiiJiimiiiHiHmmMi...J? | THE TEST OF MEN „■ ■ Men in these days are tasted through competitive ex | amination and their bank accounts. Where is yonr B Bank Account? Do you keep it in a Bank that takes a I S personal interest in its growth—in your success—does B all that it can to help you? The Commercial Bank is a § Bank of Personal Service. It wants the account of men B who seek such service. I Tba ability to Mn amr Doaa Hlnkm forooor. Uyoa wbot 1 »« fall book wbon that ability » cono? I The Commercial Bank Dunn, N. C. We pay 4 per cent, interest in our Savings Department. Farmer's Warehouse Opens September 7 BENSON, N. C. TO MY FARMER FRIENDS OF JOHNSTON, SAMP SON, CUMBERLAND AND HARNETT COUNTIES: Having leased the New Farmers' Warehouse at Ben son for a term of years for the sale of leaf tobacco, 1 will °P*° came on September 7th, with plenty of good buy ers with good orders, and with good orders myself. This enables me to guarantee you the— Highest Market Price •ach and every day 1 am no stranger, you all know me, and 1 am the farm era* friend. Get a good load ready, bring it in and give me a trial. 1 will do the rest. I AM YOURS TO SERVE FOR HIGHER PRICES AT -all Times J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor . Geo. L. CANNADY, Auctioneer j NEW FARMERS' WAREHOUSE BENSON, N. C. ■ .i* ' • ■ , -- I Bed Room Suites -OF Superior Quality In finish, in design and in workmanship that maintain a wide margin of superiority over the ordinaiy, yet our prices are very moderate. You will do well to make your selections now while our stocks are complete. EACH DAY REVEALS NEW COMFORTS IN A HOME FURNISHED BY US The predominating reason for this is, perhaps, because we take a personal interest in helping each customer to se lect the furnishing best fitted to his or her needs. The years of experience of each member of this firm with Home Furnishings has prepared us for this work and enables you to place your Home Outfitting problems in our hands with perfect assurance in their being handled to your satsifaction. BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. ■ .» -s I PROSPERITY RETURNING I "" 1 ■ 1 ■■ - Look To Your Best Interest The J.L. THOMPSON Co. Attention Ginner TO THE GINNERS OF HARNETT/ COUNT Y AND SURROUND ' ING TERRITORY: We have ju»t received a big ah promt of Bagging and Ties, also a big shipment of Cotton Sheets. * t We want your trade. Give us your BUSING. and we will make you satisfactory prices. The J.L Thompson Company The New Cotton Season The new Cotton season is now near at hand and we take this me thod of telling you that we intend to be on the market daily and give you the benefit of the very best price limit we can get on cotton and seed, therefore, it behooves you to trade with us, sell to us, pull with us and co-operate with us, and in sj doing you will make an interest mutual and more conducive to pro perity. THE J. L THOMPSON [CO. - — ,, —_y

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